Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Putting the "Ham" in Hamlet

In yesterday's post, I mentioned that some doctor had advised Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to stop cycling because it's too dangerous, and that he should go swimming instead:

Further to that, a commenter was kind enough to point out that swimming is not exactly risk-free, and indeed one former Australian Prime Minister went swimming and subsequently vanished forever:

Harold Edward Holt, CH (/hoʊlt/;[1] 5 August 1908 – 17 December 1967), was an Australian politician and the 17th Prime Minister of Australia. Holt spent 32 years in Parliament, including many years as a senior Cabinet Minister, but was Prime Minister for only 22 months before he disappeared in December 1967 while swimming at Cheviot Beach near Portsea, Victoria, and was presumed drowned.

So naturally they named a public swimming pool after him:

It's right down the street from the John F. Kennedy Memorial Book Depository.

Meanwhile, as far as I know, the number of former Australian Prime Ministers who have disappeared while cycling is zero--though I suppose Abbott could be the first, at which point they'll probably name a velodrome after him.

Of course, we all know Australians have an undue fear of cycling, which is why you're required by law to wear a helmet, or a helment--though presumably, a "halmet" will also suffice:

(Spotted by Leroy's Dog)

It's clear the world is not going to settle on a universal spelling anytime soon, so I say we should simply call them "Hamlets" and call it a day:

("Alas poor Yorick!  He wore not a Hamlet...")

There's even a solid precedent for the "Hamlet" in the form of this ham helmet:

ANSI, Snell, and FDA approval pending.


If we take fat bikes as a given, which unfortunately we must at this point, then offering a high-volume pump like this certainly makes sense.  However, I freely admit I have a difficult time relating to the fat bike ethos, which is embodied in this image from the video:

As far as I've been able to tell, the fat bike phenomenon largely consists of men with ample Louis CK physiques whose lifestyle consists of donning "shants" in winter and "bro-ing down" in the snow with their dogs--and yes, dogs can totally be "bros:"

Anyway, this bro-driven swelling of cycling now seems to be resulting in all manner of bloated, comically oversized components:

Not only that, but the air is becoming thick with the drones these bros use to film themselves:

They're like mechanical flies buzzing over the carcass of modesty.

I give it a year before someone introduces a bro-tastic mountain biking-specific drone that also carries your tools, beer, and weed for you, complete with integrated fat bike pump and vaporizer.

Elsewhere on Kickstarter is this decidedly more artisanal popsicle stick bike:

I make amazing things out of Popsicle sticks. That's what I do.

I've been working my way up to making the most important project of my Popsicle stick journey: a line of fully customized Popsicle stick bicycles. Bicycles that are fully ready, fully enjoyable by everyone, everywhere!

He wants a thousand bucks--presumably so he can buy enough Popsicles, which of course he'll have to eat first.

That's a lot of brain freeze.

Hopefully that won't prevent him from solving the problem that every Popsicle stick bike builder must confront eventually:

The most challenging element will be finishing my designs for wheels and gears. There are a few design plans I will base my creations off of, but they will have to be adapted to work with Popsicle sticks.

Though given the formidable artistry on display at his blog I'm confident he'll manage:

In fact, at this point New York City might as well hire him to install bike lanes, because Popsicle stick infrastructure would be about as permanent as what we have now:

Update: The Manhattan Community Board 12 transportation committee will consider an agenda item tonight that would call on DOT to remove the Fort George Hill bike lane. Yes, really. The meeting will be held at the Isabella Geriatric Center, 515 Audobon Avenue, at 7 p.m.

So they're not even finished installing the bike lane and already the Community Board is holding a meeting about removing it.

Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Actually it wasn't, since nobody has gotten to use it yet.

It's important to remember though that New York is "America's Most Bike Friendly City," despite the fact that our bike infrastructure is mostly just a cheap costume akin to some greasepaint, a plastic cigar, and a pair of Grouch Marx glasses.  Meanwhile, Salt Lake City is building the first "protected intersection" in the United States:

Using a combination of concrete islands, specially timed signals, and painted markings, the protected intersection creates a clear and sensible environment where all users—on foot, on bike, and in cars—have plenty of time and space to see and react to one another.

