This time, however, I am making an exception, since frankly it's a matter of life and death. With money managers in Mercedeseses running down cyclii (plural of "cyclist") the way they are I feel especially vulnerable out there, and I don't feel confident that the law will protect me. For this reason I think my only defense is a genuine Morgan Stanley cycling jersey, as forwarded to me by a reader:
My thinking here is that, should some money manager like Martin Erzinger come bearing down on me, he may notice the jersey, take me for a colleague, and swerve at the last second, thus sparing my life. Sadly though, there are no Morgan Stanley jerseys available on eBay now, which is why I'm asking that if you have a spare one to please pass it on. (If you only have one, I suggest you keep it to yourself, since your life may depend on it.) Rest assured, I'm willing to pay top dollar. (And by "top dollar," I mean I'll produce my billfold, withdraw the three $1 bills currently in there, and give you whichever one is on top at that moment--and one of them's not even Canadian, so you may get lucky.) In the meantime, as a precautionary measure, I'm rebranding all my bicycles as Serottas:

It's only a matter of time before murderous money managers become wise to our jersey ploy and figure out they need to check out our bikes too, and I want to be able to pass muster when they move in for a closer (though hopefully not posthumous) inspection.
But while there may be a jersey that can save you from money managers, I'm not sure if there's a jersey that will protect you from "hipsters" who call you a "pussy" after you ask them not to sit on your wheel, which is what happened to me last Friday. I mean, you could try one of these:

In any case, it so happens that the very person who called me a "pussy" has subsequently posted a comment on Monday's post by way of explanation:
Harry said...
I'm the dickhead on the 'fixie'! Hi Snob!
Just to clarify - my bike had a freewheel - actually, a one speed cog on a Shimano 'freehub' design so I was 'free-fixie'ing it Total poseur move, I know - fortunantly, it worked, as you confused my smooth pedal style and Real Simple chainline for a fixie (thank God). It was also a sweet 'vintage' ride.
My attire was also of the 'fake-enger' variety being carefully 'curated' from 'vintage' thrift shops.
For what its worth - I was drunk and your 'slow' is pretty fast. I latched onto your wheel and was quite surprised by your subsequent reaction.
I am not a 'noobie' but have been riding for quite a while - ever since I learned that bikes helped me get away from my parents for more than an hour - before brifters.
I kinda thought that you, Snob, were a 'hipster' yourself - what with your 'cross' bike and no foot retention (I think). I think I'm also older than you think - more in line with your age than that of your usual asshole-on-a-bike.
Anyway - Sorry to have caused you consternation. I pledge to not use epithets next time - maybe you can pull me to Nyack some time?
Harry said...
I'm the dickhead on the 'fixie'! Hi Snob!
Just to clarify - my bike had a freewheel - actually, a one speed cog on a Shimano 'freehub' design so I was 'free-fixie'ing it Total poseur move, I know - fortunantly, it worked, as you confused my smooth pedal style and Real Simple chainline for a fixie (thank God). It was also a sweet 'vintage' ride.
My attire was also of the 'fake-enger' variety being carefully 'curated' from 'vintage' thrift shops.
For what its worth - I was drunk and your 'slow' is pretty fast. I latched onto your wheel and was quite surprised by your subsequent reaction.
I am not a 'noobie' but have been riding for quite a while - ever since I learned that bikes helped me get away from my parents for more than an hour - before brifters.
I kinda thought that you, Snob, were a 'hipster' yourself - what with your 'cross' bike and no foot retention (I think). I think I'm also older than you think - more in line with your age than that of your usual asshole-on-a-bike.
Anyway - Sorry to have caused you consternation. I pledge to not use epithets next time - maybe you can pull me to Nyack some time?
So evidently he was "surprised" that I didn't want an unannounced wheelsucker tailgating me in the dark--even though he was "drunk," which only serves to underscore how appropriate my reaction was. I think the only thing I'd want following me less than a drunken hipster on a dark street is a SAG wagon driven by Martin Erzinger. (As far the ride to Nyack, I'd love to take him up on that. I'm available on this date or on this date, he can take his pick.)
