Thursday, September 27, 2012

This Just In: I'm Going Somewhere!

This morning I am off to visit our passive-aggressive neighbors to the north.  This means tomorrow's post will not exist.  However, I will return on Monday, October 1st with regular updates.  In the meantime, here's where I'll be in Hamilton if you wish to avoid me:

Before I leave though I thought I'd update you on the Budnitz, since we had our first day real day out on the town yesterday.  First I locked it up while I got a haircut, which I needed badly since without one there was no way Canadian customs would let me into their country:

Any thief operating in this residential part of Brooklyn was likely to be an opportunist on the lookout for unlocked bikes rather than the professional kind equipped with power tools, but even so I secured it with chain lock, u-lock, and cable lock through the dainty ass-pedestal.  Note how delightfully "urban" the titanium downtube looks when it's chained purposefully to a city bike rack.  I'm sure Old Man Budnitz is delighted:

Though he'd probably be less delighted to know how scratched the bike already is.  In any case, when I emerged from the barbershop the Budnitz was still there, thanks no doubt to that King/Winfrey talisman.  The Budnitz was also appalled to learn that I had gotten my haircut for less than $200.  I explained to it that I don't go in for that sort of nonsense, and anyway I was only going to Canada, where sporting a designer coiffure would be casting pearls before swine.

As for the experience of actually riding the Budnitz, unsurprisingly it rides nicely, though that requires ignoring the constant ticking sound which I had attributed to the loose skewer but is in fact probably coming from the bottom bracket:


I tightened the wedge bolt on the eccentric bottom bracket as much as I dared but the sound is still there, and it underscores exactly why these short-term bike tests are so ridiculous.  Anyone qualified to properly evaluate a bicycle would also be driven mad by such a sound, which means they're either going to be miserable the whole time, or else they're going to spend the entire testing period trying to eliminate it.  As for me, I don't have time to be pulling bottom brackets and regreasing them (I have Canadas to visit for one thing), and there are few things more embarrassing than riding around on a $5,600 titanium city bike with a ticking bottom bracket.  With every pedal stroke you're telling the world, "I'm rich and clueless!," though in my case hopefully my cheap haircut makes it clear that I'm merely clueless.  In any case, it would be nice if Budnitz had supplied me with a properly-assembled bicycle so I could focus on riding the thing, but I guess that's too much to ask from a design firm.

The other problem with the ticking bottom bracket is that it makes "Cat 6" racing difficult, since it eliminates the element of surprise.  Make no mistake: the typical Budnitz owner is going to want to Cat 6 the shit out of this thing, and in a sense it's the ideal Cat 6 racing machine in that it's a bike built from top-of-the-line racing components that is completely unraceable.  So after getting my haircut I decided to swallow my pride (which is easy since my pride is so tiny) and test it out on one of Brooklyn's premiere proving grounds, the "hill" in Prospect Park:

First, at about :08 seconds, I pick off the guy on the Pista.  Then, at :14 seconds, I give the couple out for a leisurely bike ride "The Look" (which, on a Budnitz, is a rarefied blend of the one Armstrong shot at Ullrich, "Blue Steel" by Derek Zoolander, and having to fart).  At :29 seconds I make mincemeat of the middle-aged woman in the sandals.  Then, at :38 seconds, I finally get "on terms" with my most dreaded adversary, the guy on the blue road bike wearing running shoes, and in a stunning burst of douchebag-fueled ticking titanium fury I drop him and power to the "summit."  The bottom bracket protests loudly the entire time, and I can assure you the motor sound at the end of the video is from a nearby lawn-edger and not some secret Cancellara power-assist on the Budnitz, which I realize is difficult to believe given my blistering speed.

