Last week, I mentioned that the new protected (or sheltered, or whatever they are) bike lanes they're building now in New York City may be a curse instead of a blessing. Well, after almost Hasselbecking a woman with a stroller who stepped off the curb and into the bike lane without looking, I'm becoming increasingly convinced that they are the former. Fortunately, I was able to avert tragedy thanks to a potent combination of meh-riffic bike-handling skills, a natural aversion to injuring small children, and a set of superfluous, pro-establishment, completely un-Zen brakes.
But while I employ bike-handling mostly to avoid flattening pedestrians and to keep from getting lapped more than once in cyclocross races, other riders have raised bike-handling to an artform. A number of people have forwarded me this impressive video, in which Danny MacAskill avoids innumerable invisible pregnant women and strollers with mind-boggling agility:
Holy crap.
I wanted to read more about Danny MacAskill, so I went to his sponsor's website, where I learned that he wears Calvin Klein underwear:
At this point, you may find yourself asking the same question I did, which is: "If Danny MacAskill can do things like ride on top of wrought-iron fences and pull his Calvin Kleins out of his ass in mid-air using only his rear wheel, what are the fixed-gear freestylers up to?" In order to find out, I first visited the "tricktrack" forums. However, they seemed to be doing pretty much the same thing I was, which was being all agog over the Danny MacAskill video. Then I went to fixed-gear freestyle impresario Prolly's blog, but he was all wrapped up in restoring a headset. This complacency worried me. Personally, if I were a fixed-gear freestyler, I wouldn't be rooting around in my parts bin; I'd be on the nearest tennis court with my Scattante trying to figure out how to completely remove my underpants like Hansel did in the "walk-off" scene in "Zoolander."
Finally, I went to Trackosaurusrex (where both fixed-gears and the exclamation point reign supreme), where I found this:
Death Pedal X FRSH promo by Kareem Shehab from Killa Kareem on Vimeo.
The video included a Bad Brains song that didn't go with the video, an appropriated Dead Kennedys logo, and some clumsy examples of what can best be called "artistic schluffing," but that was about it. It was also paired with another video, which was similarly anticlimactic:
ABCity Spring Edit from hfwido on Vimeo.
While I'll be the first to admit that the fixed-gear freestyle scene consists of some good bike-handlers who have taken the arts of downloading music and hopping curbs to new heights, I can't help feeling that in some ways it's still the cycling equivalent of this:

At any rate, while I'm still not impressed by fixed-gear freestyling, I'll stop short of saying they should try bikes with smaller wheels that coast. If people want to do tricks on fixed-gears with 700c wheels, they should do tricks on fixed-gears with 700c wheels. If people want to do tricks on Dutch city bikes, they should do tricks on Dutch city bikes. (I'm working on a move where I remove a bra while doing a tail whip on a Dutch city bike.) You're perfectly free to use whatever equipment you want, provided that you are willing to accept the compromises. I may think that fixed-gear freestyling is like eating a pizza bagel, and that if you want pizza you might as well just eat an actual slice, but hey--some people like pizza bagels. Anyway, the same thing can be said of bike locks, and can also be applied to this photo, forwarded to me by a reader:

As you can see, the rider has a relatively robust u-lock, but instead of using it to secure the bike, he's instead simply using it to join what is either a really flimsy steel cable or a couple feet of clothesline. Basically, this is like wearing your socks over your shoes.
In the meantime, here in New York City we have more pressing concerns than which bikes people are using for tricks. Not only are our new bike lanes actually more dangerous, but we've got a bike parking crunch too. It's so bad that color coordination has fallen by the wayside, and pink bikes and red bikes are now forced to share poles:
Of course, to address the parking crunch, the city is installing those giant fan boats. Really, though, they should probably think about getting rid of some of the dead bikes first. As much as I love the Dura Ace chopper, it's been in the same spot for years:
The problem of dead bikes extends to actual bike racks too. Here's a perfect example of a rack that should be pruned:

I'd think it would be easier and less expensive to clean up some of these old bike racks than it would be to install new ones, but then again I also think it would be easier to do tricks on bikes that coast. And that's clearly old-fashioned thinking.
Woot Who ?
Go Lance!
Pink bikes are funny.
Heeey, Better than I did @ Battenkill....
I love my DHEA.
Lyin' and cheatin'...!
