Secondly, I guess the world is supposed to end tomorrow, and that's why immediately following this post I'll be getting into my Chinese survival orb:
As I understand it, the way these work is that the Universe spits you out of her vagina like a ping pong ball at a sex show, and then you bounce around the void for an aeon or two until the post-apocalyptic dust settles, at which point you can finally come out and look for someplace to charge your smartphone.
Speaking of idiots, really big ones are still trying to get rid of that bike lane next to Prospect Park in Brooklyn:
This bike lane has been a tremendous improvement for pretty much everybody so it's hard to understand why they want it removed. Really, removing this bike lane would be no different than retroactively un-floodproofing a building after it survived Hurricane Sandy. I'm not even sure what their objection is, but if it has anything to do with improving the flow of motor vehicle traffic in their neighborhood then they should ban the Fresh Direct trucks. These things descend upon Park Slope in the hundreds like some kind of upscale artisanal disaster relief effort for yuppies, and they bring traffic to a complete halt. Of course, they'd never actually ban Fresh Direct trucks, since then they'd have to leave their multi-million dollar apartments and townhouses in order to go food shopping, at which point they'd lose their free parking spaces.
Meanwhile, I gather that last night there was a vote on the plans for a new Greenpoint section of the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway, seen here in this DOT rendering:
In the days before the Great Hipster Silk Route, the Brooklyn waterfront was nearly unrideable, so I'm glad to see it's come so far--even though it's part and parcel of Brooklyn's evolution into a place that's wildly self-absorbed, nauseatingly precious, and disgustingly expensive. Still, I wonder if you were able to vote "yes" on the plan but "no" on some of the riders in the plan--like the guy by the crosswalk who seems to be wearing bib shorts over a tank top:
If they're going to Photoshop total dorks onto the streetscape they could at least pick someone who looks like he knows what he's doing:
Though maybe it's Nonplussed Bibshorts Guy, in which case I withdraw all criticism:
Anyway, bike lane cockblockers like those people in Park Slope are indicative of America's strange relationship with the bicycle. (If you consider looking at something and going, "Eeew!" a relationship--which actually I'm sure a lot of people do.) Headlines like this one are another example:
Oh my god! Can you believe it? A professional athlete in peak physical condition riding a bicycle to work!?! How "odd"!!!
I'm not sure what's so odd about a physically fit person riding a bicycle. In fact, there are some crazy countries in which riding a bicycle is actually a sport in itself--though very few of the riders survive:
When I first read that headline I took it to mean that anyone who survived the 2012 Tour de France was invited back in 2013. "I had no idea last year's race was so deadly," I remarked to myself, but then I looked closer at the picture of Djamolidine Abdouwhateverthefuck and realized they meant all the finishers from all the races, and then it made sense. Clearly the idea is to get everyone who's ever ridden the Tour de France together in one place, extract their bone marrow, and test it for evidence of past doping. Then, the offenders can be retroactively disqualified, or else asterisked* right on the spot.
Ostensibly though this is to mark the 100th edition of the race. I thought they already had a 100th edition of the race--or was that just the 100th anniversary of the first race, since they skipped a few years because of the war? (Organizers suspended the Tour de France for three years due to the Invasion of Grenada.) Or the 100th anniversary of the Alps in the race? Or the Pyrenees? I'm pretty sure they've celebrated all those things. Either way, how long are they going to work this 100 years angle? They should get one 100th birthday and that's it.
Also, 100 years seems like a perfect time to retire the Tour de France and end this dope-fueled publicity stunt once and for all. Honestly, despite all the scandals they've had a pretty good run, but we all know it's not going to get any better, and as the sponsors keep pulling out and the doping stories continue it's just going get more and more embarrassing for everybody. Keeping the race going would be like Lance Armstrong coming back after Tour win number seven. Imagine what a debacle that would be. Really, the only people who would be hurt by the disappearance of the Tour de France would be a couple hundred ultra Euro-Freds with bad haircuts and maybe Specialized. And that devil guy.
(Take a shower.)
But I'm sure there's a freak bike club in Portland that would be glad to take him in.
