Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Curlicues: The End of Straight-Ahead Cycling?

Firstly, you may recall I recently mentioned 3T's carbon fiber Funda road fork, mostly because I couldn't figure out what the name meant and it provided me with an opportunity to make a juvenile pun. Well, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a friendly email from 3T Chairman and CEO Rene Wiertz, who not only touted the reasonable price, racing pedigree, and ride quality of his product like a proud parent, but also informed me that "Funda" actually means "slingshot," as in David and Goliath. I was especially grateful for that bit of information, since in that context it's quite a sensible name for a fork, and I only wish more CEOs would email me and clue me in on their nomenclature. Maybe next Ernesto Colnago can tell me why the CX-1 is a road bike and not a cyclocross bike.

Secondly, after yesterday's post, I was also pleased to hear from none other than fixed-gear freestyle impresario Prolly, who made a couple of noteworthy points. One of these is that he feels a fixed-gear drivetrain is a "driver for tricks" that he says would not be possible on a BMX. Another is that he likes the fact that he can use a single bike for tricks, commuting, alleycat racing, and riding to the store to purchase new flat-brim caps (I made that last one up), whereas a small-wheeled trick bike is pretty much only suited to being a trick bike.

Though I'm generally a proponent of the "right tool for the right job" philosophy, I must admit his second point about simplification is a good one. Why have a whole bunch of bikes with highly specific uses when you can have all different types of fun on just one? In fact, I was so inspired I decided to attempt some tricks on one of my own non-trick bikes yesterday. I thought about using my fixed-gear, but I ride a Tokyo edition Langster and I was afraid to scratch it. So I surveyed my vast stable and narrowed it down to my two Trek Madones, ultimately choosing my Madone 6.9 over my Madone 6.9 Pro because the regular 6.9 has the "performance fit," and I figured the taller headtube would be better for stunting. Confident I'd made a wise choice, I suited up in my vintage Linda McCartney kit and headed to Prospect Park for some "sessioning."

I decided to warm up by doing something easy. Of course, when it comes to tricks my play book is pretty old, so I locked up my front SRAM Red brake (awesome stopping power and modulation, by the way), popped a little endo, then rocked onto the back wheel where I planned to stand on my rear pegs and just kind of hop around giddily for awhile. Unfortunately, I forgot that while my Madone 6.9 is equipped with an OCLV carbon frame, a SRAM Red 10-speed component group, and a pair of Bontrager XXX Lite carbon fiber wheels, it is not equipped with rear pegs. Instead, my right foot found my SRAM Red rear derailleur, and my left foot found my quick release lever, and neither was able to support my weight. Consequently, I simultaneously opened my quick release and sent my rear derailleur right into my paired spokes. For the first time in my life, I wished I had had a pie plate. However, in retrospect it may be a good thing I didn't since the derailleur was the only thing that kept the rear wheel from ejecting completely. At any rate, it was pretty sick, and even though I didn't land the trick I plan to post a video as soon as I pick the right Obituary song and figure out how to use Vimeo.

I can only speculate as to whether I'd have been more successful on a fixed-gear, or if my trick would have been any more impressive. But in response to my remark yesterday that I have yet to see a fixed-gear trick that truly impressed me, a reader forwarded me the following video which he feels is impressive regardless of what kind of bike it's performed on:

He also points out that this video dates all the way back to 2006, and that the rider is conservatively attired and not surrounded by a bunch of hip spectators, which he feels makes the trick all the more endearing in that it's somewhat outside the context of the current fixed-gear freestyle trend. I see his point, and I'm sure by now with skills like this the rider has left the urban fixed-gear world behind and has since joined the heady world of "artistic cycling." My guess is he's moved to Europe where he's being mentored by some heavyset, chainsmoking, eastern European coach and that he's become a member of the fabled "sequined peloton." Either that, or he's touring the world with a one-man stage show, like this guy:

In a sense Serge Huercio is the ultimate expression of the "fixster" in that his clothes and his tricks are an ultra-refined version of "fixter" culture.  Kind of like what "Hair" was to dirty hippies, or what "Rent" was to grunge or Gen-Xers or proto-hipsters or whatever the hell they were.  When a fixed-gear freestyle musical finally comes to Broadway, I think we know who will star.  In the spirit of one-word titles, I hope it's called "Pants."

