Monday, November 10, 2014

BSNYC Field Trip: The 5th Annual Philadelphia Bike Expo!

See, the problem with having a really snappy bike-riding hat is that you need a jersey that matches it.  Now your problems are over.  Behold!  The Fred "Woo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo!" Speed bicycle riding shirt:

(Don't worry, the sleeves will be attached on the actual jersey.)

Pre-order yours now so you'll receive it in time to place it beneath your Christmas Tree, Hanukkah Bush, Kwanzaa Shrub, Festivus Pole, or phosphorescent Dark Satanmas Boner of Lucifer!

Praise the Lard and Holy Luau, etc.

Speaking of bike-riding hats, I gave out a bunch yesterday at the Philly Bike Expo to the intrepid people who were both bold enough and bored enough to come and hear my "semi-GNAR."  Yes, it was a lovely day for what has now become my annual fall pilgrimage to Philadelphia, and it was with a song in my heart and another song on the satellite radio that I fired up THE CAR THAT THE BANK OWNS UNTIL I FINISH PAYING THEM BACK FOR IT and pointed it south--stopping briefly in Brooklyn where I picked up a famous bike blogger who just happened to be visiting from Californy, and who was no doubt questioning his decision to get up early on a Sunday during his New York City vacation and spend like half the day on the New Jersey Turnpike.

About a hundred miles later we arrived at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, whereupon I drove right through the doors, slipped this kid a double sawbuck, and said, "Park her someplace safe and clean up these glass shards while you're at it, wouldya?"

However, instead of thanking me profusely and kissing my pinky ring, this audacious little snot gave me some line about how it's valet parking for bikes only, furthermore adding something like, "What do you think this is, a Dunkin' Donuts?"

Hey, these kids in Philly have moxie, I'll give 'em that.

After fruitlessly shouting "Do you have any idea who I am!?!" for 15 or 20 minutes I finally gave up and headed across the street to a parking garage.  Now, my sense of direction isn't terrible, but there are two places in which I'm bound to get lost, and those are convention centers and parking garages.  Naturally, I was particularly apprehensive since this day was now going to involve both, so after securing my vehicle I photographed both the sign nearest the car:

As well as the sign outside the elevator:

I have lost my car in parking garages before (in fact that's why I had to get a new car), and I wasn't about to do it again.

For good measure, upon returning to the Convention Center, I also confirmed with some other new arrivals that I was in the right place since it's a vast building and there were many events taking place:

"Excuse me," I asked.  "Are you here for the Bike Expo or the Gigantic Nerd Summit?"

Just kidding.  The Bike Expo is the Gigantic Nerd Summit.

It's a trick question.

Then, heading back inside, I snatched my $20 back from that impertinent kid and checked out the bike parking area:

Oh, come on.  A bakfiets?  A tandem?  A tall bike?!?  They would have had plenty of room for my Maybach!

Once inside the exhibition hall I felt like an explorer looting the pyramid of a pharaoh, so dazzling were the treasures on display.  There were exotic folding touring bikes:

Chain-drive unicycles:

And of course the keen sartorial sense for which Philadelphians are famous:

("I'm telling you, leather pants and arm warmers go great together!  Also, lose the hat.")

There are also windows, because Philadelphia is a no-bullshit kinda town:

("Yeah, I know this is a bike show.  So that's supposed to mean you don't need windows?")

If Fashion Week were to move from New York to Philly I like to think they'd work in a hot water heater display somewhere.

Speaking of windows, the most recent bikes from Engin tempted me like a hot pie on a windowsill:

Though self-restraint shut the window right on my thieving fingers:

And it was right then that I decided to start a new photo essay called "Disembodied Hands of Bicycle Fabricators Pointing to the Bikes They Fabricated."  Here is the first--and last--in the series:

That's Simon of Transport Cycles, by the way, which last time I visited Philly had not even opened yet:

The fact that they are now both open and thriving made me feel both happy for them and old.

