I'm rarely impressed by a bicycle advertisement. Specialized's "I Am Specialized" campaign leaves me cold. (Mostly because it sounds too much like "I Am Special," which implies you might need training wheels to ride. And by training wheels I mean this kind, not the kind you use so you don't wear out your race tires.) Cannondale's "Feel It" slogan just creeps me out. (I don't wanna feel it! For chrissakes, just put it away!) And as for the rest, it's mostly just the usual claims of enhanced lateral rigidity and vertical compliance, perhaps accompanied by some vague technical data they might as well not even bother with since you know and they know that it's the decals that are ultimately going to sell the bike.
This is why I'm a huge fan of the current Look marketing campaign. Look have dispensed with both catchy slogans and dubious claims in their attempt to convince you to buy their products. Instead, they've harnessed the awesome marketing power of the panther:

This is why I'm a huge fan of the current Look marketing campaign. Look have dispensed with both catchy slogans and dubious claims in their attempt to convince you to buy their products. Instead, they've harnessed the awesome marketing power of the panther:

OK, well, there is a slogan: "Unique bike for unique people." But the slogan's really small and hidden in the corner. Instead, this ad uses a picture to tell a story, and it's one to which we can all relate. Credit Acricole sprinter Thor Hushovd has just returned from a soiree of some kind, and he's taking his pet panther for a walk before turning in for the night. They are clearly in the upscale section of a cosmopolitan city. It could be London, or Paris, or Monte Carlo, though presumably it's someplace where they don't have leash laws and where it's legal to keep predatory animals as pets. As they perambulate, they pass a display case containing a Look frameset, and Thor gives it a glance that says, "Yeah, I have one of those, and I'd be out riding it if it weren't late and I weren't walking my panther." It's the same glance all men recognize as the one you get from other men at red lights when you're on your bike and they aren't because they've been roped into going clothes shopping or something, so they look at your bike condescendingly as if to say, "Yeah, I've got one of those too. Not only that, but it's better than yours and I'd be dropping you right now if I weren't on my way to Old Navy." Maybe they even whisper some quip about your bike to their girlfriend, who couldn't care less and who gets mad at them for thinking about bikes when they're supposed to be together shopping.
I think we can all agree that this is an incredibly persuasive and seductive ad, precisely because it taps into the profound connection that humans and panthers share. Previous examples of the power of the human/panther bond in our culture are:
I think we can all agree that this is an incredibly persuasive and seductive ad, precisely because it taps into the profound connection that humans and panthers share. Previous examples of the power of the human/panther bond in our culture are:
The Pink Panther;

The Black Panthers;
Owens Corning PINK Fiberglass Insulation;

and of course LL Cool J.
Clearly Look did their homework before launching their panther ad campaign, because they've evoked LL Cool J's "Walking with a Panther" album, which heretofore stood as the apex of panther-themed marketing campaigns. This incredibly successful album contained such hits as "Goin' Back to Cali," "I'm That Type of Guy," and "Big Ole Butt." Like the Look ad, this picture tells a story. It's also the story of a man and his giant cat, both of whom have a fondness for jewelry. There's also a fascinating ambiguity. Is the panther in LL's employ, or vice-versa? And what's in the suitcase that would need to be protected so fiercely? Is it LL's metaphorical cool? Is it the master tapes for the very album we're looking at? Is it spare four-finger rings? Whatever it is, it's beguiling, and it's definitely the template for the Look campaign.
And Look didn't just stop with the Hushovd ad either. They've also got a few with just the panther. Here's the panther pacing anxiously in the Look display case, having perhaps just killed and devoured his keeper:

And here's the panther admiring Look's latest pedal offerings:

By now you're probably thinking that Look didn't actually use a real panther for these photos. Not only would that have been dangerous, but the cost of a professional panther wrangler alone would have put them well over budget. But I have it on good authority that they did in fact use a real cat. However, they did need to resort to trickery in order to get it to stare so longingly at those pedals:
(Rotisserie chicken--works every time.)
And here's the panther admiring the frameset:
If you're suspecting more baiting-and-switching here too, you're right:
Heavens to Murgatroid! Yep, that's effeminate cartoon mountain lion Snagglepuss with whom our panther is so taken. In fact, if you look closely you'll see he's even fogged up the glass! It would appear then that our black panther may be a pink panther as well. (Or a female panther with poorly-functioning gaydar.)
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I feel sick about myself but here goes anyway - first? or podium?
bitches, literally 10 seconds between yesterdays post and new post appearing.
Aww, darn, so close!
Good as usual BSNYC.
haha. MS Paint spray tool.
I was expecting to see Chan Marshall somewhere.
Snobby you sure are a fan of the early cartoon era. I must say, well done.
