At any rate, LeMond says Trek sabotaged his bike brand when he started criticizing Lance Armstrong, and Trek says LeMond sabotaged his own brand when he started criticizing Lance Armstrong. While I'm not particularly interested in pointing fingerbangs at either side, I do think in at least one sense LeMond may be entering territory which is not exactly country for old men. As the Daily News reports, an integral part of LeMond's argument is the poor sales of his bikes in France--despite the fact that supporters claim he enjoys "rock star" status there:

In fact, they say it again here:

In fact, they say it again here:
Now, LeMond may be able to rip a bong like an impatient ten year-old rips open a Hanukkah present, but even his supporters should realize that calling him a "rock star" can only damage his credibility. Traditionally, calling someone a "rock star" implies that someone is as reckless as he is famous, and that he can do whatever he wants without paying heed to either decency or the law, since he simply deflects any consequences by employing a combination of money and charisma. If anything, that's what LeMond is trying to say Lance Armstrong is doing, so calling LeMond a rock star essentially obviates his argument. On the other hand, though, it's true that the expression "rock star" has been devalued in recent years in the same way that the word "epic" has been, to the point that you'll now regularly hear things like, "Dude, you can floss your teeth one-handed? That's epic. You're a total rock star." So in that sense, while it may not contradict LeMond's argument, it does render it meaningless. (A guy who can floss his teeth with only one hand really shouldn't expect to rack up more than $10,383 in French sales over a six-year period.) Finally, what constitutes a "rock star" differs drastically from country to country. I entered the term "French rock star" into a popular search engine and the first things I found were a guy who beat his girlfriend to death, and also this, which is nearly as bad. I should also point out that Greg LeMond's name never came up.
Still, everyone wants to be "rock star" in one way or another, especially so-called "hipsters." Actually, the essence of the "hipster" lifestyle is doing everything that real rock stars do except for actually being creative and having talent. Sleeping in, dressing up, getting sleeve tattoos, drinking heavily, doing drugs, making videos, and keeping your followers abreast of the minutiae of your day are all a lot easier when you don't actually have to produce anything. This is not to say it's completely effortless, though. Maintaining your image can be a full-time job, as can staying abreast of the trends, which you can see in this video which was forwarded to me by a reader:

52" '09 Bianchi Jose overhauled *new everything* - $1150 (Murray Hill)
Date: 2009-11-14, 7:19PM EST
Reply to: [deleted]
2009 bianchi san jose 52" complately overhauled, rides like butter. currently set as a fixie, with pedal cages and straps, but has a flip/flop rear hub and shimano freewheel currently detatched from bike. i have removed the front brake, but can easily be replaced. this bike is lighter than shit!!
upgrades include:
octogon 8 pedals, octogon 8 crank set, slightly chopped riser bars w custom grips, matching blue track tires, top bar camo pad, extremely light wieght comfortable bontrager inform RL saddle, kmc chain, front and rear easily removable frog lights (white/red) electric bell. also includes a free helmet assuming it fits you....
this bike is a joy to ride and the perfect light weight vehicle for navigating the mean streets of manhattan, brooklyn and beyond.
this will go fast so email me sooner than later..
There are few sadder sights on a bicycle than a pair of unused canti studs. Really, this person did to this bike what Mel Gibson did to Jesus in "The Passion of the Christ." I am "feeling" the "Octogon 8" pedals and crank, though. It's not as good as the "Nonagon 9" stuff, but it's a significant upgrade from that "Heptagon 7" crap.
Another sign of "hipster" cyclocross curiosity is increasing mention of it on sites like Trackosaurus and Prolly's blog. Speaking of the latter, I recently learned about this revolutionary new product there:

The result, of course, is that every little novelty cycling accessory has to somehow incorporate a bottle opener--even though finding a way to open a beer is only slightly more difficult than obtaining one. The Surly Jethro Tool; the Pedro's Trixie; those Swobo saddles. At this point bottle openers are the "hipster" equivalent of "lawyer lips;" you're simply not legally allowed to sell a "hipster" cycling product without one. I can't help wondering if somewhere a straight-edge "hipster" is removing his with a file. Hopefully, at some point some enterprising company will finally buck the trend. I'm waiting for a multi-tool that includes a nail clipper.
