Thursday, February 21, 2008

Fixedgeargallery...of pop quizzes.

Yesterday's post turned out to be even more controversial than I had anticipated, and reactions to it were quite spirited. As such, I thought a pop quiz might help us all put aside our differences and regain our collective focus. Following are seven photos from Please study the photo, consider the question, and then click on your answer. If you're correct, you'll see the entry. If you're incorrect, you'll see uber-curmudgeon and serial retrogrouch Jobst Brandt channelling Derek Zoolander.

Good luck! (And no mouse-overs!)

The owner of this Bianchi Pista thinks it may be made in Italy, not Taiwan, because:

Which is an actual quote from the owner's description of this bike, which is made from Brazilian bamboo?


Anonymous said...

My first podium!

Anonymous said...

jesper skibby!

Anonymous said...

Had to.

Anonymous said...

I've pm'd the owner of that last Bianchi offering him some free bars instead of that toilet brush he's currently using (look carefully).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is the V8 Toyota Monster Truck sporting a "FIXIE" vanity plate clearly not a sign of the coming apocalypse? It's almost like matter and anti-matter colliding...that or it's just some rich yuppy hopping on the trend (imagine that)...either way, not a good sign!

Anonymous said...

That's not Trafalgar square.

Anonymous said...

a french person made that error though

Anonymous said...

I don't know about anyone else, but I like that bamboo bike-maybe he can make me a fly rod

Karl Rover said...

Snob, good to see you're back to sensible posts. I was on a roll with the first 4, then got nothing but Jobst the last 3.

Anonymous said...

"Circus Lupus" -- Now that was very, very funny!

(Oh dear Lord, I'm writing like Rudy Giuliani speaks. He has a copyright on sticking "very, very" in front of adjectives.)

Anonymous said...

nothin but jobst on all but one! damn i suck

Peter said...

that was fun, Thanks Snob.

Davey D said...

Hah! all those hours of time wasting on fgg payed off, though you totally cheated on the Calfee (sic) thing.

Anonymous said...

yo is this you BS?

Anonymous said...

Snob, are you feeling guilty about the trashing that Prolly received yesterday?

Prolly said...

phhhew back to normal...

Anonymous said...

LOL Trafalgar Square FTW!

Prolly said...

I was going to submit this to FGG, but I figured I'd cut to the chase...

Casati Monza

Timothy J said...

Man! I was 3 for 3 and then my bamboo mouse broke!

Anonymous said...

it is picadilly circus.
fairly close to trafalgar sq.

Jordan Bright said...

That was way better than the midterm I had to take yesterday. I only got Jobst once.

AnnaZed said...

For the record; that Univega is sporting one of these tire bags (designed for tubulars):

so not actually that weird a saddle bag.

I'm just sayin'.

edgemod said...

Did it occur to anyone else that despite his disdain, bikesnob must spend a lot of time in the Fixed Gear Gallery?

Anonymous said...

2 for 7...dang. That's what I get for giving people credit.

thefutureofamerica said...

Did DART get to take this as a team quiz? Would that have helped? Seriously Prolly, we're all waiting with baited breath to hear who won the sweatshirt you promised in yesterday's comments.

Prolly said...

We're still tallying the results.

erik k said...

I got them all right!, but where are the TOC Rock Racing podium girls?

Anonymous said...


Bated breath.
Fishhooks are 'baited'.

Anonymous said...

I like the eggbeaters on that Indy Fab. Aren't those mtb pedals?

Regarding the bamboo bike: carbon fiber wrapped joints my ass, looks like electrical tape.

It's astounding that these people make choices like that.

BikeSnobNYC said...

Adam Hand,

Nope, no relation.

Anonymous 11:54am,

Nope, guilt is for the guilty.


I actually spend less time there than you'd think. (Though still more than I should.)


Anonymous said...

Man Prolly, you can't stand it if the attention isn't on you for one hour, can you? Stop making an ass of yourself all the time and shut up for a while.

Anonymous said...

Awesome quiz. But, I'm sure you were itching to ask a question about this post:

But the post didn't say why the poor bike was wearing a top tube protector on its seat tube.

Linda said...

It'd be sweet if his Toyota was a fixed. Then the license plate would make so much sense.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:54 -

You're right, prolly is more full of himself now than usual.

But he can't be blamed entirely after the bike snob elevated him to minor star status with yesterday's post.

Maybe this blog will become a BSNYC/Prolly colabo with the snob on the post and prolly moderating the comments.

A guy can only dream...

Poppymann said...

The Fixie plate is obnoxious but hey it's Texas.
A C-note says he bought the bike because it's UT orange.

Geoff said...

