Friday, May 27, 2016

BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!

The Memorial Day weekend is upon us!  This means it's time to break out the white shoes, linen, and seersucker.  It also means I won't be posting on Monday, May 30th, but I'll be back on Tuesday with regular updates.

Let's hear it for America, Land of the Fee, Home of the Traffic!

And now, because you're cutting out of work early to go for a ride (or at least I am, if you're not that sucks for you) I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right you'll feel really good about yourself, and if you're wrong you'll despair and also see an "oopsie."

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and remember to celebrate Memorial Day the American way--by idling in bumper-to-bumper beach traffic and burning cheap gas for hours!

See you Tuesday,

--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) Bahraini prince and would-be cycling WorldTour team owner Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa once beat the crap out of a dissident with a:

--Toilet plunger
--Pair of designer sunglasses

2) Retired cyclist and race promoter Eddy Merckx once tortured a dissident with a searing hot disc brake rotor.

--Not enough information at this time

3) Which law enforcement agency will now be riding Budnitz bicycles?

--The Burlington, VT Police Department
--The Boulder, CO Police Department
--The New York City Police Department, Special Gentrification Task Force
--The Bahrain National Security Apparatus

4) A "Velojackr" is:

--Someone who steals bikes
--An exhibitionist who exposes himself while riding a bicycle
--An integrated water bottle/bicycle stand
--All of the above

(Not a Nazi, just a casual fan of Reinhard Heydrich and the SS.)

5) Metal band Slayer's balance bike "collabo" is called:

--The Headbanger
--The Captor of Sin
--The Slayer Balance Bike
--The Li'l Goebbels

(Just another jack-tard)

6) Silicon Valley is turning us into a bunch of "connected" douchebags and it has to fucking stop already.


7) Connected douchebags rejoice!  Google has patented:

--A self-driving bicycle
--An automaton who can drive a car
--A full-face bicycle helmet that uses an interactive LED display instead of a clear face shield
--An adhesive hood that pedestrians will stick to when they're hit by self-driving cars

***Special "You Know, This Bike Thing Just Might Catch On"-Themed Bonus Video!***


  1. Poduium for the third straight day!

  2. Dave Byrne's Hyundai says happy long scranus weekend, see you tuesday

  3. Everybody go ahead and take Monday off. Tell them McFly said "It's OK."

  4. 137. Take our environmental problems, for example. Here the conflict of values is straightforward: economic expedience now versus saving some of our natural resources for our grandchildren. [22] But on this subject we get only a lot of blather and obfuscation from the people who have power, and nothing like a clear, consistent line of action, and we keep on piling up environmental problems that our grandchildren will have to live with. Attempts to resolve the environmental issue consist of struggles and compromises between different factions, some of which are ascendant at one moment, others at another moment. The line of struggle changes with the shifting currents of public opinion. This is not a rational process, nor is it one that is likely to lead to a timely and successful solution to the problem. Major social problems, if they get “solved” at all, are rarely or never solved through any rational, comprehensive plan. They just work themselves out through a process in which various competing groups pursuing their own (usually short- term) self-interest [23] arrive (mainly by luck) at some more or less stable modus vivendi. In fact, the principles we formulated in paragraphs 100-106 make it seem doubtful that rational, long-term social planning can EVER be successful.

  5. Wildcat: remember your Epi-pen.

  6. Not cutting out early for a bike ride, but cutting out early to go hang out at the pool. Though a (very short) bike ride get me from the house to the I guess technically I'm cutting out early for a ride.

    Enjoy the long weekend everyone! I guess sorry to the international readers who don't have Monday off?

  7. Nice video! That said, I wanted to reach through the screen and tighten everybody's helmet straps. It's like showing up to court wearing a suit, but you've tied the pants legs around your head like a turban.

  8. Fully expected the link for "an oopsie" to be some sort of horrific motorist mayhem. Thanks for keeping it light.

  9. bad boy of the northMay 27, 2016 at 10:50 AM

    Do you have to wear cut-offs if you're cutting out early?

  10. I came in late, I'm going to leave early, and the sooner I can get these damn pants off, the better!

  11. Between various responsibilities this weekend, my dicking-around time is being severely impinged-upon. I may have to go full velotard and just tell everybody to suck it, I'm going for a ride.
    It's supposed to be hot and humid, so scranular conditions will be: arid.

