Moving on from pissing to pissing and moaning, Cadel Evans is taking umbrage at the cascade of bad luck which seems to be falling on his head like so much urine in the Vuelta a EspaƱa:

To be honest, I haven't been following the Vuelta, since to me paying attention to a grand tour after Labor Day feels like listening to your teacher keep yammering on after the bell has rung. Still, I was surprised to see how much Cadel Evans has progressed as a rider during the course of the season--and by "progressed" I mean gone from eloquent excuse-making to pure petulance. He's no longer the John Coltrane of Excuses; actually, given all the obscenity-flinging, he's now more like the GG Allin of the General Classification. Perhaps we should just call him "GC Allin."
To me, the most irritating thing about Evans's outburst is his use of the word "deserve," which has absolutely no place in any discussion of competitive cycling. There's more to winning a bike race than simply doing "everything right;" there are also certain intangibles, like passion and luck. If Evans wants to enjoy success simply by following instructions then perhaps he should quit cycling and start building decks, though even then I'm sure he'd get angry at his hammer for hitting his thumb.
That said, I'm sure the whole wheel-change debacle was pretty irritating, especially since it seems he was undone by his own director's confusion over whether or not he was "rocking" Campagnolo's superior 11-speed technology:

Still, you can't blame Wauters for being cautious, since Campagnolo only guarantees its 11-speed components if they are used as "part of a complete system:"

Therefore, if Evans was running a Campagnolo 11-Speed drivetrain and the Shimano neutral support had indeed mis-curated his bicycle by giving him the wrong wheel then this could have had the disastrous result of voiding his warranty. And while victory is certainly important, only the most reckless director would allow his riders to use components that are both out of warranty and not designed to work optimally with each-other. I'm sure after poring over the instruction manual in the team car Wauters made the wise decision to order the change. After all, the warranty is truly the centerpiece of any groupo.
Sadly, though, there is no warranty on Evans's morale, which by now is positively riddled with stress fractures. Really, the only thing more fragile than Evans's spirit is the Mavic R-Sys, which is "bulletproof" provided you define a "bullet" as a single diminutive Frenchman:

Brandt's first order of business would almost certainly be to resurrect his beloved Mavic MA2 rim. Then, he'd systematically remove every other Mavic product from the line until the MA2 was all that remained. Frankly, in an era of increasing specialization, this might be just what the cycling world needs. Instead of marketing campaigns for rims and wheelsets designed for every kind of road surface, event, and crosswind, I would welcome a single ornery man who refuses to sell me anything else--though eventually it's possible even the mighty Brandt could capitulate to the demands of the marketplace and offer a Mavic putrid milk tire sealant.
But it's a slippery, putrid milk-coated slope from there, as Brandt himself is no doubt aware, and this could lead to his offering novelty wheel accessories as well. For example, Brandt might want to sell spoke cards bearing sayings associated with him, such as "Myth and Lore!" And speaking of spoke cards, someone in New York City seems to be taking pictures of people's bikes and then leaving them in their spokes:

Date: 2009-09-07, 11:36PM EDT
Sometime between 9:30pm and 10:30pm you photographed my bike outside of the the bowery/houston whole foods, wrote a note on it(that is now barely legible because the pen you used smudges), and put it in my spokes(which I didn't find until around 11:30 pm, at which point i got really excited).
That was extremely cute and sweet and now I'm curious as to who you are.
Hopefully you peruse the personals/missed connections, so I can find out who the mystery polaroid person is so I can personally thank you for cheering me up on this cold fall evening.
I think the note read "I heart your bike from melbourne, australia," however, it could have said something completely different after the i love your bike part.
While the Spoke Card Bandit appears to be Australian, I think it's safe to assume that it is not Cadel Evans, as his message surely would have been much angrier. Hopefully though the Spoke Card Bandit's behavior does not go from charmingly whimsical to frighteningly obsessive. I'm sure the spoke card recipient would have been far less amused if the Polaroid had depicted her in the shower.
I'm gonna take a dump in your shower.
well that didn't come out right
top 10?!
Aut vincere aut mori. Today has been a good day. Perfect weather for cycling and crucifixions.
All Hail PP and Astroluc!!
HANGN Physical Education?
A possible Gym teacher?
Nah, couldn't be - the cars a BMW.
If Evans wants to enjoy success simply by following instructions then perhaps he should quit cycling and start building decks, though even then I'm sure he'd get angry at his hammer for hitting his thumb.
Daaaaamn. Awesome. I am going to use this* on a co-worker in the next 48 hours.
That's "GC Ailin'".
*(with proper attribution)
...could be the "spoke card bandit" was really aussie's own nicole kidman, the original 'bmx bandit', which was her first starring role...
GC Allin - genius!
the hammer/thumb comment is pure truth; I've actually seen it happen on more than one occasion.
OK, ads on the blog I can deal with.
Blinking ads that distract from reading are just fucking rude.
Anyway to stop this Snobby?
Sheets of urine.
wheel of misfortune:
Mavic makes great rims. Doesn't it seem crazy that the division can't be profitable?
In the world of music equipment the same things happen. Right now, Ampeg (once THE maker of bass amps) is causing the parent company (LOUD) to go into bankruptcy. If Ampeg just made the same old stuff that everyone wants (perhaps the equivalent of the MA-2 or Open Pro) instead of dorking around with "exploding wheels," maybe they could turn a profit.
Of course I'm just being a blacktop living room couch professor....
HANGN PE = Hanging Phallic Excess
I would happily void urine in other peoples' showers, but not in my own.
GC Allin. Dont get it.
I don't know what this means, but the google machine came up with this:
"A hanging PE indicates hardware problems"
Commie Canuck:
Woodward and Bernstein all rolled into one.
Or maybe the Perez Hilton of the bicycle world.
Anon@ 2:21 PM: If you're palping Firefox, install the free add-on 'Adblock'.
...just 'magic markered' clown faces on the shower wall...havin' me a couple a' extra cups o' tea & i'm headin' in for some bsnyc/rtms inspired fun...
...& pissin' in the shower is better n' 'pissin' in the wind'...
...just sayin'...
Aloha and thank you. I can go deal with my day a little better now.
Hanging Professional Engineers
Bandit implies a theft of some type and unless this person has stolen the owners heart, there is no grounds for such a moniker.
Mavic = yellow = peeing in the shower?
Or is it the other way around?
Well no wonder BSNYC is on Transportation Alternative's celebrity studded panel of Public Service Announcement judges.
Today's post proudly puts the P in PSA.
But isn't it enough that some of us just sing in the shower?
...strangely enough, of the clown faces i inked on the shower wall for my "pissin' contest" one looks like a certain "diminutive frenchman" & another bears a resemblance to the pedantic jobst brandt...
...the third ???...the third somehow came out resembling a certain "obscured face", unnamed cycling blogger, at least from descriptions i've heard...
How many millions is a brazilian?
I'm going to fill up an innertube with milk today, leave it out in the sun for a few more days then step into the shower, give it a nick with the gut hook on my foldign knife, blade and let' er spray.
And then I'll puke on myself, clogging the drain.
Then I might as well defecate and smear that around.
All while cranking the GG Allin on the milk-proof speakers in in the shower stall..
I missed his birthday by two weeks!
Maybe next year.
whats all this shower crap you is talking about sounds like something for sissies and queers
jest stand outside when it rains you saves on yor water bill and you can pee at the same time
Perhaps the comma smeared, because as it is written, the bike smitten Polaroid bandit seems to be under the impression that the lady's bike is from Melbourne Australia. My main shock was that anyone still has a Polaroid camera. Though these were the preferred choice of the DIY pornographer up until the invention of the digital camera, they are rarely seen these days.
pee in the woods,
off the trail.
make a photo,
make a friend.
epic ride,
shower with a friend.
i would think PE is Professional Engineer. But i still dont get the HANGN part? maybe its an abbreviation of his last name, such as...
Address : NOT ON FILE
License No: 016845
Date of Licensure : 04/12/37
License No: 068433
Date of Licensure : 08/16/91
jethro done took a picture of his dick in the bathroom at the perch and put it under the wiper of my eagle summit
i didnt care like that cragslist person cus i new hew dit it and ricky beat his pervy ass
