Friday, April 5, 2013

BSNYC Friday Pre-Weekend End-Of-Workweek Quiz Filled With Sranus-Scratching Questions!

Remember last week I was all like, "Ooh, there are mountain bike trails in Manhattan that are only a 10-minute ride from my glamorous villa?"

Well, sadly I may have to take this particular park off the lunch ride rotation, since I went back there and was slightly unnerved by the open-air sex.  For some, spring means riding bicycles, and for others it means scampering off into the woods and enjoying the "down-low" lifestyle.  Certainly this is merely one of the many facets of the diversity I so enthusiastically celebrate, but even so I plan to confine my mountainous biking activities to less carnal parks going forward, if only out of consideration for the men whose homophobic culture forces them into the woods to enjoy the company of their fellow men.

Fortunately there are excellent trails to the north of my home that are in easy riding distance, and while they do require taking a longer "lunch," I have yet to encounter any humans humping.

Speaking of carnality, yesterday I embedded a Knog video (that in itself sounds pretty dirty actually), after which I embarked upon my weekly commute to Brooklyn--on an actual big-boy bike, and not a folding bicycle.  Knowing I'd be returning to my glamorous villa under cover of darkness, I equipped my bike with some of the lights advertised therein.  Here's what I put on the front:

Theoretically this goes on your handlebars but all the cool people put them on their forks so they can lose a finger in the spokes while trying to press the "on" button.  The slow blinking mode makes you easily visible, but it's discreet enough so as not to blast oncoming commuters off their bikes when you're going over the Manhattan Bridge. (Although, truth be told, I kind of want to blast most of them off their bikes.)  Then, the steady mode throws off a surprising amount of light, which is good because the greenways up in the New York City hill country where I live are pretty dark, and mounted down there on the fork I can actually see the pavement ahead of me.

I mean, sure, it might not be enough light to take you deep into the woods for a hot same-sex rendez-vous, but it will help keep you from crashing into a pothole.

On the back, I sandwiched this between my saddle and my filth prophylactic:

I assume it worked because nobody rammed me from behind and then claimed they didn't see me.  [Insert your anonymous woodland sex joke here.]

Anyway, all these lights are USB rechargeable and a pleasure to use [insert your sex toy joke here], and when I think of how far Knog have come since making these things I break out in tears of joy:

(Remember "hipster cysts?"  I do, and wistfully.)

And while I've got my amateur bike pornographer hat on, look at how beautifully the saddle Eric "The Chamferer" Murray made for me is aging:

And look at this ridiculous pile of spacers:

And check out this "patina:"

Unscratched frames that fit are for "woosies."

Speaking of Brooklyn, some people (me) say it's becoming a luxury version of Portland for rich douchebags.  Nevertheless, there are still deals to be had, since you can now buy The Notorious B.I.G.'s childhood apartment for under a million dollars:

So what do the gentrifiers think about their neighborhood's pop-cultural history?

“I care on a minimal basis,” said freelance filmmaker Hiram Decker, 32, a Clinton Hill resident originally from Michigan. “A lot of people don’t even know about him.”

Hiram Decker keeps it real.

And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right you'll be so excited you woant evan mind all the tipos, and if you're wrong you'll see a Dutchman telling it like it is.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and be filled with joy.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) Peter Sagan was heavily criticized for grabbing which part of a podium girl during the Tour of Flanders podium ceremony?

--Her posterior
--Her breast
--Her earlobe
--Her vulvanus

("Whaddya mean 'Get out of the water?'  I can't even fucking swim now?")

2) After being barred from a swimming race, Lance Armstrong will instead take part in an unsanctioned "sewer rat" competition, which is the aquatic equivalent of an "alleycat."


3) What does the young woman in the Knog video say is sticking to her thighs?

--"July yeast"

(Saudi women are not allowed to wear helments.)

4) Saudi women can now ride bicycles, provided they do it:

--For "entertainment purposes"
--Under cover of darkness
--With an Australian accent and gelati stuck to their thighs

5) Is the London fixie dead?

