Wednesday, September 11, 2013

This Just In: I'm Off AGAIN What Kind Of Lousy Blog Is This!?!

See this date?

Sorry, let me try that again.

See this date?

Goddamn it!  Piece of crap Apple computer.  Yeah, I got your "keynote" right here.  [Indicates "KuKu Pentouse."]

Okay, see this date?

Probably not, but it's Monday, September 23rd, 2013.  This date is important because, after this post, I'm not posting again until then.  Why?  Because I can't.  Why can't I?  Because none of your business.  Isn't it a ripoff that I'm taking off after just having taken off to go to Australia?  No, the blog's free, you schnorrer, so how can that be a ripoff?  Anyway, according to the blogging thingy I use this is my 1,504th post, and at something like a thousand words a post that's over a million and a half words already (or closer to half a million if you don't count the word "scranus" or its derivatives) so you have plenty of free bullshit to read in my absence.

So yeah, I'll see you again on the 23rd.

In the meantime, yesterday we had a primary erection in New York City, and the big winner was mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio--who, as it happens, was pretty much the only candidate who was unequivocally pro-bike lane and anti-people-getting-run-over.  (Even though at first he really wasn't.)  I guess that's a good thing, though I guess we'll find out if he's really able or inclined to do anything about it if he ultimately gets elected, which we don't know if he will, since there may still be a "runoff" before the general erection, and erection runoff can be extremely unpredictable.   

And the big loser, of course, was Anthony "I'm Going To Have a Bunch of Ribbon-Cuttings Tearing Out Your Fucking Bike Lanes" Weiner, who concluded his campaign by giving everyone the finger:

That guy is going to snap very soon and in a big way, and to be honest it really scares me.

Anyway, for now it's just more of the same as far as bikes are concerned:

The driver rolled down his window and called her a, “Stupid bitch!” My friend, who was understandably angry, responded by smearing some of her blood on his windshield. The driver then stormed of out his car and punched her in the face. Not once, but twice.

His license plate number was GRC1130, and it was handed over to the police.

But that was more than a week ago, and the NYPD still hasn’t done anything. And that’s the reason why I’m posting this…

Disgusting.  Whatever happened to decency?  When I run over a cyclist and he or she smears blood on my windshield in protest I just give it a spritz with the wipers and get on with my life.  

Maybe the driver was out of washer fluid.

Between Byrne's nonsensical phrases and KAWS's ditzy shapes and colors, visiting Brooklyn is increasingly like entering the bedroom of a five year-old:

(No sleep 'til Brooklyn bedtime!)

I guess that would explain those new signs:

Speaking of Brooklyn, in its ongoing quest to emulate Portland in all things it played host to a handmade bike show recently.  Here's Gizmodo's coverage, which provides compelling insight into how stupid most people are about bikes:


Wow, this is a perfect example of why my gizmodo reading time has declined steadily over the past year. My apologies to "Nick Stango", but your knowledge of bicycles and what makes them special or unique is non-existent. I am so sick and tired of single speed bicycle owners claiming that they know something about the sport, it's equipment, etc. Your comments on "GEARED" bicycles reveal that you are not a cyclist, and never will be even if you slept on your "fixie", period. Your comments on the frame with the ISP are also mis-informed and the design of the seatmast in question is a bad one. I'll be frank here: your bike is most likely a piece of crap. Most fixies are. Here is a picture of a real bike (mine):

Note the German-A fork, Extralite crank, stem and brake levers. This MTB weighs well under 20lbs. Also, my apologies to the craftsmen of the show being reported on, it's not their fault Gizmodo sent a non-subject matter expert to cover your show.

Yesterday 8:40am

Hilarious.  I daresay Mark would make the most irritating riding partner in the world--more so even than this guy (via Stevil Kinevil of All Hail The Black Market) who actually needs to pay people to ride with him:

Portland Road Racer looking for ride guide - $20 (honey run & table mtn)

I am a Cat 3 roadie from Portland, and I will be passing through Chico this coming weekend. On Saturday, I would like to connect the honey run and table mountain rides, and would like some company in the form of someone who is fit and knows this route WELL, and can ride a steady, 180-200w pace for 80ish miles. I will throw $20 bucks your way and buy you a beer at the end.