  12. Enjoy sitting in traffic to get away from it all!

  13. Correction, not "arid", rather: "dank"

  14. janinedm - I wanted to reach through the screen and rotate that guy's helmet 180° (1:55).

  15. TOPPUS XX and holy shit Ted K is back! I plan to mountain bikecycle this weekend on my "hell no it's not fat it's just husky" bike. Have fun all

  16. Meh, most of us canuckians had last monday off so, please, enjoy your time. Lord knows you poor merkins hardly get any holidays as it is.

  17. .........meanwhile in Paris, Tn........

    Dep. Blake Jenkins of the Henry County Sheriff's Office charged a man for his 18th driving on a revoke license offense. John Bucy, age 50, of 320 Rabbit Creek Road was charged with driving on revoked, 18th offense after Dep. Jenkins witnessed him driving a vehicle and knew of prior charges.

  18. Yeah. It is offically litter in the park season.

  19. I, for one, am happy Ted K is back. It seems like without his political fuckery, we devolve into creating drama. Better to have it contained in one long comment no one reads.

  20. @bieks oh damn! I was so busy looking at his step situation I didn't even notice the backwards helmet.

  21. Honestly, I can probably do this for an obnoxiously long time, so I'll just stop.

  22. Already completed my long ride, so I'm just taking the rest of the day off. Have a good long one, Wildcat.



  23. i'll be that traffic nightmarish. have to go down cape may area to lil sis place. but the tater salad is done so i'm ready to eat and darink but no riding this weekend.

    hadn't watched the video yet. sounds like a must see. i'm still sulking from having missed the budnitz q. couldn't remember which poleeeze dept and picked balderdash.

  24. Going to be hot on the climbs this weekend and sticky and gross and I hope the bugs don't go faster than 4 mph and stay with me as I suck wind up the hills.


  25. what freaked me out was that blue CHPs helment at 1:60

  26. Ride Safe You AllMay 27, 2016 at 1:36 PM

    Would have aced the quiz if it wasn't for designer sunglasses.

    Didn't Cipo invent sticky adhesive cream with ingested all natural SPF15 Olive Oil?

    Going to spend Decoration Day Weekend dreaming of Devon with the deep green eyes, the blond hair, etc, etc.

    Hope our Ms. Babble is doing OK. Miss her comments and her blog.

  27. This Memorial Day, ride memorably all!

    And if you see me, wave hello. I'll be wearing the time trial skin suit my dog commissioned for me.

    I lost a bet.


  28. leroy

    for once i agree with the mutt. you'll look dashing in that although it looks like it will hide the beard.

  29. 100% quiz pass.

    I wrap my pant legs around my head like a turban and wet them down to block the signal from the homing beacon implanted up my nose.

  30. The TA short from BTWD -- Wow!

  31. Sorry I'm late, it's like a fucking Holocaust at my work! Which equals deaths from Oxycontin!

  32. Cutting out of the office early to go for a ride. Due to circumstances, today I'm on a Citibike.

    Leroy, I'll definitely wave at anything looking like that suit.

    Happy Memory Day all. Ride as if your Kuku Penthouse depended upon it!

  33. Roille, Roille, Roille...

  34. The point is, death is death. If you can explain to us simpletons why the Holocaust with the capital H is sooooooo unique that holocausts with lowercase H's should be stricken from the dictionary forever, and do it without resorting to numbers (e.g. death toll), without relying on the faulty assumption that one person is more special than another (e.g. by being part of a group), and WITHOUT relying on the use of ALL CAPS, I will personally blow you. Otherwise it seems I grasp the difference just fine.

    1. Because Jews are the specialest.
      Their God told them so...

    2. Ted K. is a breath of fresh air, compared to this. Save it for another venue.

  35. Because it is that time of year, I leave you with a poem for the long weekend:

    Roses are red,
    and ready for plucking,

    High school girls graduate,
    and are ready

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  37. bad boy of the northMay 27, 2016 at 4:03 PM

    oh,thank you,mighty best browser.may I have a bookmark?

  38. Come now, grasshoppers. The have been many holocausts, there will be many more holocausts. But there is a point in time which has been defined as The Holocaust. One must be able to discern the difference, and speak wisely of it.
    Now I shall walk barefooted across the rice paper whilst playing a flute.