But the real test would soon follow.  After my mighty victory, I took the douche chariot to one Brooklyn's douchiest neighborhoods, DUMBO, where I had a lengthy appointment.  (As for the nature of that appointment, all you have to know is that it was protracted douche business.)  Unlike the neighborhood in which I got a haircut, there was a chance the Budnitz might attract a professional thief here, but I was sure to give it a fighting chance by securing it with plenty of hardware:

There it sat until nightfall, and when I returned it was still there:

Sure, it wasn't Manhattan where they really steal bikes, but this unattended sojourn at a bike rack brought the Budnitz that much closer to not getting stolen during my tenure.  Next I fired up my Knog Blinder (which nearly gave me a sunburn):

And with that I was off.

Speaking of Knog Blinders, that's what winners of The Second Biennial Cock-Off contest will win, and if you still want to enter please do so before 11:59pm tonight, which I've just arbitrarily decided will be the deadline.  Good luck, and happy cocking.

Lastly, one more thing about the Budnitz: it is equipped with Avid BB7 mechanical disc brakes.  I happen to like these brakes for the simple reason they're very easy to maintain, and for this reason I currently use them on no fewer than three (3) of my bicycles, which means I have a pretty good amount of experience with them.  On the Budnitz, however, they do something I've never experienced on any other bike.  What happens is, when you're gradually slowing (as you might when you're approaching a stop sign or a place to get a $200 haircut), they seem to hit a certain frequency at which they howl like a ship in a harbor:

The issue isn't the sound, though.  (If you don't like brake noises don't use Avid BB7s.)  The issue is that along with the sound comes a deep vibration that travels through the entire bike and then right up to your scranus.  It's extreme and rather disconcerting, though I'm sure there are some people who would find such a thing pleasurable.  I've never experienced this with Avid BB7s on any other bike, and I don't know if it has to do with the swoopy titanium fame tubing or it's just some confluence of atmospheric conditions, pad wear, lunar phase, and so forth.  If it is the frame, then Budnitz may have inadvertently designed a taint-blaster that does to the scranus what the building in "Ghostbusters" did to New York City.  But again, I've only had the bike for two days, and it's yet another reason why short-term bike tests are ridiculous.

And with that, I'm off to Canada with the tingling from last night's ride still fresh in my downstairs area.  Have a great weekend, ride safe, and I'll see you on Monday, October 1st.


--Wildcat Rock Machine


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Holy scranus vibrations, did I podium?

JB said...


Anonymous said...

Give that piece of shit bike back to Budnitz and be done with it. I don't think you should suffer such foolish (and dangerous) bike assemblies.

OBA said...

Early Budnitz bashing!

Anonymous said...

Scranal Butt Nitts!!!

RANTWICK said...

Budnitz Taint Blaster! Hooo hoo haw haw haw!

Anonymous said...

You are going to get somebody fired and possibly kill the company. Probably with justification.

JB said...

The issue isn't the sound, though. (If you don't like brake noises don't use Avid BB7s.) The issue is that along with the sound comes a deep vibration that travels through the entire bike and then right up to your scranus. It's extreme and rather disconcerting, though I'm sure there are some people who would find such a thing pleasurable. I've never experienced this with Avid BB7s on any other bike, and I don't know if it has to do with the swoopy titanium fame tubing or it's just some confluence of atmospheric conditions, pad wear, lunar phase, and so forth. If it is the frame, then Budnitz may have inadvertently designed a taint-blaster that does to the scranus what the building in "Ghostbusters" did to New York City. But again, I've only had the bike for two days, and it's yet another reason why short-term bike tests are ridiculous.

[golf clapping]

Also, frequency resonance, like when one is driving a 14-year-old Oldmobuick and the whole car shakes like the dickens between 45 and 47 mph, but not on either side of that speed (rpm, actually). I'm goign to assume that good frame design would take frequency resonance into account. Oops.

RANTWICK said...

As a top ten finisher I feel I have earned the right to flog my contest one more time.

Also, might I suggest that every single reader of this blog switch to mine tomorrow because Wildcat will be in my country. There won't be anything you would enjoy, but do it anyway.