Here's a video that shows how it works:

Protected Intersections For Bicyclists from Nick Falbo on Vimeo.

New York City intersections are actual death traps so we could really use something like this, though at the same time New Yorkers generally choose the shortest distance between two points regardless of how they're traveling, so I'm not sure we're capable of following detailed directions like this:

Not only that, but all it takes is one typical taxi driver to fuck it all up:

Interestingly, as far as cyclists go, this design seems to hinge on legitimizing "shoaling:"

The narrator also says that cyclists can "yield to pedestrians" in order to get to these shoaling zones, which is hilarious, because that would never, ever happen in New York.

We'll see if the Mormons can pull it off.




  3. Where's Ted? His scripting's no good anymore

  4. top 10! Early one today boss.

  5. That hamlet would go quite nicely with Lady Gaga's meat dress.//

  6. Not only do Aussies like building ironic swimming pools (I grew up swimming in the Harold Holt pool, I can still smell the chlorine tang in my brain), but we also love ripping up cycle lanes. In Sydney our Roads Minister is man called Gay who used to own a trucking company and hates cyclists and inner city types, though he lives in the inner city a few doors down from my inner city friends. There is a lot of irony in Australia, but unlike the Germans we don't understand it.

  7. of all the "bro" types out there, i think the colorado-stoner-bearded-hipster-ex banker-now i found nature and vegetarian diet-but thank god for my trust fund-bro is the most annoying. at least this week.

    or just colorado in general. just dont trust people who are running their brains so lean on oxygen.

  8. bad boy of the northJune 2, 2015 at 9:54 AM

    at least the popsicle bicycle creator has sticktoitiveness.
    in russia you'd have to hammer and popsicle.

  9. Oxygen is the only thing I'm lean on these days.

    1908? He'd be the Old Testament to healthy living if he were the same Killer doctor as warned PM Abbott off his bike. It could happen, specially in the Old Testament.

    Dain Bramage. Too O2 lean...

  10. vsk said ...

    Early one ...


  11. You try to make your own safe crossing. On oneway side streets crossing avenues, I like to shoal past the stop line into the parking lane, with its relative protection. (on the left side if the ave is a right turn & vice versa.)At more complex intersections, I just cry.

  12. Brittney@10:03. What were you eating? Spam?

  13. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/star-wars-villian-darth-vader-promotes-bicycle-helmet-safety-billboards-across-germany-1502046

    69. I don't think Darth Vader cares about bike safety. I think he is more into the mindless imperialistic conformity aspect of wearing the "proper" bike uniform. All the time.

    The good news is that it is easier than ever to join the Evil Empire. Just wear your helment and gear. At all times, soldier.

    Rebel Forces in Germany have been defacing the billboards....

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I didn't know what "shoaling" meant. I had to look it up. All my Fred-points vanished instantly. At least my bike was featured on this blog. I still have that going for me.

  16. wadda i gotta do? pull an all-nighter to podi these days?

    i want everyone above in the testing tent immedidately

  17. ... and Leon's getting larger...

  18. Brittany - i lost 23 pounds by reading this blog daily for a month. it was mostly water loss though due to crying, vomiting and pissing my pants

  19. I am a Salt Laker. Drivers here seem to possess a strange mixture of cluelessness, aggressiveness, and over-politeness. Seeing four Salt Lake drivers arrive relatively simultaneously at a four-way stop is real comedy - nobody wants to take the initiative for fear of being rude to the other drivers. On the other hand, drivers seem to think nothing of running cyclists off the road, failing to yield, etc. So, in my analysis, the bike intersection is going to be interesting.

