Print it out and messenger it to a friend today! Help save those who cannot shave themselves.
But the campaign doesn't stop there. Cameron has also created a poster for classrooms to help educate our nation's children:
But the campaign doesn't stop there. Cameron has also created a poster for classrooms to help educate our nation's children:
Somewhat more urban but equally inspirational is Erik K's patch design:

In fact, it has already garnered a celebrity following:

I can truly say, completely without irony, that I have never been prouder to be a cyclist.
Tell me again what we're saving them from?
completely without irony?
I think it may be more worth our while if we simply round up the few remaining messengers and ship them off to flourish in a nature preserve outside the US. Like Portland.
We're saving them from extinction. Read the post.
Is your blog comment race sanctioned by UCI or the ASO? Since no one showed up today, I am guessing UCI.
My consciousness has been raised - just in the nick of time.
Cameron, beautiful graphics.
I had no idea that Jessica Simpson read your blog, or even rode a bike!
I'm putting my 80's neon cycling trash on ebay for a save-a-messenger fundraiser. I wasn't sure why I at the time, but I am now glad I saved all that crap from the bike shop's dumpter last week
Jeremy 2:58 pm
This is the second post for today. BSNYC is on a roll!
i was so busy celebrating my podium appearance today that i completely blew it in the second race!
...yeah, and your points might not even count.
you can see her nipple through her jacket.
I'm farklempt.
Too farklempt to attempt a song.
But we need a "We are the World" to go with the cool graphics.
It took me several views before I noticed Jessica's subtle show of support appropriately applied to her messenger bag!
Joby --
It's a fake nipple so she'll get better tips.
I sincerely hope that none of the "Save the Bike Messengers" graphics were sent in pdf format. If so, you should realize that you are part of the problem, and not the solution. Shame. On. You. All.
Actually, I think that all those people with fixed gears, messenger bags, and u-locks that you see riding around are nothing but a perverted brand of insourcing! Trendy freelance artists trying to get "the true fixed gear experience," now deliver packages for free just to be more hardcore than their freelance writer friends.
Yesterday's post illustrates this perfectly. Some hobo offered to transport that plant on their fixed gear for free?? That plant should have been delivered by a paid bike messenger!
Obviously NY bike messengers need to take a lesson from the Disney classic "Newsies" and organize into a union, boycott pdfs, and shove frame pumps into the scabs' front wheels Italian style:
quit ripping off me style!
Cameron, the addition of the Aerospokes to the messenger in the poster is a really nice touch.
messengers are an endangered species?
dear, dear
can actors, english majors, and massage therapists be far behind?
dire times, indeed
m. weed,
It's a scientific illustration - accuracy is everything.
save them for dinner...
bike messengers taste sorta halfway between spotted owl and bald eagle...
Not bad eatin if ya donlt mind the stew bein a little gamy.
That is actually a production photo from the screen adapatation of Virtual Light. I pictured more a Hillary Swank type, but whatever.
BikeSnobNYC said...
I didn't know that you could do that to a bag of weed.
I like think it's like really important to like, save the bike massagers?
They do soooo much for bikes everywhere, and my maid like rides a bike?, I think.
oh, and Dennis Quaid is hot in that movie.
We need a bracelet! Dammit people, you cannot have a cause without a bracelet anymore! Perhaps one that looks like a top tube pad? Or one that looks like a U-lock! Get with the times! We need a freaking bracelet!
Cameron, well done I cracked up when I saw that poster. Nothing like BSNYC inspired photoshop hack jobs
I thought you were kidding about the nipple, but upon review... that is SO F'in funny
I second the bracelet, there is no cause without a bracelet and a ribbon. In this case, both should be tie-dyed hemp, recycled from grow-op seizures.
Gttim 4:20 pm
Yes, bracelets, and t-shirts, mugs, buttons, bumper stickers, yard signs... and let's create a fund -- that's it -- an endowment fund. Hey, Upper Class, where are you when we need you?
You can be sure Paul Mc Cartney won't be getting involved. He followed that chick to a save the seals thing and look what that cost him.
Greenpeace has been spotted on orange rubber dingys in Seattle rush hour traffic throwing themselves between messengers and SUVs.
What is PDFs ?
I have a bunch of old butal tubes that I could melt down and make into bracelets.
any takers?
Nevermind. Sorry, I'm new to techie stuff. To whom do I messenger my donation ? Will I get an FUV sticker to show my support ?
pay attention to me i'm posting on a comment board!
PDF: personal device for flotation, located under your seat.
Now i feel smart.
We're supposed to save a "jobless bike messenger?"
Isn't that redundant?