There's nothing sadder than an amateur bike racer scrounging around on Craigslist for his wattage fix like a crackhead checking the cushions for loose change.  He also provides a picture of his bike so you know it's cool enough to 69 with yours outside the café:

Anyway, if you live in the area, are able to tolerate both Cat 3s and people from Portland (yikes), and you want to make $20 the Fredly way be sure to drop him a line.

And with that, I'm disappearing until Monday, September 23rd.  Thank you for reading, ride safe, and may the six-fingered lobster eternally bless you.  Amen.


--Wildcat Rock Machine


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 331 of 331
Anonymous said...

All hail the immortal LOB. The news is all over the web. Snob will finally and justly be proclaimed Prophet of Lob, or POL, and will be able to retire comfortably on the merchandizing rights, LOB willing.

McFly said...

My specialty has always been taking a very small piece of accurate information (on a subject on which I know nothing) and injecting it into the convo in such a way that you think I am knowledgeable. I have basically built an entire Tool & Die career from this technique. You do it long enough and you start to believe........

Screw Interbike when is Enterbab?

wishiwasmerckx said...

Crossvegas tonight; Interbike on Friday!


babble on said...

I can't believe a Molson's Canadian cardboard pie plate can interfere with anything other than my ability to ride in a straight line. Just saying... now those brass ovaries, on the other hand...

BamaPhred said...

I have stared and stared and stared, creepy, I know, and still can't see the pie plate. Must be distracted.

babble on said...

Everyday is enterbab day. And the pie plate is right here.

BamaPhred said...

Thanks, now I remember! I thought I was missing it from the Grande Fondle. Nice work on the blog, btw. Mine would read, I rode, I sweated, I came home alive. Victory!

The Dude Abides said...

Not the Eagles maaaaan I fookin hate the Eagles.

Gemini Wheelie King said...

McFly said...

OK I FEEL like the woman in the Eagles link ABOUT the guy in the le-n-lo link.

RoadQueen said...

Hey RCT, nice second stage podio! Or would that be third stage, 100 being the second stage?


McFly - Fake it 'till ya make it!

BamaPhred said...

Aaaggghhh. It's too easy. Too many one liners off the Le-N-Lo. My brain is mellllltttting. I don't want to be crude, so i'll be quiet. Better for everyone.

RoadQueen said...

BamaPhred - Lay 'em on us. We're bored and getting a little goofy anyway.


RoadQueen said...

RE: Le-N-Lo - Why do I feel like that contraption is the lazy way 'out'?

It's like a backwards recliner. Do you realize how ridiculous a well-endowed woman would look with that stiff rod stuffed between her...

*ahem* Never mind. Take it away, McFly and BamaPhred!

Serial Retrogrouch said...

i don't need a Le-N-Lo when i ride,
i ride out with my cock out...

McFly said...

Thanks for tellin' us how you sin RQ.


wishiwasmerckx said...

My favorite socialist late night host is Jay Le-N-Lo.

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...


RoadQueen said...


McFly said...

Well you just hit the male right on the head.


recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

Good Lob that guy was belly-aching about discomfort after only 10 miles into his 40 miler.

As Snobbie would say "Shut up and get a recumbent already!"


RoadQueen said...


RoadQueen said...







McFly said...

If you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one with tits. Love the one with tits. Dodo do do do dodo dododododo.

RoadQueen said...








Ok, I'm done now. I think. Swear to Lob.

rural 14 said...

Rural 1st! (+200)

Watching noobs lock up on gravel decents yesterday....lob was with them, no crashin' in 45 miles of gorgeous autumn riding. Maybe next time, faster?

rural 14 said...

rural 229th!

durn hamster that runs our tiny ISP musta stepped out for a smoke...I was so sure I'd be 201...

Now very little to live for.

RoadQueen said...

rural 14: Awww... :'-(


babble on said...

I was a young girl of six who loved to climb things... you know, trees, rocks, ropes and telephone poles. One day I got to the top of the telephone at the very moment I experienced my first orgasm. I loved having a long hard pole between my legs from that moment forward.

I wonder if the Le-N-Lo would serve the same purpose?

RoadQueen said...


