Friday, September 9, 2016

Everybody's working for the weekend.

Hey!  Here's a funny thing from the Internet!

It's funny because it's funny.

Speaking of the politics of bikes and cities and bikes in cities, I rode mine through the city yesterday evening to go to a pre-NYC Century soirée where Transportation Alternatives were giving away copies of my books to registrants:

Night fell as I sucked down vodka and soda after vodka and soda:

Yet the pile of free books remained undiminished:

I choose not to take it as an affront to my literary prowess; rather, I put forth that in such swank surroundings people look askance at anything that's free.  Had they priced the book at $100 I bet that table would have been empty faster than you can say "Gimme another vodka soda."

Of course after a night of rubbing elbows with the smugness set it's hard not to reflect on the state of our city's streets, and to put it succinctly things ain't too good out there.  I mean sure, the guy who ran over a 6 year-old, checked his car for damage, and then drove away did turn himself in, but apparently it took him two (2) tries before the surrender took:

Mino's attorney Christopher Wright told the judge that his client understands the seriousness of the charges because he turned himself into the police not once, but twice.

"Last Monday, we went to the 66th Precinct but there was a murder in the area and they were too busy to process him that day," said Wright who requested a lower bail.

And sure, it's entirely likely the lawyer representing the hit-and-run driver is a lying sleazeball, but it's just as likely that this particular statement is completely true.

But while the NYPD could probably be doing more to keep 6 year-olds safe from shitty drivers, they're going above and beyond when it comes to keeping presidential candidates safe from bicyclists:

For four and a half hours last night, NYPD shut off bike access to the Hudson River Greenway between 44th Street and 55th Street, a major bike transportation artery used by several thousand people each day.

The greenway closure was billed as a “safety/security measure” for the televised Clinton/Trump Q & A with Matt Lauer held on the USS Intrepid. But there was no NYPD detour imposed on motorists using the adjacent West Side Highway, where people remained free to pilot large vehicles with substantial carrying capacity at high speeds.

If you're unfamiliar with New York City, the Hudson River Greenway is like one of the most important bike routes in the whole city, and the Interpid is a giant fucking battleship.  What did the NYPD think, that some tridork is going to whip a C02 canister at "The Donald?"  It's hard to see how routing all these riders onto the friggin' West Side Highway (where you'd pretty much never ride a bike unless you were making one of those stupid MASH videos) is anything but a gigantic "fuck you"--especially when you consider that motor vehicle traffic continued unimpeded.

Because, you know, nobody's ever used a motor vehicle as a deadly weapon:

You know, if I wasn't such an optimist, I'd say this whole "Vision Zero" thing is a load of crap.  Indeed, more cyclists have been killed in NYC so far this year than in all of 2015.  This is why on September 15th there's going to be a "call to action" ride on 5th Avenue in Manhattan to get the Mayor off his ass and out of his SUV:

WHAT: Mass Bike Ride to Demand Safe Passage for Cyclists and Pedestrians

WHERE: Riders gather at E. 59th St and Fifth Ave and finish at Washington Square Park

WHEN: Thursday, September 15,  Riders meet at 6pm and depart at 6:30

WHO: Transportation Alternatives, Families For Safe Streets, Right of Way, Black Girls Do Bike, Kidical Mass BK, WE Bike NYC, Recycle-A-Bicycle, 5BBC, Bike New York, Time's Up, CHEKPEDS, the NYC Mechanical Gardens Bike Coop, Get Women Cycling, the New York Bicycle Messenger Foundation, the Century Road Club Association, the New York Cycle Club and Bicycle Habitat.

Here's the Facebook link if you prefer your political statements to be run through the Zuckerberg filter.

So there you go.

Moving on, road bikes with excessive headset play is clearly the not new trend for 2017:

And hyperbole, of course, is timeless:

Since its launch, back in 2004, the Roubaix has been one of Specialized’s most important bikes. In fact, you could argue that it has been one of the most significant bikes this century, the originator of the whole ‘endurance road bike’ idea that has also given us Trek’s Domane and the Cannondale Synapse, among many, many others.

