Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Indignity of Commuting by Bicycle: The Power of One

In life, some people are "ahead of the curve." Others just wish they were "ahead of the curve," and in their attempts to be that way they wind up "jumping the gun" and failing spectacularly. I belong in the latter category. For example, I was the first person on my block to get a Zune, and as soon as I did I threw my iPod in the Gowanus. Also, thinking eyelid tattoos would become the new knuckle tattoos I got a pair of eyeballs tattooed there, and now flight attendants keep bothering me on planes while I'm napping because they think I'm awake. And most recently, I've been declaring the whole "fixie" thing dead, when in reality it is still very much alive.

Not only that, but it's also continuing to poison society and turn the entire world against us.

I realized this recently when I was riding in Manhattan during rush hour in one of our fancy new bike lanes. Next to me, pointedly not using the bike lane, was a Nü-Fred on a shiny Pista. Generally, you can tell a Nü-Fred not only by the shininess of his Pista, but also by the fit of his clothes and bags.

See, when "urban cyclists" first get started, they wear clothes that are somewhat baggy, and they let their brand-new messenger bags hang low with a bit of slack in the strap. Over time, though, the clothes get tighter, the bag straps get cinched up, and within six months to a year they're wearing skin-tight pants, form-fitting shirts, and wear their empty messenger bags "slammed" right up against the backs of their heads like reverse dickeys. Essentially, these sorts of people look like they've been through the dryer one too many times, and everything appears faded and shrunk. This particular rider, on the other hand, had not yet seen his first laundry cycle, and it wouldn't have surprised me to see Old Navy tags still on his clothes.

Anyway, I don't have a problem with people who choose not to use the bike lane, or who ride Pistas, or who shop at Old Navy for that matter. However, what this Nü-Fred was also doing was running all the lights, and this being rush hour it meant that the crosswalks were pretty crowded. I made no attempt to keep up with him, but I kept him in my sights for awhile, during which I probably watched him ride against the light through three or four crosswalks. Furthermore, at each of these crosswalks, I'd estimate that at least five pedestrians looked at him like they wished he'd get run over by a truck--and this wasn't even in the most crowded part of town.

Basically then, a single hapless Nü-Fred (though I suppose calling a Nü-Fred "hapless" is redundant, since the haplessness is implied) has the power to turn five New Yorkers against cyclists every single block. This means that, in the course of a 20 block journey during peak hours, one (1) Nü-Fred will make one hundred (100) New Yorkers hate cyclists. (If you'd like, we can refer to this 20-block 100-person figure as one (1) "Nü-Fred Bike Hate Unit," or NFBHU.)

Of course, it's impossible to say with any certainty how many Nü-Freds there are in New York (at least without subpoenaing Bianchi, Specialized, and Felt and forcing them to disclose their regional "urban fixie" sales records). What we can determine though is how many NFBHUs it would take to turn each one of New York City's eight million people against cyclists, and the answer is this:

80,000 NFBUs.

Really, if you think about it, that''s not all that much. All it would take to would be for some evil anti-bike mastermind to unleash 80,000 Nü-Freds on the streets of New York and in a single weekday morning the entire populace would turn against us. By week's end, bicycles would probably be illegal, they'd turn the bike lanes into free car parking, and without cyclists to preoccupy them the police would then be free to focus the entirety of their efforts on beating Occupy Wall Street protesters, harassing food trucks, and insulting the poor while they defend their right to break the law.

And by the same token MetroCard, with 6,200 people a day riding bikes over the Williamsburg Bridge, I don't think it's unrealistic at all to say that at least half of them are probably Nü-Freds. That means 3,100 people on bikes a day are probably pissing other people the fuck off. Actually, they're pissing 310,000 people the fuck off, according to my own crackpot NFBHU formula.

I realize at this point that I've typed a lot of words without including a single picture, so in an effort to make up for this editorial oversight I present you with the following:

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Of course, we have to keep any mass Nü-Fred indictment in perspective. For example, in the past 24 hours I was nearly "right-hooked" (or, technically, "left-hooked" given the peculiarities of New York City traffic patters) by at least three drivers, and of these three drivers at least one of them looked at me as he did it as if to say, "Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?"

These weren't the sorts of "right hooks" that result from trying to beat cars through the intersection. These were simply people flooring the accelerator to pass me and then turning sharply in front of me. All too often, this sort of thing results in death, and as we all know, when it does the police are disinclined to do anything about it.

