Thursday, December 12, 2019

New Outside Column!

Remember how yesterday I said riding inside was the new gravel?  Well, in the spirit of remaining steadfastly behind the curve, here's your guide to getting in on the whole gravel thing:

Given my unbroken record of never, ever having participated in Dirty Kanza I'm clearly an authority on the subject of riding bicycles over very small rocks.

Happy pebbling!


  1. Hilarious! Podiumishness.

  2. Wood chip bikes have the optimal lateral stiffness and vertical compliance for riding over small pieces of wood.

  3. Is it just me, or is one of the cyclists pictured missing a leg?

  4. I'm surprised a gravel sieve analysis isn't required documentation by sanctioning bodies if you plan to put on a "gravel event."

  5. ...When did romanceur dude get a doppelganger to ride with him?

  6. ...also, Grant has been waxing poetic about flannel since forever. Maybe when flannel is worn on a bike it should be called Peterson.

  7. ...also, i carry my weed (and whisky) in my handlebar bag. I stuff everything else in my pockets (I basically use my body as attachment points for my 'frame' bags... the way bikepackers use their bike frames...)

  8. Dan @ 10:17 -
    That is exactly what I was thinking! The dude on the right appears to have just one leg.

  9. Just wait until you hear about the new gravel bikes and routes on Zwift.
    Now you too can do indoor gravel rides!

  10. Dan and upper west side guy,

    He is missing a leg--if I recall correctly that's a group Ultraromance put together to do one of those big gravel rides; I remember seeing a video about them awhile back. (Outside chooses the photos to go with the columns, not me, so I'm not fresh on the details.)

    --Tan Tenovo

  11. I heard Goodwill was behind this influence campaign. I'm gonna hit up half off Saturday to see if I can find one of those helmets.


    Would you look at this crazy thing?!

  13. anon @ 7:30

    Googled it. I have no words.

  14. I'm a little late on this one, but the one-legged rider is Leo Rodgers

    Also, I'm amused Outside chose a lead photo by John Watson for an article that lampoons owning a vintage Land Cruiser.

    Good stuff as usual!
