Friday, July 31, 2015

BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!

Of all the many reasons to love and respect the paradigm for human behavior that is pro cycling, perhaps the most compelling is the integrity of the team ownership, as exemplified here by Oleg Tinkov:

Wow, okay.

So what are we to make of this?  Well, there are three possibilities:

1) Between the inherent limitations of the Twitter medium and the fact that Tinkov is not a native English speaker, some nuance was lost here, so when he says "no monkeyobama" to Vaughters what he's really doing is warning Vaughters not to draw the comparison, à la "Don't go there;"

2) Tinkov is fiercely defensive of his country's leader and was deeply offended by the implication that Putin resembles Leonardo Da Vinci in drag;

3) Tinkov is a flaming racist.

[Hint: it's #3, with just a pinch of #2.]

Oh, but he does have 200,000 followers though:
Good for you.

While Tinkov's comment did not go unnoticed on Twitter, it's unlikely to draw the ire of the UCI, since racism seems to be fairly low on their list of priorities--a list which is itself languishing in a drawer somewhere.  Remember this from last year, for example?

But on Tuesday, words were some of the loudest elements of the day. After the stage ended in Bagnères-de-Luchon, a report emerged that indicated Switzerland’s Michael Albasini called Kévin Reza, the only black rider in the race and one of few in the sport, a “dirty negro,” according to Reza’s general manager at Europcar, Jean-René Bernaudeau.

Reza, he said, was upset after the stage, and that the comments were “unacceptable, inadmissible,” reported France’s Sud Ouest website. “I do not tolerate racism,” Bernaudeau said. “After doping it is the other scourge of the sport.”

Albasini of course denied the insult, but Bernaudeau's comment was telling, because if racism is even remotely as prevalent as doping in the peloton then they've got themselves a rolling KKK rally out there.

I don't know if that devil guy is still around, but either way maybe they should replace him with an "irony tuba."

Meanwhile, here in New York City, here's what you have to do to get in trouble for killing someone with your car:

On July 19th, at about 11:17 p.m., Aron "Eric" Aranbayev, 40, was struck by a car in front of his home on 71 Avenue. The car, a Dodge Magnum, fled the scene. Aranbayev and the driver may have been arguing about a parking space.

One person said, "He was just being dropped off, and some guy was in a rush. They got into a verbal argument and then the guy ran into him backwards." Aranbayev was taken to Jamaica Hospital where he died.

Police released video of the car and one of Aranbayev's famous clients, Floyd Mayweather, offered a $10,000 reward for information about the driver. 

Okay, so here's what it takes to get arrested for using your car as a murder weapon:

1) You have to argue with your victim beforehand;

2) You have to run him over in reverse;

3) You have to flee the scene;

4) All of this has to be captured on video;

5) Your victim has to have close ties with celebrities who are willing to shell out cash for justice.

Otherwise, if all five of these factors are not present, then "I mistook the gas for the brake" is a perfectly valid excuse.  Case closed.

Here's what the DA had to say:

Queens DA Richard Brown said, “The defendant is accused of viciously running down and killing a 40-year-old man, who was standing in front of his home. The victim didn’t have a chance. He was allegedly brutally rammed by a 1,000-plus pound, high-speed vehicle that violently threw him to the ground. The victim hit his head and succumbed to his injuries. This was a senseless, violent death that could have easily been prevented.”

"Brutally rammed?"  "Senseless, violent death that could have easily been prevented?"  Obviously it's a good thing they're prosecuting this guy, but these things are true for pretty much every motor vehicle death in New York City, yet we don't prosecute the vast majority of those drivers.

But sure, keep patting yourself on the back there, DA.

By the way, I notice the writer here didn't mention whether or not the victim was wearing a helme(n)t.


And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right then good, and if you're wrong you'll see a "human bike ride."

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and stay cool--unless it's cold where you live, in which case stay warm.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) What was the typical Fred uniform in the 1870s?

--"...tailcoat and tophat, hunting shirt and splatterdashes"
--"...a sort of blouse, buckled at the waist, long boots or Knickerbockers and hose, and a little cap"
--"...white flared trousers and rough blue serge"
--"...steel plate armor with peaked helmet and velvet-lined codpiece"

("The Wiggle, Presented by Facebook")

2) San Francisco cyclists are protesting:

--Stop sign enforcement
--Tech company shuttle buses
--Facebook's proposed purchase of naming rights for "The Wiggle"
--Mileage caps on cyclists in order to curb excess water consumption

3) The hot new performance-enhancing drug in cycling is:

--THX 1138
--Pot Belge

4) The fastest team time trial in Tour de France history was Orica-GreenEDGE in 2013 at 35.9mph.