On the other hand, even if the evil bike-hating mastermind were to unleash 80,000 Nü-Freds upon the unsuspecting populace of New York City, while they'd make the entire population hate cycling, they'd be highly unlikely to actually kill anybody. Bad cyclists are mostly just annoying, but bad drivers are deadly.

From all of this, I can only draw one conclusion, which is that New Yorkers have zero tolerance for annoyance, but they're perfectly fine with death.

Anyway, as I crossed the Manhattan Bridge, I found that I was "commuter salmoning" in that I was leaving Manhattan while everybody else was heading into town. Cyclist after cyclist streamed past me. I saw a number "fixies," and I saw a number the fixed-gear's heir apparent, the cyclocross bike. But I also saw folding bikes, and old three speeds, and beat-up mountain bikes, and cobbled-together pieces of junk, and all the rest of it. They were piloted by men and women, young and old. It was, to be sure, a pleasing sight, though I couldn't help noticing something amusing:

Of all of these riders on this fair and sunny day, it was only the ones on fixed-gears who had their necks and faces bundled up with designer bike scarves like it was 20 degrees.

I also made a point to give a friendly wave to the "Pedestrian Safety Managers"--or at least I would have if they weren't all so busy with their cellphones. I suppose that would account for the presence of pedestrians on the bike side of the bridge.

As for "helments," I didn't notice who wore them and who didn't.

I only noticed when people opted to put them on places other than their heads.


Big Charlie said...

Yes, more recumbabe!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bummer. 1st loser.

hellbelly said...

Top 5? Yay, Retards!

Esteemed Commenter DaddoOne said...


Anonymous said...

The power of Christ compels you.

le Correcteur said...

Top ten! And I read it before commenting!

Spokey said...

give us back the real recumbabe not this larry king ilk. Top 10?

Venom P. Stinger said...

Aren't Nu-Freds generally huge fans of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, or NWOBHM?

Venom P. S. said...

Sorry, "Nü-Fred"

Anonymous said...

I helped a nu-Fixie Fred fix a flat the other day. He could not remove the rear wheel to save his life. I asked what the problem was and he said the nut must have seized or something.His bike was virtually new BTW

Righty - Tighty Lefty - Loosey
Righty - Tighty Lefty - Loosey
Righty - Tighty Lefty - Loosey
Righty - Tighty Lefty - Loosey

I hope he remembers.

Shawn said...

I hate "left hooks". Never really knew what to call them but I will blatantly steel your terminology. I get at least 3 left hoods a day, and that is on a designated bike lane in Denver, a bike "friendly" city.

Terre Haute Karl said...


Esteemed Commenter DaddoOne said...

"On the other hand, even if the evil bike-hating mastermind were to unleash 80,000 Nü-Freds upon the unsuspecting populace of New York City, while they'd make the entire population hate cycling, they'd be highly unlikely to actually kill anybody. Bad cyclists are mostly just annoying, but bad drivers are deadly.

Wildcat, I think an extension of your whole power of one argument today is that cyclists who cause non-cyclists to hate us actually add to the "bad" in bad driver. The more they hate us the more "bad" they drive near us. Therefore the lizard cyclists are in fact deadly.

FishInFight said...

A few weeks ago here in Austin, I waited my turn at a 4 way stop, and just as I clipped in (on an uphill, no less), a car came barreling through the stop... and when the driver saw me, she waved her phone at me and gave me a look that said, "Hellloooo??? I'm on the PHONE??? Get out of my WAY???" I could be more charitable--perhaps she was waving an apology, and she figured it was safer to wave her cell-phone-hand than her steering-wheel-hand.

Then the next day, I was riding in a bike lane IN FRONT OF A SCHOOL, and some guy took a WIDE turn right into the bike lane in front of me. I managed to stop in time... but if I had been riding down the middle of the lane I doubt he would have taken that turn.

dcee604 said...

Not first.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if fixie death might have anything to do with the ability to win a "fixie" (it was painted in cursive on the top bar) from the carnies at the Texas state fair?

Major Tso said...

Salmoning Nu Fred Fixie Smashes Head On Into Chinee Electric Bike Both Die Everyone Is Well Served

& fuck you fake liberals who pretend I am supposed to empathize with the plight of Chinee electric outlaws as if China-- or Taiwan, if you ride CRABON-- gives even half a damn about Brooklyn.

studioe said...

