Friday, June 10, 2016

BSNYC Friday Fund Qiuz!

So not only will I be in Portland next week:

As well as for all the concomitant debates about inclusive language:

I'm hoping that by the time I leave town we can agree on a gender-neutral version of the word "bro."  Seems to me you've got to go with "bre" since it goes so well with "ze," but I suppose then you run into the problem of people hearing it and thinking you're talking about the cheese:

By the way, assuming I make it out of Portland alive, I'll then be at University Bookstore in Seattle on June 17th and Rivendell in Walnut Creek, CA on Saturday June 18th.

You're welcome for the incessant reminders.

In other news, I threw a pallid, stubbly leg over the ol' Ritte yesterday:

And pointed it over the George Washington Bridge, where I was promptly admonished by a sign:

"CYCLISTS," it bellowed in all caps:

"Yes?," I replied tentatively.

"SLOW DOWN," it demanded:

"Uh, I was going pretty slow to begin with, but whatever."

I clipped back in and was about to be on my way, but the sign was not done with me.

"HELMET REQUIRED," it ordered:

"Yeah, I'm wearing one," I assured it, giving the accessory in question a little rap with my knuckle.

Hey, if I'm wearing the stretchy clothes I generally top off the ensemble with a foam hat.  It's mostly a sartorial choice.  If I'm going to look like a doofus I might as well go all the way.

The sign was still not satisfied.


I was starting to get angry now.

"Look, I'm riding by myself, you stupid piece of shit."

"KEEP RIGHT," it fired back:

Okay, what the fuck.  I'm in a park that was created by Teddy Roosevelt so that assholes wouldn't blast the Hudson River Palisades into rubble for their goddamn quarries.  It's a beautiful day, and I'm savoring my surroundings while riding a machine that produces no noise beyond that of my admittedly loud artisanal hub, and no emissions beyond my own flatulence.

Yet here's this goddamn sign, YELLING AT ME IN ALL CAPS while I'm trying to enjoy nature.  Meanwhile, they let people drive cars through this park for some reason (which is just stupid because there's both a parkway and a US highway Highway right next to it), but I don't see any signs telling them to slow down or stop texting or look out for hikers and cyclists.  It's sublimely stupid if you really think about it.  Basically they decided, "Hey, let's put a giant flashing landscape-ruining sign in the park and tell everybody to make way for the cars."

All they forgot was to add this:

And this:

And of course this:

And rest assured they're prepared in the event that the sign loses power, or if a cyclist naively assumes another sign somewhere is merely decorative:

You have to be a real prick to come up with a sign like that.

Anyway, apart from being harangued by signage it was a lovely ride, and I even passed the Bore Hole:

I contemplated it for awhile wondering what it was, and then I finally realized the bore in the hole was me:

Rest assured I'll be changing the name of the blog in due course.

And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right you'll feel elated, and if you're wrong you'll see recumbents.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and obey all signs.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

( Fredness)

1) What are the symptoms of late-onset Fred disease?

--Hiding bikes from partners
--Paying a clothing company thousands of dollars to "break you"
--Hypothermia and semi-coherent shouting
--All of the above

(The Hövding inflates and then envelops your head like a randy armadillo.)

2) From the company that brought you the inflatable helmet, it's:

--The self-steering bicycle
--The bicycle seatbelt
--The inflatable codpiece
--A bike bell that emails the mayor

3) Michael the Bicycle Man wants to:

--Flatten your bike
--Widen your Q-factor
--Sniff your saddle
--Peer into your bedroom window

4) What are they doing?

--Trying to figure out what determines a bike's "ride quality"
--Trying to figure out how elevation changes affect tire pressure
--Trying to defuse an exploding Fred-bot planted by operatives from a rival group ride
--Testing the new electronic shifting system from Rivendell

5) Why is Chris Horner so upset?

--He was crashed by another rider
--His frame broke
--He dropped his chain
--The Shimano neutral support mechanic just pretended to stop, gave him the finger, and drove off

6) Curling broom technology is now evolving faster than road bike technology.


7) What is Procore?

--A new bladder system Specialized claims will enhance the stiffness, vibration damping characteristics, and overall ride quality of their S-Works frames
--A tire system that involves mounting two tires on one rim and then inflating them independently with a dual-position valve
--A common misspelling of "procure"
--An extremely aggressive and unsettlingly nationalistic genre of punk music

***Special "At Least He Was Wearing His Helmet"-Themed Bonus Video!***

Well okay then.


    140. We hope we have convinced the reader that the system cannot be reformed in such a way as to reconcile freedom with technology. The only way out is to dispense with the industrial-technological system altogether. This implies revolution, not necessarily an armed uprising, but certainly a radical and fundamental change in the nature of society.

  2. Well, happy damn Friday, Fuck-Os.

  3. Thursdays lantern rouge..or podium?

  4. Top something - saw lots of Friday Freds on my way to work today - a gaggle with packs heading West on the C&O made me jealous - a group in Rapha made me giggle

    All in all just glad to be back to riding after a medically forced hi-ate-us

    AND - to counter all the negative vibe from the murdering prick from Michigan, on my ride home yesterday at least three cars noticeably chose not to pass me and turn in front of me - they slowed, waited, and then made their turn after I passed through the intersection. IT IS POSSIBLE FOR DRIVERS TO NOT BE DICKS!!!!

  5. Ha! Ted is back in racing shape taking the podium.

  6. I was delighted to discover today that the "Orica" in Orica-Greenedge is a company that sells blasting supplies to the mining industry.

    How cool is that?

    I wonder if they toss M-80's to the crowd from the Tour's publicity caravan.

  7. I FINISHED THE RAPHA "SUFFER" RIDE!!!!!!! Top ten you miserable bastards. See you wanna be's back at the villa.

  8. BSNYC, of the preternaturally loud hub, should demand to be called, "Andy Borehole"

  9. Is there an echo in hereJune 10, 2016 at 10:30 AM

    Blogger Ted K. said...
    140. We hope we have convinced the reader that the system cannot be reformed in such a way as to reconcile freedom with technology. The only way out is to dispense with the industrial-technological system altogether. This implies revolution, not necessarily an armed uprising, but certainly a radical and fundamental change in the nature of society.

    June 10, 2016 at 10:04 AM

    Blogger N/A said...
    Well, happy damn Friday, Fuck-Os.

    June 10, 2016 at 10:08 AM

    Blogger misster pissta said...
    Thursdays lantern rouge..or podium?

    June 10, 2016 at 10:12 AM

    Anonymous JLRB said...
    Top something - saw lots of Friday Freds on my way to work today - a gaggle with packs heading West on the C&O made me jealous - a group in Rapha made me giggle

    All in all just glad to be back to riding after a medically forced hi-ate-us

    AND - to counter all the negative vibe from the murdering prick from Michigan, on my ride home yesterday at least three cars noticeably chose not to pass me and turn in front of me - they slowed, waited, and then made their turn after I passed through the intersection. IT IS POSSIBLE FOR DRIVERS TO NOT BE DICKS!!!!

    June 10, 2016 at 10:18 AM

    Blogger DB said...
    Ha! Ted is back in racing shape taking the podium.

    June 10, 2016 at 10:21 AM

    Anonymous wishiwasmerckx said...
    I was delighted to discover today that the "Orica" in Orica-Greenedge is a company that sells blasting supplies to the mining industry.

    How cool is that?

    I wonder if they toss M-80's to the crowd from the Tour's publicity caravan.

    June 10, 2016 at 10:23 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I FINISHED THE RAPHA "SUFFER" RIDE!!!!!!! Top ten you miserable bastards. See you wanna be's back at the villa.

    June 10, 2016 at 10:24 AM

    Blogger dancesonpedals said...
    BSNYC, of the preternaturally loud hub, should demand to be called, "Andy Borehole"

    June 10, 2016 at 10:28 AM

  10. You have to be a real prick to be the Governor of New Jersey.

  11. Some guy from upstateJune 10, 2016 at 10:49 AM

    I think "bore hole" is an instruction. Next time, bring a drill.