I'm trying to work out going to Hamilton tonight, but don't know if I can make it yet... grrr. It would be cool to meet the freshly-shorn wildcat.

leroy said...

Okay, everybody all together:

"He's a lumberjack and he's okay,
He sleeps all night and he works all day. "

McFly said...

It comforts me to know that even though I suck profusely I technically have the same number of Tour De France titles as LA.

McFly said...

I like it when the big shaft is rubbin' Oprah on the side of her face. It's all good Morninwood.

leroy said...

My dog is a natural podium contender for Rantwick's contest. He's been watering trees his whole life.

Of course, their bark is more impressive than his bite.

McFly said...

Oh Dear Lord that clicking brings back wretched memories of the BB30 on the Cannonfail.

How long can you hold your phone in your mouth before your jaws start to cramp up?

ce said...

"... and it underscores exactly why these short-term bike tests are so ridiculous."

I see your move. Angling for a long-term testing period... long-term like forever. Nice.

Then sell the frame to your neighbourhood titanium recycler and you have yourself a pocket full of lolly coin. Very nice.

Marcel Da Chump said...

Noisy, expensive clunker.

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

Nice multi-media presentation.

Anonymous said...

i hope to see the wildcat tonight in dundas....i hope he will sign my collection of Martin Amis novels....

Anonymous said...

What, they don't have internet in Canada? Tilford posts from underneath his van as he's replacing axles while healing from broken ribs.


mikeweb said...

I would've made the pudendium but my budnitz was vertically complacent.

Bill Smith said...

Sure they have Internet access in Canada, but it's nicer Internet access. Bike Snob's post would arrive sounding all friendly and stuff.

Maybe he could write a Nice Canadian Bike Snob blog, just for the weekend.

mikeweb said...

I think babbles needs to do a special 'SI swimsuit issue' style post for tomorrow since Snobby will be taking the day off and we need some great reading material. And, you know, cuz she's hot.

Guaranteed by Monday everyone will be saying 'BikeSnob who?'

grog said...

Ticking bottom bracket no problem for WD40 and ductape.
Have fun in Amehica's hairpiece.

Anonymous said...

I hate to *not* blame the Budnitz, but there is at least a chance that the noise is coming from the pedals.

Dunno if they're yours or they came with the bike but I had something similar and spent ages tracking the issue before finding the problem went to another bike when I swapped pedals over.

Just sayin...

le Correcteur said...

top thirty; meh.

babble on said...

He said love :)

babble on said...

I'm such a sap

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

I second mikeweb's motion for a babbles SI swimsuit edition style blog post.

See you guys over at babble's blog tomorro.

BikeSnobNYC said...

Anonymous 11:33am,

Bike is as delivered. Regardless of where creaks are emanating from I'm a bit mystified as to why they wouldn't furnish me with a quiet, properly-assembled bike. Loose headset, rear wheel loose in dropouts, incessant creaking... I'd think they'd want to out their best foot forward with a $5,600 bicycle.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

ce said...

Anonymous said...
I expect to see pics of that Budnitz with a curated and crowd sourced cockpit in the coming weeks. I'll provide a rear view shaving mirror to get it started...and an eye bolt. Don't forget the eye bolt FFS, RIGHT through the top tube.
September 26, 2012 5:03 PM

I second the motion for a Crowd Sourced City Stylin' Cockpit Curation Collabo for the fancy bike. But I would like to suggest an amendment/addition: To counter the desirability to a thief of a full rack of cock bling (not to mention the musty, alluring scent of titanium) we should also include contributions of further City Grade Uglifisecurisation Accessories. Oprah and Larry are going to need all the help they can get.
I feel that exploring the compatibility of the Budnitz with these real world accessorisation options is vital if the testing is to be relevant to the key market demographic.