5) "Specialized claims the new S-Works Venge ViAS Di2 bike can save your 120 seconds over 40km."  This is a $12,500 bike.  According to Specialized themselves, how much time will a free leg shave save you over the same distance?

--0 seconds
--12 seconds
--40-90 seconds
--120 seconds

6) Why should you not lock your bike to a tree?

--It is illegal
--Your bike will get stolen
--It is bad for the tree
--All of the above

7) It is acceptable to lock your bicycle to a tree if your bicycle is made of wood.


***Special Physically Separated Bike Lane-Themed Bonus Video!***

What, no parachu(n)te?


  1. 48. It is well known that crowding increases stress and aggression. The degree of crowding that exists today and the isolation of man from nature are consequences of technological progress. All pre-industrial societies were predominantly rural. The Industrial Revolution vastly increased the size of cities and the proportion of the population that lives in them, and modern agricultural technology has made it possible for the Earth to support a far denser population than it ever did before. (Also, technology exacerbates the effects of crowding because it puts increased disruptive powers in people’s hands. For example, a variety of noise- making devices: power mowers, radios, motorcycles, etc. If the use of these devices is unrestricted, people who want peace and quiet are frustrated by the noise. If their use is restricted, people who use the devices are frustrated by the regulations. But if these machines had never been invented there would have been no conflict and no frustration generated by them.)

  2. Pathetic Old CyclistJuly 31, 2015 at 12:41 PM

    1000 lb vehicle, really??? Was he run over by a Smart Car??

  3. Languishing in the top ten...

  4. Pathetic Old CyclistJuly 31, 2015 at 12:44 PM

    Oh, Dodge Magnum....4000 lb high speed vehicle.

  5. Leg shaving is not free, society pays.

  6. Je suis dans le premier dix.

  7. Top ten!!!
    In areospace engine manufacturing, engine explosion accidents are called uncontrolled separations.

  8. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

    A zip line you have to work at? Epic fail. The whole point of zip lines is the ZOOOOOOM!!!!

    I am in the wrong business. If only there was a way to have terrible ideas funded that could bee found on the Internets. Maybe my monocoque biek made out of recycled plastic and covered in jewels could finally get off the ground.

  9. All is well in British Columbia's scranus Toppus XX

  10. My new catch phrase: "Shut up Oleg(s)"

  11. Worstest wrong answer punishment video ever - the music in the bicycle zip video was actually a relief...

  12. Holy carp that's some ugly racist shit right there.

    Aside from that, Pro tip of the week:

    When driving around SF, don't. Make new friends closer to you, and live out of the corner liquor store.

  13. Where is that bike zip thing? Holy crap I would love to do that. Not so much for the "cycling", but riding through the SKY? Awesome!

  14. Where is that bike zip thing?

    The Philippines.

    The Franklin Institute museum in Philadelphia has a much smaller inside one.

  15. Well, at least Tinkov isn't a homophobe!

    Thanks Snob. Every day you give a little humor, a little humanity to us. I've been thinking of the contrast between you and this socio-something Ted K. who every day posts a little diatribe that means nothing except to him, and at which the mind blanks over, and which serves no purpose other than to exemplify a constrained mind. The difference couldn't be greater.

    Thanks, great job. I just wanted to say that.

  16. 1,000 lb. vehicle: full-sus Magna?

  17. Yes! Sousaphone guy took place like 2 blocks from where my ass is currently plopped.
    Also, was wondering if you have seen this.... cyclists obeying the law in protest

  18. The "Queens DA". Is that dumb ass? If so, is there only one?

  19. "Also, was wondering if you have seen this..."

    Quiz question 2.

  20. feet-don't-fail-me-nowJuly 31, 2015 at 1:45 PM

    Some cycling-in-the-city news from San Francisco.

    In your FACE robot quiz!!

  21. Tinkov should know he's descended from a monkey.

  22. AYHSMM

    All you haters spank my monkey.


  23. Tell me more about this velvet lined codpiece.

  24. If I get elected king of the internet I am changing the "prove you're not a robot" button to
    "prove you're not a wanker"

    (How did that guy get left out of the quiz?)