  12. ..."I do not know your name — but thanks to you, I know that heroes ride bicycles."
    -Joe Biden to Stamford rape victim

  13. Can't ride today. Gotta go see indy films with rich people. There will be wine. And we will be right there. Rubbing shoulders with Rich People. Us, Rich People.

  14. I'm like Jake Blues when he finally "saw the light"
    New Jersey has replaced the lecturing, hectoring, soccer mom with an electronic nag.
    Where's your helment?
    What kind of example is this for the children?
    You really need to wear a traffic safety vest like the road workers do.
    Why are you out here when it's so busy.

    An excellent response would be, "Let's take this to Motel 6" but I'm afraid to get taken up on it.

    Everyone have fun this weekend, and if you can't be safe at least be sanitary


  16. ...also this: "At the age of 12, a curious incident set young Cassius Clay on a new path. On an October afternoon he rode his new bike to the Columbia Auditorium. Later, when he went back to get it, it had been stolen. Someone told him there was a police officer in the basement, so Clay went down there. The basement turned out to be a boxing gym—the officer, Joe Martin, was a boxing enthusiast with his own gym. After listening to his volley of threats against whoever stole the bike, Martin invited him to come around to his gym and learn something about boxing."

    ...the indignities, and consequent dignities, of a stolen bicycle.

  17. Sign, sign, everywhere a sign, blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind, do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?


  19. I would have posted earlier, but I made the mistake of watching part of the recumbent video. That video was so boring that I was cast into a sleep so deep I may never fully recover.

  20. What is this "Fredtopia" thingy?????

  21. Hey there Snob, are you going to swing back through Minneapolis and St. Paul again? That last group ride was pretty fun!

  22. Mr. Grouch: If the bike had been stolen, how did young Cassius get back to it?

  23. I disagree curling brooms are more sophisticated than bieks, no one has an electric broom, that we know of yet.
    It's Not About the Broom.

    The skill and athletics in curling is how to hold on to the ciggie while throwing the rock after 1 or 12 beers, and some cheaters are doping with lite beer. Disgusting.

    We should hack the digital sign to read, "Don't get distracted by reading bullshit flashing signs".

    Fredtopia is a refreshing beverage made of sugar, C02 and Fred juice from concentrate.

  24. Dave - EverywheereJune 10, 2016 at 12:26 PM

    Did I hear you were not going to be in NYC and it's environs for the next few days? You shouldn't be so shy about letting us know about your travels.

  25. Gotta go see indy films with rich people. There will be wine. And we will be right there. Rubbing shoulders with Rich People. Us, Rich People.


  26. Aced the test.

    Ride safe all!

    And take comfort knowing that the state park in Mr. BSNYC's pictorial has been sanitized for your protection.

    My dog insists he saw a sign to that effect.

    He adds that his affect ought to affect the effect of that effect, efficaciously effecting and affecting his credibility.

    As usual, I'm not effing sure what he's talking about.

  27. ...Mr. Dunn,

    ...Apparently, young Clay's entire career was just and end to beat the crap out of the bicycle thief. No reports yet on who it was, and when he got his bicycle back.

  28. Just what is a "bicycle back" and how do you get it? Is it a spine curvature from hunching over the curly downturned bars of racing bikes?

  29. That's a lot of code reference on a single annoying sign. 39:4 only mentions helmets required for the under 17 crowd. 32:14-20 might have something buried in there about helmets, but more likely some vague suggestion that the prick who put up the sign could decide whatever they wanted with a b.s. reference to make something bogus look legal.

  30. Pays Attention in ClassJune 10, 2016 at 1:03 PM

    "That's a lot of code reference on a single annoying sign. 39:4 only mentions helmets required for the under 17 crowd. 32:14-20 might have something buried in there about helmets..."

    I think this was covered a few weeks ago...helmets are required in this particular park, not state/city wide.

  31. "I think this was covered a few weeks ago...helmets are required in this particular park, not state/city wide."

    Sorry I missed the conversation. It's hard, not being a cubicle rat or otherwise tied to a computer, to completely keep up with this blog and its comment section. Nevertheless, the references on the sign don't explicitly justify the sign's content for that park or any other place. All it seems to say, at best, is that some commission can make rules. It doesn't provide any reference to any actual rules, unless the sign itself is where the rule is codified I suppose.

    My interest is more in the sign than NJ, a place I'm about as likely to ride as Mars.

    Anon 12:55

  32. That's a looooooooooooooooong home built bent that guy is riding. Long video too. A mimute thirty seconds would have gotten the point across fine. That being said it sure was refreshing to see a couple bros out enjoying the day on their recumbent bieks with out all the crabon and stretchy clothes.


  33. Just what is a "bicycle back" and how do you get it? Is it a spine curvature from hunching over the curly downturned bars of racing bikes?

    Actually the large upper back muscles that to give you a hump.

  34. If a Fred were to ride a bike on Mars, what pressure should he run?

  35. "4) What are they doing?

    The answers choices to this question are some of the best and funniest BSNYC yet.

  36. Riv's new electronic shifting system is controlled by a handlebar mounted Morse code key. The rider simply transmits via wired telegraphy his gear choice and the mechanism selects the chosen ratio. The finely brazed dry cell battery case that powers the apparatus is a nice touch also.

  37. I watched the whole circus video (complete with Scott Joplin rag)anticipating a cameo by the one and only Recumbabe, but I was bitterly disappointed. Scranus.

  38. I'd pay good money for an inflatable codpiece full of brie.

  39. Self-Fellating Super FredJune 10, 2016 at 2:34 PM

    I came for the off foffing but I stayed for the funny.

  40. vsk said ...

    Guys not inclusive?

    Find a safe space and get the fuck innit !!


  41. Don't be such a Bore Hole

  42. Hey Serial Retrogrouch - It is "Stanford," not "Stamford." Stamford is in CT, Stanford is next to Palo Alto, CA. But no big deal.

    That music from the recumbent video was an aural noogie.

    Happy Friday to all.

  43. When I was fourteen my bike (Schwinn Varsity - all yellow, with drops - absolutely cool bike - anyone else ever have one?) was stolen.

    I was pissed but then got the crap kicked out of me when I confronted the kid who stole it later that day. All in all, a bad day for me. Now, if I had been Ali......

  44. Fred Sanford went to Stanford, then took a job in Stamford, or so I'm told...

  45. bad boy of the northJune 10, 2016 at 3:56 PM

    funny bonus video.....almost got a 100% on the test,so I guess I get to move up to the next grade,considering we're in,where is that cap and gown?

  46. I'm pretty sure there's a lesson in cycling safety somewhere in that bonus video. And it's not gonna be about bike maintenance.

  47. Heh heh heh, I can kindov relate to that poor sucker in the bonus video. :)

  48. I heard somewhere that Fred Sanford had a Big Dummy.

  49. Lieutenant ObliviousJune 10, 2016 at 9:54 PM

    Sorry I'm late to the party, worked out of the office, got home early, went for a biek ride and then out to dinner with the family.

    The New Jersey portion of the Palisades Interstate Park has its own police department and judge with nothing to do but harass motorists on the NJ portion of the Palisades Parkway and cyclists on Henry Hudson Drive, aka River Road, which is all in NJ.

    Anonymous at 12:55, here in NJ I think it is standard practice to interpret laws as you like and post signs with those interpretations. On Route 9W and some other places in NJ that don't have a specific local law, you will see signs saying "Bicycles Must Ride Single File" quoting a NJ statute. I'm fairly certain the referenced statute is the standard Cyclists may ride two abreast unless impeding traffic in which case they must ride single file. The sign posting interpreters have pre-determined that all cyclists are impeding traffic by riding other than single file. Admittedly, 9W is a busy road but I think the law is being misquoted. And some of the other places I've seen this sign are roads that have much less traffic.

    So Snob, you keep telling us about your appearances in Portland, Seattle and Walnut Creek, but no mention of any Hi-Ate-Us? Will you be blogovating from the road or will there be a Hi-Ate-Us?