Of course, fans of small-wheeled stunting bicycles may take offense to Prolly's assertion that they are not useful as transportation.  Another reader informs me that someone is currently riding backwards across the United States in order to raise awareness of homelessness, HIV/AIDS, and medical marijuana.  And as you can see, he appears to be doing it on a BMX:

Between fixed-gear freestyling and this, it just goes to show that simply riding straight ahead in a forward fashion is totally over.  Moreover, it also proves that when you have a just cause, a BMX bike, and some potent medical marijuana you can accomplish anything.  

Happy Wednesday.


nickhacks said...


Pavel said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


kale said...


Anonymous said...

top ten! but no one will ever know who i am...

Anonymous said...

P to tha O to tha D to tha IUM!

Anonymous said...

top 10...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

top ten

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

let's just watch ryan leech.

plus, he's dreamy.

Anonymous said...

aaaahhh, The Wednesday kit.

streepo said...


Anonymous said...


with regards to fixed gear trick riding or whatever it's called,

you are aware that this has been a sport, uh, like, forever? except it's not being done in an urban jungle, instead in the comfort of a gym.

check it out.

Mark said...

I am not a PODI UMHO today!

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that straight-ahead cycling has been in its death throes since the arrival of the Weavers on the national cycling scene:

Anonymous said...

Somebody on a BMX rode a wheelie across the U.S.

El Gecko said...

artistic cycling: the cycling equivalent of figure skating on rollerblades

Some Guy on the Innernets said...

"Sequined peloton."

Mmmmmmmm... That's some fine vintage Snob!

streepo said...

Crap! It took me 30 years to learn to ride in a straight line.

Jim said...


Oh wait a minute... we haven't been invaded yet, have we?


Guess that means I'll have to take the Browning machine gun off the cross-check.

Anonymous said...

It seems the same as old stuff done on unicycles. How about something like this:

now that would be interesting.

Prolly said...

two name-drops in one day? Shit man, I need to recuperate from yesterday!

and snob, it's FAKIE, not "backwards". Remember what we talked about yesterday?

Manual = rolling on one wheel without pedaling

Wheelie = rolling on one wheel while pedaling

Anonymous said...

But did Rene Wiertz explain why 3T decides to name its forks in Latin?

I can easily understand choosing names in Italian (or for that matter in French) as a tribute to the cycling traditions of the country. But what's Latin got to do with bikes?

Anonymous said...

Wrong Way Wooten

ant1 said...

Both french and italian are based on latin.

ant1 said...

...and latin is the most romantic of languages.

Critical Ass said...

Potent marijuana + Schwinn Paramount = 26 minutes to the top of Lookout Mountain...not that fast but the scenery is nice this time of year.

Next time I'll just try some tricks down at the tennis courts. My favorite from yesterday was the no-handed ring-around-the-rosie on one wheel. I agree that leaving at least one wheel on the pavement makes for more impressive fixie tricks.

Anonymous said...

Amir is the most romantic of all!

Anonymous said...

Dios, me dejó no golpear cada puerta se abrió de mi manera.

bikesgonewild said...

...serge gets the chicks, man...

..."For the first time in my life, I wished I had had a pie plate"...yep...ya hear that more & more these days...

...just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

good s**t

Ronsonic said...

Ya know, riding backwards probably does not reflect as favorably on his causes as he seems to think. IYKWIMAITTYD.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was inspired by yesterday's post and video to try out some tricks I've been thinking about. Of course, doing them on a fixed gear would be child's play, so I chose my Cervelo R3, much hated on this comments page, but I guess I can be cooler if I lose my job and have to sell the bike, and my body to the alleyways (the AIG Retirement Plan).

