Good luck!

The above vehicle, which I encountered on Friday, belongs to:
--The HairWeavingNYC Mobile Strike Force
--A Trinidadian diplomat
--Master Hair Weaver Clem LueYat
--Transportation Alternatives Executive Director Paul Steely White

What's going on in the above picture?
--A bunch of porta-potties are on their way out to the Hamptons for the weekend
--The DOT is making good on its "Coordinated Street Furniture Franchise" program by making mobile public restrooms available to motor vehicle commuters stuck in traffic
--A bunch of porta-potties are being rounded up and placed into internment camps for not wearing cones of smugness
--I've finally gotten past the hairweaving SUV only to get stuck behind a freaking flatbed full of plastic outhouses
What's remarkable about this tall bike?
--I encountered it in the genteel Cobble Hill neighborhood of Brooklyn
--There was no vomit on or around it
--Grant Petersen would no doubt approve of the handlebar/saddle relationship
Obey? Oy vey! The above t-shirt, spotted at an evening soiree, was remarkable because:
--The wearer was smoking heavily and the guy on the shirt is wearing a gas mask
100% right and first!
Podium? Who knew.
Another stellar quiz that I bombed horribly.
75% -- that's a solid C, correct?
I passed!!!
Clem LueYat. Brilliant! P.S.? Any impending signs of the bike-ocalypse this holiday weekend?
see, im a whiner.
i mean winner
Every one of those pictures is a clear sign we are doomed, and Clem LueYat will no doubt play an instrumental role.
I just returned from NYC (left in that stupid traffic on Friday) and was confused and excited to note that the cone of smugness apparently does not rest solely on the head of the Porta-let. I spotted no less than 3: mini-van, police van and (redundantly, I think) Mercedes sedan.
Didn't catch the Master, though. Something to see next time.
I hereby blame Manhattan for the traffic I encountered on rt 80 in the middle of PA last night (scroll down, it's the last photo in the post).
And thanks, RTMS, for the convenient blog tie-in opportunity.
Obey? Not in this lifetime jackass.
RTMS-for some reason this picture really angers me. Even the freak in the sunglasses didn't bother me like this.
Guess I've officially jumped on the bbb wagon. Giddy'up.
Holy crap! They want us to take internet quizzes without doping, then they throw this at us? It's ridiculous! One quiz after another, day after day. And we didn't even get a transfer day between those two ridiculously hard weekend quizzes - "Which Diff'rent Strokes Character Are You?" (Full Disclosure: I'm Willis, 'People don't know what chew talkin' 'bout') & the Facebook "Do You Have Good Karma Quiz" (Answer: "No.") and this one? Cripes, I almost threw my mouse into the next cubicle and stomped off looking for the team car.
/Obscure Giro References
Nice shot of the plastic shit-closets. Corduroy is a man's material, "le cord du roi", or "thread of the king". I have a nice pair of Rapha bibs in corduroy..they can hear me coming...
Excellent for road safety, and fashion. A little Courvoisier cognac in the water bottle, Prolly's mustache, and I'm and insanely handsome chick magnet.
Hello ladiessss..
Uh...I mujst have missed a stage...
..what is RTMS?
Read the material, slowpoke.
A perfect score even though I had to violate my personal rule that you can never go wrong on a bike blog with a reference to Paul Steely White.
Validation of at least some minimal self worth and obscure competence before lunch on Tuesday!
Thank you BSNYC, it doesn't get much better than this!
Or at least my therapist has warned that I shouldn't expect it to get much better than this.
Hope you brought a bike to wherever you went this weekend. Having never ridden to the Columbia Street Esplanade in Red Hook, I took a short recovery spin down there Monday morning per your Time Out advice. Nice, but I think the pier at Valentino Park is nicer, was that on your route?
Yep, I definitely mentioned Valentino Pier.
spandex clad weirdos
@ anon 12:55 -
YOU'RE a spandex clad weirdo.
And so is your mother.
And so is your mother.
Hey now! Watch how you use that ugly S-word. I paid good money for the unprecedented style brough to my bib shorts by their A430 fabric, which offers superior venting compared to even the mighty A340 used on the S2, much less ugly common spandex.
I wanna hear more about the vomiting or or around the guy in the obey shirt.
The HairWeavingNYC Mobile Strike Force looks like it's en route to the Trump tower. If only Spitzer knew of this.
damn you americans and your weird holidays. the long wknd was LAST wknd. no wonder there's been no geese to milk today, you bastards ate them all during your horrible "roast goose sunday" ritual. when will the cheese return? when dammit, when?