  50. Lieutenant ObliviousJune 10, 2016 at 9:58 PM

    PS, and of course many Fred-Packs roam the roads of NJ in undisciplined swarms 3, 4 or more cyclists wide, taking up the whole road, so that may be leading the posters of the single file signs to do that.

  51. "Inclusive"
    Fuck I hate Newspeak...

  52. Someone with a black marker should annotate the sign so that it reads DISOBEY ALL SIGNS.

  53. Eric the InfrequentJune 11, 2016 at 11:56 AM

    So much flex in that recumbent frame I would need Dramamine to ride it.

  54. CC 1224 Once upon a time curling allowed round brooms, the sweeper would rotate the broom by turning the handle using the palms of his hands. One day a sweeper fell on the ice and his broom bristles kept on rotating. All very suspicious, rather than investigate they just banned round brooms. Out of sight, out of mind.

  55. I'm hoping that by the time I leave town we can agree on a gender-neutral version of the word "bro." Seems to me you've got to go with "bre" since it goes so well with "ze," but I suppose then you run into the problem of people hearing it and thinking you're talking about the cheese

    I'd go for a portmanteau of "bro" and "sis", such as "bris." Wait a minute, maybe best to keep looking.

  56. I've been so sick. On one hand, I've lost 8 lbs in a week (hello bikini season). On the other, a mere 42 miles whipped me like I stole something yesterday.

  57. Hey I lost 10 pounds myself. Haven't been sick. Wasn't even trying. Weird.

  58. Not to worry, I found them

  59. Whoa, check this IDIOTIC project out:

    a fucking MINE for a bike if you move it - insane. INSANE!


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  82. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. CYBERHACKTON@GMAIL.COM will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didn't leave me in the dark.

  83. If you know you not ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I was dying inside for my cheating spouse, i had no prove, no one to run to. Everyone thought i was paranoid. until i was referred to ( . He understand me well and helped me spy on my cheating spouse.He hacked my spouse Gmail and Facebook account and linked all my spouse WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth. I just want to openly say thank you. He is the only legit hacker i have confirmed. Contact him, tell him i referred you.

  84. Hello everyone! If you require the service of a professional hacker to help track your partner's cell phone remotely, contact, he helped me hack my husband's phone without physical contact.
    Tell him Stacey referred you, he'd help

  85. Cyberhackinglord is the real hacker out there, please be careful of imposters. they are somany hackers who claim to be what they are not. i have been ripped off twice by this so called hackers. please be careful. if you need an hacker mail (, they work effectively, i can testify to that. mail them today and you will get your work done or text +13047160075.

  86. I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a friend who recommended me to Cyberpros who help hack his phone,all his social applications, email, chat, sms and expose him for a cheater he is. I just want to say a big thank you to you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  87. Hello everyone, my name is Kate and I want to recommend a reliable hacker who helped hack my husband's cell phone remotely. Which gave me full access to all his texts and, and now he has nothing to hide from me. If you require his service, contact, tell him Kate referred you he'll help.

  88. Hello everyone, my name is Kate and I want to recommend a reliable hacker who helped hack my husband's cell phone remotely. Which gave me full access to all his texts and, and now he has nothing to hide from me. If you require his service, contact, tell him Kate referred you he'll help.

  89. i couldnt really find a solution to get my cheating spouse because i needed enough evidence to find my way,i battled it for 3 years until i met a guy called hacknspy,he helped me look into text messages,online access and carry out other hacking services,he sent me a device and i used it.he is very kind and i compensated him after his services.
    cyberphoneways atgmaildotcom. can try him out

  90. If your spouse cheats contact he can help you. very talented and immaculate I call him the genius, we've had a few runnings together and I am always more than satisfied with his services. Some of the tricks he did for me are cloning my girlfriend's phone and topping my credit score to an awesome number. If you need such services drop him a mail at

  91. Hello everyone, my name is Kate and I want to recommend a reliable hacker who helped hack my husband's cell phone remotely.

    Which gave me full access to all his texts and, and now he has nothing to hide from me. If you require his service, contact, tell him Kate referred you he'll help.

  92. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. CYBERHACKTON@GMAIL.COM will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didn't leave me in the dark.

    *University grades changing
    *Twitters hack
    *email accounts hack
    *Websites hack
    *Facebook hack
    *Control devices remotely hack
    *Burner Numbers hack
    *Any social media account hack
    *Android & iPhone Hack
    *Text message interception hack


  93. Excellent and professional investigative services. I hired him (CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) for a very private and difficult matter of hacking my spouse phone, and he far exceeded my expectations. He helped me get the info(whatsapp, facebook, text messages, call logs etc) I needed faster and cheaper than I had imagined. The first time we spoke, we had a very long phone consultation in which he gave me all my options that he could think of to resolve my case, and he even recommended I try other options before hiring him, which shows that he is honest. I decided to hire him and I am glad I did. He is a fantastic investigator and a great person and
    if you have a dishonest partner don’t hesitate to send him a mail Contact:CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378 4978

  94. Cyberappshacker is the real hacker out there, please be careful of imposters.
    they are somany hackers who claim to be what they are not.
    i have been ripped off twice by this so called hackers. please be careful
    if you need an hacker mail (, they work effectively,
    i can testify to that. mail them today and you will get your work done

  95. Hi everyone,
    If you have concerns over your partner’s fidelity, improving your credit score, grade change or doubt your employee’s sincerity I am certain deephacking17 can help you get direct access into their phones and computers easily without their knowledge and within a specified time frame.
    This team of certified grayhat hackers helped me when I desperately needed to get evidence of my cheating husband’s extra-marital affairs. I was tired of being lied to and wanted a divorce, all thanks to them for their reliable services else I would never have been able to confront him with proof of his escapades

    If you need help don’t hesitate to reach them through their email (deephacking17-at-gmail-com)

  96. I have used quite a number of times and they have never disappointed me. they do all types of mobile hacks and computer hacks; get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse/anybody’s facebook account, email, whatsapp, text messages. they also make changes in any database/website such as your college/university grades. Getting the job done is as simple as sending an email to

  97. Having emotional pain could really demoralize you. My spouse got really secretive with his gadgets and i needed t know what he was hiding,so i got introduced to one of the best hackers in the game , he helped me get into his gadgets without him knowing which gained me enough evidence for divorce. I even tipped him for a job well done
    you can also reach them on +1321-406-7641
    Thank me later

  98. My name is Susan Mark, i was able to spy on my cheating ex-Husband phone without him finding really helped my lawyer during my divorce i have been scammed so many times but cyberhacklove is the best hacker i have met he helped me regain my freedom and lost money by scammers can contact for spying and hacking phones,computer,email,Facebook and other social networks account,his services are cheap # +16066579237,please tell him S..

  99. I have used quite a number of times and they have never disappointed me.They helped me monitor my Husband phone when I was gathering evidence during the divorce. I got virtually every information he has been hiding over the months easily on my own phone: the spy app diverted all his whatsapp, facebook, text messages, sent and received through the phone: I also got his phone calls and deleted messages. he could not believe his eyes when he saw the evidence because he had no idea he was hacked. they do all types of mobile hacks and computer hacks,you get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse/anybody's social account, email,E.T.C Getting the job done is as simple as sending an email to

  100. Do You need world Best hacker ? Contact jack, Email ; ( ) .Whats-App ::+60167569133 , the great hacking job done such as :: changing of college grades, (facebook, instagram, Whatspp bbm,Skype, snapchat, twitter, badoo, Word Press,zoosk, various blogs, icloud, apple accounts etc.)-clearing of criminal records-email accounts hack ( gmail,yahoomail,hotmail, company email. )-breach of web host servers , Any Databases .