Finally, it was time for my "semi-GNAR:"

And when I emerged an hour later my smarting phone was dead and I could no longer take any photographs:

After another turn through the exhibition hall the famous bike blogger and I were hungry, so he asked some of the Convention Center staff where was the best place to get cheesesteak.  "Geno's is good," said one.  "I like Pat's," said the other.  "Yeah, I like Geno's better," said the first one, and as they rolled around on the floor trying to strangle one-another we slipped outside and went to get the car.

Unfortunately, since my phone was dead I couldn't access the photos I'd so cannily taken of my parking spot.  Also, since I get confused in Convention Centers I forgot where we'd originally entered.  Therefore, we ended up walking into another parking garage that, while almost identical to the one we'd used, was not in fact the one housing my car.  This caused us both considerable consternation, and if you want to know how long it takes two bike bloggers to find a car they parked directly across the street from a convention center not more than three hours before the answer is: an embarrassingly long time.

Despite the odds, however, we eventually succeeded, and off we headed to Geno's and/or Pat's:

Which one we actually chose is a secret I will take to the grave, but it was delicious, despite my fear that I'd order wrong and the server would throw scalding Cheez Whiz in my face.

Lastly, see this guy?

Well, he's now apparently the World's Fastest Fred:

"Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" indeed.


Flyover BC said...


JB said...

The left sleeve is my favorite!

Flyover BC said...

Bike snob putting the GRAN back in gnarly.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back.

Flyover correctorbot said...

GNAR in gnarly.

Vernal Magina said...


Dave - Everywhere said...

Top Ten!!!!

herzogone said...

Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Top ten.

Vernal Magina said...

... thisclose to being top-five. damn u Flyover correctorbot, and yr "GRAN"

now i am not so gnar.

ken e. said...


Flyover BC said...

Did you find the best cheesesteak in Philly or did it make you hurl, like the one Brooklyn?

BTW, I still haven't found a knish in Albuquerque, so I wouldn't what's best.

Sorry Vernal, there was a slow finish today. I could have taken more spots, so you can have one of mine.

Joe K. said...

Geno owned (I know who sold it to him) a Hummer H2. So strike one against the man. He also is pretty awful with his "Speak English" policies. So I go to Pat's. Although Pat's hasn't cleaned their griddle for almost 80 years, so it gets extra flavor like botulism in your cheese stake (Steak and cheese to you New Englanders.)

Moving on. This blog gets more Seinfeldy everyday. Now with losing cars in parking garages. Awesome. Wildcat Rock Machine Larry David.

3G said...

How much more black can that sleeve get?


Freddy Murcks said...

Snob - I love you, but when did this blog become a forum for your naked hucksterism?

theEel said...


BikeSnobNYC said...

Freddy Murcks,


According to Internet pundits, I'd say at least 2007, when people gave me a ton of crap for doing an interview with "Bicycling."

--Wildcat Rock Machine

Anonymous said...

Super-fred's heels flying up in the air looked like Otto in A Fish Called Wanda. You know the scene I mean?

JB said...

Did the same thing at DisneyingWorld. Take photo of parking aisle name/number (Snuffleupagus/27), use phone to take more photos and navigate DW, wander parking lot for 45 minutes.

Snob, can you please add chain-drive unicycle guy to your "Nonplussed" image folder? Or maybe pasted his head on nonplussed bib shorts guy? Ok, thanks.

Joe K. said...

Don't let Specialguyz watch that video. they will ditch their e-bike efforts and start making R-bikes. Coming soon to a trail near you!

Unknown said...

top tweentie

babble on said...

Lol! Gnarly weekend, snobberdood. Gl;ad you finally found the car that the bank owns until either you pay them off, or interest rates go up and you default on your loan! It would suck to have to borrow another.

Where are the icy blue shirts?! I need one to go with my black leather pants.

Freddy Murcks said...

Touche, Snob. But there does seem to be a slight difference between providing topical, albeit snarky, reviews of bike gear and pushing the sales of your own line of fredtacular bike jerseys. It should be noted too that you would probably make fun of people wearing such fredtacular jerseys were it not for the fact that sales of them are lining your pockets with filthy lucre.

crosspalms said...

