Secondly, I want to thank everybody who came to the Manhattan Bridge early yesterday evening in order to receive free Knog products, and I also want to apologize for being a bit late. However, I do have a pretty good excuse. First, after yesterday's earthquake I immediately went to the closet to look for duct tape (as I understand it you're supposed to put duct tape on stuff in an emergency), and the contents must have shifted during flight because as soon as I opened the door I found myself trapped beneath 150 rolls of toilet paper. For three hours my cries of help went not only unheeded but also completely muffled by the patented Quilted Northern Ultra Plushness. Eventually I was able to tunnel my way out by means of a Surly Jethro Tool, but then I got stuck in slow-moving bike lane traffic:
Ordinarily I'd have passed them, but I was riding a Big Dummy and there simply wasn't enough room.
Eventually though I did make it, and people did proffer coupons in exchange for free stuff, as you can see in this photo that was taken by an attendee:
They were also kind enough not to make fun of my hair:
I was actually getting my hair cut at the time of the earthquake which caused the barber to lose control of his shears, and this was the only way he was able to correct it.

Speaking of ingenuity, while most people opted to print their coupons by means of ink jet printers that were nearly out of ink, at least one presented an artisanally hand-curated version:
It's a pretty good rendering, too:
There are even a bunch of squiggly lines representing the fine print. He must have one of those "MFAs."

But the best thing about giving away free stuff is getting free stuff, like this t-shirt:
It must have been pretty strong stuff, because I don't remember much after that. All I know is I woke up in the park the next morning on a pile of coupons:
Speaking of bikes, I was tempted to bring the "Base Urban" belt drive bike I'm testing to the giveaway so that everybody could gawk at its profound ugliness, but with one (1) moderately-sized box to portage I figured I should ride my enormous cargo bike instead. And while I'm still trying to figure out how the bike I'm testing is worth a whopping $1,750, I suppose it's a relative bargain when compared to this belt drive bike, which was forwarded to me by a number of readers and which "checks every box:"
As far as I can tell, this bike checks at most two boxes, those being the "I paid way too much money for a townie" box, as well as perhaps the "My name is Larry Olmsted" box. Then again, you do get that all-important belt drive:

It goes on. Instead of a dirty, noisy chain you get a Gates carbon drive belt drive and Shimano Alfine internal hub...
This confused me, because I didn't know they even sold bikes with dirty, noisy chains. Any new bike I've ever had actually came with a clean, silent chain. Then again, maybe I'm just out of the loop and the bike industry is putting dirty, noisy chains on new bikes now in a massive conspiracy to convince people to switch to belt drives.
Of course, if you really want to be cutting-edge, you should pair your belt drive with the Cateye "Urban Wireless" cycling computer, which will tell you your "carbon offset:"
Yes, the Cateye Urban Wireless will "fluff your smugness" as you ride:

In addition to basic ride data, both carbon offset and calorie consumption information will not only help you feel better from your ride, but better about your impact on the environment, too!
* This product is only available in USA.
It goes without saying that this is only available in Canada's "tramp stamp," since in no other country do people need to be coaxed, cajoled, wheedled, and rewarded in order to do ordinary, logical, everyday things in the way that Americans must be. It's also good to know that urban cyclists can now "foff off" over their crabon offsets in the same way that roadies dork out about their "wattage." Still, I would imagine this computer must be very difficult to calibrate, because it certainly can't be as simple as just entering your wheel circumference. I would think it would also need to know what your most recent meal was, and what your frame is made of, and where you're going. For example, someone who's had a locally and sustainably farmed breakfast and is riding a homemade bamboo bicycle to a shift at the local food co-op can't possibly yield the same smugness numbers as someone who's just eaten a McGriddles and is riding a Huffy to the OTB, even if they're riding side-by-side, pedal stroke for pedal stroke.
Presumably though, the Cateye Urban Wireless is an ideal training tool for the Brompton World Championship, and another reader has forwarded me this video of the latest edition, which took place last Sunday:
If you're offended by tiny wheels and men panting heavily, you may not want to watch.
go team!
Knog-free & non-plussed about it.
"Fork yes!"
top ten, bullfitas!
I got some juicy fruit for you all.