Seeing as it will be a bit of a "Kickstarter" to help get Snob on his feet in this next level of bike testing professionalism, I suggest we call the project: " Kick It In The Guts, Budnitz "

The address I have is:
W. R. Machine, c/o New York Post Office, America.

Anonymous said...

Dirty rotors account for the vibrating bed effect. Try Clean Streak

Anonymous said...

That creak is the crank arms not the BB

McFly said...

Put WD40 on those rotors and it will clear up that incessant frictional related foghorn dealio. Superlube would be better. Or that stuff in the drawer of Babbles' nightstand.

Buffalo Bill said...

Hope it don't snow.

Serial Retrogrouch said...

so, you are leading us to believe that if you ride the boonditz again, you rather like the tingly feeling in the nether region... that, or you are a sadomasochist.

Anonymous said...

The click/creak could be anywhere from the pedals to the seat. That includes:
Seatpost to Frame
Seatpost to Seat.

I think I've experienced all of these except BB.

Anonymous said...

Seat??!! Oops, I meant Saddle.

Captain Hardbread said...

watch out for death penguins up north

ken e. said...

safe travels snob, cleaning the budnitz' rotors won't do if the pads are contaminated.

babble on said...

Sorry Snobbers, you'll have to cast your pearls elsewhere. We're all out of swine up here, unless you hit some of the more upscale donut shops, that is.

And they already have enough pearl necklaces.

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

"I'm a bit mystified as to why they wouldn't furnish me with a quiet, properly-assembled bike. Loose headset, rear wheel loose in dropouts, incessant creaking..."

I have to admit some of the ideas bandied about yesterday are starting to make sense.

Here's how I think the scenario went down:

Deep in the heart of the city that never sleeps two shadowy figures huddle under the pale light of single bulb. Cigar smoke hangs heavy and pungent in the air. Red neon blinks on and off.

Shadowy figure No 1: "Now here's what I want you to do see; Take that No.1 in the back room and fix it good. Deliver it to our Mr. Bikespud and see that he takes a short ride under a long bus, see.

Shadowy figure No 2: Sure boss, right away boss.

Jimboner said...

I too believe that Budnutz is trying to ice you with that faulty assembly.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, 45th -ish?? What was I smoking [a day late]?

leroy said...

I don't mean to brag, but I dropped a certain celebrity bike blogger on that very same uncategorized climb in Prospect Park a year or two ago.

He was on a Surly Big Dummy and I was in full kit on a crabon cycle(without the pink and white bar end streamers with which I usually lull competitors in to a false sense of complacency).

He knew it was totally on because I asked him if I could draft.

Clearly, cruising the Park on the Budnitz is a cry for a rematch, but that's not going to happen.

I'm taking a page from Contador's book: In my mind, I have won the Prospect Park KOM title now and forever.

I will, of course, pay no mind my dog's comments regarding the state of my mind and my outside location in reference to same.

Anonymous said...

Shit, you are on a roll. I am lol'ing.

Thanks budnitz, for more funny fodder.

Ironic, people who hate gentrification and hipsters wouldn't have hilarious blogs without those things.

Keep up the good work.

Cipo said...

eating pussy

Anonymous said...

Our first love note! To be treasured for sure.

And, seriously, you're just going to Canada. You'll be fine. Perhaps the Budnitz has you feeling your mortality.

Barney Wiggins said...


what a piece of shit. cunt shit.

Anonymous said...

Bottom Bracket tick?
From a bike built in Boulder?

Boulder bike builders don't ride their bikes without little white effing headphones. They don't hear the tick and they don't hear the howling brakes. They don't hear the hurled obscenities and they don't hear the blaring horns. They only hear the sounds of their own smugness mingled with The XX or Ben Howard.

Anonymous said...

Not to be too dark or anything.

PS: The videos are a nice touch.

morocco tours said...

nice blog !!!

babble on said...

Recumbant @ 12:23- sounds like Robba the Fords are involved in this dastardly plot.

Give. The. Bike. To. Me.

I can take it.

