Not only will there be "light refreshments" (please RSVP so they can make sure to have enough soft cheeses or whatever they're serving) but there will also be a pre-BRA ride at 4:00pm. If you're considering taking part in this ride, I've gone ahead and "curated" a brief "FAQ:"
What is the route?
Why are you asking me? Ask Landry's. I don't know from Boston. I'll be following you.
Will it be a hammerfest? Should I "run" my Zipps?
No! The organizers of this ride are under strict instructions from me to make sure this ride is leisurely and that there is no undue physical exertion. Feel free to "palp" your Dutch bike, recumbent, or cargo bike full of borrowed children. If you're looking to go fast, I hear there's some kind of "cyclo-cross" race that weekend up near the Gorton's fish stick factory.
Will it be a theme ride like they have in Portland?
No! This is New England, where people are dour and hardworking, and where people race the "cyclo-cross" in gender-appropriate clothing. However, if you'd like to dress as your favorite "Good Will Hunting" character and/or Larry Bird you are more than welcome to do so in the spirit of religious freedom upon which the Pilgrims founded this great nation.
What happens if it rains?
New England weather is famously predictable, especially at this time of year, and rain is extremely unlikely. Therefore no contingency plans have been made. However, in the unlikely event of adverse weather, we can always go to the real-life Cheers bar and reenact our favorite scenes.
What does "FAQ" stand for?
Feeble-Assed Quakers.
Secondly, last week I implied that there was nothing of real interest at Interbike. However, clearly I was mistaken, for Campione Cycles has informed me that one exhibitor has finally solved the age-old problem of digital and genital deafness:

In fact, the very same person who spotted the genital deafness cure also spotted everybody's favorite affable German masochist, Jens Voigt, signing a woman's posterior:
Speaking of rounding tight corners, the Daily News reports that some messengers attempted to promote cycling in Queens this past weekend by holding an alleycat called "BLVDS of DEATH:"
Yes, the best way of raising awareness and encouraging cyclists to ride in Queens is by promising the participants that they might die:
"We want to show people the wild side of Queens. We want to show you the crazy, fast roads that Queens has that a lot of cyclists would like if they ventured out of Manhattan," said Negron.
You sort of have to feel sorry for bike messengers--and even more so the people who still imitate them. Not only is the demand for messengers disappearing, but thanks to this new wave of bike-friendliness so are their dangerous streets. As a result, it's becoming increasingly difficult for people to sell themselves as outlaws, since they're now grossly outnumbered by people in sundresses riding Dutch bikes. They're like a bunch of self-styled piranhas in a rapidly-evaporating pond. This is why more and more people are getting on bikes and enjoying the new amenities, while they're desperately looking for places where they can still get themselves killed. This prospect is especially irresistible to NĂ¼-Freds, even though it's like taking a vacation to India based entirely on the fact that it's one of the few remaining places where you might still catch leprosy.

"We want to show people the wild side of Queens. We want to show you the crazy, fast roads that Queens has that a lot of cyclists would like if they ventured out of Manhattan," said Negron.
You sort of have to feel sorry for bike messengers--and even more so the people who still imitate them. Not only is the demand for messengers disappearing, but thanks to this new wave of bike-friendliness so are their dangerous streets. As a result, it's becoming increasingly difficult for people to sell themselves as outlaws, since they're now grossly outnumbered by people in sundresses riding Dutch bikes. They're like a bunch of self-styled piranhas in a rapidly-evaporating pond. This is why more and more people are getting on bikes and enjoying the new amenities, while they're desperately looking for places where they can still get themselves killed. This prospect is especially irresistible to NĂ¼-Freds, even though it's like taking a vacation to India based entirely on the fact that it's one of the few remaining places where you might still catch leprosy.
Meanwhile, in terms of image and risk, the antithesis of a messenger-organized Queens death ride is a popular search engine-"curated" human-powered monorail, to which a number of readers have recently alerted me:

Can you imagine how sweaty and stinky these things would become? If I’m going to pedal something to get somewhere, it’s going to be using a bike that can actually turn and take me to my destination. Moreover, these things are bound to be slow, and will probably need a large staff of attendants, like a theme-park ride, to ensure that people get on and off safely.
That’s about the best one could hope for.
Really, that's the best one can hope for? Frankly, I think this is a great idea. Not only does the "Schweeb" human-powered monorail promise to solve the problem of drinking and cycling once and for all, but it also opens up all sorts of new and exciting "hotboxing" possibilities, and I predict every college campus in America will be equipped with a "Schweeb" system by 2020. Also, you don't need to be some sort of popular search engine-employed genius to know that our Earth's atmosphere will be toxic in the near future, and that we will need Plexiglas shells around our bicycles to protect us from noxious gas, the carcinogenic rays of the post-Apocalyptic sun, and the flesh-ripping claws of the undead.

