Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Heroes Wear Helments, Fairies Wear Boots, and Wednesday Wears Too Much Cologne

Yesterday I mentioned vintage 1980s Australian helment propaganda, specifically the disconcertingly jingoistic "Heroes Wear Helme(n)ts" campaign:

Yeah, you know who also wore helments?  These guys:


Now just try to get that "Nazis Wear Helmets" song out of your head, because I'm on 24 hours and counting at this point and it's all I've been singing:

"♫♫♪ ♪ Nazis wear helmets...♫♫♪ ♫♪ ♪ "

It's just finger-snappingly catchy, there's no denying it.

Anyway, if nothing else Australia's draconian helment laws have yielded some entertaining PSAs, because a commenter yesterday also shared this one:

It's no "Heroes Wear Helmets," but it's pretty good.  I also enjoyed the host, Ian "Molly" Meldrum:

I had to look him up, and I was sorry to read the following:

On 15 December 2011, Meldrum had a life-threatening fall from a ladder in the backyard of his Melbourne home. He was placed under intensive care in a critical condition at the Alfred Hospital and had surgery for his head and spinal injuries. By April of the following year he had recovered enough to give interviews and resume work duties.


No word on whether or not he was wearing a helment.

In any case, I'm increasingly of the opinion that Australia may be the least bike-friendly country on the planet.  Sure, we're incredibly bad here in Canada's fanny pack, but I'd argue that Australia's helment law puts them over the top, and they're definitely at least as good as us in the victim-blaming department.  Consider this article, to which I was alerted by a Twitterer:

Yes, apparently they're cracking down on cyclists in Melbourne because they are either running red lights or not running them, it's difficult to tell.  Plus, you know, helments:

Senior Constable Alix Watson said the sight of cyclists running red lights on Sydney Road was "disturbingly common", although most riders obeyed the law. Not wearing a helmet was a bigger issue on side streets and off-road paths, she said.

Wait a minute.  Is it "disturbingly common" or do most riders obey the law?  I think that's what you call an "Australian paradox."  Also, why is not wearing a helment a "bigger issue on side streets and off-road paths?"  If anything, that's where it makes most sense to skip the helment.

Really though, it's all about "sharing the road:"

"Nothing bothers a car driver more, who's caught in traffic, than having a cyclist stop at the traffic lights, check that it's OK and then disobey the traffic light," Ms Watson said. "The whole idea is that we're meant to be sharing the road, respect each other and that goes both ways."

So riders are proceeding through the red light when it's safe to do so?  Big deal!  Who gives a shit how the driver feels?  It's not our fault you're stuck in traffic.  Blame the other schmuck in the SUV.  Why is it that so much of what cyclists are supposed to do dictated by the fact that so many drivers are irritable and jealous?  This is the same "reasoning" behind all these bicycle registration proposals.  "I have to register my Hyundai so those bicycle riders should have to do the same."  It's only a matter of time before cyclists are required to purchase gasoline before every ride, just because "it's not fair" that drivers have to pay for fuel.

Meanwhile, here in America's Most Bike-Friendly City (where the MTA seems to think we like to go riding into buses), relentless retailer is unleashing the power of bicycle messengers in its latest step towards world domination:

Evidently Amazon are looking past drone delivery and instead recruiting actual corporate drones on bicycles, and if you want to be one you'll have to compete in a "time trial:"

Amazon has been holding time trials with messengers from at least three courier services to pick the speediest and most careful for its delivery fleet, the person said. During the trials, messengers are given an address and told to bike there within the allotted time. Once they arrive, they are required to take a photograph of the building’s address and return to the ground floor of the Amazon building, which is referred to by bike messengers as “the base,” the person said.

This sounds less like a time trial and more like a corporate alleycat--though with sponsors like Red Bull and Coca-Cola I suppose alleycats are already corporate.  They also pay $15 an hour, which doesn't sound too bad, and "the base" is full of games that are fun to play when you're high on the pot:

At the base, Amazon has built a lounge replete with foosball, pool and air hockey tables; an arcade; and other amenities for messengers hanging out between deliveries, the person said. Messengers are paid around $15 an hour and work eight-hour shifts.

