Well, Jimmy from Brooklyn informs me that the signage I saw was in fact incomplete, and that he managed to snap a shot of the finished sign this past weekend:
I'm not sure this is elucidating or obfuscating. (Though it's definitely interesting, and potentially delicious.) Certainly the sign makes sense now, but not in the context of a bike shop. Is it possible that Dah Shop's management, fearing the imminent Apocalypse, has abruptly changed direction and is now focussing on soup instead of bicycles? If so, will they offer a variety of soups or just chowder? And if it's just chowder, will they focus on clam, or will they also offer less popular but equally savory varieties such as fish, corn, and seafood? Or maybe they'll sell bikes and chowder side-by-side. While that would be an unusual combination, there's probably room in New York City for a bicycle-and-chowder boutique. Actually, now that I think of it I'm kind of surprised it hasn't happened sooner. I'd hate to get ahead of myself, but if this formula proves successful they could even branch out into cheese.
Of course, I'm not dismissing the possibility that this photo is a hoax. I find it strange that the exact same cars are parked in front of the shop in both photos. Also, the shadows in the second photo are in the exact same positions as those in the first, which indicates either that I'm being had or that Jimmy happened to show up at Dah Shop when the sun was in precisely the same position in the sky as it was when I visited. Jimmy's spy shots of the new Dura Ace also proved to be wildly inaccurate (though oddly compelling), so I'd be wise to take this with the proverbial grain of salt.
Hopefully further evidence will come to light in the near future. When it does, I'll advise you as to whether you should show up at Dah Shop with your bicycle or your appetite. (Or both.)
Winner winner
Chicken Dinner
is this lance's shop?
You're cited on Brazilian fashion site as "The Vogue of bikes in NYC":
Google machine translation doesn't handle slang well:
"At the time of their choosing magrelas women know exactly what they want. Paralamas are essential to protect the respingos in days of rain - and do not leave the store without a basket, but it is vital! "
Eat these
Manhattan or New England?
If Goose Cheese is the national cheese are Northern Quahogs our national bivalve?
just what i needed this morning...
Dare make fun of my shop? No soup for you!
It's a little known fact that corn chowder when poured into a carbon frame provides additional vibration dampening properties and a tasty pick me up on long rides.
One has to mind the temperature, however.
While this may or may not be fictitious, there can be no serious dispute as to its "little known" aspect.
But are you certain Dah Shop's business model has incorporated chowder?
I mean, it is possible they have branched into kazoos under the sobriquet "Zippity Doo Dah Shop."
Someone really should swing by Dah Shop again.
We wouldn't want to be mistaken.
This is a hoax, look into the reflection of the vehicle, you can see a puff of smoke coming out from a grassy knoll. (You can also see the reflection from the same semi truck). The new lettering slants back, ...and to the left. If this is real, then those are magic New York parking spots.
The only people who would believe this are Tyler Hamilton and Floyd Landis fans, or as they are known worldwide, "special" fans.
Are paralamas just under-qualified, cheaper lamas?
also..this CAN'T be a bike shop - there is no Pirate Statue out front!
Top 20? Manhattan style.
...when i'm feeling a little stuffed up & under the weather. a big steamy bowl of 'da chowdah shop's' "elucidating broth" clears me right up...
the photo is doctored
Jimmy who ?
Carter ?
Hes my hero, and not an appeaser.
BTW - i have some land under the B.Bridge for sale if you're interested.
The Chinese, Hong Mei Hua Dian, translates to Great Beautiful Flower Shop or Flowdah Shop.
just spotted out side dah shop
Not so fast there chowderheaded "o'bama" 1:06 PM.
The land appurtenant to the Brooklyn Bridge is mine.
Do you suppose I'm so foolish that I'd buy a bridge and not get the land under it as well?
Hmmmph. It just goes to show, you always have to be on your toes.
Now excuse me, some of us have important work to do -- like reviewing the plans to erect a pedestrian/cyclist apartheid wall down the middle of the Bridge before bike month ends.