Ouch! I got slammed to the barriers...
Snobby, those bikes aren't dead, they are being recycled into their core minerals as part of a slow motion performance art exhibition. I'm surprised you didn't know about this event.
Woot! Woot!
Wow ! Danny looks DART ready !
p.s. Top Twenty ! Podialate!
I can't stop watching that vid. It's just... insane.
So, yesterday, for the third time in a month, the "comments" icon was missing from the bottom of the post. Is one of the internets broken, or, as I suspect, have my comments become so lame that my ability to post is actually being curtailed? Anybody?
Is Commiecanuck out of rehab yet? I kind of miss that guy.
I'm head over heels for you, snob.
Oooh, I did better at Battenkill.
Amazing video.
Snobbie: we should encourage the hipsters to perfect their McAskill taint grind. The upside being after enough practice they'll both be rid of any hipster chick rashes and likely be self neutered. That'd be putting the "fixed" into fixie culture.
Cycling has a Rodney Mullen now. Holy Crap indeed, that made my day.
Man, it is great to see that the old BMX freestylers who didn't jump on fixies right away and can't due to the door being closed can now enjoy all of the rad tricking without having to get away from freewheeling.
dead bikes ARE bike racks.
That Danny guy's not bad, but can he do an elephant trunk skid? Yeah, that's what I thought. I'm not even going to go into the fact that he uses a brake (and a disc one to boot!). Does he not know how to be one with his bike? Where's the fucking zen dude?
ant1, he ditched the seat instead of the brake to achieve zen
The de-wedgifier reminds me that I've got patent for a variation on the SRAM deli slicer from yesterday - but it's more of an automatic ass wiper.
Of course, it's sponsored by Chipotle/Slipstream.
@ merckx: I had the same deal yesterday.
dead bikes ARE bike racks.I was thinking the same thing. Like an artificial reef for cyclists.
Nice to see the Dura Ape again
Shram - I guess London (which I'm guessing is where Danny is from) adheres to a different school of zen than New York.
If only one of these freestylin freaks would break the cycle and attempt to practice one of the three tricks the scene has perfected on a freewheeled bike with fatter tires, there would be no turning back, like when I discovered basketball is alot easier when you use an actual basketball instead of a football, all of a sudden we were dribbling, like who knew?
This weekend I'm borrowing my boys madone and taking it to the trails, them skinny wheels might get caught up in the rock garden but I'm straight up dustin everybody on the climbs, it aint an outrageous magna but its fast.
My wife and I are working on some new moves with our Cannondale road tandem. Today: simultaneous stand-up pedaling. Tomorrow: Jump that bitch off the garage roof and land on the fence.
Ross, don't call my girlfriend a bitch! Oh, you mean the bike...
I NEED one of theose "Outrageous" chainring pie plates from the Magna. That was back when they sold them at upscale snooty places like Toys'R'Us. Now a Magna can be purchased at Wal-Mart and donated to the local bum bike pool 9 months later when it is found abandoned behind some Section 8 housing.
The rack in front of my building is being pruned by someone. First there was a Cannondale M-300 that was stripped over time to just the frame. They even took the fork. Now there's a Specialized Hard Rock that's down to the frame, fork, and crank. Perhaps the city has some sort of checklist of when they finally cut the lock - I'm guessing that once the crank is swiped, the lock gets cut and what's left goes to the Recyclery.
How old are you and where are you from?
I am 21 years old and from Edinburgh, United Kingdom
What is your day job?
I am a bike mechanic
Every top rider needs to be well fueled, what is your favourite food?
And your favourite beverage?
Have you got any pets?
A dog called Meg
What kind of music do you listen to?
Judas Priest, anything good
How long have you been riding?
11 years
Where is the best place you have ever ridden?
Leeds or Bristol
Can you give us a quick run down of your current bike spec?
Inspired Fourplay frame, Easton carbon bars, Middleburn cranks, Hope Pro2 hubs, Atom Lab rear rim, Maxxis Holy/High Roller, Avid Juicy 5 front brake, Maguras HS33 with Rock Pad blue rear brake
Do you think Danny McSkillz could jump a shark?
How large are your balls?
The size of basketballs
i think in that CK photo danny is not showcasing his underwear but rather preparing for a trick called the "ass kill"
Too bad that Danny Boy is from the UK... they're all woosies.
no, it's the "ass pick to nut plant"
That's not the "Taint Grinder", that's the "Ass Jam"! I can't believe you missed the reference, BSNYC!