I think the Le-N-Lo gets mounted too far down the seat post to allow the lips to kiss it.

Unfortunate mounting place, if you ask me.

Serial Retrogrouch said...

wait... whaaattt? girls can orgasm at 6 year old?
we're definitely being cheated then.
dare i say LOB cheated us?

RoadQueen said...

Grouch - Many females learn what 'feels good' as early as toddlers.

Sucks to be you guys. :)


I only ride a bike cuz they took my license said...

Now THIS is a collabo bike I can get behind: Simpsons X Duffman X Cult


babble on said...

Are you kidding? Babies of both genders masturbate in utero. We are ALL sexual creatures, though we shame children out of sexual expression early and well.

McFly said...

Hunny Bunnys new "toy" was in the mailbox when I got home and the kiddies are going to get some Jesus tonight. The eve is all a-buzz with potential. I know I know all the real men say you need to hammer it out old school but why exert all my precious energy when I can just let it marinade while she enjoys externally stimulated clitoral satisfaction.

Plus I blow about the time she gets going good. She is in her prime and I seem to be short on time.

But not short otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Careful, McFly, she'll end up preferring it to the natural meat alternative. Unless you can train yours to vibrate...

babble on said...

The kids are going to get some Jesus while mummy is praying to God... perfect.

Is it a We Vibe?

McFly said...

And that is precisely why I take the spark plug cap off and hide it when she is home alone. Plus she dont know how to mix the gas for it. 40:1.

McFly said...

Actually they had a buy one get one free special and the control on the more substantial item fell apart upon battery insertion but the bullet seems to work just fine. Natural meat with a bullet kicker if you will. She will. True love is washing the toy with anti-bacterial soap.

Anonymous said...

Good on ya, McFly; two-stroke ones are the best.

babble on said...

So for Christmas get her the We Vibe. You will enjoy it, too.

McFly said...

That. Looks. Amazing. I. Want.

$80? I assume its worth it?

babble on said...


babble on said...

Soooooo much fun. It's $200 up here, and it's still worth it.

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Ivan Wankalot said...

Hey commercialcleaningsydney I live in a trailer in beautiful Khandyga and its a bit skanky from the last We Vibe party we had - you know how incorrigible Crimean girls can be. Anyway, none of the local firms will touch it - how much will a house call cost? Can I pay you in home made Vodka?

Anonymous said...

Hey RCT you need to get over to RQ's "neck" of the woods and see what all the "friction" is about. She can barely "hold it together". Who knows maybe she will "meet you on the other side" with a wet kiss.

I make no implications.

Mario's albino tadpole said...


I Must Pump Length Into Collapsed Ample Titties Inducing Oral Necklace Squirt

RoadQueen said...

Fuck, you guys are funny...

Exactly what I needed for starting out my Thursday. :D

Which is the only day standing in the way of Friday. *sigh*


McFly said...

$200? Geez Babs. They got used ones on the Ebay for $80. They say "Low Anal Hours". I guess that's not a bad deal.

Anonymous said...

commercial cleaning guys post comes immediately after McFlys vibrator discussion.
You can't beat this discussion group.
McFly: my wife likes the Hitachi model. Looks like a baseball bat and I can tell when she's using it because the lights dim in the house.

babble on said...

Snob? Yer missing the We Vibe party, and we miss youuuuuuuuuuu!

Anonymous said...





McFly said...

Yo DB your wife may be interested in the gentleman in the Official We Vibe Instructional Video on the YouTube. He looks to have a 14" le-n-lo. Thanks alot We Vibe. You don't want your wife watching the video with you.

McFly said...

Everything was looking great until the 2 minute mark.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, McFly:
Christmas is coming and now I know what to stuff her stocking with.
I wondered why Babble and RQ are always in a good mood.

Serial Retrogrouch said...

...i'm harmonically throbbing.

RoadQueen said...

We Vibe - I'm skeptical.

My 'house' has a small single car 'garage'. The vehicle that parks in my 'garage' is a 'Yoder Toter Extended Cago Van'.

Not sure the 'van' AND a 'crotch rocket' would fit. Maybe there could be some fanangaling, but I dunno...

RoadQueen said...

That would be Cargo van, not Cago.

