Brad opted for a road ride, which was fortunate for me since my recumbent is in the shop. (Visibility is paramount when you're palping a recumbent so I'm having a commercial grade Hurricane Illuminator Series outdoor flagpole installed.) As such, I figured we should "slay" the quintessential New York metropolitan area road ride, which is of course the ride to Nyack. If you're unfamiliar with the cycling patterns of the New York region, here's a very general map of the sort you might find rendered as a line drawing in the opening pages of a lengthy fantasy novel:

Meanwhile, downtown Manhattan (and, to a larger extent, the portions of Brooklyn adjacent to it) contains "The Fixie Hatchery." As the name suggests, this is the place where fixters spawn and conduct their first experiments in customization and color coordination on their new IROs and Pistas. While the fixters rarely stray far from the hatchery, you will occasionally find them in The Land of Make Believe, where they look exceedingly disoriented and uncomfortable due to their sweaty jeans and overgeared bikes.
But the most mysterious and forbidding of these domains is The Hunting Ground of the Lone Wolf. This is the marshy, flat portion of Brooklyn and the Rockaways where forbidding individuals on exotic bikes roam. Here, the Discman is the music player of choice, and the mountain bike reigns supreme. In The Hunting Ground of the Lone Wolf, cyclists do not fly in formation like those in The Land of Make Believe, nor do they flock together like the fixters. Instead, they pick their way through the reeds in conspicuous solitude like the egret.
And so it was that on a warm, sunny Saturday morning I met Brad in Manhattan for a trip to The Land of Make Believe. I had with me a one-man security detail (in the form of a stealthy assassin who can hurl a multi-tool with deadly accuracy) as well as a brace of CamelBak Team Garmin Slipstream bottles, which were sent to me unsolicited by Slipstream for this very occasion and which I presented to Brad:
We then headed over the George Washington Bridge and into The Land of Make Believe, which was resplendent with court jesters due to the favorable weather conditions. As we approached the New Jersey/New York state line, we stopped to answer the call of nature, since I was almost certain I'd heard a maple tree calling my name. It turned out I was mistaken about the tree, but we figured while we were stopped we might as well urinate. However, I had come to a stop atop a layer of wet leaves, and when I clipped back into my pedal after relieving myself and attempted to ride away from the curb my wheel slipped out from under me and I fell over in a manner slightly less graceful than this. Fortunately, I fell away from the patch of ground I had just moistened and not onto it, though given the volume of cyclists in The Land of Make Believe that morning I choose not to think about what may have made those leaves wet in the first place.
Eventually, we made it to Nyack, where we stopped at the Runcible Spoon, which is the Performance of cyclist cafes. Characteristically, it was bustling, and here was the scene as we arrived:
As always, the full range of bicycle brands, lycra hues, and unfortunate bar tape "colorways" was on display in front of the Spoon, and as hard as it was to tear ourselves away we finally headed inside. I ordered a muffin, from which I picked and nibbled until I spotted something that stopped me cold:
While it's not visible in the photo, there was in fact a hair in my muffin, and it was way too long to belong to Brad, my security detail, or me. Also, the fact that it had not been visible initially led me to suspect that it had somehow been baked into the muffin. Now, I hesitate to blame the Spoon for this, since it's quite possible it simply fell from someone's head as they passed and alighted on the muffin while I was eating it. (Plus, I'm prone to paranoia, as evidenced by the fact that I hear trees talking to me.) In any event, I elected to discard the muffin at this point. While there's certainly nothing wrong with enjoying a hairy muffin, it's something that's better left to consenting adults in the privacy of their own homes.
I was still shaken by the muffin debacle as we left the spoon, so we detoured slightly on the way back towards the bridge in order to ride up some hills. At this point I should mention that Brad, who is a strong rider, is also a triathlete. In fact, he is an Ironman, having completed multiple whatever the plural of Ironman races is. (Maybe it's "Ironsman," like "Tours de France.") This puzzled me greatly, since triathletes are supposed to be bad bike handlers who can't climb, yet Brad climbed quite well and also managed to stay on his bike the whole time and generally ride it with aplomb while I had nearly fallen headlong into my own urine. It was very nearly enough to convince me that I should discard my misconceptions about triathletes, though in the end I just decided to consider Brad an anomaly since I find stereotypes and sweeping generalizations comforting.
In any case, I enjoyed myself greatly, and I hope Brad managed to enjoy himself too despite my tedious company. Thanks to him for making the trip, and I wish him the best in all his endeavors. I guess it couldn't have been too bad for him since he does seem happy in this post-ride shot, though that's probably just because he's already reminiscing about my unfortunate post-urinary accident:
wrod up!!!!
Brown trout cruising down stream
Di Luca!
Giro revenge - call the doctor!
OK Finish
He slips on the wet cobbles!
No one brings him a new bike!
He loses!