From another contestant comes this minimalist cockpit design:

Also, from "Slice Harvester" comes this decidedly more performance-inspired setup:
The STI levers are positioned ideally for on-the-bike bicep-flexing:
Though keep in mind riding in this position for prolonged periods can cause genital deafness.
The STI levers are positioned ideally for on-the-bike bicep-flexing:

Boo-yah! Or words to that effect.
sorry for double posting, but i got overexcited!
i had never firsted before...
Top ten? Meh.
I nominate this one for cockpit of the year...
University RR
Wow, that was an early start time.
You SUCK!!
early bird gets the genital deafness, otherwise known as Hearpes.
Thank you, try the fish.
or the Clap?
topp 20!
I don't know from Boston. What does that mean?
what is the sound of one genital clapping?
Feeble Ass-Quaker.
Pilgrims = Massachusetts
Quakers = Pennsylvania
Hey Dumbass! amish are from pennsylvania,
Pilgrims Are all from
Quakers Massachusetts
Getting to the BSNYC podium requires a contortionist cockpit. Guess I'll share my time with the Peleton. Awesome post, as usual, Sir Snob. I liked the top tube brake lever. If you crash with that, I think you might suffer some genital deafness. I don't want to be around for the lever removal!
Support Victims of Genital Deafness!
Hey, did anyone else see the Snugli-clad dog time trial lady on Saturday's Escape NY bike ride? Like tandem riders, think she had to pay registration for two bodies?
Whooooo! Double mention!
You will have to speak up though... And perhpas move your face a little closer.
@ Anon 12:38,
I did witness that at the Rockland Lake rest stop. My only hope was that she kept the doggie hydrated too.
"Guess I'll share my time with the Peleton."
Peleton = Brazilian-themed soccer robot?
Interbike report:
Didn't get there til mid-day on Friday, so all the "celebrities" had long since grown tired of the bores and the boors, and had no doubt departed for one of Vegas's fine Gentleman's Clubs. No Eddy Merckx, no Jens Voight.
Not unlike female genetalia, high-zoot carbon fiber racing bikes are thrilling to see at first, but after seeing the 100th in a row, they all start to look alike and they lose their ability to get a rise out of you.
The highlight for me was seeing the yellow Specialized Contador rode on the Champs Elyesee, Cancalera's Shiv time-trial machine and Andy Schleck's Paris-Roubais bike.
The Eddy Merckx booth included a $21,000 special edition celebrating his legendary accomplishments, including a deep-dish rear wheel upon which each and every victory is inscribed. It took pretty small print to fit them all on. They are making 200; 53 are sold so far. They said that the only US sale so far was to Robin Williams.
Another highlight for me wasn't on display or for sale. It was the attendee in the "Dirk Hoffman Mobile Homes" t-shirt.
Anon 12:38 --
I enjoyed the Escape New York ride Saturday.
But I didn't see the time trialing woman and diminutive dog.
And imagine my embarrassment when I learned it was not a John Carpenter's "Escape From New York" theme ride.
Still a great ride with great gelato at the end.
Now I just have to figure out what to do with that Ernest Borgnine as "Cabby" costume I made.
This is some good s*it!!!
...bsnyc/rtms...you have a new look since i briefly met you in sf...
...you've grown a little goatee...stylin', bro...
Ugh, barf.
...limited appeal t-shirt but classic among the cognoscente...
...i dig it...
Please speak loudly into the, um, microphone.
Hey there "Bike Snob" - I hope you had a great time in Boston. Would like to have met you . . . alas, in Phoenix now. How I love Phoenix, but how I also loved Boston and her people. SO MANY MORE places to bike in Boston than Phoenix. Boston is a very bike-friendly city, Phoenix - well, not so much.
- David
Aloe Vera 101
Holistic Health Info.
Ok, this was weird: Last Friday you announced your cockpit contest. Late that afternoon I was walking down a busy street and I hear this odd squawk-like yelling. I look over, and it's this guy riding along, no-hands,arms akimbo. Every few pedal strokes he emits this strange yelp.
I notice his bike is one of those crazy, multiple bar-end jobs.
The thing is, I realized until that afternoon, I had never seen anyone riding one of those crazy bikes, and duh, the guy riding it looked crazy.
Fairly certain that McSquirt would not hit it.
Excuse me; I have an appointment with an "audiologist".
AYHSMB - All You Hear Silenced My Balls
Not wanting to get in the way of campionecycles self-promotion, but the link in the post is broken. The Calgary link works ok. Nice shop, not that I can afford anything they sell. Wonder if they'll take a few buffalo robes in trade for a BMC?
Actually, now that I think about it, I may have seen the time trialing doggie at Rockland Lake rest area. I can't be sure because I was paying more attention to the chocolate chip cookies.
But I do recall riding down the GWB ramp behind a guy on a folding bike exhorting his daughter riding ahead of him not to walk through the U-Turn. Kids on bikes should get a free pass to walk when they have to. And besides, it wasn't like she had electronic shifters that would irk a celebrity bike blogger.