Sorry, Cameron, I couldn't resist the urge to cheat. I got the first one wrong,then while vomiting all over the monitor I discover the mouse hovering technique. Not Catholic but I'll do twenty laps as penance for cheating, but first I'll eat.
Greetings from the left coast, Kurt
quit wasting time on the internet and get back to work!!!!!!
Time is money!!!!
I was having a good time with the quiz until I came across Little Richie Farey's latest abomination.
How appropriate that the worlds least creative 'artist' should be jumping on the FG bandwagon. What do you expect from a guy from Rhode Island?
I guess I became angry because of my lack of understanding.
I'm with TFOA on this one. More about the vomit please.
...bsnyc/rtms...YOUR question is "what's remarkable about this tall bike ?"...
...MY first question would be "what's not remarkable about it ???"...from an engineering standpoint, it's a mobius strip of shark jumped a story, it's its own confabulation...
...which leads to my real question, "are we looking here at the glass being half full or half empty ???"...
...on one hand, i see a selfless & worthy case of recycling & reusing old bike 'stuff'...on the other i see a selfish 'chunkster' who's deprived countless others the use of so much valuable equipment...
...six, count 'em (6) stems, three (3) finely crafted framesets, two & a half (2.5) working headsets & two (2) forks...
...i guess i gotta go w/ awarding points for both the creativity & the deep philosophical questions raised...
..."remarkable ???...indeed !!!...
Rapha bibs in corduroy! Finally! A second reason to live!
Hi there.
I'm Rich, masculine Corduroy.
It is an US holiday that was championed by a general who fought in our 'war between the states', General John A. Logan.
As a member of the US Congress Logan established Memorial day as a national Holiday. The Chicago neighborhood of Logan Square is named after him, as well as being the home of Ignaz Schwinn and Oscar Wastyn.
So you see how this leads us, through the path of bloody war, back to the subject of cycling. A sure sign of the impending alpaca-lypse.
Logan Square is second only to Wicker Park for its concentration of fixed gear cyclists in this small Midwestern town called Chicago. They gather here like moths to a lamp light or new age mystics to that sub-auraul hum in the mountains near Sedona.
They say animals can sometimes predict impending disasters like Earthquakes and tornadoes.
They are gathering.
For clear roads - call ahead.......
oh bsnyc, i love your little computer drawn hand. you did draw that right? i think you should bless us with some more of your artistic,,, oh wait, that's not you're drawing!?
As one with much roadie lust, I find the idea of cord bibs and courvoisier filled water bottles quite titillating. Swick-swick, indeed!
...sean did make it nicely circular but the 'how emil & oscar wastyn were involved w/ ignaz schwinn' connection, adds to the overall american cycling picture... info...
Thank you, Broomi, for summing up my thoughts exactly, regarding Fairy. It as bad enough when he started vandalizing Fender Telecasters. What a talentless putz.
way to go
"Rich, masculine CORDUROY."
Most awesome phrase ever. All I can hear is Ricardo Montalban repeating, over and over and over...
Rich. Masculine. Corduroy.
Baby 'put up for sale' on CRAIGSLIST...
Assos have stolen a march on the corduroy shorts market and now have the RF 1-13 constructed from Rastafarian hair collected by that little Jamaican entrepreneur Dr Fat Choy Boi. Especially low drag factor and throws drug testers into a frenzy. Available through Calfee Bike outlets only
I saw this last week in the Lower East Side.
What "luxury" beverages, hip-hop clothing lines, fixed gear bikes and snowbards have in common, I'm not sure.
alllllright, my first 100%! Waddoo I git [*snort*]?
...anon 9:50pm...yer prize is a new job standing behind bicycle delivery trucks that are parked in nyc bike lanes...when a cyclist is dumb enough to run into the back of the truck, you slap one of the bsnyc/rtms, erik k or cameron stickers on their foreheads & push 'em off, down the road...
I finally found a response to the age old question, "whats the point of tall bikes?" Answer: They're for tall people.
I saw that bike in Cobble Hill!
Snob, the Portland pistadex is at 717! Weird.
check out prolly's blog...the bike with the green aerospoke is back!
frilly said...
As one with much roadie lust, I find the idea of cord bibs and courvoisier filled water bottles quite titillating. Swick-swick, indeed!
oh yeah..
[start generic porno guitar music] Wakka..wooowoo..waakaa ..wakka
[lights cigarette]
Wow. 100% right for the first time. Now I need to go click a wrong answer to see the corduroy.
It must have been too easy as it was my first aced quiz yet.
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