So, I clicked in, head forward about 10 metres (3 hogheads imperial), lift the front wheel off the ground..the wheel comes back down...I reach into my chamois and pull out YOUR card, ...the three of diamonds.

While the onlooker is non-plussed at this point, I then point out that I'm wearing HIS watch, ...and inappropriately touched his dog.

I then jump a 10cm (2 King's fingers) ramp.

All of this while wearing a fedora.

Fuck yah, I'm that good.

Anonymous said...

A fork manufacturer who uses a biblical reference to name its product?

Well I'll be damned (figuratively, just talking figuratively here).

That's what I call putting the fun and funda back in fundamentalism.

And say what you will about John Prolly, but he'd be the first to tell you he's no Serge Huercio.

Strange thing though: If you mute the soundtrack on the Huercio clip and simultaneously run your I-Tunes program to blast any of Def Leppard's greatest hits, you can like totally picture Huercio riding for DART.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I confess.

Commiecanuck, that made me laugh out loud.

Anonymous said...

Almost forgot, breaking news from France, the 2009 Tour Route was announced today. For the 96th straight year, most of it will be in France.

PhilboydStunge said...

All along I thought a funda fork was named after the chronosynclastic inFUNDAbulum that Winston Niles Rumford III flew through to convert to a energy wave coincident with the orbit of Titan. Are you sure that Wiertz dude was telling the truth?

kale said...

2:30 is the best trick evah!

Serge Huercio has a posse!

Anonymous said...

commie-stay away from my cats.

Caaah said...


One night, a friend of mine tried to argue that its not art if she didn't think it was. We tore her down, saying stuff like, "Who are you to judge art?" "How can you even define art?" and "You're drunk b*tch!"

Now I know what she meant.

Anonymous said...

zank yew monsieur Snobbie for zee introduction to America. I will note zat I have no wearing the helmet, and all zee tricks were done with zee kickstand on zee bike.

If you no like mes vetements, vous peut sucez mes boules.


ice cube said...

Including Monaco!

bloodline said...

a snobbylution?

Anonymous said...

Hey whatever happened to your Dart team Prolly?

bikesgonewild said...

...ya know, commiecanuck, there was beauty in that...

...all these videos lately, but i'll tell ya...yer descriptive powers painted a moving picture (literally & figuratively) pour moi, as vivid as any cheap backyard video...

...btw, MY card is the 5 of hearts...but that's a personal thing...

...awakened me from my reveries as i thought of how pedaling backwards across the country was analogous to my life at this point...

...just lookin' back...

erik k said...

holly shit I saw that ridding back wards guy last week, he made it 3/4 of the way up a hill and then jumped of and started walking

bikesgonewild said...

...& if yer worried about yer cats, anon 2:46pm, red neckerson is the entity to avoid...

...just sayin'...

Caaah said...

Oh, speaking of "artcycling"

Anonymous said...

Ah, bgw, I saw Red's comment the other day & you know how I feel about my kitties so for sure the alarm bells we're going off.

Back to bikes-Prolly's cool.

Anonymous said...

Riding backwards across the United States... really? Is that the best way they could think of to raise awareness of homelessness?

I guess it's all the medical marijuana, but maybe they should just be out actually doing something about homelessness if they're so darn interested in it.

bikesgonewild said...

...prolly is the master recipient of more unwarranted shit, just because he's got the balls to say "this is what i do"...

...props to prolly (but don't think i don't remember the ric vid)...

Anonymous said...

i believe i talked to that bmx guy... seems like many, many months ago if not a year or more ago... end of sloat blvd, sf, right on the edge of the pacific. if it's the same guy, glad to hear of his progress. (or maybe there are two lads with such a mission?)

Anonymous said...

oh ya! these will be the next Big Thing with the fixie crowd...

and flipped up road cool.

broomie said...

Okay, Serge, Now do it clockwise!

Anonymous said...

austin...austin..., you don't understand the hippie movement at all. The goal is to identify a social problem, meet up and smoke weed at a large concert, make everyone aware, then do fuck all.
Simplify ,man.

Anonymous said...

yea, an excellent Weednesday post

Anonymous said...