  25. Never mind the moaning Lisa, have you noticed how Bikesnob is beginning to look like RTMS?

  26. aaaand, a cyclist hating fuckstorm breaks out in the comment section of SFGate over the Wiggle protest.

    Of course, the same thing happens anytime a person of color is arrested, because it proves the racists are right.

    Never read the comments section, folks.


  27. dollar shave club should sponsor a cycling team.

    i use a straight razor. its like a little fun challenge each morning.

    dont use it on my junk though. i'm not a samurai.

    so help me god i better have a good table at Dorsia tonight.

    safe riding.

  28. vsk said ...

    If smooth skin

    is what you crave,

    ride the Next mile up

    to Burma Shave


  29. Um, so what I really want to see is Mr Putin in heels and that low cut dress Caitlin was wearing on the cover of Vanity Fair last month - epecially if we can enjoy the view from an angle captured on one of his ever so many, ever so manly Siberian summer safaris. You've gotta wonder whether he is friends with that Fred who killed Cecil.

    Oh!!! And for those of you who are interested, there is breaking news from Wreck Beach this summer: Da Bush is Back!!! Ms Diaz was spot on in her book last year...

    Which women's team scolded by that wig at the UCI for it's apparent nudity? Was it Brazil? That's beyond ironic, given that doing their kit up right n proper this year would include a time consuming, big assed bush front n center. Also, a bush in this heat is hotter than no bush. Like a full beard for the bits. It would be interesting to see whether the shade factor helps cool the girlie bits, and whether that improves performance. Please do feel free to share any of your discoveries in this important field of research with me, ladies. Inquiring minds want to know.

  30. I'm pro-bush, but not pro-Bush. In fact, Lick Bush in '16!

  31. The latest Bicycling issue includes a story on the best internet bike bloggers, which mentioned about 50 by category. Guess who they left off? WTF? Aren't you still a contributing writer to the online version (don't read it)? Or did you just make one too many cracks about the mag? Whatever the deal is, to mention bike blogging and not mention one of the most popular bloggers there is seems like an intentional slight to me. You seem to be taking the high road so I thought I would bring it up here. It's an outrage my good man.

  32. sometimes I know everyone wants to see my penis...I can feel them looking at it...I'm really kind of shy, so I compromise and text dick shots to my friends...I'll move to Portland for the nakie bike ride...I'll blend in...

  33. I'm totally taking THX-1138 before the next group ride.

  34. I think sky will have soylent green at the feed stations

  35. I guess I failed the quiz because you mentioned the article I linked to in the quiz. So waht, I was copying off my neighbor.

  36. nah, for the naked group ride you'll want Delysid.

  37. Comment deleted - I say don't just read the comment section, read it and flag every single piece of hate speech. If the forum doesn't offer that option, write to the author/editor/moderator. And since they may not do anything, don't bother waiting to also write to the publication's advertisers. Include screen caps, ideally showing their ads right next to shitty comments with which they do not want their brands associated whatsoever. Guaranteed, the comments will get cleaned up in a hurry.

    Blog Drafter 1:35 pm - "this socio-something Ted K." - the K is for Kaczynski (look it up) and (now redundant since you looked it up) he's not the one actually posting it. In fact nobody is posting it - a bot is posting it. One does not read it, one scrolls right past. Or if one were truly interested, one could easily find the whole document (a 'manifesto' hint hint, did you look it up yet?) online for reading all at once.

  38. bad boy of the northJuly 31, 2015 at 4:00 PM

    that bicycle zip line would be great in more getting hit by drivers.lightning on the other hand......

  39. Some quality viewing is coming our way. Netflix adds these titles on Aug. 11:

    Fred: The Movie
    Fred 2: Night of the Living Fred
    Fred 3: Camp Fred

  40. Fred Di2 - Electric Boogaloo

  41. dont they already have those lines all over the city for the hasdic folks? ride on those. you'll literally be riding in heaven. or maybe that is the barrier for hell? or something sensible like that.

    its re-cycling the already existing skyway. you may be asked to wear a small hat though.

  42. Hee Haw the velvet-lined codpieceJuly 31, 2015 at 5:09 PM

  43. 6) Your victim must not be on a bicycle.

