Speaking of pornography, since I'm now a shut-in I recently found myself looking at the bicycle variety. Increasingly, fixed-geardom has become the San Fernando Valley of the cycling world in that it is now the preeminent producer of bike porn, like this:
Frankly, I don't find fixed-gear bike porn even remotely compelling since I have absolutely no interest in studying racing-style bicycles ridden by people who, by and large, suck at riding them. (As someone who also sucks at riding racing bicycles I think I'm entitled to say this, and I'm also fully aware that my own race bike preferences are about as compelling as Stephen Hawking's choice of running shoe.) "Hmm, I wonder if so-and-so prefers drops or risers on his track racing bicycle for his three-mile ride to the bar" is a question I simply don't ever find myself asking.
However, I do like to peruse the bicycles of people who are actually awesome at bike riding, and who also manifest this awesomeness--not by skidding or spinning their bars while bunny-hopping, but by winning major professional races. Mark Cavendish is one of these riders, and so when I saw his Specialized Venge Schmenge profiled on the Bicycle Cycle Radar I found myself wanting to know more about his equipment choices. As it happened, I learned a bit more than I expected.
You may remember the famous instance in which Senator Larry Craig claimed to have a "wide stance" after attempting to solicit sex in a public restroom. Well, it turns out that the "Man Missile" has a wide stance too:

Gary Blem, one of HTC’s mechanics at the Giro, didn’t have an explanation for the drastic drop, other than: "He’s always changing his position. He may even change it again before the stage.”
Still, his stance is not nearly as wide as that of Mario Cipollini, who had the widest stance of any rider ever to grace the peloton with his oily presence:
They say Cipollini's team mechanic used to measure his Q-factor in meters. They also say that a Saeco rider was once accidentally given one of Cipollini's spare bikes during a stage of the Tour de France, and that the ensuing groin muscle tear effectively ended his career.
Anyway, if we can find and kill you-know-who, I'm confident we can also trap this deadly she-cock or whatever it is and that I'll finally be able to go outside again. Then maybe I'll leave this town for good. As I mentioned, I have been considering launching a Kickstarter campaign, and by way of research I've been checking out what works and what doesn't. Here's a Kickstarter campaign that has failed:
Here's the pitch:

“I’m concerned that people that are driving cars have a level of respect for bikers, and that’s the reason that we have these bike lanes,” said LaHood. “Bikers have as much right to the streets as anybody driving a car and I am concerned about [their safety]."

Here's an iconified version of the Flux Capacitor, superimposed on the TTTSWRFFTPT's flavor saver, all framed by an Aerospoke for good measure and international-symbol-roundedness.
At first glance, I actually thought that was a merkin, and while it's too early to say if this is a potential winner, it would definitely be my among my first choices for an armband design if we were ever to raise a standing cycling army.
Here's another compelling design:
Points of interest:
Canary-yellow "kit," with the t-shirt filling with air like a windsock.
Sunglasses and soul patch for the "X" factor.
Aero bars, seat bag, and absence of hydration supply.
Chain stay, seat stay, and rear spokes creating the time mechanism, making it possible for quantum leaps.
Typical sign shape for "crossing" encompassing the rider, warning you that TTTSWRFFTPT's voyage may intersect with yours.
I like it, but it may be a little "hipster" for Ray LaHood's tastes.
Here's another submission that overshoots "symbol" and hits "art" right in the "pants yabbies:"
That one, of course, was submitted by Al Hirschfeld.

Anyway, if we can find and kill you-know-who, I'm confident we can also trap this deadly she-cock or whatever it is and that I'll finally be able to go outside again. Then maybe I'll leave this town for good. As I mentioned, I have been considering launching a Kickstarter campaign, and by way of research I've been checking out what works and what doesn't. Here's a Kickstarter campaign that has failed:

Dom through his unique approach of integrating with society, will take his tandem and invite average Egyptians to get on his bicycle and see their own country. He will act as a blank slate, with no political bias or goals, to give voice to people in a journalistic fashion but with the spirit of adventure at heart.
As far as I can tell, this project has failed for two reasons:
1) It should have been called "All You Egyptians Stoke My Tandem;"
2) A strange man in cycling shorts who goes around asking people if they'd like to get on his bicycle with him will encounter negative reactions pretty much anywhere in the world. As for what these negative reactions actually involve, that's a matter of geography, religious beliefs, and local folkways, but it could be anything from running away screaming to actually stoning him to death
2) A strange man in cycling shorts who goes around asking people if they'd like to get on his bicycle with him will encounter negative reactions pretty much anywhere in the world. As for what these negative reactions actually involve, that's a matter of geography, religious beliefs, and local folkways, but it could be anything from running away screaming to actually stoning him to death
This is not to say that the idea is not without merit, and indeed one might argue the moment is ripe in America for a tandem bicycle talk show. "This week on the tandem, it's Bradley Cooper promoting his new film 'Hangover 2: My Mouth Tastes Like Ass!'" As for the bicycle, it should obviously be well-upholstered, equipped with multiple coffee cup holders, and generally evocative of "The Merv Griffin Show."
In fact, in addition to being ready for a tandem talk show, a number of readers tell me that America is actually flirting with acknowledging the legitimacy of the bicycle as a form of transportation, for U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is actually "concerned" about us:

“I’m concerned that people that are driving cars have a level of respect for bikers, and that’s the reason that we have these bike lanes,” said LaHood. “Bikers have as much right to the streets as anybody driving a car and I am concerned about [their safety]."
Wow, a right to the streets? Concerns for our safety?!? Sadly, LaHood probably won't get anywhere with this old-fashioned line of thinking. He should just do what the City of New York does, which is alternately ticket cyclists for minor or nonexistent infractions and call us "jerks." Not only that, but he even claims he doesn't know what a hipster is:
Told that his heartfelt defense of bikers came off like the musings of a run-of-the-mill hipster, LaHood professed genuine confusion.
“I don’t even know what that term means,” he said.
Riiight. Sounds like something a total hipster would say:
Told that his heartfelt defense of bikers came off like the musings of a run-of-the-mill hipster, LaHood professed genuine confusion.
“I don’t even know what that term means,” he said.
Riiight. Sounds like something a total hipster would say:
Amazingly, though, even New York City may be loosening up, for I've learned from the Tweeter that the Central Park ticketing blitz may finally be relenting:
“The overall concept is: if there’s a red light and there’s pedestrian, the rules apply, you have to stop on a bicycle. If there’s a red light and no pedestrian, you can go on,” she said.
“The overall concept is: if there’s a red light and there’s pedestrian, the rules apply, you have to stop on a bicycle. If there’s a red light and no pedestrian, you can go on,” she said.
However, the police officer still gets to call you a jerk.
Penultimately, I'd like to share with you just a few of the most recent "There Will Be Action Wipes" contest submissions:

Here's an iconified version of the Flux Capacitor, superimposed on the TTTSWRFFTPT's flavor saver, all framed by an Aerospoke for good measure and international-symbol-roundedness.

Here's another compelling design:
Points of interest:
Canary-yellow "kit," with the t-shirt filling with air like a windsock.
Sunglasses and soul patch for the "X" factor.
Aero bars, seat bag, and absence of hydration supply.
Chain stay, seat stay, and rear spokes creating the time mechanism, making it possible for quantum leaps.
Typical sign shape for "crossing" encompassing the rider, warning you that TTTSWRFFTPT's voyage may intersect with yours.

Here's another submission that overshoots "symbol" and hits "art" right in the "pants yabbies:"

And lastly, there are no surer signs of Bike Month than a bumper crop of lascivious bike-themed Craigslist "Missed Connections:"

Shortie with tattoos on a bike - m4w - 28 (Manhattan Bridge)
Date: 2011-05-10, 2:45PM EDT
Sup girl you were riding your sweet teal FIXED GEAR BIKE up the bridge and down the bridge and you had some nice sleeves goin on can I get up in them guts?
How did she get tattoos on her bike?

