Tuesday, August 4, 2015

It's All Downhill From Here

Further to yesterday's post as it pertained to Tom Danielson, remember this from last year?

Well, it was amusing then:

“Professional athletes get heckled day in and day out…. I wasn’t telling him his momma was fat or anything,” said Kalan Beisel, who harangued Danielson on Thursday in Colorado Springs, to the point of prompting Danielson to extend a middle finger, mid-race. “I just called him a doper and told him he sucks. It was really simple … I don’t think it’s harsh at all. Personally I think he shouldn’t be racing in the peloton.”

And it's even more amusing-er now.

Also, STEVE TILFORD (who has earned all-caps status at this point in his cycling career) pointed out the following regarding Jonathan Vaughters:

In February, Vaughters told Cyclingnews, “It’s true we ask for that [scrutiny] and still in ten years we’ve not had a rider dope on our team. Ever. We’ve lived up to that. That was the initial promise. If that ever is broken then Doug and I are out.”

So presumably if Danielson's B sample comes back positive then it's exeunt Vaughters--assuming he's a Fred of his word, which of course we all know he is.

Anyway, saying a cloud of suspicion hangs over professional cycling is like saying Bill Cosby may be a bit of a philanderer.  This puts us in a frustrating position, because we want to thrill to heroic cycling exploits, yet when we learn we're basically just watching pharmaceutical clinical trials on wheels then the thrill is gone.  Essentially, watching pro cycling is now like watching reruns of "The Cosby Show," albeit without the still-reassuring presence of Phylicia Rashad.

So to whom do we turn for acts of two-wheeled derring-do?  Well, I recently received the following press release about Giuliano Calore, a rider in whom we can all believe, at least for now:


A great, almost unbelievable achievement, the one that saw Giuliano Calore coming down the Stelvio no handed, with his bike without brakes and handlebars, during the night of July 31st 2015.

"It has been the most difficult record attempt in my life, I was ready from days but we had to wait for good weather conditions! This night at the 2750 mts. of the Stelvio Pass we still had a lot of wind and temperatures around zero degree, but I decided to go down anyway. And It was all simply perfect, with no crashes or stops at all!"

And here is the man himself:

77 Years
12 Guinness World Records
1 Record still to be conquered
1 Night
0 Handlebars
0 Brakes

After reading the above list I was inspired to burst into song, though I couldn't decide whether to sing "...and a partridge in a pear tree" or "Day-day-enu..."

So instead I said "Fuck it" and just started beatboxing.

Anyway, there's also a movie about this daring and pointless cockpit-less Stelvio descent, and it reveals the story of how Calore became the Eddy Merckx of riding no-handed.  Basically, when he was a kid his relatives owned an ice cream shop in Bologne:

So he'd ride there from Padova and back:

Which is a distance of 150 miles:

Naturally, he needed to ride no-handed to eat the ice cream, which is presumably how he honed his formidable no-hands skills.  Of course, what the movie trailer doesn't address is that it only takes like five minutes to eat an ice cream cone, so why did he continue to ride no-handed for the remaining 74 miles of the return trip?

I suspect the reason is that after he ate the ice cream his hands were all sticky and he didn't want to mess up his bar tape, but I suppose I'll have to pay for the entire move to confirm whether this is indeed the case.

In any event, Calore went on to parlay his ice cream-eating skills into untold fame and fortune--so untold in fact that you never heard of him until today.  Here is his in 1986 using a parachute as a brake:

Here he is executing some fancy footwork as he conquers the Dolomites:

And here he is getting some kind of Casio keyboard hand-up:

If this guy ever showed up at the Cross Crusade in Portland he'd be worshipped like a god.

In the meantime, it's heartening to see that the AARP has its own Patrick Seabase.