That "dickey link" was strangely arousing.

Anonymous said...

But what of a crosswalk full of jaywalkers? They get pissed too...

OBA said...

Just wait for the NYC bike-share to unleash 10,000 salmon on's going to get real ugly, real fast.

Anonymous said...

Great post today Wildcat. I try to be conscious of what my behavior as a cyclist has on those who already dislike us so much.

And to FishInFight you are a brave person to commute in Texas. I get to Austin once or twice a year and am astounded to the disrespect that cyclists endure.

RetroNuFredesque said...

So we are pedaling along and my bro turns to me and says,"HEY LOOK AT US WE ARE BOTH RIDING BICYCLES!!!" Yes, Yes we are.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry aboot the bike share folks. They gravitate to the sidewalk almost exclusively.

Yer bike lanes be safe.

Anonymous said...

The Snob blogged,
"From all of this, I can only draw one conclusion, which is that New Yorkers have zero tolerance for annoyance, but they're perfectly fine with death."

New Yorkers? Try Americans!

I right hooked a bike yesterday but I missed him by about 40 feet. I was eyeballing him the whole time - just in case I was misjudging his closing speed. It all worked out but I am sure he told his friends about the dick in the E350 who almost took him out. That's what I would have done.

Anonymous said...

3rd or there abouts. i was right hooked by a po' car the other day they got what was comin' to them, oh yes they did

grog said...

Sad and serious today.
Pretty sure 80,000 NFBUs were achieved looong ago.
Thanks for the Babe!

crosspalms said...

I was waiting at an intersection the other morning during rush hour, my right arm out to signal a turn, when a woman rode under my arm, bumped into my hand with her helmet, rode through people in the crosswalk, ran the red into traffic and made a right. I think she pissed off more than 5, and she hit for the cycle, so to speak: pedestrians, drivers and a fellow cyclist. Nice.

Etherhuffer said...

The old term for this behaviour was scofflaw, which is now defined as "cool hilpster." The coolness of being a scofflaw now mean "death wish" in reality. Seattle has tried to enforce jaywalking and bike laws for decades. Even in the formerly polite Seattle, no one now will cave in to civic order. Last year it led to a cop punching out a female jaywalker when she went at him first. I guess for these folks its "all about me." all the time.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I like to wear my helment on my helmet. If you know what I mean.

paulb said...

I like seeing Intering net photos of the same streets I ride on. Bikesnob: stop for a sandwich at the (almost) new Dekalb Market. Boss.

Anonymous said...

Grog, right on with this: "Pretty sure 80,000 NFBUs were achieved looong ago."

WRM, what the hell do you call a "Massive cyclist ticket crackdown"? It sure was a lot closer to 80,000 NFBUs than zero that caused that cluster.

mikeweb said...

I stand by statement from the other day:

A bottle of Bourbon and a taser equals instant respect.

CommieCanuck said...


Martin Erzinger said...

The solution is simple make sure all of those bikes are auto branded, and then the confused pedestrian will think he was run over by a banker driving a Land Rover, or a stock broker driving a Mercedes.

Did one of the commenters call Denver a bike friendly town?

He's entitled said...

Fuckin' nu-fred pushed my back wheel out of the way so that he could get by when I was stopped at a light. He couldn't even believe I stopped in the first place. His gear was faded so it wasn't the same idiot, that makes at least two of them out there.

Anonymous said...

"A bottle of Bourbon and a taser equals instant respect."

"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life."
Robert A. Heinlein

Buy-cycle said...

Top 40? Faulty nipples

Anonymous said...

lately, commuting in dallas(!!), i've noticed that i have to lower the settings of my motorist-behavior-predict-o-meter: it is now on "blind" and "brainless" and is trending towards "hostile". take care out there, people.

Marcel Da Chump said...

I've been riding around NYC for so long that I've been left hooked, right hooked AND upper-cutted.

Kenny said...

Rock Machine,

When I Google image search for your friend Bret, all I get are rock n' roll singers and professional wrestlers and ESPN people for 34 pages, some of which are unsettling images.

Please work harder to get Bret to show up earlier when I do an image search for him. In order to see the real Bret, I had to Google "Bret Tridork," which is about six or seven extra keystrokes that I don't have time to make!