"Why not seek Ossining?"
Wow! Snobbie fell on Saturday! I guess what Menchov did on Sunday was actually an homage then and not just an accident.
i wonder if 'the killer' looked as happy about snobbie's fall as he did about menchov's? the runcible gives me the hebes everytime, now i feel better about disliking it.
that isn't a full suspension bike
hairy muffin
hey lance
if you're reading this, i think you should get BSNYC on board the team bus for one of your celebrity interviews. maybe he can put a bag over his head a la thomas pynchon on the simpsons. or maybe have him do color commentary on the TDF, whatever. it'd be interesting and could raise awareness for both ALS and cancer
Do you rotate the muffin clockwise while nibbling at the top corner?
Told you we could climb!
Physics Snob,
Oops! Thanks. Slipped up again...
You should have ordered the mince and slices of quince. Next time, perhaps.
It looks like the only thing that's floating the back end on that Full Suspension mountain bike is a giant baloon tire. Is that one of those pedaling water-boat thingy's that they rent on small ponds?
...bsnyc sez "while I had nearly fallen headlong into my own urine."...
...i rue the many times i've personally come to that sad realization...
Brad's saddle bag should be all the solace you require. Triathletes obviously can't use jersey pockets b/c they're not included with the Skinsuit/Speedo = stereotypes reaffirmed.
BTW hooray for Brad and congrats!
(I'm still waiting for my elephant painted T-shirt)
WTF is a "Runcible Spoon?" I guess a cafe in The Land Of Make Believe needs a make believe name...
I'm surprised by the fact that you didn't mention the Gerolsteiner guy in the picture(who is only wearing one shoe) giving you the evil eye.
I saw the OG Lone Wolf riding out in Venice the other week and I nearly crashed when I saw him due to the shock of discovering he really is that much of a kook.
I think you mean assausage not assuage.
The Runcible Spoon is a pretentious literary reference to a spork.
That's a pie plate I see on the foreground bike (the Specialized with the blue helmet hangin')???
46 rd is just a weird ass street name. at least you didn't have to witness fixie lessons on the boardwalk at coney island, one dude showing the owner of the bike in question how to track stand and skid stop...painful...and i overheard the words.."yeah, we ride our fixies all the way in to manhattan from here...."
Is it just a coincidence that both you and HTATBL prominently feature urine in your latest posts?
Since the Morman was paying, why not order a hogwich instead of the adults-only $1.95 muffin?
The assausage hogwich sounds particularly good.
...gerolsteiner guy, after eating his own shoe sez: "i'll bet it was tastier than the 'hairy muffin' the guy w/ the paper bag over his head ate & who knows what's in the hogwiches"...
I would like to agree with you, last boy scout, but I believe we have learned in the past that our very own RTMS has been know to rub/rock/palp/slay/goucher a saddle bag from time to time.
Nothing's funnier than a freefalling fixie driver.
Except perhaps a hairy muffin.
Good one, BSNYC.
Snobby - if you need to counteract Brad’s influence on your triathlete stereoptype, just come on down to Atlanta’s Silk Sheets. It’s a set of bike routes through south Atlanta’s Chattahoochee Hill Country. Beautiful scenery, rolling hills, very little traffic. You see more triathletes than cars down there though. They’re all slow as shit. The dollars spent per mph achieved ratio is off the charts. ITTET, that’s some pretty irresponsible cycling.
"While there's certainly nothing wrong with enjoying a hairy muffin, it's something that's better left to consenting adults in the privacy of their own homes."
Szmyd !
Good to see someone bought and used one of my patented Muffin toupees.
My business plan is that hairless muffins will rapidly drop out of fashion, and the muffin toupee will fill that fashion gap.
This is much better than my old GLH muffin spray-on toupee.
are they still patrolling columns drive to keep the tri-folks off? That used to be the tri-hatchery, if I remember correctly.
I think I just found my next place of employment. "Tours de France."
Or Whoppers Jr.!
g - I'm not familiar with columns drive.
Hairy Muffin. Urine. Consenting Adults. Eewww.
pie plate on the Specialized indeed.
that cafe is full of Do Not Want.
ant1 it's in cobb county, just across the line off roswell rd. it's along the river. So you get not only the heady smell of finless-brown trout, you had to deal with all the tri folks flocking to the flattest part of all Atlanta. They used to allow Mtn biking on the trails in the park, but I am sure that too has gone away. Been a few years since I have been in the area.
I always shave muffins prior to eating them.
Main Entry: run·ci·ble spoon
Pronunciation: \ˈrən(t)-sə-bəl-\
Function: noun
Etymology: coined with an obscure meaning by Edward Lear
Date: 1871
: a sharp-edged fork with three broad curved prongs
Why don't they just call the fucking place "Spork"?
Stupid yuppy dildos...