Ah, I was at Portobello Beach (Edinburgh) on Sunday and stopped to watch a guy jumping on and off a bin. Now I know who it was!
Oh, one more thing- in the first video, is that one guy riding smaller wheels? it looks like that one bike has 650s or a ridiculously large rider/frame. I'd give a better description but I can't bring myself to watch the video again.
I think some of them may be rubbing 650s on the front.
The taint grinder must leave a nice skid mark on his tighty whities.
so the bra removal / tail whip / Dutch city bike trick - would that be your own bra, or someone else's?
Holy crap is right, after watching that Danny MacAskill video my hands are sweaty, I have goosebumps, and I want to send it to everyone I know!
If I was a girl or gay I'd fuck that guy in a second.
If I am not mistaken, the Dura Ace chopper is a Dadaist collabo between Deauchamp and Ethel Rosenberg.
Ines Brunn might be able to compete w/ MacAskill (she'd for sure win an 80's themed dance off):
Ines Brunn
Anon 2:37
I agree Kara G is hot, but I guess I am too dense to see the connection between her and disintgrating bikes, mad skillz, fixed gear freewillies.
Tha being said, do you have any behind pics or her.. um behind? In shorts or 'buns' I don't care!
I understand that instead of the typical steel girders, the Freedom Towers at Ground Zero will be built with Magna frames.
Danny MacAskill < Ryan Leech
Also, does he have the last name MacAskill because he can do a taint grind, or can he do a taint grind because his last name is MacAskill?
Ryan Leech is great, but not nearly as fun to watch. This kid from Edinburgh has something special.
Its like the aggressiveness of the music in the bike tricks video is in direct inverse proportion to the actual bike skills...
Dan M is the parkour of cycling!
anon 3:33 - Ines Brunn has mad skills then.
if yor trying to kill yorself you can just pull out a gun and fire away or you can take ricky mushroom hunting and give him all the bad ones and eats the leftovers if you knows what im saying boy howdy
but if you want to do it with style im saying watch that nitro circus show on tv them fellers do some serious stupid shit and no one is going to feel that sorry for them and they is making lots of money for doing it
and not to be critical or nothing but that streetbike tommy dood is a douchebag
Nice to see Digital Underground back on the scene kerb jumping! that Vid was as underwhelming as their singles Dooorideyourbike!!
Ouch, I coughed granola bar up my nose: I believe in the world of trials riding this is what's known as a "taint grinder".
That Danny MacAssKill can really ride.
Fixed gear tricksters are to freestyle and trick cycling, what rollerblading was to skateboarding...there is some amount of skill involve but who cares because it is lame?
McDonalds and subsidiary chain/cycling sponsor Chipotle have a spicy new collabo burrito. It's the new 5-bean, 7-layer McAssKill!
If you ever hear a trials bike in real life, it sounds like a hipster pussy/dry condom collabo.
Band of Horses was a great background to that video compared to the Hard Rock or Metal songs they usually play to those trials movies.
Danny MacAskill > Ryan Leech > Hans Rey
it's called progression, man. Trials has been around forever but still being improved by leaps and bounds.
Hey Seany,
you sure you're not gay? I loved that video too, but fucking the guy just didn't come to mind.
this is what all the fixies are doing over in Melbourne. No tricks, just good ol' fashion fun
...mtb porn name...
Raleigh Gloryhole.
(Glory Hole Recreation Area, New Melones Lake, CA) Couldn't make this up if i'd tried.
i figured it out by the way i knowd id seen it before when me and ricky go gatoring well see these old rattlesnake skins where the snakes done wiggled out of there old skins and leave them hanging around so im figuring that those bikes had like evolved or something and left there old skins right there at the bike rack
joe bob says its a dumass ideal but i thinks im on to something
Slayer would make 'Band of Horses' bow down before them. Then Slayer would chop off Band of Horses'es heads with a fucking sword.
Then Slayer would make Band of Horses beg forgiveness, even though Band of Horses have done nothing wrong.
Re:music acompanying the awesome video
Why does it seem to me that all new indie music is over sugaredand sounds like a car ad, all syrupy sweet and vapid, meme-like.
Fine riding Mr. Danny--
Seetposts are for woosies...