Meanwhile, at 77 years old Giuliano Calore is descending the Stelvio no-handed, yet at only 65 years old Bjork can't make a right-hand turn in a stupid Chevy Avalanche:

That's Richard Bjork, for the avoidance of confusion:

“The guy just shot across and I tried to avoid him and the car went out of control,” said the driver, 65-year-old Richard Bjork.

Bjork said he was making a right turn from Nostrand Avenue onto Avenue W around 6pm when the bicyclist zoomed past him on the crosswalk. After veering left to miss the biker, Bjork said his gas pedal stuck and sent his 2002 Chevy Avalanche hurdling into the building.

The bicyclist did not stick around after the crash, he said.

Wow.  He smashed into a storefront while making a right turn?  This is truly Coltrane-level, sheets-of-sound excuse-making.  Firstly, he blames the cyclist, which is smart because everybody hates cyclists.  Secondly, he claims the cyclist was in the crosswalk, because it's important to establish that the cyclist was doing something wrong, even if it has little bearing on the situation.  Thirdly, he explains that he was "veering left to miss the biker," because when you're making a right-hand turn and you see someone in the crosswalk naturally you're going to take evasive action instead of, I dunno, using your freaking brake pedal and slowing your vehicle.  And finally, for good measure he claims that in the process of all this veering "his gas pedal stuck."

I feel dizzy just reading it.

So let's take a look at this intersection.  Here's Avenue W, where it intersects with Nostrand:

And here's some douchebag in the crosswalk, because in Brooklyn the deeper into the alphabet you go the more intense the motor-vehicular douchebaggery gets:

Now, in this image you see a silver car turning the same corner where Bjork heroically avoided an alleged scofflaw cyclist and sacrificed his beloved Chevy Avalanche to a storefornt:

Here's the Avalanche, represented by an Avalanche, and here's the cyclist, represented by Bret:

Now, if Bjork were paying attention and turning at a reasonable speed (a laughable notion in this part of Brooklyn, but bear with me), he'd simply stop when Bret entered the crosswalk, mutter "Friggin' cyclists" under his breath, and continue once the crosswalk was clear.  But instead he somehow launches his truck clear across Avenue W and into a storefront, which incredibly does not contain a Dunkin' Donuts:

An occurrence all the more tragic because Bjork's truck had just won third place in the world's lamest auto show:

Bjork said he was returning home from a auto exhibition in Gerritsen beach, where his truck won third place for “best in show.” He said he felt unhurt after the accident and the FDNY later reported there were no injuries sustained from the crash.

Auto show podium, really?  It's just an ugly white truck with some wheels he ordered online from the Tire Rack.  There's 20 more impressive cars than that right now in the parking lot of your nearest Target.

Nevertheless, I'm glad Bjork emerged unscathed, though I was never too worried about the cyclist, because I'm fairly certain he doesn't exist.

Laslty, it looks like people are finally realizing you can integrate bike commuting with other modes of transport:

Walas said Park and Pedal, inspired by the president of Montague Bikes, mostly targets people who live in the suburbs and feel they have to drive all the way to work.

“Most people are either not willing to bike the whole distance, or are just not able to,” he said. “This is about just building awareness, and letting people know you can actually do this. It gives people the idea.”

Montague Bike, eh?

I knew it.

It's a conspiracy designed by "Big Fold."


  1. 50. The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.

  2. That's a dandy Ted K.!

    Now to read Snob's post...

  3. I can honestly say in my 25 years of operating a motor vehicle I've never had a gas pedal "stick".

  4. vsk said ...

    Top 5


  5. vsk said ...

    oh wait... photo finish proves otherwise...


  6. actually, more like top 11 because all my 11 speed bike bits finally showed up. one extra gear is all i need to make you eat my rubber.

  7. I'm so disappointed that 'beatboxing' isn't a link to you beatboxing.

    Pretty good otherwise though.

  8. Could someone explain the last three sentences to me...I'm sure there's some pop culture references in there, but I'm clueless. Romeo and Juliet I know, but this?