Sure.  You could argue that, but you'd be absolutely crazy to do so.  Granted, we're only sixteen years into the 21st century, but which do you think has been more significant during that time?  The advent of bike share, or yet another plastic Fred bike?  Even the much-derided (by me) Bianchi Pista has had like ten times the impact on cycling than the Roubaix, in that it was probably the first bike of thousands and thousands of new cyclists.  And then you had this baby:

In comparison to all of these the Roubaix is a blip, a footnote, a single strand in the crabon layup of the metaphorical Fred chariot that is cycling.

I mean sure, the Roubaix is absolutely the most fiercely-protected bicycle model name of this century, but that's something else.

But who am I to judge?  (I mean I'm right, that's just something you say.)  Take a look at the video before you agree with me:

Hey, I'm not saying the suspension doesn't work, I'm just saying who the hell cares whether it does or not?

You'll never ride the race after which it is named, because the fact is you suck.

The best part of a new marketing gimmick though is when the company behind it finally admits that the previous marketing gimmick they'd been pushing for years was total BS:

The new Roubaix takes plenty of the construction lessons learned from the past; perhaps the biggest shock with the new bike is the lack of Zertz. The elastomer inserts that defined the Roubaix are no more, replaced by a mix of clever carbon construction and an innovative piece of front-end suspension.


I can't believe those tiny pieces of plastic inside the bigger pieces of plastic comprising the bicycle that rolls on pneumatic tires weren't totally informing the bike's ride characteristics.

Come on, you know it was bullshit when Specialized lets someone else use the name:

But I don't blame Specialized for selling a suspension road bike.  They have to.  Like disc brakes, the entire future of selling Freds new bikes depends on it.  That's why we already have this:

And this:

And remember this?

Trust me, they're all hoping that you don't--even though this is basically the same thing, only freshened up for the 21st century with tattooed beardbros and she-bros:

That song is so fucking horrible it made me punch my cat in the face.

Hey, don't blame me, blame the bike with the integrated penis pump in the headtube:

Still needs a dropper post though.

Hey, all these bike companies better be careful: how are they going to keep working the gravel trend if the bikes get so plush we can't tell what you're riding on anymore?


  1. 170. “Oh!” say the technophiles, “Science is going to fix all that! We will conquer famine, eliminate psychological suffering, make everybody healthy and happy!” Yeah, sure. That’s what they said 200 years ago. The Industrial Revolution was supposed to eliminate poverty, make everybody happy, etc. The actual result has been quite different. The technophiles are hopelessly naive (or self-deceiving) in their understanding of social problems. They are unaware of (or choose to ignore) the fact that when large changes, even seemingly beneficial ones, are introduced into a society, they lead to a long sequence of other changes, most of which are impossible to predict (paragraph 103). The result is disruption of the society. So it is very probable that in their attempts to end poverty and disease, engineer docile, happy personalities and so forth, the technophiles will create social systems that are terribly troubled, even more so than the present once. For example, the scientists boast that they will end famine by creating new, genetically engineered food plants. But this will allow the human population to keep expanding indefinitely, and it is well known that crowding leads to increased stress and aggression. This is merely one example of the PREDICTABLE problems that will arise. We emphasize that, as past experience has shown, technical progress will lead to other new problems that CANNOT be predicted in advance (paragraph 103). In fact, ever since the Industrial Revolution, technology has been creating new problems for society far more rapidly than it has been solving old ones. Thus it will take a long and difficult period of trial and error for the technophiles to work the bugs out of their Brave New World (if they every do). In the meantime there will be great suffering. So it is not at all clear that the survival of industrial society would involve less suffering than the breakdown of that society would. Technology has gotten the human race into a fix from which there is not likely to be any easy escape.

  2. I am curious, GeorgeSeptember 9, 2016 at 1:09 PM

    So, is scranus pronounced to rhyme with Camus?

  3. Bikes are like sex. If you get too many moving pieces something is gonna get jabbed where it ain't supposed to go.

  4. Friday's scranus has no quiz...

  5. Is that a dropper stem?
    I'm working on a whole new paradigm of epic downhill riding. Rather than dropper seatposts and stems and the unbelievable intricacies of tire pressure, I'm going to develop a method of just chucking the fucking bike over a cliff and sitting down in a heap of despair and chugging PBR until I black out. It's going to rock the bikeen world!