Almost as scary is that he thought I was "hipster" because I was on a "cross" bike, which means that the scenario envisioned by that video from last year may finally be coming to pass. Alas, there was a time not too long ago when cyclocross was like hipster kryptonite (and I don't mean this kind of hipster kryptonite). In fact, some years ago, in the early days of the "fixie" craze and before I even began this blog, I was riding a cyclocross bike in downtown Manhattan when a klatch of budding hipsters with their new track bikes actually shouted at me to "Get a fixed-gear."
I'd been seeing signs that track bikes were becoming a "thing" before this, but it wasn't until I was actually heckled on the street for not riding one that I suspected cycledom was about to enter into a new age of unprecedented douchery--which indeed it did.
Since then, though, not only did the fixed-gear scene close, but the "hipsters" who were already "grandfathered in" began to embrace the forms of cycling they once reviled. This includes cyclocross. I don't mean they actually started doing cyclocross; rather, they started professing a love for the bicycles and the aesthetic in the same way they had once professed a love for high-end track bikes and velodrome racing while doing little more than practicing trackstands in their living rooms. If you visit any popular fixed-gear-oriented blog you will see that drooling over cyclocross bikes with artfully-applied bits of mud has become Slavering Over NJS Track Bikes 2.0.
By the way, I should stress that there's nothing wrong with any of this--until some stranger tells you to "get a cyclocross bike," or else just calls you a "pussy."
Meanwhile, further to my comments about the "Wednesday Weed" and bike racing in yesterday's post, some marijuana enthusiasts took issue with what they took to be my implication that so-called "stoners" cannot be productive members of society. Rest assured, this is not what I meant at all. I merely meant that, if your goal is to be the best bike racer you can possibly be, smoking marijuana on a daily basis will serve as a hindrance to that goal.
Again, this is not to say that bike racing is somehow less frivolous, debilitating, or delusional than marijuana use; indeed, there are few things more dangerous to your social and romantic life, state of employment, financial well-being, and general sense of perspective than bike racing--which, if you take it too seriously, will lay waste to your life faster than the most addictive narcotic. Marijuana, on the other hand, generally does little more than make you chronically 20 minutes late and compel you to put peanut butter on everything.
Still, the fact remains, if your goal is to be an awesome biker racer, marijuana is probably going to hold you back. Actually, if your goal is to be an awesome crack addict, marijuana is probably going to hold you back with that too. If, on the other hand, your goal is to be happy and have fun, then you simply find the balance that works for you. Nevertheless, some things just don't go together well, as anybody who's ever put peanut butter on hot wings will probably attest. Plus, if "stoners" start taking bike racing too seriously, then the next thing you know people are going to start racing singlespeed cyclocross with power meters:

Though a reader has recently informed me this is already happening:

Speaking of velodromes (which I was at some point), the Brooklyn Paper is reporting on the efforts to have one built in Greenpoint, Brooklyn:
I should start off by saying that naturally I'd be extremely pleased if someone were to build velodrome in Brooklyn. At the same time, though, I'm afraid such a project would be doomed to fail. The track bike-riding residents of Williamsburg and Greenpoint are already not using the velodrome less than 10 miles away, so I don't see any reason they'd be inclined to use this one. Sure, it's closer, but it's not like "hipsters" can't cover vast distances on their bikes if they want to--in fact, they make videos of themselves doing it all the time. They just need proper motivation in the form of free sponsor "swag" and overly dramatic cinematography. Actually, I think they'd have much more success building a fixed-gear movie studio than a velodrome. Customers would simply ride on rollers in front of blue screens displaying the "epic" scenery of their choice, and they'd have ready access to clothing and accessories from companies like Rapha, Outlier, and Chrome.
It would be more popular than karaoke, ironic kickball, and ironic bowling combined.
In the hunt
top 10
top 10?
nice ass
Drunk cyclist back.
that article is terrible, it is indeed news that a velodrome is only called a velodrome in some circles
ja ja ja
I'm n the top ten?