I can't believe you haven't said anything about this
A sure sign of the fixed gear apocolypse!
Anonymous 1:39pm,
How do they expect to sell those without any panthers?
I like to share further evidence that black cats are intrigued by Look's product line.
Does this extend further into feline territory - or perhaps other brands? I know Litespeed have a cheetah in one of their ads....
Aww crap..
Always preview first.
until I can figure out this technology...
Damn, my well of panther-related humor has run dry. No, wait. These two panthers walk into a bar...
FIRST smartypants @ 1:18 PM
Are you really Dan Lebatard?
Oh my Gawd, that was brilliant!
But now I'm confused.
Is it a good thing or bad thing if your cat thinks outside the box?
Love the marketing posts. Here's a new tactic for your "viral" marketing campaign. Make ridiculous and obtuse ads so BSNYC, or whatever your calling your shark jumping self, makes fun of them. Loyal readers forward posts to all of their cycling friends and BAM! engaged audience = successful ad campaign.
holy kavorka
Cosmopolitan you say? Then surely this must be Grimstad where Hushovd and Lauritzen (Alp d'Huez in 1987) both reside. Pop: less than 5000. Thor is a black metal fan by the way.
Heavens to Murgatroid!! You rock, Mr Snob - one of my favorite expressions from my childhood cartoon days.
Leroy - it's OK if your cat THINKS outside the box, as long as it doesn't DO anything outside the box.
You sure that's not a leopard?
Wait a minute...aren't those the bastards who print LOOK on the back of their pedals, spawning countless agonizing cases of rubber-neck in the peloton? I hope the #$@&*! panther eats them...
anon 1:54:
Not knowing anything about Lebatard beyond what I just read on wikipedia, I'm not sure if that was supposed to be a compliment or an insult!
"I'd be out riding it if it weren't late and I weren't walking my panther." is officially my new excuse when not riding.
I am soooo slowww....
...wow...today's creative post simply because your little black kitty cat pooped in your favorite pair of cycling shoes, last night...
...the doctors are right, rtms/bsnyc, you are getting much better at channeling your anger...
...& that regressive therapy really is working...the pink panther, the mexico olympics, snagglepuss, indeed...it all ties in...
...your next session will be gold...just sayin'...
I always figured those Panther ads operate at an esoteric level I do not inhabit, 'cause I sure don't get 'em. But, I've never identified myself with the terms sleek, smooth, powerful, lean, and ominous anyway.
I'm more like an old pair of well worn brown shoes; plain, comfortable and functional.
That's the way I like my bikes, too, not dangerously expensive and exotic.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
This type of marketing all started with Chester Cheeto and the "it ain't easy, bein' cheesy" campaign by Frito-Lay.
Of course, that campaign just made it to Tunisia (LOOK's manufacturing facility), where three religious sects have sprouted up claiming Chester as the supreme prophet. I'd post a link to his pic, but I'm worried about the ensuing fatwah.
Anyone in advertising can tell you from toilet paper to carbon fiber, you can sell anything with cats. Take a look at today's Hillary Clinton campaign, ...they've surrounded her with cute kittens (which she'll eat later).
LOOK's ads would be better if the cat talked like Morris in a French accent.
Hey commiecanuk,
Forget Morris; the panther should be given the voice of Maurice Chevalier. He could coo out a few tunes, to boot.
I hate to break it to you, but the future of the panther seems uncertain. Something about his disillusionment with capitalist culture...I'm not exactly sure. We're currently interviewing a hummingbird and a python for his replacement. I'll keep you posted.
How about a newt? Big and menacing is out--small and quirky is in. Just look at the Geico lizard and the SRAM frog. Who wouldn't trust the Look Newt?
confused smartypants, thanks for sending me to wikipedia. Although I was hoping that it was a new term for a Lebanese Retard, I wasn't completely crushed as that LeBatard is a pretty funny name, meaning TheBastard, literally and figuratively in French.
Of course there's nothing wrong with that. Gaydars are prone to malfunctioning in situations such as that. Tantalizing dances behind glass walls can be oh-so-disorienting.
Location - cosmopolitan, urbane, no leash law, no prohibition on posession of dangerous animals... hmmm... Probably Morgantown, West-by-God-Virginny.
That's disturbing, but not as disturbing as Look's failure to ignore Ogden Nash's wise dicta concerning panthers.
Jim, looks a litle to upscale of a place to be so close to the couch burners.
Well, it looks like Rivendell has started a new campaign for their fixed gear bikes, and the animal of choice, is... this animal
After seeing that ad, I am going to jump in my car and go pick up that frameset.
Now cervelo is getting in on the act.
not to exclude the tall bike crowd
thanks for the post BSNYC, but I still don't get the panther campaign.
and Gary Fisher
Chas --
A word to the wise, don't interview the hummingbird and the python for the Look spokes-animal gig at the same time.