BamaPhred said...

Le-N-Low a convenient way to incorporate a hydration system and anatomically correct bite valve of your choice. Bite valve may not be the right term, Don't need this.

We vibe. I don't want competition. "Is the We Vibe working, or is that just your wee vibe."

YouTube diagram looks like the 32" Louisville Slugger c243 model

How can something so simple get so complicated. Pills, gels,internal and external fixtures.

Geez, I'm already worn out just gathering up all the stuff. In the meantime The Peach has commenced to snore.

Over and Out

Will said...

Where there's a Will there's a way.

McFly said...

I had those same concerns RQ. My van is not an extended cab but it does have Wide-Track Technology. Get one. Try it. Then get on here and explain to us in great detail how your experience was.

Anonymous said...

Bama if you stick a We Vibe in that Peach it will go from snoring to supple juiciness in 2.8 seconds.

RoadQueen said...

You know what I love about buying alcohol? (Besides consuming it.)

Getting carded. Getting carded for alcohol makes me happy.

The End.

babble on said...

tellmehowyousintellmehowyousintellmehowyousintellmehowyousintellmehowyousin now please.

OK, I'll start.

Forgive me father for I have sinned. It's been thirty years since my last confession and I still masturbate often. I love it. I love that tingling sensation I feel from the top of my head to the tip of my toes right before I come.... and I love to think of naughty, sexy, sometimes forbidden things as I do.

OK, so now you go.

ps. Very sorry, snobbers, but if you want to keep this here wingnut commentariat under control, you really ought to give us an interim post to talk about. JUST sayin' is all. Now tell me how you sin, mmmkay?

Comment deleted said...

Sin #31234: Back when I worked at the pickle factory, I became obsessed with the idea of sticking my penis in the pickle slicer. I knew it was a bad idea, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

One day, I couldn't take it any more and I did it.

Well, to make a long story short, we both got fired.

babble on said...

Oh. Also I don't always stop for stop signs and I swear quite loudly at stupid drivers.

But I say thank you more often than I swear. Does that count in my favour?

babble on said...

thank you :D

RoadQueen said...


Ok, here goes. I cuss like a sailor.

I have a more than slightly warped sense of humor.

I have the attention span of a gnat.

I fuck off on the internet at work. A lot.

I have a hard time sitting still for any length of time...I've been compared to a fart in a skillet.

I tend to bite off more than I can chew, in every situation. No matter what.

I'm pretty sure I'm the next thing to a nymphomaniac.

I speak before I think.

There's more, but I don't want snob to get pissed at me for spamming in his absence.


FreddyMurcks said...

You people are really out of control. But I'm diggin' it, so please continue.

As for all the sex talk, my wife and I have never tried toys. The We Vibe seems like a bit of an advanced purchase. Do that have a model with training wheels?

spoichi 481

FreddyMurcks said...

I meant "Do THEY have a model with training wheels?"

Why do I only see the typos after I submit? Dammit.

24 esnkse

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...


McFly said...

Let's see...I don't crank down much these days. I don't mind asking her for a vigorous lotion application though. She is very compliant. I am the 2 3 4 and 7 program with RQ. I LOVE TITTIES. I love eating out. Both kinds. Oh and I had a vasectomy but still pull out occasionally just for forms sake.

We Vibe said...

I am a bad little toy. Sometimes she tries to fit me and him in her. She protests. But makes it work. She puts me in 2 holes at once. So degrading. Usually when he is not home. I am a We Vibe and I sin. Please give me a hot shower. Not just a dip in warm soapy water. I feel so dirty. Canadians are so freaky.

babble on said...

Sigh... ok. True confession, the dirt. I did it. I downloaded strava and created an account. I am a strava-douche named babble on.

I feel so dirty.

leroy said...

So my dog asks me "why are some of these comments like an epic fixie ride"?

So I say "I don't know. Why are some of these comments like an epic fixie ride"?

And so he says "pictures or it didn't happen."

So I say "I don't get it."

And he says "with a face like that, I'm not surprised."

I still don't get it.

But just in case we're not around tomorrow: ride joyfully all. No pictures necessary.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to bite it off OR chew it. There are other options. It's time you turned the biting and chewing over to Lob and explored these options. Still sinning. But making smiles as you do.