In the meantime, new companies continue to form expressly to take hipsters' money the old fashioned way: by selling them candy-colored bikes without derailleurs. The latest is "Sexy Bicycles," of whom I learned from a number of readers lately, and who sell the usual array of cheap color-coordinated bikes:

Not only is "Sexy Bicycles" incapable of spelling their own model names properly on their limited-edition plaques:
But they also know nothing about cycling or bicycles at all:

Single speed cycling is not for all conditions. You wouldn’t want to be climbing Alp Duez with no gears although that being said pre 1900 the Tour De France was ridden on single speed bicycles (There was no such thing as gears ) so it is not impossible, you just have to put a bit more in.

Single speed cycling is not for all conditions. You wouldn’t want to be climbing Alp Duez with no gears although that being said pre 1900 the Tour De France was ridden on single speed bicycles (There was no such thing as gears ) so it is not impossible, you just have to put a bit more in.
Actually, gears have been around for a few thousand years, but the first Tour de France took place in 1903. As for Alp Duez, I think he may have been president of Egypt after Anwar El Sadat was assassinated; either that, or he once played bouzouki with the great Nobr Akes.
I guess this is just more gender bias in cycling, since clearly the people at "Sexy Bicycles" equate "sexy" with "stupid."
I guess this is just more gender bias in cycling, since clearly the people at "Sexy Bicycles" equate "sexy" with "stupid."
2nd too
First first in a long time.
So close.
top 10?
Well, f#*k me. 0 comments, and before I type one in, I am relegated to 5th place. Oh well, I was never known for my finishing sprint, anyhow.
Top 10?
Awww just nosed out, top 15 ain't so bad. New post:
BSNYC you rockstar.
Tweed is sexy
you forgot the surly tuggnut!
Second paragraph:
"While I'm not particularly interesting..."
I beg to differ.
I'm not sure what to say about Greg LeMond, except that he should probably stay away from people with shotguns.
Is the Sexy Bikes "presure" a contraction for "pretty sure?" That is not their only error. It is Alpe D'huez, not alpe duez.
At least the Bianchi guy spelled "petal" correctly, although there ought to be a law against sky-blue tires, even if they match your frame.
An electric bell? the old-timey kind just didn't hack it? Is this an add-on to the Shimano electric grouppo?
Lastly, the bike is lighter than shite. In other words, a "floater."
"this bike is a joy to ride and the perfect light weight vehicle for navigating the mean streets of manhattan, brooklyn and beyond."
So I guess it's a good thing that it's "as light as shit", so that it's easy to carry when cycling beyond Brooklyn and Manhattan.
Man! More like that guy did to that poor Bianchi what got done to Ned Beatty in 'Deliverance'.
What exact shade of blue is that anyway?
Just sad...
alp douche
Lemond's lawsuit is as sad as collagen lips on an aging B movie-actress. It's an expensive case of mis-placed ego. Instead of enhancing his brand, Lemond is trashing it.
I was sure Yannick Noah would have been first to pop up under search for French rock star.
I've never understood that whole beer obsession. I love beer. A lot. Probably too much. But I've never had any problem finding it and never get it when people appeal to me with "but dude, there will be beer..."
"Presure" is French for rennet, aka cheese enzymes. So I'm sure Les Vélos Sexuels will be able to sell way more than $10,383 worth of their bikes in my glorious country and/or Brooklyn.
Also, sorry about Bertrand Cantat.
Does that mean before you are sure?
Man, LeCrazy spends a lot of time in courts these days ensaladed in controversy. The funny thing, he always wins.
Like Gregger, I too enjoy Rock Star™ status, which means I'll either die of chocking on vomit (hopefully my own), of a massive overdose of pain meds by a sleazy "doctor", some new lethal VD, or after a spirited session of auto-erotic asphyxiation.
The music industry is so glamorous.
"this bike is a joy to ride and the perfect light weight vehicle for navigating the mean streets of manhattan, brooklyn and beyond."
I think by mean, he really means average.
hahahhaha....awesome vid. God are hipsters seriously like this? I've only seen one in Ottawa so I never imagined two of them talking together.