  101. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone

  102. i couldnt really find a solution to get my cheating spouse because i needed enough evidence to find my way,i battled it for 3 years until i met a guy called hacknspy,he helped me look into text messages,online access and carry out other hacking services,he sent me a device and i used it.he is very kind and i compensated him after his services.
    cyberphoneways atgmaildotcom. can try him out

  103. I Basically think we all don't have to face all these deceit and lies from our a case of mine wen i got sick and tired of all the lies and deceit i had to contact a friend of mine to get me the contact of one of the best hackers in the states ..then i met saved me from the lies of my cheating husband by hacking his phone..Incase you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  104. i wish my partner was worth fighting for but she cheated on me,i didnt realize until i came in contact with cyberspylove ,he really helped me......u might need help too..he is

  105. After giving it a deep thought on whether or not to trust the hacker with the email address( with a whatsapp and instagram accounts i needed him to hack into for me, i came to a conclusion that it would all work out positively if i hired him for the job due to the good comments i've heard about him from different people.He far exceeded my expectations and got the job done on time and discretely. Reach him out for help at his email address(, he's good at what he does.

  106. Hello everyone! If you require the service of a professional hacker to help track your partner's cell phone remotely, contact, he helped me hack my husband's phone without physical contact.
    Tell him Stacey referred you, he'd help

  107. Do you need a loan?
    Do you need financial help?
    Does your firm, company or industry need financial assistance?
    Do you need finance to start your business?
    Do you need finance to expand your business?
    Do you need personal loan? Please, contact us for more information:
    Mr Mark Kent

  108. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they’re not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,i can get the job done. Accesshacking a professional hacker with 10 Years+ experience.Contact

  109. i wish my partner was worth fighting for but she cheated on me,i didnt realize until i came in contact with cyberspylove ,he really helped me......u might need help too..he is

  110. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone

  111. my name is Lynda Shafer there is a good hacker that can hack into any-form of problem contact him he just finished working for husband had been a big time cheat until i came in contact with ( who helped me hack into my husband cell phone without him touching my husband phone he hacker all my husband applications,call logs,text messages and many more which i got result in 24hours time and i found out my husband has been cheating on me with another woman contact ( he is cheap and affordable very fast when it comes to hacking tell him Lynder Shafer referred you to him.

  112. Do you need a loan?
    Do you need financial help?
    Does your firm, company or industry need financial assistance?
    Do you need finance to start your business?
    Do you need finance to expand your business?
    Do you need personal loan? Please, contact us for more information:
    Mr Mark Kent

  113. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your

    very best to hire only professionals. will

    increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the

    services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent

    solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer

    experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the

    dark. contact him via email/phone 13057712040


  114. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. CYBERHACKTON@GMAIL.COM will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didn't leave me in the dark..
    contact; CYBERHACKTON@GMAIL.COM or +1 575 448 0160

    *University grades changing
    *Twitters hack
    *email accounts hack
    *Websites hack
    *Facebook hack
    *Control devices remotely hack
    *Burner Numbers hack
    *Any social media account hack
    *Android & iPhone Hack
    *Text message interception hack

  115. We have a direct genuine provider for BG/SBLC specifically for lease, at leasing price of 4+2 of face value, Issuance by HSBC London/Hong Kong or any other AA rated Bank in Europe, Middle East or USA.

    Contact : Mr. Johnson Hatton
    Skype ID: johnson.hatton007

    Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefits of all parties involved.

    All inquires to Mr. Johnson Hatton should include the following minimum information so I can quickly address your needs:

    Complete contact information:
    What exactly do you need?
    How long do you need it for?
    Are you a principal borrower or a broker?

    Contact me for more details.

    Johnson Hatton

  116. If you know you are not ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I and my wife has been married for some years now,Lately she has been hiding her phone from me and keeping Late nights. I was curious about her cheating on me.I had no proof and no one to run to.I contacted a Private investigator who linked me up with Mr James( via email.He understood me well and helped me spy on my cheating wife.He gave me the password to my wife's Gmail and Facebook account and linked all my spouse WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth. He showed me proof of work and I just want to openly say thank you. Contact him today if you need help.

  117. I have used quite a number of times and they have never disappointed me.They helped me monitor my Spouse phone when I was gathering evidence during the divorce. I got virtually every information my Spouse has been hiding over the months easily on my own phone: the spy app diverted all his whatsapp, facebook, text messages, sent and received through the phone: I also got his phone calls and deleted messages. she could not believe her eyes when she saw the evidence because she had no idea she was hacked. they do all types of mobile hacks and computer hacks,you get
    unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse/anybody's social account, email,E.T.C Getting the job done is as simple as sending an email to stating what you want to do.

  118. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone 13057712040

  119. Hello, If you want to hack your spouses or girlfriends Email, social account, phone and other means to get contact of someone without him/her knowing, contact They are very good and affordable . is the best hacker around. Don't be deceived.

  120. Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact CYBERSPACEINTELLIGENCE@GMAIL.COM, he is the best hacker. He helped me and my friends with some issues we had. If you need to
    *hack into email accounts,
    *all social media accounts,
    *school database to clear or change grades,
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *company records and systems,
    *bank accounts,
    he is really the best. His services are affordable. Don't waste your time with fake hackers
    + Credit cards hacker
    + We can drop money into bank accounts.
    + credit score hack
    + blank credit card sale
    + Hack and use Credit Card to shop online
    + Monitor any phone and email address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their

  121. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,i can get the job done.Am a professional hacker with 10 Years+ experience.Contact me at ... Send an email and Its done. Its that easy

  122. My name is Kate Morgan, i was able to spy on my cheating ex-Husband phone without him finding really helped my lawyer during my divorce i have been scammed so many times but Hackgenius is the best hacker i have met he helped me regain my freedom and lost money by scammers can contact for spying and hacking phones,computer,email,Facebook and other social networks account,his services are cheap or Text +13156755702 please tell him kate referred you

  123. Hello everyone! If you require the service of a professional hacker to help track your partner's cell phone remotely, contact, after being ripped off by various hackers, he helped me track my husband's phone without physical contact.
    Tell him Stacey referred you, he'd help

  124. Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact , he is the best hacker. He helped me and my friends with some issues we had. If you need to
    *hack into email accounts,
    *all social media accounts,
    *school database to clear or change grades,
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *company records and systems,
    *bank accounts,
    he is really the best. His services are affordable. Don't waste your time with fake hackers
    + Credit cards hacker
    + credit score hack
    + Monitor any phone and email address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their

  125. should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone

  126. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone 13057712040

  127. Hello, if you want to hack into your spouse messages, emails, social messages, phone and other means of communication, contact at He is the best hacker so far and he is very affordable. Contact and be careful, don't be deceived by fake people all around.

  128. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone 13057712040

  129. Hello, my name is Dave Gray, I’m on my late forties. I just want to use this medium to say a very big thank you to Jonny for the great thing you did for me as my wife wanted to ruin my life and take all our life savings together. It was a hard way and a bad one to experience at this time in my life. I was able to get my own share of the money by using this great hacker my coworker introduced me to him to hack into her cell phone to enable him receive the transfer code after he hacked into our bank account via Online banking system. His name is Jonny Belter. ( I know a lot of people are going true this in the world today. If you can see my message do not hesitate to contact him immediately and he also handles all hacking jobs you want. Facebook, Whatsapp, snapchat, viber, instagram DM, email hack, telephone conversation, Imo, voice notes, videos, pictures, criminal records, change of school grades, credit card hack and bank account hack. email him and get a quick response. (

  130. I Basically think we all don't have to face all these deceit and lies from our a case of mine wen i got sick and tired of all the lies and deceit i had to contact a friend of mine to get me the contact of one of the best hackers in the states ..then i met saved me from the lies of my cheating husband by hacking his phone..Incase you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  131. If you know you not are ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I and my wife has been married for some years now,Lately she has been hiding her phone from me and keeping Late nights. I was curious about her cheating on me.I had no proof and no one to run to.I contacted a Private investigator who linked me up with Mr James( via email. He understood me well and helped me spy on my cheating wife.He gave me the password to my wife's Gmail and Facebook account and linked all my spouse WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth. He showed me proof of work and I just want to openly say thank you. Contact him today if you need help.