I guess and UrbanFetch were about fifteen years ahead of their time.

Then, once they repeal those pesky child labor laws (I assume Amazon is working on that), I can send my seventeen (17) children out into the winter cold so they can finally start earning me some money--though I will have to buy each of them a $1,000 child's fat bike first so they can ride though those blizzards:

Yeah, that seems like a sound investment for a bike a kid will grow out of in six months.

I'll take seventeen.


  1. Yeah I know a guy who was out in his workshop/outbuilding and was either stowing or retrieving objects from the loft space using a ladder. After a while his missus came out to notify him that she was off to town for errands or whatever and found him nearly dead sprawled out on the concrete with a bleeding head injury. He pulled through thanks to her coming along when she did.

    You guessed it. No helment.

  2. share the road?

    yeah right. mostly they want me to share the deetch

  3. That PSA reminded me of the A-Ha's Take On Me video.

  4. can't think, helmet too tight...

  5. Is it me or I am I the only one who can not hear the audio for Hero's wear helmets?

  6. I always wear my helment on my psychedelic wormhole space rocket bike rides, which apparently share the road with Formula 1 race cars.......

  7. My kid's fat, Ti, Indy-Fab, full-sus, mtn bike has a custom Lefty fork. Get outta here with that Spezialised crap.

  8. OK I tried several Google searches for "Nazis Wear Helmets" song and can not find anything. Sounds like it would be in the movie or stage show "The Producers" but I'm not finding anything there either.

    Please, someone give me a clue.

  9. Child's fat bike.

    As if I didn't already hate Specialized enough.

  10. Red Boots big thick booty had me like..............(OO)

  11. wow..Godwin's law in one paragraph, a new internet record.

    Heros wear catch a view of side-boob.


  12. Is it me or I am I the only one who can not hear the audio for Hero's wear helmets?

    Take off you helmet. It's you.

  13. Snob, just let your 17 kids use the car you partially own as Uber drivers. Child labor laws? Ha!

    And the ghost of Winston Churchill would like to point out that it's Narzis.

  14. Heros wear catch a view of side-boob.

    no hero here but that's why i always wear one. hey cc; if i wear two do i get full frontal nudity?

  15. vsk said...

    KOM for Mr. Snobb !!!!...
    Komment O' the Month !

    "It's only a matter of time before cyclists are required to purchase gasoline before every ride, just because "it's not fair" that drivers have to pay for fuel."

    Actually we could forced to buy gasoline and crabon credits too. I knew you worked for the government!


  16. Snow bikes.. last year I was excited about the idea of riding in snow. My nipples were hard (in hindsight, because of the cold), so I rented a snow bike at a ski resort (because woo-hoo ski speed is scary). After half and hour of layers, mitts, Crown Royal scaranus bags, etc., I took to the snow!
    ...and sunk into it like Rob Ford in a bathtub of pudding. Needed 10psi pressure (which you can do by mouth), but then the experience was kinda like cycling, a swimming bowl of Jello while slowly losing feeling in all extremities. Kinda like a date with Bill Cosby.

  17. Yes, I wear a helmetDecember 10, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    I am going to hit you on the head, maybe with a mallet. Would you rather A) wear a helmet, B) not wear a helmet, or C) hit me on my head firstly.

  18. "McFly said...
    That PSA reminded me of the A-Ha's Take On Me video."

    I'm glad I'm not the only one!

    Sounds like Amazon values their messengers more so than other employees, as I understand working for them is soul sucking

  19. Yes, I wear a helmet,


    --Wildcat Rock Machine

    PS: I'm going to kick you in the groin. Would you rather A) wear cup; B) not wear a cup; C) pull down your pants and paint a target around your genitals?

  20. I'm listening to the Yeshiva Boys Choir, "The Yeshiva Boys Chanukah Choir CD" to get that song out of my head.
    Nothing like overblown 80's drenched Yiddish pop.

  21. Bill Cosby says "Pull Pop's Pudding Pop till it pops!"

    I'm sure Johnny Knoxville or Steve-O would paint a target around their genitalia.

