Friday, June 27, 2014

BSNYC Friady Fun Quiz!

Well, NPR's Scott Simon has apologized for his dumb cycling tweet, but he had to go and tack on a gratuitous third sentence:
Yeah, that is what everyone was saying.  I didn't see any "violent screeds."  I just saw replies like this:

So he might as well have pointed out that saying "You're wrong" also makes a better case than blowing bubbles in your chocolate milk.  (Though I admit I did angrily blow bubbles in my own chocolate milk for a full 20 minutes after reading his initial tweet.)

Also, before apologizing he tried to defend himself with this limp noodle:

If we're so visible then why do drivers keep running us over because they "didn't see" us?  Also, I assume he's tweeting from Washington, DC, and if he thinks cyclists are a bigger presence than drivers on the streets of our nation's capital then he'd better go back to LensCrafters and get a refund.

[Also, bonus points to him for falling back on the classic "Some of my best friends are cyclists" routine.]

In other news, Bradley Wiggins is officially out of the Tour de France:

Yet David Millar will be riding it for the 13th time:

(I thought he retired already.)

Proving once again that the worst career move you can make as a Tour de France cyclist is actually winning the thing.

And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right you're special, and if you're wrong you'll see a doped-up rabbit.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and be sure to yield to NPR hosts.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

(He's watching excitedly as the future of rearward viewing overtakes him.)

1) Finally, a digital answer to the helment mirror!


2) What is this contraption?

--The Flying Rider™
--The Hover Bike™
--The Velo Truss™
--The Fred Harness™

3) Which of the following is true of the £6000 Trek Domane Disc 6.9?

--It has "fantastic power on tap with minimal hand effort along with a positive initial bite that's far from grabby or overly abrupt"
--It is "akin to driving a car with disc brakes versus drums"
--It is not officially approved by Trek for tires wider than 25mm
--All of the above

4) Ángel Vázquez was removed from a Gran Fondo by Spain’s Guardia Civil for:

--Serial doping
--Using a bicycle fitted with an electrical assist
--Cereal doping
--Hogging the donuts at one of the rest stops

5) According to  its inventor, the Mac Ride child seat promotes:

--"Six Pack Abs"
--"Motion Sickness"

6) What ridiculous notion is he scoffing at?

--The idea that someone would ever eat food that isn't locally grown and sustainably harvested
--The idea that someone would ever ride a bicycle that isn't handmade by a master craftsman
--The idea that someone would ever think about the wind during the course of a typical day
--The idea of washing his hair

7) Fill in the blank:



***Tasteful Yet Still Technically NSFW-Themed Bonus Question***

Helment Mirror Guy clearly likes what he sees.



Anonymous said...

podiating yet again

McFly said...

( y )

Anonymous said...

Podium, dudes

McFly(revised width) said...

( . )( . )
( , )
( y )

Jan! said...

"2) What is this contraption?"
I was looking for "The Cipollini Compliance Kit" as an answer.

Billy said...

The rabbit got the Trix?! How did I never hear of this? I thought Trix were for kids!

Oh BTW I aced the quiz. Had to go back and pretend to miss one to see that kickass bonus video.

Anonymous said...

Damn, the Venus of Willendorf took fourth place; must be the early start diminishing the field here.

JB said...

(no comments)

Anonymous said...

It's FRIDAY not friady, you ass

Anonymous said...

number 10....

Matt said...

I read it. Just out of top ten. Damn.

JB said...

Recumbabe! Did you find her?

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

2nd week in a row 100% Quiz score! Those night classes at the community college must really be boosting my intellect.

Buffalo Bill said...

helment mirrors are for narcissists

Anonymous said...


She's preggers?

Dave said...

BB - how else are we supposed to check our makeup?

JLRB said...

And, the blowing bubbles in chocolate milk was brilliant!

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

I doped my cereal with fresh sliced peaches this morning.

RoadQueen said...

Doping doesn't help my placing.