Speaking of irrelevant institutions, there's apparently still a Forbes magazine, and a reader tells me they recommend this pair of tridork flippers as a luxury holiday gift:
I like the idea that a total non-cyclist might receive these shoes as a gift. (Yes, I realize triathletes are technically non-cyclists, but I mean someone who doesn't even do triathlons.) I'd love to see some middle-aged guy slip-sliding around outside Citarella as he makes his way back to his Porsche. Then again, I guess it wouldn't be much more awkward than a typical triathlete transition, except there'd probably be more olive oil spillage.
Also in the same gift guide is a Budnitz:
Just be warned that the Budnitz can be creaky, so for the same effect you can save a bunch of money by buying a Huffy beach cruiser at Target and spinning one of those Purim noisemakers while you ride.
I'm sure someone makes them in titanium--or if they don't, it's only a matter of time before Old Man Budnitz branches out into Judaica.
Shoot, no podium to hog. You guys are quick.
Thor back on the block! In the top 10!
baked again, top 10 again
Woman waiting for a subway in chicago got a Hot Karl...the end of world lunacy has begun. Not cool...
Tour da pants
Odd writer.
Tout da Tour da Underpants.
No time to comment.
The world's about to end.
top 15, and I read the post
Ping-pong balls at a sex show. Great, Snob, just great. That will be my last vision as I head to that big cyclocross race in the sky.
Top 15, and I'm wearing bib shorts over my tank top.
There's a place in France where the naked ladies dance, there's a hole in the wall where Lance puts his ball...
My cuz Karl could kick all your arses if he were still alive.
Speak of the Devil!
I feel like such an idiot, but at least I have plenty of company.
I am the man that put the EPO in DOPE!
I watched "TED" last night(Thanks to my trusty Ergons getting me to the VIDEO STORE and back) and this rich guy on there had bought Lances removed testicle and had it cast in bronze and put on display and would draw upon it for inspiration when he was having hard times.
It was average sized.
Lobster society has evolved a complex, courtship ritual. When she is ready to molt, she usually seeks out the largest male in the neighborhood and stands outside his den, releasing her scent "sex" perfume in a stream of urine . He responds by fanning the water with his swimmerets, permeating his apartment with her perfume.
Hail Lob the Magnificent, the end is nigh.
Maybe it wouldn't be so odd if LeBron, an 8ft 250lb man, wasn't riding a 15" mtb with a lefty...
Scranus, TX 75771
No devil speak here Babs, tongues maybe, devil no. Let idiots reign!!!! Oh, wait a minute...
I need one of those granite survival balls; my folder should fit, so I can ride through the wastelands afterwards. Speaking of folders, get one yet Snob?!
You still got the funny, after all these years...
Epic Tri F(L)AIL
Chinese Survival Orbs. I ate four of those. Lee Ho Fook told me that they were extra large rice ballz
I wonder if there were chinese people inside? That might be why my heartburn was extra bad?
I heard they were making chocolate casts with creamy nugat filling to put into Christmas crackers and advent calendars. Sick bastards.
"claiming that God has returned to earth as a Chinese woman"
LOL-Good one Church of Almighty God.
Idoicy knows no bounds.
Well fortunately I crossed "Ménage à trois" off the bucket list a couple years ago so I'm pretty much ready to face oblivion happily tomorrow.
Good call J on the folder for the survival ball. Don't forget a couple spare tubes and a mini-pump.
Thanks for the laughs Wildcat it was epic. Well most probably see you tomorrow, Same bat time same bat channel. I'm sure you'll come up with something funny to say.
That hot karl story was nauseating and hysterical at the same time. Just take a moment to picture the preparation of the sock. Do you drop the deuce directly in while stretching the opening? Standing? Squatting? Laying down? (Nah, too messy). And the attack! There is the disorientation between the time it stikes the side of your maw, and the time you smell (taste?) It. Holy fucknuts! I'd be too busy vomiting to kill that bastard. Extra credit...he's wearing a phat pharm jacket, with PP embroidered on the chest. Nice touch.
certain Brooklynites : that bike lane :: certain people out west : wolves
Just realized the media is withholding the Lanza motive till after the 21st. Why aren't Drudge and Fox all over this?