"Now, LeMond may be able to rip a bong like an impatient ten year-old rips open a Hanukkah present"
oh, ...a dradle, ...thanks Bubie.
Euro-rock and euro pop are pretty pathetic, with exceptions. As you probably already know, Johnny Hallyday is considered the French Elvis Presley, and to American ears, pretty unlistenable. I might add he was in a terrific movie that I saw a couple of years ago, Man On A Train. I actually think Hallyday's acting career has one or two high points.
Over here on, there are only two posts for track bikes, one for a CCM Flyer 6 day track bike from the 1940s and an Eclipse with no spinergy's.
Saw 3 cyclocross bikes on my commute this morning - 3 of anything in Manhattan makes it a trend, right?
Giro to DC!!!
the hipster one is good, but the post ride video and the race director - marshal video are better.
I'm more interested in why the daily news is covering the trial,something aint right.
Where did the swobo guy hide his pump,the tire seems to have magically inflated?
Rides like butter? What kind? My shit tends to be heavy, I've never considered shit light, have you ever carried a bag of shit, was it really light?
top 40... ohhh yeahhh....
anyway, the Specialized Tricross rack set you can get (for what else, your Tricross has a bottle opener built into the front rack.
And is a front rack cool for hipsters? I thought it might evoke the terminally uncool image of touring bike and 100s of gears!?!!
That being said, the tricross racks don't fit on the "single"cross version of the bike (lol).
For the record, I can floss with one hand, but to defer to your qualifications, my Franco-sales figures this past quarter have been dismal.
you all are a bunch of over-caffeinated fuckers!
Hipsters will run away from cyclocross in droves once they realize that it is painful as hell and that it doesn't really lend itself to standing around looking good with a PBR in your hand. It also requires skill, hard work, and functional knowledge of bike mechanics, which are anathema to the hipster mindset.
Sexi Bikycles:
Why fixing gear'd? Whyle once gears never existed, when their were envented, it was on the tri-cycle (not to be confused with the tricycle which is for tryathlons and has 650mm wheels).
The tri-cycle has three wheelz. See befor people knew how to ride a byke on two tyres, they had to use three (tri). The tri-cycle also has direct drive. This is how jack ankiteel first won the very first Tour d' French in 1776. When you peddle in either way, the byke go's that way.
French rock star = Johnny Hallyday.
'Nuff said.
Marcal? Guilty as charged.
In my defense, it's the best cheap-ass 100% recycled TP on the market.
Srsly, if a tree falls in an old-growth forest, does anybody's crotchal region truly need it?
I can't believe you missed the "Alp Duez" in the same sentence as the mention on the pre 1900 TdF.
Someone at sexy bikes went to the Taiwan bike show and bought a few garbage track bikes from a shady vendor... I'm all for tricking hipsters out of their money but at least do your research. I'm going on Hallyday.
ant 2nd!
I wonder if Lemond will continue to show up at future Armstrong press events. It's gone way past sad and desperate. He has become the guy driving circles past his ex girlfriends house drunk and cursing.
Let it go Greg.
Johnny Hallyday is some sort of Bruce Springstein/Bryan ferry hybred, no?
...johnny hallyday might be an old fuck (older than me, even...damn) these days but looking at that recent video, i'm bettin' he still gets more good young french pussy than monsieur greg lemond ever thought about when he was tryin' to fuck around behind his wife's back...
...oh, didn't you hear about that ???...hey, never you mind...i'm sure it's nothing but allegations...
...johnny hallyday + rock star = sexy beast...
...greg lemond + rock star = defendant...
...take your pick...
I know I failed kindergarden, but I only count 1 wrench on the 3Wrencho, plus one tire lever, and the beer opening trick can be done with anything stiffer than a piece of baloney, so that doesn't count. Speaking of baloney...
I saw Greg speak a few weeks back and he's definitely not a loon. If he has a weakness, it's that he cares about the sport. Probably too much for his own good (or his wallet's), but he cares.
I'm fairly certain snob was referencing the idiocy of "alp duez" by comparing him to an Egyptian president.
Billy Reid 1:53,
That was pretty wonderful.
I agree, the Belgian beer at 'cross events, championed by people who rarely touch the stuff, but go apeshit during CX season because it's Belgian.