Or my spelling.

mikeweb said...

Props to McFly for classying up the podium. It's about damn time.

Anonymous said...

I'm originally from Iowa and I'm headed to NYC July 18-22, so I'll be peeing near all your houses. Probably pee in the East River, too.
Please send addresses.

Anonymous said...

It's not gay,
It's Europeein!

BamaPhred said...

Jeez, what time do you have to get up to podium around here? I just let the chickens out of the coop, Snob has posted, and pack has already passed me by.

But there was a Recumbabe sighting, along with drunk hipster girl re-enacting her street streaming media scene.

Oh well, there is still time to go "milk the cow", if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

Angry Beaver Somewhere in Canada said...

I thought David Millar retired 13 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Top XXV?

Mid-pack fodder

McFly said...

Probably. That'll teach her to not use a mirror to see what's coming in behind her.

Anonymous said...

"If we're so visible then why do drivers keep running us over..." Who is "us"? I have never been run over while riding a bike nor have I run over anyone while driving, bicyclist or otherwise. P.S. Have you seen any "Silly Cyclist" videos?

Spokey said...

8:00 on a Friday? ON A FRIDAY?

and what's with Q7? Where is Crown Heights or NY for the correct answer?

The quiz was supreme ngykin today

BikeSnobNYC said...

Anonymous 10:03pm,

You seem to be very literal-minded, which would also explain why you like those "Silly Cyclist" videos.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

JLRB said...

Anon @10:03 -

Try harder.

Anonymous said...

"We offer Trek hybrid-style bikes that are fine for riding in regular clothes (no need for spandex),..." This is on your "Classic Cycles" sponsor website. Really, you can ride a bike without spandex? Anyone tell that to "Fred"?

JLRB said...

Friday = AnonoTroll Day

le Correcteur said...

Too early! Over here in burrito land, we're drinking our first cup of coffee, and there's already 35ish comments? How'm I supposed to be in the running for podium or top ten?

Abdullah al Abdullah Al, or just Al said...

Mr. Snob, the great people of Fucktardistan take great offence to you infidel humor and our humble, but great country. I have ordered a fatwa and you shall feel the wrath of proud Fucktards when you ride you Western Sexual Immoral device with wheels.

CommieCanuck said...

oh done it now.. don't fuck with Fucktards.

balls™ said...

Do they make a version of the Flying Rider™ without wheels, for bedroom use? It looks like it could be fun.

Happy Friday.

David G said...

Having ditched the Tour de Drogue, good luck to Bradley Wiggins with the Cleveland Cavaliers! One talented cunt.

babble on said...

What kind of turtle is THAT??!

babble on said...

Anon @ 10:03 - be careful. You're tempting the hands of fate.

Um, and OMG. Do you really ride a bike? Do you really NOT see the war on cyclists happening on the mean streets of North American cities?

You must be blind, deaf and ever so dumb dumb dumb.

McFly said...

It's a box turtle.

babble on said...

LOL! Well, at least she's not peeing in a box of turtles. And at least she didn't hit a great big bump in the road.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was being quite restrained today.

which quipkat?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bike Snob, Yes, "Silly Cyclist" literally shows some "cyclists" behaving very badly and in some cases, motorists showing good driving skills by avoiding hitting "scofflaw" "cyclists." AND the videos literally show most motorists and cyclist behaving very well. (It couldn't be filmed NYC).

crosspalms said...

Ooh, let's all go to Dunkin Donuts and watch those videos together.

Anonymous said...

Some of this car/bike shit is akin to what Hutus said about Tutsis in Rwanda or what whites said about blacks in America. All harmless -- oh wait, no, actually one led to civil war and the chopping-off of heads with machetes, and the other led to lynchings and burnings etc. In this case the murder weapon's already right there though, and is a part of how the person identifies himself. Which is interesting.

Anonymous said...


CommieCanuck said...

In 2014, "Peeing on the turtle" is the new "jumping the shark".

