BAREKNUCKLE TRACK BIKE size 53cm - $1150 (Upper West Side) [original URL:
Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2007-10-21, 5:01PM EDT
this bike is amazing...
it is a barknuckle electric blue frame and fork with chris king nothreadset,Thompson stem, sugino 48 cranks, dimension pedals, san marco seat, generic post, white painted generic rizer bar, pink oury grips, navy top tube pad, phil wood chrome hubset, velocity white rims...this setup is sick...I have been the only owner and have only had it since june, it is in near perfect condition.
I am asking $1200...lowered the price from $1350
email [deleted]

18" custom singlespeed, built brand new - $220 [original URL:
Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2007-10-23, 1:25AM EDT
Except for the fork and wheelset, pretty much all the parts are brand new, right down to the front and rear brake cable hangers. Having said that, the fork is a butted GT cromoly, and the wheelset is hand-built with Mavic 220 rims, Shimano Deore LX hubs, and DOUBLE-BUTTED Wheelsmith spokes. The frame is made of double-butted 7005 aluminum by Intercycle of Quebec, Canada, and is brand new. Gearing is 42t front and 15t rear, perfect for NYC riding: low enough to take any bridges or hills, but not too slow on the flats. I just did Tour de Bronx with it.
Brand new parts:
18" Intercycle 7005 alu MTB frame, burnt orange / cobalt blue
Bontrager 90mm threadless stem
Tange Japan threadless headset w/ Shimano fully sealed cartridge bearings
Nashbar sealed cartridge bottom bracket 68x113
Nashbar seat collar
Kalloy 27.2 post
Shimano M340 cranks w/ 42t ring
Sette singlespeed spacers & 15t cog
Sampson Fat Wrap bar tape
Nashbar 1.25" slicks
Specialized tubes
KMC 7/8spd chain
Trek alloy bottle cage
Used parts: Tektro canti brakes, Wellgo pedals, Selle Italia Flite saddle, 39cm bar, and Weinmann non-aero levers.
$220 for the bike only. Extras shown in pic (second bottle cage with Minoura mount on fork, orca bell, sadde bag) are not part of the deal. Thanks for looking.

Grey Bianchi Pista - $600 [original URL:
Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2007-10-19, 3:38PM EDT
Bike: Gray Bianchi PISTA
Size: 57 CM
Gear: 48/16
Specs: Nitto Bull Horn handle bars, Oury Grips, Sugino 75 Crank, MKS Pedals, IZUMI Chain, Italia gel flow seat, EAI Cog, Mavic CXP22 front wheel, Bianchi front Hub, Velocity Deep V rear wheel, Formula rear Hub, Vittoria tires.
Condition: very good condition, minimal scratches, rides excellent
Contact: [deleted]

It wouldn't be a trip to Craigslist Hell if I didn't encounter a Pista being sold for at or above full MSRP, and I certainly wasn't disappointed this time. Sure, you could get a brand-new Pista for $600, but then you'd have to go through all the trouble of ruining it yourself. Fixedgeargallery entries and Craigslist ads read like mantras now, and this entry too joins in the chant: OurySuginoMKSIzumiVelocity...OurySuginoMKSIzumiVelocity.... What aspiring fixed-gear freestyler can't rattle these words off in his or her sleep? As for my own sleep, it is now plagued by nightmares of hordes of undead roaming the streets of Brooklyn on bicycles, mumbling these words as they eat the geared drivetrains of the living.
KING - $325 [original URL:
Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2007-10-23, 8:06AM EDT
Turn any Dinglespeed into a BLINGLESPEED!
Chris King wheelset 26er, GOLD King wheels, REAR has just been rebuilt with Mavic 819 tubless, Black butted spokes. Frt is unknown rim (I think a velocity) with stan's liner. Comes with IRC Serac UST tires, XT cassette. Put some serious BLING into you rig without alot of $$ even run it singlespeed with spacers
I also have some Easton Monkey lite sl's low rise with Syntace 120 6rise super light weight stem w/ti bolt kit 140.00 for both.
other parts as well please see my other ads from moots parting out.
