To the woman who opened her cab door into my bike - I love you! - m4w - 24 (Midtown East) [original URL:]
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Date: 2007-11-19, 10:13PM EST
It was on 57th st. last week in the AM. You were probably getting fed up with the gridlock and opened your cab door right into my moving bicycle. You put a taxi-yellow dent in my handlebars and a huge purple bruise on my arm. A vulgar expletive exploded from my lips and a UPS driver unloading packages from the van in front of us started to laugh at me. As I was checking my arm for fractures and straightening out the wheel which you had knocked out of place, I began to well with anger...that is, until I saw you get out of the cab.
You had that hurried look of tension in your body that comes from a busy professional woman who is unaware of her own striking beauty. Your hips moved wildly from side-to-side as you stepped toward me to apologize hurriedly before walking off in your high-heels, your briefcase swinging gaily with the youthfully relaxed movement of your arm. I wanted to be angry, to yell, but I could only mumble something like "It happens" or "everything is great." All I saw as you walked away was the line of your legs and the curve of your shoulder. You looked like a carefully crafted precision instrument. Your skin reminded me more of the hard shine of steel than the delicate flesh of a woman.
You could have shot me in the guts with a gun right there, and I would only pray that I could taste your lips just once before the last beat of my heart.

You may or may not be aware that there is such a thing as a "self-hating cyclist." Curcumstances have somehow conspired to convince these people that their passion for cycling is not only less important than other aspects of their lives, but that it is something dirty and wrong. Consequently, like compulsive masturbators, they practice their loathsome habit furtively and only during stolen moments--often in the wee hours of the morning, long before their friends, families, and loved ones have arisen. Many are even forced to hide their bicycles and bike-related purchases like a teenager hides a dirty magazine under a mattress. Popular hiding places for bicycles include basements, poorly-secured bike rooms in apartment buildings, overpriced storage units, and--most depraved of all--outside.
What we have here is a self-hating cyclist. (And this is not only apparent from the fact that he's got an FSA carbon stem and a pair of wing bars on a 13 year-old Cannondale.) After being doored, he was indignant--and rightfully so. However, as soon as he saw that the doorer was an attractive woman his resolve melted like Pastali on a mountainous descent. Why? Because he is insecure. And insecurity breeds self-loathing. And self-loathing makes you stammer like a kid caught pilfering from the liquor cabinet after you're doored by some woman who's rushing to get to her Cyclists Suck meeting.
What we have here is a self-hating cyclist. (And this is not only apparent from the fact that he's got an FSA carbon stem and a pair of wing bars on a 13 year-old Cannondale.) After being doored, he was indignant--and rightfully so. However, as soon as he saw that the doorer was an attractive woman his resolve melted like Pastali on a mountainous descent. Why? Because he is insecure. And insecurity breeds self-loathing. And self-loathing makes you stammer like a kid caught pilfering from the liquor cabinet after you're doored by some woman who's rushing to get to her Cyclists Suck meeting.
In a sense, dooring is the most insulting thing you can do to a cyclist. I'd rather be actively chased by an enraged motorist "Death Race 2000"-style than doored. At least the deranged motorist acknowledges that I exist. The doorer on the other hand is completely self-absorbed and oblivious. Cyclists do not exist in his or her reality. And there's no greater form of disrespect than non-acknowledgement.
If you're a non-cycling motorist and you happen to be reading this, here is the proper procedure for exiting your car into traffic in an urban environment:
--Pull all the way to the curb;
--Check your rear-view mirror;
--Check your side mirror;
--Open door a sliver, stick something reflective outside, and check again like they do for guards in prison movies;
--Close door;
--Open it again and peek out like an adulterer hiding in a closet;
--Close door;
--Slide over console into other seat;
--Exit onto the sidewalk.
Oh, yeah, and if you're in the middle of the street in traffic, STAY IN THE CAR!
This rider should not have let her get away with this, and the fact that he did means he's got a bigger case of Stockholm Syndrome than Patty Hearst. And even if her beauty was so great as to give him pause, he should not have then posted this entreaty once he had time to come to his senses. I mean, if he wants to degrade himself, that's one thing, but at least consider the rest of us. Plus, however attractive she may be on the outside, the fact that she is a doorer has opened the door to the ugliness of her soul.
worst to first
top ten?
"At least the deranged motorist acknowledges that I exist."
haha clasic
The Craigslist writer's acting like a compulsive masturbator? I can't imagine anyone who'd write that as much of a ladies' man. Judging by his reaction, I'd sat that post-dooring blow-off was probably the most active exchange he's had with a woman since his mother died.
I prefer cars act like i don't exist because that's predictable. Being offered "special treatment" by a motorist like the "no-no, you go 1st" totally messes up my flow in traffic.
Yeah, plus strong, confident, Professional women don't like wussy, internet professions (used that word in two different ways in the same sentence, awesome) of love.
Pack fill!
he's got to be jesting....
"Your skin reminded me more of the hard shine of steel than the delicate flesh of a woman."
who would say that to a woman they wanted to bed?