I.e. after the Ulrich-Armstrong battles, the Tour de France really pissed on the turtle.

Synonymous said...

Learning how to squat and pee is the first thing Iowa girls learn in preschool. Most catch on pretty quickly.

Olle Nilsson said...

Can't believe I missed this yesterday. That electronic mirror thingy hangs RADAR under your scranus? Too excited about actual helment mirrors, I guess.

Well, if you buy one of those because you saw it here, then:


McFly 11:02 for CoTD

Anonymous said...

Is the girl in the portable sex sling to young to fantasize about?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Too late........

Anonymous said...

I think you mean STANLEY WIGGINS

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bike Snob, Forgive me for expressing a naïve view of motorists and cyclists, but almost every day I ride, I pass by the Anne Frank memorial. It's just that I prefer your blogs bashing "Freds," and stupid products and your rides, rather than the "war on cyclists"

BamaPhred said...

You have to really have PO'd some people to be a TDF champion and get cut from your own team, even after injuries take out part of it. Sir Bradley of Cuntingdon, I salute you.

Flyover BC said...

I just realized that helment mirror guy's helment is crooked because the mirror weighs too much, however much that is.

Anonymous said...

Ms. babble on, I suspect you to be more of an "Anne Frank" kind of women as opposed to Joan of Arc" in the "war on cyclists"“ At least your blog would indicate this. "In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.” Anne Frank

Anonymous said...

Hey Crosspalms, "Oh, let's all go to Dunkin Donuts and watch those videos together."

Love to; Rollie, wanna go?

Anonymous said...

scott simon = liberal panty wearing npr schmuck

Dooth said...

- -
/ \
/ (. )(. ) \

/ \
/ \

JB said...


I see you have chosen your doppelganger as "helment mirror guy." Bravo.


Anonymous said...

I wanna say something funny about window seats at Dunkin but I got notihn'

Anonymous said...

Babble is more Lady Godiva than Anne Frank.


BikeSnobNYC said...

Anonymous 12:33pm,

I think they call that "Godwin's Law."

--Wildcat Rock Machine

JLRB said...

Speaking of dopplegangers and helmet mirrors - sort of - I have been experiencing a series of occassions where I am bikcycling along teh MUP, to or fro work, cause that is all the time life gives me to bikecycle these days,

but anyway, as I am going along with my super-nerdy bottle-cap helment mirror (plus bar end mirror, depending on the bike) I keep sensing someone behind me - when I look I will see a dark clothed cyclist a little ways back - maybe 20 bike lengths - but the cyclist never catches up - I sense there is something metaphysical at play. Like a time traveling version of me trying to catch up and tell me the secret of the universe. Or maybe it is Leroy's dog.

Comment deleted said...

That's clearly the rare and endangered Piston Turtle.

Comment deleted said...

JLRB...are the black clothes long and flowing, and is the cyclist carrying a sickle, by any chance?

crosspalms said...

A bi-sickle?

Keith Maddox said...

A bah-sickle?

babble on said...

Anon @ 12:48 -right? I created spokeNscene because the best way to win that particular war is to open people's eyes to the joys to be had on two wheels.

Drivers still take my life unthinkingly in their hands, however, and when they do, it's prolly a good thing I'm not armed, cause it would feel ever soooo good to retaliate with something big, loud, nasty and explosive.

I do believe in creating win/win situations, and in showing kindness above all, but I'm a great shot, and I'm well tired of needing to fight for my life just to win the right to ride safely in my own city.

babble on said...

CD - heh heh Piston Turtle indeed.

Synonymous - squatting and peeing comes naturally to most of us. Even without lessons... though THAT would be quite the class.

Re: Lady Godiva ... mmmmm naked... Yes. I model myself after her whenever possible. That woman is one of my heroes.

Anonymous said...

A bi-sickle! One that swings both ways!

Anonymous said...

pondering question #2 has left me embarrassed by my thoughts. I am off to self flagellate.

