I also recently came across this bicycle:
What aroused my suspicion in this case was the saddle, for despite the "colourway" I'm pretty certain the owner is not a world champion--unless the UCI has finally sanctioned some kind of "tarck world championships." Also, I had no idea that Aerospokes were not only still in fashion, but also now come in "pea soup."
Soon, though, the tables were turned and my own bicycle came under suspicion. As I mentioned, Surly have lent me a "Big Dummy" (as well as a cargo bicycle to haul this drooling, blathering lummox around with as he is too stupid to walk) and as I sat near it recently I watched as a gentleman, seemingly oblivious to my presence, began eyeing it with considerable interest:
Incidentally, perhaps the surest sign of spring--surer, even, than a man trying to milk a bicycle--is the handlebar-mounted transistor radio blaring the ballgame:

While you're liable to see a person riding a hybrid bicycle and listening to the ballgame anywhere, only in Brooklyn will you find that rider being drafted by an Orthodox Jew on Rollerblades:
Furthermore, only in Brooklyn will the "radio Fred" and the Rollerblading Orthodox Jew chase down a second Orthodox Jew on a mountain bike:

With that, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you'll know, and if you're wrong you'll see messengers.
Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and enjoy the weekend.

(Girbecco, creepy pagan mascot of the Giro d'Italia)
1) Formerly the "Maglia Ciclamino," the Giro d'Italia points competition leader's jersey is now the:
--Maglia Rosso Passione
--Maglia Martini & Rossi Asti Spumante
--Maglia Perini Scleroso
--Maglia Quattro Formaggi

(Letle Viride's seminal first album)
3) Why is Levi "Letle Viride" Leipheimer a favorite to win the Tour of California, which starts this Sunday?

9) Which celebrity does not appear in an "epic" video good luck message to Levi Leipheimer, produced by Road ID?