  6. I thought the Intrepid was an aircraft carrier, not a battleship.

  7. The USS Intrepid was born an aircraft carrier, but it identifies as a schooner!

  8. @N/A
    Then where is it supposed to dock?

  9. My grandad was on that giant fucking battleship*.

    [*aircraft carrier]

  10. I studied for the fun quiz. What happened?
    Love your book. It makes a great doorstop.

  11. This site often features an advertisement on the right side of the page, that states, "FUCK BIKE THIEVES" then it says, "Get $100 off a new bike with a police report from the last 30 days". This got me wondering about whether I could qualify for such a discount. You see, I used to date this troublesome young woman. She told me about how, a few years ago, she and an ex-boyfriend would steal a certain sought-after brand of bicycles, to sell. So I think I got the first part, but can't prove it, don't want to contact her about it to confirm. The second part, well, the police don't file a report every time a bike thief gets lucky, so what do I need, to get a bike stolen? Like I said, I don't want to reconnect with her, I've moved on and am in a committed relationship with a woman who can pass a background check. Totally worth it, since a thief doesn't limit themselves to just bicycles, in my experience.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. In the video, when he's talking about having "an insane amount of confidence" while cornering, they pair it with onboard footage of him overshooting a gravel turn. They switch to something else before showing him rolling through the grass, but that's where he's headed.

  14. That guys name is Seeman. huh huh

  15. New York Bicycle Messenger Foundation

    Is that like the Telegraph Operator Foundation?

    I LOVE the riser bend on the drop bars. What will they think of next? A seat post your can raise and lower without tools?

  16. that video ruby/Roubaix bro video is really annoying. Has bike "culture" finally jumped the shark? Hopefully. what are the hipsters that invested so much in biked them tattoos going to do once biking is no longer "cool"?

  17. Kitty said to me, punch me in the face, and I'll claw your balls. You gotta sleep sometime.

  18. Of course she's an aircraft carrier, it's plane to sea.

  19. Excellent post today Snob.

  20. That Special__ed reminds me of those suspension seat posts that didn't work because of "stiction". Makes me appreciate that online shopping wasn't a thing back in the day when I wanted a Girvin Flex stem. Mind you, no stiction with the Girvin. Stiction stiction stiction.

  21. bad boy of the northSeptember 9, 2016 at 3:25 PM

    probably just too heavy a tome to take home on whatever alternative transportation those at the soiree chose to was rather intrepid of TA to offer,though.

  22. I would have proudly taken a copy of Wildcat's fine book. I need to class up the literature piled up on the back of toilet.

  23. Wildcat, one can only deduce that everybody in attendance had already purchased a copy of your book. No self-respecting bikecyclistrider's bookshelf would be caught dead without the entire catalog BSNYC books, at least one book on wheelbuilding, "The Dancing Chain", "A Prayer for Owen Meany", "Park Tool Big Blue Book of Bike Repair", and a pile of tattered issues Bicycling Magazine.


  24. personally i thank the almighty lob for no quiz. i've been fuck-o-ing off all week and surely would have suffered an historic quiz failure.

  25. With Hillary in town one would have thought her and the Donald's, whatever it was, would have been held on Wall Street so Hill could have picked up her usual $240,000 check.

  26. With discs banned indefinitely by the UCI, are the 8 million teams sponsored by Specialized going to ride the old elastomer equipped Rube for one day races next season? It'll be like Giant-Alpecin's 2015 season all over again, but with outdated imperialist dogma.

  27. The Specialized song was so bad it made me punch MYSELF in the face. I spared the cat.

  28. Apparently the new Roo has got a threaded bottom bracket shell. That'd be an actual game changer if Specialized hadn't already gave it up for their mountain fred offerings.

    I anxiously await the day when the industry cops to the fact that very few riders actually need something stiffer than a square taper bottom bracket.

  29. bad boy of the northSeptember 9, 2016 at 6:52 PM

    kudos to our illustrious writer-in-house on his high profile blurb(?) mentioned on the new york public library website.nice.i tip my sweaty bsnyc cap to you.

  30. Some guy from upstateSeptember 9, 2016 at 7:23 PM

    Outdated imperialist Pinarello Dogma? That perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society ...