I like the part where wcrm skewers the new way of living and getting food hahaha
Michters is waaay better than some dumb Butnutz
What will the Wrong Answer Video be for tomorrow's Last-Friday-Quiz- O'Death-Ever?
What was that spam-fest at the end of the comments last night? I finally found the rum bottle, but it didn't help, especially after I coughed it through my nose after reading BGW's italics-laden, "I Saw Mommy...Santa Claus." Didn't see it? Near bottom of yesterday's comments, check it out!
Rum hurts spurting through the nostrils, not recommended...
Of course, they'd never actually ban Fresh Direct trucks, since then they'd have to leave their multi-million dollar apartments and townhouses in order to go food shopping, at which point they'd lose their free parking spaces.
Can't decide if my tears are from laughter or rage.
Porsche monkey with funny shoes, egad.
I have NEVER failed a drug test so I should be able to ride the 2013 Old Timers Tour day France stage. C U There.
One last eating before the end of the tongue. Or maybe two or three.... Anyone know the exact time of day for the end on Friday? Maybe I could schedule one last meal for Friday AM, if time permits.
I regret that I have only one asterisk...
"Ostensibly though..."
Redundancy Alert!
Copy Editors of the World Unite!
Thing is, "LeBron's totally normal ride to work" wouldn't send everybody scurrying to go pageview that oh-so-interesting article, now would it?
Also: I'm totally on Mr. Shit Flinger's side. 2 hrs later and "the worst degradation of her life" is all washed off. Meanwhile, he's still black.
Piracy Theorist: I want to try the laid back way to ride, let me borrow a recum, pronto, before the meteorite storms!
On my folder, a pump comes nestled in the back triangle, pretty spiffy; plus a lot of dahons have a seat tube that doubles as a pump!!!!
Plus my tires are these Kevlar lined ones, so I never get a flat!!!! Oh man, foldie excitement!!
Snob, I kept waiting for you to refer to it as BORAF. You've been drinking the kool-aid filtered through a merino sock.
Mr. Bike Snob, I think you are being unfair to France and the rest of Europe. The Europeans love bicycle racing like we love, say, football. Maybe they would be better off without it, but I’m sure that, unlike in America, bike racing would be sorely missed . And besides, a sport based on a healthy activity, as opposed to say, American football, is probably a good thing. Sadly it is all too human to screw up a good thing.
Yep most of you suckas will head off to the great beyond having never experienced the joys of recumbency I tried to tell you but you all just pointed and snickered. Well now you can just spend the rest of eternity thinking dammit he was probably right and never knowing for sure.
Mr. Bike Snob, I also think that Europeans have a healthy relationship with bicycling racing, as do, say American football fans. American football fans are under no illusions that they will ever be NFL stars. The Europeans, at least from what I observed in Spain, France, and Italy, also appear to be under no illusions about bike racing stardom, as evidenced by the almost total lack of “Freds.” They seem content with their European style bikes. (I did see quite a few folding bikes in Barcelona).
Didi Senft.
hey nonny mouse
Top Fitty
Mr. RC Theorist, you are right. I own an old "Bike E" and I love it. Their catch phrase was "Guaranteed to make you smile." I used to commute to work on it, alternating days with my, early attempt to make a comfort bke, mountain bike. Bike people are funny; some, especially "Freds" are fearful of trying new and/or different things.
Just as I've never done heroin, and am okay with that, I'm okay with never having ridden a recubmant.
Scranus !
Mr. RC Theorist, I now mostly ride an Electra Townie. It is an interesting mixture of "real bike" (if a comfort bike can be called a real bike) and a recumbent. Try one, you'll get a kick out of it.
or a recubment for that matter.
I feel comfortable knowing I can die with 48 hours of "Clean Comment Sobriety", although the day is not over........
Scrantonicity II
If we are perfectly fine riding a normal bicycle do we still HAVE to try the recumbent?
Mr. Vantage, unlike heroin, riding a recumbent is neither illegal nor unhealthy.