Thanks a lot, SwissRocketMan, now everybody will be whining about how fast we can go, there oughta be a law, blahblahblah. On the other hand, you can't put us in a ditch if you can't catch us.

Anonymous said...


BikeSnobNYC said...

Freddy Murcks,

I make fun of pretty much everything, but that aside, do you really think I'm opposed to the idea of cycling jerseys...?

On second thought, don't answer that.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

balls™ said...

When are the hilpsters going to start riding brakeless rocket-bikes?

Joe K. said...

only 45 more years before rocket bikes will be allowed at L-erotica.

Anonymous said...

you really half-assed that bike expo, at least you had time to get a cheese steak. I would have opted for Jim's steaks in West Philly (not the one of the same name on south street which isn't bad either) much better than Pat's or Geno's.

Dave said...

Lucre is invariably filthy, except when it comes in handy for lining my jersey pockets. Then I call it an honest buck. Could we just agree to call it "gnarly lucre"?

Dave said...

Oh, and I want more naked hucksterism! With photos, please.

JLRB said...

How much if I only buy the sleeves on the woohoo jersey

Poppa Wheelie said...

Similar Philly parking experience for me too. Attendant gave me a ticket with the wrong address on it. Walked all across town, kinda fucked me up. Eventually figured out where I left it, though I wasn't sure it would end up that way at all. Check your ticket to see if it has effin relevant info on it! WTF
Oh iPhone died while out on this adventure too.

Flyover BC said...

Those black and orange jerseys, or is it joiseys, ought to sell really well with the Hardly-Able son crowd. All you need to do is change the number from 46 to 74 or 80.

'Course H-D will be after you for royalties.

Jobz Boner said...

If Snob was an attractive women with sizable, perky breasts, I would gladly invite a lot of naked hucksterism.

JLRB said...

next product should be a woo hoo themed phone battery back-up device

leroy said...

Couldn't place where I've seen the World's Fastest Fred before.

But my dog remembered.

World's Fastest Fred.

JB said...

Murcks, if you thing Snob's "pushing sales of" schtuff, I'm going to have to ask if you've been anywhere else on the internet super model highway(?). Don't read this EW: There's no pop-up add each time you visit, or emails asking to post stuff to my Facingbook page.

It's really pretty easy to skip on by new jersey notification. If I was flush with cash, I'd probably order a Snob jersey, but I'm cheap and only have jerseys that were included free with a bowl of soup.

Anonymous said...

vsk said ...

I really for some reason thought Recumbabe was going to be there in person doing the manequin pose on top of the Bilenky 1/2 recumbent and 1/2 standard machine. He would have definitely sold ... at least THAT one.

Having failed to re-compose myself after getting an avant garde ice blue cap I forgot to say thanks Mr. Snob for all the chuckles and laughs throughout the work week in these blogulations.

I recommend the in-person Snob experience and would like to see some more (than 0) local Snob Related Event(s) around here.

I was suprised at the size of the Bike Expo event. I thought it was pretty big with some vendors that I buy stuff from (Velo Orange, Peter White Cycles, etc.) and cool builders (Johnny Coast, Engin, JP Weigle, Bilenky, Royal H, and others).

Mr. Snob was speaking with a nice gent at the back who I came across in the hallway. I just bluntly blurted out "so who are you?". "My name is David Moulton"...
Holy crap! It made my day at least. Bought a signed copy of his book.

All in all, a nice afternoon. That part of the city was great to see.
Driving out of the lot (I was in 6e vs. Snob's 7e), I came across a friend from the Brooklyn Velodrome Vintage Wheelmen who I was able to offer a lift back to Brooklynland.

If I had a Manatee or Seal of Approval I would apply it.

Good luck,

vsk 8115 bot

Anonymous said...

Hey Poppa Wheelie, nice to meet you!


Anonymous said...

that gissy guy on the hissy-rocket bike - he gone be dead soon


Anonymous said...

well **I'M** opposed to bikeen jerseys~!!!!

