Wednesday, August 31, 2016

No, I'm not *back* back, I just wanna tell you about this Citi Bike post.

Hi!  Just poking my head out of the vacation hole for a moment to bring you this announcement:

As Citi Bike continues to begrime New York City by expanding its service area further uptown and deeper into Brooklyn, I've been visiting these neighborhoods and showcasing the top-notch Cat 6-ing opportunities now on offer to my fellow bike share enthusiasts.  To that end, on a rainy day not too long ago, I flitted back and forth across Central Park and the East and West Sides of Manhattan.  Here is the resultant post, which just popped up on their blog:

Should you find yourself in town over the Labor Day weekend let this serve as your template for a cultural binge.

And with that, I'm returning to the recesses of my vacation hole, and I'll see you all back here on Tuesday, September 6th with regular updates.  (Assuming I can find my way out, that is.)

Happy Whatever,

--Wildcat Rock Machine


  1. 166. Therefore two tasks confront those who hate the servitude to which the industrial system is reducing the human race. First, we must work to heighten the social stresses within the system so as to increase the likelihood that it will break down or be weakened sufficiently so that a revolution against it becomes possible. Second, it is necessary to develop and propagate an ideology that opposes technology and the industrial society if and when the system becomes sufficiently weakened. And such an ideology will help to assure that, if and when industrial society breaks down, its remnants will be smashed beyond repair, so that the system cannot be reconstituted. The factories should be destroyed, technical books burned, etc.

  2. Whyyyyyyyy you couldn't find your way out of a vacation hole with a GPS a flashlight and a stick.

    (Why would you even want to?)

  3. Daddy's back! Get up Tammy and Tommy and 17 other kids, we're going for a smugness flotilla ride!

    Now now kids, daddy Snob really left to get some cigarettes for a few weeks. He's only back for a few minutes because he left his city bike card and proofhide tin on the kitchen table. Go back to sleep.

    But Daddy!

    No whining or the big bad bus will run a red light and get you in your sleep.

  4. Hello I must be going

  5. Short fight with the KeyboardAugust 31, 2016 at 9:23 AM

    He's up, he's down, a left and a right and Smelling is down.

  6. top tendonitis, but a scam to keep our comment count down i'm sure

  7. They were beautiful, these bike riding gorilla's in the mistAugust 31, 2016 at 9:30 AM

    I live in a quiet section of San Diego and here on Left Coast time I just saw a shapeless form in the marine layer (fog) pass my house on a bike, could it have been the Blob, err, I mean the Snob on vacation?

  8. Snob, I would just like to say that I'm extraordinarily happy that your travel and cross-cultural pollination between those two far-flung regions is no longer fettered.

    Also, top-notch photoshop work, as usual.

  9. Funny, but I'm actually starting to enjoy Ted K's comments on this blog. Go figure.

  10. Funny, but I'm actually starting to enjoy Ted K's comments on this blog. Go figure.

  11. It's a working vacation.
    The life of a semi professional blogger.
    Thanks Snob.

  12. vsk said ...

    I guess we have to copy paste all the end of Snob session posts from the previous day to here to keep the soap operas going...


  13. My dog suggested I remind folks contemplating an NYC visit that the bike lanes are no longer confined to Brooklyn.

    For those of us following NYC's Vision Zero vicissitudes, this is hysterical.

  14. Don't know if the CitiBike posts were your idea or theirs, but they're great. I look forward to you warning CitiBike users not to ride and read your posts simultaneously....

  15. Here's some discussion material:

    In the "Hell hath frozen over" department, we know that Tweeterer Heath "I want to hit you with my car" Evans claimed his tweet was merely a joke. Yeah, haha. Buuutttt, as documented by the fellow that does the Cycling in The South Bay blog, Mr. Evans showed up to his group's Saturday morning ride, in person, to speak with them, apologize, and generally show that he's people too.
    Whether he was sincere or not is not for me to say, but to actually show up, own up, and attempt to patch up your fuck up is a pretty stand up move in my book. He's got an audience, how great would it be if he influenced just one person to quit being an asshat to bikecyleists on the road?

  16. Well I'll be darned. Mr. Evans did something admirable.

    My faith in humanity is less diminished.

    Thanks, N/A!

  17. DOP, that looks like some wild-ass hike-a-bike territory to me. I don't even think that Specialized has developed a bike that can traverse those disparate conditions. It's foolhardy to even attempt such a ride!

  18. Lieutenant ObliviousAugust 31, 2016 at 2:41 PM

    Hope the Hiatus is going well with all these guest appearances!

  19. It looks like Mr. dop went to the beach in Elmsford today.

    I didn't even know they had a beach.