Thanks for your help,


Grump said...

Your last picture is a perfect example of CYA.

wishiwasmerckx said...

On my commute this morning, I was in the curb lane and one of the f*#%@#g Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles popped up from a manhole cover RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I swerved and avoided him, but I spilled some of my soy latte "Bikesnob Blend of Disapproval" coffee.

Commuting by bike in my town SUCKS!

McFly said...

I know that guy in the last pic, he had just left the Dekalb Market and that lid was placed back there to catch the overspray from a HOT CARL and to protect fellow cyclists from front end washout.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to blame a driver for a right hook, unless, like in snobs case they speed pass you and just turn in front of you like you don't exist. in other instances you can be in the drivers blind spot or most drivers don't account for cyclists, bike lane or not, and will turn right without looking behind them. As a cyclist your left with three options basically: (1) hope the driver sees you and exercise your right away and continue straight with the assumption that the driver won't turn into you and hurt or kill you, (2) move left into the car lane to allow the car to turn, knowing that 9 times out of ten they will right hook you, but then risking getting hit from behind by a car in the lane or at the very least getting honked and screamed at, or (3) assume the driver doesn't see you or more accurately doesn't give a shit, stop at the intersection and let them turn and continue on. It sucks because it's not really fair but option 3 is but 3 is really the best and safest option. it's best to get home safely and intact which means riding much more defensively than you should have to. once you come to terms with that you will enjoy your daily commute much more. that and not being a dick and rolling through lights and into cross walks in front of pedestrians.

JB said...

Dead pedestrians tell no tales.
Annoyed pedestrians call the mayor.

hillbilly said...

In a weird way, I think it would be good if there were more cyclist-ped collisions. (duck, stay with me here) At least then they (peds) would be scared of us rather than just annoyed by us. Problem is, they aren't. That's why they amble aimlessly in the bike lanes.

A French King said...

Kill them all, God will know his own!

flaming_cyclist said...


"It's all about me all the time" IS the modern American way!

The rule of law, applies those other suckers, not Free Me. I don't want Big Government getting in the way of the freedom to walk/ride/drive wherever I like.

If some dude chooses not use the enormous waste of taxpayer dollars a bike lane represents then that's another vote for smaller government and more Freedom. No more government subsidies for bike lanes!

See how that propaganda works?

But then the ugly downside to all Freedom all the time: jaywalkers punching cops in Canada's crotch-like area along with widespread corruption throughout most of society.

Anonymous said...


mikeweb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mikeweb said...

To avoid left and right hooks, I usually do a quick check behind me and move around the vehicle(s) toward the middle of the street. Admittedly, this works a lot better on wide one way streets and avenues than narrow two way streets. Of course only about 20% of people use their turn signals, but reading the vehicle's "body language" usually makes it obvious when someone is turning. Occasionally a driver (usually a taxi or black car) will do the floor it to pass then cut me off trick. More than once, as they inevitably have to stop for peds anyway, I've slammed their trunk lid with my hand. That makes a pretty big noise inside the car and confuses the driver so that they brake and give me room to pass in front of them. Ive done this 3 times in 5 years. All in all, I'd say that's worth a few NFBHUs. BTW, I usually ride at least 20 days In any given month in Brooklyn and Manhattan and only get honked at about 10 times in an entire year.

Phredly said...

so, using the NFBHU equation, then bicycling cyclists will hate all the other bicycling cyclists including themselves.

and on a similar note:
why don't those zombies on Walking Dead eat other zombies ?

CommieCanuck said...

I don't want Big Government getting in the way of the freedom to walk/ride/drive wherever I like.

Don't worry, the way the US (or as we call it, Greece Senior) is going, there won't be any money for traffic lights soon.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything more annoying than a cyclist who becomes part of the problem instead of the solution?

rural 14 said...

ant 2nd!

How about riding in the middle of the lane as one is permitted by law, especially because the shoulder area / right edge of lane is icy up north here and a giant pickup extended cab huge mirrors tries to force you off the road because they're late taking their kid to the Waldorf School? Is there some equation that covers all those variables? Because it happens every day.

mikeweb said...