  132. Hello everyone if you want to hack into your partners or friends email,whatsapp,facebook,messages,instagram,phone calls and any other social media account you can contact one of the best computer hacker you can find on this mail or you could send him a text on his mobile number +13052904542 Thank you .

  133. Hello everyone if you want to hack into your partners or friends email,whatsapp,facebook,messages,instagram,phone calls and any other social media account you can contact one of the best computer hacker you can find on this mail or you could send him a text on his mobile number +13052904542 Thank you .


  134. From my experience, some hackers are polite and professional, but lack the skills,
    experience or technology to be worth it for me,I once hired a hacker and
    charged me $400 but could not locate the person who hacked my
    gmail account and sent out personal emails. I then hired Cyberprofessionalhacker
    and they identified and located the people behind the hack within
    6 hours at a cheaper price. You can contact them on .
    They offer lots of hacking services like
    social media hacks like facebook hacks, kik hacks, bank account hacks, iCloud hacks, whatsapp hacks,
    recover passwords, upgrading school grades and so many hacking services. thank me later!

  135. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone 13057712040

  136. i just found the best hacker ever his name is he has worked for me 2times now and believe me all job was successful he helped me hack into my husband call logs,text messages,deleted messages whatsapp,and many more i was so shocked when i got deleted messages from this guy is good at hacking contact him tell him i refereed you he is a solution maker and wants only serious clients

  137. Help me thank hacckintechnology after being scammed of $1500 he helped me find my cheating wife he helped hack her whatsapp gmail and kik and i got to know that she was cheating on me , in less than 24 hours he helped me out with everything hackintechnology is trust worthy and affordable contact IF U Need Any Help ?
    *University grades changing
    *Bank accounts hack
    *Twitters hack
    *email accounts hack
    *Grade Changes hack
    * load bank account any amounts
    *Website crashed hack
    *server crashed hack
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *Erase criminal records hack
    *Databases hack
    *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds
    *Untraceable Ip
    *Individual computers hack
    *Websites hack
    *Facebook hack
    *Control devices remotely hack
    *Burner Numbers hack
    *Verified Paypal Accounts hack
    *Any social media account hack
    *Android & iPhone Hack
    *Word Press Blogs hack
    *Text message interception hack
    *email interception hack
    - See more

  138. Hello. Are you in need of a Hacker .I recommend ( via Email. I have used them and they are the best. They render services such as:

    -Facebook hack
    -Gmail hack
    -Twitter hack
    -WhatsApp hack
    -Mobile phone hack
    -Database Hack
    -Retrival of lost files
    -Viber hack
    -Untraceable IP
    -University grades changing
    -Bank account hack
    -Bypassing of Icloud
    -Verified Paypal account.

    They are reliable, contact them via Email(WORLDCYBERHACKERS@GMAIL.COM)

  139. Help me thank hacckintechnology after being scammed of $1500 he helped me find my cheating wife he helped hack her whatsapp gmail and kik and i got to know that she was cheating on me , in less than 24 hours he helped me out with everything hackintechnology is trust worthy and affordable contact IF U Need Any Help ?
    *University grades changing
    *Bank accounts hack
    *Twitters hack
    *email accounts hack
    *Grade Changes hack
    * load bank account any amounts
    *Website crashed hack
    *server crashed hack
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *Erase criminal records hack
    *Databases hack
    *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds
    *Untraceable Ip
    *Individual computers hack
    *Websites hack
    *Facebook hack
    *Control devices remotely hack
    *Burner Numbers hack
    *Verified Paypal Accounts hack
    *Any social media account hack
    *Android & iPhone Hack
    *Word Press Blogs hack
    *Text message interception hack
    *email interception hack
    - See more

  140. If you know you not are ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I and my wife has been married for some years now,Lately she has been hiding her phone from me and keeping Late nights. I was curious about her cheating on me.I had no proof and no one to run to.I contacted a Private investigator who linked me up with Mr James( via email. He understood me well and helped me spy on my cheating wife.He gave me the password to my wife's Gmail and Facebook account and linked all my spouse WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth. He showed me proof of work and I just want to openly say thank you. Contact him today if you need help.

  141. Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact CYBERSPACEINTELLIGENCE@GMAIL.COM, he is the best hacker. He helped me and my friends with some issues we had. If you need to
    *hack into email accounts,
    *all social media accounts,
    *school database to clear or change grades,
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *company records and systems,
    *bank accounts,
    he is really the best. His services are affordable. Don't waste your time with fake hackers
    + Credit cards hacker
    + We can drop money into bank accounts.
    + credit score hack
    + blank credit card sale
    + Hack and use Credit Card to shop online
    + Monitor any phone and email address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their

  142. Help me thank hacckintechnology after being scammed of $1500 he helped me find my cheating wife he helped hack her whatsapp gmail and kik and i got to know that she was cheating on me , in less than 24 hours he helped me out with everything hackintechnology is trust worthy and affordable contact IF U Need Any Help ?
    *University grades changing
    *Bank accounts hack
    *Twitters hack
    *email accounts hack
    *Grade Changes hack
    * load bank account any amounts
    *Website crashed hack
    *server crashed hack
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *Erase criminal records hack
    *Databases hack
    *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds
    *Untraceable Ip
    *Individual computers hack
    *Websites hack
    *Facebook hack
    *Control devices remotely hack
    *Burner Numbers hack
    *Verified Paypal Accounts hack
    *Any social media account hack
    *Android & iPhone Hack
    *Word Press Blogs hack
    *Text message interception hack
    *email interception hack
    - See more

  143. I have used quite a number of times and they have never disappointed me.They helped me monitor my Spouse phone when I was gathering evidence during the divorce. I got virtually every information my Spouse has been hiding over the months easily on my own phone: the spy app diverted all his whatsapp, facebook, text messages, sent and received through the phone: I also got his phone calls and deleted messages. she could not believe her eyes when she saw the evidence because she had no idea she was hacked. they do all types of mobile hacks and computer hacks,you get
    unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse/anybody’s social account, email,E.T.C Getting the job done is as simple as sending an email to or a text to +14353632534 stating what you want to do.

  144. Confront your cheating spouse with evidence, i was able to spy on my cheating ex phone without finding really helped me during my divorce can contact (CYBERHACKTON@GMAIL.COM) call and text (916) 302-2234 for spying and hacking social networks, school servers, icloud and much more, viber chats hack, Facebook messages and yahoo messenger, calls log and spy call recording, monitoring SMS text messages remotely, cell phone GPS location tracking, spy on Whats app Messages, his services are cheap.. and please tell him i referred you to him he is a man with a heart of GOLD.

  145. If you know you not are ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I and my wife has been married for some years now,Lately she has been hiding her phone from me and keeping Late nights. I was curious about her cheating on me.I had no proof and no one to run to.I contacted a Private investigator who linked me up with Mr James( via email. He understood me well and helped me spy on my cheating wife.He gave me the password to my wife's Gmail and Facebook account and linked all my spouse WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth. I just want to openly say thank you. Contact him today if you need help.

