Friday, April 5, 2019

Eroica Ho!

Good morning from sunny-ish Californy, where tomorrow I'll be partaking in Eroicas both Nova and Classic:

As of now I've officially gotten my hands on both my Nova Eroica bike and my Classic Eroica bike--both of which I will be GIVING AWAY FOR FREE OF CHARGE after using them.  All you have to do is be the first to call "dibs" and they're yours.  (One (1) bike per customer, void where prohibited, not responsible for injuries caused by bicycle misuse, always wear a helmet even when looking at a bicycle.)

I don't want to spoil the surprise with pictures or details, but let's just say the Nova bike is like totally "murdered out" complete with matte aluminum frame and fender and rack mounts, and the Classic bike sports a black/red fade paint job on lugged Japanese steel.  Also, according to the decal, the frame carries a LIFETIME GUARANTEE--and the company's still very much in business, so you're all set there.

I also procured both bikes very much at the last minute (the Classic bike exactly one hour ago, in fact) and at minimal expense, that being the subject of my forthcoming feature article.

So yes, by all means, look for me in Cambria, because there's no way I'm flying back to New York with two bikes--even though I'm already becoming attached to them, like you do with any bike that winds up under your purview.  And if you need help tracking me down you can check with my Twitter, because if nobody calls "dibs" I'm going to start getting desperate and looking for ways to dump these things.

Worst case scenario I could have to donate them to a bike charity, and nobody wants that.

And now it's time to load up the minivan and head up to Cambria.

Yours etc.,

--Tan Tenovo


Serial Retrogrouch said...


Anonymous said...


Serial Retrogrouch said...

...good luck with the riding. looking forward to seeing your new tan lines... j/k

Ellie said...

But, do they have a handle bar hood ornament? All classic bikes should have one! One of those little bowling trophy guys, works well! Have fun,Tan.

Unknown said...


dancesonpedals said...

California Scranus!!

Spokey said...

can i makes top tenpest in a teespot?

billinrockhill said...

Have a good time, Snobby!

Spokey said...

i guess to keep everyone confused about biek tipe the home page has:
NOVA is open only to ROAD and GRAVEL bikes.

whereas on the specific page they state:

NOVA Eroica California is open to all ROAD RACING, CYCLOCROSS AND GRAVEL BYCICLES with carbon, steel, titanium and aluminum frames. The bikes must have drop handlebars.

so are those gravely bieks good or not? what about a touring road bike? you certainly don't race a co-motion, or rivenlydale, etc. that would like expecting to win the kentucky derby with a clydesdale.

but i couldn't ride this anywho. i've never dropped my handlebars. wouldn't that scratch them or tear the bar tape?

Yes, I admit to jealousy said...

Have a great ride and enjoy those California sunsets. I'm sure they are just like the ones from New Jersey.

I Would Have Put Grant Petersen's Name Here But I'm Pretty Sure He Is Still Alive said...

"...lugged Japanese steel. Also, according to the decal, the frame carries a LIFETIME GUARANTEE--and the company's still very much in business,..."

Schwinn had lifetime guarantee on their Chicago made bike for a long time (and they were serious about them.) And just about all the bikes Schwinn brought from Japan were at least pretty good, but I'm not remembering if any of them had the guarantee stickers on them (I know the "Schwinn Approve Japanese bike did not. And even though Schwinn has not been in business since the early 1990's, the Schwinn name was sold in the bankrupt liquidation process and has been used by a series of Taiwan and Mainland China bike conglomerates since then. So it is possible Mr. Tenovo THINKS Schwinn is sill in business.

Guess B is it's a Bridgestone, that recently got back in the bike business.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like its an old Fuji......

theEel said...


Dan said...

"any bike that winds up under your purview"

Is purview new slang for the perineum?

Okazaki Kyūjirō said...

"Sounds like its an old Fuji......

I could be wrong but I think now-a-days the Fuji name on bicycles in like Schwinn. Raleigh, Motorbecane, etc, a famous name brought and sold by different bike conglomerates, with no relation to the original company.

skydave said...


Hugh Janus, Expert Motorist said...

Ayy, turds. It’s Spring. Stay off my roads.

Unknown said...

Gotta call dibs in person? Dude.

Schisthead said...

You're a master of scheduling, going to the nasty doctor, rewarding yourself afterwards with super great ride times afterwards. I need to get this down.

Looks like everyone but TX and the PNW are getting decent riding weather, and I think the latter is used to it by now.

Oh, and the previous comments 'space comma'/lack of comment was to read 'insert political affiliation' or some such, forgot inline HTML was a thing.
An evil, evil thing.

dop said...

I'm betting Fuji

courierpop said...

hey,have fun Sneb

Gene Yuss, Expert Cyclist said...

Ayy, Hugh Janus. Park your '82 Camaro behind your double-wide, go inside, have a nice stiff drink, and then stab yourself in the eye with a swizel stick.

huskerdont said...

Every times I see posts about this I get tempted to listen to some Beethoven. However, I don't really like most Beethoven, especially Eroica, so Ima listen to some Camper van Beethoven instead.

Hope the rides was fun.

BC said...

DIBS. Did I win?