  9. We could care about bike polo. They freely admit to drinking heavily at times. In fact sobriety is considered a form of cheating in bike polo. Plus all the fans of
    all cycling events are on drugs (usually alcohol), especially cyclocross...

    haha the challenge was select all the images of drinks

  10. Poor penguin. Did Walter Palmer give up his bow-and-arrow for toothpaste?

  11. vsk said ...

    Down the Stelvio - fixed or free ?

    It would have been better with SheeManO Di36TelepathicShift


  12. Bill C is way down the ladder from a guy who rides a bike and does some dope to make himself go faster. Can't go much lower than a guy who drugs women and then rapes them. The only way he could be a lower form of life scumbag would be if he killed them after raping them.

  13. "Could someone explain the last three sentences to me..."

    Not the Bard but a combo of this and this.

  14. It is a couple months old, but I finally saw the very funny picture of the car that crashed in front of a Target store. They just missed the "Target"; "So Close" is one of the many amusing comments..

  15. How the fuck is your name Patrick Seabase and your nickname isn't Seabass? I call foul, good sir.

  16. I can eat pussy without hands too but its just going to take a lot longer to get there and my neck is going to be sore.

  17. Avalanche dude sounds like Joliet Jake in the Blues Brothers;
    "No, I didn't. Honest... I ran out of gas. I... I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!"

  18. i did have a gas pedal stick once, but it was in an ancient ford truck with a hole in the floor, not some badass BESTINSHOW avalanche. so i did what anyone would do and not put it in neutral and not apply the brake and immediately swerved left into a storefront.

  19. I think I read where Tom D's B sample came back positive. I'll have to recheck, not everything you read on the interwebs is true, or so I've heard.
    I've been watching the World Swimming Doping Championships. In swimming, you can get caught at least twice, have a brief penalty period and jump back into the pool. Especially if you're representing Russia or China.

  20. Why doesn't that old guy just get a unicycle?

  21. I hold the record of driving from St. Louis, MO to Champaign, IL with my left arm out of the window the entire time (2:40:47.3). Sounds easy, but the turn signals are on the left side.

  22. bad boy of the northAugust 4, 2015 at 11:50 AM

    i guess mr.bjork is going have to sue gm for the "faulty" pedal.he might get an "avalanche" of moolah for his troubles.almost number 30.

  23. I don't think we should see each other any more.August 4, 2015 at 11:57 AM

    Yep, I was totally on board for the whole 'new world' approach Slipstream was selling upon its launch. It seemed the perfect antidote to what was the breaking wave called 'Lance'. Then somewhere along the line, it became quite clear that JV is a bit of a fanboy of power and that his original good intentions simply became a vehicle to support his existence. We all got a mortgage to pay, right?

    Now is the true test: The team based on honesty and consequent actions will stay in business despite the promise to all that have supported it in one way or another to the contrary. The reason being everyone on the team has a mortgage to pay. Well no shit, JV. You should have thought of that before you shoveled all this contrived bullshit over our gullible heads.

    Happy fucking Tuesday.

  24. You Can Find Anything on the InternetAugust 4, 2015 at 11:57 AM

    "I hold the record of driving from St. Louis, MO to Champaign, IL with my left arm out of the window the entire time (2:40:47.3)."

    REALLY!?!?? WOW?!??!!.

    Two hours forty minutes and forty seven point three seconds in the EXACT time of Cassidy Camilleri in the 2008 BMC 50 Km Classic! (Good enough for eighth!)

  25. Ah the multimodal commute. I love doing that! My wife works 2.7 miles from where I work, so I tend to throw one of my rigid mtbs in her car and can usually extend that to 6 miles if the morning is nice. It's terrific to do when I am feeling too lazy to pedal all the way from my house.

  26. Gas Pedal Stuck - has GM issued a re-call yet?

    Every time there's a crash now a days the driver says "the gas pedal stuck", how is it that Toody and Muldoon haven't figured out that excuse is getting more times than the telephoned "I have to work late tonight" ruse. And the gov agency that investigates crashes, are they hot on the case?

