Yes, sometimes Wiggins just likes to throw an unadorned "cunt" out there, while other times he likes to dress up the "cunt" by prefacing it with other expletives such as "shit," "fuck," and "wankers:"
I say they're just fucking wankers. I cannot be doing with people like that.
It justifies their own bone-idleness because they can't ever imagine applying themselves to do anything in their lives.
It's easy for them to sit under a pseudonym on Twitter and write that sort of shit, rather than get off their arses in their own lives and apply themselves and work hard at something and achieve something. And that's ultimately it. Cunts.
It's a long Tour, and in the coming weeks Wiggins's fortunes may rise or fall. Either way, I hope his use of the word "cunt" only grows more creative, and I'm looking forward to the moment when he finally starts using props to drive home his point:
("See this saddle? Now imagine it's a great big cunt. That's what you are.")
And should he actually win this thing, you can be sure Wiggins will leverage his "c" word the same way Armstrong did, after which it's only a matter of time before the wrists of Fred-dom are bejewled with CuntStrong bracelets.
Of course, it's important to keep in mind that the word "cunt" doesn't have the same connotations in Britain as it does down here in Canada's unkempt cunt. That's because Americans tend to be slightly prudish, whereas the British tend to be a bit bawdier. Just ask the cunts down on Fuckfield Lane:
Sure, it's not actually called Fuckfield, but to me the "F" is even more conspicuous in its absence. (Though that's probably because I'm a repressed and prudish American.)
Speaking of America, as a New Yorker I don't really live there, but I did have occasion to pass through it on my travels last week. Almost 200 years ago, Alexis de Tocqueville came here and wrote a book called "Democracy in America," in which he said that the aristocracy was disappearing and people were becoming more equal. (At least that's what I read on Wikipedia.) Given this, he might be surprised to learn that in the ensuing years America has scrapped the whole democracy thing and has instead embraced the feudal system. However, instead of fiefdoms comprised of big manor houses that are surrounded by serfs, we now have things called "Walmarts" that are surrounded by people who are completely underwater on their mortgages. Today, all Tocqueville would have to do would be to visit these Walmarts and they would tell him everything he needed to know about America. For example, did you know that 32ers are the new 29ers?
Well, I didn't, until I visited a Walmart:
As I stood there, I wondered why Walmart was selling bikes with giant wheels and lots of spokes, at which point someone wandered over to examine one. It was then, looking at this person, that I realized it's because the average American weighs something like 350lbs. And don't give me that nonsense about how smaller-diamater wheels are intrinsically stronger, because it's all about "angle of attack," and when a 350lb Walmart shopper is riding a 26-inch mountain bike with flat tires on a poorly-maintained sidewalk those tiny wheels are basically little better than wedges. No, the Sidewalks of Tomorrow will be full of behemoths on 32-inch department store cruiser bikes with bottle cages big enough to hold a two-liter bottle of Pepsi.
As for 29ers, it should go without saying that they're the new 26-inch:
There was a time when the notion of a department store 29er was almost as unthinkable as a department store fixie. Now, you can buy both at Walmart as easily as you can buy live ammunition:
That surprised me, as did the actual guns out of which to fire the live ammunition which were hanging right behind me. Of course, as a certified "woosie," I don't know anything about guns except that I never want to be in front of one when it goes off. That's why this thing scares the crap out of me, even though one Walmart shopper says it's a great first rifle for kids:
The Bushmaster M4A3 is a fantastic rifle to either add to a collection or for a first rifle, very easy to shoot and accurate. My fivteen year old daughter can shoot this rifle with very accurate results and loves to go out shooting it with dad, you will not be disapointed with it!
I use Federal .223 ammo with brass casings and have never had a problem with it, I have had people tell me that the cheaper ammo with steele casings has jammed on them but I don't buy cheap ammo just to avoid any problems
I only hope these department stores assemble their guns better than they assemble their bikes.
Anyway, in addition to ammo for your guns, Walmart also sells ammo for your mind:
Yes, that's all the raw materials you need for an armed rebellion under one roof--and they have a pharmacy!
Sure, we may have our problems, but absolutely nobody does retail like America.
In any case, I can't help wondering how quickly we'd all kill each other in here New York if we had easier access to guns:
Dear Cyclist-Hating Bitch - w4w - 27 (Long Island City, 49th Ave + Jackson Ave)
Date: 2012-07-08, 7:05PM EDT
Reply to: [deleted]
Dear Cyclist-Hating Bitch,
I am sorry that you have a deep hatred for cyclists, apparently based on those who do not follow traffic rules. Honestly, they frustrate me as well.