I'll bet the Toyota doesn't have a freewheel, if that's what you mean. Not sure if the torque converter counts.

thefutureofamerica said...

anon 12:38:

Of diction I am truly amazed at how much you have become a master bated it is any punctuation tips?

Anonymous said...

BMX tricks on a Casati?

Anonymous said...

BikesnobNYC has retaken his lead in the Polls...Now Jokes about Ohio.

Anonymous said...

Waaaa!!?? toning it down because yesterday's post was "too controversial"?
I saw no controversy, just a historical retrospective on gay porn mustaches.

I come here for controversy, otherwise I might as well listen to the ramblings of some homeless guy in the park, or watch Vershit while stuffing whole peanuts up my nose.

Keep pissing people off. Don't follow the fame-then-lame scenario.

Anonymous said...

Man, that "Trafalgar Square" photo made me think I was senile, could have sworn that was Picadilly...Thanks Michael S and anonymous, saved me from having to walk out onto an ice floe today.

Anonymous said...

FOA --

It could be "baited breath" if you had sushi for lunch.

Bun E said...

I sort of want to fight the dude with the "FIXIE" vanity plates. Is that bad?

Anonymous said...

I just noticed - not only is that a 'Fixie' vanity plate on that gas guzzler, its a Lance Armstrong Fixie vanity plate on that gas guzzler. And this the day after a lunar eclipse, with the moon turned blood red?

Repent, for the end is nigh.

Anonymous said...

I got three right (bfd,I know).

What made the quiz so fun was not just that I got so many questions wrong, but the fact that I was so badly wrong. The right answer was, almost always, the very last one that I picked. I just kept figuring "naw-- they couldn't be THAT stupid..." Sigh.

So I got to see a lot of Jobst Zoolander. Hey-- it could have been a picture of Prolly channeling Derek Smalls.

Anonymous said...

seven for seven baby! damn I'm good!!!

Anonymous said...

seven for seven!!! damn I'm good!!

Anonymous said...


Your crew is totally rocking that shit!

Your Pals,


Anonymous said...

the indyfab with the truck actually made me throw up a little bit in my mouth... yech

Daniel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Daniel said...

It'd be sweet if his Toyota was a fixed. Then the license plate would make so much sense.

I think it means he, the driver, is neutered.

Of diction I am truly amazed at how much you have become a master bated it is any punctuation tips?

Ha ha ha! "Baited" breath! "Masterbated!" Oh, my!

Anonymous said...

The fate of bikesgonewild is instructive: after being featured in a BSNYC post, his comments became more frequent until the fakebikesgonewilds reverse engineered his style and hounded him into silence.

Maybe prolly will have learned from bikesgonewild. Prolly not (too easy, i know)

OpenYourEyes said...

Now that we are back on bikes and away from prolly , how's this for a near perfect blend of fixie and tall bike? Or maybe you could try one of these for some wack stunts . I'd love to see your no handed bunnyhop in that bad boy. And if you want the king of tall bikes, try to beat this one .'s...gone

Anonymous said...


Aren't you worried about Brandt's attorneys sending you a cease and desist letter?

I mean, wouldn't Jobst insist that Zoolander channels Jobst?

broomie said...

Perhaps the 'fixed' vanity plate was an anatomical reference?

Geoff said...

I can't believe I'm actually defending the Texan but at least he sorta has an excuse for having a pickup living on a ranch and all. Getting hay bales in a martyr-mobile like the Prius is a bit tough and I'd hate to try and pull a horse trailer with an Xtracycle.

Anonymous said...

Vee must kill Jobst Brandt.

Anonymous said...


so lame, i totally called it yesterday saying youd make a post and make fun of the cellphone thing but you totally missed it!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE LOSING YOUR TOUCH

Anonymous said...

reviewing today's entry caused me to laugh and laugh...

Anonymous said...

texas v8 fixie douchebag - fucking pathetic.

JimmyNick said...

Sixty-one posts before the word "douchebag" finally appeared. You're slipping, people!

But for the record, that was a douchebag hanging from the Univega.

Anonymous said...

openyoureyes --

I think BGW told us he'd be...

"Renting a room for the Tour de California.

Such a lovely place.

Such a lovely race.

He's living it up at the Tour de California.

What a nice surprise:

Cipo wears Levi's."


I hear you can check it out any time you like, but ....

Anonymous said...

No offense to Bikesnob or Prolly, but I thought that yesterday's post was somewhat pedestrian. Certainly not of the fall-off-your-chair-laughing variety that keeps us coming back day after day. However, I could not help but notice that it generated 187 comments (and counting). I believe this to be an all-time comment board record. Snobbie should be proud indeed of the thousands of productive hours squandered on this carnival that his blog has evolved into. I know that it is one of the high points of my day.

Anonymous said...

