Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Let's Get This Show On The Road--Once We Finish Agonizing Over Tire Pressure, Of Course

I'm now back from my High Ate Us, and if you want to know how I spent it this short video should answer all your questions:

I changed "bike blogger" to "air traffic controller" because it's more relatable that way but otherwise that's pretty much exactly how it all went down.

Of course, when embarking on a High Ate Us the most difficult decision one faces is which bike to bring, and after some deliberation I opted for the versatility of my Milwaukee:

I had a notion that I'd try some of the "gravel road adventure cycling" that's so hot with the millennials nowadays, and at first it worked out very well:

Though I was completely unfamiliar with the area and conditions deteriorated quickly:

So I retreated to more forgiving terrain:

By the way, I also brought some tandem porn back for you:

No, this is not my tandem, I was simply admiring it on the ferry while leaning jauntily against THE CAR THAT THE BANK OWNS UNTIL I FINISH PAYING THEM BACK.


When David Byrne takes a ferry he has to mime driving onto it because he doesn't own a car.  Similarly, I have a Byrnian relationship with tandem bicycles.  In fact, not only don't I own a tandem, but also I've never even ridden one--but that's only because I want my first time to be with David Byrne.  Ideally this would involve our riding cross country together, though I suspect we'd clash over the creative direction of the Kickstarter video.  

Speaking of riding cross country, one rider is doing just that--on a Citi Bike:

Tanenhaus, who has already been slapped with the maximum $1,200 late fee by Citi Bike, quit his job as an event planner and checked the bike out from a dock at East 20th Street and Second Avenue on Aug. 6.

One can only imagine the heady sense of freedom Tanenhaus must have felt as he pedaled away and watched all those Bar Mitzvahs disappearing into his helme(n)t mirror, his ears ringing with perfunctorily recited haftarot.

Still, lighting out for the coast does come with its own set of problems, especially when you're doing it on a bike share bike:

The tires are wider than a typical touring bike and, because the wheels are bolted onto the bike with special anti-theft technology, changing flats are beyond his skill level.

Missing "apostrophe + s" after "touring bike" aside (this is the newspaper that usually spells "pedal" as "peddle" after all), is a Citi Bike tire really wider than a typical touring bike tire?  I don't think that's true.  Then again, as a homebody with 17 children my idea of a bike tour is any ride over three hours, so I'm not exactly an authority on what the beard-and-pannier set is running these days.

As for not being able to fix the flats, he shouldn't feel too bad about himself, especially when you consider that even quick releases are beyond the skill level of most triathletes.

Still, you'd think Citi Bike would be a bit more supportive:

On top of all that, he could face prosecution if Citi Bike presses charges.

He said he tried to let the company know about his plans, but “the conversation didn’t go anywhere.”

Yeah, I'm sure it didn't:

TANENHAUS: So I'm planning to check out one of your bikes and ride it to Los Angeles.

CITI BIKE: You do know the saddles are specially designed to induce permanent genital paralysis after two hours of riding, right?  It's a theft prevention measure.

TANENHAUS: I'm really just looking for a discount.

CITI BIKE: Look, they're your nuts, kid.  Just don't try to sue us when you pedal into California with Shermer's Neck and Bobbitt's Penis.

Meanwhile, in other hydraulic news, Rotor is betting that when it comes to drivetrains fluid will be the new electronic:

The company expanded into cranks in hopes of allaying some of this pressure. But Carrasco said it became clear that the only way for Rotor to retain a foothold in pro sponsorships was to develop its own drivetrain. The company experimented with different mechanical solutions but ran into intellectual-property issues. “In the end, some patent or the other was stopping us at every step,” he said. “Then it became clear that electric was here to stay. So we had to do something that would let us offer something different and that would be one step ahead.”

It's refreshing that they admit they're only putting this stuff out because all the good ideas were already taken--though of course I already came up with the idea of a hydraulic drivetrain way back in 2008, so it's pretty obvious they stole this from me:


I don't know if you can call it "intellectual property theft" when the cheap subject matter is the very antithesis of intellectual, but either way they're lucky I'm way too lazy to sue:

Here's hoping Shimano attempts to bring back compressed air and the drivetrain arms race explodes like a can of Aqua Net on a barbecue grill:

As it happens, swapping the air canister with a can of Aqua Net was the hop-up kit of choice for the Airlines system.