    The BamaPhred

  22. Nazis wear helmets and you gotta believe me
    Yeah I saw it I saw it I tell you no lie...

  23. Because the mass and size of Mars is approximately 53% of Earth a kick to the groin if one was standing on the surface of Mars should theoretically hurt half as much as if on Earth.

  24. I don't know about Nazis Wear Helments, but Faeries Wear Boots is a really good song.

  25. Pugsley rode a fat bike.

  26. ...funk to helments... ever since i read on this here blog a couple of years ago that there was a woman who didn't want to fuck a guy because he was wearing a helment, i refuse to wear one.

    ...i work my whole life for my wanker... and if i do anything to protect any part of me, it will be a jaque-strap. maybe i'll even paint a target on it.

    ...incidentally, a woman cyclsit smilingly told me that i need a helment last week. i had the urge to say, no, i need punany... but sometimes i just don't know how to be a dick.

  27. RIP Pugsley

    He is riding a fatbike in heaven and Morticia is laughing at him.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Well that's it.

    Mr. BSNYC, you've just lost another reader.

    You started to lose me when you introduced Friday's quiz in Wednesday's comments.

    But the answer choices completely did me in.

    Shouldn't there be an "all of the above" answer?

    I'm lost and am just going to sit here and wait for my dog and his friend the Saint Bernard to find me.

    They better have saved me some brandy.

  30. is the mutt leaving with you?

    I think I get two shots for the pair

  31. I have seen three busses honk their horns, speed up and run red lights this week alone, and countless cars run the red, and yet cyclists who stop, and then proceed through the light when it is safe to do so are the issue. This world is seriously fucktarded.

  32. Leroy:
    Hopefully you have the smartphone ability to listen to Afroman, "A Colt 45 Christmas" while you're waiting for your dog.
    His rendition of "I Wish You Would Roll a New Blunt" always gets me into the Xmas spirit.

  33. getting hurt
    multiple bike accidents, some involving cars, ran into a tree face first once and was knocked unconscious, a couple concussions playing football as a youngster, several punches in the face, several hard falls skiing, a couple of fast balls to the helmet playing baseball, billions of brain cells killed with drugs and alcohol, etc and the old noggin is still going strong. The point is....what was my point??

  34. yes I wear a helmet. C, always.

  35. i get punched and slapped by girls on a pretty regular basis so i think i may want to consider developing a special helmat to prevent injury.

    either that or i should maybe consider a more traditional approach when i chat up gals.

  36. Hello RCT
    Because the mass and size of Mars is approximately 53% of Earth a kick to the groin if one was standing on the surface of Mars should theoretically hurt half as much as if on Earth.

    Could your foot accelerate into someone's groin faster if the gravitational pull was less? Not sure of the implications

    You can tell its slow here!

  37. gravity plus the ultra thin air will offer less air resistance. i'm hurtin just thinking about a martian kick.

    will someone else pls leave the blog so i can calm myself with another shot

  38. I was at a junction yesterday waiting for traffic to clear. All legal as recommended. Van driver barges past and hits me. A bus was blocking the exit anyway.
    Stopping is not always the sensible thing to do...

  39. Please don't overlook Middle Earth where hobbits and dwarfs alike are forced to wear helmets even at the beach!

  40. I don't know, what have people quit over?
    Don't remember anyone quitting over helments yet.
    I'm sure we can find something offensive enough if we "trihard"

  41. You know what cracks me up?

    Imagining Richard Nixon reciting the lyrics to "Spirit In The Sky" in the cadence of his "I'm not a crook" speech cracks me up.

    "I've never been a sinner. I've never sinned. I've got a friend in Jesus...."

    Hope my dog and his friend the Saint Bernard get here soon.

    This being lost with my thoughts is getting weird.

  42. Two comments on "Herows where Healmentx":

    1) The blond girl is cute
    2) Those old Giro helments look just like a Toucan beak if you wear them backwards. (Learned that on backwards helment day in the late 80s.) The Toucan is adored by Aussies as the national bird of Australia, right?
    3) The blond girl is cute

  43. I was all set to quit your blog as you've exceeded my personal weekly threshold for PSAs but since Leroy says he's quitting today, I don't want to steal his thunder. Maybe I'll quit reading tomorrow.

  44. anon @2:54...