There are an abundance of good posts here today, mine notwithstanding
There are an abundance of good posts here today, mine notwithstanding
the worst part of it is that song is stuck in my head now
the fixie tricksters look like the special-ed round-up compared to the madness of danny macaskill's talented rides. it almost makes me feel sort of sorry for them. i never thought that would happen.
Dura Ace Chopper, I think I love you.
Silly hipster, trix are for kids.
um, don't you mean Slaytanic, as in Slatanic Wehrmacht?
duh. kids these days.
Do you think Anon 2:28 was being serious or doing his/her best impression of a douche?
Nice Zoolander reference.
mr. snob-
Thanks so much on the street furniture theme. Out here in the Bay area, San Francisco recently designed bicycle route signs. Rather than something readable (such as the classic bike icon and route number with maybe a north or south indicator) they San Francisco Bicycle Coalition in all it's wisdom pressed for a full color design that incorporates an images of fog, the golden gate bridge, a bicycle, and finally a route number with the north or south indicator.
Needless to say it is unreadable at speed. And it's ugly.
No if's here, Seanywonton. Mr. Danny's moves are very sweat-worthy.
I can't speak for all my sisters, but I do know that for me, a man who can move his hips like that is worth his weight in gold!
And, if that's not enough, the clip has a chick-song as background. Oh yes. I'm in love... I'm pretty sure that was the intent of the video.
Sorry, Snobbie. You caught my attention with the bra-removal-while-on-a-Dutch-City-Bike thing. (Especially, since their shop is down the road apace from here.) You seem to have just revealed that you're not into women who ride bikes, after all. (Maybe just the large-breasted ones who only dare to pose with bikes?)
Such a trick may be possible on a Dutch City Bike (DCB), as they will allow for riding in 'regular street clothes'. This is not going to be possible on a road bike, as 'real' women who ride road, usually wear sports bras--or as they should be known, 'clipless'. And yes, it's because they're laterally stiff and vertically compliant.
Now, if you can get one of those things to come off, while you're riding a DCB, you deserve a lot more than a video on YouTube. Band of Horses, or no.
Though, maybe the idea was that the bra-wearer was not on a bike at all, as you breeze by on the DCB.. Snobbie shops outside the "culture" perhaps?
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to Mr. Danny's Calvins.
I think I just found a bike with a head tube longer than the one on that Seven from a couple months ago.
Girls can't ride bikes...
Danny MacAskill… I want to be like him when I grow up…. Ooops I am grown up damn
Tricks on bikes that coast.. it'll never catch on. Oh that's right... it never did.
that rap video was awesomely bad. could it be the new style?
awkwardly earnest attempts at performance?
is it racist in some way?
a cutural studies field day awaits these videos...
obviously fixed gear freestylers are not aware of the sin that is the indian giver rollout...
Hello there all you fixie hipster knuckle tattooees out there in the Great Metropolis.
Want to cut your daily commute time by 25 to 50%? Always feel GREAT! Get in touch with your evil chimera?
Well then I'm your man. Formerly Tyler Hamiltons non nutritive substance sommelier and syring technician/ego masseuse I am available for one on one ability enhancement sessions. Your place or mine?
I'm not a fixie scenester, but rather a colligiate cyclocrosser/roadie with asthma...that doesn't get tested... I'll be over to your place in five!
I love E&E.
a whole group of human be-ings summarily disissed for their bad hipster rap/fixie/tattoo/nanu nanu...
SNOB, thought you'd like this:
all I have to say is that I'm dropping the saddle and going back to tidy whities, and...
Could this possibly be you?
If so...someone could easily spot you on your commute...
-around 5'10, 170lbs,
-cargo shorts, black t-shirt, tan messenger bag,
-no helmet, short brown hair,
-tattoo on upper left arm,
-wears bibs under casual wear with a white mesh top (Nike, Canari, or that cheap J&B Brand),
-blue colored cyclocross bike (KHS CX-200 maybe?),
-rocks either a Selle San Marco or Bontrager saddle,
-rides a typical longer upper-body/shorter lower-body fit (low seat post, even for a cross bike, longer looking stem)
-rides Shimano,
-probably high and watching Pootie-Tang on these:
while riding.
Oh, and you're (thankfully) faster than a Smart Car. If Cipollini can ride almost as fast as a DeLorean, you should proportionately be faster than a Smart Car.