    Oh well, it's not like I could find out. Some of us have to go to work.

  20. Whenever Wildcat decides what kind of fatbike he's getting, maybe he can test it out on sand and advise suitability. Tricky terrain, to be sure.

  21. Everything east of 5th avenue is a cultural wasteland. I avoid it at all cost. there are several new citibike stations in my hood popping up and more and more hapless citibike riders. Too much off a good thing? Perhaps. Hopefully you are being well paid to help spread this scourge.

  22. Yo, Wildcat! You left out the Neue Galerie and the Frick Collection. The Frick, yo. Word.

  23. Anonymous 2:53pm,

    Where do you live so I may better picture the bucolic idyll these new Citi Bike stations have destroyed?

    --Wildcat Etc.

  24. Maybe anon 2:53 is Martin Amis, disappointed by the deterioration of the local spondee.

  25. 166. Por lo tanto dos tareas confrontar a aquellos que odian la servidumbre a la que el sistema industrial está reduciendo la raza humana. En primer lugar, hay que trabajar para aumentar las tensiones sociales dentro del sistema a fin de aumentar la probabilidad de que se descompone o se debilita lo suficiente para que una revolución en contra de ella se hace posible. En segundo lugar, es necesario desarrollar y propagar una ideología que se opone a la tecnología y la sociedad industrial, siempre y cuando el sistema llega a ser suficientemente debilitado. Y tal ideología ayudará a asegurar que, siempre y cuando la sociedad industrial se rompe, sus restos serán aplastadas sin posibilidad de reparación, por lo que el sistema no puede ser reconstituido. Las fábricas deben ser destruidos, libros técnicos quemados, etc.

    Ked T

  26. bad boy of the north currently out of the salt minesAugust 31, 2016 at 6:21 PM

    For a fleeting moment in time....did snob see his shadow?so is august 31st bikesnob day ala groundhog day?

  27. Wait, Manhattan is home to the (a?) Museum of Sex, and nobody told me about it? How could I have missed seeing THAT when I came to visit? Heh heh heh. Did you see that strange bikecycle Object XXX contraption??

    And I'm still waiting on Mr Evans to actually DO the right thing and get on a bike for a month, so he understands the gravity of his words and can actually say he's spun a century in our cleats. What did he do, drive to the nearest club ride meeting place to eat crow? Words are so easy, and sincerity is simple enough to feign, too, if you spend your time in the public eye. Better than nothing, sure, but come on. There's a fucking epidemic of road rage and murderous intent out there and he has a voice people actually listen to. He should be a stand up guy and Just. Do. It. already.


  28. Babble is right. I always try to be sincere even when I don't mean it.

  29. Does Capt Oblivious ever call Lt Oblivious, "Little Buddy"?

  30. Let's all join in wishing Mr P Bateman well with the approaching tropical storm. I'm sure he will spend the holiday getting water logged.

  31. dop,
    UPS swore up and down they didn't know what had happened to the sand I ordered. I will be sharing your photo with my lawyers.

  32. Hey dop, I think Capt Oblivious and I are in different service branches - he's like a Navy Captain which is the same as a Colonel in the Army, Air Force or Marines. I'm like a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army which is like an Ensign in the Navy. So he doesn't even acknowledge me!

  33. David Henri @1109: (the artist, I thought he was dead) "Go figure" It's not figureable out.

  34. Nice. Another sponsored post. When are you going to start posting full time on your employer's sites and leave this page in the dust? It's only a matter of time.

  35. vsk said ...

    Hey guys and girls and everything in between...

    I came across this thing:

    Anyone ever use it or have experience with it?

    Now I'll read your daily postings ...


  36. vsk said ...

    Yes, Ms. Babble, on 27th St and 5th Ave. I'd be happy to give you a tour and let you enjoy the exhibits!


  37. Anonymous 1:24pm,


    --Wildcat Etc.

  38. Anon 2:53 - YesterdaySeptember 1, 2016 at 3:56 PM

    No problem with the citibike stations, I welcome them. I was speaking more about the huge increase in cat 6ing citibike riders that are basically annoying me on my daily commute with their complete lack of etiquette (salmoning, rolling through crosswalks against the light, riding and texting, the usual). I believe you probably have mentioned this about a 1,000 times here. But I do welcome more people riding and two months from now when the weather drops below 60 the heard will be culled. so that is something to look forward to.

  39. Anon 2:53pm,

    I like to think at a certain point some of that will sort itself out. For example, once there's enough bike traffic in the bike lanes salmoning will no longer be a practical option for people. Hey, maybe I'm being too optimistic, but people need to start somewhere...

