Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Thrills, chills, spills, systematic oppression...you know, the usual.

Great news, Action Freds!  Sharing your frivolous athletic endeavors just got even easier!  Yes, thanks to Shimano, now you can ride with a camera that will auto-record every time you "attack:"

Both models get auto-recording for capturing the most exciting bits of your ride. The Shimano CM-2000 and CM-1100 action cameras can auto-record via ANT+, working with your bike computer and sensors like a power meter, heart rate strap, cadence sensor or speed sensor to detect when you’re moving quickly or working hard. For Di2 users, it’ll even auto-record when you’re in a specified gear range.

Yes, this is just what the cycling world needs: a device to capture the pathetic wet noodle-like flagellations of the few remaining Freds who still ride outside instead of "training" with Zwift:

Given that most Freds can't even ride in the drops (much less turn over the big ring of so much as a compact crankset) this camera should result in the Internet being clogged with thousands upon thousands of hours of truly pathetic video, though I suppose it will be a net benefit to society if it results in more cinematic masterpieces like this one:

I don't know anybody involved in this video but it makes me happy my logo was there to witness it all:

So which is more dangerous: cycling with aerobars, or cycling without a helmet?

That's a rhetorical question of course:

And they're even more dangerous when paired with ludicriously high #whatpressureyourunning:

I uploaded this video as a possible warning as what can happen if you inflate clincher tires to more than 125 psi, I bought Vredestein Tricomp clincher tires for my bike because they have a 175psi rating printed on the sidewall see Vredestein.com , I wanted to experment with higher pressures and hopefully get less rolling resistance. I inflated my tires to 110 psi and rolled down a hill untill the bike coasted to a stop, then tried it again with 140 psi, I went further and faster at the higher pressure. Then at my next race I inflated my tires to 140 psi and near the finish line the rear tire popped off the rim and locked against the frame locking the rear tire and causing me to take a tumble it was my fault because I did not know that all rims have a max pressure rating of 125 psi for clinchers, since I like the higher tire pressures I have switched to Tubular wheels, Zipp recommends 140-145 psi for my Tangente tubular tires, check out my next Video "The 2012 Iowa State Cy-Man Triathlon" and see how well they handle.

I totally admit that back when I was a Cat 5 I made a similar mistake.  (I've since upgraded to Cat 6 of course.)  Fortunately though my tires didn't blow off the rim and instead what tipped me off to my dangerously high pressure was that IT FELT LIKE MY TEETH WERE GOING TO RATTLE OUT OF MY FUCKING SKULL.

That and somebody who knew better probably told me I was an idiot.

By the way, I realize I've probably featured every one of the above videos at least once before, but they all bear repeated viewing because it's important to learn from other people's mistakes.  Just make sure you don't laugh at them at all because they're not funny, not even a little bit.  Triathletes falling off bikes is serious business.

Speaking of serious business, we all know that's what driving cars is, and that cyclists just make drivers' important work more difficult.  Australians know this better than anybody, which is why they force their cyclists to wear foam dunce caps at all times, and why their car enthusiasts pen insightful satire like this:

Yeah, yeah, you know the drill by now.  First he starts in with the Lycra:

1. All that Lycra

There's a reason you don't see hordes of helmet-wearing, race suit-clad drivers buzzing around a table piled high with cappuccinos at your local cafe every weekend. And that's because most drivers understand that their vehicle is largely a mode of transport, and that not every trip is an attempt to set a Nurburgring lap record. 

Wait a minute.  This guy reviews cars and he doesn't think people drive around thinking they're race car drivers?  Seriously?  Do they really not have people in Australia who drive tuned Honda Civics with carbon fiber hoods and eighty decals on the rear windshield?  Does BMW not export cars there there?  I find all of this difficult to believe.

And eventually he finishes with the "attitude:"

5. The attitude

There’s just so much that comes under this heading that it’s hard to know where to start, but basically cyclists seem to be furiously angry and put upon people. Cover them in Lycra and they become rage monsters; shaking their fists and screaming expletives at any motorist who dares to use the road (which was designed, let’s not forget, to convey motorised vehicles) anywhere near them. 