California dreaming of BGW.
top ten
No comment.
What? You don't get time off!
You know what, I started reading not bothering with the comment race then at the bottom I see 0 comment. It's already too late and I get 12th position.
Happy bday, mikeweb!
Totally touch and go on the burger coupons, I love a crisp pickle with ridges salad marinated in ketchap and smokey beef flavor.
Was juicy fruit looking for a long recumbant ride?
Microbabe is not offensive.
Wildcat, Make sure you remember to put on those latex gloves before handling customer's buns and lunchmeat.
Juicy fruit is looking for a Vienna sausage pudwacker.
Thanks hillbilly!
My free Knog stickers will make great patches for my leaky tent.
I'm glad the drive is a Gates carbon drive belt drive drive. Bike reminds me of a flamingo. It should come with a free Cateye Urban Wireless with a setting that tells you how much you overpaid.
Judging by that picture your demographic is disconcertedly male oriented.
Oh shit, I just realized I'm a male...
Just for perspective's sake:
If the USA is Canada's tramp stamp, I don't want to think about what that makes Mexico...
My Cateye carbon offset readout:
One armed PF Fred @ !:!_
WRM, I will expect a post from you. I don't care if you have to send smoke signals. My boss will wonder otherwise. and I'll never be able to read your blog again. and then my cat will leak all over my carpet when he sees my frustration.
Really, Snobby??
a poem
if i were queer
i wouldnt drink beer
thank you
... dirty, noisy chain ...
i wouldn't know about that, but i rode one time with a guy who had an internal hub and it was about as quiet as a box of rocks being dumped down the stairs. it was so noisy it was even louder than my campy freewheel
Wonder if, when I replaced my snapped off crabon mtn bike handle bars with good ol' aluminum, my offset would show on the Cateye?
Dude, I had no idea I was supposed to give you something.
Thanks for hanging out with us peasants.
Good idee on not bringing the belt drive, everybody would have had a recommendation on how to fix it,
and isn't that the manufacturers responsibility?
yeah, but since it's made of titanium, it would be earthquake-proof. right?
A poem:
If I were queer
I'd drink queer beer.
That's how the kids di it ... right?
Shimano is entering the velo seat market. Shimano's top model for the anally retentive will be know as Dura A$$.
someone who's just eaten a McGriddles and is riding a Huffy to the OTB
Sprayed my screen on that one...
No surprise: the Wildcat Rock Machine cognescenti have nice bikes. Birthday punches for mikeweb!
I got there too late, nothing left, and I keep trying to hand my coupon to various people and no one is giving me anything. Any suggestions?
Wasn't that Mr. Bean on the Brompton podium?
Fondo screams out 'make it hard, make it harder Shimano' when banging himself with a crank arm.
maybe the bike industry is putting dirty, noisy chains on new bikes to imbue them with street cred. carefully curated nicks and scrapes coming soon.
Thanks Marcel!
What is my offset if I just buy a new crabon bike each year and then throw it away?
...brompton world championships = quirky with a capital 'Q' but they're riding bikes (of a smug sort) & having a great time...
...who can ask for more ???...cheers...
i'll go read now but wanted to get right into the comments before ... before the milk went stale
55TH! or something
oh wait it was #45 so that gives me another TOP FITTY!
see you at the crit sukkas!
...just remember, mikeweb...
...when it comes to the 'becoming an old fuck on a bicycle world championship', i got you beat by a mile...
...just sayin'...but have a great day, bud...
smug patrol:
how far do you have to ride to offset the ownership of the cateye carbon credit smug device with lithium batteries?
some things cancel each other out, like the previously mentioned turbo porsche suv, and the prious.
Cateye Recumbabe Cameo!
Fuck the system, and those PC prudes.
Thanks bgw!
The Cateye device measures crabon footprint accurately with an anal C02 Bluetooth sensor. This is why we can't have them in Canada, as a country, our heads are already up our asses. Simple logistics.
...@anon 1:29pm...a 5.9 earthquake back east, 6.8 biggy in peru, a whole series of 3.6 & smaller out here in the east bay...
..."...welcome to the hotel california"...no need for 'california dreaming' 'cuz mother nature is bringing it your way...