Anonymous said...

I'll leave a comment before I get fired.

Truthfully. I had the bike checked out at a (nameless) bike shop in Manhattan on Friday, taken to another editor for the weekend, picked up and brought directly to Bike Snob (from times square over the manhattan bridge) to Prospect Park.

I honestly didn't hear any issue with the bottom bracket, but apparently I'm an idiot, so what can we all expect? I'm sure being an expert, our friend Bike Snob can figure out how to remedy that situation with minimal effort.

As far as the brakes, we all know those BB7's can be smooth as Bikesnob's ass or as rough as his beard and childhood, with one or two clicks in either direction.

I will admit that my grundle became desensitized in college, so he could be right?

"Budnitz. The Sybian of Bikes..."

We might have a new market now. Thanks Snob!

Anyway, I expected his best shot and I'm glad he's trying. I wouldn't want anything less.

This is a test bike that gets beat up on a daily basis all around NYC and the tri-state area. If the headset needed to be tightened, I will admit to not double checking it. Apologies to the Prince of Zamunda and Chris King himself.

Once in a while you have to get your hands dirty for 5 minutes before you can enjoy the sweet deliciousness of a juicy hamburger, paint a classy portrait of dogs playing cards, or get optimal performance out of a car or bicycle.

If anyone in New York wants to see just how shitty the Budnitz bikes are, it would be my pleasure to continue to embarrass myself by offering anyone a test ride, any time they want. Email me.

- Nick at Budnitz

(until Bike Snob's comments or my own get me fired)

Anonymous said...

WRM, I am disappointed to find that you ride like a Fred; meaning you ride up and pass people without any warning. I know you probably find "on the left" to be douchey, but the truth is, I've had the shit scared out of me by people Cat 6ing by me in smugly silent victory. A "good afternoon," "hi there," or ring-of-the-bell is much appreciated by me. Of course, I live in a dinky back-water town (San Luis Obispo, CA), so maybe people in the big city would be put off by any uninvited conversation, or you'd simply get too damn winded from passing all those people. Fortunately, I hardly ever pass anyone. Best, Dodger Tom

Anonymous said...

more unsolicited advice, not that you should require it because the noobs at Bumshitz should have given you a properly working bike but that would have probably meant more outsourcing. anywhose, the creaking could also be coming form a bumb rear hub/freewheel. had a similar problem with my bike, albiet a $300 Scrapttante. enjoy canada?

MGB said...

I'll consider my taint blasted!

Anonymous said...

You freaking crushed them in the Cat 6 climb well done!

Please tweet the location of the Bignutz in the future so that I can be sure to steal it.

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

@babble, If only I was a rich man I'd buy you a Budnitz just to hear you wax poetically about it's ride quality.

sigh, Always a day late and dollar short.

Fame I'm Gonna Live Forever said...

"Titanium Fame Tubing." Gotta get me summa dat so's I be faymuss!

Anonymous said...

ps - it's me. Nick again.

I have to also give props for how my man raged on that video. Nice work.

Anonymous said...

How can anonymous be Nick? How can Nick be anonymous? How can so many anonymouses want to nick this Budnitz.

Aw, nick it in the budnitz.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

More Cat 6 racing or Ima gonna kill you!

Torontonto said...


Since you've likely already cleared customs, will you be attending tonight's opening do at the Cipollini boutique in tony Yorkville (part of RobsFordsVille)?

Mario himself will be there!

Captain Hardbread said...

your secretly going to A meh rica's passive aggressive neighbors to train the armed forces how to suck on a all-terrain military issue two wheel ground apparatus that gives our troops unlimited mobility and agility in most circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Bjork could produce beautiful industrial music with that bike.

Maybe the noises are to inspire you to create music.

Ride silent and you ride with Hitler.

Anonymous said...

The vibration of the disk while breaking is perhaps at the resonance frequency of the titanium frame?

Dooth said...