Wow, this Andrew Chesterton is sublimating a lot of deep-seated resentment for the fact that he's a failed car journalist into a hatred of cyclists.  I could devote a lot of my masterful verbiage to explaining why everything he says above is completely moronic, but it would be a waste of my considerable abilities, so instead here's a picture of him slaking his thirst by drinking from a soiled bedpan:

Here's one of him eating out a pig's asshole on an artisanally curated porcine analingus table he had crafted expressly for the occasion:

And here he is a little later on, demonstrating the ample rear seating area of the 2017 Kia Rio by slathering his crotch with Vegemite and tricking a large dog into fellating him:


Lastly, here in Canada's bidet, all is not well.  (YA THINK???)  Indeed, a legislator in Montana has drafted a bill that would ban cyclists and other non-motorized road users from many public roads:

Montana cyclists could see their road ride route options drastically reduced if a draft bill in the Montana House of Representatives moves forward as written. LC2196, sponsored by freshman legislator Barry Usher of district 40, would prohibit cyclists, runners, walkers, and those in wheelchairs from two-lane highways outside of municipalities when no shoulder is present.

Usher claims that the bill was inspired by safety concerns, while opponents contend that the measure is a clear attempt to disenfranchise non-motorized road users.

What a shame.  I expect more from the great state of Montana.

Wait, actually that's not entirely true.  By no means am I condemning the entire state, but it does happen to be the one Richard Spencer comes from:

The founder of the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer has announced that the site’s campaign of harassment against Jews in alt-right leader Richard Spencer’s hometown of Whitefish, Montana, will continue with an armed march in January. Andrew Anglin claimed on Thursday that 200 people are already expected to participate in the march “against Jews, Jewish businesses and everyone who supports either,” which will take demonstrators carrying “high-powered rifles” through the center of the town.

Harassing Jews in a town named after one of their most favorite foods?  Now that's just rude:

Now I gotta go eat.


  1. 203. Imagine an alcoholic sitting with a barrel of wine in front of him. Suppose he starts saying to himself, “Wine isn’t bad for you if used in moderation. Why, they say small amounts of wine are even good for you! It won’t do me any harm if I take just one little drink.... “ Well you know what is going to happen. Never forget that the human race with technology is just like an alcoholic with a barrel of wine.

  2. Try 125psi on a 20mm tire........on an old 80's Cannondale.

  3. Hey -- the photos used in that moronic Andrew Chesterson article feature a guy wearing a Fat Cyclist jersey.

  4. Just got this from my sister in Whitefish:

    "If any of you far away have heard of Whitefish in the news the past two months, it is likely because of the White Supremacist Leader who has directed, possibly somewhat inadvertantly, but maybe not, lots of attention and very negative email attacks on businesses and people in our town. It has been quite surreal. I think it is mostly over, though there is still sort of threat of a new Nazi march in our downtown at some point. We are hoping it won't materialize. This attention is not from local folks, but from people who don't live anywhere near here (for the most part), but are looking for a target for their anger and unhappiness.

    "Anyhow, there have been many very positive outcomes as a result of this. We had a wonderful (freezing cold) Love not Hate rally on January 7 outside. Speakers from Jewish, Native American communities, city council, etc. Our City Council has responded strongly and decisively, and in fact received the Peacemaker award at the event below.

    Here is a link:

  5. I never attack. Strictly defense. If I get a lead, I call time out & take a selfie in front of the scoreboard.

  6. Spencer ought to warn Usher to watch for the right hook - nah.

  7. People who speak out against non gas burning transport will get theirs in the end, most likely by an auto on auto pile up. White people do confuse me with their hate of things that aren't like themselves. Maybe through technology we can zap the ugly genes in people and just enjoy a world of peace. However yelling at a motorist sometimes just has to happen so that hate gene we will keep. Winds at 25mph today should be fun.

  8. I am willing to bet that the Neo Nazis who plan to protest against Jewish-controlled businesses in Whitefish MT could count the number of Jewish controlled businesses in Whitefish on their tiny shriveled little penises (if only they could find them). I could be wrong, maybe there are lots of Jewish people in Whitefish. But I am betting I am not -- Whitefish is in the middle of fucking nowhere, there are more bears than people, and it's redneck central.

    1. Maybe up there they wear a ten gallon yarmaluke with bagel and lox kicking boots...

  9. When i ride my Raleigh Clubman (that's my swoopy handlebar bike), I find that the drops are the most comfortable place to be on account of there being less pressure on my chocha. I've been meaning to broach the collective well of knowledge here about whether this is normal or if I need a set-up adjustment, but I was afraid the response would be Cipo photos (which should come with a trigger warning IMO). Thoughts? It could also be that I spend the least amount of time on my road bike out of almost all of my bikes so it could be a form thing. I have to core strength of an anemic 19th Century governess.