Snob, shame for linking to that '3 feet' website on Wednesday. When that little person walked onto my computer screen and started talking to me, I freaked and threw the laptop out the window.
Snob, they guy says he's sorry, but where's the love back?
What will hipsters gravitate towards after cyclocross? I think your velo-movie studio idea is the natural progression. Brilliant.
Snob, when you pay "top dollar" in Canada, you reach into your front pocket (or your change purse)and withdraw a Loonie. The other two bills in your wallet must be Monopoly money. Same pretty colors as Canadian bills.
I also noticed that the Canadian dollar is worth about 99 cents today, which means the price of Molson will be spiking up soon. Go Canada!
Maybe hipsters will start randonneuring. Brakeless. With hipster-cysts lighting the way.
Turns out the judge in the Erzinger case is the same one that let Kobe Bryant off several years ago.
Top 20.
Now to read
um... the cdn dollar has recently traded at PAR with the us. since we don't have the same debt load (sorry, but true), I would take the cdn dollar any day as it may be worth 2.00 us one day. Come to think of it, I bet that lousy money mgr knows that, so perhaps he was racing towards canada to exchange his us bucks for cdn bucks when he mowed down that doctor!
Frankly, I think there are far too many Peter Cetera references. Can't a brother get a Fee Waybill!
If you want to be different from most other people. Go for a run. Cover 10 miles non-stop, at 8 minutes per mile or less.
Then you can walk around wearing a teeshirt that reads: "Got Fitness?"
Hey Hillbilly,
I know what the article said, but I am fairly certain that bike tracks are oval (ovular?), not circles.
I second that "nice ass" motion!
'I was drunk at the time...'
Can we just start to call them white trash yet? Or thugs in the park?
The Snob is under no obligation to return any love to "Harry" for his self-serving apology. No soup for you. Come back one year.
That was a douchy apology and you know it. Everyone knows that douches and short people got nobody to love.
That pic alone proves why there should be more women in cycling. Three feet is plenty close enough to admire that view.
I have a serious question: is three feet back enough room for you? After reading your last few posts I assumed that you were advocating more distance.
Rodney King,
He called me a bad word, I responded politely instead of doing something stupid like knocking him off his bike, he posted a somewhat tongue-in-cheek apology, I acknowledged it on the blog. I'd say that squares us.
What I love about the trendy fixie scene is this. A lot of them got tattoos that literally claimed their undying loyalty for fixed gears as well as slurs against any kind if freewheel: "if it ain't fixed, it's broke," "Gears are for Queers" etc."
Nothing against tattoos here, mind you,but proves the adage you get the tattoo you deserve; stupid people get stupid tattoos.
On the other hand, theres a lot folk that were part of the "fixie movement" that are doing really well racing 'cross, so the line is kinda blurred.
My special "please don't kill me today" jersey has a giant Ford logo on the back. It works like a dream; I've even been known to wear it multiple days in a row (because I'd rather be smelly than dead). So I think this is what you need:
LAST! (oh damn)
I want a European version - 91.4cm.
Hit it? Not if I had to stay three feet away.
But I would bounce quarters off it.
You're pushing your luck little man.
Rest assured, this is not what I meant at all. I merely meant that, if your goal is to be the best bike racer you can possibly be, smoking marijuana on a daily basis will serve as a hindrance to that goal.
But if it's only once in a while, you can still win 16 olympic gold medals swimming. Perhaps he should change sports?
If you don't want to be called a pussy, next time leave the "Hello Kitty" messenger bag home.
"just kiddin'"
ok, so you´d be wearing a Morgan Stanley jersey.
What would Erzinger do? He´d call mercedes road assistance first to get his car repaired, and then he´d call morgan stanley to tell a collegue would be a little late next day. But he´d still not call 911...
I was Drunk
hmmn... if I recall correctly, one can still be charged with a DUI (or DWI, OUI, etc etc, et al) for riding a bicycle while drunk -- considered a vehicle and all...
...just sayin'
Can you guys quit looking at my mom's '3 feet' jersey and shorts please.