It's litorally stiff, and vesically compliant.
You should start your own bike shop, a la L.A. You could have a fancy grand opening, with llamas jumping over sharks and pie plate hating geese handing out margeritawinewines to your faithfull customers to be.
morans, it has to be a photoshop.
I think you meant to say "more-ons."
Morans? Reminds me of a pal...
Annonymous 10:42 AM
I love the red shoes in that photo!
Erik --
LOL as usual! Thanks!
...nice captured foto, erik k...right place, right time...but is that pirate & his pista parading peg-legged in a pool of his own effluviuum ???...
Whether a hoax or a tear in the space-time continuum, I hope we can all learn that a bike/"chowdah" shop is not only desperately needed, but an extremely viable business model.
You can have a bike-thru window and serve all kinds of chowders in a cup with one of those fat straws used for boba. Damn, that image practically sells itself.
I admit, the photo was a little doctored. I was surprised to find those same cars parked there ever since Snob's photo, only now they were covered in parking tickets. It was pretty unsightly, so I photoshopped them out.
yeah!! our new national beverage, corn chowdah! that'll wash down our cheese perfectly. with a big straw too. wheee. now i know i tend to go on a bit with the cheese but hows 'bout some .....wait for it....chamois-baked bread!!!! mmmmm!!!!!!!!!!
In the West Desert of Utah, kids get together and compete to see who can ride the longest, straightest line across the salt flats on their bicycles. They call themselves "chow-duhs", from the Goshiute word for "moron". The pioneers in this sport found that their headsets gradually seized up with encrusting salt, which was fine with them because it made it easier to hold a line and it gave them no small amount of status. But now, most of the impatient newcomers have their forks welded in place in chow-duh conversion shops. My guess is that this new fad has made its way to New York City (with a small corruption of the name)and that residents there will soon be sharing the streets with a growing number of fixed-fork enthusiasts.
Anon 5:13 that's what I love about the internet. You're never sure if somebody is pulling your leg or not. Screwing around on the salt flats? What the hell else is there to do in western Utah? The more implausible the claim, the more plausible it becomes.
This one time at band camp...
Epicly failured attempt at humor. Another reason I want to strangle the asshole who runs this bogus ass website.
Prince Gutta said...
"Epicly failured attempt at humor. Another reason I want to strangle the asshole who runs this bogus ass website."
Then don't read it you fucking douchebag...
Dah photo shop.
Ghost cars left by victims of ride by related violence, left to rust back into the ecosystem
Now where is Dah cheese, show me Dah Cheese
However much I like him. Snob reads not unlike Keith Gessen.
so much for alternate side of the street parking.
LA is a great big freeway.
New York is a parking garage.
..."life is a highway...
i'm gonna ride it...all night long"...
leroy, i hope for your sake that you're not using a carbon nanotube frame.
i'll take the geoduck.
Epicly failured attempt at the English language!
I get the sarcasm, but several people have stated it's a real bike shop and you continue to mock. One of the owner's Tyrone Williams has years of experience working at shops in the city, and he's a professional BMX rider. Also, he's Jamaican which is where the term Dah comes from, way to have racist undertones in your ramblings. Maybe you should try and support a fellow cyclist.
Anonymous 1:55pm,
I was right with you until the thing about racist undertones. I think you reached a little too far on that one.
My bad, that wasn't directed at you, but to the people that were mocking the use as Dah in their comments. Here's a video of the shop opening http://www.vimby.com/video/sports/us/all/detail/6214
Thanks for the video. I do with those guys the best of luck. I wasn't trying to be mean-spirited or anything. It's just that I'm a sucker for juvenile wordplay so I couldn't resist posting the photoshop job.
Prince Gutta said...
"Epicly failured attempt at humor. Another reason I want to strangle the asshole who runs this bogus ass website."
Then don't read it you fucking douchebag..
fuck off you rat bastard... ya mother works for the niggaz.
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