Your left foot was splayed-out on the pedal, like when a child rides a cute!

You did it for laughs, right?

hong_fu_glory said...


You seem to have forgotten that you are supposed to take the Budnitz to a shop like you do a leased BMW where a shop monkey waves his hands over it performing a healing act.

I can't get over the fact the thing is the stratospherically high price of a nice road bike and the brakes howl.

Anonymous said...

Disc brakes are disc brakes. Play around with them a little. I'm sure they'll be fine.

ken e. said...

personally, as a person, i'm happy to get a couple of quiet rides out of any rebuild...


JB said...

Curated bikes: your not actually supposed to ride them!

Anonymous said...

Too, too much titanium.

Krys Hines said...

I am waiting at the airport to pick up "Mister Snob" as I read this. Weird. If his plane is any later there will be no Tim Horton's donuts left for me to greet him with...I already had one of the cream-filled maple ones and a double-double...K

Olle Nilsson said...

So I'm reading useless information on the twitters this morning and I come across this gem: The first published form of Cinderella is titled Lo Cunto de li Cunte. Apparently it's about a young cyclist who overcomes a strained relationship with his evil boozing (but not step)father to become a better cyclist than any of you will ever be.

Anonymous said...

Nice post
Rock and roll ain´t noise pollution, bike noises are

Tyler's Dead Twin Brother said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe the taint blaster is meant to stimulate circulation in an otherwise "dead" Fred.

Or it could be be that its a sonic douche. (I hope that name hasn't been trademarked by some grunge band in Portland or Seattle).
Twice the cleansing, none of the mess.

Anonymous said...

If it is a sonic douche, it should be patented as the Budnitz Bidet, so it have more cache with the gentry (fiers)

Vegas said...

My bike shop in Vegas had a sign with itemized prices, which included one for "Finding Creeks." I thought it not only very ingenious because of the intense heat and lack of humidity there, but also because the price seemed incredibly reasonable for locating a moving water source.

When I called them 2 hours into my next mountainbikecycling endeavor, however, I was disconcerted to learn that they would not be rushing out with a divining rod to assist me.

Though they probably can't help you with your next english paper, they undoubtedly can help you with your noisy Spudniks.

Anonymous said...

If the howling "break" is a stimulator for dead Freds, it could be patented as the Budnitz Pudlift.

Anonymous said...

Now what can we do about this stadium do you think it comes with bike parking Right now I use Park Circle Storage for my bike check them out at

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are carrying upward of 50 pounds of bike locks with you to keep from criminals grazing on the Budsnitz

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick,
What's a Sybian?

Anonymous said...

I just read this post again and watched the Cat 6 video. I have to admit that this guy is funny.

The amount of locks are appreciated too. Once I get it back I'm going to install the Atomic 22's (and get that creak worked out). I hear it, but again, i'm sure it's easily fixable...

- Nick

Nebraska Bike Commuter (non DWI edition) said...

The Budnitz appears to have the old style standard square taper crank spindle, which will creak and crackle like the dickens if it takes on a little moisture. Can't tell for sure from your recording, but it seems to sound about right for that. Pulling the arms and cleaning should take care of it.

Some mechanics will give the tapers a light film of grease to help prevent it from recurring, but that's frowned upon by more persnickety types, because it can lead to over tightening and mushrooming of the soft crank material.

Anonymous said...

The Snob funny?
Funny Looking!

Anonymous said...

By the way, there were admittedly adjustments made to the back wheel after the bike was out of my possession.

Just saying...

- Nick

McFly said...

I think some remnants of hair shrapnel drizzled down from your aforementioned head grooming and got wadded into the bearing interface and its all grindy and crunchy because your Haisidic folicles are notoriously coarse.

McFly said...

Let it go Nick. Let it go.

Waaaaaiiiiiiiitt just a damn minute, is this Nick Legan from Velonews? Not ccol man, not cool.

Matt Wright said...