Speaking of air, watch out for Hurricane Fred:
Indeed.  Here's Hurricane Fred making landfall:

This crash resulted in a fractured skull even though I did have my helmet on, I would have been much worse off without it.

Would you though?  Or did the helme(n)t just not do anything?

Regardless, apparently Hurricane Fred is no ordinary storm:

Hurricane Fred, which formed over the weekend in the far eastern Atlantic, is truly one of a kind. Not only has Fred set the record for easternmost hurricane in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, it prompted the very first hurricane warning for the Cape Verde Islands and has provided the first satellite view of a hurricane in the region since weather satellites were launched into space in the early 1960s.

Another first--it's currently the only weather system using Strava's new storm tracker app:

Not only that, but it's also the first hurricane to take part in the time-honored tradition of making Strava penises--to wit:

Heavy rain indeed.

In any case, I imagine getting caught in Hurricane Fred would be pretty much exactly like this:

And of course Run–D.M.C. would be in the eye of the storm:

Now that's what you call scratching your cockpit.


  1. Thought you had 18 kids, new one arrived recently didn't it?

  2. geoff_tewierik,

    Yes, so I got rid of one to keep the number constant.

    --Wildcat Etc.

  3. #4 !!! IT'S A MIRACLE.

  4. Also, I tour on a 38 mm front and 32 mm rear.

  5. I just though you had died in some kind of bizarre Brooks/Scranus accident.

  6. bad boy of the northSeptember 1, 2015 at 7:47 AM

    welcome back from your high ate us.we tried to keep the place neatr and tidy.yeah,right!

  7. bad boy of the northSeptember 1, 2015 at 7:49 AM

    meant neat........bad typing in the am

  8. Say, is that THE geoff_tewierek from FOA at number 1? Couldn't be.

  9. Top 20. Everyone is napping or have found something better to do while you have been away

  10. I bought a tandem for my girlfriend and I in the late twentieth century and three rides later she was my ex-girlfriend. Canondale something-or-other. It was actually a pretty nice ride, which I kept explaining to her. Oh well.

  11. I have a photo someplace of my bike on that same ferry. Or at least the boat that is now working that crossing. Last time I was on it was 1986? 87? I hope they replaced the boat by now.

    Anyway Mr. Rock Machine, you are supposed to live up state or in Vermont and visit NYC, not the other way around.

  12. Anonymous Former Up StaterSeptember 1, 2015 at 9:00 AM

    Oh and when crossing that ferry the last time was on a loaded tour (camping). 1 1/5 inch (38 mm) tire width. Just enough tire pressure to prevent pinch flats.

  13. Welcome Back! That is some nice looking High Ate Us landscape.

  14. And the hydraulic drivetrain leaves me totally non-plussed. Why would you want that?

  15. You being the rhetorical you, of course. Like, why would anyone want that?

  16. Top 20!


    welcome back FUCKO-O : )

  17. Former Up Stater,

    By hour two of our Vermont side trip I was ready to move there but it was politely explained to me by my better half that there's no way I'd be able to hack it.

    --Wildcat Etc.

  18. Hey Snob - what sort of peddles you got on that milawooki?

  19. The "Teddy Trail" is a nice bike adventure in the Northwoods of NYS. Lots of nice rolling ups and downs and mountain scenery to look at. The towns are small, the traffic light and the roads mostly decently paved.


  20. i run 37 tires on my tourers. don't know about those off-roaders but the pure on road tourers i meet seem to run from about 32 to 37 for the most part.

    of course i have no idea what kind of tyres are on a citi-bike so my comments are as worthless as they were during the hi-8-us.

    what will be interesting is how well that bike performs if/when he hits those western mountains. i was in my early 50s when i did it and it ain't happening again.

  21. vsk said ...

    Decent showing so early !!


