The PistaDex in New York City is currently at a lofty 550, and it would appear that the superb weather coupled with the Papal visit have conspired to keep the Apocalyptic horses at bay. The Pista market here is in fact so tight right now that only one is for sale:
2007 chrome Pista track bike, decal free! Mostly stock but a few upgrades: Nitto B123 bars, Nitto 65 seat post, Vittoria Rubino tires, Cane Creek headset and front brakes.
Overall the bike is in very good condition with a few scratches from riding it daily. I swapped out the wheels, pedals and saddle right after I bought it, so these are pretty much brand new.
Moving soon and need to sell asap!

Indeed, for the most part this is a fairly unremarkable ad; a “mostly stock” Pista with the usual assortment of stock upgrades being offered for about what a new one would cost. It’s more or less insanity-free. (Except for the price.) However, this particular post does feature one of my favorite motifs, which is the “moving and need to sell” element. I’m not sure why so many ads—especially those for fixed-gears—specify this as a reason for selling. You know, it is possible to move with a bike. In fact, it’s even possible to move by bike. Nonetheless, many a Pista is put out to pasture when it comes time to move the trailer to a new park.
Of course, an out-of-town move is another story, and that could certainly be the case here. Shipping or flying with a bike can be prohibitively expensive. It would also explain the high asking price, since the seller is probably moving to a new city with an equally high PistaDex, and he’ll need every cent he can get in order to re-Pista himself upon arrival without incurring a loss. It’s no wonder then that the PistaDex is so high in cities like New York, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, and LA. As the fixed-gear riding populations move from city to city they discard and replace their Pistas like hermit crabs discard and replace their shells. Sadly, this is an excellent example of why the notion of a “cycling community” is a myth. If such a thing really did exist, each city would simply have a “lending library” of Pistas. Just take one when you arrive, and leave it behind when you move on to the next city. It would be a giant “take a penny, leave a penny” tray of Pistas.
Another effect of the high PistaDex is the bicycle chop shop. In between the individuals selling their own bicycles and the legitimate retailers with storefronts is that scary grey area inhabited by nefarious entrepreneurs who prey upon those who have been priced out of fixed-geardom by the track bike explosion. I’ve written about these sorts of operations before. And while the fixed-gear meth lab featured in that post seems to have disappeared, another one seems to have sprung up in Sheepshead Bay:
Track Single Gear Free Wheel Schwinn Yellow Bicycle Deep V Rims - $280 (Sheepshead Bay Bklyn) [original URL:]
Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2008-04-09, 5:05PM EDT
Pleased to present a Track Single Gear Free Wheel Schwinn Yellow Bicycle Deep V Rims. This bicycle is in perfect working condition with new parts such as, Deep V Rims, tubes & tires, cables, break levers, grips, handle bars and chain. The frame is 22'' inches (56 CM) & the rims are 700 x 25C. We have many more bicycles of the same style & other styles (Over 120); including accessories, locks, racks & front baskets. Deliver is available & Please email or call me (347) 733-[deleted] Peter; if you have any questions & Thank you for your inquire. Note: All of our bicycles are professionally tuned & reconditioned.
Peter's no dummy. He's got his finger on the pulse of bike culture and he knows what it is that the kids want: deep Vs and risers. This baby's got "stunting" written all over it--it's even got a bash guard on the crank! But Peter also knows that not everybody is a fixed-gear freestyler. Some riders also want a more traditional steed. That's why he also offers this:
...Track Single Gear Free Wheel Schwinn Brown Bicycle Deep V Rims with mustache handle bars or can be converted to any other style handle bars (many styles avail). This bicycle is in perfect working condition with new parts such as rims, tires & tubes, chain, pedals, cables, aero dynamic seat and handle bar wraps.

But even Peter knows the PistaDex is liable to plummet at any moment, and he's certainly not about to be caught out. He's also offering this one for the aspiring racer:
And this one, whose all-metal spoke protector evokes a time when pie plates really meant something:
Oh yeah--what about those other 120 bikes Peter mentions in every ad? There they are, out back:
So whether you aspire to be on Fixedgeargallery or Old Ten Speed Gallery, see Peter. He's pushing the good stuff.
like clockwork
This is sad
Deep V rims on a Schwinn Varsity. Peter obviously doesn't know that you can't polish a turd -- he's buffing the shit outta that one!
top 10
Top 10!