Say no to George Lucas... Say no to old Mila Kunis:

Matt Wright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Say no to VVS."NO"

velobotomy said...

Top 100!!!

Unknown said...

If you'd take the time to properly lube your belt drive, I sure the sound will go away... Bike Slob

Anonymous said...

Budnitz 101

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

in case your actually get sick of the noise...I cleaned the caps for the skewers and put a bit of wet lube on and this stopped a similar noise.

Anonymous said...

Probably not on new brakes. Its more likely that the caliper or disc bolts need some tightening. Sounds like this bike was assembled to be in photo shoot.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Forget about fixing the breaks. I prefer the resonance frequency argument.


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babble on said...

Happy Friday!

Q: What's the defining feature of Canadian Beaver?

A: Its Tail!

Unknown said...

RE: Scranus vibes. Check the calipers are tight on the frame (as advised above) and also I cured an identical issue by switching to pads made from "Organic" stuff instead of "Scinted" stuff.

Anonymous said...

Crank arms may be loose, caps on the BB may be loose, allowing the cartridge to rock inside the shell.
The BB7s have dirty or glazed rotors and pads. Perhaps the rotors weren't clean when installed, and when ridden the first time, the gunk was spread over the pads and rotors, then baked on by virtue of the first hard braking.

Bud nutz is out to get you (Thank you AutoCorrect for the correct spelling). They're tired of you relentlessly mocking the hipsters. This came to me in a dream-Cipo in skinny jeans with a flannel shirt, a thick pair of glasses, and a can of PBR surmising how he can "raise his kickstand" only after a stimulating ride on his tit-anium Bud nutz.

You're on to something here...

McFly said...

Youz guyz are missing the entire point. Part of owning an Artisinal Boutique Bikecycle is the experience of taking into the local shop for some repore and purchasing of stuffs. And to "make the scene". Therefore, the bike comes "pre-broke" so the new owner can immediately start influxing cash back into the cycling infastructure.





Anonymous said...

Any bike "artisanal" or otherwise benefits from a shot of lube once in a while. Typically it's something you can do at home in a few minutes.

Apparently someone is trying to prove a point though...

JB said...

I love all of the suggestions of how to fix the squeaks, vibrations, and creaks, but I think you're missing the point. Snobby didn't say that he didn't know how to investigate and possibly fix the problems.

The point: the Budnitz's lent out a crappily maintained bicycle to one of their biggest critics. They should have lent him a brand new one that was put together by Lance Armstrong (7-time TdF winner & 7-time TdF anti-winner), Chris King, and Frank Schwinn.

mikeweb said...

I checked out babbles blog to learn all about fine Canadian Beaver tail. I was not disappointed.

Anonymous said...

What A Witch Can Do
Do you have any idea what a witch can do when it comes to you on a dark lonely night? See the cartoon animated Maruti video for more details-

babble on said...

Thanks, Mikeweb. Sadly, I was giggling to myself like a complete nutter as I put it together last night. Now I need to work on the layout a bit so that I don't have to repeat myself every ten or twelve posts, and so that the more demanding of the commentariat (not to mention any names, Mr pesky Mcfly) are satisfied when they click through...

Anon, everyone can do with a shot of lube sometimes. And the making of points is what dearest Snobbykins does best. Which they knew when they gave him my Budnitz.

Don Budnitz is clearly going senile.

Anonymous said...

I had a massive sqeal with foot and barse (British for scranus I believe) numbing vibration coming from the rear brake of a 3 month old Ti frame.

Turned out it was the non drive side dropout in the process of cracking, I'd be looking closely at the welds.

Olle Nilsson said...

Aced the Friday fun quiz today. Perfect 0/0. Seriously, Snob, could have given us a Thursday quiz this week.

Not checking out the beaver tail link at work.

McFly said...

I think when you put your bare nipple on YOUR OWN blog to generate more followers you officially cross over into mild porn and automatically lose the right to judge any comments. I'm not pesky anyway. I'm pervy. Big diff.