  44. Just what we need - low gas prices mean more bg-azz SUVs

    1,000 pounds indeed. More likely 5,000+

  45. Well those tweets by Mr. Tinkov just shoot to hell my dog's theory that he's on Molly.

    (That Mr. Tinkov's on Molly. Not my dog. Nothing explains his behavior. My dog's behavior. Not Mr. Tinkov's. Oh look a pronoun. What were we talking about?)

    Ride safe all!

    Especially if you have an overwhelming desire to just hug everybody.

  46. Once again I am forced to ponder the age old question of "who is stupider, bike racers or body builders?". I don't know. Both groups are willing to put almost anything into their bodies if they think that they can get a performance boost. I am surprised nobody has been caught doping with plutonium.

  47. Very nice blog. Greetings from Indonesia.

  48. On a quick post-breakfast dumper I broke into a 4,000 word per minute read of that BuyCycling review of Biek Bloggers. Once I saw it didn't include BikeSnob, I quickly determined the article was both vertically inflexible and laterally flexible.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Yes. He's up there in the top bloggers of all bloggers, never mind cycle bloggers. He's the Snobi Wan!!

    Greetings and Salutations.

    I'm sorry, but I don't understand the problem. Everything is a fucking drug already, and if it isn't your medicine, it's probably a slow poison. HFCS, ferfucksake, might just as well be arsenic.

    Better living through chemistry is what I say.

    Mr Murks, I am the stooooopidest, a certified mutard. But then my doctors prescribe canabanoids quite regularly, so you know which way I bend. Had to give up drinking, though, and I love a glass of wine with dinner. Doesn't everyone? Jesus. That hurt. Stooooopid mutard that I am. And on top of chocolate and coffee it's just not fair. I quit quitting, too, ages ago. Figured I'd already quit all of the good stuff anyway...

    Cooking is chemistry. You really can boil an egg beautifully so that all of those lovely omega threes (organic eggs have way more, go figure!) go straight to your brain and make you feel better.

    But I babble on. What were we talking about? Oh look, a pronoun. Heh heh.
    Not everybody, Leroy. Just you.
    Cyber hugs. xo ox
    And a big kiss. X

    Yes, bless. Ride safely all. :)

  51. I was on the crapper, reading about the bicycling article about bicycle bloggers on my iPhone. I haven't seen the article, but omens tell me it is soft & poorly formed.

  52. Scranus. There is not one reason for a Hummer, maybe a hummer, but not a Hummer. I'm not making a lick of sense, am I? It's the humidity, not the heat I'm told.
    But in reference to last weeks commentating, I now have a fully functional 11-34 cassette on a road bike, xt rear derailleur , 50-34 up front. It's awesome. I suck.

  53. Babble - That was pure babble. Ordering powerful medicines off of the internet and putting them into your body is stupid. Body builders and bike racers seem to do it a lot. Taking medically necessary substances under the direction and supervision of your doctor is generally not stupid.

  54. Exactly. Why criminalize it? Everybody uses something somehow in some way shape or form. It's like the Wednesday weed: everything's better when it's legal. The black market isn't helping anything.

  55. Pathetic Old CyclistAugust 1, 2015 at 8:41 AM

    Get Off The Fucking Road,

    Great video! Illustrates everything wrong with driver vehicle is bigger than yours, you don't deserve a slice of the road. Imagine that prick driving a Hummer or Navigator, or any othe behemouth trollong our streets. When the driver said 'you only on a little bicycle, stay on the side of the road' I wanted to punch my tablet.
    We have all come across that obnoxious asshole. Priceless payback at the end! Asshole shows there is no shortage of morons, either side of the pond.

  56. "irony tuba." -- see this is why I come here. How would we find these gems w/o you WCRM?

  57. POC

    that's almost exactly what happened to me about a month or so ago (reported faithfully here at the time) except for two things.

    1 - in my case it is a no parking 4 lane divided road, but very local. Only about 2 miles total length. So the idiot, in my case, could easily move to the left/passing lane. Too much effort for him I guess

    2 - I didn't have video. Still don't but should eventually get both front and rear like this guy when I figure out the best (or good enough) type/model

    My assailant even threatened run me over the next time he saw me which I might have heard in this vid as well.

  58. "...if racism is even remotely as prevalent as doping in the peloton then they've got themselves a rolling KKK rally out there."

    Had me rolling on the floor.

