If you're unfamiliar with American Thanksgiving, basically we spend the day fortifying ourselves with foodstuffs and sharpening our weaponry in order to do battle on Black Friday:
People are all bent out of shape over Amazon but the truth is online retail may be the only thing keeping us alive at this point.
Anyway, on this occasion, I'm pleased to present you with this cloyingly sweet candied yams side dish about single-speed mountain bikes:

That's right, even though I'm old and they're out of style I'm still riding a singlespeed-type bicycle:
I mean not all the time, obviously, but whatever.
Speaking of singlespeeds, not only is there apparently still such a thing as the SSWC, but by the looks of things it's bound for New York next year:
Looks like I'd better start training.
And with that, I wish you all a happy American Thanksgiving--unless you're in a country other than America, in which case I'm sorry for all we've been putting you through lately.
I love you,
--Tan Tenovo
I mean not all the time, obviously, but whatever.
Speaking of singlespeeds, not only is there apparently still such a thing as the SSWC, but by the looks of things it's bound for New York next year:
Looks like I'd better start training.
And with that, I wish you all a happy American Thanksgiving--unless you're in a country other than America, in which case I'm sorry for all we've been putting you through lately.
I love you,
--Tan Tenovo
Turducken podio! SSWC NY(C?) maybe I will finally ride in one.
I am with you on no suspension for mtn bikes. I like to feel the earth beneath my wheels. But you lose me on single speed. You don’t wish for the ability to ratchet it down in a climb?
Must I get a tattoo if I am on top of the podium?
Thanksgiving Scranus!
I hate to invoke the wrath of Ted K's robot, but PODIUM?
And now to enjoy a tasty read with my late lunch
Thank ya, thank ya very much.
I love you too.
Thanks for the yams.
I confess to having tried out the single speed mountain bike thing once. But around here, mountain biking happens in the mountains. I decided that if I was going to go hiking, it didn't really make sense to take a bike along.
Oh man, I was hoping for another post to while away the last two hours of the nonholiday day, but this one comes with bonus Outside time killing!
I wish I could justify a SS mountain bike, but alas, N + 1 = 8 and some of them are strewn about the basement in the way already.
Just back from a 2 hour "lunch" ride only discover that most of the poor souls in my office that bothered showing up have already left. That means nobody to disturb me while reading Tan's musing and eating lunch! The day before a holiday is always the BEST day to work.
I probably benefited from the crash, since I got my used 26" Surly 1x1 less than a handful of years ago for less than a handful of bills. I'm with you on the single speed being my most fun bike and most who try it have a blast. Owning that thing even got me motivated enough to race a SSCXWC, which is by far the most fun race I've been in. I don't need a second one, but every time I see that Engin of yours, it makes me think about going custom or at least upgrading wheel size. and yeah, still surprising what can be done on it
Dude, you missed the mark by like 8 people, and an hour....
The chain on your ss is a little under tension. Just sayin’. And yes I was born this way and I can’t help it. Wrench’s UP.
Almost regret reading that Outside article. Trying to figure out that White double-double made my head hurt (why not just get a two speed kickback hub and get either ratio whenever you want? )?
Happy Turkey Day,all!
Be safe in all your travels,be it two wheeled or four wheeled or by foot.
Thank you I'd never heard of a clutch derailleur.
N+1 on the single speeders, I've got 4 mountain, and a surly steamroller for the road. Happy Thanksgiving,I love everyone, rubber down. Shiny side up.
New York"gifted" the 2019 SSWC to Slovenia. Ugh.too far to drive, and too wet also,as I live in Michigan
@Drock is this way 9:02pm- you think it’s under tension now? You just wait.
Singlespeed mountain bikes are uncool now? Apparently, I didn't get the memo. Singlespeed MTB's are ridiculous fun, the fastest way around on the right trails, cheap (or at least can be), and light. How is that not cool?
Thanksgiving Dinner: Two of my relatives talk about their espresso machines. “It’s all about the PSI”.
Coffee Freds.
PS: He’s an avid mtb rider who loves his dropper post.
"....clutch derailleurs and single-ring cranksets run nearly as quietly and reliably as singlspeed drivetrains do...."
Dang right, clutch derailleurs are revelation.
After I had my derailleurectomy, I felt more loving and romantic, more adventuresome and had fewer worries.
is anyone running skinny tires on their fat bike?
I am with you on single speed, but you lose me on the rigid front fork unless it's a fat bike. Men's single speed category is the most competitive sometimes at races where I live.
great video
i've always loved that bing/bowie rendition of drummer boy
i did go out once on black friday. wasn't bad at all. but it was lowe's and i was buying some repair part that i needed to fix right away. so it was probably the plumbinb dept / toilet area that i was in and pretty much by myself.
1904 Cadardi @ November 21, 2018 at 4:11 PM
sounds more like the day before a holiday is the best time not to work. and not to get caught that is.
Spokey, I, too, prefer having the toilet area pretty much by myself.
What kind of work ethic is this?
Speaking of no work ethic, I was net surfing at work and ran across “1000 Miles to Nome.” Sorta like Iditarod, but on a bike
Back visiting family in CNY. How'd all the snow get here,so soon?
I had a SS go cart when I was but a wee child, FLOOR IT.
Snob goes on sabbatical and the 3T factory is broken into and several valuable bikes are stolen.
You may draw your own conclusions.
Look for an interesting review in the coming weeks.
I'm just sayin...
all of my various bikes have many gears but i usually just ride one as florida is very flat.
in fact, i probably ride more moms than gears.
best new thanksgiving tradition ever this year: rent a hotel on the beach and drink tons of champagne and bang like an army of drum playing apes. no cooking, no cleanup.
my yellow bike still is sitting here unfinished but that may change soon. i'm still gonna give it 22 gears. cause i like decadence, sleaze and excess.
hey Snob, i hear the kardashian gals did some modeling and promoting of some bicycle attire? can you make our dreams come true and cover that news?
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