Anonymous said...

Great. Just when my blue vein Green Sweater Katie boner had subsided you go and bring her back.

leroy said...

My dog read BOSSYhopeandchange's NPR reply tweet opining that cyclists are "above the law and filthy."

I told him if the shoe fits, chew it.

He told me to bite it.

Ride safe all!

Anonymous said...

Nice going: Mild self destruct Feline Mountain [ I mean NAME] , I thought I voted for The #3 helmet mirror photo, though I said I would bump boots with #1 helmet mirror I guess we are all voting with our vaginas ...

babble on said...

We're voting with our vaginas, are we? Oh goody. Forget about all of those skinny guys. My vagina votes for rubbing me the right way. Oh, and she votes for all of those lovely vibrations that come with a good hard ride. Mmmmmm a good hard ride... mmmmmm

Comment deleted said...

This message from Bab's vagina is brought to you by GoPro -- go hard or get off.

RoadQueen said...

CD, I prefer "go hard, AND get off."

babble on said...


Er... that's Go Hard AND Get Off.

Anonymous said...

I am as invisible on the bicycle as off it ,even though I choose to not wear my ass-less chaps on the bike. When I am off the bike people some how see right through me, I like it but when I am waiting in line [ insert a line when I am wearing ass-less chaps; use your imagination ] they cut right through me. But I assert my presence we I need to on the bike or not. I like being a see through show, it works for me.
I sort of feel like the character from the fictional short "Invisible" from Ant Farm by Simon Rich. That actually was the first book I attempted to read after (it took me a few months) I was hit by an SUV in a market signal crosswalk { with the signal}. Yeah WE ARE SO FUCKING VISIBLE huh?

Anonymous said...

The turtle? Is's clearly a snapper.

babble on said...

Heh heh... great minds think alike, and fools seldom differ!

Anonymous said...

Green Day "Bab Uvula who?"
Yeah, Skinny Puppies+hanging hung_ like Caleb Moreton [ I dig bi context , it's the {looking} internet there for I will never get to bang boots with them]

RoadQueen said...

I believe it's unanimous. :D

Anonymous said...

Yep, CJ is back for sure.

Freddy Murcks said...

I still contend that Scott Simon is a well known goat fucker. Of course, one of the benefits of being a goat fucker is that you never have to apologize. For instance, goats are usually perfectly happy with a non-apology apology.

12767 38790

Anonymous said...

I blew myself?whoa BubblES in my G.T.'s Classic organic raw kombucha synergy trilogy for forty seven minutes. I watched in horror & disbelief,as the culture strands bubbled over lap.
I am mad about town.. & also about riding all the way over there & not getting the two 2 SKiNNy PUppY albums. It is akin to riding the cock &not cumming on top of Bradley Wiggins.
I need to take a cold shower while riding my bicycle, could someone please start a kick starter.? The piss shower by the tri_dork isn't up to par with what I am looking for.

Anonymous said...

The lead out has begun. Good luck to all of you.

Spokey said...

I've never apologized to a goat.

And I won't to Scott Simon either.

Anonymous said...

I am going to listen to a bit of Carnivore & thrash SPD metal! PRONG good night mr. wild feline moutaiN

Anonymous said...

95. Big ring time.

Anonymous said...

Quickening the pace to the lead out. Lifting my scranus off my dick breaked £6000 Domane.

Anonymous said...

I see Bama Phred in my helment mounted mirror.

Anonymous said...


Spokey said...

century podi again?

Anonymous said...

Congrats - you are above the law and filthy!

Anonymous said...

DB fails because he had to pull into the corn field to pee.

RoadQueen said...

Congrats, Spokey!

Spokey said...

Like DB is like a like liar.

I like saw like Katie like in that like cornfield ripping off her green sweater and like DB going down for the like count.

DB deserved to lose. It's like either the like century yellow or Katie. You like made your choice buster.

sown senionm was your reward.