Anonymous said...

snobs is all "i'm big mr-ridin-round-in-the-bank's-car duder"


BikeSnobNYC said...

Anonymous 1:40pm,

Good for you.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

Poppa Wheelie said...

Very nice to have met you too, vsk.
Oh I also went home with that book too. Nice guy.

dop said...

those boys hosed you...the best cheesesteaks are at Spataro's in Reading Terminal Market (some call me a tourist...I consider myself a gastronomic Fred

the Jimboner said...

Andy Kaufman as the killer cop in "God Told Me To" also dude gets shot while riding his ten speed in the first minute.

crosspalms said...

Sorry, I just don't think "cheese" and "steak" belong together. What is it with this country that we put cheese on everything?

Regarding the occasional infomercials for Snobgear, let's not forget he has a lot of children to put through college. He might be able to pull strings for the first dozen or so, but sooner or later he'll have to cough up. Besides, having your own jersey is kind of a thing among authors. I still wear my Martin Amis jersey (it's all black with BIKE SHIRT SPONDEE in white letters on the back).

alpaca lips said...

Yeah, but where can you get a kosher cheesesteak?

1904 Cadardi said...

To whomever suggested "The Third Policeman" :

Started reading it on vacation and I must say that book is a trip. An engaging/interesting trip that will probably lead to some lasting brain damage and future flashbacks not unlike LSD. So overall, good.

Thanks for the recommendation!

CommieCanuck said...

Sorry, I just don't think "cheese" and "steak" belong together. What is it with this country that we put cheese on everything?


I was in Pittsburg last month, where they featured the Pittsburger:
pork belly
something green
..and for an extra $1, a fried egg.

Classy place, they came around with huge pepper mills full of Lipitor, and after dessert, you get a free defibrillator zap.

Anonymous said...

I'm in for the black and orange, even though I had to spring for a new GatorSkin today.
The tire, not the condom.
Thinking about it, maybe it is a rim condom
But I'm already saving my pennies for the matching ice jersey.

JLRB said...

Commie -

There is an "h" in Pittsburgh, and it is not silent. The H is for "heartattack."

crosspalms said...

That "something green" was probably cheese, too.

Spokey said...

looks like that jersey will clash with my icy blue cap. 'Course don't know for sure as I don't have it. Shoulda given to a RAAM rider. Woulda been here by now. Jeez. shipped in oct and still not here. Hope it beats the rim reaper.

robot said it would be here in another 1124 days.

Spokey said...


we don't put cheese on everything. For instance, have you ever seen anyone put cheese on fried chicken livers? I sure haven't

I suppose then you're not an aficionado of cheese fries?

Besides it's the modern way to stay healthy. You haven't read the latest swedish study linking high fat dairy to DECREASED diabetes risk and weight loss?

I shoot for 306 wheels of cheese each day

JLRB said...

"Unisex mens/womens club fit"

I can't remember if club fit is the kind that is all snug to show beer bellies, or more loose at the bottom hem? What kind of a club is it?

Spokey said...

all my clubs are wider at the bottom. that is assuming by top you mean the part you hold and by bottom you mean the part you actually whack someone with. Like a basebull bat only i don't think MLB allows spikes in their clubs.

grog said...

Had my first mac & cheesesteak at Trailspinners Mountainbike Jamboree 2 weeks ago. More fun than a philly cheesesteak, but CC, that thing you had in P-burgh sounds even better.

alpaca lips said...

CC, that thing you had in P-burgh sounds like the "Good Morning Burger" that tantalizes Homer Simpson when it's advertised, causing Lisa to imagine a future in which her Father is being buried in a piano crate. "I wish they had never invented fried cheese!", says Marge between sobs.

wishiwasmerckx said...

Well, everybody is a critic, but...this Jew would actually pay retail to own both a BSNYC jersey AND a Fat Cyclist kit, but each are available only in black, and I live in the desert where black absorbs heat and literally cooks you in like 9 of the 12 months of the year.

Mr. Weiss, are you fashion-forward enough to offer a one-off version, perhaps in a nice pastel?

DDD said...