  10. Excellent photoshopping in today's post, Wildcat. Many chuckles were had.

    All this biking stuff is getting too difficult. Is there such a thing as a bird-watching Fred?

  11. Lieutenant ObliviousJanuary 24, 2017 at 1:41 PM

    17th after my lunch break, SCRANUS!

  12. I thought you misspelled "Iago", Shakespeare's Iago, and I was thinking "Snob's no Iago, that can't be, sure he makes fun of Freds getting into accidents but he's not out causing accidents so what's up? and then I realized you spelled "logo" instead if "Iago" and it all made sense then and I laughed and then I laughed more at the teeth rattling comment because I used to put psi up the yingee in my tires because I read that Lance did that and I just suddenly laughed out loud at the silliness of it all and thanks for that, Snob.

  13. Janine, definitely need to tweak your set-up. There's no reason that you shouldn't be comfortable on the tops and hoods. Also, spend more time on it, probably.

    I was thisclose to buying a Clubman myself a couple of years back. It's one of the very few modern/current bikes that suits my taste. Sharp looking bikes, IMO.

  14. janinedm - I do not possess a chocha so I can't give you advice on how to best manage one on a bike, but I am going to bet that Babble will have some advice. As for the core strength, I find that core strength is really important for biking and comfort - your core is the platform that your legs push against when you ride. I recommend pilates or something of the like. In theory, you could do your core exercises without a class, but I hate core work and I cannot make myself do it if I don't have an instructor telling me what to do. It's also hard to do the core exercises properly without having someone to correct your form.

  15. vsk said ...

    Epic rain = Epic train.


  16. Freddy Murcks, you're right and I hate it. I don't wanna do core work. I don't. I don't. I don't! Meanwhile, I'll have my buddies at the LBS check out my set up soon, before the "season" starts. Gym people complain about the resolutions crowd, but they've never had to watch a mechanic explain to someone why their pile of rusted chain with a saddle attached to it will need more than air to be rideable.

  17. I have a theory about people like that journo (as they like to call people who put their half baked ideas on to paper in Australia) who think all cyclists are angry. The theory basically boils down to they only meet angry cyclists because they drive like an asshole.

    This is based on a single story but if that's good enough for journalists it should be good enough for me. The story is about a friend of mine who was pointing out that some cyclists are scum that should be taken off the road. Based on the fact that one of his colleagues often has abuse shouted at him and more than once he has had cyclists spit on his car. I confirmed with my friend that he himself drives around the exact same city on a very regular basis, every day in fact. I confirmed that no cyclist has ever screamed abuse at him or spit on his car. I asked him to consider if the issue was with his colleague and perhaps that he drives like a fucking prick which causes justified anger from people who have had their safety threatened. Hmm, he said.

  18. Freddy Murcks -- You would be wrong about Montana in general, and Whitefish in particular. But if you go hiking in the back country near the continental divide, do bring the bear spray.

  19. let's all have a peaceful,belly button contemplating session today,okay?drumpf still sucks,though.oh,and snob.no whitefish for me today,thanks.

  20. I really like fred video no 1, with the Ben Hur style spoke shredding sequence. As any Cat,y will learn, when crossing wheels in a paceline, th rixer in back is the one that goes down.

  21. Lieutenant ObliviousJanuary 24, 2017 at 2:09 PM

    So in video #1, after the Ben Hur spoke shredding, why did the rider finally crash? It seemed like he saved the day, only to crash after recovering. Did he use the front brake which he shouldn't have done because of all the broken spokes? If he only used the rear brake, could he have just stopped without crashing?

    In video #2, it seems that the crashing Fred went from aerobar to brake with just his front hand, his front wheel never touched the other bike as far as I could tell.

  22. The Australian article had a companion piece published the same day: top 5 things cyclists find annoying about drivers

  23. I've been reading Matt Warshaw's online History of Surfing (another erstwhile Chronicle Books author). The narrative of Australians (well Syndey) winning the right to swim during daylight hours around the turn of the 20th century slots nicely between the helmet stories I read here and the transgender bathroom kerfuffle currently popular in the US southeast. Hopefully all this will pass too.