Given the fixie bandwagon is the size of a death star it would need Father Galaxy to pull it around. I saw so much Jobst that I am starting to think that he is a fine example of a male, not even puffing after hauling up that hill.
PS Given that plate is Texan , could it be Lance's

Anonymous said...

The enigma of the BSNYC-Prolly relationship has yet to be solved. Lovers? I doubt it -- I can't see Prolly going for a heavyset bearded man, nor can I see the Snob going for a glued-on hamsterfur moustache.
Perhaps the immensely wealthy professional architect is paying the Snob for the exposure.

pantaloonfan said...

An IF Crown Jewel as a fixed gear... some people have more money than they need.

broomie said...

"Geoff said...
I can't believe I'm actually defending the Texan but at least he sorta has an excuse for having a pickup living on a ranch and all. Getting hay bales in a martyr-mobile like the Prius is a bit tough and I'd hate to try and pull a horse trailer with an Xtracycle."

Fair enough, he may have practical reasons for the truck. That doesn't bother me. But the goofy license plate on the truck which he went out of his way to pose his bike with and way out of his way show on douchebaggery

Anonymous said...

"It is not a very fragrant world, but it is the world you live in, and certain writers with tough minds and a cool spirit of detachment can make very interesting patterns out of it."

Peter said...

you can get your BGW fill at Drunkcyclist.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, that's the Toyota from the bike polo ad!

It's official--Fixed Gear Gallery has become a marketing tool!

Anonymous said...

OMG there's a BGW at DC...........
The lad is whoring himself around the blogosphere..... .......

Anonymous said...

Just a nagging thought. Given the free for all yesterday, love fests , BGW alienation/ redemption, prollygate etc etc could we all be playing a part in BSNYC’s third year college assignment on human behavior and social interaction. We are just a group of lab rats like Jim Cary in The Truman Show

Anonymous said...

You sure that's Piccadilly Square and not, say, Egypt?

Matt said...

To bad I'm visiting so late today. This is the first time I've seen Jobst mentioned here, which is a bizarre coincidence because I just sat through his alpine slideshow yesterday at Velo Sport in Berkeley. Like the pic featured here, most featured a scantily clad Jobst, often paired with some hot chick from the past whose identity was rarely commented upon. At some point early in the show, his Mac shut down, protesting that it didn't like the power cord plugged into its headphone jack.

After holding forth on shimmy and fretting, the tall woman there with the nice jersey was revealed to be the Woolistic founder, and there was a nice moment of acknowledgment of Sheldon Brown.

Anonymous said...

Prolly is cool by my book. All you fucktards who still have it out for him are morons. He handled the situation with a lot more grace than you would've if BSNYC ripped into your lycra-wedgied shifter teams.

Anonymous said...

Dr Snob,

I figured you might want to combine your pistadex with some fixed gear trend analytics from Google. You know, the cold hard non-carbon data as to the coming apocalypse, but you may be disappointed to see, the wave hasn't crested yet! Try comparing and contrasting BMX, Mountain Bike, Fixed Gear on there maybe throwing a Skateboard in for good luck. Slightly ham-fisted data and somewhat open to interpretation but could be interesting fodder for a board room post from the CBO (chief bike operator). To wit:

Anonymous said...

vooz said...

Prolly is cool by my book. All you fucktards who still have it out for him are morons. He handled the situation with a lot more grace than you would've if BSNYC ripped into your lycra-wedgied shifter teams.

At least us fucktards can figure out where to properly post a comment. Day late and a dollar short, ...boyyyzz.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why I clicked on this list of comments again, but while I'm here, let me just exercise my keyboard.

Perhaps vooz and others could explain to me why so many people are upset either for or against Prolly's DART? I didn't get it at first, and I guess it's more of a "club" than a "team" (DARC?There's no single organized competition that it's competing in), but really I just had a passing interest.

Anonymous said...

Oi, snobby, mouse-over answers no worky in Firefox.

Andrew said...

hmm... looks like you have to pay like $29.99 or something to use this site:

AnnaZed said...

That Texas bike is an Independent Fabrications bike.

So, the colors are on purpose - custom you know.

So, the betting on colors sot of is predestined to pay off.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this ad came up on your blog, Snob.


Anonymous said...

Is no one else disturbed by the gendering of many of the posters' bikes as feminine? Heaven forbid they might ride "him" (omg, that would be so gay!).

Gabriel Nogueira said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gabriel Nogueira said...

Hey Mr. Bike Snob.
I was expecting better comments on the fact of some one having both a fixie and a SUV, taking pictures of them together and worst of all: submitting it to Dennis' gallery! That's just wrong! (In fact, I was about to send it to you when I noticed you were quicker than me).
I was also wondering why the Bianchi has the toe straps the wrong way around...
Thanks for the laughs!

Anonymous said...