According to grant petersen's(rivendell) new diet and exercise book should I eat philly cheese-steaks or not? I'll check back later, gotta go get a prostate exam from the guy that designed my bathroom.

wishiwasmerckx said...

p.s. Learned that this was coming at Interbike, but kept my pie-hole shut so as not to spoil the "official" announcement.

Freddy Murcks said...

wishiwasmerckx - For what it's worth, Mr. Fat Cyclist lives in Utah where the sun shines about 350 days/yr and it's often quite hot (I know it's often hot 'cause I live here too). He manages to survive his black jersey - although it may be intended to heat his body and melt the fat that he's so famous for.

crosspalms said...

I like cheese. Just not everywhere.
Fish sandwich? cheese
Egg McMuffin? cheese
There aren't many letters separating Cheerios and Cheetos, but they're very important letters.
They're already serving coffee with butter in it, cheese can't be far off.
But speaking of cheese, I think gnarly should be pronounced Italianly, like gnocchi, which is very good with cheese.

Dave said...

The occasional massive infusion of cheese-based fat bombs has been shown (by "studies") to be necessary for the proper lubrication of the American alimentary canal, and also for the American's mental health. As I lay dying (practically) in the hospital, I had smuggled in the modest but restorative Mexican Pizza from that paragon of cheese merchants, Taco Bell. It did the trick. I regained hope. Scoff if you will!

bad boy of the north said...

aww...wanted to go to philly.maybe one day a semi-GNAR,(of course then,it wouldn't be one,would it?)in the nyc environs,by mr.snob.

Spokey said...

swedish study or no swedish study, I draw the line at an egg McMoron. Besides those things have piggly in them. I'll take a nice carr's cracker with say a nice brie or creamy gorgonzola melted in to it. i'm drooling like homer now just thinking about it.

JLRB said...

Dave - Just to be clear - you were dying in a hopsital room, but were saved by a mexican pizza?

Was the faux-beef product on the pizza shaped like an image of Sata Muerte?

JLRB said...

Santa Muerte - curse you fingers

JLRB said...

the narcos who ask her to protect their shipments of meth from Michoacan to Houston

Anonymous said...

Someone that uses the phrase McMoron is saying more about themselves than anyone that may partake of an Egg McMuffin and it's not saying anything good...

Spokey said...

McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron McMoron

i can say it as a self achknowledged expert who worked for them in the 60s

Spokey said...

and you are right. i often say "shut up brain"

ken e. said...

"uhh, it's too early to go to the magic kingdom."

Dooth said...

I just ate some Tiger Balls. I think it's Korean. It had bits of pork and melted cheese. I chuckled when the server asked, "what kind of sauce would you like on your balls?"...thought they'd go well with Irish whiskey.

McFly said...

Did Stevil not set anything on fire?

Anonymous said...

That dude should be knighted for being the most French-looking person in France!

Dave said...


Yes - I was praying to Santa Muerte, patron saint of hospitals and nursing homes, to either kill me immediately or unblock my bowels. The 'food' in there was as always a soul-eroding simulacrum of actual food, and I began to crave refried black bean paste even more than my Dilaudid. After three weeks they basically shipped me to a nursing home to sink or swim. And as security in nursing homes is far more lax, I was able to bribe my relatives to bring me life-affirming cheese and bean and fried flour tortilla comestibles. I was on my long road to gaining back the 25 or so pounds I had so quickly lost. I think I still owe Santa Muerte a boatload of Hail Muertes and maybe a couple of toes. Well - I'll pay as I leave.

Grump said...

Did Mr. Gissy just finish eating lunch at Taco Bell???


Snobby.....Come clean.....Just admit that you drive a 1999 Hyundai Accent.

Spokey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Glad you made it to philly again, to bad that little ankle biter wasn't there to annoy us this year.thanks for the Fred hat, although I'll never wear the thing. Cuz racing sucks. And you look like a clown in them. But I'll cherish it till the end of time. Keep up the fight against folding bikes!

JLRB said...

