If you have any sense as a cyclist, you know that my disapproval of your bike means absolutely nothing. Now you can own that disapproval by displaying this sticker on your bicycle, car, pet, or the underside of your toilet seat! (Or stick it on your buddy's bike while he's shopping for skinny jeans.)
Just click here to order. And if anybody actually does order, 50% of the profits will be donated to the
ALS Association Greater New York Chapter. (The other 50% will be subject to my indiscretion.)
we need exactly one for the harriman park police.
Why did I destroy my hot pink fixie with yellow deep vees and five inch flat bars?
It was you Bike Snob. All your fault. Why did you not tell me it was in jest?
At long last, have you no shame....
Why ALS? I'm not being a prick, here, I'm simply curious why you chose that particular charity? (And just to be clear, I'm not disputing its legitimacy or need...)
you know, i may just have to steal your art, and get my own stickers printed up. because cafepress sucks balls, and you can get 500 vinyl stickers from stickerguy.com for $20.
if you sold em for even half the price as your cafepress bullshit, you could make like 15 billion percent more profit.
You should really get some patches made, BSNYC, I would gladly display a patch on my bag as I rode down the street. Just so everyone would know my I'm thoroughly disapproved of and loving it.
Keep up the wonderful work.
You should see if Velocity will print you up some custom deep Vs with this logo.
I am shocked an appalled by your sell out. But if you can sell me a button, I'll buy 10.
Brilliant..just brilliant..I have been waiting for something like this. We all should have seen it coming. You spend what...like 3 months building a healthy readership and then *BAM* you hit us with merchandise we can't refuse.
Sadly, these stickers are only amusing for those of us that read the blog regularly.
Anonymous 9/8 8:44pm,
I hear you, believe me. If I was looking to make a profit I wouldn't be blogging about cycling or selling crappy stickers. I just thought it would be fun to do a logo and make it available to people. I'd love to go a different route (such as stickerguy.com) but distributing them effectively and in a way that leaves me some free time is the main issue. This is a rare reveal, but I'm a (lousy) bike racer with a full-time job and a life (such as it is) and this site has me stretched pretty thin as it is. (Though I love doing it.) Cafepress does suck balls in many ways, but for someone like me with limited time it's at least a one-stop solution. I know it's overpriced and that's why I at least wanted to mitigate that by donating part of any proceeds. I do hope to tighten up my game in the future. Anybody who has any suggestions about how to do this stuff better, please feel free to email me. Sorry for the lengthy rationale. In all sincerity, if the Cafepress thing irritates you, feel free not to buy, I totally understand.
My family was affected by ALS, so it was the first thing I thought of. (Plus, I didn't think people would be cool with my other favorite charity, Flame Throwers for Tots.)
I'll throw some buttons on there, why not? One nice thing about Cafepress, anyway...
Patches would be cool. Hopefully soon I can graduate to a more sophisticated level of branding. (Top tube pads? One day...)
i would buy and wear a bsnyc shirt (though probably not one with the name spelled out)
Is there any chance of getting the logo printed on this:
BSNYC-- I figured as much; sorry to pry.
But I second the T-shirt motion. I'm not really a sticker kinda guy (once you have a kid, stickers cease to be fun diversions, and become a persistent nuisance)...but I'd gladly throw for a t-shirt.
Maybe we can get them all vintage-ey looking, like they came from a thrift shop? That'd be great...
Sell spokecards, make millions.... or fifteen bucks.
i highly recommend team screen, jason of 4916's screenprinting business, as a local alternative to cafepress. they do t shirts, flyers and stickers!
BSNYC spokecards...taking irony to the next level.
hey, cool! got a special place for it on my fixie right next to "bikes not bombs", "my other car is a bike", and "cars R coffins".
...how cute...nice to see a baby canadian harp seal go to nyc & get work in the bike industry...
...you're an enabler, bikesnob...
damn, bsnyc sold out
Don't knock on Bikes Not Bombs, sir. They do really great work. How many bikes you donated to African villages?
Testy Bostonian
Wait, I though "selling out" meant being bought out by some corporation which then compromises your integrity because it now owns your creative output. I don't think self-producing some small piece of merchandise through a crappy online vendor is the same thing.
that design is stale
Anonymous 9/9 3:08pm,
Sorry for selling out. I am no longer the Ian MacKaye of cycling. Stay tuned as I pull a Dave Chappelle-esque disappearing act with my millions.
As an official seal the design must convey a certain austere sobriety.
While I was riding on my impeccably out-fitted biciclette fixee, pushing my 66:09-geared rig in a most styling manner, it occurred to me that it would be most presumptious to affix these graphic representations of an endangered species on a two wheeled means of manual locomotion...
Where was I? Oh yeah, great sticker. I may get a bunch of them and give them out as gifts to unsuspecting yet deserving bastids.