--Arguably it was never alive to begin with

(As far as I can tell, this means oncoming cyclists should dismount and begin humping each other.)

6) In London, more bike lanes means:

--More bike commuters
--Fewer collisions
--Less traffic
--More iPhone thefts

(Could have been worse.)

7) While riding on the Midtown Greenway, a Minneapolis cyclist narrowly avoided:

--A three-foot deep pothole
--An eagle attack
--A molotov cocktail
--Human interaction, thanks to Strava

***Special Pictogram-Themed Bonus Question***




--Swordfighting Coldcock Vacation
--E3 Harelbeke


  1. test one, test two, test deez

  2. Ass Monkeys... ATTACK!!!

  3. Flyover bike commuterApril 5, 2013 at 12:34 PM


  4. just another privileged douchebag from Westchester.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. RTMS/WRC - Do you know if Lob is accepting new supplicants? I might be in trouble with Jesus. Probably not, but...

  7. I will take that swordfighting coldcock vacation now, please!

  8. Flyover Bike commuterApril 5, 2013 at 12:45 PM

    As a cunning linguist I'll offer a translation for Hiram Decker's reponse concerning Notorious B.I.G.'s childhood home.

    Hiram said "I Care on a minimal basis".

    For us less sophisticated folks that means " I could give a rat's ass".

  9. Esteemed Commenter DaddoOneApril 5, 2013 at 12:46 PM

    Hey kids, can you say "Product Placement"?

    gonk 312

  10. Are there open air humpers in this picture or am I staring at a picture of the woods for no reason?

  11. Snob,

    That was your weekly commute to Brooklyn to leave flowers and a fifth of Bourbon at Vito's grave, I assume.

  12. Sranus - is that a planet in my astrological chart like Scrotio and Penus?

  13. Right, but I thought Wednesday was hump-day?

    I need to rethink my whole lifestyle it seems.

  14. Sorry to hear your off-road trails are off-limits, snobbers.

    Thanks for all the humping. Nothing like a little humping in an urban forest to get your Friday off to a good start.

  15. I'm glad to see the Ferengi kid turned out OK. I wouldn't have guessed bike lights would be in his future.

  16. screw the girl who runs this blog,

    give me the girl who schleps for Knog.

    because i'd like to screw her too.

  17. Annie, I, too instinctively squinted at the photo to pick out the dudes humping, only then coming to my senses and realizing that I would not want to see that even if I attained success in the "Where's Waldo" aspect.

    Thankfully, I moved on.

    Remember, boys and girls:

    Rock out with your cock out = bad.

    Jam out with your clam out = good.

  18. Hey, I typo called you RTMS/WRC ... what's the C? Wildcat Rock C_____ .


  19. Too bad about your man-o-man park trail excursion. Got pics?


  20. I'd lick just about anything off of those milky thighs.

  21. need some better comments in here.
    coffee tawk:

    dics brakeen
    stem lentgh
    white bar taep

  22. Yer spacer porn is obvious Clammy Tights-bait.

  23. Red hot tiller effect stem on stem action!

  24. Your stem looks to short, and upside-down. WTF?

  25. Sticky thighs.

  26. Someone send Snobby a GoPro. Mountain biking/porn video mash-up. I think that's a unserved market.

    baduche 110 (seriously)

  27. baaahahaha... "Be filled with joy."

    Sounds like a Portland signoff.

  28. The King of Park SlopeApril 5, 2013 at 1:40 PM

    So you ventured into gaysexparkland and you won't go back.

    Nobody propositioned you and your feelings are hurt?

  29. Insert your anonymous woodland sex joke here is self-referential, or autological, language, like pentasyllabic.


  30. ant 2nd!
    rural 1st!

    Hey, I was in New York city this past week with my 2 seater clown bike; a small rural 10 year old on the back, who likes to yell "salmon" at oncoming cyclists who come close to killing us. We have seen the enemy and it is us? Holy lob corporate buy ins to what's cool, why go the wrong way down every durn path / street etc, and then glare at us bumpkins, even when we give way a little. Fixie scene don't seem to be dead in NYC.