After I read this I glanced over my shoulder to look at the November entry on my Despair, Inc. office calendar.
It reads: "Beauty - If you're attractive enough on the outside, people will forgive you for being irritating to the core."
Enough said.
Of course a compulsive masturbator, when seeing an attractive potential mate, would first think of the object of his fetish. He can't help himself.
I'll agree that this guy should have stood up for himself as a cyclist, first and foremost. Still, the allure of the steel-skinned professional woman is undeniable. Hey, some people are into being abused...sure, that means they had a screwed up childhood, but it doesn't necessarily imply that they are insecure. Everyone likes to get slapped around once in a while...
I think the main indicator of his inadequacy as a cyclist is the fact that he didn't just kick the door of the taxi off as he rode by. Only that action would penetrate the steel skin of his beloved.
...the object of this dudes affections was really a tranny dom & that briefcase was full of leather goods & invasive sex toys...
...& the guy on the 'dale knew it...thus the compulsive groveling...
...just speculatin'...
About 10 years ago, I was riding east on 57th St, in the 3 foot corridor between the parked cars and the traffic lane (aka the Door Prize Zone). Traffic was stopped, and ahead I saw a tall, thin, absolutely stunning young woman walking west towards a cab waiting mid-block.
She clearly saw me coming as we were headed directly towards each other for a good 10+ seconds, and we arrived at the cab at almost the same moment. I raised my palm, and said something like, "Wait" or "Hold it a second", but no, she just reached and swung the cab door open right in front of me.
I hit the brakes. As I was only coasting at about 8 mph, there really wasn't much danger, but I was rather pissed that she would deliberately (and potentially dangerously) throw an obstruction before me like that. It was like, fuck, I just didn't matter...
As she was getting in, I said, "What'd you do THAT for?", and she answered, without even looking at me, "Fuck off, asshole biker".
I slammed the door HARD on her dangling leg. I heard her SCREAM, the cabbie leaned on his horn (I guess that's how they communicate), and I got the hell outta there ASAP.
No self-loathing here, I guess...
wow that is exceedingly funny, twisted, and cruel all at the same time
"You looked like a carefully crafted precision instrument. Your skin reminded me more of the hard shine of steel than the delicate flesh of a woman."
Wait a minute... Vicki from "Small Wonder" doored this guy?
I think as bikers maybe we need to step up the bling factor to start getting noticed imagine if you were rolling on this Mountain Bike w/ Spinner Rims!
I think the Craig's List author is related to the Republican lawyer who got his face in the way of the Vice President's bird shot and apologized.
Poor guy -- the Craig's list author, not the Republican lawyer -- if he had been using a merkin for a top tube pad, he would have had a real conversation starter: "Wait, wait, let me show you my hairy Pista."
Who could resist that?
The only other explanation is that the missed connection missive isn't real; you stumbled on a striking screen writer's first draft of his letter to Penthouse. Even idled writers have bills to pay.
(Don't all of those letters begin "Dear Penthouse: I never thought this would happen to me" and then describe some unsual encounter? I mean, that's what I hear. I could be wrong. The only Penthouse I ever saw was a braille edition. Honest. I only read Bicycling Magazine. And I only read that for the interviews.)
Ooops, the poor guy was riding a Cannondale.
"Wait, wait, let me show you my hairy Cannondale" just wouldn't work.
Sounds vulgar.
"You could have shot me in the guts with a gun right there, and I would only pray that I could taste your lips just once before the last beat of my heart."
Say what you want...that this guy is self-loathing, masturbatory loser, but MAN is he a romantic!!! That last line reads like something out of a classic novel.
hey bikesgonewild when i first read your post i thought the last word was "speculum". huh. that woulda fit in better to the general thrust of your post.
If by "classic novel" you mean Harlequin Romance romance "novel" trash, then yes, you are correct.
More like something out of a shitty late-90s "emo" song.
Nice to see that John Hinckley's out getting some fresh air.
A little missed connection fun from Austin, TX.
the story of scooter boy
The blogger is a cat 1 so I figure it still relevant.
I forgot to add that I figure that when the Fixed Gear Apocalypse arrives, the hipsters will be riding scooters.
Dear Penthouse-
There I was in NYC, riding my bike to my job at the pizza parlor, having moved from Kansas to make it big in the world of internet journalism, when all of a sudden, a taxi door opens into my path! I couldn't stop in time and slammed into the inside of the door. I fell, and not just onto the pavement, but for the leggy beauty that awaited inside. I picked myself up and started screaming and cussing. She cast her eyes downward in shame. "Oh, I am so sorry, what can I do to make it up to you?" she breathed at me in an almost whisper. That was when she looked up at me. I noticed that she wasn't looking down at the ground, but at my bulging lycra-clad crotch! She licked her lips and invited me into the backseat with her. I obliged. The bike was trashed, so I just left it where it lay, closed the door behind me and asked her where she wanted to go. "Park Avenue, driver, and step on it!" Soon I was in her warm embrace as our lips met and tangled. She pulled me tight to her. Her bosoms heaved under her designer dress. My hands were soon sliding up her inner thighs...