Just this morning at 6th ave and 32nd street, the Con Eddies had a lane blocked for work. Naturally the peds were crowding into the street and jumping the walk signal as I and another couple of cyclists were approaching the green light at the tail end of the flow of car traffic. One of the cyclists was yelling at the peds and at the next red light, commented to me how annoying they are and that it's like a "video game out here". Choosing not to comment on the dubiousness of that metaphor (I'm not aware of any video games that will kill you), I said "Well, they do what they do". I think choosing not yell at EVERYONE, choosing your battles and being nice, even witty, to other users of the road as you politely tell them to act safer and more responsibly, might actually result in negative NFBHUs.

Anonymous said...

Mikeweb, if you have been honked at only 10 times in NYC traffic, hope you get those hearing aids soon.

mikeweb said...


studioe said...

I'm a cyclist first, but any self-important fred runs a light, and tries to mow down peds within my reach is gonna get knocked on his ass. Why doesn't this happen more? Fuckos

frenchie said...

Being french, i´m not shocked by that NYPD behavior.
Ours are worse. Way worse.

And about those right hooks... Don´t you develop a 6th sense for that, like knowing seconds before that it´s gonna happen?
I have.

Godwin said...

I've seen 2 separate references on the twitters this week, one that Hitler was a bike courier in WW I and another linking to a "Hipster Hitler" comic. Nothing here yet. Too harsh for the hilpsters? Maybe. Funny? Kinda.

Anonymous said...

I commute in Houston. I have died probably 15 times so far this year.

yogisurf said...

63rd loser.

yogisurf said...

My buddy Kevin got 'right-hooked' by a La Mesa, CA cop. Got a new bike out of it. The comments of downtown commuting make me grateful for mine. I ride in the suburbs to the edge of downtown. I only saw two bicyclists this morning in my 11 miles to work.

Anonymous said...

What's the policy on people sticking their arm across the bike lane to hail a cab, making no effort to move on your approach? I've taken to aiming for the arm with the top of my helment rather than swerve into traffic. Do our individual hate units cancel each other out?

Anonymous said...

Bad cyclists can be deadly too...

And remember that episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm ("The Survivor") when Larry's rabbi told him that he had a relative who died on 9/11 - hit by a bike messenger in Midtown.

Anonymous said...

A few weeks back, the driver of a car next to me at a stoplight told me through his passenger window that he was going to turn right into the gas station across the intersection (so as not to cut me off).

The politeness cheered me up, especially since it happened in an iffy part of St Louis City.

Anonymous said...

Could not read the post today. I just cannot get past the uberbabe rockin' the green shorts from yesterday.

mikeweb said...

@anon 3:52'

The same thing happened to me last night except it was a fat guy in a food truck. Oh wait, I'm thinking of that car commercial...

Etherhuffer said...

My buddy has an air horn on his commuter. You pump up the bottle with your tire pump. Its really really loud. He uses it in lieu of a bell for the jaywalkers and light runners. Scares the crap out of people. Suprisingly, the pedestrians are usually contrite, but the other cyclists are not! Wow...unbelievable.

JB said...


Jasper said...

There's one new hater every minute. Are we back on maths again, because eventually we'll run out of new haters, and some of the same people are going to be hating twice, and then that will start getting exponential on us...

ervgopwr said...

@anon 3:44 wow, planetizen link, planning nerd huh?

Me too.



ant1 said...

snobby - "New York City traffic patters"

Anonymous said...


Did you know that 1 picture is worth 1000 words?

Rocco said...

More pictures or Ima ... oh fugedaboudit.

Thomas Malthus said...

Jasper, the number of cyclists increases arithmetically; the number of cycling haters increases geometrically.

Reggie said...

Though I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog daily (and it is the only thing I read on a daily basis now), I have to say you could collect your 100 or so best "serious, thoughtful, philosophical, social-critique-y" posts and it would make for a pretty great book. Just sayin'

Jasper said...

@Thomas Malthus - that's what I was trying to get at, but I'm a little sick today, so the words weren't flowing right

Anonymous said...

I was watching the uberhood installation video from yesterday, but this guy's hands and bike parts 'n stuff kept getting in the way.


Then that loser said...

I saw a number "fixies,"

That isn't a number, duh!

wishiwasmerckx said...

Reggie, what a great idea. I know exactly what the title should be:

"Comedian Mastermind: the best of"

It would sell like hotcakes.

Anonymous said...

Cuz zombies are shit for nutrition.
And they are surprisingly un-filling.
Its true.
You eat a zombie and, like, an hour later - your hungry for more zombie.