Selling to fund my new titanium soft tail 29er singlespeed (blinglespeed) project
I would ride with a Burberry top-tube pad ebroidered with the phrase "BSNYC is a Fixster Doofus" on every one of my bikes for a year to have the word "bling" permanenty banished from cycling. Certainly our little subculture is not well-insulated against stupid trends from the outside world, but this is one I think we can all make a collective effort to screen out. This guy has been listing these same wheels for weeks now, and he employs a favorite tactic of the desperate CLer: appealing to people's altruism by explaining how he needs the money to fund another project. Sorry, but the last thing I need to run across on my next MTB ride is another guy on an overpriced dual-suspended titanium La-Z-Boy bouncing around the woods like an overgrown hairy-legged kid on a hop ball. Maybe he'd already have enough money if he hadn't spent it on stupid things like ti bolt kits. The kinds of people who use ti bolt kits on mountain bikes are the same ones who buy Harley Davidson-edition Ford F-150s with skull-head ball hitches, and I don't want to help fund that kind of misguided extravagance.
wanted - professional bike painter - powdercoating HELP! [original URL:
Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2007-10-22, 11:41PM EDT
im looking for someone to pwdercoat my frame for me, please point me in the direction of somebody good! any help is a huge help!
An important part of the fixed-gear mania is spending good money to powdercoat a crappy frame. Not saying that's the case here, but nonetheless I'd like to institute a rule that in order to qualify for custom painting or powdercoating your frame must be worth at least three times the cost of the job. In any event, trolling for a powdercoater on Craigslist is like living in California and traveling to Cleveland to surf. There are innumerable cycling websites and forums where you can get that kind of advice. Why seek it from people who promulgate misspellings like "break" and "peddle" and whose idea of Campy Record is the soundtrack to "Pink Flamingos?"
That Pista looks ok!
I'm looking for a place to powder my nose. Any suggestions?
That bareknuckle ad's been up for a while now... funny stuff.
Don't underestimate the draw of surfing in Cleveland. It gives much more incentive to stay on the board when you fear growing extra toes if you fall in the water and dodging the medical waste is as much fun as trying to avoid taking a spill caused by peds walking two across, holding hands in the bike lane in the blind spot around a turn at the bottom of a hill.
Monogrammed Burberry tube tops?
Let me discuss it with my trust fund advisor over drinks at the club and get back to you.
I think the bareknuckle's cranks are on right. Probably the photo was taken with one of those iBooks that for some reason mirrors the image when you take the picture...
Oh sweet baby Jesus, how I long for the day when the 'Riddle' goes up on Craigslist!
The day will come when I will sell my fixed gear conversion. Through delicate choosing of words, hopefully I can evade BSNY fame as it's pretty horrible...
dog boner bars aka dog dick lipstick
Anonymous said...
"I think the bareknuckle's cranks are on right. Probably the photo was taken with one of those iBooks that for some reason mirrors the image when you take the picture..."
Wow dude, obviously your sarcasm detector is malfunctioning today!
Anonymous 12:50pm,
Speaking of dog lipstick bars, here is a sublime example:
Danny-boy, where are you? Are you too proud to log in 12th? What's the matter, did the manager shoo you away from the People's PCs down at the Walmart? Stop slacking for God's sake, we're counting on you!
Affectionately Yours,
Your Fan Club
The sick bareknuckle was apparently put out of it's misery ("deleted by the author"). Or he's raising the price back to 1350, since that post is still up.
"barnuckle" bike?
Does he mean "bare knuckle," or "barnacle"? I guess both terms are sort of interchangeable the way he seems to use them.
strange how you opened today's post w/ that trainspotting bit; i watched the movie for the first time saturday and watched it a second time last night
You should also point out with those MTB wheels that no one calls it a "26er". Or if they do, they shouldn't. It's a MTB with "26 inch wheels".
The singlespeed doesn't seem like such a bad deal. The ugly frame color should help keep it from being stolen. Sure it is rocking some Nashbar parts, but that means the owner is competent enough to do his own maintenance and it's proably in good shape.
A lot of people want a bike for < $500, and in a flat place like NYC a single speed seems like a reasonable way to go about achieving that price point.
Jim --
I thought he meant BarkingUncle.
I didn't inquire further.
I figured it was a family thing.
The laughter, it hurts...
The first ad has been deleted from CL by the author. Shame is a beautiful thing.