...i thought the 'endangered species' were fix riders w/ no brakes ?...
How about a sheet of sticker buttons to (not permanently of course) spread the BSNYC gospel to those fixie heathens that do not understand the errors of their ways?
Big Johnny got you beat on my bike, one crappy internet site per rig.
Keep up the good work!
I'm gonna slap one on my dork disc.
What about jerseys?
I'd go for a jersey.
(Just not one of those unflattering European cut ones. Honestly, don't those folks eat?)
In the meantime, second the motion for T-shirts!
Thanks--I'd love to do t-shirts, and I'm sure I will, but it won't be through Cafepress. I'll keep you posted.
I need to buy an aerospoke just so I can stick this on it.
Are these stickers NJS certified?
Anonymous 4:07-
Nice catch on the copyright infringement. I'm sure BSNYC's crack legal team from O'Melviny & Meyers will get right on the case! Not only that, but the infraction also demonstrates a clear misuse of the BSNYC standard- is that bike actually "worthy" of BSNYC attention? I think not...
Polos or Mechanic's shirts? For us lowly cubicle dwellers... I also feel a new wallpaper coming on for the left monitor, it will make a fine companion to the CRC logo on the right monitor.
Shouldn't that seal have an oversized baseball hat with a perfectly straight brim and the hologram stickers still attached? Cycling caps, after all, do have *some* utility to cycling...
eeek! sorry testy bostonian - i thought "bikes not bombs" was just one of those stoopid sayings, y'know along the lines of "make love not war". did not realize, sir, that it was an honest to goodness do-gooder volunteer organization, that actually did positive things in the world. my bad.
...9:32pm......stoopid ?...
...not tryna rip ya a new one, dude, but while "make love, not war" was never a catchphrase for any one particular organization, but rather the "anti-war movement" in general, it was & is a nice sentiment...think about it...
...check your history, you'll find a lotta people stood up against the vietnam war & in the end, it made a difference...albeit too late, considering the lives lost to little effect...
...anyway, don't worry, if you've read my posts, you'll know i don't stay too serious, very long, but i felt this thought oughta be addressed...we're cool...
can we get a group buy going for like 50 cents n shit. I know like 200 dudes dying for these....
That logo's shit - I'll make you a new one if you ask nice.
If you have any sense as a er... um.., you know that my disapproval of your logo/sticker means absolutely nothing.
I am so putting one of these buttons on my top tube cover.
I know it would be pretty much impossible, but I cant help thinking how sick a cycling cap with that seal on it would be.
What is that, a squirrel wearing a parka?
omg, bsnyc tt covers?
fuck your blog...
can you make NSNYC patches so I can sew one on my chrome messenger bag?
I demand a full kit. Think about it...it would be perfect to have the seal on just one ass cheek.
At the very least, cycling caps are in order.
I want sticker packs in lots of 40.
$3.50 for one sticker? we should get at least 5 for that
i want large patches, so i can sew em on my ass like that guy said
I'd buy a jersey or t-shirt with the seal of disapproval. I'm sure if you saw my whole get-up you wouldn't just disappove of my bike. I'm a FNG to the road bike world. The laughs you could have if you were a fly on the helmet would give me a life long complex...ok another one added to the list.
Please look at this....
awesome sticker -- but who the fuck's going to pay 3.50 for a sticker? C'mon Bike Snob, you're smarter than that!
You judge every single person who tries to sell something on craigslist, anyone who is new into fixies, anything fixie-related in the mainstream media, and yet you're selling stickers for over 3 bucks advertising your stupid blog. keep plugging away at your keyboard, it shows how true you are to cycling.
So, are you gonna sue them? You know, the 'Bike Snob'clothing people (www.bikesnob.com) that are absolutely confusing your new-found fame in their name, and possivbly wares? I haven't looked but can't imagine that there's actual, buyable bike clothing of which you'd approve.
Are you gonna sue them?
What about the guy selling the ciocc frame on CL? Are you gonna confuse his rusty junk frame with the clothing the other guys are hawking?
Does everybody want a piece of you?
I just discovered this t-shirt printer that my help get everybody off your ender... some wanky graphic designer poop mostly, but seams peach pie easy.
And I must agree that a cap would kick ass!
Ann Arbor Classic Bicycle Show at www.ann-arbor-bicycleshow.com. Over 6,500 collector's bikes at last years show. 4/27/08
Not to be stereotypical, but you're funny and live in NYC - are you Jewish? If so, can I interview you for my site, www.oyvelo.com?
I just love it here; your blog is hilarious & great on the low-down. Being a new enthusiast, your help & humor is awesome.
Wanted to speak up in response to the ALS fund. My best friend's mother died a few years back from this disease. It was tragic and sad to witness her decay. Good of you to be charitable there and I'm sad to know your family was affected by it, as well.
On lighter note: you've been bookmarked and I'll be back!