I was on a comittee working w/ the Parks Department to bring a new velodome to Floyd Bennet Field back in 2000, before the city decided to upgrade Kissena and was trying to improve its 2012 Olympic bid. The stars were all aligned for it to happen and it still couldn't get done. I'd be really (pleasantly) surprised if LaCorte can get it done, but Greenpoint sounds like a pretty good spot for it.
P.S. U-P-G-R-A-Y-E-D-D
Rodney King,
Harry is an asshole. Snob was gracious in even recognizing his half-assed apology. Hopefully next time harry is riding drunk in the park and he decides to recklessly endanger a complete stranger, that person will not be nearly as civil as snob and will administer a savage beatdown to our friend Harry. And while young Harry lies there broken, bloody and sobbing, the beatdown administrator says something like "where's the flint in your veins pussy".
power meters are becoming the new new thing.
I think you've been had by a fake Harry. Just sayin'.
Do you think fixed gear hipsters might velodrome if it was inside? They seem to like parking garages and stuff like that.
I only ask because I am lucky enough to have an indoor velodrome right here in London Ontario.
Short, steep, way cool.
My regular riding route takes me 15-miles south through a metropolitan park along a 30 mph parkway. Riding this route over and over again through ever season for many years I've had many close calls and I've survived at least two assaults.
One Sunday morning, with almost no other traffic on the road an aggressive driver hooked me with a sideview mirror and dragged me some 50 feet along the road before I could unhook and land head first in the roadway in front of horrified hikers who, alas, did not get his license plate. Last year, some a$%h&*$@ sent a friend and me into a culvert ditch--apparently he was under the often shouted impressionn that we belonged on the "all purpose trail" with the roller blading mothers on cellphons pushing high-tech baby carrriages and walking rambunctions golden retrievers.
So, I want a bike jersey that says: "Slow Down, It's a F%$&*#g Park!"
Did anyone else get freaked out by small talking people that pop up on the 3 Feet Please page?
Peanut butter on wings is not a good combo, even if you are stoned - but I have seen PB&J wings on a menu in Portland (Maine) but I don't think anyone ever orders them.
I'm ambivalent about "smoking weed" (I don't personally care for it), but smoking it (or at least a little) may not slow a racer down as much as one might guess. A National Championwas busted for pot recently and striped of his title as a result. And yes, marijuana is on the prohibited substances list.
You only know the part of it with DA Mark Hurlbert, I live in the county where BOTH of these stories went down, here is my personal blog response.
Elgee, making people have to copy paste a link isn't exactly the greatest way to drive traffic to your blog.
Click here for an easy primer on simple tagging.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Dammit. Just got back into cycling after a decade-long hiatus and decided that a cyclocross bike was the perfect ride for me. Always on the cusp of the douchemagedon.
Recently there were some Halliburton jerseys at the Ballard (Seattle) Goodwill. I don't know if any are left.
Morgan Stanley sponsors a cycling team like Amgen sponsors a bike race. Welcome to post-ironic America.
"my bike had a freewheel - actually, a one speed cog on a Shimano 'freehub' design so I was 'free-fixie'ing it Total poseur move, I know - fortunantly, it worked, as you confused my smooth pedal style and Real Simple chainline for a fixie" - PATHETIC.
@Anon 1:26 -
Found On the Road Dead.
WTF is a Canadian dollar bill? Some sort of moosehair rolling paper? Because it is certainly not any form of currency known to man.
I got into an argument this morning w/ with another commuter on one of the most used trails in DC (Capital Cresent Trail). The subject was passing/ the right pass/ safe passage. We varied greatly and eventually I had to agree to disagree, and he agreed to handle his own bike and not offer "tips" while passing, we both agreed that we were there to ride and not to debate.
I've come to realize that actions speak louder than words on the bike trail. Speaking has little place in an environment where I can say "passing on your left, hold your line" and my audience (walking or riding) will look over their left should and veer to the left or otherwise remain lost in their i-tunes.