...& hillbilly...if you'd waited around 'til dark, somebody woulda handed you something, or at least asked for a hand at the 'bridge jerk-off'...
...& i suppose 'whole lotta shaking goin' on' would work as a theme song for several of the aforementioned situations...
I finally figured out how to calinrate that stupid CatEye with smugness factor. Press and hold Mode and Set, skip past the wheel diameter, and choose a value between "brainwashed" and "braindead". Your carbon offset will be displayed just beneath the Smug icon. Sheesh, what absolute self-righteous idiocy.
And I thought "cadence" was a useful bit of data.
Think I'll just revert to a clothespin and playing card in the spokes.
the guy that gave you the beer looks kinda like me. now i feel like i was there. and you're welcome.
Hey Snob!...... I love my Brompton and its small wheels. I also pant heavily at the sight of other small wheels...... Fold it baby!!!
and happy birthday mikeweb.
and happy birthday mikeweb.
save one of those for next year.
Straight outta Brompton,
tiny wheels and men panting heavily
And since I'm known for my brevity
Peace, I'm outta here.
Have a great long weekend and thanks for the lounging smock!.
...ghostoftyrone...i hear the chicks dig your briefs...
They like me better in bib shorts.
The answers to the August 26th Friday Quiz are;
"Don't put anything in my flower box" used to work for me. Then "If it rains take the bus" was my new mantra. Now I'm chanting "Don't check every box". Oh wait, when I say it like that ... Okay, back on track. $5500 and no Rohloff?
Last night I saw a tour bike online that checked every box and it was over 6 grand. 6 grand? Forget it. Just give me something with a dirty noisy chain.
You didn't wet yourself last night, did you?
And happy birthday Mikeweb!
You know that saying "you're only as old as you feel"?
God, I hope that's wrong.
Steve Jobs resigned from Apple, here he is talking about bicycles:
Steve Jobs resigned from Apple. Here he is awkwardly talking about bicycles :
Roy's has the best service shop in BK
ahahaha - Larry Olmstead! Funny!
Belt drive, not so funny - I bought one because cleaning a chain is so damn complicated (could never figure out if I should use shampoo or toothpaste), then had to hacksaw my chainstay off, and now my ride feels kinda wobbly.
...BGW settling into a 3.6 recumbant pudwacker.
...@anon 10:11pm...
...in psychiatric circles, you're doing what's called 'projecting'...
...you see, how it works is, you can talk about a topic to your heart's content & 'it's all good' but then when you accuse someone else of exploiting the particular act that you have in your mind, you are at that point 'projecting' your subconscious needs or desire on that person...
...i know this is all rather deep for you so lemme just say that i hope your mom doesn't walk in on you...but, hey - enjoy, ya ???...
...me ???...i just got off my bike after a ride & a shiatsu massage...i'd need a viagra to follow your train of thought...
Holy crap!
Bikes Gone Wild pops massive boner and looks for boys to chuckle with after mom checks him out in a shower...golden shower. Then we speak of evil projectile dragons after popping a blue pill to make the recumbant bigger, more satisfying. I woke up all wet and sweating wondering who applied chamious cream in the night?
I am scared to recumbant any more.
Andy Shleck...please save me from the dragon monsters/we willy wanker and restore peace in the magical kingdom.
My craziest crazy talking would not be worthy today.
What can I say? Have a great weekend all.
Anon 10:11pm's comment and bgw's rebuttal brings to mind a Smiths' song in which Morrissey says:
when will you accept yourself?
(oh, the one that you hate)
What am I going to read while I eat lunch?
I'ma open a store that sells $3 bikes and $5000 cups a coffee.
Thanks Snob, i've now come up with my new career thanks to this post. I'm going to buy some one of those carbon offset smugness measuring devices and ride around all day everyday. Once I've racked up the miles I'll then auction it off to the highest bidding 4x4 driving business man to put on his £5000 road bike for his weekend jollies, so he can boast to all his banker friends about how he's more hardcore and 'smugger than thou.'
I will get top dolla. Confidentiality guaranteed.
'Just mine and your little secret...'
Then out pops the blackmail. WOOO!