However, before throwing assorted trash (and your phone) at me and screaming at me in the middle of the road, you might consider that I "almost hit" you because you were "running" (and I use that term generously) across the street against the signal, and I, in fact, swerved to *not* hit you. Furthermore, I was in the bike lane.
Sincerely, fuck you.
That's just a love note compared to what Bradley Wiggins would have written.
Yoinks! The Wal-Mart and guns.
<===8 SEVENTH! 8===>
Could you review one of those helmet mounted mirrors?
Top 20 cunts!
Bloody cunt
Have you thought about what kind of hat you are going to eat when Wiggins wins?
I don't feel tardy.
Bugger off......
whats so bad about live ammo?
better than dead ammo, eh?
RCT hitting the front spot is as worrying as a GB 1-2 in a Tour time trial. Come on RCT, what are you on?
(See Cyclingnews clinic forum for some ideas)
Top XX !! Still, 1:30"+ down on some sideburned UK hipster...
What about Twat?
We're all stars now in the dope show.
Cunt and twat are my 2 favorite pejoratives to use on men. Then again, if I could be any historical figure it would be Paul Simonon in 1979.
Welcome back!
Caption on the Wiggins saddle pic had me reverse-snorting coffee.
Back with a bang, so to speak. I don't know why "The Great Destroyer" has a photo of Obama on it -- if he threw assorted trash and his phone at a cyclist I think we'd hear about it. He's obviously reading the riot act to cyclist-hating bitch, but maybe "Furthermore, I Was in the Bike Lane" didn't test well as a book title.
A whole week of nothing but Fofonov to entertain me, and even the top 20 is now beyond my reach! Back to Fofonov.
I told you NOT to go into a Walmart, you Cunt!
There is no better way to lose faith in America.
A cunt hat, of course.
Finally I'm starting to reap the benefits of all that sweating at my special high temperature acclimation training camp!
Are unkempt cunts are making a comeback? I still haven't recovered from the image posted a few days ago. Btw, am I the only man who enjoys a game of "guess the trim?"
What a silly bunt.
What are the odds a Brit will win the tour? Hasn't happened yet.
(I love your country but 99 years without a winner?)
Welcome back... to work.
What does "bejewled" mean?
Philippe Gilbert with the face of Justin Bieber, with the haircut of Bradley Wiggins...?
Even if you could find a Walmart in New York to buy a 32er, Bloomberg wouldn't let you buy a 2-liter Pepsi to put in the bottle cage. You're right, Snobby--NYC is un-American!
S just out of concern, what does Cunt mean to the english?
I assume it is still has some negative connotation. I understand that the english have not used the word fag to describe a cigarette for the last 40 years.
Life is very confusing?
speaking of guns and cyclists - we had a race out here in the midwest (thats west of Philly for us native NY/NJers). anyways some guy in a giant suv (a true patriot) was pissed at one of us as we took up a whole lane (in the deserted two lane road). so he tries to run one cyclist off the road who predictably starts cursing and yelling at the crazy driver. who then proceeds to get out of his car brandishing a gun (also pronounced "freedom" in missouri). after the cops arrive, it turns out this fine upstanding driver is a cop as well. so nothing happens in the end. just in case you thought not prosecuting drivers who attack cyclists was a coastal thing, we have it here too!
English people have funny accents, much more so the ones born in Belgium.
All he wanted to say was "you stupid... (man), can't [cunt] you watch where you're going?", but he was suffering from shortness of breath and longness of sideburns, which are chronic, I'm afraid.
Good to see you back. I was so very excited when Fofanoff went on the attack the other day, but apparently he didn't have what it takes to make it to the finish line alone.
They only had one thirty-twoer at our Walmart. And NO 32oz bottle cages. Bloody cunted wankers.
scranus cunts
cunt panties
I bet that fivteen year old cunt shoot worth a damn, her daddies just naturally proud of her.
sorry for the typo up there, I'm sure she's very nice.
Fucksake, oot the way cuntybaws!
hey nonny mouse
Don't forget Cavendish, the other little pissy British cunt who likes swearing at the cameras. Also rather ironic that the "Man from the Isle of Man" has is ample chested baby mama handle the press cunts via twatter.
I am a confused etymologist engine
I like pinching fags.
I had an injection in my ankle once because a truck didn't see my motorcycle. The doc said the steroids would help it heal. I had a righteous case of 'roid rage, and I said cunt a lot then too.
That chamiousee thingie in my bib shorts. Do I wear it on the inside of the bibs or the outside of my bibs?
Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.
I like pinching fags.
What the hell is that, now I have three questions?
yah, but would you call your country a cunt?
you do call your fraternity a frat...
Cunt-incidence? I, too, vacationed last week and shopped at a Super Michigan.
Whoa, the C word.
Raising the bar again, Snobby!