  59. Angry Beaver in MiramichiAugust 1, 2015 at 11:11 AM

    I'm I reading Ms. Babble's post correctly, Ms Diaz's bush was spotted (was it spotted?) on Wreck Beach. Check out the bush on the performance artist in the movie "The Great Beauty", she runs nude and head butts an aqueduct. Anyway, she has a hammer and Cycle (I know it's Sickle) carved into it (and she's a ginger too, well at least the bush is). I strongly suspect the part was played by Putin.

  60. Spokey: check out Contour ROAM cameras and K-edge mounts (e.g.). Less expensive and more discreet than those G*-Pr*s but excellent video and sound quality and very robust (been using five years now). I try not to ride alone without running.

  61. Crosspalms:
    Enjoy Lollapalooza this weekend.
    I hope I can hear Metallica from 2 1/2 hours west of Chicago.

  62. Russian Vodka, it's not Just for Breakfast Anymore!August 1, 2015 at 12:06 PM

    Strongly think that Cecil the Lion was done in by Putin, the Minnesota dentist guy is just a beard. Putin's next take down will be Bambi, then a hit on Bullwinkle, then Rocky the Raccoon, Mr. Ed, anything except a bear.

  63. Mr Murks - sorry. I beg your pardon if I was flippant. I was definitely being a little bit facetious, but the point stands. It's true that legalized doping would make it tougher for those athletes not prepared to take risks with their life and health to win a fucking race, for sure. But arguably, the field is already unfair, cause there are definitely ALWAYS riders doping anyway. You will find performance enhancers in every sport, too, if you look closely enough, because wherever there is any significant money or title available, people are people and so inevitably someone will do whatever it takes to be the one left holding the (prize) bag when finally all is said and done.

    and I take exception to the fact that much of our food supply these days is biochemically engineered and yet we don't even have the right to know which products are not quite natural, and which are grown from heirloom seeds.

    And frankly, (and most importantly) much of what is criminal ought not to be (ie mary jane) whilst much of what is not criminal ought to be - like the massive overuse of psychoactive drugs on student populations, in lieu of the education and promotion of healthy life choices. It has nothing to do with what is right, or best for the population as a whole. It comes down to profit. Every. Time.

    Like the pot laws. Nobody can argue that it has medicinal benefit, does pot, and never, ever has anyone died from taking it (unlike tylenol and aspirin!!) so why the fuck is it illegal? Fer fucksake, George Washington grew it as one of his three primary crops!! As an illegal drug, it is creating enormous harm, and at a great cost to society! Bad for teens? For sure. Should people go to jail for having or growing it? Fuck fuck fuck NO.

    We need to re-evaluate this whole war on drugs bullshit, cause one way or another we all strive for better living through chemistry. That is all.

  64. Anyone up for some on the road bicycle repair porn?

    I was riding my new commuter to the dealer's to pick up the car that I lease, when the front der started to shift by itself, always to a smaller chainring. There was a funny click, and I could see a bent link when I looked down.

    A link was half undone, with the inner faceplate free of the pin. I removed the offending link, reassembled the chain using the convenient workstand provided by the town of Hartsdale.

    My new commuter consists of a generic nashbar road frame(+stem, fork & handle bars) along with the components stripped from my old commuter, (a 1994 Specialized Allez Sport being violated from the rear). The old commuter frame broke at thechainstay in Van Cortlandt park back in April.

    ps the fat driver falling should never get out of the car....they are one.

  65. I think the drivers who admit to mistaking the gas for the brake are the stand-up ones. The others claim the gas pedal was "stuck", and then the cops supply and accept the "mistake" excuse.

    Meanwhile: "A big-hearted Bronx teacher bicycling across the U.S. for charity was killed by a driver who was texting behind the wheel Thursday in Oklahoma. Patrick Wanninkhof, 25, was part of a fundraiser for Bike and Build, a nonprofit that raises money for sustainable housing, when 34-year-old driver Sarah Morris of Cordell, Okla. slammed into him and another cyclist, according to the Oklahoma Highway Patrol."

    It actually just gets sadder after that.

  66. thanks meltyman

    will check them out

  67. dop

    thx for the porn. good thing i waited until spousy went for a nap before viewing. i do wonder though if your foot doesn't hit that pump occasionally. i think my clod hoppers would.

  68. That pump is well inside the big ring & in no danger from my feet.I always keep it nozzle down, or else the handle can slide down & hit the middle ring. (On the other hand, that black bag on the rack will bump my legs if not set up properly).

    Link failure is my fault. When I set the bike up in April, I broke the chain to install it. Afterwards the link was sticky & needed a lot of encouragement to flex smoothly. A 3 month time bomb. (I just ordered some master links on Amazon for future use).