Steve Tilford posted 3 times this morning, while in Colorado watching the race, and hanging with friends, and getting in a long ride.
Did you give away any vagina seeds (you know, for a vagina garden)??
skink, before Morrissey belted out those lyrics, he sang these words:
everything is hard to find
when you will not open your mind
Oh let the Morrissey masturbation begin.
Vagina seeds thrown out the window.
Pants around the the ankles at a public park waiting for George Micheals.
Falsetto engaged.
Eating beef sticks Macho Man style.
Bi curious hipster wants me to roll a cigarette?
Stormy looking gal that dies her hair black and has more tattos than Phillis Dyler wants me touch her dry vay jay.
Getting some milk at the corner store.
Worried about tommorrow.
punctured bicycle
on a hillside desolate
will nature make a man
out of you, yet?
I read this site everyday. I own a sweet whip and hit the streets hard. I think you queers need get a life. This isn't a gay bar.
Stop talking trash!
Jayhauk should either be punched in the face or publish a book of poems about public masturbation.
Big Mouth strikes again
and I have no right
to take my place in the human race
I'm a little suspicious of the guy shown winning the Brompton race-- from the look of his team shorts under the Tweed-look twee outfit, he might be some RadioShack team member sandbagging.
Wildcat, I hope you weren't planning a beach vacation in the Carolinas. Stay safe all you East Coasters.
A belt drive might be cleaner (until it gets dirty) and quieter (until it gets wet and makes squeaky farty noises) than a chain drive but it's less efficient. This might be acceptable if you're hiding an assist by your beefy BB but if you're relying on spindly unshaven pins to get you to Mach whoo hoo it's a big deal.
Didn't Ritte Said Fred sing "I'm too sexy for my velo" or was it the Ritte Brothers who believed they could fly?
If you're a panting mam who's into small wheels, you should probably buy this t-shirt.
ladymtbiker 7:38, wouldn't surprise me, none other than Mr Vuelta, Roberto Heras won it in 2009.
г Дзержинский проститутки секс знакомство с госпожами, трансами, рабынями, рабами секс знакомства в стрежевом секс знакомства с евангелидой из ставрополя сайта секс знакомств в зоне kg бляди и их телефоны Н Новгород секс знакомства семейным парам в астрахане интим услуги в омске секс знакомство для секса в городе елец секс знакомства павлодаре казахстан Снять проститутку в Москве или Подмосковье проститутки москвы теплый стан тайные секс знакомства в твоем городе
секс знакомство владимир
@crosspalms... I doubt WRM was, but I am/was supposed to go to Outer Banks NC tomorrow. This hurricane thing blows! (<-- see what I did there)
I envision WRM rocking his Big Dummy with the whole family strapped to the back splitting the lanes of gridlocked bridges full of NYC evacuees. I am sure he will leave Vito at home to protect the Ritte from the looters.
ladymtbiker it was won by Dr Hutch, Michael Hutchinson, holds several British time trial records. Serious stuff. I came 59th. hem hem.
...mike l @ 4:06pm..."...I came 59th. hem hem."...
...so is that like a podium spot in brompton racing...everybody gets a hug & a trophy ???...
...i jest 'cuz actually it all looked like a damned good time...props, mate...
@P. Stable,
Eazy E just keeps turning over in his grave.
...poor bsnyc/rtms/wcrm...guys out loading up for 'the big one', straining the limits of the 'big dummy' whilst stocking up on canned goods & the storm will likely peter out & he'll be left with 1500 cans of soup that nobody in the family likes...
..."Irene good night, Irene good night,
Good night Irene, good night Irene,
I'll see you in my dreams."...
Come on!
Maybe you will respond to this, maybe you won't.
I've read your book and I still don't know what I should do: Today was the end of the first week of school (I'm a senior at the University of Florida). Needless to say, traffic was heavy and people were in a hurry. To get where? Not sure, since Gainesville is so friggin' small.
Anyway, I was riding in the road where there is no bike lane and got honked at continually by an angry college student. I decided to shake my head in disdain at him and say, "I belong on the road." He swerved around me and immediately after that, a guy wearing a wife-beater and riding a chopper yelled, "You tell 'em, Sister!" Well, the biker chased down the aggressive driver and caught him at a red light. "Holy shit" was all I could think to myself.
