Yesterday, I arrived in Austin, Texas, where Mellow Johnny's will host a 10:30am "urban ride" today, followed by a signing-cum-costume-cum-pageant-cum-soirée later this evening. (As a published author, I am obligated to use the word "cum" in its non-sexual sense, though this does not preclude my clicking on the "audio pronunciation" over and over again and giggling.) If you are an Austinite, or Austinian, or are Austintatious, or whatever you call people from Austin, I hope to see you there. In any case, here is the view I enjoyed from the Congress Avenue Bridge yesterday evening:
The bridge was lined with people waiting to see the largest urban bat colony in North America spring into action, though I was content to simply stop briefly, take in the sunset, and continue on my way. (The Congress Avenue Bridge was cool back when there were, like, two or three bats under it, but now that it's become gentrified I'm totally over it.) Also, I had to continue testing my bicycle to make sure my elaborate bar end roll cage cockpit configuration survived the flight from New York. (Hundreds of bats could probably roost comfortably in its curlicues.) Speaking of elaborate bar end configurations, I recently received a photograph of this one from a reader:
We've all seen the traditional road bike drop bar setup, but when you see it recreated with a series of bar ends and a pair of flat bar brake levers you only appreciate its simplicity more. Incredibly, this configuration manages to provide for all the same hand positions a road bike cockpit would, with the added benefit that it is segmented so that it can be broken down completely--which, given the fact that it was bolted to a folding bike, the rider apparently needs to do.
Fortunately, the airline failed to destroy my bicycle in transit, so at least for the Austin leg of my trip it remains rideable. As for the flight itself, it started out well enough. I had my view:
My pretentious reading material (which looked oddly out of place outside of its usual venue, which is the bathroom):

And even World Cup soccer (or "football"), which played (silently, sans annoying horns) on the headrest in front of me:
I'm not even remotely a soccer fan, but I do appreciate the truly international character of the event, so it was somehow reassuring to know I could glance at it occasionally if I wanted. In particular, I like the juxtaposition of wildly different countries and cultures that the World Cup affords, and this particular match featured the sex-tastic fabulosity of Brazil (home of the "Carnaval") vs. the uptight repression of the People's Republic of Korea (home of Kim Jong Il). North Korea is like that kid on the block with the crazy parents, and you know something's a big deal when even he's allowed to come out and play.

Fortunately, the airline failed to destroy my bicycle in transit, so at least for the Austin leg of my trip it remains rideable. As for the flight itself, it started out well enough. I had my view:
And even World Cup soccer (or "football"), which played (silently, sans annoying horns) on the headrest in front of me:
I was quite comfortable and all was going smoothly until I heard a horrifying rumble and a terrifying tearing sound, followed by a great rush of air. My first thought was that the aircraft had lost a wing and that I was about to be sucked from the fuselage and ejected into the stratosphere, so I grabbed the arm of the gentleman sitting next to me, sobbed uncontrollably, and wailed about the injustice of my fate. (Oddly, the gentleman was unperturbed, perhaps under the impression I was a North Korean soccer fan disappointed that my countrymen had just missed yet another scoring opportunity.) After a few moments though it became clear that the airplane was indeed still intact, and that the ghastly sound was emanating from the passenger behind me:
Incidentally, it's worth noting that the passenger looks not unlike Rip Torn:
Though I would wager Torn himself never snored so loud, even while sleeping off one of his famously "epic" alcoholic rampages.
Peering behind me, I noted that his knees were contacting my seatback, so I sort of flailed and flopped around in an attempt to wake him. However, this only served to dislodge his head slightly:
Turning back to my magazine, I attempted to lose myself in prose, but it proved impossible. As a rule, I do not listen to music while I read, preferring instead to focus wholly on the words or wholly on the music, but in this case I realized the only way I was going to be able to finish the short story I was enjoying ("Lenny Hearts Eunice" by Gary Shteyngart) would be through the judicious application of headphones. Unfortunately, the sounds of his slumber penetrated almost everything I played, even when I did so at top volume. In fact, the only recording with the right combination of noise, feedback, and dissonance to shield me from the series of snorts, gasps, and wheezes he was emitting was "Songs the Lord Taught Us" by the Cramps:
You may want to obtain a copy lest you ever find yourself in a similar situation.
Anyway, the passenger did stir occasionally, but only to perform a series of hacking coughs, undoubtedly caused by the sorry state of his snore-ravaged trachea. Then, he'd just start snoring again:

Apart from this, the flight was fine, and I even got to see Brazil score a goal. For some reason, this caused the scorer to break down in tears, and he had to be caressed and consoled like a crying babe by a teammate:

The only other inconvenience I encountered was at the airport in Austin, where I was detained and interrogated for almost three hours due to the fact that I was not wearing a LiveStrong bracelet. Incidentally, it's hot here--so hot that the multiple LiveStrong bracelets everybody is forced to wear have melted together on their wrists in great misshapen yellow hunks. There are people on bikes, though, as this picture proves:

There are also margaritas:

I look forward to enjoying more this evening.