Good thing erik k makes funney pitchers.

Anonymous said...

riding backwards on a bmx bike is for sandbaggers and dopers.


Luck E. 7 said...

Still though Commie, if he's gonna do a ride across 'merica to raise awareness for the homeless, wouldn't a Magna or a Huffy mtn bike be the ride of choice? Or maybe a skanked out 10-speed with the bars flipped up? That BMX bike is just too showy.


Anonymous said...

This chick kicks Serge's ass

ice cube said...

I'm gonna ride the Pista to Boston next summer to promote awareness for the seeing-eye-dogs of Jamaica Plain.

Anonymous said...

can we all agree that the "tricks" that these new fixie guys are doing are just not that impressive, as stated yesterday? slow speed, no air, no real risk of injury, etc...if you want to spend your day in a tennis court skidding and using whietguy/gangstah talk, do it. and if your friend w/a vid cam that has the day off from the coffee shop wnts to film it and add music, also fine. but please don't try to convince us you are on the bleeding edge of anything, or doing something unique, or extreme, or hardcore, or whatever the fuck. because you simply are not.

Anonymous said...

can we all agree that the "tricks" that these new fixie guys are doing are just not that impressive, as stated yesterday? slow speed, no air, no real risk of injury, etc...if you want to spend your day in a tennis court skidding and using whietguy/gangstah talk, do it. and if your friend w/a vid cam that has the day off from the coffee shop wnts to film it and add music, also fine. but please don't try to convince us you are on the bleeding edge of anything, or doing something unique, or extreme, or hardcore, or whatever the fuck. because you simply are not.

Anonymous said...

The whole "I'm riding across America to support [insert cause here]" is one of the oldest tricks in the book to ride across the country and (lamely) scam free schwag. Not interested.

Anonymous said...

double trick.hardcore

Anonymous said...

Well if someone knows of a better way to score free schwag then I am all ears. I am sick of seeing Missouri for the eighteenth time.

Mark said...

Let's see these guys do some real stunts, ride some skinnies, do some drops and roll the Green Monster!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:00, maybe, just maybe, these kids are just out having some fun and don't really give a f*ck about convincing anyone of anything, particularly not a pack of guys who sit around all day waiting for BSNYC to drop a post so they can try desperately to be the first to make a comment and/or give him an e-blowjob...

kale said...

I'm riding across America to bring awareness to the fact that there is also a South America.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe a Mongoose, A, now that they've been bastardized too.

And double dipshit at 4:00, speak for yourself. I'm thinking about having a flip flop hub put on my old 10 speed & riding fakie in my hot pink frillies with AYHTMS in big black letters right across my ass.

Anonymous said...

I want to drop the Green Monster. Let's cut those pesky trees down first so I don't break my collarbone.

ice cube said...

Who can deny free swag??? If Bianchi threw me some free shit in the mean time I'd be stoked!! Or who ever fo that matter? Yeah you ride for (insert cause here) and you are no doubt passionate aboot it and really believe in the cause or whatever. Who would deny free tires from Michelin or shiny-new SRAM components or Cliff bar and stickers!!! STICKERS PEOPLE!!! Plus all the companies who give you shit so people see their shit all over tv will in turn give a token donation to your cause in turn!! It's such a win win situation!!! You come out of it with a sense of pride and accomplishment and you get a little skrill for the cause!

Anonymous said...

FG freestyle makes BMX look bad. So much more fluid when the tricks are done on a FG...


BikeSnobNYC said...

Anonymous 4:20pm,

You make a good point but keep in mind the fixed-gear freestyle thing has already reached a place where a number of the people who do it not only publicly broadcast videos of their "sessions" but are also promoting products and fashion and receiving compensation (at least in the form of free stuff). It's no longer only people having fun in a vacuum. (As opposed to having fun _with_ a vacuum, which is what I do when I can't get an e-blowjob.)

I think once something gets to that point it's open to cultural criticism.


Anonymous said...