  146. i met a guy called Sam ,he helped me hack into my spouse INSTAGRAM,KIK,FACEBOOK AND GMAIL. Now i can monitor my spouse day to day messages and activities with out him knowing .he is very kind and i compensated him after his services. contact him at : cyberphoneways at gmail dot com.
    INSTAGRAME: Samhoffman3.. can try him out

  147. Hello, my name is Dave Gray, I’m on my late forties. I just want to use this medium to say a very big thank you to Jonny for the great thing you did for me as my wife wanted to ruin my life and take all our life savings together. It was a hard way and a bad one to experience at this time in my life. I was able to get my own share of the money by using this great hacker my coworker introduced me to him to hack into her cell phone to enable him receive the transfer code after he hacked into our bank account via Online banking system. His name is Jonny Belter. ( I know a lot of people are going true this in the world today. If you can see my message do not hesitate to contact him immediately and he also handles all hacking jobs you want. Facebook, Whatsapp, snapchat, viber, instagram DM, email hack, telephone conversation, Imo, voice notes, videos, pictures, criminal records, change of school grades, credit card hack and bank account hack. email him and get a quick response. (

  148. Hello, my name is Dave Gray, I’m on my late forties. I just want to use this medium to say a very big thank you to Jonny for the great thing you did for me as my wife wanted to ruin my life and take all our life savings together. It was a hard way and a bad one to experience at this time in my life. I was able to get my own share of the money by using this great hacker my coworker introduced me to him to hack into her cell phone to enable him receive the transfer code after he hacked into our bank account via Online banking system. His name is Jonny Belter. ( I know a lot of people are going true this in the world today. If you can see my message do not hesitate to contact him immediately and he also handles all hacking jobs you want. Facebook, Whatsapp, snapchat, viber, instagram DM, email hack, telephone conversation, Imo, voice notes, videos, pictures, criminal records, change of school grades, credit card hack and bank account hack. email him and get a quick response. (

  149. Hello, my name is Dave Gray, I’m on my late forties. I just want to use this medium to say a very big thank you to Jonny for the great thing you did for me as my wife wanted to ruin my life and take all our life savings together. It was a hard way and a bad one to experience at this time in my life. I was able to get my own share of the money by using this great hacker my coworker introduced me to him to hack into her cell phone to enable him receive the transfer code after he hacked into our bank account via Online banking system. His name is Jonny Belter. ( I know a lot of people are going true this in the world today. If you can see my message do not hesitate to contact him immediately and he also handles all hacking jobs you want. Facebook, Whatsapp, snapchat, viber, instagram DM, email hack, telephone conversation, Imo, voice notes, videos, pictures, criminal records, change of school grades, credit card hack and bank account hack. email him and get a quick response. (

  150. Was surfing the internet some weeks ago then came across an article talking about a hacker who could hack WHATSAPP, FACEBOOK, SNAPCHAT, INSTAGRAM, and TWITTER and also does some other hacks, So I decided to contact him ( to see if he could help me hack my fiancee's phone and get into her and give me full access to her WHATSAPP and FACEBOOK without her finding out about it..Am still amazed at the wonderful job he did for me,I have been monitoring my fiancee and her ex boyfriends chats,found out they still seeing each other secretly..Well I have moved on with my life now.. incase you need such services or more contact: CYBERFIXITENGINEER@CYBERSERVICES.COM..PHONE: (941) 677-0914,(713) 231 0370..He is fast,affordable and 100% reliable believe me...

  151. If you know you not are ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I and my wife has been married for some years now,Lately she has been hiding her phone from me and keeping Late nights. I was curious about her cheating on me.I had no proof and no one to run to.I contacted a Private investigator who linked me up with Mr James( via email. He understood me well and helped me spy on my cheating wife.He gave me the password to my wife's Gmail and Facebook account and linked all my spouse WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth. I just want to openly say thank you. Contact him today if you need help.

  152. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the him via email/phone CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you


  153. If you need to hire a real hacker to help spy on your partner's cell phone remotely, change your grades or boost your credit score. Contact this helpline 347.857.7580 or the email address

  154. Confront your cheating spouse with evidence, i was able to spy on my cheating

    ex phone without finding really helped me during my divorce

    can contact (HACKINTECHNOLOGY@GMAIL.COM) call and text (305) 771-2040 for

    spying and hacking social networks, school servers, icloud and much more,

    viber chats hack, Facebook messages and yahoo messenger, calls log and spy

    call recording, monitoring SMS text messages remotely, cell phone GPS

    location tracking, spy on Whats app Messages, his services are AFFORDABLE

    .................................... ONLY GOD CAN THANK HIM FOR HIM

  155. Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact He is a certified hacker which will always give full proofs. If you need to
    *hack into email accounts,
    *all social media accounts,
    *school database to clear or change grades,
    *bank accounts,
    *company records and systems,
    He is really the best. His services are affordable. Don't waste your time with fake hackers
    + Credit cards hacker
    + We can drop money into bank accounts.
    + credit score hack
    + blank credit card sale
    + Hack and use Credit Card to shop online
    + Monitor any phone and email address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their

  156. If you need to hack into any database, delete records, improve credit score,website, email, mobile phone (call, text message, Whatsapp, bbm), social network (fbk, twitter, Instagram) change your grades, find your target password (friends, wife, husband, boss, girl, boy friends) to know if they are cheating or not. ( he saved my relationship Tell him Linda ) Very cheap and Fast
    Contact Jerry
    Email ; ( )

  157. Confront your cheating spouse with evidence, i was able to spy on my cheating ex phone without finding really helped me during my divorce can contact (HACKINTECHNOLOGY@GMAIL.COM) call and text (305) 771-2040 for spying and hacking social networks, school servers, icloud and much more, viber chats hack, Facebook messages and yahoo messenger, calls log and spy call recording, monitoring SMS text messages remotely, cell phone GPS location tracking, spy on Whats app Messages, his services are AFFORDABLE .................................... ONLY GOD CAN THANK HIM FOR ME

  158. I Basically think we all don't have to face all these deceit and lies from our spouse…in a case of mine wen i got sick and tired of all the lies and deceit i had to contact a friend of mine to get me the contact of one of the best hackers in the states ..then i met saved me from the lies of my cheating husband by hacking his phone..Incase you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  159. I've lost thousands to these fake hackers, please don't fall for any of them, it's taken me months to find a genuine
    hacker. Thank you james! you and your crew are the bomb ,the work you did on my wife's accounts was simply
    phenomenal! and i aint talking about just facebook ;) turns out he shows you valid proof before payment. Hey if you ever need to get into your spouse's account, improve credit points, clear criminal records,tax, protection from spyware or simply have a score to settle or any other issues that need addressing, completely secure and fast!! contact by or +14428886624


  160. Hello everyone, i would have made the biggest mistake of my life marrying my former spouse but before the marriage
    after i saw his link from someones else testimonial. He is a professional that specializes in exposing cheating spouse
    and every other hacking and tracking related issues.He is truly a cyber genius , he helps catching cheating spouse by
    hacking and tracking their communications like call, whatsapp, Facebook, text, emails, Skype and many more.
    if you are having doubts in your affairs and relationship please i will advise you to contact him and know if
    He or she is true to you.

  161. i was in need of a hacker to spy at my cheating spouse on-till i went online and found this great hacker named who helped me hack into his cell phone under 24 hours and i got results of hIS whats-app messages,call log,text messages,deleted text messages,Facebook and many more this hacker is real and his services are cheap and affordable contact him am sure he will help you

  162. If you know you not are ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I and my wife has been married for some years now,Lately she has been hiding her phone from me and keeping Late nights. I was curious about her cheating on me.I had no proof and no one to run to.I contacted a Private investigator who linked me up with Mr James( via email. He understood me well and helped me spy on my cheating wife.He gave me the password to my wife's Gmail and Facebook account and linked all my spouse WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth. I just want to openly say thank you. Contact him today if you need help.