And certainly not when the panther is around.
Could get ugly.
Anon 2:18 --
Ahh, the thought/action conundrum. "I think therefore I am" or should it be "I think, therefore I think I am"? Or as Monty Python's Philosopher's Song put it, "I drink therefore I am." Or am I confusing that with Popeye's "I yam what I yam"?
No matter.
My worry is that the cat might be thinking about doing something outside the box.
And now it may involve a hummingbird and python.
Oh the humanity.
..and of course, late but big, Trek.
Man.. a lotta pics of monkeys on bikes, this is what the internet was built for. Fuck that data sharing shit.
And I thought the internet was for sharing thoughts on global warming....
everybody knows the internet is for sharing porn.
which is not to say that monkeys on bikes might not fit that usage as well...
There are a shit ton of Panthers out there these days!
Cheetos before Chester Cheeta
Australian NRL Team
Bengal Condoms
Virginia Lottery
just to name a few.
Cameron, my good man,
I believe the term is "shit load"
confused smartypants @ 2:29 PM
Dan Lebatard always says "Bam!" at the beginning of his guest host appearances on PTI.
Here is some of Dan's best work.
if that was cut
According to Cycle Sport America, UCI is planning on banning monkeys on bikes, along with Frenchmen on bikes, and anything on a recumbent bike.
anon 4:55
Foul Mouth Quantity Scale in ascending order:
Cameron, my good man,
I stand corrected.
skiddy kitty.
What about one of the all time great examples of panther marketing: Sex Panther by Odion.
It’s made with bits of real panther so you know its good.
I thought it meant:
"Ride a Look; be a big pussy"
What about us "Gray Panthers" hiding out with our DPMS A4 Panther Carbiner somewhere near a McDonalds.
"Now give me my free coffee you little whippersnapper and make it snappy!"
LTC Tim (retired)
Where did Thor go?
I was once watching a panther eating a quarter of a deer. It ate very casually and easily, much like I would eat popcorn. I was told a panthers jaw can pop open a cow's skull and lick out it's favorite food, brains.
So where did Thor go?
I would also like to say that panther piss is nowhere near as watery as Coors.
Do you think LL Cool J is a fan of the bricks?
Brilliance!... Pure, unadulterated brilliance!
Ah, she turned me into a newt.
I got better...
Do you have to pick up panther poo poo if they crap on the sidewalk or not having to being one of the major attractions of having a panther.Mind you the weekly shop could be difficult and expensive. Just how many shops still stock fresh wilderbeast nowdays? Reckon you would have no trouble leaving your carbon velocipede un-attended in any city though
Gold. All that 'lifestyle' advertising richly deserves to be shown up.
That city was Chicago!
anon 4:58:
Ah, that would explain it. He's a sports talk person. I, of course, am one of those beyond-cool people who have no interest in boring mainstream sports.
The sports team from my area is superior to the sports team from your area.
"Yep, that's effeminate cartoon mountain lion Snagglepuss with whom our panther is so taken."
the writing style remains top notch!
I guess we all know how those BLACK panthers got their jobs, eh? More bread being stolen from the mouths of hard-working white panthers because of liberals!
Why didn't Look show the panther RIDING the bike?
Now that would have been good - imagine Thor racing the panther, each on their Look bikes making that final tiger leap at the line.