I expect that the Halve and Chop was designed to allow the rider maximum hand signaling opportunities and ensure that he is compliant with all local signaling-related laws. Or maybe just flip the bird continuously.
Thanks for the heads up on your vsit to Landry's. They are my favorite LBS, though I frequent their Natick store. Hope I can make it on Friday.
All you haters speak directly to my balls.
I'm starting my own contest. I've been on an epic journey, searching for a universal symbol for sarcasm. After many many minutes in the WWW I've come up with 2. The classic ;), and *sarcasm*.
As you can sea-I'm not all that creative. So i call out on bended knee to all the readers of this blog, "help". The winner of my contest won't win anything tangable.(minimalist award)But you can tell everybody that you are the one that did it!!!
When I was younger my genitalia were blind. Luckily I never caught anything.
While I am not entirely sure if my genitals are deaf, if their behavior has taught me one thing, it's that they certainly are dumb.
Murphstahoe, you may want to double check Snobs post from last Friday outlining the specific and uncompromising Cockie Award entry procedure: By email with subject header I WANNA COCKIE. I think Snob would take any opportunity to reduce the effort of selecting a winner by instantly and carelessly disqualifying any entry that doesn't appear to meet one petty requirement or another. I'm surprised he didn't list a bunch of other rules to assist in whittling the field down further, but I guess you have to weigh up the effort of writing the rules versus the effort they save you. Especially when all you really have to do to pick a winner is close your eyes and point at your email inbox. ce
So the Shweeb is designed around 200 meter efforts, cool downhill sections (to recreate a bicycle version of "The Birds") and starts with someone doing a run-n-shove?
Speak up, I can't hear a thing you're saying!
My genitalia may not be deaf, but they sure don't listen to reason!
Industrial deafness:
If you are wondering what these genital hearing aids look like, don't Popular Search Engine the phrase without eye wash equipment and materials close at hand. Yikes.
So that's why Phonak sponsored Floyd Landis.
Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be crotch whisperers
Don't let them pick crotches and ride old 10-speeds
Let them be doctors and lawyers and shit
Top hundred.
My deaf uncle was a 4-star genital in the great BLVD DETH alleycat race.
Genital deafness might not be so bad. After all, aren't the other senses enhanced when one is disabled?
Toucha, toucha, touch me!
Now I understand where the word "muffled" comes from. Cool.
Of course, being a Fred, my penis is of the recumbent type and so is rarely ridden without embarassment.
Dour Power
So that was actually a hearing aid Floyd applied to his taint?
Au contraire, I'd turn up my hearing aids. Then I'd hit it.
...congratulate me...
...i just stopped myself from making a really tacky, kinda gross "genitalia joke", even though it fit the thread...
...i typed it in but i grossed myself out, so i "erased" just to spare you guys...
...i could practically "hear" the responses...
"Guess I'll share my time with the peleton."
Obviously commenter meant to say "share my time with the Pelotones" -- the biker band so loud even deaf genitalia can hear them. Make that Deaf Genitalia, another band, opening (so to speak) for the Pelotones. What?
Woody:"What's goin' down, Mr. Peterson?
Norm:"My cheeks on this bar stool"
69th! What a conversation!
Viva Bad Lawyer!
Anyone going to Rotorua for the SS worlds can try a shweeb at an 'extreme' amusement park over there.
Although riding the trails would be more fun.
@fixiefights. WTF?? That is some bad sh*t, do we really need another Fixie site, FixieFights? I need some efinn poppers....damn it!
@buffalo bill. Bison skins? Sure! Perhaps we enter into an arrangement of some sort. A treaty if you will. @commiecanuck. Brilliant.
Bikesnob. Any Canadian bra dates? I have a couch you sleep on and a shop fridge full of lucky extra.
momma warned me about going blind, but deaf too?!?
Speaking of ripping off ideas, I think Kent Erikson designed something very similiar to the monorail thing 'back in the day" with Moots.
momma warned me about going blind, but deaf too?!?
You can do it until you need glasses and a hearing aid.
(damn, it's hard to type with these tiny letters and this damned ringing in my ears)
Schweeb Schweeb
Schweaty Dweeb
Stanky Stoopid
Google Bomb
That google stink capsule kinda reminds me of the SkyBike at the Franklin Institute in Philly...
Dear Mr. Snob - If your publisher held a BRA for you in the Lehigh Valley (Genesis Bicycles, Bike Line or Performance Bikes are all good), millions would come to sing your praises and worship you for the demi-god you are. You might even sell some books.
Lemond = douche
Landis = double douche (or douche douche)
No wait....
Lemond = double douche...
I regret, that I can help nothing. I hope, you will find the correct decision.
"Feeble-Assed Quakers."
Stop that, it means frequently asked questions.
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