    (Then again I also live like 10 miles from the nearest Citi Bike station so I guess it's easy for me to talk.)

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

    1. Here's a news report from America's helment about a dooring. The rider appears to have no head injuries, though like a good little victim, she is taking some of the blame, and is buying an air horn and a Styrofoam hat. Police are "investigating".

  40. Clearly Mr (or Ms?) Anonysnark@ 1:24 pm is one of the enviable 0.01% of the population who can afford to live and breathe without gainful employment, and instead volunteers all of their time and talent toward good causes, y'know, like improving the lives of the less fortunate. I'm guessing that, snide and sarcastic comments aside, they'll be happy to post daily to fill the void when Snobi Wan moves on to bigger and better things.

  41. Mr VSK - Deal. Already I am a fan of your photographic tours of the five boroughs, though in this concussed state of mind I do have to wonder whether I've missed a double entendre.

    Vancouverites seem to be adapting well to the new bike share, but you do have to wonder how all of those shiny new bikes will fare over winter, sitting out there all naked and exposed to this temperate rainforest climate. You know, because rust.

  42. We call it snow, but it's more like dirty grey slush that stays on through April. And we throw a shitload of salt on it. None of your Vancouver beet juice thank you.

    The bikes get out of tune. Stretched cables, bad shifters, weak brakes.

  43. bad boy of the northSeptember 1, 2016 at 8:59 PM

    Hunker down Floridians and gulfcoast inhabitants.,.stay dry.we'll be thinking of you.

  44. Nah, fuck the Floridians....they got it comin' .

  45. Hugh Janus, Expert MotoristSeptember 2, 2016 at 12:37 AM

    You dolts are spelling it wrong. It's Shitty Bike...which pretty much describes all of them. Keep those roadkill carriages off my highway, puss-buckets. We've had plenty enough of this hog-wash propaganda about bicycles being (guffaw) "transportation". What a farce! No swinging dick American is gonna buy that malarkey. That's about as believable as an orange-faced buffoon hijacking the party of Lincoln (you know, the dork on the fiver who named himself after a car).

  46. Snob - you are failing at vacationing

  47. Beloved Mr Bike Snob NYC,
    I always ask my self how do you take pictures of people with them not noticing you? Or maybe they just notice you but don't give a f***?
    I'd like to have your expertise to take pictures of people in the street.

    By the way, I always greatly enjoy your blog!
    Greetings from Valencia, Spain.

  48. I am pleased to see that Citi Bike is moving uptown, slowly but surely. Have Dottie Rabinowitz and Delia Ephron totally plotzed? Dangerous bicyclists are invading Manhattan and bathing the entire island in an unsightly shade of blue!

  49. I hear D Eph has been pulling her focus. Who knew?
    Hope yer stayin afloat, P Bateman.

  50. GOD, who is full of LOVE and MERCY and EVER LOVING KINDNESS, sometimes has to throw a little heavy weather around to keep the SINNERS in line.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. It's an art form. A few years ago our beloved Mr Snobi Wan was getting some relentless ribbing about his photographic expertise but he had the last laugh. He made a point of masterig the elements of composition, including line, shape, form, texture, pattern, and color, and witness the result! Who's laughing now? Well, besides those of us who stop by to enjoy the fruits of his labours...?

    It may be that he's an artistic genius with a single minded focus on his work, (and who could object to being an integral part of the process of creation??) or it could be that he looks like another mad cyclist and they're too afraid of the lot of us to speak up, orrrrrrrr, and this is perhaps more likely, it's that the smartingphones are so ubiquitous now that people don't even notice when you're holding it up to capture their image. Dunno, Mr Carlos OC. Why don't you give it a go? You'll notice that when you hold the device out and up to traffic, making it obvious that you're capturing film, motorists are more likely to slow down and behave. If they do, by some small miracle of coincidence happen to notice you filming as they're texting and driving (it hepls if you shoult out "Hey DUMBASS!!" to capture their distracted attention), it's awesome how efficiently they pull off the road in question and hightail it to relative obscurity.

    But Mr Dancesonpedals, all of those things can be remedied. Here's in the world's beet juice capital, where we also salt the fuck out of the roads from December through March with thick, painted white lines of pure corrosion, it's rust I worry about. I dunno if you've ever tried to rid a biekcycle of rust but you might just as well try and rid the ocesns of water. HOW will the bikes survive?? Just a few months of having to sit outside while I worked indoors did more damage to the Electra's well enclosed drivetrain than did six odd years of daily commutes capped with covered parking at either end. HOW? Enquiring minds need to know....