Ye gods. Fixed-gear meth lab, indeed. At least he's not charging Pista-like prices...
Cheesy, just plain cheesy...
no what he's charging is worse than pistadex prices... $260 for a rusty old schwinn.... you can get those for $15 in any thrift store. I don't know what % that markup translates to but it's a lot. heh. its very funny really. especially to someone from Chicago. kind of like a New York apartment price.
I'm waiting for the next big craze led by slightly confused people who read about a bicycle once - the Gear Free Fixedstyler.
These bikes will be fixed up old busted bikes (hence "Fixedstyler") with no gears on them (hence "Gear Free"). Riders will use them the same way great great gradndad moved an old-fashioned velocipede - putting the feet down, and paddling Fred Flintstone style.
Naturally, they won't have brakes either, so the hipsters will go for them in spades. If you need to slow down in a hurry, you can just jam a foot against the front wheel, between the downtube and steerer. Removed brakes will be thrown over local telephone lines, and the old cogs will be recycled, in an earth-friendly manner by re-utilized hippies, into big, Flava-Flave-style hip-hop clock necklaces. The bike's dignity will be thrown out.
It will be hard to find broken old bikes that live up to the Fixedstyler moniker, so apartment-based shops will open up to meet the need, specializing in using old arc welding gear to leave random beads of metal and spall all over the faux Fixed bikes. Double extra bonus points will go to the first guy to sport a broken, then duct-taped (and attmepted powder-coated) carbon fiber Colnago on the new website, AuthenticFixedgear
Sure, it sounds insanely stupid, like something only a guy in a cubicle farm in an office, who has too much time on his hands and just finished a *huge* hit of crystal meth could dream up, but in light of the other shite that is being sold on Craigslists across the land, I don't see how it can miss.
I'm no New Yorker, but the momentum here in Seattle doesn't feel like the fga is that far off. I suspect the spring weather has produced an artificial bump.
Despite the healthy pistadex here, a crappy Raleigh frame with horizontal dropouts hung in the local used shop for TWO WEEKS recently, where a similarly endowed Huffy would never have made it to the shop floor last summer. A spraypaint custom built from dumpster parts (sporting brakes, I must add) has remained locked up in the rain for weeks near my place of work. The pista is an indicator, but the dumpster diver fg is the gateway drug--beyond the relocator phenomenon you describe today, these are the only hoofprints of the dwindling herd of pista shoppers.
They have moved on to more putrid habits, I fear. The 'vintage' Scwhinn Varsity with the original tires and brake pads is coming back in a big way. Instead of skip stops on overgeared brakeless fixies, I think the sound of the future will be the equally futile (in terms of stopping strategies) whizz of rock hard rubber brake pads on dimpled steel rims.
Watch your back...
I wish all my bikes were 10-speeds!
I actually bought my first road bike from Peter about a year ago before I knew about all that fixed gear stuff. Good guy. It is a maroon and red Raleigh I have since converted to a 52-19 tooth fixed gear on big balla 27" wheels...
I want the deep Vs, risers and headstem on that brown bike for my Pake
Pinoy in the house! No crank, no bb, no drivetrain. He'd better patent this before Spot Bikes gets any ideas! He should wear a lid, though.
...anon 1:00pm...agreed...outa turd polish...
Perhaps all these movers are like me: they have accumulated more bikes than they need while living in their current residence, and now that they are on their way out, they want to get rid of their lesser steeds. I'm selling two bikes because of a move, but I still have 2 others.
Cheesy, just plain cheesy...
Those old Schwinns with the original parts are better bikes than you would expect.
...bikesgonewild... might I be the first to suggest a bash guard for your crank...
After viewing that garbage from Peter I feel sentimental. My first multi-speed bike was a Schwinn Caliente that had the sweet feature of allowing you to shift while coasting. imagine the novelty dollars I could get for that bad boy now-a-days? too bad I rode that sweet blue baby off a jump and into a lake. do you think Peter would be "pleased to present" that bike after 20 years of rust accumulation at the bottom of a lake? Tilt the nose of the saddle down a bit and viola- instant caysh!
anom 12:26, I like the ingenuity of the cheese wagon. A set up like that with an open bed would be quite handy. I could rade my Toyota Tacoma in for a smart car and still be able to make all those home owner trips to Lowe's.