Or are you referring to JOB Rolling Paper, an essential part of the messenger population's strategy to avoid glaucoma?
gttim ... I think you are right here's a prototype braclet
order your own here
I completely support the Greater Portland Bike Messenger Reserve. Surely there will be some attempts at captive breeding in zoos, but I predict failure. Without their natural predators and range, they'll lose their competitive instinct, unique mating styles and colorful plumage. In vitro fertilization will produce some offspring of course, but, lacking anything other than a small cage to ride in, they'll be indistinguishable from the Common Crested Fixe Frestyler. Pending re-introduction into a post apocalyptic encryption-free society, we need to set up a reserve with large concrete boxes and female park rangers (or any park ranger simulating such with a puppet) to flirt with them once a day and hand them a tube of blueprints to ride around. feeding time will be in a dark den serving ramen and a huge tub of pbr and marlboros. hopefully philip morris and pabst/miller will step up with some donations.
this site just makes my days so much better.
speaking of bike messengers
two just rolled up to this coffee shop!!!!
what a rare sight indeed!
If you haven't seen it already...
HEY! I'm vulnerable here!
Anon 4:44
PDF was created in 1822 through a collaboration between Charles Babbage and Mary Shelley. Unfortunatly they were so insidious and unstable they destroyed his difference engine and drove her to melancholia. After the initial outbreak they seemed to burnout, but they were actually dormant until 1926 where they caused the stock market crash in the United States. In the 30's it seemed that some of the new vaccinations being created were effective but unfortunatly a mutated form emerged slowing down everyone's computer since the expansion of the internet in the
90's until now. All efforts to eradicate PDF have merely slowed its spread, and are pallitive at best. Unfortunately it seems PDF is affecting the Messenger population via beer made with contaminated groundwater.
Ahh Kids in the Hall! I forgot I had even seen that skit.
On Denver's CL today...a $550 Schwinn Continental
A boat anchor turned UGLY boat anchor
This 'fakenger' thing is is the spam of the 'oughties'! My office is constantly besieged by guys in caps, toting overflowing bags, talking into their cellphones and handing me dockets to sign. But then the damn envelopes and boxes they hand me are empty?! WTF.... when will this stop!
I blame global warming...
That black and red monstrosity in the Denver craigslist posting deserves a bikesnob entry of it's own.
And as further evidence of the impending fixed gear apocalypse, I saw a fixed gear chained up to the bike rack in front of one of the biggest frat houses in town (Tappa Tappa Keg?)
It's time to grow a beard, get a touring bike, and head for the hills.
I hate to quibble, but I believe it was the vapors, not melancholia.
reminds me of the old joke..
What do you call a bike messenger without a girlfriend?
And I... feel so...inadequate.
Sitting here in sunny FLA without a care in the world...I read today's post and scoffed...hah, I scoffed...let em rot...
And now...this outpouring of care.. I...I...
I see what others have done, what others are capable others truly care....
I AM proud to be a cyclist, I AM a cyclist, and I CARE...I WANT TO HELP.
(More thorozine, nurse, yes now...ahh, thanks)
Where was I?
Are the Katz and jammer Kids over yet?...Ohh...
It really is hard to understand the epidemic going on up north being another Floridian. I'll try to empathize as much as I can and lend as much support as humanly possible...for the sake of cycling, even if only the urban fixed gear type.
Ida be sending 20,000 lira donation, approx-i - mate $2.50. to da pour little fellas who have no a monies and foods. Next time Mario in da US of A with Mr Balls , I get him to ask Mr Balls for a big donutation. Perhaps even some of their pretty pretty clothes all green and black . Dat blend in with the habitat when da little tikes are hacked back into the natural environments. Perhaps I could adopt one as I need something to cuddle now dat Marios off being mucho famous.
and i'm still searching for a compelling reason to save these moth-eaten relics who in their best days were a sad but neccessary fact of life soon to be replaced by a $60 fax machine. hardly worth the stickers they're printed on. maybe we can have the messengers run the stickers around.
Damn, that girl sporting the patch is cute. Might have to put a message on craigslist.
Save the messengers from stereotypes, and be at one with your Zen-like spin. Paradox shall reign, as it always has.
Ah, messengers....the dodo bird of the cycling world. They did this to themselves. If they would of found a sucessful career from the start, they wouldn't of had the problem they have now of extinction looming.
Then again, when you come from a distinguished and priveledged background as I, you don't have to worry these things.
Almost hit a couple of them coming out of my auto club in tribeca. Poor souls, but they doomed themselves.
Wait, that really is Jessica Simpson...defiantly a sign of the impending apocalypse...and we want to save these people?
Pssst, Upperclass --
The let-'em-eat-cake persona is a nice conceit, but in order to pull it off, you have to work on your grammar and spelling.
No self-respecting lucre loving lackey of Mammon would ever misspell "successful" and "privileged."
Unless, of course, "you've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely, but you know you only used to get juiced in it."
Don't give up. You just have to refine your execution.
Maybe it would help if you wore a yachting cap while typing ....
Unless, of course, "you've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely, but you know you only used to get juiced in it."
Hence the expression, "drunker than a Dartmouth frat boy."
Isn't PDF a data file? If you're talking flotation devices, it's a PFD.
Leroy, you would make an excellent secretary.
reminds me of an old joke:
what do you call a messenger without a girlfriend?
Not bike related at all but... Jessica must have a great set if they can poke through her jacket like that... bet Nick's missing them.. hahaha.
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