  22. Pack fodder, now to read

  23. actually, nevermind the pedal question. i see the real question is:

    are there any un-ugly ass shoes that look sort of normal but have a recessed spd for the times i want to clip, but can walk around like a normal person when i'm just grocery shopping and such?

  24. Thank Lob you're back.
    Hope you had a good vacation.

    Waiting for Walz caps to make the Leroy's Dog Special Edition.

  25. If you need chipmunks, I've caught 22 so far this year.
    I catch them in my small animal cage and drive them two miles away and release them.
    Never crossed my mind to put them to work in the dérailleur.

  26. i wear these. work well off bike. sometimes i would wear them all day around the office.

    'course looks are subjective, but i think they are reasonably subdued. only problem is they're gonna be hard to find. i think mine are 2001 model and i think after that they got more ostentatious. but i still found a pair in my size about 2 years ago on ebay although they were getting pricey. i think i paid $30 (new/unused). when they were old stock hanging around i got a few for $10/pair.

  27. In the Hurricane Fred Bike Crash Video, rider does not have the outside pedal all the way down. It you stop the video at 16-19 seconds, he is clearly leaning, but the sole of his outside foot is about even with the bottom of the chain ring. Opinions vary on bike handling, but most people who can do it well keep the pedals vertical, weight the outside foot and ut NO weight on the inside foot.

    Here is one expert opinion.

    Couple of comments from the video on youtube:

    “Never use front brake in a corner if you have to brake use slightly your rear brake and the most important thing when you think you are entering the corner too fast is to look where you want to go and not where you think you will go..and you will go there like magic ! In most cases we just think we are entering corners too fast and panic because we are out of our comfort zone .”

    “was pretty dead straight on, just cooked the rear and then locked the front. I have learned from my mistakes, bike was salvaged.”

  28. I too saw a tandem in the wild while you were away....it was a folding tandem. I applauded the riders for having the guts to be seen in public on one! Welcome back to civilization

  29. Harumph. Welcome back.

    On the fred endo youtube I thought his rear wheel was rubbing the chainstay. (which might be a new double entendre), (that didn't take long)

  30. vsk said ...

    I am comfy / enjoying life on the Gran Bois Hetre tyres at a plump 42mm x 650b. However my franco framed radanooua is about 50 pounds and unweighable due to its being unliftable in fully laden trim. (of course that's a little exaggeration!).

    Not to mention my trip to another state has to do with non bike related substances!


  31. Missed you man. When you're not around, how am I supposed to promote my own shit? I don't have followers...

  32. P. Bateman,

    There are SPD-compatible sneakers.


    Sure you're not just shuttling the same

    --Wildcat Etc.

  33. Finally learned the difference between a garbanzo bean and a chick pea. Garbanza beans cost $1.79 a can, but it costs at least $100.00 for a chick to pee on you.

  34. AND the award for the stupidest bike review of the day / product-advertisement-in-the-guise-of-editorial-content goes to the VELO SNOOZE. It's just what everybody needs: a $5000 commuter bike that looks like it's straight out of 2007. I also like that they show the bar bedecked with a flimsy little lock that any bike thief worth his/her salt would cut off in about a microsecond. And since there is a waiting list at Sascha White, LLC, if you want one you, might be able to get your hands on one round about 2020.

  35. i'll be damned. it would appear that even a casual user of certain search engines or shopping sites can and will find a multitude of choices in shoos that aren't terrible.

    i blame this site for getting me interested in this sensible touring-ish bike thing.

    in addition to all the money spent on bits, pieces and now footingware, i'm likely to wind up wasting time exercising and getting fresh air.

    this site is a hazard i tells ya. fuck-o me.

  36. mine's more like a hampster


  37. Would I still be able to get a boner with permanent genital paralysis? As in the organ would still operate but I have no sensation? Because my girl might just be interested. I tire of hearing "We are not racing here you asshole."

  38. I just duct tape some Crocs to my pedals. Maximum power transfer, light weight, crazy cheap, and wicked stylish. They stay attached to the bike, and I can just stick my slippers that I'm normally wearing in my satchel while I'm riding.