Mr. McFly, trying new (legal and healthy) things can be fun. I've tried riding a drop bar racing bike but I don't own one.
You think LaBron will be in Paris for the 2013 TdF? According to the photo caption in the article you linked, he's already competed in it.
How awkward for Lance.
Hell is...other recumbents.
Not sure how much stock I'd put into this whole Mayan Apocalypse thingy... Didn't they have their own apocalypse already several hundred years ago? Where was your calendar on that one, dipshit?
Well, thanks for all the laughs Mr. Snob. I hope that orb thing works out for you.
I'm just looking forward to my endless lobster buffet in the hereafter.
You guys are really gonna drop a load in your bike shorts tomorrow when we find out The Church of Almighty God was right and the God that has returned to Earth as a Chinese woman is actually recumbabe.
Woe to you who thought unclean thoughts all this time about the heavenly reclined velopedist whom we love.
@ Lance A.
Don't you mean you put EPO in podium P-O-d-E-um. Sounds better when you say it out load, and then it's funny because it means you can't spell either.
Kay now you try.
Budnitz Judaica? oi..are bikes even kosher? Doesn't that leg motion lead to immoral stimulation and activity requiring a machine? Feh.
Anon 1:57...that's because in Europe, normal people ride bikes. It's not the freak show like over here.
As for the stock photo watermark, it's because they copied out of browser without paying for it. You know, like the recumbabe , tridork, or bibshorts guy. Snob owes like $128,000.
That world ending thing is tomorrow? shiiiitt...I bought presents for naught.
How awkward for Lance.
He was uninvited 7 times.
Yep most of you suckas will head off to the great beyond having never experienced the joys of recumbency I tried to tell you but you all just pointed and snickered. Well now you can just spend the rest of eternity thinking dammit he was probably right and never knowing for sure.
or, we awake in the inferno of hell on the 4th level, where all bikes are recumbents ridden by demons who look like Rob Fords, chased by karate chopping cocksuckers in BMWs.
Nailed it!
Why Woe? I'm betting she likes it.
And seconding the laugh zone on BGW's song last night. It's worth a re-print.
Anon 2:37,
I think you spelled "loud" wrong. Karma is a beeeeaaatccchhh.
Oh yeah sorry babs I got stuck in the dogma there for a minute. I hope your right. And if commies right Oh well at least I'll be used to the ride. Except I'm sure hell's recumbents will have the more upright style seats conducive to recumbent butt. Recumbent butt for the rest of eternity is not a pleasant thought.
Recumbent Butt is a lot like ski butt or whatever its called from skiing in bluejeans that some commenter brought up the other day.
I cunt speel
Best of luck in the hereafter to all. Even if the world doesn't end tomorrow it'll end for me as far as this blog is concerned 'cuz I'm never reading it again 'cuz Snob has dissed Fresh Market for the last time 'cuz I, like, soooo love fresh Market. Love, love, love it. Good bye.
So the French, after not inviting Lance, can have their celebration of 100 years of DRUG FREE results. Right.
Would that be all TdF finishers? Or only the ones that have officially still finished the race?
Just the ones that never got caught doping? Or just the one that never did?
Because, seriously, Greg LeMond being there all alone would be kinda sad.
Being no Lance fan, I had to go to the wicking-poedia to check, but he did finish it allegedly "legitimately" in 1995. Does that mean he's invited? I hope they do invite him, just to see if he shows up. And have him ride with Floyd and Greg to badger him for the whole stage. Oh, and Bernard Hinault to really "Badger" him.
RCT - "I got stuck in the dogma", you're just trying to make McFly crack. You picked 49 hours, dint cha.
That's dumb
"Floyd and Greg to badger him for the whole stage."
Thats funny good one ge.
doot doota loot doo ---
If we really want to be dicks about their dickishness towards bike commuters, we should turn their ass in to Shutterstock. A watermark means they didn't pay for the clip.
Ride safe all!
I know I usually say that on Friday, but what the heck, my dog has convinced me that if the world is going to end tomorrow, we may as well be riding even though the weather report is lousy.