  24. How many DFUs of force is Andrew Chesterton is applying to that bedpan? Too many for the pig, given the expression on its face.

    Also, if he thinks roads were made for cars, maybe he should lobby for their own special lanes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jcAOgH-WR8

  25. “against Jews, Jewish businesses and everyone who supports either,”

    does that mean if i don't give up my bagel addiction, i'm going to get a bunch of marches outside my house? that should be interesting as the motorists around here can't stay on the road and take out the telephone pole several times a year. almost had one in the living room a few years back if not for the sacrifice of my favorite pin oak.

  26. Wow Wildcat, so much going on in today's post!

    First, the guy in the first crash video almost saved it. He made it through the hard part, touching wheels and even navigated the road to shoulder drop off only to go over the bars when almost stopped. Impressive.

    Back in my Cat 4 racing days I also figured out that 130psi led to actual teeth rattling. There must be something in the siren song of a Continental tubular literally ringing out as it rolls down a road that leads riders to think it's fast.

    A friend in Australia claims that 90% of the roads in Adelaide have bike lanes and almost all cyclists ride like militant entitled cunts and deserve to be buzzed. Also, he doesn't like riding in the city because the roads are too narrow and crowded with cars buzzing cyclists. To quote Pogo "We have met the enemy and he is us."

  27. This Jewboy has spent time on Flathead Lake in Whitefish, Montana.

    It is G-d's country for sure.

    Adjacent to Glacier National Park.

    And I never felt threatened or unwelcome.

    Then again, I do not wear a yarmulke, and I didn't exactly wrap tefillin in the middle of the town square, either.

    I did in fact get attacked by a territorial wild turkey, though. (The live kind, not the bottled kind.)

  28. Can you please tell us more about your chocha?

  29. I was talking to Janine, not you, Freddy Murcks.

  30. Lieutenant ObliviousJanuary 24, 2017 at 2:37 PM

    WishIWasMercx, the bottled kind never attacks you, although it can sneak up on you, especially in the 101 colorway!

  31. Don't waste your hipster money on artisanally curated porcine analingus tables, IKEA's Pigasslingun series is affordable, collapsible, and available in three colors.


  32. Hmm, a big rip of Wild Turkey 101 sounds like a fine idea right now. Whatever happened to the good 'ol days of it being acceptable to keep a bottle of whisky in your desk drawer at work?

  33. janinedm,

    You might try a shorter stem, or raising your brake hoods. The hoods should be comfortable, but so should the drops and that's usually the harder part to accomplish.

    I'm counting on Snob to provide enough belly laughs to satisfy my core workout. Spot on today!


  34. i too commend snobbie's photo editing today. His masterful verbiage doesn't hold a candle to his masterful artistry.

  35. Would the mew Shimano Action camera record every time there was a surge in the race, and show you attempting to match the pace, before you shoot out the back?????
    Is the camera smart enough to think.."Uh oh, better not record this.....this will not end well".

  36. Lieutenant ObliviousJanuary 24, 2017 at 2:57 PM

    Grump you're going to want the Dura Ace upgrade version of the Shimano Action camera that provides instant editing and alternative fact insertion capabilities!

  37. vsk said ..

    Holy crap. What kind of bullshit did I just read from yesterday???

    - - - If you've just entered the Snobiverse today as I seemed to have, let me give you a primer. I received a faceless facebook / anony- styled shrill shredding yesterday from a dear cyclist ally. ... who says I post all sorts stuff on Twitter, which I really just read from time to time and used a cupla times to click like on some items or issue words of praise. If I've posted something original once or twice, it's a lot. I repost a ton on facebook, sorry.

    Now I'm very grateful for Mr. Snob providing his thoughts and ideas of the cycling world and world in general. Also for this forum. Where I imagine, anything goes for the most part. The associations I read here I'm happy to see and hear their thoughts as well. So in general, I try to keep stuff light and offer an idea or two if I think it might be useful,... such as JanineDM, try messing with the angle of your saddle, it might help. I don't look to provoke anyone here as there's enough on people's table. ... that shit's for facebook. There is enough we deal with from drivers and 'the system'.
    So, with apologies to anyone who is somehow offended, I voted for the current guy over the establishment, much to the media's and some people's dismay. Facebook was better when it was about people's laundry, bowel movements, and general pictures.