9) Which celebrity does not appear in an "epic" video good luck message to Levi Leipheimer, produced by Road ID?
XVI) In addition to "ass cancer," brakeless riding can cause your face to peel off and your body to catch fire.
9) "It's about freaking time!" In which city can you now visit a "fixed gear boutique and yoghurt bar?"
***Special "Vintage" Bicycle-Themed Bonus Question***
--A whisk
and three?
stop the madness!
Oh No Ant1 sweep the Pφdíúm.
Have you bribed Google? I was out of the competition because I had to sign on 4 times before google would let me leave a comment.
Only second time it has done that, and the past time was only two or three days ago.
the ant man with nothing better to do. Right on.
Top Ten!?? I have applesauce!
no google bribing. i've just changed my training methods, i you know what i mean.
i = if
top 20
didn't slip into pink!
That's what I call 'full gas'.
very nice podium today, with nogocyclist in there too!
ant1s in the pant1s
judging from where the Big Dummy is parked, I'd say you were at Video Free Brooklyn. Perhaps dropping off a VHS copy of 'Heathers' before picking up some beading supplies next door.
Ooh, la, la - She can rosso my passione any time.
I dunno, I find myself tweaking just about anything that looks like a nipple, but not in front of the children. Disturbing indeed!
Sweet-- nice unintended shout out to Finnish TV on the messenger clit.
Dave - for reals. i wish my win today entitled me to slip into her rosso passione.
good luck Levi! who the fuck is levi?
I so nailed the quiz today! Especially the weird disembodied hand, speaking as one with a weird disembodied hand.
well done ant1. have a good weekend everyone and steer clear of road furniture.
mikeweb, I did not make the podium. Being discriminated against by Google is like having a flat tire. Just part of the racing.
ant1 took the podium fair and square (unless bribery really was employed.)
The awe with which New Yorkers regard Big Dummies is amusing. Here in Minneapolis, you can't get within five blocks of a food co-op without seeing one or two of them.
Former hipster's lament,
"I used to bust wicked skids"
Bend over and cough.
Thank goodness that video had subtitles.
ant 2nd!
How could levi not win with the support of Janean Garoffalo.I like the last picture w the disembodied hand especially the sternum extractor stem.Another tool to eliminate the fixiedouches from the road. Last night I saw one in all black no lights or reflectors wearing big headphones on his brand new fixie.He mind as well had a sign saying run me over but that would be visible.I love the things these idiots do to stay cool.Give it time, they'll be off the road in one form or another.
an orthodox fred
who prays to heal ass cancer
is a biking mensch
ben stiller's got to be a nitwit, j barfarolo's bf.
ben stiller's got to be a nitwit, j barffalo's bf. sad
I'll forgive you for not believing me if all you've seen is that clip but (Mel) Smith (the fat one) and (Griff Rhys) Jones (the other one) were capable of being sublimely funny at times. Jones is an odd fish - used to see him walking around the West End talking to himself. Not muttering, proper loud talk/shouting - this was well before hands-free phones came out.
Anyhoo, got the book today! Is it the first one in England? Probably not. Only read the intro so far but I have to say what a lovely looking book it is, hats off to Chronicle.
Anyone else with a copy suffer from sticker removal anxiety? I know they'd look great in the wild, but while they're in the book I know they're safe, and I can look after them properly and they'll always be safe, and shiny.
@Paul: as per BSNYC's advice not to find one's possession's so precious and "soulful" as to never use them for their intended use, i proudly tout my stickers on a non-essential component - rear cargo rack - which are of course hidden from view when cargo is actually on it, which is always.
I couldn't find your email so I'm posting here. My coworker Chuck has been working on his bike, and I would like you to comment on it.
the seatstays could use a break lever, imho
how many WPM can that surly type? i think it's late with the TPS reports.
yes I will buy you tampons if you go out with me...
...at the end of next week.
Thanks Koba. I'll think about it.
lets all comment on it...
me first...
I don't think the bars are set right
A lovely weekend here in the Northeast to ride one's bike. With or without antlers. Only two wrong on the quiz. A personal best.
Enjoy the weekend! Go Levi!
The Brooklyn brand bike with the world championship striped seat clearly belongs to a strong rider. Note the double toe clip straps to prevent a shoe slip out in the finishing sprint.
The basket is nice. Put a topper on it & I bet at least two cats could fit in there.
I always do better when I start from the bottom. (Rim shot.) Neither pun intended.
Go Chris Horner!
As much as I dislike the Shack & I think Horner can be a whiney mf'er, he's still on good form. And is more deserving of it than lil' Levi, so far this season anyway.
what is on the back of the big dummy? that you partially sentenceway. In your
As a lifelong fan of balls--and sports involving them, I had a difficult time interpreting the following:
"only in Brooklyn will you find that rider being drafted by an Orthodox Jew on Rollerblades"
For a full minute, (okay 45 seconds of that were dedicated to ramping up my Friday brain to understanding the vocabulary,) I was trying to understand a reference to creating a team for a new form of multicultural, urban roller-cricket. Just before I went into a freakout, I remembered race-related drafting. Oops.
Speaking of misreading, is anyone else finding themselves doing a double-take when pulling up that other "blog-shaped object"? I keep reading it as Groin Insider, somehow.
Probably time for eye check.
Horner is definitely in the Jens Voigt School of Good Human Beings, as far as I'm concerned.
But man, it would be really, really cool if Saxo would ride for Jens this year. Lord knows he deserves it.
He is the anti-Fred.
keith, don't trust Chuck, he is a lefty, no?
...pink slips & amgen gold jerseys to ant1 for an outstanding podium that can be savored all weekend...
...& i hope yesterday's "anon 1:07pm" who slammed ant1 is wearing his "i'm a little bitch" t-shirt today while he soaks in the comments...
...just sayin'...
...although letle viride has strong support in the form of radio slack, this is gonna be a different & better race this year by virtue of the fact that everyone has 'month of may' miles in their legs, not the february flounders of the past...
All Big Dummy/FreeRadical owners name their vehicles. There's no use denying it, so please tell us what you call yours.
I just went with "Dude Magnet", myself.
also now come in "pea soup." ewww, stick to the veal.
"Tampon for what?"
Snob, consider yourself lucky that you did not run head-first into a metaphorical bike path Turducken.
The big dummy does get tons of looks, my friend has one and people really do check it out. It's just odd to me, because it's ugly looking and dorky, what's so special about a 4 foot wheel base and a rack? A Cargo tricycle is much more interesting.
A pox on the helmetless!
I might expose my voluptuous breasts to oncoming traffic, but I would never go helmetless, unless I wanted an orgasm.
Really? Try harder.
No, really.
oh no! Not cats. Id say maybe a pug puppy and a pomeranian!!
I cant stop thinking of what kinds of wounds you'd get, crashing and falling on those antlers. Yikes.
smith and jones ride biopace!
come to think of it, when will chari and co. sell biopace?
Those ridiculous Jews are DROPPING the Snob! Hilarious!
doesn't the state already already issue a laminated i.d. card? road i.d. must be the most successful company ever off a product that one might scratch together themselves in 15 seconds on the back of a used receipt with a dull broken pencil.
Is that all you boys ever think about, getting harder?
I think I just had an orgasm.
Friday AM cool
Friday PM, not so much.
Thermal tights: wrong choice.
+ + + for the Perini Scleroso reference.
that hand IS eerie
Is your numbering getting more erratic? Better save the WW for Wednesday.
Just had an ironic and iconic buffalo burger for lunch, tasty!!
Damn right the Buzzcocks still exist and they still put on a kickin show. You should've checked them out when they were in NYC.
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riiiiiiiight, "lawn mowing"
Just had an ironic and iconic buffalo burger for lunch, tasty!!
ant1s in the pant1s
Cheers.That's just brilliant! there is nothing simpler but that is the key factor factor for that success. google
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