Adversel: dette produktet inneholder naturgummi som kan gi allergiske reaksjoner.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When a fixed-gear freestyle musical finally comes to Broadway, in the spirit of one-word titles, it will not be called "Pants" but Shants".

Thus referring to the colloquial term for pedal pushing length trousers fixie riding hipsters wear and as reference to the utter shite-ness of a Broadway Play about shant wearing hipsters slumming it in Willburg and doing fixed gear tricks to the music of Andrew Lloyd-Weber

Jim said...

One night, a friend of mine tried to argue that its not art if she didn't think it was. We tore her down,

Wow... you mean you went all Zombie Alexander Pope on her ass and argued in favor of an objective aesthetic of art?

Dude... that is so m*f*-in' reactionary. To be a *conservative* critic of art... wow. Talk about being transgressive. I hope your friend was drunk 'cuz that was more radical than filling a pope hat with a mixture of PBR and hogs blood left over from a satanic ritual, and funnelling it at a Sigma Alpha Epsilon beer blast. Now if you laid that 'beauty is truth and truth beauty' kinda spiel on her in MOMA... that'd be the craziest performance installation to occur there in decades. You may have a future in art.

Y'know, as long as you do it ironically. 'Cuz nobody in the art biz would talk to you if you really meant it seriously.

Anonymous said...

To be riding across Siberia to make the awarenss of diet supplements and pharmaceutic performance enhancers. To be taking about 9 months. No one makes me to this, бтг.

Anonymous said...

"Cultural criticism?" Is that what you're calling this now? I have to agree with you though, BSNYC. As an illustration of your point, I thought this blog was much cooler and more relevant before you started getting $paid$ to crap on people...

Anonymous said...

I'll be riding across the Williamsburg bridge to bring awareness to myself.

Anonymous said...

i watched the videos no wonder you boys dont do no tree riding there aint no fucking trees where you live and those commie bastards would probably tip a cow if you chopped one down im telling you tree riding is da bomb

ice cube said...

Perhaps it could be called "Diapers", in reference to bike shorts under the designer jeans?

Jim said...

Red Neckerson - hey, are you the cartoonish mountain biker they named the On One Inbred after? Or are you just a sock puppet of commie canuck, who I think is named after an NHL team?

Anonymous said...


So, artistic cycling, like anon 3:58 posted today (same as Morgan posted yesterday) and Serge and all, it's just public bicycle humping. In goofy clothes.

I dunno. I think I'd rather go to the peeler bar. If some bikes get in to the show, so be it. Music's better. And simulated sex (solo, with partner or with machinery) deserves fewer clothes.

BikeSnobNYC said...

Anonymous 4:46,

OK, "cultural criticism" may be pushing it, but to set your mind at ease I'm not getting paid to write the blog. (Unless you are referring to the handful of popular search engine ads.) I became uncool and irrelevant completely on my own.


kale said...

There's already a movie snob found a while ago:

Anonymous said...

Having fun with a vacuum has already been done, by this guy.

Jim, no offense, but you're a douche. I thought that post was funny. And, it was probably Frilly, in her new anonymous form.

kale said...

Comments the last couple of days

Anonymous said...

I think I'll ride forwards to the store to bring awareness to my ex-girlfriend's need for a 6-pack of Bud and pack of Salem lights. (Victim of a bullshit palimony settlement!)

Anonymous said...

foriners fuck everything up i went to youtube to find me a tree riding video and instead i found some Heidi feller humping a tree. good thing it was almost chopped down. if he really had any balls and most foriners dont he would have rode that sucker all the way down gutless bastard

Anonymous said...
i was so pist i forgot the link

Jim said...

Sorry to have offended you there, Mother Theresa. I'll try not to be mean to people in blog comments any more. Because that would be mean, and we all know that mean people suck.

John Proppe said...

Hey Prolly,

Wouldn't a 720 bigspin (whatever that may be) involve you landing in the same direction you were initially traveling. That was a 540 tailtap dogg. If you're going to borrow from bmx, give it enough respect to use the right names.

Anonymous said...