  39. bad boy of the northMay 27, 2016 at 4:04 PM

    Leroy,do you have a matching skinsuit for your dog?

  40. bad boy of the northMay 27, 2016 at 4:08 PM

    thank you,master po!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Dunno why it's so heavy in here today, but I'm with y'all, if only cause I was dashed to discover a few moments ago that my happy place, Lynsky's sweet Ti Baby Cooper, shares its origins with a bucking Fudnitz. The world is upside down, inside out and backwards all of a sudden, and it's not just the dain bramage. :'(

  43. Um, Leroy? My deepest condolences. Maybe you should register for a 4th of July TT. At least then you might go unnoticed amongst the fireworks...

  44. Roille Figners,

    OK, let it go already.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  45. Roille, thanks for the offer, but I choose to forego the blowie.

    Neutral historians have written ponderous books on what makes the Holocaust unique over other mass murders, and it is difficult to distill it down to a post on a bike blog, but among the factors are:

    -It was pursued by the democratically elected officials of civilized countries.

    -It spanned 35 countries.

    -It spanned a decade.

    -It was carried out by and large by ordinary, everyday German citizens who then retired for the evening to enjoy Proust and Wagner.

    -It was dedicated to the total eradication of those of Jewish birth back to a single Jewish grandparent, including converts.

    -There was no political, economic or social justification.

    -It diverted enormous resources crucial to the war effort.

    -There was no official opposition from a single government. No action to limit or stop it, accompanied by an actual tightening of immigration requirements.

    I could go on, but I won't. Sure, some of these factors are present in other mass killings, but not all of them clustered together in one historical incident.

    Your simplistic view that thew Holocaust does not stand out because all human life is equally precious is pure sophistry from an uninformed and shallow thinker.

    Yours in cycling,


  46. bad boy of the northMay 27, 2016 at 5:27 PM

    ...and then,we have ted.thanks,ted,for continuing to produce the same,boring,,maggot-infestested,daitribe.give it're clogging my eyeballs and everyone else's,jeez,get a life.
    ...and I ain't whitewashing everything else going on here lately, but let's all shake hands and agree to disagree.back to bikey arguments...and by jeez,i meant lob.amen.

  47. bad boy of the northMay 27, 2016 at 5:40 PM

    ...nice to see you,ms.babble.;)


  48. based on today's commentariat, i'm afraid i wasn't able to wait to get to lil sis' and chugged my first woodford reserve.

    come to think of it, i take that back. thx guys for driving me to drink early. much 'preciated.

    mayhaps we all can tip one for those who gave all and those who never were because of our collective fuck-o-ness to each other.

  49. bad boy of the northMay 27, 2016 at 5:55 PM


  50. Spokey, I'm glad to see another bourbon drinker in the ranks. I'm a stone's throw from Bourbon county, and it's what I was raised on.

    Woodford is a solid house.


  51. N/A

    it's my house stock. once in awhile i'll go for a bottle of maker's mark, but it's 90% woodford.

    but i must confess that if i'm down to my last fifty bucks or so, i'll have to forgo the woodford for some glen morangie lasanta. blame it on me mom. other than the requisite whiskey sours when the old man got home from work (this was the 50s), i don't think i ever saw mom imbibe in anything other than scotch.

  52. LIeutenant ObliviousMay 27, 2016 at 9:22 PM

    I took the whole day off and started it with a bieks ride. Then I forgot there was no hiatus today. Almost got run over by a cop in Nyack, who left his stakeout position in hot pursuit of a pickup truck that ran a stop sign making a left turn. My friend and I were behind the pickup and had also very slowly rolled through the stop sign, in that we all but stopped but didn't put a foot down. Regardless, the cop sped out of the driveway he was hiding in, on the far side of our left turn, after we were almost through the intersection and he almost ran us down. I yelled at him "Jesus Christ Buddy!" He stopped and yelled back at me that I didn't stop at the stop sign. But he then kept going, didn't give us tickets, as he wanted to get the pickup truck.

    Safe riding all this weekend.

  53. Stunned and AmazedMay 27, 2016 at 9:23 PM

    I saw an electric assist, folding, fat bike today! Looked sort of like a Brompton on steroids. How awesome is that?

