Friday, October 7, 2016

BSNYC Friday No Quiz Just Plugs!

Remember how last Friday I said if there's no school then I'm probably taking off that day?

Well guess what?

Monday is Columbus Day, school is closed, and I'll taking off that day.

I'll be back here on Tuesday, October 11th.

Hey, whaddya want?  This is the way it's gonna be until either they grow up or someone invents some kind of self-parenting child technology, whichever comes first.

I'd leave them with my Asimo but he's useless on the subway stairs:

Plus, since the last software update all he wants to do is kill the cat.

And yes, I do think it's odd that we still observe Columbus Day:

But given the current state of affairs in this country I think it's the least of our problems at the moment.

So instead, let's talk about bike-riding hats.  See this?
It's my latest cap from Walz.  It's a LIMITED EDITON(!), and it features the not-at-all iconic Broadway Bridge:

Which has deep significance in the context of this blog, for it is the starting point of the legendary BSNYC Gran Fondon't.  It's also the bridge I use to go to Manhattan, and if you look very closely you'll see teeny tiny little cyclists on it:

This is ironic, because the Broadway Bridge is completely lacking in bike lanes.

Most importantly though, I chose it because it is an unassuming workhorse that does its job without drawing undue attention to itself (you know, pretty much the opposite of your self-promoting blogger here), and who needs yet another picture of the fucking Brooklyn Bridge anyway?

You'll also be pleased to know that references to this blog are subtle, being limited to the seal on the bridge towers and the spectral logo under the brim:

As for the material, it's Walz's breathable mesh, which I absolutely love:

Moisture Wicking – Disco never died and neither will polyester, but this isn't your grandma's polyester. Our 100% double circular knit moisture wicking polyester is a breathable mesh that allows airflow to keep you dry and comfortable. Our moisture wicking fabric is so light and comfortable, that you'll forget you're even wearing it on your head. But don't worry, all the envious looks and wolf whistles will remind you that your cap not only wicks sweat but looks great too.

References to grandmothers who were young enough to be part of the disco generation alienate me because they make me feel old.  Nevertheless, if you've never worn one of these Walz breathable mesh caps, I can assure you with the utmost sincerity that they're great.  They're light, they fit comfortably under helmets, they don't fade in the wash, and of course they're moisture-wicking.

Basically it's like wearing a really nice jersey on your head.

Best of all, there's a discount code!  Here it is:


That will get you 10% off, and it's good until November 1st, so between that and the limitedness of this edition you'd better put your computer in the big ring and place an order.

And don't forget all this other fine moichandise:

Indeed, you'd be forgiven for looking upon this schmear and thinking I was a going concern in the schmatta trade.  Alas, the fact is I'm less a going concern than I am someone who's simply growing concerned about the long-term sustainability of a career in bicycle wiseassery, but whatever.  All I'm saying is it wouldn't kill you to buy a hat.

So with that I take my leave for the weekend, and I give you permission to do the same.  Thanks for indulging my absenteeism and self-floggery, ride safe, and I'll see you back here on Tuesday, October 11th.

Your's Ect.,

--Wildcat Rock Machine


  1. Super early deluxe podium collabo edition!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 182. It will be objected that the French and Russian Revolutions were failures. But most revolutions have two goals. One is to destroy an old form of society and the other is to set up the new form of society envisioned by the revolutionaries. The French and Russian revolutionaries failed (fortunately!) to create the new kind of society of which they dreamed, but they were quite successful in destroying the old society. We have no illusions about the feasibility of creating a new, ideal form of society. Our goal is only to destroy the existing form of society.

  4. 5th cuz Ted's a robot. Now to read the post...

  5. bad boy of the northOctober 7, 2016 at 8:08 AM

    Wow!someone had their wheaties early this morning.poor asimo.,.it needed a privacy screen when it fell.well,there goes another 1.5 million U.S. dollars to fix little asimo.i couldn't tell if it was wearing a hellment or not.enjoy.

  6. Dang, I just ordered a couple of caps from Walz, I should of waited a few days.

  7. Same, funny how it always works like that

  8. Too early. I haven't had my fourth cup of coffee yet.

  9. You should give an additional discount for seniors on the hats.

  10. Wildcat, do you pick/design the colorways for the Walz hats, or do they have a crack R&D team to figure out what is going to sell best and you just give it the nod?

    I would like to suggest/request the consideration of a tan or khaki or olive colorway. I have a finely curated wardrobe and couldn't possibly be seen in my black/blue BSNYC hat whilst sporting my tan knickers. The hushed murmurs of the crowd would be more than I could bear to stand. "Wear your tweed cap" is probably what you're thinking, and you're right of course, but don't you think that sends the wrong message on a more spirited ride? As if I'm mocking the sporting ambitions of some with a devil-may-care tweed cap perched jauntily on my head?

    So, to sum up: Non-black colorways would be a great thing to consider. Thank you in advance for your time. Merry Columbus Day!

