(Feelin' Patriotic.)
Well, it's officially Bike Month here in New York City, and despite--or perhaps because of--the ongoing NYPD "crackdown" on cyclists the festivities kicked off this past weekend with extra "flambullience." Not only did the city see the running of the Five Boro Bike Tour (which is the world's largest assembly of Freds in the Western hemisphere), but it also played host to the New Amsterdam Bike Show. Sadly, I was unable to take part in the Five Boro Bike Tour since my helmet mirror is still in the shop, but I am pleased to report I was able to pay a brief visit to the bike show. While I was there, I occasionally pointed my aging camera in the direction of stuff and then pressed the button with the grace and savoir faire of a "Bike and Roll" tourist snapping shots of the Golden Gate Bridge, and since I'm something of an amateur bicycle blog enthusiast I will endeavor to share the sorry results with you herewith.
Firstly, I should say that riding to the bike show was a bittersweet experience. It was sweet because the weather was lovely and my smugness caravan and I were able to travel almost the entire way on bike lanes, but it was bitter because here's what we encountered in those lanes:
--Illegally parked Hummers with New York State Association of Chiefs of Police badges on the bumper;
--Fish delivery trucks;
--Pickup trucks "corking" intersections for outlaw motorcycle clubs;
--Occasionally, cyclists.
The "corking" pickup truck was especially astounding since it was using the bike lane to roar from intersection to intersection at something like 50mph and had to have been running something like 20 red lights a minute. However, the police didn't seem to mind, and in fact the group also had something of a de facto NYPD Cushman escort. I guess this is because, while the driver or the motorcyclists could have easily killed somebody, none of them were doing anything really dangerous to the general public such as riding a bicycle with a tote bag on the handlebars.
Also, I did have the pleasure of riding along a brand-new, freshly painted bike lane:
Anyway, when we finally arrived at the bike show I knew it was going to be a good one since I immediately spotted actor and bicycle enthusiast Matthew Modine. In New York City, when David Byrne (who does not own a car) is either unable or unwilling to attend a cycling-related event, Matthew Modine (whose car ownership status is unknown) is there to fill the resultant smugness vacuum. Here's Modine outside the show, apparently attempting to "schluff" on two bikes at once:
Say what you will about Modine's performance in "Pacific Heights" alongside Michael Keaton at his diabolical best, but at least he' s not afraid to get his hands dirty. I'd like to see David Byrne (who doesn't have a car) try that.
Next, I ran the Gauntlet of Bikes (or G.O.B.) you'll find outside of any cycling-themed event, which serves as sort of a portal into the Realm of Bike Dorkdom:
There were low-locked bikes and there were high-locked bikes. In fact, there was even a high-locked Softride:
Softrides are to Y-Foils as Matthew Modine is to David Byrne.
For my part, I was having none of this "locking" nonsense, mostly because my smugness caravan was "palping" something like 300lbs of bicycle, and had I attempted to high-lock my Big Dummy I would have wound up pinned underneath it like a wrestling extra in the 1985 Matthew Modine film "Vision Quest." Trust me, the last thing I want is to be found laid out on the sidewalk flatter than Modine's performance in "Married to the Mob." Therefore, I went to valet our bikes--only to be told that the valet parking was "full:"
Yeah, right. Maybe if we had a Dutch bike or a "bake feets" or some other über-smug conveyance like all the highfalutin New York City bike advocacy set rides they'd have found us some room:
Clearly though my caravan didn't make the grade, so we had to make like the rest of the "proles" and use the poles.
Speaking of making like the proles, after I tethered our caravan to a street lamp I took my place at the end of the ticket line:
I knew I was in for a long wait, since the guy in front of me was yawning.

Next, I ran the Gauntlet of Bikes (or G.O.B.) you'll find outside of any cycling-themed event, which serves as sort of a portal into the Realm of Bike Dorkdom:
For my part, I was having none of this "locking" nonsense, mostly because my smugness caravan was "palping" something like 300lbs of bicycle, and had I attempted to high-lock my Big Dummy I would have wound up pinned underneath it like a wrestling extra in the 1985 Matthew Modine film "Vision Quest." Trust me, the last thing I want is to be found laid out on the sidewalk flatter than Modine's performance in "Married to the Mob." Therefore, I went to valet our bikes--only to be told that the valet parking was "full:"
Speaking of making like the proles, after I tethered our caravan to a street lamp I took my place at the end of the ticket line:
Eventually, though, we did make it in, and I ascended the narrow, vertiginous staircase:
As something of a "woosie" when it comes to heights, I found the staircase mildly disconcerting, and you can bet a true professional bike show organizer like NAHBS potentate Don Walker wouldn't force people to climb a set of stairs like this--or, if he did, he wouldn't allow them to use any other stairs within a 20-mile radius.
Nevertheless, I did manage to conquer my fears and ascend the hated staircase, and when I finally made it into the show itself I saw something that made me rejoice--it was another line!
Nevertheless, I did manage to conquer my fears and ascend the hated staircase, and when I finally made it into the show itself I saw something that made me rejoice--it was another line!
Next I sauntered over an area that was sort of sectioned off by "DisposaCones," and I took this as a warning that I was about to enter an Extreme Smugness Zone:
Of course, like a pervert in rose-colored MC Hammer pants, if an event is even remotely bike-themed you can be sure that Specialized is going to come along and pitch a big red tent:
Notice how the Specialized representative proffers the frame bottom bracket shell first to emphasize it's "beefiness."
There was also the requisite "Bamboo Ghetto:"
Meanwhile, Bike Works NYC displayed some kind of clock that tells hipster time:

Even Craigslist fixture Spaceship had space at the show:

Spaceship are so Craigslist they just displayed one of their "For Sale" posts instead of an actual bike:

Speaking of spaceships, it was time for me to ascend to the next level, which meant more stairs:

This floor had a decidedly different flavor, and it was dominated by a Terrordome of Fixies:
Even Craigslist fixture Spaceship had space at the show:
Spaceship are so Craigslist they just displayed one of their "For Sale" posts instead of an actual bike:

Speaking of spaceships, it was time for me to ascend to the next level, which meant more stairs:
This floor had a decidedly different flavor, and it was dominated by a Terrordome of Fixies:
I assumed that at some point in the day two hipsters would enter it and fight to the death, which would look like this:
There was also an extensive smugness section:
As well as a cursed soul doomed to furl and unfurl folding bikes in front of mildly curious onlookers for all eternity:
Eventually though, it was time for me to leave, which meant more freaking stairs:

And back on the street, I found a crowd had assembled to gawk at the considerable smugness of my Big Dummy:
In Portland, I'm sure it wouldn't rate a second look, but this is New York City, so they probably couldn't believe I managed to ride a bicycle this big without getting arrested:
I wonder if it's possible to "schluff" on a unicycle.
podium baby!
You missed the cigarette smoking secret hipster garden on the roof...
Mist Agun!
anything happening in the news?
Dertie MacTowell
Thanks for the patriotic opening gesture on this day in history.
BSNYC....the S is for Steels.
that would be a Sportster 883 V-twin, not a 880.
yes, I'm a motorcycle geek as well as a bicycle geek, go figure...
Bike shows are the new meh, if the most interesting thing is the "big dummy" standing outside.
"BSNYC does not own a car"?
Easton Heights Blogger,
Thanks--I knew that, I swear!
I'm always intrigued by bike shoes like NABS (not to be confused with NADS) but never bring myself to go because I have a profound dislike for smug bike dorks. Your pictoral essay reinforces this view (e.g. did you see that smugged-out big dummy and i'm not talking about modine). Thanks
Michael Keaton sucked in Pacific Heights, and he sucked even more in Batman. Just saying....
Loved the Terror Dome of Fixies
I guess the collabo between Bin Laden and 'Hold Fast' is off then?
@ Anonymous 12.21: your fixation with bike shoes is unhealthy.
Biblical comments today: Adam coming first? Nice!
Thanks for gratuitous pic of Big Dummy getting a rectal exam...
ant 2nd!
That red bike Modine's got looks like the one I saw David Byrne riding last year...coincidence?
I was just 'checking out' those Hold Fast products: Shimano and Time must feel pretty stupid on the whole clipless thing...
I am particularly struck by Mr. I. Kapo's comment: "Dopest shit brought to the game, love them shits!!!"
I never heard that kind of ringing endorsement for SPDs...
...unless it was a 1200.....
How did they get the H van up the stairs?
hey nonny mouse
I'm holding out for the BESTMADE version of the HOLD FAST powergrips: essentially the same, put the buckles are polished by an artisan whose only source of heat and light is a designer firepit: $125 a pair.
I was out bicycle cycling!
Did I miss anything?
PODIUM! Oops, wrong blog.
the clock that tells hipster time is pretty cool, too. I think I want one of those
Of course you can schluff a unicycle, but it looks alot like jerking off in public; so only the most ironically un-selfconscious hipsters can pull it off.
Hipster wrestling certainly has a future on pay-per-view....
One of the things that's really cool about bicycling is standing around looking at bicycling stuff. It's almost as cool as driving someplace to ride your bicycle.
The tall blond girl in the photos was the hottest!
I was going to introduce myself but could not find her anymore. Write me here!
I'm definitely into 'cone culture.' I also appreciate a nice butt.
Thank Lob, you're all right. I was worried that somebody found out that you were actually in Pakistan all this time....
Matthew Modine will always be Private Joker to me.
Did you take a restroom break when you visited the bike show? Any insights?
are we done with NSFW?
Esteemed Commenter DaddoOne,
If we can't look at star-spangled breasts the day after the President announces Bin Laden was killed then we might as well move to Canada.
Spaceship and powergrip2 is the perfect example of why the bike biz is so awful.
Putting a label on an OEM bike generates an AWESOME amount of profit! They can't even afford one themselves.
powergrip2 is equally awesome. A former bond trader retires at 40 after 'making a killing' riding the Federal Reserve's gravy train wants to 'give something back' while dreaming about doubling his fortunes improving powergrips.