    Is this going to become another place where people backstab each other over politics?

    I fucking hope not.


  38. Dear sir or madman -

    My dog demands, in the strongest possible terms, your immediate assurances that no canines were harmed in the pictorial portmanteau of the pusillanimous porcine poking putz Mr. Chesterton.

    In the meantime, he wishes to note that the polite word to describe the current relationship between Members of the Tribe and smoked fish is "fraught."

    Nonetheless, my dog and I are considering visiting Whitefish, Montana so I can show off the fancy yellow sheriff star that Mr. Bannon sent folks like me for the holidays.

  39. I do believe that the cyclist in video #1 crashed because he went from asphalt to gravel without changing bikes.

  40. Waiting for our Ms. Babble to re-appear today.

    A left and a right and Schmeling is down.

  41. Dear Mr. vsk -

    My dog asked me to assure you he does not attack.

    Of course, he tells me that too, but I still don't trust him on hills.

  42. I'm from Montana, so what can I do to combat that shitty bill? Serious question.

  43. vsk said ...

    Thanks Mr. Leroy, my back has already been bitten!

    I read someplace to carry tennis balls to throw toward angry pooches to ward them off from biting.


  44. For Dane Watt:
    I don't know from Montana, but it looks like you could join these folks: http://www.bikewalkmontana.org/ and also call your state rep and let him or her know what you think. It looks like the bill has been pulled back, but could be resurrected.

  45. My Dear Victor - Throwing away your balls does not solve anything.

  46. Dane Watt - Try wearing a pink hat and marching around

  47. It looks as if I will have to fulfill Commentariat's request and provide more information about my chocha. So I'm equally comfortable in the hoods and drops from a body mechanics point of view. But I don't like the contact point for my doo-dad when I'm on the hoods. That's why I was thinking tightening my core might help from a hip angle point of view. I've also moved the saddle forward since my last ride, because maybe the goods just need more surface area.

    And I'm not ready to swap the saddle yet. It's a Brooks and I'm breaking it in. It's taking longer than normal because the Clubman isn't part of my commuter fleet but I'm not going to deem it to actually be the wrong saddle until I at least wear in some butt divots. (For the record, I've been a Brooks lover since well before I found this site; it's not Snob worship. They're standard on WorkCycles.)

  48. That first tri dork video - dude almost stuck the landing then either hit a pot hole or locked his front wheel. He was so close to pulling it off. Some people are just more prone to crashing.
    Hope our POTUS chokes on a dick. Every day brings more WTF moments in the United Dictatorship of America

  49. Heh Heh Anonyastute @3:01 ++ very good. I figured someone should tell him that all you've gotta do is grip the toptube firmly between yer knees and that wobble will be history. Then you don't have to pull off the road. Also, he was almost stopped before he crashed, so that doesn't count as a 34 mph crash.

    Mr VSK - Ha. And here I thought you had the patience of a saint for a moment there. I have no idea what you post on Twitter. As mentioned, when checking your account I saw that despite real evidence of his insanity and criminality, you are a fanboy of that madman, and so I couldn't bring myself to follow you, no matter how many pretty pictures you take. I did, however, mention yesterday that I found the number of fake news articles you posted on your Facebook account appaling, though not as appaling as the way you can publicly admit admiring such a monster, and despite having enjoyed perusing your photographs, simply couldn't take it any more. You make his misogyny, his racism, his lies, his greed and his self interest at the expense of others socially acceptable when you cheer him on the way you do, and I want none of it. He is crazy, plain and simple, but you? You should know better.

    Ms Janine, my dear beauty? I wish I had some sage advice for you, but alas, although the pink canoe is quite happy drops or top, I almost always ride down low, because fast. Why would you want to ride up on the hoods when you're so much more efficient in the drops? And kundalini yoga is the best core builder I know, after good sex, of course. There's an amazing yogi named Carol Carlson in NYC whom you might want to look up. I'd take a couple of classes from her and then buy the dvd and do it in the privacy and comfort of your own home.

  50. vsk said ...

    2-Shay Rennee !

    Janine, may be just break-in, part saddle part you. You're on the right track though.


  51. VSK-

    Relax and fred out with me. I stopped for a slice at a local pizzeria and saw some framed jerseys on the wall:

    A signed Rui Costa rainbow jersey

    Some Dude's Maglia Bianca from the '14 Giro

  52. If you like your scranus you can keep your scranus.

  53. vsk said ...