  20. Putting the Ham in hamlet? It was always there:

    If you can't be a ham and do Hamlet
    They will not give a damn or a damlet
    Just recite an occasional sonnet
    And your lap'll have honey upon it

    When your baby is pleading for pleasure
    Let her sample your Measure for Measure
    Brush up your Shakespeare
    And they'll all kow-tow -

  21. Brittany Andrews lost 23 pounds in 21 days by consuming only cum and methamphetamine. It puts the Atkins to shame.

  22. well that's weird

    hamlet has always been my favorite bill shake-a-lance story. but i don't eat any piggly food(?) at all. might have to reconsider and move macbeth up. i do try to wash blood off me hands from time to time

  23. That taxi illustration is very accurate. Just this morning at the 11th Ave/26th St intersection, a yellow cabbie pulled away from the taxi stand on the west side of 11th and zipped through the intersection. The traffic light was just turning red, so he went very quickly from stopped to zooming. He didn't have a fare and his hazards were on the whole time. Then he stopped and sat in the middle of 11th, just south of the intersection -- you know, where usually you would continue driving south. He almost took out three of us on bikes, but he was sure to use his horn and yell out his window.

  24. #OccupyCornerRefugeIsland

  25. So maybe the Australian doctor is actually trying to get rid of Abbott ? Sneaky !

  26. "Where's Ted? His scripting's no good anymore"

    Robot trap now sometimes want 3 photos clicked, not just 2. Maximum times the script needs to guess before it hits the correct combination increased from 72 to 504. If it doesn't get in the top 5 it shuts down until the next day (just trying to displace PODIUM! posts, not real comments.)

  27. All this helment halment hamlet talk
    is Much Ado About Nothing

  28. the porky pig helment is made in the USA - right there in New HAMpshire

  29. Dear Brittney @10:03 AM --

    My dog too is so damn happy with his weight loss regimen.

    He too would like to show you how he did it.

    He too says it is very exciting stuff.

    He too invites you to check out leroy's dog's The Best Diet Click Here.

    He takes credit cards.

    In fact, he often takes mine.

  30. What with the expiration of part of the Patriot Act and the release of the July issue of Vanity Fair this week, I feel I can do anything I want and get away with it.

  31. what I meant is that no one will be paying any attention.

  32. what?

    Did someone post something?

    I wasn't paying attention.

  33. Ever seen Wildcat (http://tinyurl.com/oakpunq) and Troy Gentile (http://tinyurl.com/ok7pa35) in the same room?


  34. I think we're missing the point on this Aussie PM bike riding.

    Sure Holt is dead thanks to his reckless and irresponsible swimming, but his predecessor was Robert Menzies. And that's just funny.

    To take a portion from Holt's Wackypedia page:
    In October the government became embroiled in another embarrassing controversy over the alleged misuse of VIP aircraft, which came to a head when John Gorton (Government Leader in the Senate) tabled documents that showed that Holt had unintentionally misled Parliament in his earlier answers on the matter. Support for his leadership was eroded even further by his refusal to sack the Minister for Air, Peter Howson, in order to defuse the scandal, fuelling criticism from within the party that Holt was "weak" and lacked Menzies' ruthlessness.

    Menzies are ruthless, I have been told.

  35. My favorite protected intersection is where the train tracks cross the busiest intersection in town. When the crossing gates drop, the intersection is protected from everything except the train.

    All you have to do is get across before the engineer can see you (there is a bend in the tracks before the intersection), or just after the train passes. But I'll admit I'm not crossing the tracks, just riding parallel to them on the designated multi-use trail.

  36. It's going to be a tough choice between the upcoming Specialized Yoric™ and Yoric SL™.

  37. There's a famous Richard Menzies, but I don't know if answers to the name of Dick. (I think Dick Menzies would just be peeing blood)

  38. Why in the world does he have four clocks on the wall, all displaying the same time.

  39. this sucks. It costs the city like $1M per foot to make a bike lane because they are the worlds worst shoppers. Now they will remove it? I'm not paying that invoice. Just ignore the collections calls.