Anonymous said...

McFly, who said it was her own nipple?

Anonymous said...

After all, lots of women have them (or so I'm told).

babble on said...

Who's judging? Pesky is just the flip side of persistent. But pervy is good, too.

Kk then. Thanks. I'm just as happy leaving it buried in a post somewhere.

babble on said...


Good thinking. You have to dig to find the nipple, but it's in there somewhere...

McFly said...

Its worksafe G, your just scrollin along reading and BAAMMMMM....nipple. Very artistic, very tasteful, very tasty.

Come to think of I think I will go check and make sure it's still available formy foffing pleasure.

McFly said...

2 minutes.

Thats a personal best.

Whats good for cleaning an Asus keyboard?

crosspalms said...

People speak highly of WD-40 ...

babble on said...

Next time, try to find a warm and willing receptacle.

crosspalms said...

A $5,600 city bike that doesn't come with fenders. Why don't they just call it the IIRTB?

Jefe said...

Sounds like a crank, and I don't mean Bike Snob NYC.

babble on said...

GEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZ way to go fox news.

What journalism.
What professionalism.
Holy fuck.

McFly said...

Dave Stohler could fix that Bidnutz. Fix it real good, he could.

May your rides be epic and you receptacles be warm and willing.

Jed said...

Does titanium suddenly make maufacturers go bonkers with naming conventions? Budnitz, Moots, sounds like a bunch of unemployed bricklayers, circa 1940. If your (over)charging Rolls Royce prices for a frame, it better sound like something I'm not embarassed to repeat. Oh, and it better not look, and creak like a paint-stripped WalMart beach cruiser. Bud nuts indeed. Bikes Direct must be laughing their asses off. If their bikes creak, its most likely because you were too cheap to have your LBS put it together.

Jed said...

Does titanium suddenly make maufacturers go bonkers with naming conventions? Budnitz, Moots, sounds like a bunch of unemployed bricklayers, circa 1940. If your (over)charging Rolls Royce prices for a frame, it better sound like something I'm not embarassed to repeat. Oh, and it better not look, and creak like a paint-stripped WalMart beach cruiser. Bud nuts indeed. Bikes Direct must be laughing their asses off. If their bikes creak, its most likely because you were too cheap to have your LBS put it together.

Anonymous said...

This thread is so redundant and lame. It's a really nice bike. Stop trying to break it. Enjoy it while you can, dude.

ken e. said...

positivity is positive


McFly said...

Everything is redundant. Look at a clock or a calender. But, everything is not lame. Jackass.

leroy said...

Anon 10:36 --

If more people were like you, and not afraid to enjoy nice things, I wouldn't be stuck with a half dozen boxes of T Shirts that my dog tried to sell in front of the Barclays Center on opening night this past Friday.

I told him no one was going to buy a T Shirt with his picture on it even if he claimed it was a picture of Jay Z.

Jay Flea, maybe. But Jay Z? No way.

Ride safe all.

And if you need a T Shirt, my dog says he'll be at the Barclays Center all week.

McFly said...

My cat R U N N O F T,
it saddens me but I will amble on knowing you have such a solid bond with your faithful canine. He has become real in my mind....a place he would probably feel at home. I miss BGW. I hope his travels are Fred-free and incline at a 4% grade or less.

Anonymous said...

meanwhile, in boston:

lobster lanes!

JB said...

Stuck in customs. How much Wednesday herb can you stash in a cut-in-half Surly?

Anonymous said...

I bought a *new* last year's road bike and it developed a ticking bottom bracket and the complimentary first tune-up by the bike shop didn't stop it. So, I bought a box of spin doctor tools online and tightened it myself and now whenever possible I buy tires and tubes and etc. online and fix my bikes myself. (also good to have spares on hand for quick fixes.....)

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this is interesting and Funny :)

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