Hipsters aren't the only ones that are embarrassingly contrived.
I hope Todd is joking.
Yes, they really do stand at the corners of hairpins and run-ups at 'cross races chain smoking and glaring at people.
I always thought it was just a matter of time before they took it up and started giving attitude about it.
The Seksy Bykes site has a contact e-mail address...
Let's see, it's tomorrow night in Perth (I think), maybe they can wake up to some interesting messages from the Snoberatti in the morning?
Greg Lemond: the epitome of aging gracefully.
epi-tome = SKIN BOOK
Pretty embarrassing that no one at Sexy Bicycles did their research. And who rides a bike without a quick release anyway? That's too much work, especially if you're in a hurry on a commute.
Sexy Bikes wrote:
"For more information see what cycling guru Sheldon Brown has to say..."
Correction- that's "had" to say.
I think Bikesnob is just a little biased towards his riding buddy. See this -
Sexy cycles did at least do their research on the classic seat angle. I thought it was just chance until I saw it on all the bikes...
In defense of beer at cyclocross events, I like it that my usual cycling+drinking habits are actually encouraged at some point in the season. Those crit guys are sooo uptight...
Well played, sir! Bully!
Does Public Strategies Inc pay you via PayPal or with Livestrong bracelets?
Mikeweb 2:14,
Did Lemond use sign language?
(couldn't resist)
I don't know, you can believe Lance the Livestrong saint whom has done tons for cancer research and patients or Greg, who despite what his many distractors (and his own odd outbursts), makes some damn valid points (VO2 max being the greatest).
A person can do great things and terrible things at the same and still be the same person. So keep believing Lance is a saint or understand this is the same guy who left his wife, and then his next GF, and the next and so on. OR that he may be the guy that former teammates like Frankie Andreau, Dave Z, Contador and more accuse him of being. At this time nearly all of cycling was doping, and they continue to find people. Ferrari did not have training techniques, he was the greatest doping doctor there was. Why else associate with the man? OR he could be the teammate George H and Levi liken him to and a lot of public believes, or maybe both.
Lemond may not be the best guy to expose a farce, but he is the guy trying. Maybe he cares about the sport as all cyclists do and really wants the real truths to be exposed, whatever they may be. Maybe he is just jealous of what Armstrong has achieved and just finds it hard to believe that it was possible, or maybe both.
Most of the gifted cyclists I have known have exactly the same attitudes as the same two men. The racing culture is often those of great egos and not necessarily team player type attitudes. It should come as no surprise that it spills out outside of the race. Things are not black and white, right or wrong, all could be true, some may be true (doped early but quit), or none could be true...Don't you want to know the truth? I do
If hipster years are like dog years, then they have been into cross exactly 15 years longer than you, so suck it.
It's gone way past sad and desperate. He has become the guy driving circles past his ex girlfriends house drunk and cursing.
Greg just can't quit Lance.
who is Lance Armstrong? And who is Greg LeMond?
Being straightedge, the ever-present "alcohol factor" is a definite turn-off for a lot of bicycling events, whether they are social, competitive, or both. I guess even elite sports and "cultures" need to have the lowest-common-denominator that is alcohol to ensure the highest turn out. Thanks BSNYC for pointing out that I can file bottle-openers off of otherwise useful products. Now, I won't feel so bad about getting a Jethro tool.
Look! a the hipster from the "Performance" video is already racing cyclocross!
Vanity lawsuits, vanity fixies, vanity sports, vanity videos, we are all pilgrims distracted by the vanity fair.
52" Bianchi San Jose ????
That's a 132 size frame!
I thought hipsters were familiar with the metric/imperial conversion.
Obviously, I was alll wrong.
Mechanic -no offense, but holy crap am I sick of this argument! And I am especially sick of the "he isn't a nice person" aspect of this argument. Hero worship is bad, period. For now, none of us on this board know exactly who did what and we aren't going to figure it out this way.
*The provision of a front ‘relief’ break gives you the ability to take the pressure of breaking off your legs occasionally*
Boy do I feel sexy after a relief break...good enough to resume breaking off legs?!