    I think maybe Monday someone quit cause Snob was advocating not wearing helments. Unless s/he was being facetious

    "'Cloc said...
    Snob you lost another reader today. I can't believe you would advocate not wearing a helmet.

    December 8, 2014 at 1:04 PM"

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Kate Middleton enjoyed meeting your dog last night, Leroy.

  47. I am going to hit you on the head, maybe with a mallet. Would you rather A) wear a helmet, B) not wear a helmet, or C) hit me on my head firstly.

    D) insist on mallet made of marshmallow.

  48. Yawn, sorry Snobbie mate, you're just going to have to work through your helment issues yourself.

  49. Sydney Road is my favorite Australian Beatles album.

  50. Molly.s speech has improved since he fell off the ladder while not wearing a helmet. He reckons he shoulda done it years ago!

  51. Instead of painting a target on my groin, I took my groin to Target to buy some romaine. True story. Pointless, sure, but true.

  52. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie; Oi, Oi, Oi!December 10, 2014 at 4:39 PM

    It's about fucken time Snobby acknowledged Australia is the worst place on earth for cycling. Look, even this Danish bloke agrees;

    Curiously, that story appears in one of Murdoch's rags, which are much better known for running anti-cycling campaigns designed to oust Sydney's Lord Mayor, Clover Moore who is pro cycling and has virtually single-handedly been responsible for central Sydney's few miserable bike lanes.

    Then there's this New South Wales state government roads minister ogre/dinosaur/all-round-idiot, Duncan Gay, who is worse than any anti-cycling government official from anywhere around the world you'd care to mention. This dick is a kindred spirit to the smart hat designer and has all the charm and grace of Rob Ford, except without the fun times and partying.

    Next time you're mincing along NY's comparatively brilliant cycling network with the wind in your hair, spare a thought for us; your subjugated antipodean brethren.

  53. Australia's national animal is the Koala bear. A bear so stupid that they famously smoke 40 cigarettes a day, in a highly inflammable environment and don't use ashtrays!

    They must be running the show down there.

  54. Ah yes, the infinite Moron Conundrum:

    Drivers want bikes to be vehicles so bikes have to follow the laws of the road, but then when a bike takes the lane drivers no longer want bikes to be vehicles.

    Basically, "I don't want you to have any advantages, but don't disadvantage me because of it."

    At least they're consistent with public schools.

  55. Mmmmm...that shot of brandy hit the spot.

  56. I did buy three knog lights this month, something that only happened due to this blog and Australia.

  57. Do Amazon messengers have to punch out then stand in line for half an hour waiting to be searched like Amazon warehouse drones do? Congrats on the SCOTUS win Amazon!

  58. If you need further proof that professional road racing is king sized joke, here it is.

    Dope all you want kids. Nobody at the UCI really cares. Pharmaceutics and corruption win.

  59. Angry Beaver in MiramichiDecember 10, 2014 at 6:40 PM

    The woman riding her bike "down under" while staring at her iPhone (or whatever it is), she really needs to contact Babble for fashion advise on what boots to wear.

  60. I am now going to have to find a way to be even less interested in pro road racing. I don't know if I am going to be able to do it.


  61. "The woman riding her bike "down under" while staring at her iPhone (or whatever it is), she really needs to contact Babble for fashion advise on what boots to wear."

    I'll save Babble the trouble. She should get a pair of Crocodile Skin (Crocs for short) boots made by Dundee in red ending at the knee.

  62. Maybe pro cycling ought to go the way of pro wrestling. Watching one weenie beat another weenie with a 20k plastic bike may have some entertainment value. But I've seen cyclists do the chicken fight, and they need to stick to cycling.

  63. Forget a bunch of cars. I rode my MTB through the hills and dales of Land Between the Lakes with a light attachmented tonight. It was awesome.

  64. is 'land between the lakes' a euphemism?

  65. That's awesome. It had to be freezing cold. I did the road sighkleen, just above freezing. Mtn Bikeen can be hazardous to your health here during deer season.