Glad taco bell worked for ya.
I feel your pain.

dop said...

screw the cheesesteak..tell us about the philly scranus

SCRANUS said...

S is for the sticky feeling that you give me

SCRANUS said...

C is for the crabs that live there

SCRANUS said...

R is for he rotten crotch above me

SCRANUS said...

A is for the anus behind ne

SCRANUS said...

N is for the nuts the hang before me

Anonymous said...

U is for the uterus inside 1/2 of us

SCRANUS said...

S is for the silly song we sing

dop said...

Put them all together they spell SCRANUS!!!

dop said...


dop said...


dop said...


dop said...


Stuart said...

Allons enfants de la patrie, le jour de gloire est arrive!!!!!! Take that, you fat fastfood eating Americaines! Screw you, mediocre Merkel shit-inspecting Germans! Eat our dust, you Italian pizza floppers! Cry in your ale, you cuisinely challenged queens of England! VIVE LA FRANCE!!!! VIVE LA FRANCE!!!! Oh, someone kill me quickly...

Spokey said...

well dop

I see your century is marred by that Stuart fellow. But I'll congrats to you anyway (but why the hell am i up this late anyway). go for the yellow on tomorrow's (or today's) post.

and did you work on that sprint dialog all day?

semi serious cyclist said...

Is it wool?

Anonymous said...

Baa baaa baaaa baa

atom bomb said...

Here's one for you. It's that Lucas Brunelle:

Anonymous said...

Ice hat arrived in mail yesterday. Santa Muerta, it's a nice hat. Santa Muerta, isn't that the evil Santa that steals children's toys after the other Santa drops them off under the Christmas Shrub?

JB said...

I think the orange Woo-hoo jersey would go well with the blue Woo-hoo hat...less matchy-matchy.

Anonymous said...

Geno's and Pat's are okay. Jim's Steaks, just don't lean on the glass.


Fredrick said...

My pal Francoise! We rides l'greenway on our ebikes.

Stuart said...

C'est blamage! Turns out that Gissy fellow might be Swiss. Sacre bleu, merde... I told you to kill me quickly!

Anonymous said...

Penjual Obat Keluar Nanah
Penjual Obatalami Penis Keluar Nanah
Penjual Obat ampuh Keluar Nanah
Penjual Obat herbal Keluar Nanah
Obat Ampuh Keluar Nanah
Obat Alami Keluar Nanah
pengobatan Ampuh Keluar Nanah
Obat tradisonal Penis Keluar Nanah
Obat Kanker Payudara yg manjur
pengobatan Kanker Payudara yang manjur
Obat Kanker Payudara manjur
pengobatan Kanker Payudara yang manjur
Artikel Obat Kanker Payudara Manjur
Artikel Obat ampuh Kanker Payudara yang Manjur
Obat Kanker Payudara yang Manjur
Artikel pengobatan Kanker Payudara yang Manjur
Kumpulan Obat alami Kanker Payudara yang Manjur
Kumpulan Obat herbal Kanker Payudara yang Manjur
Kumpulan Obat Kanker Payudara
Kumpulan pengobatan Kanker Payudara yang Manjur
Obat Kanker Payudara yang Manjur
Resep Obat Kanker Payudara yg Manjur
Resep Obat Kanker Payudara
Resep ampuh Obat Kanker Payudara yang Manjur
Jual Obat ampuh Kanker Payudara yang Manjur
Jual Obat alami Kanker Payudara yang Manjur
Jual Obat Kanker Payudara yg Manjur
Jual Obat tradisional Kanker Payudara yang Manjur
Cara Mengobati penyakit Kemaluan Mengeluarkan Nanah
Mengobati Kemaluan Mengeluarkan Nanah
Cara Mengobati Kelamin Mengeluarkan Nanah
Cara ampuh Mengobati Kemaluan Mengeluarkan Nanah
Cara yang Ampuh Mengobati Kemaluan Mengeluarkan Nanah
Cara Mengobati Kemaluan Mengeluarkan Nanah
Cara Ampuh Mengobati Kelamin Mengeluarkan Nanah
Cara sangat Ampuh Mengobati Kemaluan Mengeluarkan Nanah

Unknown said...