...That's how a REAL man would have handled the situation!
Don't quit your day job 3:09.
Unless your day job is writing.....
It's obvious that the author of the "missed connection" is a bicycling licking innocent of the sort threatened by contaminated foreign-manufactured machines. Thank God his bike is made in the USA!
...anon 2:39pm...nice, i like...
...general thrust, sir, i stand rigidly to salute you...
...& yes, i can see clearly what you mean about inserting 'speculum'...
This is funny. I haven't laughed like this since Big John hit that storm grate on Drunkcyclist. Got more of a cruel streak than I thought. If this guy is real he's pretty bruised fruit
Upon reflection..."classic novel" was quite an overstatement. More like a trashy Harlequin "novel" Scott pointed out.
"You could have shot me in the guts with a gun right there, and I would only pray that I could taste your lips just once before the last beat of my heart."
i wish she finished the job.
(ok, not really, i'm glad the cyclist is safe)
p.s. i was standing by in the library to avoid the rain, reading a bicycling magazine. nice khs!
"I prefer cars act like i don't exist because that's predictable. Being offered "special treatment" by a motorist like the "no-no, you go 1st" totally messes up my flow in traffic."
That "no-no, you go 1st" is totally so they (the driver, I guess)can check you out.
Dooooode, In my neck of the woods it is called STALKING and if convicted gets you some up close time with Da Brudders in da House, who will gladly love you to speak to them with those coo-ing descriptions and soft tones. Once out of the joint you will be ditching that harsh riding Cannondale for something with a sprung seat
wow, I thought we were done talking about merkins
Come on! This craigslist post is obviously a joke. You know, sarcasm? Irony? I'm surprised a site dedicated to such things was blind-sided so easily. Am I alone on this one?, yer suggesting she wasn't perkin' his merkin ?...
I'm normally down on the whole concept of vehicle on biker violence, but assuming this wasn't just a striking TV writer just trying to keep his chops honed I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that the best place for this cat would be under the wheels of a cement truck.
"You could have shot me in the guts with a gun right there, and I would only pray that I could taste your lips just once before the last beat of my heart"
I was going to post but I must run I am going to puke.
From the comfort of your keypad, you have once again sorted out a mis-directed soul. Point this lowly handle to your recent blog and save him from another 2 years of ongoing "therapy" with a most uncertain outcome.
Instead, you will be rewarded with updated full reveal shot of a newly taped (perhaps fully) Cannondale and revelations about the nuances of a level seat.
Myself...if and when I find myself in NYC, I suspect I might have to reimburse the taxi driver for damages rendered when a red 13 year old Cannondale with a black FSA stem met a most unfortunate door...Ciao!
Once that woman sees the CL post, and surely a woman as attractive as her reads the missed connections religiously, she will fall immediately and permanently in love with our bruised hero. He should post those carbon handlebars for full retail value on the CL bicycle page immediately so that he will have some money to take the cold bitch out when she calls.
this craigslist posting really needs no comment by the bsntc... it's just too funny by itself.
Happy Thanksgiving BSNYC and all. God bless and be well.
I plan to take out a key-man life insurance policy on BikeSnobNYC so if we ever lose him, at least I'll have the cash to drown my sorrow in drink and expensive bike toys...
Lanterne Rouge!!
Lanterne Rouge? Cest' moi!
all I got from this was, "wow, there are men on bikes in Manhattan that aren't gay?"
Musta rode in from Jersey.
I have the answer Snob. Maybe they should start installing airbags on the inside of car doors.
Not only will it save the cyclist, but at $1500.00 a pop people will start to look before they open the door and set one off.
You seen it here first. I want a buck per unit. Oh God, bike Valhalla here I come.
The red lantern,
Must be my Acadian roots.
Yo Ray,
Is that a chamois in your shorts or are you anticipating being happy to see me?
has anyone noticed that he has no rear brake? maybe that's part of his problem.
I enjoyed the Patty Hearst reference. Did you know that the Misfits song "She" is about her?
I'm going through withdrawl! The tryptophan is starting to wear off and now I've got the shakes. 4 days without BSNYC is way too long!
Hope you and yours had a great holiday... update, you're not allowed vacation! Its like police attempting to strike, you're just not allowed.
some craigslist hilarity from down south!
...fully agree w/ anon 11:27am...
...i feel like a vampire trying to live on leftover spanish 'puerto' blood bags...ebbing fast...
...need fresh raw, vital bikesnobnyc...immediately...
So a gorilla goes on to Craigslist and contacts a guy selling a used Pista for $1,500.
The guy says, "you know, I haven't gotten many calls from gorillas in response to my Craigslist ad."
The gorilla replies "And at $1,500 for a used Pista, you won't get many more."
I agree with BGW and Anonymous 11:27. Somehow, it's just not as funny without BSNYC.
...rimshot & a laugh, leroy...
Guys, it's sarcasm. He's insulting her, not professing his love for her. Or maybe I'm misreading your sarcasm, which gets his original post and is just playing along the joke.
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