  66. Things are tough for long distance cyclists in Oz...

    Not a drop of petrol on 8000km trip -
    Police resort to capsicum spray


  67. Meanest drivers I ever encountered were in Western Australia. No lie. Mean. Old Mom, looked so normal, wasn't happy running me off the road. No. She wanted me to fall down as well. A car full of aboriginal teens passed by close enough to touch. Kid in the back screamed in my ear so loud I bled and still have significant hearing loss. That said, an older Asian man gave me a bag full of sandwiches and a nice lady bought me lunch. I must have looked indigent and hungry...

  68. Jesus wore a helmentDecember 10, 2014 at 9:28 PM

    Mr BSYNC you have just lost several million (potential) readers.

    - signed the helment wowsers of Australia and Molly "the Hat" Meldrum.

  69. PS Spelling is not Australian's strong point (BSNYC). Or for that matter critical thinking when it comes to unbridled faith in how great the Helment Law is. "Where is your fucking helment?". "No brain, no helment". BTW, to the fuckwit at the LBS in Australia who said I would DIE if I rode a bicycle with a $15 k-mart helmet rather than one of his $300 plastic hats - fuck you.

  70. "The first person they stopped was a young woman riding slowly in the bike lane with her helmet on backwards and unbuckled. The officer showed her how to wear her helmet properly but did not issue a $185 penalty."

    Thank god for the cycling advocates at Bicycle Network Victoria. Their untiring efforts to increase fines for cyclists means Victoria has the highest penalty in the world for not wearing a plastic hat. Well done Garry Brennan - poo shoe face indeed.

  71. Yep. We aren't that smart down under. Here's another example of our Australian idiocy

  72. They are seriously talking about allowing clear cut logging in our beloved 200,000+/- acres and it has sparked everything from petitions to coalitions. The gubmint says it will be scenic with fields instead of trees. I cannot MTB in a fookin field. Thats cyclocross. I DO NOT HAVE A FIELD SPECIFIC BICYCLE.

  73. Okay, fine. It's too fucking long to sit on a plane anyway. Scratch that country/continent off my bucket list. Well, mostly because I don't like long plane rides.

  74. yes yes if only we could free Australia from the curse of helmets everything would be ok

  75. and how nice and sophisticatedly ironic of you all to hang shit on someone elses country
    the land that thinks waterboarding is a summer sport wants to give Australia advice

  76. Mate, Molly is the BikeSnobNYC of Australian music, only more so. He redifined the term 'legend' so you could come along and redfine it again. He was also very excitable and prone to foolish things hence falling for the helmets bullshit. Sadly, you're probably not wrong with your view that Australia is the least bike friendly place in the world, and I should know because I'm out there fighting the bloody SUVs every day on my highly dangerous and probably lethal bicycle ... but I always wear a helmet so I'm safe. I like the way you poke fun at Oz because you do us the courtesy of getting your facts right first and are nearly always spot on, saying the same things we do. Molly became great because he cared as much about music as you do about bikes. Thank heavens we still have real heroes ... and I love it that I can read snippets of your articles out to my son and get huge guffaws of laughter (Terry Pratchett is the only other to achieve such heights)

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. I wouldn't be surprised that if you did all the scientific studies and statistical analysis it would turn out that it is more logical to mandate the wearing of big, dorky, standards complaint sun hats at all times while outdoors than it is to mandate the wearing of helments at all times while cycling.

    I'm pretty sure it is government policy here that primary school children must wear broad brimmed or legionnaire style hats whenever outdoors at school. The policies and safe work procedures of many outdoor workplaces also require wearing of hats (which off the top of my head - no pun intended - are based on Work Health and Safety Regulations).

    1200 people die of melanoma in The Sunburnt County every year.

    In this context, why are our police not issuing $200 fines to people for the offence of nicking down to the corner store for 15 minutes on a rainy day in the middle of winter without a sun hat? I find this situation terribly inconsistent.

    Even if they could just mandate sun hats on days above a certain rating on the UV index, or allow up to a certain number of hours of sun exposure before hats must be worn, at least then it would reduce the discrepancy between the cycling helmet laws and the as yet non existent sun hat laws.