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Concorde Alu SL frame with carbon forks. 59cm................$600
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Sigma Kronos Ex Team Triathlon Time Trial Bike for Sales
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NEW 2007 Kona Kula Supreme Mountain Bike $1,900
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NEW 2007 Litespeed Ghisallo Road Bike $2,600
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NEW 2007 Litespeed Tuscany Road Bike $1,800
NEW 2007 Rocky Mountain Element Team Mountain Bike $2,000
NEW 2007 Rocky Mountain Slayer 70 Mountain Bike $1,700
Road shoes - SIDI or Shimano...........(Sidi Genius 5 2007 - Blue/
Titanium...$100USD) (NEW Shimano SH-RO98W size 37...$25USD)
Cleats - To fit Look pedals............(Campagnolo 2007 Chorus Pro Fit Plus
Pedals - Look...........(Look KeO Sprint Pedals...$90USD)
Saddles - Fizik...........(Fizik Saddles: Fizik Aliante Carbon
Chains - Shimano 9 & 10 speed.........(Shimano XTR CN 7701 9 Speed
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Floor Pumps - Park tools Model PFP3...........(Park Tool Professional Floor
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Helmets - Bell & Met...........(Bell Helmets Metropolis Helmet...$50USD)(Met
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Tires - Brand Vredestein Forteza & Michelin...........(Vredestein Fortezza
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Bicycle Tire - 26x2.8...$30USD
Shorts -...........(CANNONDALE Classique Bike Shorts, Men's...$20USD)(Novara
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large: ...$10usd
Jerseys -...........(Castelli Superleggera Bike Jersey - Short-Sleeve -
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Bibs -...........(Pearl Izumi PRO Micro Bib Bike Short -
Cyclops Indoor Trainer...........$(Cyclops 2007 Fluid Squared Combo Kit
(trainer, block, and sweat guard...$170USD)
Master Mechanic Tool Set...........(Park Tool MK-150 Master Mechanic Tool
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Bike Stand for repairs...........(PARK PRS-15 PROFESSIONAL BICYCLE RACE
STAND...$150usd)(MINOURA Gravity Stand Bike Stand - 2-Bike Support...$40usd)
Gloves - Castelli...........(Castelli Rosso Corsa Glove
'08...$25USD)(Castelli Logo Bike Glove - Men's..$15USD)(Castelli 2008 Inizio
Cycling Gloves - Red - K8067-023...$150USD)
Specialized Roubaix Pro Road Bike Frame size 54cm...........$2300USD
Cervelo Soloist Team Road Bike Frame size 54cm...........$2500USD
Cannondale Caad 9 105 compact frame 54 & 56cm...........$1000USD
Cannondale F3 MTB frame M & L...........$$1000USD
and many many ... models available 2008,2009 at this special price.
If you are interested please reply and we will give you more information and address on how you can order the bikes
Cassandra Middleton,
Sales Dep.,
EuroBike Mini Store,
11874 Heron Bay Blvd, Coral Springs, FL, 33076, USA
NEW 2007/2008 Rocky Mountain Epic Bike World is one of the leading bike distributors.We are Legitimate registered Company .We ship via FedEx,UPS or DHL, and your ordered items will get to your door step within 48 hrs(Two Working Day).We sell all kinds Cannondale, Cervelo, Ellsworth, Giant, Jamis, Klein, Kona, Litespeed, Rocky Mountain, Santa Cruz, Specialized, Trek, Gary Fisher bikes
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Contact Email 2 : epicbikestore@yahoo.com
Contact Email 3 : epicbikestore@hotmail.com
and many many ... models available 2008,2009 at this special price.
If you are interested please reply and we will give you more information and address on how you can order the bikes
PANJIVA STORE is one of the best bicycle dealers.We are Legitimate registered store under licensed number(RC43236).We ship via FedEx or DHL, and your ordered items will get to your door step within 48 hrs(Two Working Day).
we have all kinds Cannondale, Cervelo, Ellsworth, Giant, Jamis, Klein, Kona, Litespeed, Rocky Mountain, Santa Cruz, Specialized, Trek, Gary Fisher bikes.
Here are some of our best offers:
Triandrun Attacco Full carbon Campagnolo Triathlon road
Concorde Alu SL frame with carbon forks. 59cm................$600
Giant TCR Record...................$900
Specialized Allez Sport 52cm................$550
Trek 5500 full carbonas new Size 52 cm..........................$1300
Felt F3 New Size 52 cm........................$1200
Felt F1 new.Full Carbon Size 56 cm........................$1800
Glider Tupelo Sapphire blue 54 cm Full Campag Record
Sigma Kronos Ex Team Triathlon Time Trial Bike for Sales
Sigma Sport Kronos Carbon Time Trial ....................$1000
TREK equinox 11, full carbon 'medium' frame (suit up to
Simoncini Corsa Strada 57cm entire 14speed campag chorus
Trek 5000 WSD women's road bike in blue, 47cm.................$500
Dolan Pallatola. Medium 56c/t (of seat clamp). Full Dura Ace ...........$800
Mens Raleigh Airlite................$150
TREK 5000 ULTEGRA EQUIPPED ................$750
NEW 2007 Giant Trance 1 Mountain Bike $1,200
NEW 2007 Jamis Dakar XC Pro Mountain Bike $1,900
NEW 2007 Klein Q-Pro XV Road Bike $1,300
NEW 2007 Kona Dawg Primo Mountain Bike $1,200
NEW 2007 Kona Kula Supreme Mountain Bike $1,900
NEW 2007 Kona Stinky Mountain Bike $1,100
NEW 2007 Litespeed Bella Road Bike $1,200
And many ... models available 2008,2009 at this special price.
If you are interested SEND US EMAIL TO OUR STORE MAIL ORDER ADDRESS BOXES and we will give you more information and address on how you can order the bikes
For your protection, do not sign for merchandise until you have inspected your product for damages. If the
product is damaged do not accept it. We will get you another one within 24-48 hours. Be sure that the driver has noted the damage in detail.
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Life Is Full Of Joy
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