I haven't seen a saddle cover in, oh must be 10 years. But if I could find a shiney gold one, it'd be the cheapest way of adding some bling to my '88 Trek 760.
Another common Craigslist ploy: "Vertually everything is new on this bike." Yeah, except the frame, fork, wheels, brakes, pedals, saddle, bars, and levers. That doesn’t leave much when you’re talking about a SS/Fixie.
Hummm....I don't think that Pista even is a Pista. Hard to tell with the bad photo though. What is with those weird fuzzy photos on CL anyway?
Snob, how did you miss this gem:
I particularly like the way the bike morphs from photo to photo. Fenders? Pedals? Now you see em... now you don't.
Bikesgonewild ...
When I read this on another blog ... I thought of you ...
Ellipses and the style suggested by Robert Bringhurst in Elements of Typographic Style:
Bringhurst writes that a full space between each dot is
"another Victorian eccentricity. In most contexts, the Chicago ellipsis is much too wide"
He recommends using flush dots, or thin-spaced dots (up to one-fifth of an em), or the prefabricated ellipsis character (Unicode U+2026, Latin entity …). Bringhurst suggests that normally an ellipsis should be spaced fore-and-aft to separate it from the text, but when it combines with other punctuation, the leading space disappears and the other punctuation follows. He provides the following examples:
i ... j
l..., l
l, ... l
...holy wow...a holeshot at the gun w/ 'trainspotting', absolutely no mercy whatsoever, throughout & crosses the line w/ an arms raised 'pink flamingos' reference...
...gonna check the news, see if the brooklyn bridge is on fire today...
...sean lynch...most excellent...posted immediately after you w/out seeing your post...we're both either psychic or psychotic...yer call...
...good link, will bookmark, peruse & undoubtedly ignore as a reference...but i do like this kinda stuff...thanks...
Wait, so you don't like full suspension mountain bikes? Not even the Specialized FSR Stumpjumper?
No, I'm not being sarcastic. I guess I could search through your past posts to see if you have ever said anything about them in the past, but I don't really feel like doing that right now.
First of all, I must thank you for your CL trolling BSNYC. I do enjoy reading them and I am certainly too busy (read lazy) to find them on my own, you're doing a valuable service here.
Second, I'm impressed with the speed the Bareknuckle was pulled from CL. You'd think all this publicity would help him sell that bike, but his ego may be too bruised to withstand the inevitable tsunami of 'making fun' emails. Good Times.
Pista, whatever, even the new ones aren't worth $600.
Dinglespeed to Blinglespeed?!? Oh man, I could barely keep the linguini from coming out my nose for that one!
And finally, I think this powdercoat yahoo is in the perfect setting to find his prize. Surely someone with extensive knowledge of PEDDLES and BREAKS can hook him up with someone willing to PWDERCOAT his frame. Sewerly thay cannes.
Matt in Seattle
ok - new to the of those losers who discovered Style Man ---oops --- Bike Snob through that filthy rag Bicycling Magazine (what else is a guy who ride 8-10k/yr supposed to subscribe to?) I primarily ride geared road bikes but just (once again hopping on the bandwagon) got my first fixed gear bike - a langster (so sue me) and I kept the brake.
do we only talk about fixed gear bikes here? aren't there some "beautiful" road bikes on CL?
also..I've got a Tiso red bolt kit for my custom geared bike with stupid custom flame paint.
No good? Bad move? (I actually love the red stuff so not going to change but interested to hear what the rest of you say)
ok FLAME away!
Anon 2:52pm,
It's not full suspension that BSNYC rails against, it's the ridiculous usage of it on bikes that obviously never see drops bigger than the curb. Full suspension has its time and place, but when I see some accountant using a Specialized Enduro to commute the "rough" roads between his home and office, I want to rip him off of the bike and strangle him. Suspension has no place on the road unless you're trick riding, and even then it should be in a terrain park.,
Read the archives.
About 99% of the content here is ragging on a subset of Fixed Gear riders refered to as "Fixed Gear Freestylers".
You use a brake, so much of the snobbery is not directed at you. If you had removed the brake because you were more concerned about appearance and 'hip-ness' than you were about your own well being, the ridicule would be meant for you.
Your brake shows that your brain is working and probably wired correctly.