Cari Obat Kondiloma Akuminata Alami
Pengobatan Kemaluan Wanita Mengeluarkan Nanah dan Darah
Obat Kemaluan Wanita Mengeluarkan Nanah dan Darah
Terapi Mengobati Penyakit Ambeien Parah Tanpa Operasi
Obat Dari Kemaluan Pria Keluar Seperti Nanah
Terapi Pengobatan Kanker Alami
Obat Ampuh untuk Ambeien Ibu Menyusui Sudah Akut
Cara Alami Menyembuhkan Penyakit Ambeien Tanpa Operasi
Cara Mengobati Kutil di dekat Kemaluan
Mengobati Benjolan Kutil di Kemaluan Wanita
Pengobatan Dari Kemaluan Pria Keluar Cairan Nanah
Cara Aman Menyembuhkan Penyakit Ambeien Tanpa Operasi
mengapa dari kemaluan pria keluar nanah
Obat Kondiloma Akuminata Alami di Apotik
Cara Ampuh Buat Mengobati Ambeien
Pengobatan Penyakit Kanker Alami
Cara Ampuh Mengobati Ambeien Stadium 3
Mengobati Penyakit Ambeien Wasir Berdarah Tanpa Operasi
Cara Mengobati Ambeien Wasir Berdarah

Unknown said...

I ordered these cycling bike pants from Bizarkdeal for my brother who is an avid bicyclist! They fit great, he said they are super comfortable, and the best part is they are quick to dry, unlike some other cycling suits he has tried! Highly recommend these!

Karunia-MU said...

Cara menyembuhkan wasir secara alami dg obat wasir ambeien herbal aman, ampuh tanpa efek samping
Cara menyembuhkan wasir secara alami dg obat ambejoss herbal ampuh aman tanpa efek samping
Cara Cepat Menghilangkan / menyembuhkan Benjolan Wasir Luar & dalam
Obat Wasir yang paling Ampuh mengatasi Ambeien ambejoss untuk wasir luar & dalam
Cara Cepat Menghilangkan / mengatasi Benjolan Wasir Luar & dalam
Cara ampuh Menghilangkan ambeien dengan aman / mengatasi Benjolan Wasir Luar & dalam
Cara mengatasi ambeien wasir adalah makan tape singkong yang sudah matang atau lembek
mengatasi wasir secara alami bisa dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan tanaman apotik
Tips Cara Mengatasi Wasir Secara Alami Tanpa Operasi Untuk Penyembuhan ambeien
Pengobatan Penyakit Wasir Ambeien & Penyembuhan Wasir Tanpa Operasi Dgn Obat Tradisional Wasir Yang Ampuh dan Aman
Obat Herbal Wasir Ambeien Alami - Grosir Denature Rahma Herbal
Cara Cepat Menghilangkan / Mengobati Benjolan Wasir Luar-Dalam
Cara ampuh Menghilangkan ambeien dengan aman / Mengobati Benjolan Wasir Luar-Dalam
Cara mengobati ambeien wasir adalah makan tape singkong yang sudah matang atau lembek
Sembuhkan Wasir Anda Tanpa Operasi 1000+ Orang Sudah Pakai Produk AmbeJOSS
Cara mengobati wasir berdarah secara alami menggunakan tanaman herbal
Pengobatan Penyakit Wasir Ambeien & Penyembuhan Wasir Tanpa Operasi Ampuh dan Aman
Cara Pengobatan dan menyembuhkan wasir secara alami dg obat wasir ambeien herbal aman, ampuh tanpa efek samping

Karunia-MU said...