There is only one flaw with The Band of Horses album Cease to Begin, and that is your taste in music, if that makes sense.
And it's not new, it 07. It's retro-chic by now, Gramps.
Jesus fuckin christ, I just got one thing to say.
And fierce panties, Danny.
Oh my fucking god that was straight fierce.
Fierce with a PH.
Fierce with an uppercase f.
And fierce.
I wept.
I trued his wheel with a piece of wood.
camille paglia
It's ironic racism.
Something always irked me about fixed gear freestyle videos, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it until now. It seems like all of those MacaMashSFa videos were missing something while they aped the skateboarding video visual camera work. Thanks to this McAskill fella, I now realize what that "something" is: going balls out with the big guns. It's all well and good to watch some dude on a track back hover in one place, doing his ticky-tacky handle bar ballet routine, but damn if watching this be-wedgie'd Scotsman backflip off a tree trunk, fly off one bank to another or 360 a staircase didn't get me "...pumped, bro!" Mac-A-Skill, indeed.
Wanna go Danny MacAskill-sliding?
Seriously... somebody needs to pony up the $$ and make that lad a poorly written (with plenty of awkward dialogue) teen film about trialsin riding.
Maybe the fixed-gear-freestylers can be the enemy gang with tights pants, top-tube protectors, and a different musical taste than the hero character that Danny Mac plays.
Danny Mac and Me?
Totally appropriate that the Bad Brains song is Pay to Cum.
There are plenty of 700cmx riders out there that can do those MacAsskill tricks, they're just not all megalomaniacs who only do it when a camera is around.
No, Anonymous, there are no "700cmx riders out there that can do those MacAsskill tricks."
And to all the fixie tricksters, hitting your front wheel against a box and lifting your rear wheel up is not a trick. Please stop doing it.
i got that same hemmit danny mac wares at wal mart it keeps the sun out my eye holes wich are all big and senstive from those shrooms ricky done gave me
Anon 10:51-
Show me.
hfwido has a really really wide nose.
oh yeah- he keeps doing the same boring tricks. again and again...zzz big nose zzz
Check out
we have some pretty cool freestyle videos on there
If your freestyle video involves people sitting around smoking and keying beers, it should probably be called a lifestyle video, featuring some freetyle.
...just, in the absence of the man himself, saying...
Sidenote: You do realize that the fanboats/bikeracks/benches are merely a pratical adaptation of the mandated MTA flood plan storm grate expansions going on city-wide, right? Right.
There's nothing practical about those abominations. Raising the subway vent grates and adding benches and bike racks is just another absurd waste of time and money, especially in these trying economic times.
What is worse is that they don't match anything!
This weekend is going to be...
Eighty degrees...At ease
Hmmm, Bruce...
The subway grates had to be raised - no matter what. Or the subway would be faced with shut downs every 2 years during the rain. So why not add an amenity while doing so?
Bike racks and benches a waste of time? So people don't like to hang outside restaurants or ride their bikes and lock them up?
Economics? What a better way to save money than RIDING YOUR BIKE everywhere - provided you have a place to lock it up, of course.
Matching aesthetics? Yes. Everything in NYC matches. It never progresses in style. Never changes. Lets keep everything looking like 1860, or 1900, or 1930, or 1960, or 1980 - oh wait...
i'm so raw i didn't even take my daddies trust fund check this month to get shiny new green rims on my bad ass fixy. I know when i'm peddaling down the street to whole foods without brakes and gasoline power I am just so much more important and better than even the most selfless decaying bum on the sidewalk. PSSSHAAAAAaW
Is that hail, crack rocks, or something other worldly and wonderful sprinkled around the dura ace?
"Anonymous said...
Cycling has a Rodney Mullen now. Holy Crap indeed, that made my day."
Rodney Mullen has a new Rodney Mullen:
I agree about the abandoned bike issue. I've begun mapping them, with photos. Once we get a map going, maybe we can follow chicago's lead ( and start to remove them.
i love that video with all the trick amazing
Omigod, that's my pink bike locked up to the stairs in the background of those kids uh, singing.
I know I'm late to this blog, but that's hilarious.
lovin the pink bike! hehe ... but maybe lovin the new indie music makers even more today :)
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old information but still very interesting for see, I am quite happy with what I have read here. tenks.
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