Spokey said...

thx queenie

Anonymous said...

That was a Good Friday sprint. But really my Domane weighs 6,000 lbs and creaks like Grandma's hip.

Spokey said...

it's the weekend. Maybe a double century sprint before Moonday

BamaPhred said...

Like, I know Good Friday has come and gone, and most Fridays are good. What I meant was a good Friday sprint, stoopid iPad thingy. Sheesh.

babble on said...

BamaPhred - CJ never left. He just got himself some therapy and dropped the handle.

Anonymous said...

Katie and I roll in with corn husks stuck to our jerseys.
It was worth it.
Congrats to winners and see you at the double century.

Comment deleted said...

Bama, that must be the *standard* Domane. The Domane 6.9 is better in every way.

Anonymous said...

Every way? Like it has more vaginas?

Comment deleted said...

"It creates household odors,
It disinfects,
It sanitizes for your protection,
It gives you an erection,
It wins the election!"

"Get on the business end of our going out of business sale!"

BamaPhred said...

Yeah, I got the "Sucka" series, not the 6.whatever. But I'm not complaining, much

Olle Nilsson said...

We're already at 115, so double century it is.

Have to say, mirror guy #1 does blend quite well into the cosmopolitan flair that is Wildcat's blog.

Anonymous said...

34% i failed the quiz,hill repeats ! I will gladly submit to the hills! I laugh every time I see or hear the word failure. The BSNYC post May 30th starts out will that rad tee shirt "fear failure" & mild feline mountain response/quip: Firstly, here is a t-shirt I spotted in a sporting goods store emblazoned with succinct instructions on how to be a loser:"fear failure" (The motto of shut-ins everywhere.)

Anonymous said...

I really wish R.Hilary Clinton is not running for president! rapist defender The past has a way of creeping up on you!! I loath defense lawyers who clearly are a wolf in sheep clothing for rapist [ pose as feminist] { DUI drivers etc.}
Please another woman needs to step up and stand for our rights; everyone rights! No more right wing racist/sexist wing-nuts.
Where are the independent females running or hoping to run for president, with actual feminist views/ We as Emerica need them! It would help Emerica be well squared..ZooYOrk

Anonymous said...

Friday Funk Whiz. I still got 3 hrs of workday left muh fuggaz.

By 1972 funk had gone mainstream and so had the civil rights movement, such that there were now racially-integrated funk bands on the charts. Sly and the Family Stone included both black & white members, while War (minus Eric Burdon) also included Hispanic members.

Anonymous said...


Comment deleted said...

All right now.

Racist that I am, I always assumed a Hispanic guy was playing the congas.

Nice simultaneous rhythm-chop/lead singing.


Gosh, I wish Tim Lincecum could grow a 'stache like Roille's!

Troll said...

The fruit is so low, I'll just let it rot slowly. The stench is worth the wait.

Blog Drafter said...

CD @ 4:26

Nighthawk, eh? That was a classic model..not quite live, but not studio either. Just. Cool.

You know, perhaps I shouldn't say this, especially given the subject matter of the previous couple of posts, but I've started yelling "gonna runiminadeetch!" at cyclists that I pass while driving. Not loud enough so they hear it (windows are up all the time anyway), and of course I don't actually drive in any way other than courteously but it's a riot. I suggest you give it a try. It's ironic humor to yell:

"Lookie thar, gonnaruniminaditch!"

when I've got Big Red in the cab behind me and we're off to the Fred trail on a saturday morn.

I do not ever yell anything about hating cyclists, however, since I am one myself, and I'm just not into self-hatred.

BamaPhred said...

"Her story is the OTHER side of USAC where they dope riders then cast them off because she's on so many roids she's got a beard."

Now that's funny! And yet sad at the same time.

Like the 70's era East German Ladies Olympic swim team.

Anonymous said...

The stench is in your soul. Like your parents taught you.

Olle Nilsson said...