    If the post was that stimulating, you should join your wife now & make a real nap of it.

  69. Fuck! I can't remember what I was so fucking angry about. Nothing makes me more fucking angry than fucking forgetting why I'm so fucking angry! Do you know what else makes me fucking angry? My fucking idiot neighbor who is always pounding on the wall of my fucking apartment! I was yelling at my fucking radio and he starts fucking pounding away so I can't fucking hear the fuck what the idiot being interviewed was fucking saying! I'm gonna fucking pound the the fucking wall down and fucking see how he fucking likes a pound of fucking broken drywall stuffed down his fucking throat!

  70. I'm sorry zen masterAugust 1, 2015 at 3:50 PM

    I cunt hear you. I have an ear infuction.

  71. dop

    those wipperman or powerlinks? i've been using the sram powerlink for years and it's OK but i find pretty hard to disconnect out on the road. it's hard enough that i bought some tool that i use at home. when i was complaining about that on a touring list, a couple people recommended the wipperman so i bought one of those last winter.

    now of course being as lazy as snobbie i haven't actually put the wipperman on yet. in fact, i've been meaning to go look for it as i don't even know where it is (but just went downstairs and found it). i am getting close as i haven't cleaned the old chain yet this year thinking i would just put a new one on. but of course that means taking the old chain off, measuring it against the new one, cutting the new chain and putting it on. wow. i think i do need a nap just thinking about all the work involved. no wonder i haven't done it yet.

  72. 81 and counting

  73. KMC missing link for 5,6 & 7 speed. Pack of 6 for 12 bucks.

    On the road, I have the chain tool. At home, I've got my link pliers if I need to work on it.

    No way I need 6. Anybody else riding 5,6,7?

  74. Zen Master, repent of your sins and embrace the God of love with the great zeal of a proselyte, for well we all know that those of religious fervor are noted for their tolerance.

  75. I remember that once I bought a KMC chain, but the small package that contained the Missing Link was.... missing. Now is that ironic or what?

  76. Ok. This might seem like an odd question, but how many spacers is it acceptable to have above your bar stem before people 'in the know' think that you're a wanker?

  77. I fear the answer is none.

  78. the answer is fghjkfghj;outyiug096p98b[vcx6p875cp97August 2, 2015 at 12:55 AM


  79. w09y86sr-0hoifghkr-0y9iweq5]pohgkfg'lkhjsr=09yh8wir[tokhmf'lkhuiw-9y8iw]r[pohkjdf;ohkr\-=0u9i2]r-60oyi]wrptohkf';glhkfspt[ohir]-60yiwr]6[oykrftopyuwr]-9yu3w]rpoyjwrpoty penis enlargementAugust 2, 2015 at 12:57 AM

    'poofgbi=tfbn9,\=t- 0,\e5=-t bq]d-08er-t09qe\r=t -0qbm,\=50t9,vmcqe=r-t90n b\wer=-tb9 nqer-0t bnq\er=0tb 9mqw4r=\t0b 9near\= bqnwe5rb-0q er\
    ] t-piowerthm]bpri][oimy56-oimg46-0ybgm409yn824=-0yn8bm [p9ymw4=0v2i 459-68-0irtpohksdfl;gmd';klgyiwue5=09682=98irt';lhkfsgphow485=ty-0qeirtkb'l;cvkhp[odzf89-qw0erti6y'12p;ol45kyh[wfp9t8hg2=r-9tgiwr][-t0h82r=560hi]r-0hiwr\=60hikwfg[ophiw\r=-h09iwr]\0[hgifdg][hopiw6y924][oyiwr]t-0hgiwert[opghkw]t[pohiwrt0yhi vacuum pump

  80. penis and mars are all right tonight

  81. supernumary nippleAugust 2, 2015 at 1:01 AM

    any number;. they think everyone else is a wanker

  82. Pathetic Old CyclistAugust 2, 2015 at 9:04 AM

    I recently pulled a spoke though rim eyelet on my hardtail mountainbike, damaging the wheel, forever. In my haste to replace the wheel, I diligently went to my LBS, a mere 6 months later. Bikestore is a well established merchant spexializing mostly MTB and I have been dealing with him for years. I told him I need a rear wheel for my Blizzard, 8 speed compatible, as the bike is ancient, built in 1999, at the end od the old millenium.
    Bile store guy looks a aroumd a bit ant then says to me 'Dude, I don't have anything for you, you need a wheel with a braking surface, right? All I have is dick brake compatible.' Fuck, I say, Do you mean to tell me that the only way I can get a 26 inch 8 speed compatible double wall mountainbike wheel at this point in time, is to CUSTOM BUILD IT!!! We perused his suuppliers catalogue and for some time and could not find a suitable wheel as a replacement.