    I fully expect that next we'll see in the NY Post "Gunman says Gun went off by Itself", NYPD "No need to investigate, no need to make an arrest or issue a ticket".

  27. Angry Beaver in MiramichiAugust 4, 2015 at 12:10 PM

    On a hot day I once sat on a park bench and ate an ice cream cone. Had to make my tongue move really fast so there was no dripping. My GF sat there staring at me as if she was transfixed. Suddenly an Avalanche flew by us and landed in the pond behind us, we paid it no mind, fully knowing it was a simple case of a stuck gas pedal, and, besides, it was hot and the ice cream was melting fast (GD Global Warming). Driver screamed out the window "my foot is stuck to the stuck pedal" and then something like glubb, glubb, glubb.... What flavor was that????

  28. "ooh! ooh !!!.." Toody and Muldoon... wow ! I've not heard those names for a while. What a great blog !!!

  29. Organic Jam thought itAugust 4, 2015 at 12:12 PM

    I like crazy old dudes on bikes.

  30. ...in italy when you're 14 years old and you eat really good gelato... you foff-off for like 45min... i bet that's what he did for the rest of his ride back.

    ...i just wonder if he actually used the stickiness of the gelato to his advantage.

  31. I ride through stop signs because my pedal got stuck.

  32. Anonymous mAD sKILLS said… @ 11:21

    Thank you. That was very helpful, although I hesitated a bit, given the usual linkageways in this blog, to actually click the links.

  33. I kind of doubt that the driver is going to sue the car manufacturer. Unlike the police they are likely to do something crazy like actually investigate whether this was true if the possibility of them losing money is raised.

    They aren't concerned about the bad PR from all these claims because they realise that everyone knows they are bullshit.

    Personally I'm upset that we don't know whether the cyclist was wearing a helmet or not. Sorry, I mean "cyclist".

  34. "The conservatives are fools:" No kidding.

  35. That Avenue W action is an accident programmed to happen. (car on pedestrian or cyclist, not car on window) This is not a bug, but a feature. Both Brett & the Avalanche have a green light. A right turn will take the avalanche into the crosswalk. Surprise!!! The douche bag needs to look where he's going.

  36. Pathetic Old CyclistAugust 4, 2015 at 12:23 PM

    Bjork Figgers if he's gonna be in the paper for driving into a storefront, he's gonna be a hero by avoiding an imaginary cyclist and saving it's imaginary life.

    I think we should all begin referring to cyclists as "it" or "its" and stop personifying the goddam things. When you swat a skeeter, you don't swat 'him' or 'her', you squash it dead. Same thing with the goddam cyclists. If one gets in the way, just run it the fuck over.

  37. Waiting for the day that a car crashes into the pet food store Leroy's Dog shops at, all that caviar and champagne on the floor. Can't wait to hear what Leroy's dog will have to say about that.

  38. Leroy's Dog, bet he doesn't go on a hunger strike.

    I'm not a robot, click on all the baby carriages. Clicked on the two obvious choices and the Porsche Cayman, isn't that a babe carrier?

  39. Humvee -> GM design black box -> Avalanche

  40. Once served two TDF podium babes with my hands tied behind my back. It was hard work, but someone has to do it.

  41. 30 years of driving, I've never had the gas pedal stick or confused it for the brake. I've confused the brake for the clutch, but all that does is launch the driver into the windshield.

    I want to hear of a crashed driver with some creativity. Why not blame the "accident" on fumes from the 600 air fresheners hanging from the rear-view mirror?

    Was the driver wearing a helment?

  42. Bill C Show,

    In a "race to the bottom" one would certainly pass Tom Danielson on the way to Bill Cosby. Dude has ethical issues off the bike too.

    Yeaah! I smashed the robot test.