John, I think you're confused--thats me at 4:26 but not the Green Monster post. And, Red Neckerson is just plain scary. I automatically hear the banjo from Deliverance when I see his post.

Jim, mean people do suck.

And speaking of sucking, snobby, I'm still here for you. No need for the vacuum. And, besides, that could be dangerous if you were to accidentally cause the thing to have a short or something.


ant1 said...


Anonymous said...


Critical Ass said...

2:11 @ 4:20???

KanyonKris said...

This German gal does a better routine than Serge and doesn't mug for applause:

Then there's Cycle Ball - 2 on 2 soccer with bicycles - wild:

broomie said...

As if there was anything wrong with performing e-fellatio.

Much safer and easier on the knees.
Who's next?

Anonymous said...

C'mon! Get this now! It's a classic French plaque de tarte.

Anonymous said...

Remember that inline-skate (sorry Rollerblade®) La$ Vega$ production of _Cats_? Oh, so good!

BSNYC, you are so right-on-target with your idea of a fixie-musical.
But why _Pants_ and not _Fix_?

Glamorizing addiction (and possibly redemption/rehabilitation) is a staple and rife for special numbers highlighting avant-garde style.
Just thinkg of the hypodermic-needle-spoked wheels!

Anonymous said...

Mais je parie que vous ne parvenez pas à la baisse en sera en baisse.

Anonymous said...

Prolly, that was NOT a 720.
Look at the video again, from front wheel rising to front wheel touching ground again.

Not that I could do it, not that I'm envious, or anything even approaching it.

Cycle Ball trumps Bicycle Polo!

Anonymous said...

Screw the 2009 TdF Route just another excuse to ham up a wine region or some rustic chalet or vile frenchie regional food fad. Any updates on the 2009 drug of choice , who is going to be the bunny most likely, who blows up and has to dip into a bag full of uppers to finish, the preferred location of intravenous injections, how many laboratory rats had to die in the name of safer doping and which laboratory is sponsoring the Astana Team. Should we start a bookmaker’s field now?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:35p
I MUST have that - I will outbid you, no matter the cost!!!

Luck E. 7 said...


5-hour energy for the win.
Zoloft w/ EPO-screen for place.
Cokienae and red bull for show.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure I saw this in the comments a while back - it's still appropriate:


Anonymous said...

You haven't seen this one yet? Been around the internets for years now:

Anonymous said...

There's a lady that does the tricks as well: Did you know?

Anonymous said...

Holy shit! Best videos haven't even been posted more than 10 times yet?

Anonymous said...

Oh God!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, riding backwards across America pales in significance to the power of riding behind a cute girl in a pair of tight bike shorts.

Anonymous said...

I have this neat trick where I staunch the blood seeping from my forehead and pick gravel out of my knee... AT THE SAME TIME. It's not so impressive on video, tho.

Serge Huercio has a kick stand!

Anonymous said...

you may have already seen this but i saw this on fixed gear gallery this morning. these are old school freestyle tricks.

Anonymous said...

A"driver for tricks"? What does that even mean?

Also, I'm 100% certain that even without a "driver," literally every fixed gear "trick" has been done on a bmx.

Anonymous said...

that cat is in baltimore (check the 'believe' sign in the background). don't assume he is not hooked into the culture... we just dress like bums here.

Anonymous said...

Serge Huercio totally stole Harold Lloyd's look!
What a bum! And he doesn't even do anything life-threatening.

Dane said...

you are clearly forgetting ines brunn

Anonymous said...

Re: "Funda"

If I am not mistaken, there is an episode of The Simpsons dedicated to the recreation of classic Biblical Tales wherein Bart, as David, has to slay Nelson, as Goliath. I do believe he makes a joke about the "funda" in that episode. As a reader who frequently enjoys your Seinfeld allusions, I thought this was worth noting for comedy's sake.

yogisurf said...

Serge needs some hipster cysts for his fixie. One each for the top tube, the head tube and, if it can be done, for the front wheel where a fender might go. His groans were making me wince.

bmx stunt bikes said...

top ten