(Via a reader, the Four Recumbent Riders of the Meh-pocalypse.)
Like many people, I have dreams. Not, "Oh, no, I'm back in middle school, I have a social studies test, and I'm naked" dreams, but "It sure would be wonderful if someday..." dreams. For example, one thing I often dream of is a future in which we all live together in joy, peace and harmony. Another thing I dream about is a worldwide uprising in which we join together to savagely kill everyone who has ever wronged us--resulting, of course, in the aforementioned new age of joy, peace and harmony. But most of all--more than peace, and more than bloodbaths--I dream that George Hincapie will win Paris-Roubaix, which takes place this Sunday.
From what I've seen in "ethnic" movies, there's a portion of the so-called "Passover Seder" in which the youngest child asks, "Why is this different from all other nights?" The answer of course, is that on this night they eat fish that is decidedly more gelatinous than usual. Similarly, you may be wondering, "Why is this year different from all other years?," meaning that George Hincapie has been riding professionally for something like 40 years already without having won Paris-Roubaix, so why would he suddenly win now? Well, there are a few reasons. First of all, he's on a new team. Second of all, he's got a special USPRO kit that makes him look like he's advertising a holiday sale at a car dealership or mattress chain. But most importantly, he's got "full gas:"

And now, by way of returning abruptly to reality, I'd like to present you with a quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you will have reason to triumphantly smash something made of glass and cry out "Boo-ya!," and if you're wrong you will be forced to learn how to ride a bicycle downhill.
Many thanks for reading and for forwarding delightful items, ride safe, and if you have "full gas" you might want to watch Paris-Roubaix alone.
PS: Yesterday evening I was interviewed for the Two Johns Podcast and they've already posted it on their website, so if you'd like to listen you may do so here.
1) According to Cyclingnews, the cobbles of the Spring Classics are also known as:

--Williamsburg, Brooklyn
6) "Bad news for dopers!" The inventor of the "Whizzinator" has been sentenced to jail.

***Special Not-Quite-Safe-For-Work-Depending-On-Where-You-Work-Tattoo-Themed-Bonus Question***

Underarm tattoos are Knuckle Tattoos 2.0.
top ten
OMG TOP 10!!!!
Top 10, Happy Birthday to the Mrs. Shame she doesn't read this...
Stay in control.
For some reason I have "The Famous Bollock Brother's 'The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse' " stuck in my head for the last few days... Damn you!
top 20?
wish i was wish i was
Top Ramen
Best first paragraph you've written since last Friday!
top 20?
"...but despite the odds I prefer to dream that Boonen and Cancellara and the rest will instead look between their thighs and see George coming..."
Where can I get a motorcycle chain for an 11 speed?
Not even top 20!
Snobby- we have a velodrome. Marymoor Park. Not quite in Seattle, but close enough.
Hilarious- the Scarecrow is totall a hipster.
This is great...
Since the video refused to load, I'm considering all my answers correct, even when I picked True and the False, or several of the multiple choice responses.
4 out of 7.....ho hum. But I got the NYC one right and the Swiss one....and I don't live in either of those countries. How odd.
Diversion over, back to writing about titanium.......
hey nonny mouse....
Mongoose flipping would be most successful if one employed spoke cards, fluorescent doo-dads, and facial piercings.
me rika the bonus material
BSNYC is out and in "Men's Journal"?!?
6/7 and the bonus. Damn Swiss and their efficiency!
Wonder if Big George will consume an epic burito for Saturdays dinner to charge up the turbo, to get it up to full gas.
I hope he wins so we can stop talking about how he doesn't win it...or can't win it.
Unfortunately, we all know his fate. Maybe the lobster god will reach down and use his a holy pincer to cause flats for his competitors.
recumbents represent!
Minneapolis is number one and you should acknowledge this. Yesterday, you wrote, "As hard as we may be trying, this isn't Portland," In future posts, please refer to Minneapolis as the cycling mecca, not Portland. Thank you and goodnight.
Not great on the quiz, but who cares...fingers crossed for the Mighty George...
there was something about this post that was like taking a cheese grater to the nipple of my ire.
ant 2nd!
what is the proper term for that nose piercing?
I'll piss on your bike.
Question #2 was a BSNYC inspired trolling post.
Read the actual responses my blog. Brazen Cycleworks
Is it just me or has the hipsterette had a Caesarean section?
Maybe Pontius Pilate can weigh in.
Could be worse instead of how to ride downhill it could be the related video of how to wear bike shorts.