  43. The 'surprisingly doesn't contain a Dunkin' Donuts' bit had me lolling.

  44. I'm clean, honest!

  45. Snob, that's some heavy CSI shit you're laying down there on the Chevy Avalanche into a storefront.

    Might want to send that to the NYPD.

    To let them know that at least someone's investigating these matters...

  46. Love the crime scene re-creations (oops, their not crime scenes) with the green arrows and Freds and Tri-dorks.

  47. bad boy of the northAugust 4, 2015 at 1:21 PM

    I wonder what would've happened if mr.bjork had seen miss bum bum go through the crosswalk?hmmm...no need to thank me.

  48. Obviously Bjork had time traveled into the future and seen that they would be erecting a Dunkin Donut on that corner in 2020. Being the resourceful guy he is, he came back from the future, got into his ridiculously large and stupid American SUV and crashed it into that store front. Thus, he now holds the record for the earliest smashing into a Dunkin Donut.

    The man is a genius.


  49. Mira basicly, are you allowed to bike in a crosswalk in NYS, sí o no? In OR you can, but you have to slow to "walking speed" which ideally should instead read as a number like 3mph but you know how the law is all quaint out here.


  50. 1 - i still say dop gets in to guiness for the messiest workbench

    2 - i still won't be tricked in to reading ted's blather. 50th or not

    3 - like jens i still say "shut up nose"

    interesting. got a select all swimming pools. purposely selected 2 of the 3 showing and robot let me go. a kindness from robot? or have i found a chink in its armour?

  51. Most exciting right turn ever, mostly due to extremely innovative physics.


  52. roille

    i think here in the hemorrhoids, if you wants to be in the crosswalk, you have to dismount and walk. That goes for other infrastructure too. There's a bridge nearby that was replaced with one about 100 feet upstream. They closed the old bridge off to traffic, put some benches in etc. I asked someone from the county and was told that now it's a pedestrian bridge and no i can't ride my bicycle on it but can dismount and walk it across. so i takes the new bridge instead.

  53. Hey Wildcat WATCH OUT for that sinkhole at the corner of 5th and 64th.....which isn't a corner anymore.

  54. It Is Not Even A Nice Place to VisitAugust 4, 2015 at 2:49 PM

    Sink hole happen all over the place.

    But things like this, only in NYC.

  55. Loving the guy...finally outing the Big Handlebar conspiracy. True story, Cinelli USA is owned by Dick Cheney.
    One can only image the soundtrack from that Casio up Stelvio.

  56. Ack! You got the wrong Pesach song! Dayenu doesn't count down, Ehad Elokeinu does. Surely you were thinking of singing "1 is Hashem, in the heavens and the earth!"

    Or... maybe you knew it was wrong but figured more people are at least familiar with dayenu?

  57. daring do on the stelvio? More like daring Doo-Doo

  58. PS Again with the sentient cars. This one "went out of control." Shoot, too bad no one was there in the driver seat keeping an eye on that naughty car! It would be so nice to have a man around.

  59. dop doesn't have a messy workbench. It's a dung heap with a possum drying up on top, sort of like a surreal holiday tree top ornament.
    Just kidding dop, I couldn't resist.

  60. Over on ShedSnobNYC, we're having a "show your workbench top" day. C'mon over.

  61. "Over on ShedSnobNYC, we're having a "show your workbench top" day. C'mon over."

    Here is mine.

  62. As cyclists, we must hang together, or we shall hang separately. Therefore, do not laugh at Florida Man's misfortune. Do not watch it loop, over and over (the handlebars).