    Thanks Dances, I'll plug Lamarca Pasta on 22nd and 3rd Ave. Owner is a superfan with cool stuff in there.

    Ms. Babble, I do have the patience of a saint, but all these paragraphs in a totally unrelated and different forum?
    A private message would have been better received.

    At least you can really say he's not my president, for real!

    I'm sure this is helping to drive ad revenues.


  54. Craving some chochalet milk...

  55. I know an amazing yogi in jellystone park

  56. I grew up in St Louis near an amazing yogi.

  57. Ad revenues? WTF?

    I quietly unfriended and unfollowed. It was you who assumed that my choice to do so was that I found your page... how did you put it? A bit rough?

    And had you kept your enthusiasm for that man out of the public domain, and far away from me, I'd have had no reason to publicly dispute your delusions. BUT. Despite having once owned a little house in Fredricksburg, VA, I didn't have the right to cast a ballot. And it's not right, because your asshole in chief, and the half fucking baked decisions he signs into law, do, in fact impact my country, my economy, my children's security, and perhaps most importantly, the health of our planet, which future generations have the right to inherit intact. And thus, your ill informed vote really pisses me off. I'm horrified at what you and 60,000,000 of your fellow citizens have gone and done, and more so that you, sir, are too blinded by - what??! the cheezy gold plated glow??- to even admit the idiocy of your idolatry of that fucktarded orange muppet.

  58. Breaking up is hard to do - please do it somewhere else.

    Vic you can thank DJT for dodging the bullet

  59. Janine, there is a simple solution. Swap out the brooks you are housebreaking with the one on the bike you ride most often until break-in is done.

    Just be sure to avoid the dreaded "leather labia" syndrome from too much hard saddle time on your babymaker.

  60. you my friend are a true genius!

  61. vsk said ...

    Sorry, Ms. Babble, yes, I have an interesting mix in my facebookaverse. I wanted to apologize for my and their ... lack of nuance. hahaha
    I just fail to see the rationale of hashing out on a bike blog.

    Ad revenues may increase with site traffic. Nothing drives traffic like sex and politics!

    Sorry Get a Room @ 5:05pm, you are right.


  62. I carried my helment with me into the restaurant that I picked up lunch from today. The cashier told me: "I appreciate that you are wearing your helmet(sic)."
    I tried to explain to him that I'm a brainwashed victim of the cycling media's relentless campaign to sell us unnecessary accessories and that the amount of protection provided by a foam hat is greatly exaggerated. He started at me blankly and then said "Next!". I don't think I changed his opinion on the matter...

  63. I guess, because I'm not a road racing Fred, I don't understand them going over the bars. Whenever I'm squirrely, I get behind the seat, and stay off the front brake. Am I doing something wrong?

  64. Mpnotomatic thinking, hmmm, thanks internet.

  65. Thank you VSK for your opinions.

    Thank you babble on for your opinions too.

    Without you both, I believe this comment section would be far more sedate; please continue?

  66. vsk said ...

    Anonymous 6:56pm

    We are going to institute a paywall for the real gladiatorial games. Have your credit card handy.


  67. bad boy of the northJanuary 24, 2017 at 7:12 PM

    Wow!Did you hear that djt is going have bike lanes installed all over this great nation,in order to counter his decision to add more pipelines?

  68. bad boy of the northJanuary 24, 2017 at 7:13 PM

    Nope?Me neither.

  69. bad boy of the northJanuary 24, 2017 at 7:15 PM

    Alternative fake facts

  70. Students of history should be shuddering over the initial days of the Trump administration, for a free and independent press is society's strongest safeguard against authoritarianism.

    Totalitarians always start by neutering the press.

    Sound familiar to anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

  71. vsk said ...

    The bigger worry is China. Already been through an island war in the Pacific.


  72. That table looks very ergonomic, a prefect height to reduce back and neck strain.

  73. We're not allowed carbon fibre body panels on our cars here in Australia. Not that I'd want one, but it's just another item on the long list of banned things.

  74. It seems that the crappy website Andrew Chesterton assembles words for is owned by that loathsome American, Rupert Murdoch.

    Young Chesterton's ire is doubtless fueled by the twin facts that he's becoming a bit of a fat boy and that he has male pattern baldness and is waving his hairline bye-bye. Daily reminders of that in the mirror is enough to upset any moron.