Shucks, I knew all that stuff from the instructional video.
I don't mean to brag, but folks often remark that my cycling skill seems to be going downhill.
Ride safe all!
(And go George!)
Thanks for the horrific image of the 4 Rucumby Riders of the Apalca Lips. I can almost smell their cottony sweat soaked t-shirts from my moon condo.
Any extra-extra credit for noticing that tattoo-underarm girl was named after a cheese?
mmmmm - Philippo Pozzato's nipple
Hilarious dude! You should do standup!
Nice podcast you seemed especially in a happy-go-lucky cycling is great attitudeway. Not that you shouldn't be.
Get a permit for comment # 51 sucka's!
I thought that you were about to say something about a baguette.
That video tortured me as I failed the quiz miserably.
Victory for George with a mighty breakwindway.
I can barely get out of my own driveway without causing a three-car pileup and the accidental circumcision of any nearby boy scouts, but that triathlete in the video is giving some seriously lame bike-handling advice.
Not that one would expect anything else from a triathlete.
If George needs gas to win the Paris-Roubaix, I have the recipe that will insure his win.
Get drunk, pass out cold, have the guy who can no longer smell spoon feed you this soup.
Follow the recipe precisely:
One tablespoon and one teaspoon of crotyl mercaptan, one tablespoon and one teaspoon of isopentyl mercaptan, and one tablespoon of methyl crotyl disulphide. Salt and pepper to taste.
If the race is not cancelled and George Hincapie ever takes the lead, he is assured of a win.
BSNYC with a New York accent? Never would have thought...Always imagined him having a Canadian accent. Disappointed.
interview hosts sounded pretty nonplussed
Got 4/7 on the quiz whilst listening to Snob on the p-cast.
I'm hoping he talks about the burgeoning penny farthng craze so I can call it a p-far-cast.
and Snob and the 2 interviewers can be called the p-far-cast-cast
I just wanna say that penalty video of how to ride downhill was cruel and inhumane. In the future please refrain from violating international conventions on the punishment of inaccuracy. Flaming hot barbed wire whips are acceptable, but having to watch that tri-nozzle is not.
I am so proud of myself for contributing, in the smallest way possible, to the quiz.
The Wizz
I hate to admit it but my teenage experiences gave me the proper knowledge of how to ride that Perfect grocery mountain bike. As a teenager, my dad appointed me the sucker who had to make the dump run. He would have me load up whatever old clunker of a truck we had and then he would load it even more himself. On several dump runs, my front wheels would leave the ground after hitting every small bump in the road. When my front wheels left the ground, I knew I was in trouble, I lost all steering ability. What I discovered, out of necessity from my sheer panic, was all I had to do was hit the brakes for a second. The front end would bounce down and at that time I could steer for a fraction of a second. I did it enough to stay off the 10 o'clock news.
My point is, if you load a moderate load in the basket on that bike, all you have to do is apply the brakes sharply so the front wheel touches down, and steer before it bounces back up. It should work fine once you get the knack of it.
May 1st in DUMBO. Wonderful. I'll be on Cape Cod at a wedding, of course.
wow, Eric, that was a regular laugh riot. You listed it for 2x as much as it retails for and people called you on it. Whoa! (see what I did there?)
The girl is kinda cute, but metal boogers have never really done much for me.
Felicitations Leroy!
I'll admit it--I watched the How to Wear Bike Shorts Video. I was kind of hoping it would pick up where the Pozzato pics left off.
And I say, "Go George!" also. This would be a nice 'back at ya bitches' for getting screwed out of the yellow jersey.
Not really getting excited by that FP nipple picture, but you have to admit it was genius photography to make it seem as if he might actually have a pectoral muscle in there.
I think the serious guys all get double mastectomies to save weight.
There was only one interviewer, John K., and he wasn't non plussed, that's just the way he talks.
Underarm Tattoos = Brilliant!
Personally, I'm completely afraid of committing to a tattoo, and then changing my mind about it. Piercings, on the other hand, have a built-in cancellation policy--the human body includes a design feature that erases most evidence of such adornment, after the jewelry is removed. (still considering this..)
An Underarm Tat is in a spot conveniently away from one's own line of sight, without actually residing in the asscrack. In fact, it could only be seen by others during triathlon race wins, sleeveless incantation rituals, various sexual acts, and breast exams. (Okay, if you're Matthew McCaunaghay, this is purported to be a lot of exposure.)