  39. It's perfect for your cat6 racer fantasies and it's stylish too (if you're into that 2007 thing):

    Acceleration was particularly notable, and it’s unlikely you’ll find any commuter to compare with the Urban Racer. It jumps off the line at stop lights so well, you might be convinced it’s a racer bike in casual clothes.... [I]f you’re looking to turn heads on the way to the bar or coffee shop, with the occasional huck off a curb or skid in the parking lot thrown in, throw a leg on this steel showman.

    But it's not useful for much else:

    Before plunking down cash on a pricey commuter like this, it’s important to think about what it’s great for, and what it’s not so great for. If you’re hauling groceries with bags and panniers, the Urban Racer is not up your alley.

  40. Freddy Murcks,

    That bike is fucking idiotic.

    --Wildcat Etc.

  41. Haha, hilarious. A "commuter" that can't do bags/panniers?

  42. DB, Snob,
    I had a neighbor who used to trap squirrels in her yard then carry them 6 blocks to a park and let them loose. I think for the squirrels it was a brief vacation from the yard where they lived.

    And welcome back!

  43. This bike is for having a good time and not taking ourselves so seriously.

    $5,000 i'd say is pretty serious. and you'd have to take yourself pretty seriously to ride it.

    and "you'll turn heads" alright. as in, why is that man child riding a girl's bike?

  44. That thought has crossed my mind, Wildcat.
    I am thinking of spray painting their tails to see if I have any returnees, but I'll probably get in trouble with some animal protection group.

  45. put little sweaters on them DB.

    you know who i think would like that $5K rich hipster machine? Alvin.


  46. Just looking at that bike makes my back hurt.

  47. "[I]f you’re looking to turn heads on the way to the bar or coffee shop"

    Only if you're a woman with beautiful legs riding in pantie shorts.

  48. "I just duct tape some Crocs"

    Duct Tape comes in lots of colors and designs now. You can have a whole new persona everyday.

  49. That Velo Snooze comes with an optional distressed paint job because no one is going to ride it enough to actually distress it.

  50. Wondering what Babs thoughts are on Walker's idea to build a wall along the Canadian border?

  51. I hope the Citi-tourer's experience in West Virginia gets coverage. That's one expensive heavy-ass three-speed to be pushing up Appalachian grades.

  52. "if you’re looking to turn heads on the way to the bar or coffee shop"

    Does he make one that prevents garbage or invectives from being hurled at you?

    Call me if he does. I'm in.

  53. i've actually never seen that john candy film...i'm gonna rectumfy that soon

  54. A helmet "grabs" the pavement? Really? That suggests a whole new braking method. You could drop a helmet to the pavement when it is tied to your bike frame, it would grab the pavement and bring you to an immediate stop.

  55. Three comments:

    Your error was to not bring a "large gravel" bike on your trip. Coming soon to a bike shop near you...

    A close up photo of a custom/special/unique tandem brake system would have garnered extra you-know-what points.

    Amazing you passed up the opportunity for more crude phallic hurricane jokes, especially given the history of this blog. The mind boggles at the possibilities.

  56. women bike racers apparently get "ruined down there". http://cyclingtips.com.au/2015/08/orica-ais-what-i-know-now-that-i-wish-i-knew-then/

  57. Had a neighbor who used to catch squirrels and drive them miles away and release them. He was convinced they were back in no time and maybe he was right. I've never bothered to research if squirrels have a long range homing instinct. He said they got in his attic through a hole in his soffit. I suggested he patch the hole, he stared at me like I was crazy. OK, you and your squirrels enjoy your rides in the country together.

  58. I had/have squirrels in my attic (literally and figuratively). A PA pest company website that I found during my research said that they have caught squirrels, spray-painted their tails, took them 20 miles away over rivers, etc., and the squirrels end up back at "home." Since you can't really keep a squirrel out of your house (unless you clad it in steel), they say killing them dead is the only way to get them out of your attic permanently. Once they know that your attic is warm and cozy, they will chew their way back in. That company will still relocate them, if the client still wants that.

    Once squirrels have been pissing, shitting, and birthing on the ceiling above your kid's bed, they begin to appear more like vermin than cute little fluffy _____s.