...jolene, honey...is it true you told jethro it looked like a penis, only smaller ???...
i see a few good vanity plates. even more exciting are the cars being driven off car lots with the writing on the windshield. you that guy can't see shit.
Men pee in the shower; women lie about peeing in the shower.
Anonymous 4:20pm,
That was my second guess after "hanging penis."
Our cluster goes up to 11.
Peter Hanigan must be 90 years old, judging from his date of licensure. I'm sure his penis only hangs, if it even does that.
Anon 4:38--Heaven help me but I'm just curious what the basis is for your statement?
Frilly: I think that in this context there could be a double meaning interpreted to the word "lie".
#1.) to not tell the truth
#2.) as in to lay down
See how the joke works?
If it's this dude:
Address : NOT ON FILE
License No: 016845
Date of Licensure : 04/12/37
He'd likely be over 100 years old!
I think snobby's hanging penis explanation is the best one so far.
So women lay down when they pee in the shower? Weird... If that's the case, you would think they would just pee on the potty - much easier...but then I don't know much about women. They frighten me...
Sufferist, I'm not passing judgement just wondering cuz sometimes I like to go to the gym in the morning before work. I take a shower after whatever activity I've been doing. 4:38 has hit on a fear of what goes on in there & how often do they disinfect those things. Not that I obsess on it but since this has become a topic, well y'know. And not directly related cuz I'm not cycling to work, but I can't help but think perhaps I should go to work just a little sweaty per Snobbie's seal of approval on NPR.
Pee isn't too bad, it's the bacteria and fungi that grow in showers that are bad. Peeing just gives the nasties a little food. And you thought you were getting clean in the shower...
Our Danny has sold out to the local slave traders.
It's both cool and a shame at the same time.
I cannae believe nobody commented about the fixie/bmx mutants I posted earlier.
Frilly- you have this cool thing called an immune system. It protects you from a lot of the stuff you can't see. Fret not.
I think it's a reference to that last drop that just won't come off...
hangin' PEE
pre-cursor to incontinence
Hey @BGW, I heard Jobst Brandt and Tom Ritchey actually worked at the same place in Palo Alto at one time. I'm sure there was some interesting fireworks that ensued. True?
Thank god it's not David Carradine's BMW, otherwise it would be:
hangn price earning? Not sure why it's hanging though. PE on a BMW (as opposed to Pee on a BMW) makes me think it's price earning. pee on a bmw makes me think a show model at an auto show missed her break.
Aaah Melbourne Australia, home of the whimsical street arty fuckwit. He's lucky they didn't stencil art a picture of his bike on his downtube. It's probably part of some art project there doing in their time off from their graphic design job so they can become the next Banksy.
Just for information purposes - toilet traps are designed to completely empty their contents when flushed and then refill with water. Not so with shower traps, the pee stays right there, slowly being diluted while you scrub your rear end.
Timely article from Reuters today: you might be getting your daily dose of bacteria not from the shower drain, but rather the head:
...I must be free... ...to pee as I please... ...to pee in the breeze... to pee when I sneeze...
...I must be free... to pee in a stream... ...to pee when I dream... ...to pee when I cream...
...I'm sorry... ...but Sheldon Brown was a douchebag... ...I don't give a damn if you like that or not... ...fuck you too...
...just sayin'...
I found another closet RTMS fan... check out the strip from 9-11
As a liver innerer of Melbourne i feel i should defend it, at least slightly. Though it does have its share of arty fuckwits, its nothing compared to Sydney's jock like fuckw wits. That being said, taking pictures of fixed gear bikes and then putting the image in said bikes spokes, screams 'RMIT photograhy course'
So long as they were palping a front brake in their travels
Am I wrong in thinking Evans is the latest in a long list of entertaining poor-sportsman sportsmen?
I find his whining just as enjoyable as the earnest, teeth-gritting effort as the champions who just suck it up and win.
Douchebag Will and The Milf. Only at Angry Bike Wrench
RIP Bodhi
...i've never heard of this tom ritchey...
All: here is a learning moment for every one of us. Please review the wiki article on urine and come to know our yellow friend a little better. Thanks....
link to article
I work in advertising, so it's clear to me that Mavic's financial troubles are the result of inconsistent product development and branding.
They clearly need to integrate the equity and incendiary characteristics of their flagship exploding wheel into their line extensions of pedals, bike computers, shoes, gloves and apparel.
Imagine the buzz an exploding jersey could generate!
Lucky 07--No doubt! The day Millar threw his bike over the barrier, I became a fan.
more signs that the dutch commuter has hit uber gay fashionista status -
kill me now
you spelt Jobst wrong.
"jest stand outside when it rains you saves on yor water bill and you can pee at the same time"
Mavic lost everyone after they started changing model numbers, with only difference in product from previous model number being lesser standards on QC. That and too many acronyms for "proprietary" technologies.
DT look like they might be taking that line now. Torx nipples no less. Like we always have problems in not being able to tighten our wheels up enough.
Surprised it's not sold as "EU standard" wheelset.
Even "Mavic" is an acronym.
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