Let's normalize all the nasty words ASAP. It'll bring in a new age of openness, Peace, and understanding.
Where' s Wiggin's mum? What's she say about her baby boy calling a great many of us C-words?
Cycling has been ful of dope for for ever. Calling pple who question it Cts won't change that.
Dear Bike Snob,
You are one funny fucking ass-wiping cunt!
Radly Bigguns
Bradley wiggins, a real douchey cunt-bag if you ask me.
I second the cunt-hat!
Lord Carl 1.20, you have proven that aristocracy is not dead in America.
CuntStrong bracelets
Fucking brilliant that is!
Now where do I click to get my CuntStrong bracelet?
I think this review of an electronically shifting, aerodynamically enhanced commuting bike will delight you.
The bike at least elicited the envy (disguised of course as mockery) of some fellow riders.
The electronic shifting only occasionally drops the chain. And it locks you into the small ring and a single gear in the back when it runs out of power. So the bike doubles as the world's most expensive single-speed. I'm not sure why the review rode it in a grove. Enjoy!
Holy merde! Besançon! I knew a chick from there (notice I didn't use the c-word) who said "oui oui " whilst enjoying the penetration of her cunt. Oh, well.
Yep,"Cunt" is a relatively bad word for us Brits too,but thankfully we still say what we feel and don't fall back on hypocritical "fofonoving" comments and post-pubertal outpourings of excess genital fluids.
My 84 year old Cornish Grandmother calls sideburns,"Buggers Grips".and she's right.
Well, my xmas list is done
Shirt for Wiggens:
Shirt for Snob:
Put a belt-drive on the 32er, give a number, and I'll pay a couple of grand for it.
See, I lost 18 pounds, but am still powering at TT. And my dear teammate Froome, unknown a year ago, thin as a needle, keeps up with Evans in the climbs (yesterday), and beats the reigning TT world and Olympic champions (today).
It´s not "cunt", it´s AICAR.
The cunts are the idiots who believe this TdF is clean...
All this outpouring of four-letter words makes me feel right at home. Cunt is basically the UK equivalent of asshole (sorry, arse-hole) but has better plosive quality for those expletive moments.
Bradley @4:02 - take it over to the Cyclingnews Clinic Forum, why don't you?
Took a brake from cruising porn
This site greeted me with scorn
'twas not engorged body parts;
it was Irving Welsh's art
Foul mouthed cronie wankers
messing with hypodermic pranksters
compare and contrast, see 'Merica
Wal-Mart 2 a healthy man: scare ya!
Saw Fofinov persuin' for a time
Not on NBC-to many adverts. Online!
Yous guys are squares, everybody knows there are already CuntStrong bracelets:
Support Store-Wear Teal
he swears, who cares?
...yep..."cunt" - a simple pejorative regularly used in 'commonwealth' countries... in "...canada's unkempt cunt...", 'cunt' tends to carry more weight... can say to a woman - "...don't be a bitch..." & in the right situations, no biggy, it's soon forgotten...
...try "...don't be a cunt..." & pal, you've created an incident that could last a lifetime & involve a lawyer... quilled n' lugged suggests, it's really no more than the equivalent of 'arsehole'...
...fucking wankers...
If two ton Toms and Tillies get on those 32" bikes and actually ride them on a regular basis, then kudos for Wallmart.
Send money cunts and lawyers
the shat has hit the fan ...
3D video of Bradley Wiggins cunt ...
Yes thats right folks. Wiggins is a hermaphrodite.
He has an extremely small small pee-pee too. Must be all the vit-a-mins that he is taking.
This is a SALE item $99.99!
AICAR, it makes your cunt narrower and stronger:
You are the cuntiest cunt that ever cunted in this entire cuntry.
Cunty cunt cunt.
Coker Bikes make a 36" cruiser, and a penny farthing and uni cycle as well.
I would call Wiggins a douche, but that wanker should never be anywhere near a vagina or a cunt. It is sphincters like him that destroy and set cycling back hundreds of years. Wiggins, please go away and shut your your homely face.
Bradley Bitch-ens has more crabs than a seafood Platter.
Fucking cunts are the best kind imho.
Fucking cunthooks
Gallon bottle of Jack, 1lb of wedge fries from the deli, bushmaster m4, ammo, ride off on a 32r, pick a better country!
Fofonov you cunts!
I've been trying to grow a cuntree for years in my backyard.
But I keep spilling my seed.
i hate sideburns
..."...your cunt-ry, tis of thee,
sweet gash of liberty,
of thee i sing...
between your soft, smooth hips,
your sweet unfolding lips,
my tongue it gently slips,
'til your freedom rings..."...
...just daydreamin'... everyone's jumping on the cuntwagon.