    1904 Cadardi, your friend in Adelaide is full of shit on both counts, even fucking Copenhagen doesn't have bike lanes in 90% of roads and so I think we can take his comment about the entitlement of the Adelaide cyclists with a grain of salt, eh?

  75. I was wearing my helmet in Costco the other day, as I was pushing my cart about, and someone said, "Good to see you bikers wearing a helmet. I replied, "Yes, I like to practice safe shopping."

  76. Hypocracy is rife. Did you not even notice that the one thing I am sick and tired of is hearing about what a great man your idiol presidrumph is, and particularly most of all in this particular Bike Related Blogulation? Why, in truth, the final straw was your first statement yesterday: a reference to our having survived the first two days of the self crowned king's predidiodacy.

    I've long known that you can't perceive something which you don't believe in. And also that you will always find what you're looking for, because You're Looking For It! That's why, try as you might, you'll never find a perfectly objective perspective. Even the strictest science begins with an hypothesis. I can't imagine what is is that would make a sane person want to see that narcisssitic sociopath as a man of the people, or a good leader, or even just as a decent person. Fuck, I can hardly imagine seeing him for anything but the lying fraudster he has repeatedly PROVEN HIMSELF to be!! But an open mind and attention to the EVIDENCE makes a world of difference, and that's why I'm always willing to listen to a good argument.

    For example. Did you not notice that the woman in charge of your public schools is against public schools, and indeed wants to syphon money from public schools into private ones, so that only the chosen ones, the best little rich white kids will ever have a chance to go to a good school... yeah, did you notice her? She is in favour of teaching creationsim, she hasn't any post secondary education whatsoever, nor have her kids, because why would they need to? She thinks that teachers get paid far too much, and oh, what do you know?? On top of the 200 million or so her family donated to the Republican party, she donated millions to an orange asshat's campaign!!

    Hmm. Evidence. Funny thing happens when you make evidence based decisions. For example, had you looked at a certain member of the commentariat's link before you had thanked him for having your back, even while patting yourself on the back for having the patience of a saint, and accusing me of ... what was it... back biting?? Yeah, so had you bothered to actually read his message and click the link he went to the trouble of coding for you, rather than reading in it what you wanted to see, you'd not have looked quite so assinine. Why? Well, for starters, you would have actually taken note of the yellow fucking star of David which all of the Jews in Nazi Germany were forced to wear... you know about that, right? How they were all identified with garish yellow stars in Germany right after they were forced to sign a fucking REGISTRY!! Is any of this ringing any bells, or have you been taking your news from the only credible source, according to the twitter twat in chief, Mr Bannon? Bloody fucking hell, Mr VSK, give your empty head a shake. Your idol is a monster and that you can't even see it makes you either dumb as a post, or evil. And if you won't shut the fuck up about how much you adore him, I will be compelled to call you out - publicly, as publicly as you've been singing that ... man's... praises - and I'll do it Every. Single. Time.

    If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

    Oh yeah, one more thing. There are no corporate fucking sponsors on spokeNscene. The link to an LBS is there free of charge because the man who owns it takes bikes from the dump, fixes them up, and ensures that as many folks as possible have wheels, cheap as chips. He's kind and generous soul, unlike your hero, that crazy as a cuckoo, serial sex offending, billionaire blowing, king of the hill you so admire, emulate and adore.

  77. Get a Blog and a GripJanuary 25, 2017 at 7:49 AM

    Your post is too fucking long

  78. bad boy of the northJanuary 25, 2017 at 8:54 AM

    I must be living in an alternative universe...djt claims to be an "environmentalist".Uh huh.

  79. Why are tri-dorks such bad riders? Because the treat riding as an activity to be hurried through in order to change shoes and go running.

  80. Fuckface von ClownstickJanuary 25, 2017 at 9:49 AM

    Nobody respects the environment more than me.

  81. I tried the vegemite trick and it got stuck in my dogs pubes - am I doing this wrong?

  82. vsk said ...

    Ms. Babble, I was talking about corp sponsors here... as a joke.

    Who am I professing to adore here, on the bike blog ??

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average just hit over 20,000 ... but in actuality that has more to do with Fed pumping than Herr Orange.