    Pretty interesting to go down the Hudson River path to Tribeca where I'd say there's way beyond Cat6 racing - can a native confirm? More like Cat9 racing with a giant sanctimonious ladle. Is there a secret other than coldcocking whomever comes too close?

    I am a robot.




    Anybody? Anybody?

    Fat-Bottom Girl come back please.

  32. You hyphenate "rendez-vous" as if it were two French words humping.
    I'm pretty sure it's one fat French word living and working in English-speaking countries.

  33. Bidon - it's hyphenated in French. Some-times.

  34. Not to get all grouchy, retro or otherwise, but due to the angle of the head tube/fork blades, mounting a headlight on the fork blade directs the beam upward. What are you riding, a searchlight?

  35. When its two males involved it pronounced Randyview.

  36. Freelance filmaker Hiram Decker takes minimalism to new heights, (or is it lows?) He cares minimally.

  37. Please, stop the PC crap. Homophobia didn't force those guys into the park. Maybe they chose the park because of Homoexhibitionism.

    In either case, their behavior chased you out.

    Under the current PC cultural protocol, it's your problem if you're offended, not theirs.

  38. Good, I thought I was the only one who couldn't understand a word the knog sheila was saying. For all I know, she could be asking me to join her in carnal pleasures in the woods.

  39. Rural 14,

    Here in NYC, where everyone unfortuantely has to compete for space, especially our somewhat limited, although growing, bicycle infrastructure you may may occassionally run into people who are not exactly obeying the rules. Consider if part of the fun of city riding. As far as our propensity to salmon, i have to completely disagree with wildcat self-appointed-bike-police machine and say that in certain instances it's totally fine as long as you are not getting in the way of or endangering anyone else.

  40. She was a hot chick with short hair!
    I swear!

  41. We have a woodsy area like that here on the upper big muddy. Saw a threesome once while paddling my kayak, and there were others around who were obviously enjoying the show. Didn't know how common this was until I used the trail through there for a portion of my distance run route. Guys tried real hard to get my attention, so I decided to run elsewhere.

  42. Hey Y'all, the woodland hump grounds sounds like a great hangout spot!

    Bust out a hibachi grill and roast some wieners! Have a couple of brewski’s!

    Familiarize yourself with your woodland lovin’ brethren!
    Yah, I'm excited!!

  43. I wondered how all of those used condoms got there. I thought they were from overly safety concious cyclists.

  44. Always thought that freelance filmaker meant unemployed.


  45. If European, where are the wet spots?

  46. Bikesnob, do you own ANY cool bikes any more?

    First the performance fixie...

    then the utility bike....CAN YOU EVEN WHEELIE THAT THING?

    then the FOLDING BIKE.

    Folding bike and bike snob are diametrically opposed concepts.

    P.S. a good percentage of the ChamoisJuice posts are some other asshole

  47. Hiram Decker would respond differently if instead of Biggie it were the singer of his favorite indie band And We Went Forth To The Black River Politely. A black man can't get above a "minimal level" unless he robs the muthafucka. Which would set off a series of contorted tweets wherein Hiram strenuously denies being racist while still seeming kind of racist.


  48. Was there a hobo forest village?

    Do y'all have hobo villages in the parks/ underpasses?

    Southern hobo's love to build hobo villages along our scenic bayou's in Houston.

    Just checking in on hobo culture. Forgit BIeks.

  49. Just when you think you have your neighbourhood bike trails all figured out, guys start having sex all over the place. How's a person supposed to stay on top of the shifting sands of time?

    aboopop 1525

  50. R Fingers, allow me to correct an apparent typo:

    wherein Chamois Juice strenuously denies being racist while still seeming kind of racist.

  51. A couple more cute girls on bikes with full fenders and I might relax my "don't wanna live where you need them" rule. (Babs and Frilly this includes you ;-)

    ps. My old boss was from Australia and actually named Bruce. I don't know if his wife was named Sheila, but I'd like to believe so.

  52. Black people don't like skiing.


    Wishiwasmerckx doesn't like peeing standing up.