I'll ride with anyone, but I try not to speak to anyone that didn't start the ride w/ me. Otherwise, my actions speak for itself: if you think I was rude, it wasn't my intent. But if have to account for every misunderstanding between commuters, I might as well stay home.
I think the Morgan Stanley jersey is a moot point. Now they are Smith Barney Morgan Stanley, Erzinger might aim at you just because he may get your clients. I bet he is feeling the pain from all of his biking doctor clients right now.
The problem with the 3 feet jersey is that you want to keep people off your ass, and not hit you.
In standard engineering terms an arrow pointed at you is a dot in a circle, and that just looks like a whimpy target.
The only logical solution is mounting a small video camera on your seat post, and a jersey which reads. "Don't hit me, you are being recorded".
People always seem to act more rational if they think there will be video evidence. just ask Rodney King.
Hey, Canada used to have dollar bills. I still have a couple around somewhere. Maybe Snob visited in the early 80's and has held on to his Canuck cash ever since...
Instead of a jersey how about we just boycott Morgan Stanley all together?
If a Morgan Stanley jersey saves me from Martin Erzinger, does that Twinkie jersey save me from the stoners?
hmm. with three feet, what kind of crankset would you need
...the palpable irony of trying to get a velodrome built anywhere it seems, is that both the business & the bullshit just keep going round n' round n' round...
...'we' tried many years ago...had county land appropriated in a good central location here in an area known for a high volume of cyclists...formulated plans for child safety classes & other bicycle usage but there was always some kinda objection...
...dead in the water oval jerk...
I am a video engine (3:35) said, "Don't hit me, you are being recorded." That's a good idea. At the very minimum the video would be a big hit (pun intended) on YouTube.
Be careful with the financial jersey you pick. Either a financial wizard from one of the competing houses will run you down to enhance his chances on bagging your trophy client or an irate tax payer will mow you down thinking your big bonus was paid with their tax dollars.
...anon 12:48pm...saw fee waybill & 'the tubes' recently...still rockin'...
...used to go to a lotta their gigs & knew a few of the real 'white punks on dope'...i could tell ya stories...
...btw bsnyc/rtms...
...nice connect with "when pigs fly" & also "when hell freezes over"...
...most excellent...
Is there a fixed gear power meter hub? I'm kind of tired of collecting pretty axes, and I haven't bought any chi-chis for my bike in a while.
Sign the petition for the D.A. Mark Hurlbert to reinstate the felony charges against the hit-and-run wealth manager.
With a Morgan Stanley jersey, you migh get hit by a JP Morgan douche or a Goldman Sack.
RB1 wins my vote for best comment of the day
I read "Three Feet" but I'm thinking "Two Cheeks".
Past 6pm, where did the time go today? Time to call that fat beatch, Martin Erzinger!!!! 800-503-2813
Darn you for subjecting me to that "hipster kryptonite." Expect a lawsuit in the mail holding BSNYC/RTMS Industries liable for damage to my retinas caused by excessive white flesh exposure.
tres beau cul
I guess I'm the only one that went to the "epic" Michigan fixie video.
I watched the whole boring thing, but the best part came in the comments. When asked what speed they averaged, they answered "thank you! the average speed was about 26/27 miles per hour.". Look at 6:15 of the video.
I'd hit it.
that girl in the cyclocross picture looks extremely non-plussed
"Peanut butter on hot wings" is called Thai food and it's delicious.
If you really want to protect yourself from marauding bankers, however, you'll need something with a bit more juice than one of those Morgan Stanley jerseys. You'll want to swaddle yourself head-to-toe in Goldman Sachs - you saw what they did to AIG.
The good thing about your information is that it is explicit enough for students to grasp. Thanks for your efforts in spreading academic knowledge.
So like I was you know like sorta thinking that mystery missle launch off of California, you know? That could like so totally have been Cavendish.
I mean like the government's commercial aircraft con trail sory, who's gonna like you know fall for that.