  40. So if I get a velodrone, what kind of pump should I look at?

  41. London is trying to be the best bike city in the world.

    I see their application is in order.

  42. Wait a minute.

    You mean "Hamlet" was not the sequel to "Babe: Pig in the City"?

    My dog owes me $5.

    I should never have let one of his bro-dog friends settle the bet.

    Oh well, at least he showed me where to get Shakespearean Insults.

  43. Four clocks: Manhattan time, Brooklyn time, Queens time and The Bronx time. No one wants to give Staten Island the time of day.

  44. Australia is looking more and more like a big Texas. Or Texas is a small Australia. I'm so confused.

    Ted K., your current chosen mission is commendable, at least better than the last one that I was aware of.

  45. I would love to buy one of those fat bike pumps, but all the fat bikes at Walmart have schrader valves.

  46. @Anonymous @ 1:22 - PDW has updated the pump design to be Schrader valve compatible.

  47. insert soliloquy about BLTs here...

  48. I lost 23 pounds in 21 days by consuming only SPAM, eggs, sausage, SPAM, SPAM and SPAM.

  49. Leroy:

    I would have gone for the clean rest room & the Ice beer wine.

  50. Anon 12:13: Snob and Tom Gentile cannot be one in the same because Gentile is obviously a gentile (hence the name) and BSNYC is as Jewish as they come...but wait, he is, isn't he?

  51. I've gotta get a fat bike pump, I've been secretly using my gravel bike pump to pump my fat tires.
    All this will be in my BuySomething article on specific gases for specific tires for specific bikes for specific activities, all adhering to a standard that has recently blossomed to 14 standards.
    You'd be amazed at how well tubulars spin up nicely with custom Zipp 71 % nitrogen/oxygen blend instead of the Fredly 78% nitrogen people just steal for free.
    You cheap bastards.

  52. Timely ham post Snob.
    An Israeli soldier was just sentenced to 11 days in jail for eating a ham sandwich.

    No, really.

  53. "...a Jewish as they come" what does that mean exactly? is he ultra-orthodox?

  54. Meanwhile, they are still checking il Contadoper's bike for electric motors. Bright sparks at the UCI.

    No, Really.

  55. Is a decathlon 3 1/3 as silly as a triathlon?

  56. I like the protected bike lanes and intersections. Protects cyclists from the two of the biggest causes of accidents, doors and right hooks. We have some protected lanes here in NYC, but could use the protected intersections as well. I'm certain people would freak out though over that as a use of their tax dollars. The message needs to be that the more bike infrastructure the more people use bikes as a mode of transportation which means the less traffic, cleaner air, safer streets, and less stress on our crumbling and insolvent public transportation system. Most of these things actually save tax dollars and make the city not only a better and safer place to live but also for those who still take cabs or drive, less traffic will actually make it a better place to drive. It's what we in the business like to call a win-win.

  57. Also, if cyclists would try to follow road rules, yield the right of way and be courteous to our fellow humans, regardless of their chosen mode of transportation people would resent cyclists much less and not react negatively to ideas like protected intersections.

  58. I'm thinking the photos/vids on Leslie Williams Google+ profile will be of interest to many of the commentrai here...

  59. CC, I believe that they were actually checking Contador's saddle for tainted beef farts.

  60. anon @ 2:05

    i'm not aware of any well designed, peer reviewed studies showing that the more people use bikes we will have less traffic, cleaner air, safer streets, and less stress on our crumbling and insolvent public transportation system

    perhaps you could point me to a couple of those studies. doesn't make sense to me. take a million ass-hole drivers off the streets of nyc and put them in bike lanes. yeah that's the ticket. there is enough stress already with shoaling, salmoning, and general inattention and discourteous cycling. and the obvious conclusion would be more, not less stress on that crumbling public transportation with fewer cars. it would be mayhem for sure.