Cara menyembuhkan wasir secara alami dg obat wasir ambeien herbal aman, ampuh tanpa efek samping
Cara menyembuhkan wasir secara alami dg obat ambejoss herbal ampuh aman tanpa efek samping
Cara Cepat Menghilangkan / menyembuhkan Benjolan Wasir Luar & dalam
Obat Wasir yang paling Ampuh mengatasi Ambeien ambejoss untuk wasir luar & dalam
Cara Cepat Menghilangkan / mengatasi Benjolan Wasir Luar & dalam
Cara ampuh Menghilangkan ambeien dengan aman / mengatasi Benjolan Wasir Luar & dalam
Cara mengatasi ambeien wasir adalah makan tape singkong yang sudah matang atau lembek
mengatasi wasir secara alami bisa dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan tanaman apotik
Tips Cara Mengatasi Wasir Secara Alami Tanpa Operasi Untuk Penyembuhan ambeien
Pengobatan Penyakit Wasir Ambeien & Penyembuhan Wasir Tanpa Operasi Dgn Obat Tradisional Wasir Yang Ampuh dan Aman
Obat Herbal Wasir Ambeien Alami - Grosir Denature Rahma Herbal
Cara Cepat Menghilangkan / Mengobati Benjolan Wasir Luar-Dalam
Cara ampuh Menghilangkan ambeien dengan aman / Mengobati Benjolan Wasir Luar-Dalam
Cara mengobati ambeien wasir adalah makan tape singkong yang sudah matang atau lembek
Sembuhkan Wasir Anda Tanpa Operasi 1000+ Orang Sudah Pakai Produk AmbeJOSS
Cara mengobati wasir berdarah secara alami menggunakan tanaman herbal
Pengobatan Penyakit Wasir Ambeien & Penyembuhan Wasir Tanpa Operasi Ampuh dan Aman
Cara Pengobatan dan menyembuhkan wasir secara alami dg obat wasir ambeien herbal aman, ampuh tanpa efek samping
Ambejoss dan salep salwa dari denature indonesia, solusi pengobatan herbal untuk wasir atau ambeien tanpa operasi
Cara penyembuhan wasir dan tonjolan ambeien yang sudah parah

Karunia-MU said...

Cara menyembuhkan wasir secara alami dg obat wasir ambeien herbal aman, ampuh tanpa efek samping
Cara menyembuhkan wasir secara alami dg obat ambejoss herbal ampuh aman tanpa efek samping
Cara Cepat Menghilangkan / menyembuhkan Benjolan Wasir Luar & dalam
Obat Wasir yang paling Ampuh mengatasi Ambeien ambejoss untuk wasir luar & dalam
Cara Cepat Menghilangkan / mengatasi Benjolan Wasir Luar & dalam
Cara ampuh Menghilangkan ambeien dengan aman / mengatasi Benjolan Wasir Luar & dalam
Cara mengatasi ambeien wasir adalah makan tape singkong yang sudah matang atau lembek
mengatasi wasir secara alami bisa dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan tanaman apotik
Tips Cara Mengatasi Wasir Secara Alami Tanpa Operasi Untuk Penyembuhan ambeien
Pengobatan Penyakit Wasir Ambeien & Penyembuhan Wasir Tanpa Operasi Dgn Obat Tradisional Wasir Yang Ampuh dan Aman
Obat Herbal Wasir Ambeien Alami - Grosir Denature Rahma Herbal
Cara Cepat Menghilangkan / Mengobati Benjolan Wasir Luar-Dalam
Cara ampuh Menghilangkan ambeien dengan aman / Mengobati Benjolan Wasir Luar-Dalam
Cara mengobati ambeien wasir adalah makan tape singkong yang sudah matang atau lembek
Sembuhkan Wasir Anda Tanpa Operasi 1000+ Orang Sudah Pakai Produk AmbeJOSS
Cara mengobati wasir berdarah secara alami menggunakan tanaman herbal
Pengobatan Penyakit Wasir Ambeien & Penyembuhan Wasir Tanpa Operasi Ampuh dan Aman
Cara Pengobatan dan menyembuhkan wasir secara alami dg obat wasir ambeien herbal aman, ampuh tanpa efek samping
Ambejoss dan salep salwa dari denature indonesia, solusi pengobatan herbal untuk wasir atau ambeien tanpa operasi
Cara penyembuhan wasir dan tonjolan ambeien yang sudah parah