Ty's Chi sez;
3 Feet Back person is a guy . . .
Those guys from the Michigan 'Miles' video claim they averaged 26-27 miles an hour, 270 miles in 2 days. So, coupled with that motopacing video claiming to be going 55 mph, is there some correlation between filming pretentious black and white fixed-gear videos and pretending to ride faster than you actually do? They think we gullible.
Martin Joel Erzinger, the drama continues. The D.A. has a new explanation:
So now, it's apparently _worse_ to be charged with a misdemeanor than a felony. 100% BS lawyerspeak.
O.K., so if the goal is to get restitution for Dr. Milo, the D.A. can prove what he says by making the fine extremely high. So high that Mr. Erzinger must give up his luxurious lifestyle and automobiles. Put him on a bike. And one not that good. I suggest we start a campaign named PEAOAH. Put Erzinger's Ass on a Huffy.
The good thing about your information is that it is explicit enough for students to grasp. Thanks for your efforts in spreading academic knowledge.
Hey it worked! Thanks Basic HTML Guy, I wondered how everyone else makes those clever little blue words. I'm really getting into this new "internet" craze! I don't know if you guys are aware of this, but I have noticed that there are heaps of funny pictures and videos of cats on the internet. I'm serious, just do a search on YouTube, or better yet check this out: LOL ...or even more relevant: Oops! I haz wheelsucked a pussy ...please, just one more: ROFL
...anon 5:55am...
...looks like a cyclo-cross mount...
...btw (1), it worked for me too...thanks from me also html guy... called out for not knowing how to do it by some self righteous 'canuk' a while back but then again he wasn't willing to point out the process...
...btw (2)...anon that we both know, if you keep posting links to cats, i'll send ya a 'real pussy' link...
...hey, hey !!!...notice i didn't...yet...
bgw, he may well be a cyclo-cat, but water crossings like those in the vintage footage referenced a couple weeks ago are not gunna' happen. I'm glad you brought it up though because you reminded me that I meant to title that link "Pussies ride bikes with gears". Oh, and despite the slightly misleading title of the second link, I do know that "wheelsuck" doesn't mean "crash" - I'm just not practiced at translating into "lolcat". ce
...and regarding your offer, no need to point out a needle in a needle stack. ce
Their contact link seems broken.
They have "team spine" as a sponsor, apparently they don't have "team liver" or "team massive head injury" as a sponsor.
Things would have been so much different.
BSNYC got name dropped in the comments section of this riveting report:
Although Gupta may be a self-promoter, having talked to him he's really nice and seems like a good doctor.
my mink
my muff
i just cant't get enuff
i want to stuff
i want to stuff and stuff and stuff
my rapha mink nut butter cup
i am crying when i am riding
my dick is so cold
all i can dream about
is my minky slink hole
Suggestion for next contest: The most ironic (and/or hypocritical) bike related marketing by corporate america. Initial candidates: 1) your Smith-Barney cycling team, and 2) AAA's postcard using a cycling image to recruit AAA members yet AAA is also trying to cut bike/ped funding
Harry seems like a douchebag whom would benefit from some ol' teeth being kicked down throat.
What's wrong with satay wings?
I have a Madoff Investments Jersey. I'd never wear it for fear of drivers (in general) running me over on purpose.
"Marijuana, on the other hand, generally does little more than make you chronically 20 minutes late and compel you to put peanut butter on everything."
The same could be said for having a toddler.
check out Portland OR's favorite wings personal favorite is Spicy Peanut. Peanut butter on hot wings hooray I know... I know ... I'm 20 minutes late
sorry for the lateness snobby, but "As far the ride to Nyack,"
I don't see what the problem is on Staten Island. Here in Ottawa the city engineers have come up with an ingenious solution: shared bus - bike lanes! Yes, they put buses and bikes in the same lane... oh, wait a minute, maybe there is a problem with that.
Anon 1:15 PM: I believe the line between fixies and gears is firmly drawn. It's the squiggly line from my one of my handlebar levers to my derailleur :-)
your writing style is both humorous and captivating. i'll add your blog to my list.
Harry seems like a whom would benefit from some.
3 feet is usually sufficient.
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