  11. Nuts! Coulda made the podio, but I fell down the steps.

  12. But can the hat protect me from the zombie apocalypse???


  13. One can never be too spectral.

    I just achieved ultimate Fred. I rode in from Westchester and came to work in cycling togs. The ergometer was set up for a patient coming in later, so I took it for a spin. I can now quote my MVO2 when explaining why I get dropped while climbing in the Fondon't.

  14. I dunno, the hat doesn't have any cool smart features, I can't control it with an app, it has no scranal data, says nothing about vertical compliance or improving aerodymanics, and it's not 85% better at doing something - I'm just not sure what to do with it....

  15. I'm with N/A. A tan or khaki BSNYC hat would be rad. Might even spur me on to spend some fun stamps.

    I have already two black BSNYC hats I like very much. One wool for cooler temps and the super duper polyester one. It really is nice like wearing a fine jersey on the head.


  16. and I bought one of the new hats - the thought of the 17 children going shoeless through another NY winter was too much

  17. Does the hat conme with Putin dropdown neckprotector banner?
    Spazebo Western capitalist dogs!

  18. Do you ever wish that your local bike paths were glow in the dark so you could see them better at night? Apparently someone in Poland thought this would help reduce accidents... (by 85% !):

  19. vsk said ...

    With all this crabon and mylar, can't they make bikes that fly yet ??


  20. That's a no-go, snob.

    It isn't compliant with tweed vest, white shirt, and penny farthing. Yes, it has an iphone mount.

  21. That hat would be sweet with a three-wolf t-shirt! Also, I like how they put up a barrier when Awesome-o fell. Wouldn't want to see blood, or maybe oil?

  22. Whoa! Bridge that Carlos Danger uses in his photo shoots, the ability to breathe, special tattoo inside the lip. All that's missing is some quiz questions on the inside. And, under the Snob logo how about adding Babble's legs crossed like pirate bones.

  23. NY Times had an article a ways back "Gray is the new Black". Think McFly! Think.

  24. What meal do the observant eat on Columbus Day?

    Tube steak.

  25. Does the hat come in a cardboard version that will protect me in a crash?

  26. Is that in American dollars?? I can't afford, our Canadian dollars are not worthy.

  27. bad boy of the northOctober 7, 2016 at 2:15 PM


    Is that from the Polish Facebook?

  28. I don't get it.

    My dog specifically said I should check out today's post because I need hair plugs.

    But Mr. BSNYC is plugging hats, not hair.

    I think my dog got his head coverings confused.

    And I'm pretty sure Mr. BSNYC was wearing a mesh Walz cap the other day in lieu of hair plugs.

    It looked good (and far less expensive than plugs).

    My dog has already asked to borrow the credit card. I'm sure he'll order us caps shortly.

    Ride safe all!

  29. Asimo and robotics is great 'n all but what I'm really looking forward to is the advent of 'hobotics' and Asimo's slutty counterpart 'Assimo'.

  30. bad boy of the northOctober 7, 2016 at 3:05 PM

    I'm not a doctor.i don't have any patience

  31. Balaclava for the ScranusOctober 7, 2016 at 3:52 PM

    That hat, horrible timing what with the nation being focused on the creepy clown phenom, having moved on from Pokemon.

  32. Operators are Standing ByOctober 7, 2016 at 3:56 PM

    With Six Hats You Get Eggroll.

  33. In Asimo's defence, that damned pizza rat is always getting under foot and trying to trip you up.

  34. If the hat comes with an 8 x 10 color glossy of Babble's legs, I'm in. Other wise Fer-git-about-it.

  35. How about a hat with Cipo Guevara on it? Bound to become an iconic image.

  36. Lieutenant ObliviousOctober 7, 2016 at 5:06 PM

    I'm not a doctor but I'm willing to take a look!

  37. Scrantus PA Calling by the ClashOctober 7, 2016 at 5:19 PM

    NYC with Bridge on the left side, same thing on the back, same thing on the right side, the nation is currently not into repetitiveness.

  38. Walz make great hats, especially if you have a fat head like I do.

  39. Oh, I don't know, I think bicycle wiseassery is a perfectly valium career choice



  40. I like valium better...

  41. These 3-ish blog weeks really must be a killer.

  42. Ýou wear a cap under your helmet? Old school Fred!

    Oh, wait, you don't wear a helmet. You were being ironic, right?

  43. Bogusboy,

    No, I generally wear a helmet for Fred rides and MTB rides, and unless it's really hot I also wear a bike-riding hat under it.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine



  45. asimo's dorky friendOctober 8, 2016 at 11:15 AM

    asimo questions, I'll tell you mo lies

  46. Make Hats Great AgainOctober 8, 2016 at 3:10 PM

    The Donald (when not groping) is going to make hats great again, it says so right on his hat.

  47. Wiseasserisms aplenty.

  48. Just plugs.
    Yep, more plugs that Joe Biden's head.
    Just keep plugging away.
    I'll go my room now without being told.