    Several week ago I went in a less established proprietorship and inquired ant the best he could offer was a single wall straight gauge wheel which looked and felt like it would fold under the weight of my enormous aging carcass.

    Could you believe this shit!? I could probably walk into any auto parts store and get enough componentry to rebuild a 36 Ford, bit I cant get a replacement rim braking wheel for a 15 year old bicycle.

    The moral of this story.......There is none. I just wanted to piss and moan.

  83. POC,

    I have Forte terramax wheels from Performance bike. The have rim brake compatible sidewalks and can be used with an 8 speed cassette. They have held up well on both my old hardtail and my smugness flotilla. I'm clydesdale sized and my kids are getting older, so the wheels have been put through the wringer.
    I have the benefit of living in a town with Performance bike retail store, so its almost like going to the LBS...
    Last note: the wheels are spinal tap "none more" black... Hubs, rims spokes, everything...

  84. Thoughts on the "irony Tuba"...
    I think he would have had a lot more punch on the low notes and could have played prestissimo instead of allegro if he had used a plus sized mouthpiece, like a Bach 30H. I appreciate the fact that he was palping a classic metal sousaphone (brass kicks ass) instead of going for the lighter composite (fiberglass) models. Everybody know that a fiberglass Tuba I likely to explode on you while playing "hall of the mountain king". Definitely not covered by the warranty.
    Now, if he had been walking alongside a dirt road, he should have been using a 4 valve, gravel specific, E-flat sousaphone. Anything else and he would have surely died.

  85. Pathetic Old Cyclist,

    I'd be very surprised if your LBS couldn't just order one from QBP...

    --Wildcat Etc.

  86. Pathetic Old CyclistAugust 2, 2015 at 12:34 PM

    WCRM, etal,

    Thanks, I guess the whole point of my tirade is, at this point, we, are, less likely to be able to walk into a LBS and walk out with a wheel of some acceptable quality. I know my optioms to go to any quality supplier online. I look to support the local guys, and get some imstant gratification while I am at it. Are they doing themselves in by not stocking older components?

    Bikes are increasingy becoming like computers. They are rendered instantly obsolete.

  87. 98 comments and not one, "Yeah, I would def like to ring THAT bell?", from the human bike ride video. Gentlemen this affront shall not stand.

  88. Hello Century. The Hot Hundred.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. POC-

    I continue to have hopes for Julio's cycles in Chappaqua. They sell my gear & rebuild wheels without fuss. The other local shops have annoyed me over the years and are on permanent shit list.

    bait & switch>>>>oh, you paid for the trainer in the blue box, but I put the cheaper red one in your car

    general stupidity*>>>>build a rear wheel for my 200 lb self with a low profile rim & tiny, double butted spokes after I requested straight 14 gauge spokes

    avarice>>>>> you need full suspension

    *he redeemed himself on a subsequent trip, his concern evident as he cradled my twisted bikeframe after a sub-woohoo encounter with a pothole & aligning it in a day

  91. <hand clap> to bama

    but at that time i was being told to get the hell out of the plastic pants and go do some laundry. such is the life of a cat 9 rider. at least robot is taking pity on me. no harassment right now.

  92. North Of Forty Is Nearer To GodAugust 2, 2015 at 8:56 PM

    HitchBOT is dead, a victim of America's urban decay and it's effect on the moral compass of the disenfranchised.

  93. North of Forty, big words but what would Ted K say?

  94. Brooke Higgins UpskirtAugust 3, 2015 at 9:10 AM

    I can see her panties from my lowly perch at 107

  95. On the Clown takes a fall video - all good with the funny end (slow mo was awesome), but I sort of think the beiker was being a bit of a dick - re-watching the video, the pass was not all that close, and chasing the guy down and repeatedly confronting him is not so wise - I guess the lack of guns over there makes it less stupid, but it still isn't something the surgeon general would recommend. And if the guy who took a fall survived he will certainly spread ill will towards beikers forever.

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