Hey Snob, we're far more Liberal up here in America's wardrobe malfunction. That's totally SFW for us.
Ahmed Bin Laden was no big dummy
Thanks for the mammaries!
Totally SFW, and much appreciated.
...obama's bin biden his time but he finally sent the seals in to get osama bin laden...
...in tribute, i'd hold that pair painted patriotic pulchritude close to my heart...& i'd be singin' 'god bless america' as i pledged my allegiance to the red, white & blue...
..."...that pair OF painted patriotic pulchritude..."...
...my fingers were drooling at the thought & they slipped...
...& i've been riding an allsop softride beam bike while my back has been healing from an 'incident'...
...obviously that isn't my softride...i couldn't lift it that high...
wha' happen to "poetry smoetry"?
Patriotic puns and All-American alliterations.
Yes indeed, God bless.
...marcel da chump...
...those patriotic ladies had me standing at attention, even sitting here...& when i stood up, ya could a' hung a flag off me...
Hi BS-
Loved your blog today. Thanks for coming. I hope you knew you were on the non-hipster blogger list and did not actually pay to get in. HA!
Joanna Organizer of the New Amsterdam Bicycle Show
rally round the flag, girls.
I see no locking of the Dummy's front wheel.
Is it pitlocked, or were all NYC bike thieves on strike?
Oh, and
Ding dong, the witch is dead, etc.
Of course Adam is first.
Thanks for the bikeworksnyc link. Some great old bikes in the picture archives.
Bin Laden, the elephant in the room.
BikeSnobNYC 3:00,
And I was getting tired of that job anyway.
"non-hipster blogger list"
Must be nice.
Are unicycles really a sensible mode of transportaging when not in a circus tent?
All You Jihadists Suck My Bullets
The erection I've had since hearing about Bin Laden's death was only strengthened this morning with the opening "patriotic gesture". Hipster fights always happen in front of Whole Foods, video proves it.
Minneapolis out smugs nation with "Gold Star" from LAB (league of Amerkan Biekfiets).
The BFC (Bike Firstly Commies) award was hugely smugnificent. And the Mayor and other smug politicians smirked. They were smug because no one else in the country gets the GSS (Gold Star of Smugness).
"Bamboo Ghetto", priceless.
Not a ghetto at those prices, more like gentrified hell hole
Thanks Snob for your work, it's very entertaining and even insightful.
I am writing to send my condolences for your cycling angst with police and such in NYC. On the other side of the world, in Hobart, which is not a pro-bicycle city at all, we have a 'courteous' critical mass that is frequented by local council members and politicians. We are escorted by police on bicycles, only take one lane, and when red lights break up the bunch we re-group around the next corner.
I'd post a youtube link, but feeling somewhat daggy enough. How do you write such without feeling the need to purge?
I also ride a dummy, but with little muppet up front ... useful for whispering smugger than thou comments into impressionable ear that could otherwise be considered inciteful.
I was out bicycle cycling!
Did I miss anything?
Cupcake Ideas
How come NYers wait on line while everywhere else people wait in line? Must be that the NY city planners (ha!) looked at too many Escher prints.
Hey all, click the "beefiness" link near the Specialized table photo to see video that's more about bottom than bracket. Spectacular bottom. I'd ride that!
Speaking of breasts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMyrRm4yruk
I didn't realize David Byrne doesn't own a car. He is so cool. Does he let people know? Everyone should know.
Thanks for sharing this information about Amsterdam Bicycle show.
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In celebration of National Bike Month & to further support Wheels of Change (A non profit providing mobility to those that need it most), Austin-Lehman Adventures is pleased to announce that for all new bookings in May, for any 2011 Bike Trip, we will donate $200 to WoC. ALA is excited to be packing out our 2nd container of used bikes, this one going to open a shop in Nairobi Kenya. Visit www.austinlehman.com for trips and details.
This is a great cause and I would love if you could post about it!
Well, naturally, I liked the first picture....but the thing that made it truly worth reading was the DisposaCones!
(Thanks for the press guys :) )
Jon Julnes
Oh my god you are so misguided. Where do I begin? You just see stuff and say whatever you want about it based on your whim. Retard.
That first picture with all the American boobs really confused me at first.
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