    YMMV with chipmunks.

  59. The best way to take care of squirrels and chipmunks in your attic is to keep some bears up there. Problem solved!


  60. I'm still working out what to do with bats in your belfry.


  61. ZZ Top: She's Got Legs....September 1, 2015 at 1:30 PM

    Ground Control to Babble's Legs, come in please.

  62. Zombie says Me Love Squirrel BloodSeptember 1, 2015 at 1:37 PM

    Capturing a couple of Zombies and releasing them in the attic should take care of the squirrel population problem.

  63. JB:
    Had to look up the YMMV.
    Chipmunks have a two mile journey past a river, main road, golf course and another main road to get back to their friendly confines.
    Not to mention red tailed hawks, fox, coyotes, owls and golf course lawn mowers.
    But to be safe, I'll be investing in a pellet gun this weekend. Damn critters get in the garage and make a mess. Afraid they'll chew up wiring in car.

  64. Dingbat in the AtticSeptember 1, 2015 at 1:43 PM

    I suggest releasing Donald Trump into the attic, that way they'll be one more squirrel in the attic.

  65. Stuck in Berkeley, CASeptember 1, 2015 at 1:49 PM

    The mechanical semaphore on the shore and the cable pulling the Fort Ti ferry across the lake are quainter than separate handles for hot and cold water.

  66. DB: Sorry, "YMMV" comes from the days of Usenet newsgroups.

    YUMMY Chipmunks

  67. Isn’t it about time for the Labor Day hiatus?

  68. The mime driving the car had more YouTube views than the John Candy trailer.

  69. Early COD to Shop Steward, 1:58.

  70. Tilford's talking gun control. I guess he needed to get his clicks up.

  71. Ok Steve, we'll be right over to trash your blog, now that Snob's back guarding the asylum.

  72. Oh, good. Hurricane Fred should allow us to top up our supplies of this crucial beverage.

  73. It's obvious what caused Hurricane Fred's crash. He was riding one of those English "Left Hand Drive" models, in the States.

    Now THAT's a recipe for disaster.

  74. hey thanks Comment deleted.

    alex bogusky. paradigm smasher. ugh & barf.

    NOT putting water in an empty bottle you had lying around.

    glad that paradigm has been destroyed.

    NOW you PUT water in an empty water bottle you had lying around.

    maybe Fred water would be better named Fuck-O water.

  75. Watching that Tour de Lite commercial gave me a Woody.

  76. Welcome back, Fuck-o!

  77. The thought of Wildcat and David Byrne riding tandem warms my heart; reaffirms my faith in mankind; makes me want to kiss the world...such a feel-good vibe. Let's make this reality.

  78. "We were like 'We have to do something." But everybody had already done everything, and all those things were working fine. So we kept looking for something to do that was different, because we needed to do something. Finally we found it. Now we can DO SOMETHING!" --hydraulic shifting guys

  79. Snob,

    Not sure if you'd want to live in Vermont, Old Man Budnitz is currently residing in Burlington.

  80. Dunno if Byrne is the guy you'd want to pop yer cherry, tho. Youze guys are hot today. Heh heh. Thanks. I enjoyed that... welcome back, snobberdooders. You were sorely missed, as always.

    DB - That would have to be the world's daftest critter, getting caught in the same trap 22 times. You could probably let em loose in that forest dop calls his backyard, never to be seen nor heard from again.

    JB - heh heh. ++ me too re squirrels in the attic.

    WRT the thought of a wall along our shared border? Well, as long as you guys pay for it. What was it one commenter said about that particular prospect over the weekend? It would keep all of those pesky draft dogers and socialized medicine seekers out of Canada, so it's got to be good. :)

    Seriously, though? It's just a funny little rock, this planet we share and we're all on it together. If we were to seriously tackle the prospect of providing a decent home and an education to every child on earth today, if were to commit to creating sustainable energy infrastructure, our economy would be a fuck of a lot healthier than it is today, working as it does to increase the personal wealth of a few fat old criminals, I mean businessmen.

    The border between our nations is imaginary, as is the value of the currencies we trade in today. We are one.