What really caught my attention is that finally, you can provide some stage direction without the danger of 'killing a moment'. For instance, you could get a tattoo that says something like, "If you've reached this point, you've gone too far." Or, "Premium Shave achieved."
Hmmm... Something new to consider...
Thank you, Snob! -- Knuck Tats 2.0
Back in the days before the invention of the "tarck" bike, Seattle had it's very own Velodrome. Legend has it, in fact, that there were three, dating back to the Major Taylor days (Sorry, I failed the Dacshund of Time exam, as I do all of Snobbie's quizzes.) It even happened that one of, said, Velo-NASCARisms was at Greenlake, where the 9-hole golf lives now.
In protest of this, I refuse to acknowledge the Redmond Velodrome (MVA.org), as the Seattle velodrome. If I'm forced to accept a track outside of the city limits, I will, instead, accept Burnaby, BC--the city where bikes actually have the right-of-way, and cars have the stop sign.
Paradise, despite the Canadian beer.
I was lulled into complacency and then WHAM! ---> QUIZ! I was hoping you had forgotten, like my 11th grade history teacher would occasionally, mostly on account of being stoned (him, not me). I was unprepared today. I was up drinking instead of studying - just like 11th grade...
and then there is this
I also had to look twice at hipsterette Brie's belly - it really looks like a c-section scar. But it's too shallow - my guess is, this skank was once a fairer, more voluptous girl who lost most her body fat to cigarettes and riding the "mean streets". Wrinkles and creases are all that remind her of that time she used to eat something.
Anon 3:17,
I think I'm finally beginning to understand this phenomenon that is "trolling." Here's how it works...
Some relatively youthful prankster posts something obviously false, or otherwise misleading somewhere online. People reply to this posting however appropriate. The original poster then reads and/or compiles these replies, and basks in the hilarity of it all.
I guess this is what we get for raising a generation of diabetic porkers in front of a computer monitor.
The Bicycling city poll was awful. The two biggest mistakes: Boston, one of the most dangerous bicycling cities in the country, made the list, and San Diego didn't. C'mon.
The grocery bike obviously just needs a similar basket extending out front to act as a counterweight. With the sharp handling a front counterweight basket filled with fair trade wholefood would provide any new aspirant to the smugerati could hammer that thing downhill, even without prior free online technique coaching.
By the way, the Dachshund of Time can be found in ancient Mayan iconography and features in the Mayan calander, under the name of Oc.
Note in particular the clay figure in the second last photograph which bears a particularly strong resemblance.
I think that this is concrete evidence that you have slightly miscalculated the date of the Meh-pocalypse and that it will actually occur in 2012 at the end of the Mayan calander cycle.
Two more years of fixed gear bikes to tolerate before relief from such worldly injustice.
Don't get me wrong, I like seeing pics of girls working on greasy bikes in dingy basements as much as the next guy, but didn't the photographer do Cheddar a bit of a disservice by not mentioning the big zit on her boob? I woulda' been like, "Hey Camembert, move the bra strap a bit over to the inside, I don't feel like shopping that out of the pics." He obviously doesn't respect women.
WOW! A new vehicle.. a slow vehicle. is it goodfor cardio too as what cycling is?
I don't know what's worse; the lack of hope and joy in the photos of the woman named after cheese or that she has such low self esteem that she feels the need to expose and objectify herself in front of a snarling, rapacious pack of 17 year old boys just to gain some sort of self worth from their approval.
Ugh. There are better ways to do this.
why does this pale face hipster girl have a photo of a black kid with a huge afro?
if it's not obama circa 1976, i can't imagine what that's all about.
I'm 47 with a boner, actually.
A duck waddles into a bar and asks the barman
"Got any bread?"
The barman replies "No!"
"Got any bread?"
"Got any bread?"
"Got any bread?"
"Got any bread?"
"Got any bread?"
"NO, and if you ask me one more time, I'm going to nail your ******* beak to the bar you irritating little **** !)
"Got any nails?"
"Got any bread?"
I should have said: Two more years of fixed gear FASHION to tolerate before relief from such worldly injustice.
Obviously, the fixed gear BIKES that have not been corrupted or that repent of their sinful colourways will survive the raining down of paint stripper cleansing the earth and live on in velodromes made of ivory and gold.
If I get a recumbent bike and a grey T-shirt, I'll fit right in. Notice the Non-plussed Observer.
I miss mountain biking walking these sports are more healthy
condo costa rica
condominium costa rica
Being from Zurich, another intersting detail:
The one-stop-shop for hipsters shares the building with a thrift store named brokiland, perfect place to spot hipsters.
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