  31. Is that called suspension or masturbation? Self-masturbation perhaps? Self auto masturbation?

  32. i don't mean to brag, but I'm the guest of honor at a group meeting my dog is sponsoring this evening.

    He gave me a script for opening remarks:

    Me: Hello, my name is leroy.

    (Pause for group response "Hello leroy.")

    Me: I've been riding a Specialized Roubaix for 6 years.

    (Pause for my dog to correct me, it's been at least 7.)

    Me: This weekend, I'm riding in the New Jersey Gran Fondo.

    (Pause for muffled gasps.)

    Me: Again.

    (Pause for special surprise intervention.)


    I'm not sure what this is about, but he assures me there will be donuts.

    Ride safe all!

  33. Anyone who's worked on bikes for a while knows that all Zertz does is fill the holes so the frame doesn't look broken.

    And I think I've ridden that road in the Specialized commercial. On a Madone with 25 mm tires.

  34. I thought Roo Bay was that place in Australia where the amphibian wallabies came ashore to frolic. I always wanted to go there to see it. Live and learn.

  35. smugness set? what does that mean?

  36. I really don't know what to read anymore. EW's rants or just skip to the comments and read Ted K's philosophy?

  37. I kept listening to that Specialized song over and over, then my cat punched me in the face.

  38. Warren Rossiter is near a bike, talking and gesturing without a helmet. What kind of an example is that for the children?

  39. Three things
    1. I flatted on way home - on a Friday? Not supposed to be that way.
    2. I got passed by the same moron in Fred Kit on an eMTB that passed me on the way to work
    3. Be careful out there

  40. Nice to see the Chicago anti-bike-screed-template here; the Tribune editorial that inspired it was so painfully paint-by-number... And I wanted to come by for a book but the pontoons failed halfway to Michigan. Maybe next time?

  41. Oh. MY. God.
    YesyesyesyesyesyeSYES! Almost orgasmic, that. Fanfuckingtastic. Haven't read the comments yet... I like to savour the fun! But since you brought it up.

    It isn't the mayor. It's a handful of rich men and all of the idiots who buy in. Your Mayor is kindov* like yer sitting prez, a man whose real masters are the militaryautoindustrialmoneymakingmachine a few families use to their ends. You're kidding yourself if you think you live in a democracy. It's a corproafuckingtocracy, my dearest Snobi Wan, that's what it is. Obama wanted to address income inequality and Guantanimo, but the masters said fuckNO. FUCKno.

    Fuck. Mmmmmmmfuck. :)
    Heh a built in penis pump. Heh heh heh.
    Heh. Thanks for that.

    *Kindov with an absolute acknowledgement that he's totally drunk on the Kool Aid. Worse, it appears he doesn't GET that as as Right Honorable Mayor his office requires that he act as an example of integrity. But whatevs. We're all fucked unless we Wake. Up.

    But little hope of that, is there? It's the same here. Motorists are not held accountable for their actions. I see bus drivers and motorists running reds Every. Single. Fucking. Day. And speeding and fucking texting and is there an all out effort to stop the slaughter? NoFUCKNO. The police instead announced their intention to go out of their way to hold cyclists accountable for their lawfuckinglessness. UnFUCKINGbelievable. Makes me so mad.

    And then I come here and suddenly I feel better. Because there ARE others. Well, you probably haven't nearly the brain damage, but well...

    Onanymous said...
    Is that called suspension or masturbation? Self-masturbation perhaps? Self auto masturbation?

    Heh heh heh. Yep it always feels like home when I'm here. I so love you guys.

    Leroy? Fly like the wind, my dear friend, may the winds be always in your favour. xo

  42. Leroy,enjoy the ride,again.don't get too wet.

  43. Thanks Babs & bad boy.

    Trying to figure out if wearing a bike snob jersey at a Gran Fondo voids warranty.

    Wore it on a reconnaissance ride last year. Nothing exploded.

    But probably going with Fat Cyclist kit.

    Truth in advertising.