Thumbs up and Thanks!
g - i'd never heard of it. i try to stay away from the north side of town. everytime i drive through buckhead i want to puke. nothing against those people, their shiny fitted shirts, or their bmws, but i just feel way out of place. i like to keep by douchebaggery on the inside, not display it for the world to admire.
...anon 3:46pm...let sleeping dogs lie, ie: 'mirriam webster' when the info is at hand...
...bsnyc's post hadda link & "the spoon" offered it up..."A Runcible Spoon is a spoon-shaped fork with one sharp wavy tine that can be used as a knife. It is most famous from Edward Lear's poem "The Owl and the Pussy Cat"...
...They dined upon mince and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a Runcible Spoon....
...disgruntl ed got it...luck e.7 got it...
...true, their list of muffins which includes apple, banana, bran, corn & more, didn't mention hair...
BGW sounds like the type to frequent such a place...
What a beautiful Pussy you are!
I worked at both the Runcible Spoon and Piermont Bicycle connection back in high school. Roadie parades.
If you want to know more about sporks, I suggest "The Evolution of Useful Things" by Henry Petroski. Kinda a dry read, but very interesting nonetheless.
...anon 5:17pm...
...hah !!!...when you look at that 'runcible' foto, you'd have to know i wouldn't come within a mile of the place...even if "el snobbo" was payin' for the hairy muffins... script:--this is an amazing coincidence but last night, andy rooney had this to say......
..."btw, what's up w/ the literary equated "runcible spoon" out in nyack, anyway ???...did ya notice their menu has bicycle wheels pictured on it but the sandwiches haven't got cycling names ???...not even one...
...they've got "hogwiches" & all 12 of them are named after harley davidson models ???...what's up w/ that ???...
...not a pantani pannini or a lance livestrong liverwurst in the menchov muffin, cavendish croissant or even simoni sam'ich w/ garzelli garnish...
...i think i would have enjoyed the pellizotti poorboy...if they'd had one...
...well, i'm just sayin' that w/ a poetic reference in the name & a bicycle oriented clientele, how come they're catering to the local hell's angels anyway...
...this is andy rooney & i'm still hungry after all those miles i pedaled...
I know I'm late, but did a triathlete actually say "Face!" here in the comments? Wow. Haven't heard that in a while.
I was wondering when this story would pop up.
If you gave a turtle a golden shower instead of the maple leaves you would have been fine. The Red-Ear'd Slider makes a great post urination wheel chock due to the fringed marginal scutes on the carapace. Polish teams have been using them for decades (improperly, of course).
i was just following along quietly, then there's this whooshing sound and the comments thread leafs me wondering "face?"
is that where tri-geeks put their road rash?
Brad loses points for not wearing a Fat Cyclist jersey in the pics.
nice to see someone rubbing Campy's latest.
...because of course you're the only cyclist in NYC to rock a Krypto chain lock...
If BikeSnob didn't exist, someone would have to invent his sorry ass.
you are correct. Because of my demanding schedule, its difficult to keep up with what the kida are sayin'.
So there you are, moted.
Ken e.
We put it there on Mondays and Thursdays. On Saturdays we do shoulders and glutes.
trying for a sarcastic retort, but fighting head-cold... thanks broomie.
First, there was pass/fa1l racing. Then, nonplussed journalistic access. Mix in some twitter quotes and blog references. And now we're presented with inopportune hairiness and crashing. I'm of the opinion that bikesnob is David Zabriskie. Behold! The Garmin bottles!
why not try ossining?
snob - thanks for the great ride. i'm still impressed with how well you handled those descents with that bag over your head.
lastboyscout - guilty as charged (and that's my new smaller saddle bag). i know it's not 'cool', but i've been left out on the road so many times i carry an entire bike shop with me now.
speaking of left out on the road, no mention of the guy who broke his chain? when we stopped and offered to fix it, he exclaimed "you can fix a chain?!?!?" and explained that he threw it into the woods a while back.
Brad - I hear you about the bike shop in the saddlebag. I can't bring myself to leave home without my fold-out frame straightening table and my bottom bracket facing tool, because, well, you never know.
Snobbie, call Daniela Levy right away. This is a major violation of New York's adulterated food statutes. I smell a big payday over the hairy muffin.
Mr. Wedemeyer,
Find solace in the fact that saddlebags are the roadie's hip pack, soon to "blow up all over the scene" with handmade and collabo versions soon enough. Save those jersey pockets for the chillum and the energy gel you so devoutly endorse. But I'm sure that you know this already, given your glazed, plussed visage.
Fixed gear riders sometimes venture out further than the casual jaunt as can be witnessed by the RAAM fixed-gear category.
link to story
you know, a muffin can be very filling.
In fact, he is an Ironman, having completed multiple whatever the plural of Ironman races is. (Maybe it's "Ironsman," like "Tours de France.")
For whateve reason, but that made me laugh really hard...
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