  81. hey POC or maybe it was Bateman?

    i went to the liquor store to replenish that scotch. right next to the glen morangie was that suntorie(?). but several different varieties. so i didn't buy because you didn't tell me which kind.

  82. Suntory Hibiki 12.

    i mean, they have some single malts and some older like a 17 year and maybe a 25 year...but the prices go up EXPO-NEN-CHUN-LY

    the HIbiki 12 is worth every cent of $70 or so.

  83. i think i saw that one. think it was $63 at my liquor store. there was a cheaper one for i think the high $40s.

    but i've written the name down exactly and have it on a post-it on my wallet. i may be more dedicated to finding a new good liquor than cleaning my chain. but i did finally clean that too and darn if shifting doesn't seem a bit better. also the chain hasn't fallen off the big ring like it had to been doing occasionally recently (figured i'd wait until i put a new chain on to adjust the limit screw).

  84. the one i got is in a nice purple box. and seriously just so damn good.

    and if you can get it in the $40-60 range all the better.

  85. if you dont like it i'll eat my this entire campy groupset laying here in my floor. bottom bracket, cables and all.

  86. For relaxing times...



    ...make it Suntory time.

  87. Hey Spokey you could use certain liquors TO clean your chain. If you felt like burning money. In fact, what better way to clean the chain on your $5,000 fixie-looking "commuter" bike. I hope those dudes are using Suntory and Glen(mumble)...

  88. If we done go border wall up our Northern parts and then done go border wall up all our Southern parts, then won't all our shit have nowheres to go an' we will jus' have to sit heres in our shit?

  89. i love you people SO MUCH! had some glendronach on the weekend, don't know if it spent its' whole life in a sherry cask, but it could only be better if bill m. endorsed it.

  90. I have been taking my meds and even though I don't feel angry anymore, somebody turned the floor of my apartment into foam rubber and I can't walk across it.

  91. Squirrels?


  92. So what is Citi tour guy's plan when he's flats?

  93. bad boy of the northSeptember 1, 2015 at 7:03 PM

    Speaking of burlington vt...anyone ever go to the "old spokes home"?i i'd like to get there one day and see the place.

  94. the next fad...double-malt

  95. P. Bateman,

    They made such shoes once, but not anymore.

  96. roille

    i'll think about it as soon as i quaff this glass of (say it with me now) glen more-angie (accent on the "an")

    and i may spend upwards of 5K but not on a commuter. i'm thinking bilenky. but instead of campy, i'm think xtr might keep it under 5K.

  97. dop

    there is already a double malt although it is still not clear to me what the diff is between a double and blended.

  98. thanks ric. i found the Giro Rumble VR in blue to be quite fetching and also available at REI.

    i've always been a blue suede type of fellow.

    Spokey, you seen these folks? http://gunnarbikes.com/site/

    let me know if you want my campy athena set. otherwise i may just let it collect dust and use it down the road. went 105 for my current project even though its hideous i know it will work 20x better. or at least that is my theory.

  99. Old spokes home is SO awesome. They have a Rene Herse in the museum and the staff are tip top, friendly and knowledgeable. I'd say they're up there with Harris Cyclery (RIP Sheldon).

  100. I can't quite reach the *** I bought at Wal Mart that sits in my gun safe, because my foam rubber floor is hard to walk on but I do so love the right to bare arms (wearing a white wifebeater, as I speak). I'm starting to get soo angry again! I love you, NRA!

  101. dropped my project bike off at the LBS. turns out, they are not at all arrogant, snooty, tattoo covered hipster ass holes. well, okay, they are hipsters and it does smell like ink, but they are the nicest sons of guns i could have ever envisioned. so, gonna let them "take it from here" as i realized i actually dont really want to set up an 11 speed drivetrain. i mostly just want it to work within 90% of its capacity. and i think it would have taken me 3 days to do that, so i'll just pay them the buck-fity

  102. I can be crazy but still buy a gun. Awww shoot.


  103. looks like they are just frames. i ain't building my own up.

    i'm a pure shimano fellow. always have opted for stuff that works. would / maybe consider sram

    i haven't paid much attention lately but xtr maybe xt is likely although i'm also looking for gearing at or below 20 and up to maybe 110 - 120 or so.