    1. Sure. Getting rid of 1,000,000 two ton vehicles speeding and belching exhaust among humans would cause mayhem...

  61. Hi guys i'm so damn happy..I lost 23 pounds in 21 days and I want to show you how I did it..This is very exciting stuff

  62. Caitlyn Jenner, just wait till the surgeon stick tits on you, you will gain most of those pounds back.

  63. Uggh, these protected bike blah blahs are a fiasco.

    Do the ppl designing these protected, painted-up compromises ever ride bikes? All I see in that video are a bunch of pinch-points and places for citi bikes and shopping carts to block all forward progress.

    Is the "bike lanes always lead to more bike traffic" data like the helment data? Is there a science correlation or is it a political factoid?

  64. Federico F. FredriksenJune 2, 2015 at 3:18 PM

    Anyone else notice all four clocks in the background of the Kickstarter pitch are set for the same time?

  65. I can appreciate that all backers of popsicle stick guy (with the exception of the maximum amount) get "My thanks and your name written on my Popsicle stick by so that all those I ride by know of your support." Presumably because if you pledge the full $250 to get your own bike, he puts his name on his popsicle stick so that all those that you ride by will know what doofus built the bike, and it wasn't you.

  66. Hee Haw the BaristaJune 2, 2015 at 3:49 PM


  67. Arnold SwarzeneggarJune 2, 2015 at 3:52 PM

    I would haf lost 5 pounds at my circumcision, but I am Austrian & we do not circumcise

  68. Pathetic Old CastratoJune 2, 2015 at 3:55 PM

    I lost 23 lbs of useless flesh from my crotch. Just call me Caitlyn.

  69. Potbelly Joe,
    Good lord! Makes my commute look entirely civilized. I'll have to remember "Move your car, you ignorant scum."

  70. It takes a moron to spell Mormon


  71. "Is the "bike lanes always lead to more bike traffic" data like the helment data? Is there a science correlation or is it a political factoid?"

    Well, it looks true on the DOT data, which shows a big correlation between a.) ridership, b.) the amount of bike lanes and c.) decrease in risk to cyclists. They might not meet their 2017 target for increasing ridership, though.

  72. Commie!! Welcome back. You were missed.

    Um, and WTF?!? Did we just take a wormhole diversion in the time space continuum to suddenly find ourselves in an alternate and inverse universe? Are you guys actually arguing AGAINST protected bike lanes?!? B-/

    And Pathetic Old Castrado - er, word on the street has it that as a transgendered person, Ms Caitlin kept those downstairs bits, so that now she has some of the machinery of both sexes. Not that I have seen any exact photographic evidence, but the VF cover certainly doesn't rule it out.

  73. Would you hold it against me if I struck up a conversation with Caitlyn? Like, I'm sure no one else ever talked to the pretty lady at a bar in New Orleans while your friends tried not to notice what you were doing.
    Why is it that women can pick out the transgendered and men are like oblivious?

  74. Could he build a bike frame out of Popsicle Sticks made out of Bamboo? I smell a Kickstarter project if ever there was one..

  75. "Why is it that women can pick out the transgendered and men are like oblivious"

    The 2 big clues are an adams apple and shoulders broader than the hips.

  76. Anonymous @4:07

    Are bike lanes "causal" of more ridership or coincidental. In SF, the trend (and traffic culture) had already changed before the lanes arrived. (Partly because a single lawyer challenged them on environmental impact, lol). But it did serve to show that ridership was increasing without any help from new bike lanes. As cycling increased culturally, the local bike nerd group captured more "members" and rolled out a lot more green paint to justify collecting their dues.

  77. I learned this morning how cabbies can respect biekcyclists - get Uber in your city. I had a guy squeezing at me in his (apparently) Uber vehicle - apparently Uber GPS app was telling him bike lane was a turning lane. I used my "air horn" to get him the fugh away from me. At the next light a cabbie pulled up and struck up a conversation about the dangers of Uber drivers. *Mind Blown*

    (A few years ago I learned that hamlet cameras also get cabbies to play nice, but I got bored with wearing one)

  78. Wow! Izzit true? Did Blatter actually resign?

  79. Musings on SnobvilleJune 2, 2015 at 5:06 PM

    Commie is back!!! Excellent. The sophistication level of the humor dept at the Snob Blog Comments Dept. just went up Lady Gaga's dress to the meat dept.