  54. Take that slack out of your chain, dammit!

  55. Watch this movie and take notes on how not to be an uptight woosie.

    La Tete en Course

    wishiwasmerckx does not have a racist bone in his body...not one cell of a prejudiced thought on his mind, indeed, he's a paragon of virtue...his character honest and true like his custom carbon wheels. We are blessed to have him in our presence.


  57. Oooh, buuurn...

  58. embarrassed by a little ass? since when you be a prude, man?

  59. CJ, you also such at insults.

    Please allow me to show you how:

    "You, sir, are a syphilitic bag of farts."

  60. Babble you are so feakin cute. Have you ever thought of making any ho-made porn and putting it on your blog. It would be so darn cute.

  61. McFly that was you this whole time with the LOVE YOU LANCE? Sweet.

  62. Some other assholeApril 5, 2013 at 3:35 PM

    Hey, don't drag me into this.

  63. You kids play nice. Don't make me come in there!

    - Wildcat Mom Machine

  64. Laughing... you guys are hot today!

  65. What a coincidence! Just the other day my hubby and were enjoying a nice bit of outdoor frolic and along comes one of those awful harbingers of spring... the people making their bicycling. All winter we park-humped in peace, but one nice week and it is all over.

    So I decided, I'd better plan to confine my carnal activities to less mountainous biking parks going forward

    See you next fall

  66. I have a "freelance filmmaker" who lives two doors down. All I ever see her doing is walk her dog.

  67. A Hasid, a Jehovah's witness, and a Morman walk into a bar, and wishiwasmerckx has a coniption fit.

  68. Serial RetrogrouchApril 5, 2013 at 3:47 PM

    babble babe,

    this one is for you...


    i particularly like image #15

    yours truly


  69. Serial RetrogrouchApril 5, 2013 at 3:48 PM

    oh, sorry... the link above is definitely not safe for work.


  71. @ anon 245,


  72. England has a Portland too; I am on it right now.

  73. The gentlemen in question that you came across in highbridge park didn't by chance happen to be two Texans that answer to the names Matthew and Lance expressing their bro love?

  74. I like #4. Those french activists have some nice tas.

  75. I am curious... where are all the black people who can't afford to live in Bedstuy moving to? Mount Vernon? Spring Valley? Staten Island? I always thought it was funny how some of the hardest areas have the most bucolic names...

  76. Thank you, Grouch! You made my day! That's my kind of protest march.


  77. Serial RetrogrouchApril 5, 2013 at 5:09 PM


    you're welcome. it's my kind of protest too. if i had breasts, i would be out there with my sisters protesting and baring it all.

    i'm all too familiar with their cause... and as you say in your post, changes are afoot that cannot be held back.

    see you next week and enjoy spring cycling in 7-in heels.

  78. pic #15 is just a fantastic photograph, nice breasts or not. It almost looks 'shopped.

  79. ...a strong statement is being made & damn, it's being made with "...nice tits..."...

    ...this is like, the best of both worlds...

  80. Be filled with joy indeed... know what fills me with joy? Open air woodland sex!!

  81. You let me down, Bruce.

    Have a naughty woodland sex toy swagman romp, but you forgot to recharge?

    Lob save you.

  82. Just went through the Femen protests photos, like a good little hetero male and, you know what, the context is so non-sexual that they're not titillating at all. Go Femen.

  83. The hat says otherwise JB....

  84. I'm with JB on this whole women protesting and not trying to be sexy thing.

    Also, I accidently read Babble's blog which is previously mentioned in the comments on a regular basis.

    Does anyone else feel like reading BikeSnobNYC and then re-blogging about it and then posting about the re-re-blogging on the aforementioned comment area?

    Any takers?

    Babble: Any poignant thoughts?

  85. Hey!
    I thought this was a marital relations blog.
    What's with the bicycle talk?

  86. Dear Mr. BSNYC --

    My dog asked me to paraphrase a line from O'Neill's "Long Day's Journey Into Night" and advise you to "keep your dirty tongue off of [Brooklyn]. You're a fine one to sneer, with the map of it stamped on your [saddle for scranial embedding]."