  104. The video about your high ate us is saying that 'the uploader has not made this video available in your country'. This is total BS ... and I cannot figure out what you did on your high ate us ... not that I should give a shit, but I do!

  105. Is there something wrong with gun culture?

  106. any you all good peoples ridden ragbrai?

  107. bad boy of the northSeptember 1, 2015 at 9:19 PM

    Thanks Fred.........

  108. P. Bateman:

    dunno, what's her last name?

  109. I have squirrels and other rodents in my house quite often. Some are cowering in a corner, some are already dead and half eaten. They never come in of their own free will; I employ a small, female, seemingly harmless feline hunter-killer assassin. Her given name is Sugar but I call her the White Death, Ming the Merciless and other pet names. Aside from us stepping on cold rabbit guts at night every so often, it's a fine solution. The rodents keep on having babies and she keeps on eating them.

  110. huh - what's with this new content stuff getting in the way of comments?
    At least I don't need to see the goat guy anymore

  111. you people with your fancy scotch caused Katrina and balls cancers

  112. I'm sticking with my low-brow bourbon. I'm Kentucky-adjacent, so it's to be expected.


  113. don't you know that I had to vpn into this site from China? I fuckin have problems maing

  114. especially given the history of this blog. The mind boggles at the possibilities.

  115. So Kim Davis, the county clerk that has been married 4 times, is still taking a stance against same-sex marriage in Morehead, KY.

    There is some irony.

  116. P. Bateman:
    I have eleven Ragbrais. What do you need to know?
    I also have standing appointments with my dermatologist as I didn't wear a shirt for all eleven of them and barnacles keep showing up on my back and face.
    Ragbrai is fun and generally easy and I think the BSNYC community would have a blast riding and staying in the rockstar RV that Snob could talk Bicycling magazine into letting us use.

  117. Sorry I'm late. The busy was just too damn high! yesterday. Finally getting around to reading while on the throne this morning.

    In other news the NPR ran a story this morning talking about the "Lance effect" and the increase of middle aged men making their way to the ER with scranus injuries from getting hurt. Its almost like they know the Helment scare tactic isn't working...

  118. To that f'ing county clerk:

    1. a person employed, as in an office, to keep records, file, type, or perform other general office tasks.

    2. a salesclerk.

    3. a person who keeps the records and performs the routine business of a court, legislature, board, etc.

    Now get to clerkin'!

  119. P. Bateman @ 9:16 PM

    thought about ragbrai and almost did it but for some reason i can't remember ditched that and did the Bon Ton Roulet around the finger lakes in 2012.

    that is the only group trip i've ever done so i don't have a comparison to make but it was kind of fun. it is fully supported. all breakfasts. all dinners except one layover day dinner (in watkins glen for us). lunch your on your own of course.

    we brought our own sleeping bags and tent but you can rent all that stuff (with the rental company breaking down and setting up) if you want to completely eliminate housework. basically we packed up in the morning and brought our stuff to where some trucks were. went to have breakfast. then rode. when we got the days end point, we'd get our stuff and setup tent.

    the stops were at schools and parks so there were decent bathrooms and showers. plus they had this truck that was about the size of a tractor trailer that was a traveling shower truck. the truck was the best. almost as good as home.

    i think most (all?) nights they had some entertainment. like local unknown musicians. that sort of thing. there were one or two special nights with ice cream or something. i think most of the meals were done by local groups like rotary clubs and the like.

    the ride was a loop so there wasn't any transportation issue other than drive our bikes to the start. the daily mileage was around 40 and there were one or two rest stops with fluids, granola bars, and i think PBJ. and they had plenty of support. vans running the route and i think they had a phone number you could call for help.

    all in all a well done event in my opinion. i think it is always the last week in july


  120. Morehead, Ky

    Named after it's founder, Craven

  121. we could do sagbrats(snob's annual great ride across times square).you're welcome.

  122. just think of all the great sights and sites you'd see.

  123. I plan to buy a mountain bike but I don't know what 's the best one. can you choose for me.


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