    A bunch of year's ago there was a performance artist who wore a dress made out of meat. Everything went well at the gallery show until she stepped outside for a smoke and was chased down the sidewalk by a pack of Dachshunds.

    Babble, you've been posting during the day time quite regularly, in between positions? (sex pun not intended, or intended if you have daytime hours available).

    Leslie, that is some selfie, suitable for framing. Have you ever been to Wreck Beach?

  80. Protected Bike Lanes - love-hate. I hate the ones that put me too close to bar patrons that don't know where the sidewalk ends; not a big fan of the 2 direction ones that risk Fred on Fred collisions; and I could do without the ones that pass too many garage entrances, etc. Love the ones that get me away from some sheety traffic. On balance - they are a good thing. They basically didn't exist here in the Nation's swampy land of the dome of hot air when I started beik commuting a decade ago - now I can take routes where I am on protected lanes 90% of the in-City part of my commute, including right to the front door of my office building.

  81. Pathetic Old CyclistJune 2, 2015 at 5:25 PM

    I'm sure Caitlyn's equipment is just neatly tucked away from whence it came. Plenty of time to make final alterations. Probably at the end of season 3 of tne upcoming reality show. To each their own, good luck to her, and she should beware of Cipo.

  82. vsk said ...

    The NYC 2nd Avenue bike lane from 14th St to Chrystie / Houston requires wheelchair pace sometimes. Think "saunter", "meander", or "limp ankled". Lots of bars, shops, restaurants, burnouts, etc...

    The 2nd Avenue bike lane from 34th to 23rd St allows for more of a 'transportation' pace except near the apartment houses on 28th-27th street. A guy I know was riding there and someone, a pedestrian, for no good reason (as far as I was privy to know), just hit him and knocked a tooth out of him. Now this guy is ex-Israeli Army and put the bad guy in the hospital. 2 yrs later I think he got his tooth fixed.

    Protected bike lanes are a mixed bag. Peds need to treat them more like railroad tracks or lightly traveled highway. Sure you can take a selfie or whatever, fuck around in there til the light changes, ... til you can't. At some intersections it says LOOK! on the ground. The wrong way salmon maniacs don't help either.

    Fuck it, I'm leasing a seat on the ""Express"" bus tonight.


  83. vsk said ...

    95th !!



  84. Pathetic old C....are you suggesting Caitlyn is hiding captain winky?

    Ah hell...the full scene is worth it

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. JLRB - thank you for the explanation. I am always happy to see them, because I raised both of my boys to eschew cars for active transport, and those lanes give cyclists a true, concrete defense from drunk, distracted and hateful, despicable drivers. Two members of the Whistler cycling club died on Sunday (one of them a world class competitor) when a driver crossed the lane and slammed into them head on. My worst nightmare, and somehthing that woulnd't have happened if they had been in a protected lane.

    My lovely old cyclinng friend - lol!! Indeed. And no matter what's in her knickers, she looks gorgeous. From the olympics to this, that girl has definitely made the most of her time here on planet Earth. I have nothing but respect for her, and the way she has lived her life. That's whatchacall courage.

    Anonycracker @5:11 - wow! I love a clever cookie. Three things: 1) Whilst lovely Leslie hasn't dropped a single pound this month or last, or the month before that, as evidenced by her Google + profile, I agree that her selfie is choice. B) Right?! Commie is da bomb. 3) Yes, till Thursday. Just a couple of weeks after our very own Mikeweb's fortunes took a turn, my boss informed me that he was completely unable to pay me, and that in order to keep the doors open (without even finishing the final puzzle) he would be unable to pay me for the forseeable future. He asked whether I would please return to my roll when he can afford to bring me back, but I can't see that his fortunes will change any time soon, given that repeat business is almost impossiblen with his business model as it stands. It was a shocker, and a sad, sad day in the babbleverse, cause I loved that job. BUT I start something new (though perhaps equally temporary) on Thursday, so we'll see how that goes.