    I think he's just being dramatic.

    Even if it is only income bracket by asociation, he's tickled you think he lives someplace for rich folks.

    Ride joyfully all!

  87. CJ, it is spelled "conniption," dipshit.

    JB, after my having posted thousands of comments over the years, an impostor has now posted under my name for the first time ever. Not hard to figure out who.

    For the record, your hat is rakish.

  88. The Lord is my screen saver.

  89. I am a big poopy-pants!!!

    Ho ho, I jest! 'tis I, Roille Figners! (Wasn't me the other time though.)

    is too easy. Someone should make us use some kind of fugging annoying avatar thing, like I hate.

    Closin in on quittin time on the West Coast, I'm-a-turn out the lights on this thing and go home!

  90. Hey POOPMOUTH,

    Easy on Ms. Babble. Don't click on her link if it will throw you into a tizzy. She stands tall in her 7" heels ready to squash your angry inch.

  91. I don't get it. All of my white frat boy friends in Scarsdale think I am hilarious.

  92. Snobby, You can't be going very fast if that little baby light allows you to see pot holes.
    As for all those, all those, all those spacers......Whatever floats your boat.
    Who am I to judge?

  93. The only person I know from Scarsdale, is a short, fat jewish kid named Art. We called him Alf. He was surprisingly good at basketball.

  94. wishiwasrolliefingerswishingiwasmerckxApril 5, 2013 at 9:27 PM

    Cool to be a Hall of Fame pitcher and champion cyclist, but not when one of them insults people in the safety of a computer-- that surely pleases SATAN!

  95. Eddie Merckx drips euro masculinity, yet has a certain refinement. His legs are amazing, and his STAMINA!
    To die for.

    Roadies were so much more glamourous then. Wool is simply timeless and flattering. Lycra is so gauche.

    There is something about that Cipe

  96. Gaaaaahhhhh, a speeling eroor in my own post?!??!? How could I let this happen?


  98. Free Breasts, Today OnlyApril 5, 2013 at 9:51 PM

    #23 is free

  99. Just wow...

  100. west coast is just getting srtarted. mini snark flames flickering between wcrm blog illuminati. Ima pull up a chair and sip bourbon under this sweet new peruvian wool hoodie and watch all weekend.

  101. GUETE MOMO! coco santi.

    There is no ChamoisJuice. There is only wish I was merckx

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Seven comments under my name and counting, none by me...

    "Hi, my name is Chamois Juice and there are four things I really, really like:

    1)Licking my own chamois juice, hence the name;

    2)Bogarting other people's identity and posting my own inane and pedestrian thoughts under somebody else's name;

    3)Klan rallies; and

    4)Being naked in the Jacuzzi with a bunch of prepubescent boys.

  104. I am extremely uptight and easily offended and I'm getting VERY ANGRY!

    I am also very good at insulting people, don't you think?

  105. CJ, you, sir, are an injudicious reprobate born of a woman of loose morals and standards.

  106. Son. of. a. Bitch.

    that was almost fun, in a twisted and demented way...

    just stopped in to say

    Riding joyfully... I am always full of joy, thanks: everyone knows joy comes from within. I prefer to be full of boy instead. Mmmm boyful.

  107. ..."...Does anyone else feel like reading BikeSnobNYC and then re-blogging about it and then posting about the re-re-blogging on the aforementioned comment area???..."...

    ...what the fuck are you saying, dude ???...that's indeciferable enough that even you don't know what you meant, do ya ???... me on this..."blah, blah, blah" is much easier to type, dude...& understand...

  108. seems bsnyc/rtms/wcrm forgot the old nursery rhyme song - "the teddy bear's picnic" with it's obvious homoerotic undercurrent...

    ..."...if you 'go down' to the woods today
    you're sure of a big surprise
    if you go down to the woods today
    you better go in disguise..."
    ... doesn't take an intellectual genius to realize the song refers to the big, burly type of gay dudes w/ the beards n' all...bears, as they're called...