  54. Here is the most boring, inane, rode beik beiks ride review ever. It was 84 and humid, late afternoon. Surprised by the amount of traffic on the road. But not to worry, everyone was accommodating. Sciatica was acting up in lower leg, but bearable. I was wondering if the float on my SPD mtn bike pedals was adjustable, cause when I straightened up my feet it was better. After about 15 miles I packed it in for a ride in the am. The end.

    Did anybody catch Vinnie Nibali go for it on Stage 19 today? He wants that Vaglia Rosa back in a bad way.

    I am going to Akron OH for work next week. Any good MTB trails around there?

  56. My ride didn't go well either; I came down to the kitchen for a cuppa coffee and a coupla eggs, but when I started to chew and my wife asked me to make a cuppa coffee; I went downstairs...while to coffee was brewing I got the paper and started a crossword. Wasn't paying attention, and burned the coffee..started more coffee, couldn't find the pencil, so I started to gather my ride, gloves helmet, pump....tire felt soft, so I used the old floor pump with the broken gauge and the sketchy head...wife called for her coffee...I brought it up...did a little of the puzzle then looked for my ride things again. other tire was kinda soft...broke the valve pumping it up with my other floor pump...went back to my room for the tube in my long-sleeved jersey..wife asked for another cup went back down to the kitchen decided to have my eggs, but they were cold and my teeth are still upstairs in the glass

  57. McFly, if you want a course that will challenge your bike-handling skills in Akron, try riding over the crushed hopes and dreams of the civic leaders or the ghosts of greatness past.

  58. bad boy of the northMay 28, 2016 at 1:15 PM

    Ouch.wishi.akron,o,doesnt look too hot while passing through it on the hwy.did that in 2013 while on the way to cincinnati

  59. bad boy of the northMay 28, 2016 at 5:15 PM

    Meant 2014

  60. Think I will check out Vulture Knob MTB trail system. It's about 20 minutes south of my ultimate destination. #whatpressuredoirun if I decide it ride over crushed hopes and dreams? Will a gravel specific tyre work? I spelt it with a "y" cuz I'm sophisticated as fuck.

  61. bad boy of the northMay 29, 2016 at 5:47 AM

    what the heck is infestested?

  62. Speaking of boring rides....Spending the long weekend visiting the fruit of my loins in western New York. Drove 400 mi in the Hyundai that has been personalized in Demolition Derby Motif by Mrs POC. Woke up and had a hearty breakfast with the Mrs and the offspring( breakfast on the hotel's dime}. Set up the roadster and took off about 10am. IT WAS FUCKIN'HOT ALREADY! Pedaled the Eerie Canal towpath for about 8 mi. When my peter got numb from sitting too long, I abandoned the towpath for the bucolic countryside of Monroe and Orleans Co. I don't know how many have ventured into the canal zone, but NYS above 90, between Rochester and Buffalo is flat. Flatter than a pre teen flat Ultimately did 28 mi and clibbed a grand total of 250 feet. The real challenge was the late morning HOT! Dastardly, from cold to an extended period of wet, and then right to HOT, no acclimation at all.

    Dis manage to stop into the Distillery in Roscoe and score some Bourbon and artisanal gin. I won't open it till I get back home, though, dont like to have partially open spirits in the know how the coppers can be. They'll get a whiff and the next thing you know, your stash is gone.

  63. Out for a Sunday morning ride yesterday. honk-honk-honk-honk-honk....

    Atheist on bike: "And, where exactly are you going in such a hurry?"
    Good Christian in Car: To MOVE or I'll phuckin' kill you!"

    When he got there, I'll bet he threw an extra nickel in the collection plate to help his Fellow Man.

    Careful out there, kiddies, for you are seen as The Devil incarnate (even if yer fork ain't made of crabon fibre). .

  64. DesperatelySeekingDorothyRabinowitzMay 30, 2016 at 6:03 PM


  65. got yelled at the other day...."GET ON THE SIDEWALK!".wait'll I catch him in my dino-fueled pickup......with my sawed-off.just kiddin'.(about the pickup).

  66. Hot teacher in my hood just got a bike. Now everytime she sees me riding without a helmet she turns into a helmet Nazi. Still gives me a chub.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. WIWM at 10am.

    Whatpressureyourunnin to ride over crushed dreams?

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