Yes, sometimes nothing beats hopping on a bike and knocking around the city:
I stayed off the dirt jumps though:
And with that I resume my absence, and I'll see you back here either next time Outside posts a column or on January 2nd, whichever comes sooner.
May your holidays be disgustingly joyful,
--Wildcat Rock Machine
Let the record show I came here sorta by mistake, aware of your purported absence, but still this'll be a measure of Snobby's cult status.
Any commenter who ends up here via the Outside column, though, doesn't count.
Shoulda read it first.
Thumbs up for "Escher-esque". On my few trips through that neighborhood, I would find myself descending hairpins that turned me southwards as part of my north-bound commute.
Enjoy your holidays, see you next year. Ride safe.
I knew it! Urban mtb is my jam too.
Have a good holiday, sir.
A flagrantly delectable Outside inside-the-city report.
Missed the podium despite rss feed doping.
Rad pump track dude.
Happy Holidays, Freds and Fredricas.
damnit's ville! outside's cold. layer away.
Was hoping for more pictures. Don't get out much.
You make the city sound so nice even though I know better. I'm not far from Tampa right now and I wouldn't ride into town unless I was paid quite a lot. Have a good day every day.
A day late and 13th Scranus?
Escape from NY
Hoping you can keep the pace in 2018, Sir Blogsalot
Holy Happydays to all Snobittes.
One of your very best! "The resolute skyline of the Bronx..." Practically counting the weeks until I can plunge back into the Riis Park surf. Wish I had the chops for single track.
Merry Christmas to all. I feel pretty good going into the holiday's, I mean other than my obvious challenges. I was stumbling around the web looking for different way of exercise for a guy my size & found this site. I need to concentrate on getting better and fitness is a HUGE part of that. The bicycle seems an obvious choice for me, so I m hoping to make some new friends in the cycling community. I will be starting in baby steps, so any encouragement is appreciated.
Thanks for entertaining us all year. Appreciate all that you do with TransAlt and this blog.
Look forward to a ride around Astoria with you and Leroy’s dog in the spring.
ok, so i a 4-day late and a fiber-fix spoke short for the podi
but really a hi-ate-us from the hie-hate-is so soon? who wooda thought?
any who assuming no snobbery before the grate year of 2018, everyone have a happy new years eve.
T’was the day after Christmas
And all through the blog
Not a creature was stirring
Not even a Snob
From one aging boomer to another, Leroy, that whole ‘don’t let your balls drop is easier said than done. Gravity gets the better of our sinews, and the next thing you know, your balls get wet sitting on the office crapper
All the bike socks were hung by the chimney with care
In hopes that a new post soon would be
(Apologies to a certain Mr.Moore)
And Mama in her kerchief
and I in my BSNYC Waltz cap
had just settled down
for a long recovery nap
Holy shitballs those jumps look sketchy "AF" as the kids say.
Make sure your in the optimum position on the Jones Bar before launch.
thanks,dooth.see what you started?lol.
Yeah. Okay. See you then. I was out riding sand roads.
If a blog posts, and no one is in the forest to notice, is it realy a blog?
Leroy,warm up yet?
Ok then: E-bikes should not be allowed on any off road trails or bike paths EVER! Helmets need to be mandatory for any activity involving more than one wheel and less than four wheels. Disc brakes are superior to all other types of brakes. Fat bikes are the solution to a non-existent problem. Just trying to get the ball (t)rolling here.
Crickets in the snow.
Are you there God? It's me, Bikesnob.
So peaceful here.
Well that was fun. While I was there I belatedly read your thing about riding with headphones. (https://www.outsideonline.com/2263576/go-stick-it-your-ear) I'd go even further and say: Assuming you're obeying traffic laws and not acting like a jackass, there are zero hazards out there that you're going to be able to avoid by hearing them. Which is why we let deaf people cycle. Anything relevant either has a visual component too, or it's approaching you from behind you and there's not much you can do about it.
Ride safely in through new year.
Cricket in the snow? or Cricket in the snow?
Either one works.
"approaching you from behind and there is not much you can do about it". don't like the sound of that. maybe it's the backside of another year.
Welcome to the future...future..future.
well happy news year to youse all
gotta go jump start daughter-1 (well actually her stupid honda). but other than that i ain't goin out there. i think i'll put on the heat in de-basement and spin to ralphy, mr spock or something else i've seen 6.02 x 10**23 times on that little 19" thing.
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