  83. babble, you're going to give yourself an embolism. We have 4 years of fuckery and you're going to blow a fuse if you stay at full on Yosemite Sam level without pause. The majority of the country know he's stupid, which is why he lost the popular vote and a plurality will learn when their dicks fall off thanks to deregulated asbestos condoms. The cool kids have moved from attacking the man (unless they feel like it for funnies), to drawing attention to specific stupid plans and calling their representatives to let them know we're watching them. Is this commensurate to the threat? I don't know. Will this stop all of the damage the man can do? Definitely not. But what do you want us to do? Have a civil war?

  84. This is getting worse by the day.

    Chicago needs to clean up its murder rate or Trump will send in the Feds?

    Ever heard of the Posse Comitatus Act, dipshit? Absent that day in civics class?

  85. Where to begin? Between the job, the NPO board, the boy, his health and education, my own health and wellness, and the vagaries of life throws at all of us, there's no time to spare. Nevertheless, like you, I am confounded with an urgent need to do any and everything within my power, to change the impossible course we've embarked upon, you know, so that when my head hits the pillow, sleep will come.

    Ms Janine? Don't let evil win. Every action has an equal and opposite, so respond in kind. When he introduces his Muslim registry, make sure you and everyone you know signs on. We are all one, and if you allow him to single out your Muslim friends and neighbours, you are guilty through complicity. Join JustUs for justice, an American movement designed to erradicate corporate funding in politics, if it's not too late. It's something a few of us are committed to out here in BC, the Wild West of Corporate Influence in government. Canada has become a tax haven for corporations who don't mind cheating, so they can pay dividends and offer their exectuives seven figure salaries. Our real estate markets are a laundromat for dodgy Chinese money, too, but there are people around here prepared to lay it on the line to shut it down, even though the corporate forces behind the corruption are massive, dark, dangerous, and oppressive. The worst kind of evil. Y'know, banks, like your Federal Reserve, that privately owned institution which charges you, through your government, interest on every single dollar printed (or keyed into a computer), ensuring market peaks and crashes and ipso facto enslaving the population they purport to serve.

    I guess it's up to you: can you live with yourself if you sit idly by and let Big Brother take your nation, or do you want to go down fighting?

  86. I'm not idle. I pick up the phone and call my representative and senators and tell them I vote and what specific legislative issues I'm concerned about. there are groups here collating lists of people to call and flooding their lines has had some effect. At the beginning of the year, the House GOP was forced to back off it plan to gut ethics watchdog after there lines were flooded with people letting them know we knew that they were trying to sneak it past. That was real action. JustUs for Justice is great for 2 years from now when the mid-terms come, but I'm trying to block as much current legislation as possible using the pressure points I have.

    I get that you feel powerless, not being able to take direct action here in the U.S. But going back and forth with a single person upon a bike blog comment thread about whether Trump is an idiot does what? Let's say you convince him, what have you done? Also, not for nothing, VSK lives near me so depending on what district he's in he's surrounded by either 80% or 90% Democrats. The US system is weird to explain in detail, but basically don't waste your time convincing anyone in NJ or NY. If you want to make yourself a hero, swing someone who lives in Ohio, Florida, or Michigan.

    And I mean this in the kindest, softest way possible: don't presume to talk down to me about politics again. I'm not going to drag out credentials beyond saying I've been a black woman in this country for nearly 40 years and I do not need you to tell me the score or under what conditions I can live with myself. Not if prolonged, pitched battle with one guy on a bike blog is taking action.

  87. Posse Comitatus sounds dirtyJanuary 25, 2017 at 9:33 PM

    The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. It was passed as an amendment to an army appropriation bill following the end of Reconstruction, and was subsequently updated in 1956 and 1981.

    The Act only specifically applies to the United States Army and, as amended in 1956, the United States Air Force. While the Act does not explicitly mention the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps, the Department of the Navy has prescribed regulations that are generally construed to give the Act force with respect to those services as well. The Act does not apply to the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard under state authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The United States Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act either, primarily because although the Coast Guard is an armed service, it also has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission.

  88. I know its yesterday but today was all about crabon

  89. and the century is so close

  90. this is a fraudulent century

  91. My dick won't fall off, I'm holding on tight!

  92. Keep up the good work, Snob.

    When the Vegemite runs out, that dog will need some protein.

  93. I almost cannot believe he has a special analingus table for animals to stand on.