I've found that thing that allows me to get through the work day (other then the AM and PM commute)- my daily read of Bike Snob NYC- damn you write some funny shit.
I believe that's a Special Edition NYC Grey Bianchi Pista. Which is reflected in the price.
BotchedExperiment said...:
You might check Equinox for a gold gel seat cover. Popular in Spin Classes.
After all, winter is coming...
Anonymous 2:52pm,
I have nothing against dual-sussers provided the terrain calls for them. Watching guys bouncing around the smooth, sandy singletrack of LI and spinning up moderate inclines in the granny gear while bobbing like a hand puppet on a buoy gets a little ridiculous.,
Welcome, thanks for reading. Custom bolt kits rank somewhere between ceramic bearings and titanium spokes in my own personal Spectrum of Pointlessness but whatever keeps your bars on. (Assuming they do, of course.)
As far as objects of derision, fixed gears get a lot since they're on the front line of ridiculous right now but I'm sure if you stick around you'll see just about everything take a bullet.
I don't think I've ever said anything bad about a Langster that wasn't dressed up in a taxi cab costume at the factory.
" and also shave precious seconds off track stands"
"Why seek it from people who promulgate misspellings like "break" and "peddle" and whose idea of Campy Record is the soundtrack to "Pink Flamingos?"
At least you guys have real bikes on CL we get this "bike"
LeRoy - I figured it was meant to read "Barnacle Fixie" or "Carbuncle Fixie." I'm too busy housin' to keep up with current slang.
As for your little elliptical tiff, BGW and Sean Lynch. . . Don't try that compressed ellipses bullshit around any judges, or they will assume you are either trying to irritate them on purpose, or perhaps representing yourself in your lawsuit to get the warden to serve you a side serving of Cherry Jell-o with every meal. One of the the major fights in the legal profession is between the Blue Book followers and the Red Book followers. The Blue Book is put out by some people from an elite Northeastern law school, the Red book by some adherents of Milton Friedman who happen to practice law. There are major fights in the legal profession as to whether the bloviating Blue Book is the better approach, or the efficient Red Book is best. Judges like the Blue Book approach best because well spaced out ellipses take up more space, and it must feel to them like they are saying more, even though they aren't. Plus it wasn't written by economists with law degrees, which, when you think about it, are kind of like triathletes who race on recumbents.
So yes, it's sad but true that grammar fights are one of the high points of my life. Spaces between the dots or not. Four dots if the omission is at the end of the sentence, three if in the middle.
Viewed from that perspective, picking on functionally illiterate bike customizers who posses the aesthetic sense of a blind sow, and who are trying to rip off unwary Craigslist hipsters, is truly a bright spot in my life. Please, don't spoil it for me by repeatedly stepping into the BikeSnob Holodeck and re-enacting Grammar Wars IV: The Controversially Spaced Dots Fight Back.
And Anon, pointing out minor comment mis-spellings is vertually a deckhid maneuver.
Not your usual fare, but isn't this one really odd?
Huh,the legal style requires 4 with spaces?
I think I remember reading this from helping my sister study for the bar. I never had to do legal work.
She was unable to return the favor when I was studying for my PhD qualifying exams in Physics.
So I only ended up with a Masters.
I did well on the Quantum Mechanics, but not good enough on the rest.
Science and engineering is so much easier than other fields. You do the math. it either works or you re-measure everything and find your mistake.
Other fields have arbitrary made up rules that change from century to century.
How many ellipses here or there.
Its just so made up and arbitrary. Why 3 or 4? Why not 5 on odd days and 7 on full moons?
thanks, Snob, great to be here.
the point of my red bolts (and skewers and seat post collar) is their pointlessness
i knew you'd understand
...if i was posting by snail mail, i might have to re-think my usage of all them little dots (excuse me, ellipses for you elucidated-ly inclined), simply due to the paper & therefore trees, that would be wasted on my little faux pas's...
...but seeing as we are indulged in this electronic smorgasbord known as the internet, well, i find my ellipses eclipses any of yer nixes & therefore i'm not planning any revisions in style or method...
...the state of the world being what it is, the postings on craigslist & fgg being what they are, well, gosh-a-rooty, somehow i can live w/ myself...