Oops, fail
...dammit, man...i'm trying not to respond today...
...after last weeks nation building & yesterday's peleton phunnies, i thought i might rest up & freewheel for awhile...
...but thanks for the concern about the big 185's...ah ok, ok, i mean the 172.5's...honesty IS the best policy...
it appears that peter needs to sell those bikes to fund some halted building construction...
The great thing about America is everyone can do whatever the hell they want to make a living. Old peter there is being industrious and innovative instead of sitting on his ass waiting for a welfare check.
Of course, in America if you stick your ass out in front like a pioneer you're bound to get a few arrows in it from sniping injuns.
For the record, old Schwinns are classy and fun to ride, dimpled steel rims, rock hard brakes and all. Wander down to his place and try one.
BSNY: Pass
jim: Fail
go get your own blog
And they said the economy was heading into a recession.
Oh, that old bash guard on the peter thing again.....makes me cranky.
anon 2:31 - Jim does have his own blog - pretty good one, too!
The Richmond CL ads had gotten lame, so I hopped over to NYC to see what was what. I come cross this series of monstrosities and I immediately think to myself "I can't wait to see what Bikesnobnyc thinks of this." I should have known you were already on it.
I'm not sure what's worse, the Varsity "fixedear" that still has the double crank on it, the thought of that Schwinn World with being converted to a "track single gear with Deep V Rims" (is he going to take the kickstand off?), or the fact that he's charging $200 for what's probably a $75 Raleigh (I know NYC cost of living is high, but c'mon!)
gator joe:
that pioneer ass is sticking out because it failed to come to a stop in time. giving props to crappy bikes? why? riding or fixing junk isn't anything but a pain in the figurative and literal. maybe some zombie brain-eating reference here... .
anon 4:37...
Like one whore said to the other, "You work your side of the street and I'll work mine".
"...they discard and replace their Pistas like hermit crabs discard and replace their shells.."
Funny stuff, RTMS!
Anyone who thinks they're too cool for an old crappy 10-speed needs to take a look at this beauty and honestly tell me they wouldn't be proud to ride that little gem around. Come On!
Moving is a big motivation to sell. Whenever I move, I save big bucks by selling everything I own, and getting divorce. Those moving bloodsuckers at uHaul get nothing from me.
Total moving costs: $2 for bus fare. a FOX.
Will Bikesnob, astute cultural analyst that he is, be giving us a post about the Little 500 of Breaking Away fame, that just wrapped up in Bloomington the other day? Single gears Schwinns, frat teams, champion Cutters... what's all mean for the rest of us BS?
Culture? Bloomington?!?
Yes ! My old brown Schwinn Continental 10 speed hanging in the basement in pristine condition, except for a small scuff on the front left fork from a 1976 cadillac, is now apparently worth big bucks !
I don't see any welding equipment in any of those pictures. I wonder just how safe Peter's fixed gear conversions are.
Reminds me of the Island of Misfit Toys
You know, I always wondered what happened to those POS bike frames locked to street signs that didn't have anything left to strip off of them. Mystery solved.
Seattle's Pista Dex = $1100
I love how those old pieces of welded iron plumbing pipe crap are refered to "track" bikes. What friggin' kinda track is that for?
boz 3:50 - yeah, and what's with all the haters commenting around here lately anyway...I believe there they know whose testicles they can suck.
The FG herd is moving because they must have sensed the distant rumblings of an Alpacalypse stampede that will mow down all in its way, like buffalos do before an earthquake. This also could be linked to the impending PayPal visit and other prophets of doom. Heard that George H has a set of carbon deep V’s on CL that would look peachy on a Pista. Just a little pre-loved but only one owner and only used on quiet Sunday rides in the countryside
I would like to point out that my own oft overlooked corner of the cycling world (Minneapolis, MN) has Pistadex of $450, with a flat bar no less.
atleast they arent this
Does anyone elses eyes go funny when looking at that Cheese Trailer?
Think any of those 120 bikes out back are decent old road or race bikes and haven't been destroyed yet? He'd probably even cut a deal if he didn't have to take off and dispose of all that "junk" like brakes and shifting bits.
Look @ you own risk:
The humanity!
I know that I am being disloyal and everything, but I like that black and white bike. Sort of an Oreo bike.
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