I guess there are lists that rank popularity of blogs. Snob's must not be very popular because there just aren't enough comments here that are machine translated from other languages. Shed Snob Melbourne probably gets more.

I congratulate Anon 4:52 on having the persistence to make it this far down the list - whatever bat shit nonsense you're ranting about. Guessing it didn't make sense before translation.

Troll || said...

The stench is in your soul. Like your parents taught you.

June 27, 2014 at 5:31 PM

And you wonder why bad things happen to "good" people.

Anonymous said...

Who said I was a good person? Fuck you in the face, other troll! You're not the most evil person here, I AM!

RoadQueen said...

What utter nonsense. I propose a subject interesting and beneficial to all.

Favorite fellatio anf cunnilingus techniques to use and/or receive.


Anonymous said...

I bet Troll 1 loves to get analingus from priests before they assfuck him. Or at least that's what his corny pussy-ass "shame on you" routine makes it sound like.

Comment deleted said...

Domane 6.9. It's better in every way.

JLRB said...

Troll fight!

Anonymous said...

Where is Troll 3 to blow this shit UPPPP?!?!

Comment deleted said...

(That's not a decimal's a large, vibrating egg).

Anonymous said...

Well anyway I'd say my favorite technique is when she's on her stomach and I get all up under there and lick the bean whilst essentially fucking her with my nose.

Troll III said...

Psych! We're all the same person. I just like arguing with myself!

No you don't!

Scott Semen (No Pubes Religion) said...

OOOooooo - you scary cyclists are lawless and scary

Flyover BC said...

I have no doubt Tammy Thomas has a beard. You just can't see it through the chamois.

Flyover BC said...


I just saw pictures of Tammy Thomas. I'm not sure she was female, ever.

I can't believe they someone who looked like that compete in the womens' event.

McFly said...

Technique? I like to pretend it's a strawberry sundae in the middle of july and it's 102 and I have to lick it all up before it melts. Whip cream can be imaginary or fur realz.

Uretha Heap said...

I bet that turtle was pissed off.

BamaPhred said...

Googlize the East German teams. The East German ladies swim team won every medal except one in 1976. That would be every gold, silver, and bronze, except for one. They may be the most egregious example, but it is rampant in every sport, at every level, at every age.

Anonymous said...

C'mon RQ tell all your fave technique.......

......and don't say head in the back seat.

Lance TwinDong Armstrong said...

Ashley Olsen liked 2 in the pink and one in the stink with a vigorous clitoral stimulation. They tricked me once and turns out it was Mary Kate.

Should have known when she requested 1 in the pink and 2 in the stink.

Anonymous said...

Katie..... 5 years later......she fell upon hard times. THOSE SHOES DON'T EVEN HAVE CLEATS.

Olle Nilsson said...

Lead out to 150 ...

BamaPhred said...

Shoes? She's wearing shoes? I didn't notice.

Ya know said...

my nose would exchange places with the seat nose

ce said...

I don't know what new dope Team Troll Anonymous have their hands on, but you can't keep up with that kind of next level shit with a commenting fitness foundation built solely on the wholesome gift of Mother Earth: Victoria Bitter. All the TIME CUBES are taken before I can even get to the keyboard. I'm too old for this shit. Maybe it's time to retire.

Spokey said...

kudos to BamaPhred

what does a 150 sprint get him?

A green jersey? Me thinks yeller ought to stay at the even centuries. And pokies are tooo ugly. He'll have to present ID for a white.

Spokey said...

no cleats and doesn't have babs calves either.

Anonymous said...

It's a clitless system.

Or is it? Better investigate.

Anonymous said...

Ass Monkeys RETREAT!

McFly said...

Green Jersey? How about a green sweater with a Katie in it? I wanna take her on a boat ride. The sweater can do double duty as a knee pad. In case she has to manually prime the bilge pump.




Andre said...

Anyone want a peanut

Troll |V said...