  63. Tide?! TIIIDE!?!?! What the fuck kind of industrially-produced, society-destabilizing, fulfillment-ruining, indignity-subjecting, suffering-inflicting (including physical) and nature-damaging bullshit is that? What kind of oversocialized white middle-class-ideals-conforming leftist has to have "clean clothes?" And how could he possibly feel anything but ennui in attaining this goal so non-autonomously, so obediently, with such a degree of collaboration from the immense social machine, and with so little effort on his part, namely by picking up some Tide from the store? Such a man might be prone to boredom, demoralization, low self-esteem, inferiority feelings, defeatism, depression, anxiety, guilt, frustration, hostility, spouse or child abuse, insatiable hedonism, abnormal sexual behavior, sleep disorders, eating disorders, being the Unabomber, etc.

  64. "Tide?! TIIIDE!?!?!"

    Tide contains a lot of tetrapotassium pyrophosphate. If you separate potassium from it and combine it with nitrate (NO3), you can use it as an ingredient in what highly energetic chemical compound?

    Taking the product of the industrial complex and sending it right back at them, in spades.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.


  66. two entries from the spokester

    my bicycle workbench and my regular workbench with the area still cleared from yesterday's pc rehab with the added bonus of my park workstand with the old brown towel draped over it. i'm pretty sure this curb appeal would generate offers to buy my house on the spot.

  67. Bama:
    My wife is enjoying the Capital of your fine state. She says it's a tad warm.
    The connecting flight was oversold, of course, but she made the flight.
    I'll be joining her Friday, but I'm renting a car at Atlanta airport and driving. Took your advice on the afternoon thunderstorms.
    Looking forward to BBQ and southern hospitality.
    When my daughter takes the grandson out, everyone asks if he's an Auburn baby or a Bama baby. She has no idea what they're talking about.
    Take care of my people, thanks.

  68. Pathetic Old CyclistAugust 4, 2015 at 5:53 PM


    My kitchen's not that neat.

  69. Spokey- I think your bicycle & non-bicycle workbenches are the same. You just changed the camera angle and put a towel over the bike stand

  70. Comment deleted @4:37 -- Florida man? The Great Charles Pierce, when writing about some apparently illegal action by Florida Governor Rick Scott, wrote this gem on esquire.com:

    " Those who are aware of all Internet traditions know that Florida Man is profoundly self-explanatory. You say Florida Man, and your companion knows that all manner of hullabaloo and shenanigans are likely to follow, from a bank robbery to a busload of nuns fed to the burgeoning python community in the Everglades. Florida Man. To paraphrase Sherlock Holmes's assessment of Dr. Watson, Florida man is the stormy petrel of criminal crazy. And, while Governor Batboy is Florida Man in a fine suit, in his heart, and increasingly in the public mind, he is running out his backdoor, barefoot, his mullet flapping in the breeze, with half the local sheriff's department and a film crew from Cops in pursuit, while the local DA wonders about the human heads in the icebox."

    Quite on a par with our host when it comes to great comic writing.

  71. Where the hell is babs? I always figured her for the huntress/Diana type, frolicking in the woods by quiet pool.

  72. dop

    caught me. and i took out the red drawers from bike one and painted it with wood grain brown paint

  73. vsk said ...

    Red Lamp Oil.

    Nice . . .


  74. vsk said ...

    Yes, where'z Ms.Babble ?? I sent her a message at her blog but no one was there. It just rings and rings, or whatever blogs do when no one's home.

    Maybe she's preparing to host a session of BabbsSnobNYC guest host on the famous bikee blog and Sr. Snobby is going to write about all things Vancouveresque!
    Kind of like guest hosting on the Brooks Blog.

    Maybe she's babysitting Sr. Snob's 18 kids while Mr + Mrs Snob can have a date night.

    Maybe Mike Sinyard is tying her to railroad tracks whilst a smoke belching locomotove comes a barrelling ever closer!!

    Tune in tomorrow to find out!


  75. Old Perfesser, and never forget his erstwhile accomplice, Florida Woman, tanned like a piece of old shoe leather, fashion sense of an addled 13 year old, and in vulgar pursuit of the cops chasing down her man.