  87. in NYC all the bike lanes are 2-way.

  88. "Where's Ted? His scripting's no good anymore"

    "Robot trap now sometimes want 3 photos clicked, not just 2. Maximum times the script needs to guess before it hits the correct combination increased from 72 to 504. If it doesn't get in the top 5 it shuts down until the next day (just trying to displace PODIUM! posts, not real comments.)"

    Well hang in there! Brittany Andrews made top 20.

  89. Guy Y...at least raise your arms when you win a sprint.


  90. I'm on the best Diet Coke diet. It involves coke floats and donning Fred pants. You pay for chammie cleaning but the first month program is free. Sign up today.

  91. Will people follow directions at these fancy intersections? Probably not.

    On First Ave in NYC there's a protected bike lane, with a parking lane to separate riders from traffic. I live in fear of getting clobbered by drivers making left turns. This year I noticed new turn signals /stop lights, with little green bicycle silhouettes below red left turn arrows, to let bicycles pass safely while drivers presumably wait...(and red bicycle silhouettes below green left turn arrows to let drivers go left when it's their turn to make a left.)

    I watched for a few cycles up in the ninties. About half of both cyclists & drivers ignore it altogether. ("ABOUT HALF OF BOTH CYCLISTS AND DRIVERS IGNORE IT")

  92. Don't be pressured into buying a fat bike pump.

  93. Babs - I think my definiton of protected bike lane is different than yours. No concrete barriers here - ours are the greasepaint and plastic cigar variety, sometimes with little white bendy plastic sticks "protecting" cyclists from drunks, texters, cabbies, etc. Still usually better than nothing.

  94. So, what is everyone writing on their popsicle stick tonight. I was going with Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious but ran out of room.

  95. Lantern rouge...

  96. The best and all engaging tour services in the country :-
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  97. some Australian politicians do have trouble with folding bikes though

  98. Tax the rich, house the homeless, save money

  99. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-0lAhnoDlU

  100. Yeah, it's remarkable how many people consider a bit of paint on the roads "infrastructure." For a very looooooong time now, most of the cyclists I've met out there on the roads have been men, because apparently we women are reluctant to take risks the way that men do. (I missed that memo.) Since the city has installed protected bike lanes though, that ratio of men to women has definitely shifted, and that is the best sign of progress I've seen to date. And, those lanes give the mother in me a sense of security, knowing that my boys are (relatively) safe as they make their way through the city streets. And in my experience it is true, that when you put the infrastructure in place, people will use it, people who never would have ridden a bike before.

    And as much as it sucks to have clueless slow pokes crowding the bike lanes when you're in a rush to get somewhere, I love that more people are riding every day. More cyclists using the existing infrastructure will create the need for further development. Maybe one day Amsterdam's cycling infrastructure will be the norm instead of something to aspire to... it sure beats the way we've planned our city streets until now!

  101. vsk said ...

    Ms. Babble, sorry to hear about your misfortune. I hope you get to Full Employment (as the economistas say) real soon. You have to save up for the next Fondon't where you'd put us all to shame with Bea Bike!

    Yes, I am happier with whatever InfauxStructure NYC gives us. I try to be a good little commuter and stay out of trouble, offer assistance, etc.

    dop -
    I go through the same russian roulette at 23rd Street and 2nd Ave. Green bikey signal, red car signal. Usually the cars are ok... til they're not. 34th St + 2nd is just to jammed to hurt anyone but 23rd is after a little downhill, when gravity is my friend.

    JLRB - our sidewalks are 2 way as well.


  102. All Mormons do is fucking pull it off.

  103. What is this strange phenomena Bike Infrastructure the commentariat is speaking of? I am unfamiliar.

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