  44. The handlebar shape is brilliant. The whole idea of this kind of bicycle is to get the handlebar up to level with the seat—where it is more comfortable for every person on the planet—without appearing to do so, because Freds want to think they are so race-worthy that they have to be in a deep tuck even though they have all these knots in their back they can't explain. This handlebar raises the height of the handlebar while looking like some kind of Batman thing instead of like some kind of orthotic.

  45. May I punch your cat too? I don't have one, but that video was soooo bad!


  46. anyone need a cat to punch in the face? i can offer out the damn cat that lives here.

  47. No animals were harmed in the making of this blog!!??

  48. We have a cat that takes seven days a week off. Lucky she doesn't have a blog.


  49. Oh! Science is going to fix all that! We will conquer famine, eliminate psychological suffering, make everybody healthy and happy!

  50. I'm sorry people didn't pick up your book Snob. I have bought a copy (mail order to Australia) and I'm enjoying it as I do all your writings.
    I did have a couple of reservations about it as a book for complete noobs, though:
    (1) The which bike should I buy? section. This started out with road bikes, then cyclocross, then mountain bikes... Somewhere down the line, even after some quite specialist stuff like downhill bikes, there is a section on "sporting" - a misnomer, I think - with the kind of bikes we call Flat Bar Commuter here.
    A flat bar commuter, for mine, should be front and centre as the first bike a beginner should look at. A beginner doesn't want to be learning to cope with drop bars and hooded brakes before they have mastered the actual riding part. A lot of people now haven't ridden much as kids, so they need that flat bar ease of handling.
    A flat bar is also very versatile. Mine, which has the wheel size which is just that much wider than a roadie but narrower than a MTB - I could check the exact size but I'm too lazy. They're quite swift on the roads and paths but aquit themselves quite well on gravel and dirt, so they're the perfect bike for trying out commuting and recreational rides.
    A style of bike which was completely ignored was the "ladies' frame bike", including mixtes. You did give a brief nod to "Genteel" and Dutch, but there was not one single description or illustration of a "ladies' frame" in the entire section. For mine, this just excludes a whole section of potential bike commuters. Now you might scoff at that (and I know some of your more unreconstructed commenters are typing insulting responses to this as soon as I hit Publish) but why was that? The entire book seems geared to blokes, and younger more confident blokes at that. There is not so much of a problem getting that kind of person to start riding. A section on "ladies frame" bikes, geared and not, might be an idea. I know you don't want one, but that's not what the book is supposed to be about.

    (2) The Essential Repairs section: Some of this is going to be kind of off putting for noobs. As a freelance writer, you need to imagine yourself in the skin of someone who is trying bike commuting to a regular job as a cubicle jockey or similar. This kind of advice: "Then lift the chain with your right hand. Yes, with your hand. I know it's dirty but deal with it...Your hands may get filthy but you'll get it sorted eventually." Now I'm not recommending being a helpless WIMP when it comes to repairs, but if you're riding to work, or even to a social gathering, getting covered in black may not be an option. Presenting this as some kind of *only* option might cause an actual beginner to go "oh well, obviously if I want to ride a bike I need to be the kind of person who doesn't mind getting black oil all over my hands, so it's not for me." I thought it would have been good to include a few hacks, such as the ones I've used through the years: -Borrow some pliers to grip the chain and guide it back - or, if your bike is a nasty chain thrower, carry pliers; - Carry a disposable rubber glove or two in your kit - they weigh nothing; - Carry a small travel pack of wet wipes in your kit, ditto.
    Anyway, those are my thoughts on how the book could be improved for its stated purpose (talking to beginners) but as a not-beginner of course I find it fun and snort coffee through my nose throughout.

  51. N/A 9/9 @ 3:38

    "A Prayer For Owen Meany" Best book ever written. I need to read it another 4 times before I die.

  52. I will happily accept one of your free books.

  53. ...Oh, and of course (because my previous comment wasn't long enough :-/ ) Under the "breakdown hacks", you could have suggested "hop on a train if possible, there's no shame in it and any time lost is far less than you'll lose driving and parking and getting the ususal car problems". For noobs, doing the mixed mode thing is very useful in general.

  54. There's a lot of talk of punching cats, which is nowhere near as good as tickling a kitty.

  55. My dear Helen Smart - you deserve Australia and it deserves you.

  56. Helen Smart,

    You have mistaken my humorous self-effacement as a solicitation for editorial input.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  57. Leroy-

    As a trigeek and strava junkie, I may be too apostate* to comment, but I don't think they'll keep you out of cycling heaven on account of the occasional Fondo.