The BikeShop Online
johnny halliday’s great and all (if you like the whole unoriginal, tap into the popularity of american rock thing), but in my book (or livre) Renaud is where it’s at when it comes to french rock stars. he’s been doing it about as long, albeit less mainstreamy, and at least has done his own thing. and he actually gets respect from the younger crowd.
one more thing, johnny halliday is a doper (blood doping), he mentioned zidane turned him onto it on TV. oops.
Well put.
Yes, how many of these folks in Manhatten sporting cyclocross bikes actually have raced in a cyclocross race?
"Actually, the essence of the "hipster" lifestyle is doing everything that real rock stars do except for actually being creative and having talent."
OUCH, is that why Eric Clapton collects track bicycles, that he does not ride?
Why have talent, when you can buy expensive stupid shit.
I actually did like the aging/dead French Rock Star Hallyday, track chick on red leather chair better than psychos on tall bikes any day.
20 bucks for a churchkey? Not bad.
Prolly you are a whore.
FYI, in Minnesota, Greg's home state, casserole is calle d hotdish, dontcha know. So to be culturally correct, Greg is "enhotdished", not "encasseroled".
Not just podium, maillot jaune Paris!
...mechanicmatt...if ya wanna play that angle, you might wanna save this "lance is a saint" business for the non-cycling crowd who only see the good work that he has done...most of us here in the cycling world are a little more grounded in the facts... far as greg, personally i'll always have major respect for what he accomplished as a i do w/ armstrong...
...but sometimes, it's not what you say but how you say it...especially when you're constantly reiterating your opinion in the public eye (or ear)...
...i don't particularly enjoy some of the tales i've heard of how armstrong has applied himself tactically regarding certain situations but self preservation is one thing...
...bellicose personal attacks are another...& unfortunately that's been greg's format through the years...
"but you don't see people whooping about it and handing rolls of Marcal (the PBR of toilet paper) to people on run-ups." I did see this happen. About 25 years ago, at Rougham Tree Fair (hippyish parents) a bloke attempted to leap over children dragged from the crowd on a bmx. His sidekick handed out lengths of toilet paper for us to wave while chanting "Awful, awful, awful 'kinawful". He crashed on the last few kids, and they both ran off. Both were wearing pork pie hats.
I thinks me and rikim is turning shite but jalalabad Jolene says we should turn sunny
@Astroluc. Greek fail.
Don't say that you like one word better than another. Just use the word you prefer.
Write a letter so this psychotic MFR doesn't get off with probation...
Wow I never imagined that riding a Surly Cross Check as a fixed gear would put me ahead of a trend!
I prefer women with beefy bottom brackets.
Surely comments aside, well said Skippy.
Anon 3:04
So you're the guy stealing all the bikes around town!
handlebars anyone?
Missed first, snagged 100th.
Vagined cyclocrossed
Commenting 101: Hotdish, FTW.
Is it just me or does anyone else think that feathers -- lots and lots of feathers -- will be the new tweed?
Lantern rouge.
Having a dedicated beer opener on your person is the one true sign that you don't like beer enough.
Open a beer:
Well, the next logical step would be to get into the ground level of CXFR, the new sport of riding skinny tired "cyclox" (via tarck) downhill, through berms, and over kickers. The MTB forums will be replete with comments of "Get a mountain bike fggts!" and "Tinker Juarez FTW!".
I love watching the slow migration of hipsters to new areas of cycling--as soon as something becomes too widespread they must abandon it like lemmings magnetically attracted to obscurity. The hipster-cross creature however is less annoying than the hipster-moped creature which should have a hunting season.
What happened to the good old days of people piecing color coordinated bikes and chopping there own bars to impractical lengths. Oh six months ago the good old days.
I too occasionally enjoy the occasional cap lifter, but only in moderation. And you're right, ant1, Renaud is the shit! Give a listen to "Manhattan-Kaboul" sometime people!
I'm interested to hear more about bicycles gears that have been around for 'thousands of years' as claimed by the author. Care to elaborate?
He didn't say "bicycle gears", just "gears". And yes, gears have been around for a few thousand years:
Obviously you struggle with context then Frank. The subject was bicycles, so of course Matt from Sexy bicycles was referring to bicycle gears, which have not been around for thousands of years.
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