I mean if the world is going to end, what else could possibly go wrong?
Getty, whatever.
If Recumbabe is the second cumming, then I'm looking forward to being post-human.
The Budnutz is a fu*kin ugly bike. Who is the designer?
...well thanks, guys...a re-post is easier than a riposte & certainly saves me from trying to think up something clever n' witty, here on the 'last day on earth as we know it'...
...not that i've ever actually posted anything clever n' witty but here 'tis...
..."...i saw mommy blowing santa claus...
...underneath the mistletoe last night...
...she bleated like a sheep... he plunged that member deep...
...i knew for sure, that she'd get fucked... that old red-suited creep...
...then i saw mommy tickle santa claus...
...underneath his scranus, red & bright...
..ohhh, such a laugh it would have been,
...if his elf all dressed in green...
...had fingered mommy blowing santa late last night !!!..."...
...i guess now & again i pull out a 'chestnut(s) roasting on an open fire...
...just sayin'...
Tyler Hamilton NEVER did drugs ...
Dig my new Jaguar dudes.
Come on BGW enough with the sex stuff. It's played, slayed and Chic-fil-a'd.....bikes-n-stuff....
See y'all in hell!
So long everyone! It's been fun.
...c'mon, mcfly...when that monster mayan warrior looking like something out of a badass video game with his bloodied war-club in hand, comes looking to rain apocalyptic frenzy on your ass, you can't honestly tell me that you ever believed 48+ hours of nonsalacious rectification would get you a bye, right ???...
My dog left a note. It says "so long and thanks for all the fish."
He must mean we're going to the Acme Fish factory in Williamsburg tomorrow to pick up some smoked salmon. $17 a pound. Amazing.
I am going to be honest.
I texted hotness this a.m. and put in an order for revolutionary head since the world was ending.
She said "Well if the world is ending we need to pray about it".
I am not sure if we are praying for revolutionary head or praying about the world ending.*
*This comment does not violate my sobriety because it's within the bounds of my marital contract and it's "not that bad" compared to my usual stuff.
BGW --
Ixnay on empting-tay McFly from his decency pledge.
My dog went double or nothing on the 10 bucks I won yesterday.
Well, I'm not quite sure how much faith to place in the accuracy of the Mayan's end of days, considering they did not see their own downfall coming.
Just in case, I think that tomorrow I will pull up the webcam stream from the town square in Meggido, the Israeli town which the Book of Revelations identifies as the location for the beginning of the end of the world, and from where the word "Armageddon" derives.
Or maybe not...
The end of the world has been prophecized at least 65 times in the last 1600 years, which I just calculated from information I exhaustively reasearched from a tweet. How many times can we dodge that bullet? This could be it! The big sleep! We're doomed, I tell ya! Doomed!
...listen...i don't usually get caught up in this apocalyptic bullshit but at this point i'm thinkin' it might be advantageous if it DOES all end & i'll not be left to answer any unfortunate questions... " it true you sold off one of your bikes in a fit of madness ???"... which the answer would be "...yes, yes, i did..."...
...wherein the next question will inevitably be "...& for what particular purpose ???"... wit, my honest answer would have to be "...i got caught up in the hype & i needed, not 'survival' supplies, dammit...i bought cases of champagne, a boatload of lobsters & pails full of farm fresh butter just waiting to be melted, alright !!!...sometimes a man has to do what he feels is right..."...
...anyway, rather than gorge on it all myself, if this is not "...the end..." then you're all invited over for a feast to celebrate my favorite time of the year, the winter solstice...
...where winters never ending dark days start getting a little lighter & brighter a little longer...
...@ can bring your dog but he's gotta pony up a $10.00 cleaning deposit...i know how he is at partys...
It's a bit of a ride to get to yours, but let me see what I can do...
The world's going to hell in a Wald basket, I tell ya. would be an empty party without you, luv...
I think we should all stop paying our rent, insurance and bills. Especially if the world DOESN'T end.
Being that the End is near, I might as well confess...I worked as an underwear model...but a nonplussed underwear model.