  53. BIEK TALK: I just scored a GT Series 4 Rode Biek (Alum/Carbon Fork/Sora) Size Small (for hunny and babygirl) for FORTY DOLLARS. Co-worker got it at a storage wars dealio and he named the price and I said "Ehhhhhhh ok sure......."

  54. Retail $459....that's 90% off. LIKE I LIKE MY WOMAN'S CLOTHINGWAY.

  55. Nice score, McFly! What pressure you runnin' on it?

  56. :ieutenant ObliviousSeptember 2, 2016 at 5:06 PM

    McFly, that's some great curation there!

    Carlos OC, the people all assume that Snob is taking a selfie, it never occurs to any of them that they are the subject in the picture.

  57. It currently has 2 flats. Dunno about the current tube integrity. He was gonna air them up BUT THEY GOT THEM SPECIAL VALVES THAT ARE TINY so he didn't. To answer your question 0 pressure.

  58. Yessiree Bob. Those dang Dunlop valves can be mighty Confuscious-ee.

  59. Some guy from upstateSeptember 2, 2016 at 7:22 PM

    Snob, firstly, aren't you supposed to be on vacation? Stop responding to comments and pay attention to your 17 children. Secondly, how can you point out people dressed in plastic bags without taking the opportunity to say something about misdirecting traffic? Never pass up the opportunity for a Rolling Stones reference. I don't care if that album came out when you were 5.

    Oh, feel free to reply ...

  60. That Rabinowitz video is hilarious. Those people are obviously really that stupid because otherwise there's no way you could possibly keep a straight face while a torrent of nonsensical shit like that poured out of your cake hole. Winner of the 2016 choreographed bullshit faux news story of the year. Incredible.

  61. Mr. Some Guy:

    You should collect your best comments and call them The Cream of Some (young) Guy!


  62. i expect that from mr mcfly

    almost took one todaze. middle of the lane (1 lane each dir country road), left arm out straight, starting to turn as the pickup towing lawnmowers (i think, it was towing something on a trailer) comes up behind and decides to pass me on the left. i guess i should be thankful that he looked up long enough from the cell phone in his ear to start squealing his tires.

  63. I want a citi bike station in front of my manse, just to piss off that old hag Dot Rabinowitz

  64. bad boy of the northSeptember 4, 2016 at 6:26 PM

    Happy Labo(u)r Day.....ride like there's tomorrow.glad you're okay spokey.

  65. Hugh Janus, Expert MotoristSeptember 5, 2016 at 11:33 AM

    Labor Day greetings, jaggoffs....not than any of you pedal-pumping assclowns actually has a job or knows anything about "labor". So, stay off my highway and embrace what that shriveled up anus Yoda Rabinowitz has to say: "Ummm, bikes, evil they are".

  66. thx BB

    don't know about up there, but it seems like drivers are getting ever crazier down here in the hemorrhoids. i think the congestion is finally driving people insane. i'm not all that comfortable these days even in my own dino eater. almost no one stops at a stop sign unless they absolutely have to to avoid hitting a vehicle currently in the intersection. same thing for turn on red. the drivers who stop are the ones who have to to avoid hitting another vehicle. and a yellow light seems to mean speed up.


  67. saw an article in the times this morn about the coal rollers. i was wondering why they are never arrested on simple assault charges.

    looks like a nice ride every buds. enjoy

  68. Hugh Janus - Your consistent use of the term "Jagoff" reveals you are from Pittsburgh, and are, in fact, a Jagoff. Now go eat some chipped chopped ham.

  69. Hugh Janus, Expert MotoristSeptember 5, 2016 at 3:19 PM

    JLRB-- Yinz just better stay off my highway. But since yer takin' orders: I'll have a Primanti Brothers sammitch with kielbasa and cheese...and a six pack of Rolling Rock. And hurry up...the Buccos are playin' soon.

  70. JLRB

    are you sure huge isn't the same guy as ted? i know i reacted the same. read the first few posts and now the only annoyance is the necessity of excess scrolling to get past it.

    pretty nice day out there. had a nice ride, then a sandwich, then a siesta to prep for 2 knights celebration.


  71. or

    maybe huge is the return of clammy juice?

  72. Just don't say the name three times, or you know what happens.

  73. <hic> I voted for a chicken in every Pol Pot

  74. I celebrated Labor Day with the annual riding of the mountain bike. It's humbling to get road rash on the beginner's trail in Sprain Ridge Park.

    Maybe I should ditch the spd's for a flat pedal

  75. bad boy of the northSeptember 6, 2016 at 6:55 AM

    which MD will appear?the talk show host?the actor?or the other actor?(MK-aka btljce)

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