    No, no, on second thought, the above scenario is far too recklessly uncontrolled. Those citizens that would like the privilege of some recreational sun exposure should have to obtain a licence, available once they have completed the Sun Exposure Awareness course. Recreational Sun Exposure Licence holders could then be issued with a logbook in which they record their hours of uncontrolled exposure. Once a licence holder reaches their daily legal limit they would be required to don a standards compliment dork verandah like any other non licence holder. Log books would be required to be kept with licence holders whenever hatless so that an officer conducting surprise inspections can check that the non hatted individual is within their legal exposure threshold.

    Actually, if they wanted to be really intelligent about the logbook it wouldn't be simply hours of sun exposure, rather an hour in the sun would accrue an exposure score based on the UV index at the time of exposure. Making the log book available as a smartphone app drawing data from the meteorological service will make this practical.

    Further, mandatory individual genome mapping and automated analysis of genetic risk factors will allow for individually tailored, system allocated exposure thresholds.

  79. ce I think you are onto something there. Australians are such a bunch of lickspittles that you'd have no problem setting up a league of neighborhood brown shirts to ensure every frickin law no matter how asinine is enforced. As made abundantly clear by Mr Anonymous 2:24 and 2:28.

    "Mummy, mummy, call the waaahmbulance that man isn't wearing his styrofoam hat."

  80. Ah Americans, when they get tired of shooting unarmed black men they snark at someone elses country
    helmets - yes helmets - they're the real problem

  81. Anonymous 7:16am,

    Well that was a bit of a non-sequitur...

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  82. As this blog post unfolded on the screen before, I began having Kozmo flashbacks, the bright orange messenger bags filled with nothing but vitriol for the company.... Amazon is deciding whether bike messengers "work" for deliveries in crowded urban cores?

    Just wait until Amazon starts buying Teriyaki and Bahn Mi joints and employs delivery workers at an ever lowering wage as if they were independent book dealers. Watch out America. Brave new world, Mechanical Turk, Amazakamikazie.

  83. I woke up this morning, wine glass in my hand, I said whose wine, what wine

  84. What, a century, for me? You shouldn't have - I love it!

  85. So there are more pressing problems than mandatory helmet laws. It's a BIKE BLOG you idiots. Even a cursory read of this site should inform you that the Snob does not consider everything is all smiles and chuckles in Canada's scranus.

  86. Is cursory when you curse a lot from the vitriol spewed forth?

  87. I was just thinking back to the period of my life that I was able to ride the LBL Canal Loop trail almost every day after work. Then, I remembered when fall came I was worried about hunters, so I bought a fluorescent orange knit hat to differentiate myself from the deers on mountain bikes. Then I realized that I must have been riding with out a helment. I'm lucky to be alive.

  88. fashion advice - THAT's a geat idea. Red knee high boots - with heels- would be hot hot hot. Or gold. Mmmmm gold. I love shiny things.

    Forget the Field Bike, McFly. If they cut down yer trees just pick up one of these!

    ce - heh heh ++

  89. gold bike. interesting but not for me. only buy triple cranks these days.

    i don't pick on oz. anyone who can live their entire life upside down has to be a little off kilter.

  90. We hit the Canal Loop 2 weeks ago. The Kentucky lake side is kind of rough and rooty now (I sound like a snively lil' bitch). We parked about 10 miles down the Trace and took the North/South trail up to it and did the loop and rode back. I don't think they allow hunting in that area of LBL because of all the MTBers.

  91. anybuddy no where I can get a gold plated nanzi helment? shakka kahn is right around the bend 'n shit.

  92. "...Her name is Heidi Creamer..."

    obvious is wasn't a vibrating toothbrush

  93. Amazon are choosing "the speediest and most careful" bike messengers.

    Lets unpack that.

    How are they measuring the most careful? They are self contradictory to some extent.

    They are choosing the fastest - and they put 'most careful' in to cover their ass. There is no way they are even measuring 'most careful'.

  94. Hilarious. I remember that Molly ad. In Melbourne there's been a reason spate of articles in the media, one from Dane also citing Australia as worst place for cyclists. Search internet for warrior factor for details.

  95. Come on that's not fair on New Zealand. I think we are at least as crap for cycling as Australia. We have the mental helmet law and an abysmal 1-2% modal share.

    Come on guys, we are also crap. Give (lack of) credit where it is due.

  96. thank you so much when you shared with us like this post