NTID!!! (*)
(*) nonplussed 'til I die
Lemmee see now...
in tomorrow's post human world, Recumbabe is the daughter of God, so does that mean I can run for Pope?
I would like to be Pope, please. Elect me.
If Recumbabe is the daughter of God, then God is surely Lob and if that's the case, RCT's little soiree will either save us from the apocalypse or be the catalyst. And I don't want to live in a world where our saviour rides a recumbent. Lob save us all from the flaming alpaca lips.
I survived the end of the world. It's the 21th here and my carbon has not melted; my Bont A1s didn't even reshape themselves.
However, in the west I noticed an ominous radiance, a rumble and a ripple of thaumaturgical rapture. I suspect that you're completely fucked.
Your only hope is to don bike bibs and white singlets, avoid bicycles with metallic frames due to conduction issues and be sure to were a helmet. The new Wiggy Bont Cunts should guarantee sanctuary from all but the most torrid encounters with Grim Reaper.
Good luck and goodbye.
If Babble's the new pope, she needs a papal name. Too bad McFly's reformed. 52 hours.
I wonder if "Mr Evil" will show up? You know, the guy who besmirched the name of those 10's of clean riders who completed the TdF.
Did they yank his 1995 Tour ride, like in Orwell's 1984?
Dzięki za ten wpis.
Oh dear. It might turn into the day of the walking cotards in China, if the sun does indeed shine on us on the morrow.
That's a word, cotard. Who knew?
McFly is a stalwart of the comment section.
Sorry, I mean genital wart. Genital wart of the comment section.
Well this is confusing.
There's a dog collar, half a bag of cheetos and some empty PBR cans on the couch.
I don't know if this is the rapture or my dog went streaking again.
It's 6 minutes past rapture, Blogger time.
19h20 down here in Hobbiton & several Friday, post-work beers later.
If the world's ending it's missed us so Damnit!, I'll have to do those reports for work on Monday
Update from Japan.. All quiet on the western front.. 2/3 the way thru the end of the day here and not even a peep out of Godzilla.. Kinda disappointed actually... I was hoping for more..
Babble.... If you are the new Pope-ette, does that mean you can sort of make your own rules? If so, please appoint an official pope genital licker.. I want to apply for the job. I realize that I have competition from the almighty Mario.. but I still want to give it my best shot..
It's the crack of dawn of a new era.
Welcome to a whole new ball game.
...'cotards'...hmmm, one for me too...
...i just knew i'd be extremely delusional if i thought i could work 'cotard' into a 'funny' & so, nope, i got nothin'...
...i just feel so dead inside right now...
...apocalypso...the death of calypso...
...maybe the mayans knew island reggae & hip-hop would become much more popular during this time...
...but gimme a little harry belafonte & i can hear those steel drums...
..."...down de way where de nights are gay...
...(not that there's anything wrong with that)...
...and de sun shines daily on de mountain top... I
...i took a trip on a sailing ship...
...and when I reached jamaica i made a stop...
...but i'm glad to say, i'm on my way........."...
...look, 'apocalypso' is certainly as good a theory as any of the excuses the doomsayer crowd are gonna come up with over the next few days...
...& hurben...hope your sojourn into oz from hobbitland went well...
...& honestly, i'd have hated for the world to end without a chance for a hearty kiwi "...hooray, mate !!!"...
"It's the end of the world as we know it
And I feel fine. "
Acme Fish in Williamsburg has bike parking in the warehouse.
You imagine me sipping champagne from your boot
For taste of your elegant pride
I may be going to hell in a bucket, babe
But at least Im enjoying the ride, at least I'll enjoy the ride.
Ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride
At least I'll enjoy the ride.
At least I'll enjoy the ride.
At least I'll enjoy the ride.
Anybody seen McFly?
I hope he had plenty of gas in the DeLorean, so he can get back. If he wants to. I told him to fill it up before he left, but you know how kids are...
Have a good one Snobbers, one and all.
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Except I'm sure hell's recumbents will have the more upright style seats conducive to recumbent butt. Recumbent butt for the rest of eternity is not a pleasant thought.
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