Peering behind me, I noted that his knees were contacting my seatback, so I sort of flailed and flopped around in an attempt to wake him. However, this only served to dislodge his head slightly:
Anyway, the passenger did stir occasionally, but only to perform a series of hacking coughs, undoubtedly caused by the sorry state of his snore-ravaged trachea. Then, he'd just start snoring again:
Apart from this, the flight was fine, and I even got to see Brazil score a goal. For some reason, this caused the scorer to break down in tears, and he had to be caressed and consoled like a crying babe by a teammate:
The only other inconvenience I encountered was at the airport in Austin, where I was detained and interrogated for almost three hours due to the fact that I was not wearing a LiveStrong bracelet. Incidentally, it's hot here--so hot that the multiple LiveStrong bracelets everybody is forced to wear have melted together on their wrists in great misshapen yellow hunks. There are people on bikes, though, as this picture proves:
There are also margaritas:
I look forward to enjoying more this evening.
Second step?
Couldn't sleep my way into first.
black dickerson
early bird!
oop! earlier and earlier while on vacation!
Podium!!! KS
I've got to be the 1st person in Australia to be reading this... what a feeling. Mum is going to be proud. Finally.
Isn't Austin the birthplace of the cone of smugness?
What timne did you write this one 4:30? Getting in some early training for the Mellow Johnny's ride?
I would have won if Cav held his line...
yay Austin, see you tonight Snobby.
Woo, woo
Oh snap people in the Southern Hemisphere getting all the podium opportunities!
Damn early this morning!
best finish yet!
the peloton learns quickly.
Dammit! Top 20.
Man oh man, I thought this through and was SURE that RTMS would sleep in for the time change, I could have a cup of coffee, my morning meditation and snag a podium, maybe a win. I have my left nipple pic all set and everything. But, no.
You said, "cum" and "congress".
tee he he.
And further to my query yesterday, instead of stating come one and all to readmyblog, like showing up to a ride in good shape, should I post a comment here, well, then my own blog should be in good shape as well.
How much easier would this trip have been if only you could have gotten the HAPLAPNAPTAP (Have a Pista, leave a Pista. Need a Pista, take a Pista) in place so you wouldn't have to pack a bike at all. Either that, or if Walmart sold their fixie in the stores.
Did you do your part and buy a "keep Austin weird" t shirt, or are you at least being weird?
I love that their are Raymour and Flanigan ads on your side banner. youve come (cum?) a long way from hokey bicycle brand coffee, but to what i dunno...
Hey, you copied my in-flight blogpost theme! Totally unfair.
When I started reading there were 14 comments, now there are 29 (as I write. I wonder where it'll end up?
I have 2 copies of said Cramps album, thanks; one in case of emergencies....
Ooops, missed a ). Insert as necessary....
hey nonny mouse
Snob Texas is Central Standard Time, you are supposed to get up later, not earlier.
pack fill
Have fun in Texas Snobbie! Easy on the margaritas lest you fall in your own urine again.
g--all things happen for a reason.
the gentrified bat thing was too funny for me.
woooo podium
Matthew @ 9:16AM -
Let's leave my line out of this.
p.s. Just to check - did you pick up my wallet by mistake? I somehow ended up with Haussler's.
Goo Goo Muck.
Your bike... we must see this! Not even the cheapskates at Instructables have attempted a DIY coupled bike.
World Cup is AWESOME!!! Can anyone stop Mexico? I DONT THINK SO!!!!
You talk about incongruent juxtapositions, my favorite words. Enjoy many margaritas. How do you like the wild west now?
My helper monkey, Lefty, is making a heroic effort to be at the signing tonight. Please don't introduce her to Vito as I don't think she'll return to Mpls with the goods.
Snobby go visit the oldest bike shop in Austin, Freewheeling Bicycles at 24th and San Gabriel.
"One half hillbilly and one half punk...stick out your can, cuz I'm the garbage man."
Schteyngart is from Oberlin! Make up your mind!
-tuff wheel IIs
You should have asked for a straw from the flight attendant and shot spitballs into the snoring guys mouth. It works every time.
Snob, why don't you ever take video for your blogs? Maybe a snoring passenger, or a cobra Colnago in action.
Enjoy the road show.
I miss Austin, but I don't miss the Texas heat. Have a good time- eat BBQ, Tex-Mex and many margaritas.
So are you going to be cycling in the Bay Area with the common folk? I suggest Marin if you do.