RoadQueen said...

Babble NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Not STRAVA?! *sigh*

I still love you. You need add a link to your awesome rides on your blog page so we can follow along if that's an option. :)

XO <3

RoadQueen said...

Freddie, you guys just do yo' thang. There's no rules to power tools, so don't sweat it.

Or sweat it. That's hot.

Anyway, as long as everyone gets a cookie, it's all good in the neighborhood.

mikeweb said...

What I think is that the 2:00 minute mark of the We Vibe video is the gateway drug to Hentai. Not saying I'm into Hentai, just that I know it exists. Don't Goggle Hentai at work.

As far as the RQ list goes, I'm a 2, a 4, probably a 6 if this weekend's plan is any indication, and definitely a 7. The hunnee bunnee? Unfortunately not so much on #7.

McFly said...

Freddy initially the power tool was an anniversary gag gift in a bag with various oils and fun stuff. It lay dormant in the panty drawer for a month or so and one evening she was having hey WTF we got extra AA's. Well my my, the gag was on me. This thing should come with a 3 x 5 dropcloth.

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

Quiz seems pretty easy this week.

1. No
2. No
3. No
4. Roger that!
5. No
6. No
8. No
9. Snob Who?

babble on said...

RCT - you almost qualify for a halo. Road Queen, I think you need a spanking, only I'm way naughtier than you, so I can't be the one delivering it....

babble on said...

Fucking strava is bloody addictive, with those little crown thingys.

incessantlycommentingregular said...

as usual, nothing worthwhile

RoadQueen said...

Father Syn,

Flaw: a fault or weakness in a person's character

Sin: an act regarded as a serious or regrettable fault, offense, or omission

It seems to me that the two terms are staggeringly close to having the same meaning.

I think we're down to splitting hairs.

RoadQueen said...

Babble, I'm planning on getting my due punishment very, very soon.

Halo? Heh heh....

Serial Retrogrouch said...

...i'm with babble with the sin of masturbation.
...i could have the best sex in the world... and still wank a couple of hours later. one can please me better than me.

...forgive me father for i have been sinning almost daily since i knew how to sin... and fuck to you, i am not blind yet.

balls™ said...

It's neither flaw nor sin. Just a fucking good time.

For me to consider it a sin, it would need to be accompanied by regret. Perhaps others would call it a sin, (and I'm sure the Pope would) but since we enjoy it... it's called fun, not sin.

That was too serious.

Panties, scranus, etc.

Anonymous said...

Well......this sucks camel dicks.

babble on said...

meh... strava let me down... yesterday's ride didn't sync. It's almost as if I didn't do it... :(

RoadQueen said...

Balls, I'm inclined to agree with you.

I have no regrets.

Anonymous said...

I used to have a co-worker that would send me into the mens room(single occupant) with her camera phone to "make a little movie" then she would watch it, get lathered up and go in and make one of herself torqueing herself off with her pretty red(or sometimes black) painted fingers then in turn let me watch it. She liked it cause she had found an Adultry Loophole. I liked it cause I was gettin paid to jack-off.

Anonymous said...

Serial Retrogrouch said...

anonymous... you wiener?

Father Syn said...

Obstinacy might be a flaw which could lead to a sin.

Anonymous said...

Thank god for the Anonymous. Consistently the only comments worth reading around here.

RoadQueen said...

Father Syn,

I'll add that to my list.

babble on said...

Ah fuck. The day Joy died... RIP sistermotherlovermentorfriend.


Some days I wonder how it is I've survived myself. I seem to be sin incarnate, or at least all of the deadly ones to some degree. Dumbass drivers experience the loud wrath of Babble. But mostly lust. I love sex, have you noticed? Worse, I'm proud of it. And there's gluttony, too, cause every once in a while I like a whole fuck of a lot of it. Greedy. And I think we all need at least a little of it every day..... Slothful Sunday afternoons rolling around in the hay...

I get a little green with envy sometimes, too, when I vainly compare myself with others...

As you do ...on Strava...! Oh dear... I've created a monstermmmm mmm stravammmmm ride timemmmmmm grrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm >;D

babble on said...