I enjoy this blog because the smug and pretentious are pilloried and skewered.
But then the commentariat gets smug and I have to chew me some self-satisfied ass.
Just doing my job.
Love ya.

BamaPhred said...

Katie-in-a-green-sweater-rolled-in-corn-shucks beats a Hot Carl any day.

Thanks. On to 200! The Double Century!

Spokey said...

looks like a slow climb to the double century.

where's my feed bag. Com'on Levi. Hop to it you hop head.

JLRB said...

Taking a pull

babble on said...


McFly said...

I got my shock back from Canadia and 1) was going on a non-epic ride today but its rainin so I am disgruntled and 2) it does not fragrantly waft of pink canoe so I am disgruntled again.

Anonymous said...

I'll take a couple of pulls. Let me start hydrating. Catch ya later.

Spokey said...


That bastard Levi gave me a feed bag full of chicken livers. He's working to get me DQ'd

Spokey said...

it was a great day here is snobbie scranus.

no one tried to run me over

babble on said...

168 - and GoPro's IPO netted $427 million dollars. Not bad for a day's work...

man, it would be uber-weird to see your own mailbox on the captcha

leroy said...

All weekend long my dog was riding behind and drawling "ride yer little bi-sic-ull, ya piece-a-crep. Oh lawdy, cuss, cuss."

I shoulda introduced him to a bitch.

Spokey said...


thank lob I don't have a mailbox.

I stick with the little hole in the wall with po boxes only for all 200 or so of us in these here parts.

Keeps the riff-raff from finding me.

Spokey said...

ooops now 171

Anonymous said...

Hydrated. Let's go.

BamaPhred said...

Hah! Creak now zorched.

Lube, good for me, good for you.

At least that's what I think she said.

Spokey said...

what to hydrate for in the home stretch?

Sailor Jerry's?

Balvenie Double Wood?

Spokey said...


McFly said...

25K to go. The break has been reeled in. Its groupo compacto. Just got done Mig welding the trampoline frame back together. Kids. You cant have anything nice.

babble on said...

Spokey - It's Tomatin's 12 year old Highland Single Malt round here these days... :)

Hydration is a tricky business sometimes.

Blog Drafter said...

I can not cool down.

Blog Drafter said...

Too many miles today

Blog Drafter said...

in too much heat, and I can not cool down.

Blog Drafter said...

So, a few square pedal turns to 200

Blog Drafter said...

Head in freezer, check!

Blog Drafter said...

Quart of froyo, check!

Blog Drafter said...

A/C down five degrees, check!

Blog Drafter said...

damn captchas are hard tonight

Blog Drafter said...

I gave up on this for a reason, if I recall.

Blog Drafter said...

Oh yeah, captchas, although the numbers are a lot easier...

Blog Drafter said...

Oh yeah, captchas, although the numbers are a lot easier...

gelgsscham said...

Well, that and the fact that's it's kind of stupid

gelgsscham said...

Page turns at 200 if I recall, or 201. Gather round...

gelgsscham said...

I'm pooped, but I'll pull a little

gelgsscham said...

just so some hotshot doper can come around at the end

gelgsscham said...

throw their hands in the air...

gelgsscham said...

and shit like that

Blog Drafter said...

Whoops, that was me...damn captchas

Blog Drafter said...

notice chumplet

that's the best one so far, get ready...going on the 12

Blog Drafter said...

it's been a while since we had a page turn around here

Blog Drafter said...

on the 11

Blog Drafter said...


Blog Drafter said...

and the winner is:

ce said...

Am I going the right way? I seem to be lost...

ce said...

Excuse me madam, have you by any chance seen a motley pack of cyclists pass by this way?

JLRB said...

Epic race ya little bah-ci-cleests!

Spokey said...

congrats BD

Unknown said...

i can walking with enjoy obat penghilang tatto

Anonymous said...

thank you
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Anonymous said...

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Resep Obat Ambeien yang Sudah Berdarah
Obat Ambeyen yang Sudah Berdarah
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