    *Class of '16

  58. Hugh Janus, Expert MotoristSeptember 11, 2016 at 9:57 AM

    Ayy, anal-warts: yer almost there. Fancy suspension, "dick breaks", 'lectric shifting. All you need now is a fucken motor and you biking turds will have finally joined the 20th century. Well, guess what you poster-children for prophylactics? It's already been done....and by people who didn't get stuck on "zertz" for 20 fucken years. So you can quit trying to turn yer silly little dork chariots into actual road-worthy vehicles. Crawl out of your grandma's basement, shit-can those two-wheeled abominations and get a goddamn car or motorcycle already. It's clearly what you want. Leave the pedal-toys to the kids whose parents are too cheap to buy them an electric scooter and to the drunks who don't have the guts to go ahead and drive on a suspended license.

  59. As usual, Huge Anus, you have missed the point. Most "biking turds" don't embrace idiotic "enhancements" that are foisted on them by marketing shills. Well, at least not in the numbers that car-buyers do, what with their never-ending pursuit of marvels of engineering like a cup-holder that can hold a 64 oz. Big Gulp. No, none of us is trying to turn our simple, efficient, human-powered machines into cars or motorcycles. Instead, we're sticking with what works-- and looking forward to the not-too-distant day when ignorant, inattentive, morons like you have been completely replaced by driver-less electric-powered vehicles. Soon, jerks like you won't even be allowed on "your highway" unless it's in one of these robotic cars, which won't be at all responsive to your whims of idiocy or irrational desires to "run-em-in-a-ditch". You can just sit in the back and play with your pecker, pick your nose, scratch your ass, or whatever while the robot takes you to your next electro-shock therapy session. When your robot stops to yield the right-of-way to me while I'm on my bike, I may point at you and smile...and indicate that you have drool on your chin. You see, Huge Anus, our bikes are future-proof devices that will fit in beautifully with the robot cars of the coming years. It's your gas-powered, moron-guided, heap of smog-belching crap that is the anachronism. So, instead of harassing us with you inanities, why not use that energy to prepare for your inevitable extinction?

  60. wow some mega word comments this weekend.

    helen definitely gets circumlocutory persiflage of the day.

    as someone with certified gnat-like attention span, i couldn't read much of that comment but did notice the black grime bit.

    a couple pair of nitrile gloves in a sandwich bag solves that problem. or a starbuck's napkin,

    i do admit that in the years when i worked and arrived there on a biek, i never lost me chain or flatted.

  61. "Night fell as I sucked down vodka and soda after vodka and soda":
    Funny, that's how I usually start my days.

  62. How did the NYC century go?bueller...anyone...bueller?

  63. All this pussy punching talk is distracting.


  64. really?

    vodka & soda? who drinks that?

    scotch & soda of course. vodka martinis. vodka & tonics. vodka & cranberry. but vodka & soda? unless it's coke that is.

  65. Spokey,

    Vodka and soda is very hydrating, good post-ride cocktail.

    Why would I ruin a good scotch by putting soda in it?

    --Wildcat Rock Machine


  66. well i stopped pedaling about 1:30 today but i'll pretend i just de-saddled and give it try in a couple minutes when i'm done me green tea.

    will report back. maybe do a comparison with scotch and bourbon and irish.

  67. Ah yes, a fond farewell to the Zertz...the bicycling equivalent of the Converse 'React Juice.' Shocking to hear they've binned that one.

  68. Just spied an e-fatbike ..., world coming to an end

  69. Dear DOP
    The Pockylips arrived in 2014, you are now seeing the result.

  70. Of course, a camouflaged e-fatbike for hunting..(slaps forehead)....followed by the latest from Silca's line of tools for tool fetishists


  71. well i did try the vodka & sodie and it was better than i expected. but i think i'll still stick to my scotch and sodie. it seems cleaner with a nice touch. i use a glen morangie lasanta. probably makes a diff with different types given scotch is so varied.

    drink well my friends

    and don't let the bed bugs bite