Thank God for the redeeming power of grace and charity.

Yes. Thank God for anonymous. Where else could the internet trolls hide? Internet trolls need love, too. After all, a society is judged by the way it treats its less fortunate members, and Anonymous means even the trolls have a place to call home.

coxten 222

mmm cox

incessantlycommentingregular said...

nothing worthwhile, as usual.

37/305 comments = excessive

RoadQueen said...

Actually, that would be 307...

incessantlycommentingregular said...

quantity is always better than quality!

BamaPhred said...

I am not commenting on religious matters, much anyway.

Pope Babbles has the answer correct

Thank God for the redeeming power of Grace

I finally learned, after many years, the true meaning of not worrying about the speck in my neighbors eye when I have a timber in my own.

Or as so many people say, if you mind your own business, you'll be busy all the time.

That's all I'm gonna say bout that

Everybody enjoy an autumescent equinox weekend!

Over and out

No kidding robot killer testice 14

Anonymous said...

When Tilford breaks his hand he takes his bike to the hospital and the cast is set while he is in the riding position.

And he blogs from the woods in the middle of nowhere. Daily

Big-moustached 70s porno star said...

Hey Hussain, Nice stache.

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Big-moustached 70s porno star said...

Hey Nina while we're on the subject of grasping feeds...

Anonymous said...

The 1st 2 times I just did it in the wall urinal. Because....ya know...I had not done much On The Fly Restroom Porn. She coyly asks, "Could you maybe do it on a dark rag or something? I really like a good money shot..."

Yes. Yes I can.

We were at another level by then so I asked if she would mind sucking her own nipples for me. She did not mind.

babble on said...

Yeah, but look WHO's counting, ye merp.

That's my new word for the day... merp. Learned from the small boy yesterday when I put my lipstick on, and I proudly just used it in context right there. He smiled at me and said "Mum, you kind of look like a merp with your face all tanned and your lipstick so pink." Then he said "But don't worry, you only kind of look like one. You're not actually a merp."

Blessed be.

I think the chief confessor should also be the chief sinner. Makes you more empathetic, right? I'm a shoe-in for the job, and THEN the church will really redeem people. We'll hand out condoms and actively promote masturbation and before you know it, there will be peace on Earth.


It's a cunning plan, but I know it will work.

Anonymous said...

The beach ball thing is very LA. Not cool.

RoadQueen said...

There will be Peace, when everyone is getting a piece.

I can get in front of/underneath/on top of that philosophy.

Yep. I'd swallow it hook, line and sinker.

Babble for Pope!

ken e. said...

"...funny because it's true!"
capt cha is fgvers

ride safe all!

Anonymous said...
Leroy's dog is a champ.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Sir.
You must be a Southern Gentleman.

CommieCanuck said...

I love saying to the ladies, "Jam out with your Clam out!"

I need to hang out with your friends.

CJ, the interwebnet is a big place, with lots of blogs. I'm sure some of them may find you entertaining or worth reading. It's an informal poll, but it seems unanimous that the results are in, and it's "fuck off" for four years. See you in the Primaries, 2016.

McFly said...

Everything went great. I am still pro-toy.

Oh and GO VOLS!

lady mtbiker said...

Sorry to interfere with the testicular jollity here, but here is another awful case of cyclists being killed for no reason by an idiot driver (this was was so idiotic, they police actually charged her).

During the Seacoast Century in NH (sponsored by the Granite State Wheelmen) "the car, driven by Darriean Hess, 20, of Seabrook, crossed over into the northbound land and hit four bicyclists, police said. Hess was treated for minor injuries at Portsmouth Hospital" Here is the link:

And of course in the comments people blame the cyclists. If you are feeling flamey, please feel free to let loose on their website.

RoadQueen said...

Snob's back today, right?


incessantlycommentingregular said...

I'd reply with an answer, but that was a rhetorical question, right?


Thanks for the consistently outstanding comments! Keep em comin!

Anonymous said...

LODIUM! last place podium

JB said...

Yes, supposed to be back. And he usually posts early on comeback day.

Anonymous said...

It would be really funny if we pretended to ignore him being back. Trust me, it's a New York thing.

streepo said...

Remember the panties

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