I'm lovin' ALL of the comments, as well as the post. I will refrain from being a cunning linguist, except to say that those who build those walmart bikes are Considerably Underskilled Neo-Twats. And to think that I've applied there several times. Don't kids tear their own bikes apart and put them back together using parts of their sisters bikes anymore?
Ya, even as an American I can say what a trippy country this is. Still, gotta relve in the wierdness.
I guess nothing is off limits on this comment board, but that really is a vile, nasty and disrespectful word.
Sorry, wiwm, the ladies see right through your points-scoring ploy.
Oh man Wiggo ditched the glasses and when he was coming across the line he looked identical to Randy Quaid. Uncanny.
I refuse to buy a bike from walmart until they sell a bamboo framed penny farthing. Are you buyers at walmart listening? This is the wave of the future. Trust me.
forteen, fivteen, sicksteen
sicksteen, svensteen, cuntsteen
I heard someone's looking for me?
My dog shops at Target, but uses the french pronunciation: Tar-jay.
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that BSNYC's time off has mellowed him?
How sweet would it have been if someone would've put the "Cunts" expletive on the teleprompter all Ron Burgandy style and Liam McHugh accidently read it when he was quoting that tweet?
I have been saying Tar-jay for so long I cannot say it the other way.
Scene:[Fivteen year old girl is about to lose virginity after a nice round of shooting]
"Easy daddy, your crushin' my Doral Lights. I told you not to get me softpacks no more."
Wiggins is downright cuntankerous bitch now ain't he?
A fetid cunt by any other name ...
Would still require a major douche' bagging
Glenn Beck is the perfect example of an unscrupulous cunt, pandering to the base instincts of the uninformed. In fact, he's synonymous with every human genitals slur in all languages.
Glenn Beck is the perfect example of an unscrupulous cunt, pandering to the base instincts of the uninformed. In fact, he's synonymous with every human genitals slur in all languages.
So there you have it, cunts have more traction than spondees.
London used to have several roads called 'Gropecunt Lane' I think that they should be reinstated as part of out Olympic celebrations
I have to disagree with bgw - in my part of the UK "cunt" is really quite naughty, to the extent that it cannot be uttered on UK TV till after 9pm. Yeah, it's that bad. Despite it being slang for the female genitalia, when used as a perjorative it is almost always directed at males. Criticising Wiggins for his outburst in reply to a particularly daft and provocative question, though, is in my opinion a bit of a cunt's trick.
...anon 2:57am...cute, funny...& ya, when i use it, it's directed at guys...
...used it the other night...young guy, 30-ish, did something stupid so i "wtf"-ed him & he threw the usual "fuck you, dude" back, so i gave him my best' hard man stare', glaring straight in his eyes & spit out "you're a fucking cunt" with as much vehemence as i could muster...
...worked 'cuz it stopped there but i'm prob'ly lucky i didn't get my ass doubt about it...
Allright, just to squash the conTROVersy... The Box(Cat?) just smelled so bad that I opened it up Sunday night. Certain healment advocates will probably be glad to learn that the box simply contained a tin of punctured tuna fish.
So Fu...uh... uh... uh.. uhhhKQ.
I would have mentioned yesterday morning but I watched that ITT.
Martin Amis said...
So there you have it, cunts have more traction than spondees.
I don't think so... I think cunts kinda stick around while spondees benefit from a sort of monumental longevity. This, of course, excludes monumental cunts.
I'd also like to postulate that 32"ers are nothing more than a red blooded virulent sexy and relevant American response to those goddamn French using the Kilometer to measure these races! And I don't say that to be racist! They're just wrong!
It's just that competitors should be measured on their race first, phrenology next and after that if their... you know, subversive.
Nice stuff! I'm enjoying reading your blog here!
Cunts are nice. I like cunts for various reasons and purposes. How did they get to be a swear word?
Comment not deleted
Finished reading. Now to find some cunt pics and wank. Just thot i'd share.
Walmarters are generally too fat and stupid to pose a serious threat, except to the insulin supply. So ends the rebellion.
120+ comments, we sure missed or little snobby!
Vaginal Shoreline=Cunt Riverbank
In Scotland, "cunt" can be used as an adjective, as in "It's a good thing that those cunting Wal-Mart shoppers are an ocean away."
You have changed over the years. That is most definatley a good thing.
This cuntillious line of humor is beginning to border on cuntillational cuntiality.
What is with Chris Froome's tyrannosaurus rex arms?
Oh yeah,
Wal Mart is an alternate universe that sane people really should not visit. It's unhealthy on so many levels, but mostly it's just too fucking depressing. Also it's run by greedy cunts who would sell their grandmothers if they could.
Tar-zhay is a mom-and-pop hardware store in comparison.
This cracks me up.
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