  163. I dont really know much about hacking after so many tries i met Cyberhacking lord who later help me find out my husband has been cheating on me and stealing from my bank account, he had this scheme going for 6 months. He gave me access to his mail,social media account,phone(could see deleted messages) and even track his location, still going to sue to him. Having doubts in your relationship? contact him (

  164. I was in need of a hacker to spy at my spouse because i noticed my spouse has been a big time cheat then i contacted a very good hacker named who helped me hack into my spouse phone hacked into my spouse whats-app messages,call logs,text messages,deleted text messages,Facebook,emails and many more and i got results under 24 hours this hacker is cheap and affordable contact him if you need any solutions am sure he will help you

  165. Confront your cheating spouse with evidence, i was able to spy on my cheating ex phone without finding really helped me during my divorce can contact (HACKINTECHNOLOGY@GMAIL.COM) call and text (305) 771-2040 for spying and hacking social networks, school servers, icloud and much more, viber chats hack, Facebook messages and yahoo messenger, calls log and spy call recording, monitoring SMS text messages remotely, cell phone GPS location tracking, spy on Whats app Messages, his services are AFFORDABLE .................................... ONLY GOD CAN THANK HIM FOR ME

  166. I have used quite a number of times and he has never disappointed me.
    he has once help me get proof on my wife cheating activities on her Phone .
    He does all types of mobile hack;get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse/anybodies
    facebook account,email,watsapp,textmessages.He also makes changes in any database/website such as your college/university grades..
    Getting the job done is as simple as sending an Email to or a text to +13052094542 stating what you want to do. Sure he will help you

  167. Hello, If you want to hack your spouses or girlfriends Email, social account, phone and other means to get contact of someone without him/her knowing, contact They are very good and affordable and also based in the USA. contact him via email/phone CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help youY

  168. My wife was so smooth at hiding her infidelity so I had no proof for months, I was referred to some hacker and decided to give him a try.. the result was incredible because all my cheating wife's text messages, whatsapp, facebook and even phone conversations was wired directly to my cellphone. CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM helped me put a round-the-clock monitoring on her and I got concrete evidence and he showed me proof..if your spouse is an expert at hiding his cheating adventures contact him via email/phone CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help youY

  169. Confront your cheating spouse with evidence, i was able to spy on my cheating ex phone without finding really helped me during my divorce can contact (HACKINTECHNOLOGY@GMAIL.COM) call and text (305) 771-2040 for spying and hacking social networks, school servers, icloud and much more, viber chats hack, Facebook messages and yahoo messenger, calls log and spy call recording, monitoring SMS text messages remotely, cell phone GPS location tracking, spy on Whats app Messages, his services are AFFORDABLE .................................... ONLY GOD CAN THANK HIM FOR ME

  170. Hello everyone, i would have made the biggest mistake of my life marrying my former spouse but before the marriage after i saw his link from someones else testimonial. He is a professional that specializes in exposing cheating spouse and every other hacking and tracking related issues.He is truly a cyber genius , he helps catching cheating spouse by hacking and tracking their communications like call, whatsapp, Facebook, text, emails, Skype and many more.if you are having doubts in your affairs and relationship please i will advise you to contact him and know if
    He or she is true to you.

  171. Hello everyone, my name is Kate and I want to recommend a reliable hacker who helped hack my husband's cell phone remotely.

    Which gave me full access to all his texts and, and now he has nothing to hide from me. If you require his service, contact, tell him Kate referred you he'll help.

  172. My name is Sarah Cambell, i was able to spy on my cheating ex-Husband phone without him finding out… really helped my lawyer during my divorce i have been scammed so many times but cyberhacklove is the best hacker i have met he helped me regain my freedom and lost money by scammers …you can contact for spying and hacking phones,computer,email,Facebook and other social networks account,his services are cheap … # +16066579237,please tell him Sarah referred you

  173. I have used quite a number of times and he has never disappointed me.

    he has once help me get proof on my wife cheating activities on her Phone .

    He does all types of mobile hack;get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse/anybodies

    facebook account,email,watsapp,textmessages.He also makes changes in any database/website such as your college/university grades..

    Getting the job done is as simple as sending an Email to or a text to +13052094542 stating what you want to do. Sure he will help you

  174. Do you want to get your job done urgently? Are you facing delay and unnecessary excuses and error on your job. Worry no more for the best in any hacking job. What do you want from hacking service. He can render it with swift response and no delay on your job 100% guarantee. Contact him at ( )
    His service list is outline as follows
    1. University grades changing
    2. Social media; Facebook, Whatsapp, IG, Snapchat, iCloud, Email, Text messages, Call logs, Skype etc.
    3. Bank accounts hack
    6. Website crashed hack
    7. Server crashed hack
    8. Sales of Spyware and Keylogger software
    9. Retrieval of lost file/documents
    10. Erase criminal records hack
    11. Databases hack
    12. Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds
    13. Untraceable IP
    14. Individual Computers Hack
    15. Money Transfer
    16. Crediting

  175. Do you want to get your job done urgently? Are you facing delay and unnecessary excuses and error on your job. Worry no more for the best in any hacking job. What do you want from hacking service. He can render it with swift response and no delay on your job 100% guarantee. Contact him at ( )
    His service list is outline as follows
    1. University grades changing
    2. Social media; Facebook, Whatsapp, IG, Snapchat, iCloud, Email, Text messages, Call logs, Skype etc.
    3. Bank accounts hack
    6. Website crashed hack
    7. Server crashed hack
    8. Sales of Spyware and Keylogger software
    9. Retrieval of lost file/documents
    10. Erase criminal records hack
    11. Databases hack
    12. Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds
    13. Untraceable IP
    14. Individual Computers Hack
    15. Money Transfer
    16. Crediting

  176. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience. Contact him at ... Send an email and Its done. Its that easy, Alex referred you

  177. Desperation hit me and i couldnt take it no more,because I was getting sick and irritated of my husband looking at me in the eye and lying to my face that he wasnt cheating and I was ready to do anything it took to get facts and proof....
    Told my best friend who linked me with this lifesaver CYBERHACKTON(at)GMAIL(dot)COM who provided all I was looking for, long ass nasty messages,bank statements,incoming and outgoing messages,emails,web browsing history,call logs,instant messengers,GPS location,photos and videos,and tapping into his phone conversations by hacking his phone, without him suspecting a thing because he is a smart ass but I'm glad with the help of CYBERHACKTON@GMAIL.COM I was able to dissolve and end this marriage.I had my doubts at first but now I'm glad I did...Told him I was gonna tell people about him and help men and women like myself. He is a genius, trust me. Just tell him I referred you to him and thank me later

  178. Desperation hit me and i couldnt take it no more,because I was getting sick and irritated of my wife looking at me in the eye and lying to my face that she wasnt cheating and I was ready to do anything it took to get facts and proof....
    Told my best friend who linked me with this lifesaver SPYTECHENTERPRISE@GMAIL.COM who provided all I was looking for, long ass nasty messages,bank statements,incoming and outgoing messages,emails,web browsing history,call logs,instant messengers,GPS location,photos and videos,and tapping into her phone conversations by hacking her phone, without her suspecting a thing because he is a smart ass but I'm glad with the help of SPYTECHENTERPRISE@GMAIL.COM I was able to dissolve and end this marriage.I had my doubts at first but now I'm glad I did...Told him I was gonna tell people about him and help men and women like myself. He is a genius, trust me. Just tell him I referred you to him and thank me late

  179. Do you want to get your job done urgently? Are you facing delay and unnecessary excuses and error on your job. Worry no more for the best in any hacking job. What do you want from hacking service. He can render it with swift response and no delay on your job 100% guarantee. Contact him at ( )
    His service list is outline as follows
    1. University grades changing
    2. Social media; Facebook, Whatsapp, IG, Snapchat, iCloud, Email, Text messages, Call logs, Skype etc.
    3. Bank accounts hack
    6. Website crashed hack
    7. Server crashed hack
    8. Sales of Spyware and Keylogger software
    9. Retrieval of lost file/documents
    10. Erase criminal records hack
    11. Databases hack
    12. Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds
    13. Untraceable IP
    14. Individual Computers Hack
    15. Money Transfer
    16. Crediting

  180. Confront your cheating spouse with evidence, i was able to spy on my cheating ex phone without finding really helped me during my divorce can contact (HACKINTECHNOLOGY@GMAIL.COM) call and text (305) 771-2040 for spying and hacking social networks, school servers, icloud and much more, viber chats hack, Facebook messages and yahoo messenger, calls log and spy call recording, monitoring SMS text messages remotely, cell phone GPS location tracking, spy on Whats app Messages, SECURITY CAMERA his services are AFFORDABLE .................................... ONLY GOD CAN THANK HIM FOR ME

  181. Are you in need of a professional and real hacker? Do you want to hack any social media ( instagram, facebook, whatsapp, gmail e.t.c.) or spy on someone's phone. I greatly recommend you to contact Be careful not to be deceived by others but won’t disappoint because i used him and was not disappointed. Real and affordable. This was said by someone we helped. Dont be left out.