Your blog is ace, and a regular source of mirth for me.
It's simple with the DDS guys. They're used to putting on temporary crowns while we wait for the permanent crowns, so it follows that they have a temporary gap bike.
I had to laugh out loud. My boyfriend who is a Cat2 masters racer also has unidentified life forms in his underpants also. They arrive in early July and then move out in Sept. , usually after the Bear Mt. road race. Good Luck!!!!!
You have many fans, Bikesnob. $1.25 donation to the ALS Association and $1.25 for a sticker... not bad. I'm totally putting one on my retro Mao era Flying Pigeon. Because I live in Berkeley, and it's my civic duty to be a unique douche bag. I will also wear Crocs, and tow my spoiled hell spawn in a $600 trailer which will naturally be covered in pieces of flair which make statements that I inadvertently contradict every day of my sad, sad life.
you owe me these for the BMC fixie picture, you fucker! Don't think I forgot in my drunken courier stooper!
Why when you click enlarge does the picture get smaller? Might just be me but...
I bought 4 stickers. The one Fixer rider I know will be surprised. Another may appear on a bike shop that appears to be a nest to a large number of Hippsters. And I will add to my commuter tumors by placing one on my Denist inspired Litespeed.
So you should really offer a shirt with this logo. You have probably heard this before. Could we make a shirt with your logo on CafePress.com?
here's one actually being used:
really, you simply MUST make a logoed top tube pad for my "fixie"...
I want the t-shirt Lance was wearing, pear favoray.
Considering the price, your buttons must be much less desirable than OC buttons.
I will scrimp and save until I can afford his.
Hey I don't know where to post this but thought you'd get a kick out of it:
the world will now end
how about you winning one if you jump off a 200ft cliff (or building) with your bike on your back??
I love the blog. I see lots of people suggesting t-shirts. What about a jersey or socks though? Something to wear out riding. I think a simple white jersey with a full zip (no 3/4 zip bull) and the logo would look sharp.
Jersey would be great. but for those of us who don't live in North America, can we have Euro cut, not overweight, corporate, USA, banker cut.
dude, i woulda never guessed you'd donate half to ALS
I've never even met anyone else who's heard of it.
good shit man, ALS sucks.
Can we get red, white and black stickers that simply say RTMS APPROVE on them in that awesome font you always use for that on the blog?
I need five: one for each reflector, and one for the pie plate. My charitable cause is PSP, another horrible disease like ALS but quick. Info at www.curePSP.org
Do you export to London?.......
Funny idea, but I don't think I can order it as I am from Poland...?
I would not buy it as I love my bike, although your seal is quite pretty!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! For promoting the wheel eyebrows.
Around here, it's both urine but mostly Canada goose shit.
I get nervous on a windy day when the spray escapes from the front of the fender and rises to meet my face.
Never mind the car/road filth and melted snowbank brown slime (they are finally street-sweeping the powdered concentrate under the sand).
A light in the dark, you is, Mr. BSNYC! Whooda thunk mudguards/fenders would ever have a champion?
I really wish you could buy the stickers in bulk so that we could place your seal of disapproval on all the moronically "curated" hipster fixies in ann arbor, mi.
RE: Official BSNYC Seal of Disapproval merch.
Would love to support your work BS, however do not relish the idea of sticking something to, well, anything of mine...Are you going to be offering t-shirts at any point?
i'd also like to buy a seal of disapproval t shirt
Interesting reference to Coltrane.
There are very few cyclists out there who would get it.
Make some real money for ALS! How about some jerseys? I'd like an XL in a red & black colorway, please.
I have been reading your blog for about 8 months now, I like it.
Dude a beer cozy would be swell.
Bike snob likes bikes with no seats and guys with no pants
A new hazard that requires Seals of Dis: old Chinese guys on Stealthy motorized bikes weaving across Manhattan Bridge and directly into oncoming traffic. They go fast, you can't hear 'em coming from behind, they cut you off, and they like to ride in the middle of the bridge's bike lane without giving an inch. No helmets, of course, and often with cig dangling from lip. These guys are a danger equalled only by Hasidim in beater station wagons, and far more life-threatening than underpant-flashing hipsters on fixies ... time for an investigative report?
That's why I have an airhorn in one of my bottle cages, it's an effective attention getter for anything that gets too close to me. Extra long blast for hipsters.
k, i dont know how to email you.. hopefully you see this!!!!!
watch the video
Disc wheel covers are a great place for stickers!
I think you need to critique this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQGLNPJ9VCE
live from Oakland ca
BikeSnob.com is your official clothing for bikesnob.
I have been on the BikeSnob.com website, nice site with nice clothing.
As you may know, counterfeits and piracy are endemic cancer in the big city of Mexico.
I wish I could tell you who is has been spreading counterfeits of your seal of disapproval and how much of a blast he or she is having.
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