    ...verses like - "...
    every teddy bear who's been good
    is sure of a treat today
    there's lots of marvelous things to eat
    and wonderful games to play..."

    ...pretty self explanatory, i'd say...

    ..."...beneath the trees, where nobody sees
    they'll hide and seek as long as they please..."

    ...well, obviously eben weiss saw & found all that cavorting by the big naked bear dudes to be pretty uncomfortable stuff & perhaps even threatening, ya ???... that may be endemic of his own issues but hey, who are we to judge ???...

    ..." them, catch them unawares...
    ...see them gaily gad about..."

    ...could it be written any plainer ???'s as plain as the nose on the face of a bear dude in the woods... finalize...last verse & chorus...

    ..."...if you 'go down' in the woods today
    you better not go alone
    it's lovely down in the woods today
    but safer to stay at home...

    ...for every bear that ever there was
    will gather there together because
    today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic
    yes, today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic

    ...i'm not trying to make up anybody's mind for them but, jeez, it's pretty much spelled out for you in a song...

  109. snob gosh darn, solidly outdone yourself on the pathetically twisted phobic scale with today's issue

  110. Same sex sex in the park! Woodies in the woods!

  111. COBBLES!


    1364 ryethori, my new chain lube AND delicious tooth paste. Yum...

  112. Poopmouth...yes I do have a thought to share with you. As you appear to have an opinion or two to present and defend, I think you really ought to give it a go.

  113. dear bike snob,

    please make fun of frank and oak and their tribute to bike culture, with assorted canadian posers holding fixed gears over their sholder with riser bars with drop stems:!category=exclusives

    we love you here in jersey city.

  114. I suppose all the people crying homophobic go out of their way daily to bike in gay cruising areas so they can watch dudes pork each other?

  115. Rollie,
    It was not me all the while with the STILL LOVE YOU LANCE!
    I usually put my John Handcock on my work so as not to dillute my comedic integrtity. I have laid down some real zingers I signed ANON and was like MOTHERFUCKER I KNEW THAT WAS SOME FUNNY SHIT...DAMMIT.

    As far as Babble's blog goes she is so damn hot and thats all you need to know. There are words on it? Whatev.

    And 3, SPARTACUS dug into his suitcase of pain and turned himself inside out and poured himself into the pedals and yadda yadda blah blah he is so badass.

    4)I did 102 yesterday, 4000 ft of climbing. Almost puked, twice. Awesome.

  116. SNOB, you plastered your puss on a couple of tall sized titties, why not grande's or venti's?

  117. BABBLE is beyond hot, more like molten lava.

  118. Did you see this kickstarter? Pretty neat idea to make your bike more recoverable if stolen...

  119. Aww shucks, fellas... I'm blushing. Cheers! xo

  120. the forty on the ground (in front of your bike), is like the Lebowski rug. It ties everything together.

    Actually that bike resembles my old bike, which was stolen three years ago. But, that was another state, and I was loaded. Hey, are you sure you just took that photo?

  121. Your Brooks saddle custom chamfered by the dexterous hands of Eric the Chamferer is developing quite the patina. Congrats on that!

  122. Proof I'm Not a RobotApril 8, 2013 at 9:43 AM

    Anon 524, Kickstarter: The screen shot for the video seems to show George Foreman arresting a would be bike thief, two cops shooting off illegal fireworks (except when Det. Foreman nails a perp?), a young woman, holding up the 20 year old Fuji Steel Frame (worth a fortune as scrap metal), who one presumes must be the bike owner, except if she ever got on the bike her feet would never reach the pedals. And finally the Wild Cat Rock Machine man laying on the ground looking for that oversized bottle of Bud.

    But, after reading the specs I agree with you that the invention has promise. Interesting that no one else has thought of this before, it's not like GPS and smart phones were invented yesterday.

  123. anon 5:24 when they said bike spike I was thinking of one of those spear guns used by divers hidden in the frame of the bike

    the wrong rider sits on the bike and the spear gun comes up through the seat and spears the felon in the scranus

  124. It's Monday WCRM.

    Really could use some tittays today.




  125. FA-BEE-YUN!

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