  49. Yep, more plugs THAN Joe Biden's head.

    I can't even proofread and get it right

  50. bad boy of the northOctober 9, 2016 at 3:15 PM

    Time to get out of the fifties

  51. Grab them by the pussy

  52. Why did they put up a screen around Asimo? Are they gonna put him down like a lame horse at the track?

  53. "some kind of self-parenting child technology" was invented some time ago. It's called 'television'. Are you waiting for the DCR review first?


    I married one of them there American Indians:
    1)Olive Skin...check
    2)Long Brown Hair...Check
    3)High Cheek Bones...Check
    4)Warpath Tendencies...Check
    5)Would Probably Stab Me...Check

  55. Why do celebrate one form of aluminuminuminum tubing over the others?

    Blue sky day - perfect for an afternoon ride with a jersey on my head.



  56. Happy Thanksgiving to Babble and CC.

  57. I went for a ride yesterday, it was cool but sunny. Check this out: I rode my old steel bike on pavement, on dirt, AND on gravel. Not only did I not change my wheelset/tire combo at each new surface, but I didn't even check the tire pressure.
    Also: I was wearing cargo shorts, hiking shoes, and no helment. It's a miracle that I'm even alive!

    Gravel rider!

  58. The National LampoonOctober 10, 2016 at 1:46 PM

    If you don't buy this hat, we'll kill this dog.

  59. N/A 144: That's outrageous behavior, no way, not buying it (or a hat). You really expect people to swallow that whopper (except Babble, she can do it).

  60. OK, OK, if I'm being totally honest, the dirt I rode on was just the small bit of grass between the path and the gravel fire-pit area that I stopped at. But the ground was bumpy from tree roots and rocks and stuff, so I did get pretty epic and stuff for about 30 seconds.

  61. I was trying to post something to help entertain everybody while Wildcat is busy foffing off, YET AGAIN. Just that one little blurb and I'm creatively spent. It's a real grind. I guess this was just a tiny little sample into what goes into writing several full-length entertaining/educational posts every week, not to mention the various guesting spots hither and yon. Damnit, that Wildcat guy is a real writing machine, and here we've been breaking his balls all this time. We ought to be ashamed*

    *Haha just kidding. Breaking balls shall continue!

  62. N/A-

    You're livin' on the wild side. You're just aboutt ready for Wild Sand Dunes of Elmsford

  63. DOP, do you have a fat bike for that terrain?

  64. bad boy of the northOctober 10, 2016 at 3:26 PM

    In the middle of an epic ride.... Cooling my heels in the underground coffee and ales on the far side of the walkway over da Hudson.might go multi-modial back home.i haven't decided.what to do,what to do?

  65. McFly-"404"

    N/A- A CX running 31 knobbies...

  66. N/A @ 1:51 Rode on grass without putting studded fat tires on, bold, reckless and dangerous. Excellent!

  67. Wanna cop that cap and sew a BS up front for a super fierce referential customway.

  68. bad boy of the northOctober 10, 2016 at 5:30 PM

    Multi-modial it is

  69. N/A 151: Fairly certain there is a sign at the fire pits saying "Do not disturb the roots, violators are subject to arrest, fine and deportation to Mexico."

  70. don't make me open another social media account mcfly, maybe the pics should be downsized? currently in tofino and the sunsets are ridiculous, at least when it's not puking.

  71. Sorry I verified my Imgur account but alas, it was to no avail. I'm 43 and just past that window of tech savvy. It's pictures of bicycles so I know youz guyz are really let down.

  72. The best part of the Assimo vid, for me, was when the guy ran up to it with the fold out screen and hid the robot, like nothing happened here, nothing to see, move along, move along.

  73. bad boy of the northOctober 11, 2016 at 9:13 AM

    Now I don't know what I effen said...oh nevermind

  74. Look snob....I don't eagerly await every post to escape my own reality and get a good laugh in more days than not just so you can go pushing them silly looking caps on me. Surely my bi-annual accidental click on a sponsor link more than pays for the extravagant life you lead what with your freakin sweet Hayundai and whatnot. I know damn well the kind of lifestyle you semi-professional blogger types live. I've seen "straight outta willimasburg." I know about your hairy pool parties and your diamond guiche piercings. Don't think for a second ya foolin no one. That said, I am often more than happy to throw a few dollars your way in exchange for the laughs. You deserve to get paid (not much though cause...well, read your blog) but something. Problem is your hawking stuff I wouldn't wear even as a joke. No offense to anyone, just my own taste. I do support one of your sponsors though as I am a devoted retro grouch but with a serious lone wolf bent. can I compensate you for your meager efforts without buying something silly? I would be into regular, non-biking hats and tees with ya silly logo on it. Maybe something with the great Lob cat 6ing a citi bike? If not, throw a donation button up and we'll all just funnel cash to you out of thanks (or pity.)

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