Ha--thanks for that one. Looks like some loquacious malcontent needs attention. He should start a blog. (Believe me, I know what I'm talking about.)
what's with the salt and pepper hair you are sporting, snob? are you a mere few years away from a gray beard and a recumbant?
or are you going to go with the grecian formula?
... the grecian formula and the madone.
Anonymous 4:40pm,
Are you sure you're looking at the right photo?
who was that guy kidding...26er... that is something new!
Is there a link to the Snob's Bicycling Magazine appearance?
I am a tad embarrassed to say that the shop where I work does not sell Bicycling (no one buys it) and I do not subscribe. Hell, Velonews, BMX Plus and Bicycle Retailer is enough cycling blather for me in any given month.
Still, I want to see that Snob article.
I just read the whole ellipses entry on wikipedia the other day while I was putting off writing my paper.
Truly amazing find!
only $2500 and no Carbon Fiber!
You have found an example of exteme clue-less-ness or something.
it brought tears to my eyes
"Oh, sorry, forgot the Phil Wood hubs, which provide an attachment point for spokes, cogs and axles like no other hub possibly could and also shave precious seconds off track stands."
Taht is both, "amazing" and "sick". I think that I'm going to be sick.
For the nitpickers...
There are specific instances when there should be spaces between those dots:
When an ellipsis is used to replace omitted text, it should be three dots with spaces in between. At the end of a quote, the ellipsis represents the missing text, and the fourth dot is the period that ends the sentence.
The 3 dots w/out spaces are used to denote an unfinished thought or sentence, as if replicating speech (e.g. trailing off while falling asleep), but do not represent any actual spoken/written words which have since been omitted.
leave the three dots to Celine…please!
Sean Lynch -
Check Ebay. An early 70's Masi Gran Criterium just went for $1625US.
Here's another with a BUY IT NOW of $4299:
Well, I admit to only finding your blog from "that magazine" as well, but I'm enjoying it immensely. I thought it was fantastic that in the same issue they interviewed you, they also reviewed catalogs. Please, oh please, market something else to me......
Crap, too many ellipses.
Dear snob, I think you shouldnt mix up fixed gear freestylers with plain old posers. Those bikes on CL belong to people who want to LOOK like fixie tricksters. People who can really do fixie tricks, well, they shop at trackstar, dont they?
back to form!
None of these bikes have blue fuzz on them like this one
Anonymous RT - right back into the Holodeck then, huh? Well, as long as the grammatical Klingons are attacking - if the omitted text contained a period, but the citation does not end with the ellipsis, then four dots, with spaces, are also appropriate. Please, just stick a fork in my eyes now before I start spewing Strunk & White all over the page. And before the comma usage shield array goes out of phase forcing me to sleep with a hot alien chick. I mean, as long as we're going to dork the place up...
Does anyone know where can I get some anodizing done? I'm looking to get my brifters anodized to match my blingy custom bolt kit and brake booster.
scott said:
...when I see some accountant using a Specialized Enduro to commute the "rough" roads between his home and office, I want to rip him off of the bike and strangle him. Suspension has no place on the road unless you're trick riding, and even then it should be in a terrain park"
So Forking what if some1 rides FS or ss or your dorky bike. what makes you the final say who and what and where ?
This ain't the place to start the debate, but I'm here, so I may as well: I also use a "Killer whale noise-maker" type horn for commuting. I love mine because it's rechargeable and, at full pressure sounds like Kathy Griffin in opera class. It's about the only bike-mountable thing that can be heard by the oblivious ipod-engrossed walk-about pedestrian or the preoccupied chaffeur of the Parking Lot Assault Vehicle.
I'm curious what noise-making devices others use.
This blog is all about being the final say on who and what and where. That's like asking a judge why he has the final word on assault, or a bartender why he is the final word on what a beer costs. It is why we are here.
That Campy line- I'm leaving urine stains on my spandex. Youcrackmeup every time
"shave precious seconds off track stands"... fucking hilarious!
Powdercoat, shmowdercoat!
Go to Auto Zone and buy some nice duplicolor rattle cans and paint it in your garage like real huffin' mother!
Is it me or is this whole custom bike paint shit a huge racket?
How about this post...gotta love the "My bike was stolen" posts
Disable the comments.
I wonder if I could convince that guy to part out the killer whale bell. I just realized what my bike has been missing all these years!
lanterne rouge
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