Darn. Kept off the podium by Cramps.
Note to MJ BRA attendees: make sure BSNYC signs your book "BSNYC" and not with some pseudonym.
sigh...R.I.P. Lux Interior.
Snob, just a piece of unsolicited advice to a new father from an old hand - When you "carress and console" a crying baby, do not rest its windpipe in the crick of your elbow. The Brazilians in the photo are doing it wrong.
Unfortunately, the sounds of his slumber penetrated almost everything I played, even when I did so at top volume. In fact, the only recording with the right combination of noise, feedback, and dissonance to shield me from the series of snorts, gasps, and wheezes he was emitting was "Songs the Lord Taught Us" by the Cramps
So, you fought snoring guy's snorts, gasps, and wheezes with Lux's snorts, gasps, and wheezes?
Anon 9:12-my thoughts exactly.
I worry about you in Austin, Snobby. Looks like you're working the margarita cam again. No good can cum of it. (hee hee.)
Hey, I want a blog too so I can bitch about people on airplanes!
will you be bro-ing out with austin's most famous resident on your visit?
I see you cleaned your fingernails for this trip to Austin. What's the occasion?
How Original,
Just start one--they're free!
"will you be bro-ing out with austin's most famous resident on your visit?"
Gibby Haynes? Oh wait, he moved to Brooklyn.
Yeah, what frilly said. You'll have too many, you'll go to the WC, you'll see some hilarious pubes, you'll start laughing, and then ...
"How Original,
Just start one--they're free!
--RTMS "
[Italics mine]
Surly, drunk and sweaty, just like his namesake. I LOVE it!
What's the deal with airline peanuts?!?
Dear Snob,
How can you not be a soccer fan?
You shuld be more like me, I love soccer.
I am eco friendly too.
Smug and kisses from Europe
this post isnt about bikes at all
anon 4:21
did you not see the bar end setup?
did you not see the lone cyclist in front the ice cream shop where Jungle Julia used to hang?
dsjo intd
Sleep deprivation due to new child?
I can't make your San Francisco ride Snobby since it is in the heart of the hipster belt and the smugness of the fixed gear riders makes me ill.
Boston -
margaritas, check
cool weather, check
tonsilectomies, check
have fun in Austin
At the Zombie Dance
Here's Ben and Betty
They tap their toes
But they don't get sweaty
They don't give a damn
They're done dead already
At the Zombie Dance
Nobody moves
They tap their toes
Yeah, wiggle their ears to get in the groove
hey man, groovy jersey.
Mellow Johnny's?
Snobby, you chose the only bike store in town that carries Rapha-wear. And when I say "bike store" I mean "excessively pretentious look-at-me hangout."
Perhaps things will be made right again when they finish the new federal courthouse across the street from Lance's place and the continuous parade of meth-dealer-defendants start visiting...
Funny thing. I was flying to Austin yesterday too, but everytime I tried to close my eyes some douchebag in front of me would flop back in his seat. It dislocated my knee. However, I found his bike at baggage claim and replaced his skewers with Twizzlers.
As much as I like to visit Mellow Johnny's, it is more of a bike museum/coffee bar, than a bike store. However, I did get a very nice t-shirt there.
All You Haters Listen To Me Snore
hope all are having fun and the shop!
Dear Soccer/Bike/Airplane Snob,
You spelled fun wrong (pun).
You spelled Brazil wrong (Brasil).
You spelled Carnival wrong (Carnaval).
You always spell carbon fiber wrong (crabon fibre).
Now do you understand?
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
All right - hop off...
Dearest Snobius,
I hope you are enjoying your deal with the great Satan!
Trek is about as corporate and evil as it gets in the bike world...
I imagine that you are truly missing your darling, lovely little family.
Good luck getting through the tour!
p.s. have you met Gary Fisher yet?
Maybe you need a fancy bike suit?
You call Austinites "Wierdos", Hence the phrase "Keep Austin Wierd!"
I suspect this was thought up by a UT student who misspelled "Keep Austin Wired" the motto of A) local coffee house, or B) Oat Willies, or C) the mayor or D) all of the above.
Hooray, Margarita-Cam!!!
Podium!! ??
this a spanish article about the future US cycling stars upcoming.
hope you all understanding it,can tell me if you agree.
are those first-class seats? For shame! Where is the street cred? You might as well be showing up to the local fixie meet-up on a Time dressed in full campy super record.
this is dairy week apparently.
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