The biker started yelling and cursing and kicked the kid's car, leaving a large dent and boot mark on its side. The tiny kid got out the car, so the biker got off his ride and ran up to the kid. The biker started screaming, "Why you tryin' to run bitches off the road?" The kid, clearly smaller than the biker, ran back in his car as the motorcyclist took off and the light turned green. Well, I had no idea what to do, so being the hippie type that I am, I tried to calmly explain to the motorist (as he was trying to start his car again) that I do, in fact, belong on the road. He didn't want to hear it. He sped off.
Five minutes later, a college girl in an old Mercedes started beeping at me, too. She rolled her windows down and started yelling as she passed me. All I said in response was, "I belong on the road."
Snob, I don't know what I should do. I'm starting to feel really fuckin' unsafe on the road, yet I want people to understand that I have a right to be there. Should I just ignore them? Even my own mother said she didn't know bikes were allowed to be on the road.
I realize this blog isn't an advice column, but I'd really appreciate some wisdom for an experienced cyclist.
Hey ant1, I caught you on film. Over at my blog.
Hey Amanda, sorry to hear about your crappy experience. It happens way too often. But don't give up, you do have a right to be on the road! Check out Bike Forums too, especially the Safety & Advocacy forum. http://www.bikeforums.net/forum.php
We all get rattled by stuff like this, but it sounds like you handled it well. Keep riding!
On a road without a bike lane, ride close to the curb when cars are behind you. Let them pass. Safety first and alaways.
Breaking News: Snob slips in polls, Chic to rule Cycledom
stick with it amanda, the pea-brained nature of most drivers will never change. kudos for remaining polite.
hope all you east coasters are safe and sound!
...hang in there, amanda...& therein lies the dichotomy of cycling...
...whether it's a serious ride, a commute or just messing about on the townie, it's pretty much a damn fun thing to be out pedaling about on a bike with the exception of the abuse that comes from 'entitled' motorists...
...i have heard from people i trust that florida is particularly egregious as regards how cyclists are treated...
...just remember that although you may have the law on your side whether a lotta those types of drivers realize it or not, physics, unfortunately defines who 'wins'...
...ride safe, girl but keep on riding...
...hey, i just realized i'm @ 9999...that's all i'm sayin'...
Belt drive, yeah right. And when you need a new drive belt you just wheel into to the LBS and ... no parts.
No standards with the belt drives, no
Belt drive turntables!
I blame hip hop for making me think of women as bitches.
No disrespect intended.
Men are impressionable children.
As a person familiar with the Gates belt in different applications,I must state the bicycle is not a good candidate. Power transfer is highly dependent on tension, and chains are much more suited. Chainstays ain't got it when it comes to belts.
I have it on good authority that Bike Snob NYC was spotted this weekend in Belgium at the Ritte Van Valaanderen Detached Hand Model Institute. Snob is apparently politicking in hope of junior obtaining a scholarship to the prestigious Ritte Van Valaanderen Detached Hand Model Institute which is considered the Harvard/Cambridge of the Detached Hand Modeling Universe.
ATTN: Rubin Carter
Why has there never been a hurricane name Rubin? Enquiring minds want to know.
And should not the storms named after men be Himacanes?
Irma La Smug,
Check out Bob Dylan's DESIRE album.
Hell hath no fury...
...65 mile an hour winds ???...new york city has seen bigger blows after leroy's dog has eaten an epic burrito...
Earthquake, hurricane and next up...meteor shower.
ATTN: Rubin Carter
Get a dictionary and look up 'sarcasm' ...
"I like to spend some time in Mozambique
The sunny sky is aqua blue
And all the couples dancing cheek to cheek
It’s very nice to stay a week or two"
Irma La Douche,
...or maybe fall in love
just me and you.
Love the blog. Please check mine out, I even did a bike review!
What say you, Snob?" Tear him a new one for us.
"I'm a little suspicious of the guy shown winning the Brompton race-- "
He's been national time trial champion more than once.
hey nonny mouse
(been away racing cars at Snetterton)
Hey! I was getting a haircut during the earth quake too! I thought a fat dude walked into the place!
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