Shortie with tattoos on a bike - m4w - 28 (Manhattan Bridge)
Date: 2011-05-10, 2:45PM EDT
Sup girl you were riding your sweet teal FIXED GEAR BIKE up the bridge and down the bridge and you had some nice sleeves goin on can I get up in them guts?
How did she get tattoos on her bike?
WHOA early post! FIRST?
Podium! (damn blogger error)
Yikes! Didn't need to see that.
Top tenner, yeehaw!
Dang! early post.
Woohoo! Top ten! :-)
I ain't no hipster dammit!
Let's put the "bi" back in bicycling. Can we get Naked Recumbent Girl and Cipollini's cute butt in the same post? I then might not leave the house for quite some time, either, though as far as I know we have no ladycocks in my neck of the woods.
Its about time that Hawking's endorsement for Nike was covered: well done!
Snob has done some time traveling of his own this week.
Sean, the cool guys look like they've done it before. In your avatar pic, you look like it's your first time on the pode. Just a tip for the future.
Los Angeles, (AKA Autopia) otherwise known as Canada's waste treatment plant, is home to a wild pea fowl population. Messy and loud.
FYI, the Tri-dork is featured prominently at mapmyride.com as the bicycle 'challenge' graphic.
Super early doors, too much for West Coasters...
"Tandem bicycle talk show" - I love it. As long as Cipollini is not the host. And it looks like we need a merkin symbol competition now.
Not sure if people know the "up in dem guts" reference is to a Fiona Apple/Zach Galifasinfsdlk combo:
Bicycling.com's website design sucks
Lots of google hits for "merkin" ensue.
"Bye, bye Miss a Merkin Pie ..."
Of course I'm upset, Dmitri.
"AYHGUIDG" = All you haters get up in dem guts
Merkins for squirrels? Wow!
"Up in them guts" is waaaaaaay older than that. i've heard it said by coothless gentlemen of a previous generation at least fifteen years ago.
ok, seriously, I'm asking Vito as nicely as i can (b/c i know that Vito patrols the comments) could you please give that cipo picture the 'ole "Larry King"
Yep, need some Larry King up in them guts....
Hey, at least Cipo isn't facing the other way...
Would have been here sooner but was busy cohabiting the roadways.
America = Canada's merkin
Hieronymous Merkin?
Cipo needs some King panties, for sure.
First you showed the oiled Cipo cheeks.
Then you wrote: 'my mouth taste like ass'.
And you finished with: 'can I get up in them guts'.
I was planning on having oysters and a beer for lunch, but a change of menu is now in order.
reading this post, I keep hearing Boy George crooning "I know all there is to know about the cycling game..."
Funny (well not really ha-ha funny) that yesterday you mentioned Hasidic bus drivers threatening cyclists...here's a story of a Jewish Congregation bus tipping over onto a cyclist.
Not hatin' or anything, samh, but I used that (Canada's merkin) about three months ago.
Great minds stink alike.
Wouldn't anyone just love to have a little silver doctor?
I believe the most accurate term for a female peacock is "peasittingdowncock."
Blumenauer/LaHood 2014!
What? No Axes? Where are the axes? Can you talk about axes?
LBJ said it best - My Fellow Merkins!
I'm disappointed that none of these artists are picking up the extreme downward slope of the TTRFFTPTD's top tube! No logo is complete without the funny bike geometry.
Not hatin' or nothin', Comment Deleted, but I used that (:Great minds stink alike:) about three months ago.
"can i get up in them guts?" i'm way behind on my urban/hipster lingo I'm still using would you like to ride my bologna pony.
"Anyway, if we can find and kill you-know-who..."
You can say "VOLDEMORT" - everything is cool.
Yeah, but only 4 of 'em
"deliver your babby" says the gut man.
Sounds like the Craigslist "Missed Connections" guy needs some Testicles Relaxing.
As the name reads.
I can't wait to get my own fixie done. +follow
Might've seen this already: Outside journalist enters the world of Cat 4 doping http://outsideonline.com/adventure/travel-ta-201106-doping-cyclist-sidwcmdev_156148.html
@ anon. 12:13,
Does coothless mean the same as uncouth?
@J. Scott; hey gurrl, can ah git up in 'em guts?
I subscribe to Graeme Obree's principle of always measuring Q-factor in bananas, which, along with "babies" and "milk" forms the International System of Units for bike measurements (not adopted yet in the U.S. and Burundi).
Cipo looks like he could shove at least two bananas in there confortably, so maybe it's common for all sprinters to feel better with a large banana-factor?
..."...can I get up in them guts???"...
...i can't think of anything more romantic to whisper in a woman's ear...
...7 little words that are likely to replace the usual 3 little words, "i love you", in any woman's "...need to hear..." list...
Saw a grizzled veteran in full acqua sapone kit circa 2004-5 on wsbp today. Dark blue on white tiger stripes, hurt your eyes as you came up on it. Cipo then shows up all over rtms. The moon must be in oilycreepiness
I'm wondering if the TTTSWRFFTPT has been to the future and met the hermaphrodite p/matron of the peloton Shepolini? That could explain why we see his visage popping up everywhere in the present, too scared to go forward again.
upgrade vito. Research on Dom Gill was hasty
KNEEL BEFORE ZOD. in the absence of a friday c.sec. i'm calling top spot here.
It doesn't get much sweeter than this. Friday top three!
What the hell. Yesterdays post 'disappears' and then no Friday quiz? Is it May 21st already?
Ray is terrible, agree'd?
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