    DB, tell her to pick one, it doesn't matter. But Auburn is just up I-85. We have been enjoying low dew points, mild humidity. It's 99 right now and feels great. Unfortunately the humidity comes back tomorrow, so it will only get to 95. It's hard to heat all that atmospheric water, I guess.

    Unfortunately, I know very little of Montgomery, but there may be some decent spots around the convention center downtown. They have been at least trying to redevelop.

  76. Dear Mr. Anon 12:24 --

    My dog would most likely exclaim "Oh the humanity."

  77. Pathetic Old CyclistAugust 4, 2015 at 10:00 PM

    I have been stalking Babs on her Strava.....it seems she is trying to ather some biek miles while rehabbing he crash bumps.

    She's a tough ol'broad,

  78. Her strava account is humbling; she puts in thousands of miles. The last time I looked at her blog, her strava entry for the day noted the ambulance ride after her crash. There was a strong outpouring of grief from her real friends: her local Vancouver strava buddies.

  79. Lolololololzzz! Yes yes yes. It's true. Not just tough: I'm gnarled. Just getting round on Bea bike as ever and always... I had stopped recording those miles cause a 61 lb bike on Vancouver's hilly roads really puts a damper on my average speed. I like it best when after a long week my average speed on the club's Strava spreadsheet reads anything north of 28 km/hr. On the Electra it's more like 12 or 13 or maybe 15 on a good day.

    Oh the humanity indeed! Oh the doggedness.

    Time time time... I have neglected that poor blogulation of late. It's funny, but this summer I seem to have come full circle back to where I started a year ago. It's a Groundhog Day kindov thing.

    Anyhoo. Lots of good things are happening even while this banged up, doggeded, gnarly old vessel quietly falls apart.

  80. Florida Man's misfortune, seems like a good way to curb one's enthusiasm for fording flooded streets.

  81. New CBC show in the works called Steven and Corpse, it's a home design, go to place, to die for.

  82. If the TDF would incorporate a Handlebarless Team Time Trial I would watch the shit out of it. It could only be 10K but you have to cross the line with all 9 team members.

  83. Been There Done ThatAugust 5, 2015 at 7:10 AM

    "If the TDF would incorporate a Handlebarless Team Time Trial I would watch the shit out of it."

    Peter Sagan would be able to handle that.

    Also here.

  84. The "Wheelie Position" is not very aero.

  85. Masters and JohnsonAugust 5, 2015 at 9:18 AM

    The "Doggie Position" is not very aero either, but that does not mean it is bad.

  86. bad boy of the northAugust 5, 2015 at 9:36 AM

    heading for the centurian mark....91...maybe miss bumbum could join snob's stable.

  87. Actually if you were giving a Double Nipple Fondle Reach Around it would be one of the more aero sexual positions. Except for Reverse Cowgirl which negates almost all of the dirty air even though she is a dirty girl.

  88. Did anyone else read the trending headlines under tubbg's picture?
    Dentist kills penguin with toothpick? etc
    You have too much time on your hands, Sir Snob!

  89. "Did anyone else read the trending headlines under tubbg's picture?"

    True story from my Peace Corps days in Thailand. Came home to the family I was staying with and everyone was celebrating happily. The water buffalo had given birth. We had a dish for dinner I had not had before, and when I asked what it was they told me a word I had not heard before. After dinner got to my room and looked the word up in the Thai-English dictionary.

    From that point one I told everyone I was vegetarian.

  90. vsk said ...

    Headd for ii CIENTO !!


  91. vsk said ...

    Not even a Ciento for today.



  92. It's a "truck crashes." It wasn't "Truck driver Crashes" The truck did it!

    But the devil causing the carnage was a bicyclist, not a bicycle.

    Double standard?

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  95. Hi Bike Snob, happy to tell you that the film about the crazy many coming down the Stelvio Pass without bars and brakes is now out! He has done it, and WE have done it!
    trailer: https://vimeo.com/119131349
    ciao, Paolo