  182. Stop being scammed by fake hackers. Hire a Ethical Hacking group who are professional and real. You might be curious that what hacking group services can provide? .. If you hire a hacker, you always have worried of losing your money. We won't keep a cent if can't do our job. 100% refund if job is not completed. Hacking Services that you will find here at: are custom to fit your hacking needs... A professional and experienced hacker providing hacking services for a variety of client needs. Specialize in many different Hacking Services some of my most popular hacking services are, Hack INTO ANY BANK WEBSITE Hack into any COMPANY WEBSITE HACK INTO ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY WEBSITE HACK INTO SECURITY AGENCY WEBSITE AND ERASE CRIMINAL RECORDS Hack into CRAIGSLIST AND REMOVE FLAGGING HACK INTO ANY DATABASE SYSTEM HACK PAYPAL ACCOUNT HACK WORD-PRESS Blogs SERVER CRASHED hack HACK INTO ANY SCHOOL DATABASE AND CHANGE UNIVERSITY GRADES, no matter how secured HACK INTO CREDIT BUREAU DATABASE AND INCREASE YOUR CREDIT SCORE HACK ANY EMAIL OR SOCIAL NETWORK AND KNOW IF YOUR PARTNER IS CHEATING ON YOU HACK INTO YOUR PARTNER'S PHONE PICS, TEXT MESSAGE AND LISTEN TO CALLS TO KNOW IF HE IS CHEATING UNTRACEABLE INTERNET PROTOCOL HAVE YOU OR YOUR CHILD BEEN BULLIED ONLINE BEFORE AND WANT TO GET BACK AT THE PERSON, WE CAN HELP YOU TRACE THE ACTUAL LOCATION OF THE PERSON AND DO WHATEVER YOU REQUEST TO THE PERSONS COMPUTER IS ANYONE BLACKMAILING YOU ONLINE AND YOU WANT US TO GET INTO THEIR COMPUTER AND DESTROY DATA AND EVIDENCES AGAINST YOU? If you need a hacking service that is not listed, feel free to contact me at:
    or text only - +1(630) 755-8868. Contact me today about any of my hacking services

  183. Hello everyone If you know you not are ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I and my wife has been married for some years now,Lately she has been hiding her phone from me and keeping Late nights. I was curious about her cheating on me.I had no proof and no one to run to.I contacted a Private investigator who linked me up with Mr James(CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) via email. He understood me well and helped me spy on my cheating wife.He gave me the password to my wife’s Gmail and Facebook account and linked all my spouse WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth. I just want to openly say thank you. Contact him today if you need help.

  184. Stop being scammed by fake hackers. Hire a Ethical Hacking group who are professional and real. You might be curious that what hacking group services can provide? .. If you hire a hacker, you always have worried of losing your money. We won't keep a cent if can't do our job. 100% refund if job is not completed. Hacking Services that you will find here at: are custom to fit your hacking needs... A professional and experienced hacker providing hacking services for a variety of client needs. Specialize in many different Hacking Services some of my most popular hacking services are, Hack INTO ANY BANK WEBSITE Hack into any COMPANY WEBSITE HACK INTO ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY WEBSITE HACK INTO SECURITY AGENCY WEBSITE AND ERASE CRIMINAL RECORDS Hack into CRAIGSLIST AND REMOVE FLAGGING HACK INTO ANY DATABASE SYSTEM HACK PAYPAL ACCOUNT HACK WORD-PRESS Blogs SERVER CRASHED hack HACK INTO ANY SCHOOL DATABASE AND CHANGE UNIVERSITY GRADES, no matter how secured HACK INTO CREDIT BUREAU DATABASE AND INCREASE YOUR CREDIT SCORE HACK ANY EMAIL OR SOCIAL NETWORK AND KNOW IF YOUR PARTNER IS CHEATING ON YOU HACK INTO YOUR PARTNER'S PHONE PICS, TEXT MESSAGE AND LISTEN TO CALLS TO KNOW IF HE IS CHEATING UNTRACEABLE INTERNET PROTOCOL HAVE YOU OR YOUR CHILD BEEN BULLIED ONLINE BEFORE AND WANT TO GET BACK AT THE PERSON, WE CAN HELP YOU TRACE THE ACTUAL LOCATION OF THE PERSON AND DO WHATEVER YOU REQUEST TO THE PERSONS COMPUTER IS ANYONE BLACKMAILING YOU ONLINE AND YOU WANT US TO GET INTO THEIR COMPUTER AND DESTROY DATA AND EVIDENCES AGAINST YOU? If you need a hacking service that is not listed, feel free to contact me at: or text only - +1 (630) 755-8868. Contact me today about any of my hacking services

  185. Hi everyone! If you need a hackr to spy into your cheating spouse phone and get him/her caught in 24 hours, Fix your credit issues and increase your credit score. I implore you to contact ( or (443) 338-3730). I have used him couple of times and i can tell you he's a good and legit hacker. His services are affordable and swift. He can also solve any hack problems, He can help you increase and repair you credit score as well. He's the real deal

  186. Are you looking for a trust worthy and a professional Hacker or U Need the Help of a HACKER? then you are in the right place, contact for the following hacking services:
    University grades changing
    Bank accounts hack
    Twitters hack
    email accounts hack
    Grade Changes hack
    Website crashed hack
    server crashed hack
    Retrieval of lost file/documents
    Erase criminal records hack
    Databases hack
    Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds
    Untraceable Ip
    Individual computers hack
    Websites hack
    Facebook hack
    Whatsapp hack
    Control devices remotely hack
    Burner Numbers hack
    Verified Paypal Accounts hack
    Any social media account hack
    Android & iPhone Hack
    Word Press Blogs hack
    Text message interception hack
    email interception hack etc.
    Contact us via

  187. i met a guy called Sam ,he helped me hack into my spouse INSTAGRAM,KIK,FACEBOOK AND GMAIL. Now i can monitor my spouse day to day messages and activities with out him knowing .he is very kind and i compensated him after his services. He Specializes in all of the following:

    hack into email accounts and trace email location
    all social media accounts,
    school database to clear or change grades,
    Retrieval of lost file/documents
    company records and systems,
    Bank accounts,Paypal accounts
    Credit cards hack
    Credit score hack
    Monitor any phone and email address
    hack IP address
    Tap into anybody's call and monitor their conversation
    contact him at :
    INSTAGRAME: Samhoffman3.. can try him out?

  188. This is really amazing! I've never met any one who is doing it better,big shoutout to mitchbourne(@), he's absolutely the best when it comes to GRADES CHANGE, FACEBOOK, GMAIL, and WHATSAPP HACK especially, he also works with Proofs. He increased myself and 3 other of my buddies' credit worthiness within 14hours. I can strongly assure you that he's one of the best ethical hackers, I thank God i met him

  189. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone 1 669 225 2032

  190. I sincerely didn't like the idea, but this is my way of saying thank
    you to the Quora user that recommended a hacker (

    I hired him for a very private and difficult matter of helping me hack
    a my spouse's phone and social networks and some other personal stuffs
    and he far exceeded my expectations. which Jeremie, helped me get the
    info(whats-app, Facebook, text messages, call logs etc) faster and
    cheaper than I had imagined. The first time we spoke, we had a very
    long phone consultation in he gave me all my options that he could
    think of to resolve my case, and he even recommended I try other
    options before hiring him, which shows that he is honest. I decided to
    hire him and I am glad I did. he is a fantastic investigator and a
    great person. If you need a professional, reliable and efficient
    hacker, then you should contact this guy ; CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM

  191. If you need to hire a real hacker to help spy on your partner's cell phone remotely, change your grades or boost your credit score. Contact this helpline +1 347.857.7580 or the email address


  192. If you need to hack into any Database, Delete Record, Improve credit score, spy on Whatsapp, Text, Phone, Emails, as long as it's hack contact Black@Via Email :: Or WhatsApp : +1(319)512-6937 He is great, you won't be disappointed, cheap and fast, he saved my relationship Tell him Linda