Anonymous said...

Think the nu-fred invasion is pissing NYer's off?

Just wait till JSK rolls out the bike share program next year. 10,000 people who don't even own a bike will be unleashed upon our streets (sidewalks, parks, cycle tracks, etc).

Get ready for a massive collective howl and the mother of all crackdowns.

Preston Douche' XII* said...

Recumbabe ...

I Just Recame ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

The surname is pronounced (Dou chez)

Broadway 'Bazooka' Plinth said...

***ATTENTION Philly Bike Shoe atendees***

Did anyone happen to find a Russian RPG-7 at the Show?

I had it on me when I entered the show. I apparently lost touch with it sometime during the show.


FINDER: Thank You in advance for your honesty.

Pardonez Moi said...

Preston, I think you meant "XVI".

Anonymous said...

If and when I stop my bike at an intersection in order to give way to another bike/car/pedestrian who has the right of way, inevitably, some other cyclist flies past me cutting off the person I just stopped for.

"What a dick." I usually exclaim in utter frustration.

cramitsucko said...

Anonymous said...

My buddy has a toggle unit on his commuter. You pump up the blow up doll with your tire pump. Its really really loud. He uses it in lieu of his lips for the vayjays and light cougars. Scares the crap out of people. Suprisingly, the pedophiles are usually contrite, but the other queers are not! Wow...unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

The old term for this behaviour was Gene Hathaway, which is now defined as "pearl necklace." The coolness of being a Gene Hathaway now mean "premature ejaculation" in reality. Seattle has tried to enforce premature ejaculation and jizz laws for decades. Even in the formerly polite Seattle, no one now will cave in to civic order. Last year it led to a cop masturbating out a female Gene Hathaway when she went at him first. I guess for these folks its "all about me." all the time.

Anonymous said...

not a dentist, but super confused by a few posts. who are you guys?

Anonymous said...

Though I thoroughly enjoy eating your diaper daily (and it is the only thing I eat on a daily basis now), I have to say you could collect your 100 or so best "serious, thoughtful, philosophical, social-critique-y" dumps and it would make for a pretty great feast. Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Number *of* fixies, surely? Or is that common U.S. usage? (in which case I apologise for my cultural insensitivity)

hey nonny mouse

Anonymous said...

Hate Units don't mean anything.

For example, one Jon Corzine Hate Unit equals 8 million New Yorkers and that bastard is from New Jersey! One Bernie Madoff Hate Unit is also equal to 8 million New Yorkers and a couple hundred million of the rest of the country. Yet we still have not seen a single banker run over by a car, unlike the thousands of bikers run over.

When are cars going to respond to Hate Unit pressure and take care of the financial industry?

screaming skull said...

Anon 12:59am,
we are the Hated!

Lowland Gorbals said...

Hey Nonny Mouse, no-one needs to apologise to Americans for being culturally insensitive. The other way round, yes...

cyclotourist said...


Anonymous said...

Are those BMW shinburgers on a recumbent?

Trabla Urblur said...

At some point there'll be so many people cycling that the ones who do it badly or inconsiderately will no longer be seen as representative of all cyclists.

Fixie Bikes said...

It'll protect their ass, whateves.

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PAPJSO said...

In life, some people hajar jahanam mesir are "ahead of the curve." Others just wish they were "ahead of the curve," and in their attempts to be that way they wind up "jumping the gun" and failing spectacularly. I belong Madu Diet Ath Thoifah in the latter category. For example, I was the first person on my block to get a Zune, and as soon as I did I threw my iPod in the Gowanus. Also, thinking eyelid Obat Lamandel tattoos would become the new knuckle tattoos I got a pair of eyeballs tattooed there, and now flight attendants keep bothering me on planes Mastin Kulit Manggis while I'm napping because they think I'm awake. And most recently, I've been declaring the whole "fixie" thing dead, when in reality it is still very much alive.

Not only that, but it's also continuing to poison society Madu Penggemuk Badan and turn the entire world against us.

PAPJSO said...

Anyway, as I crossed the toko obat herbal online, I found that I was "commuter salmoning" in that I was leaving Manhattan while everybody else was heading into town. Cyclist after cyclist streamed past me. I saw a number "fixies," and I saw a number the fixed-gear's heir harga crystal x asli, the cyclocross bike. But I also saw folding bikes, and old three speeds, and beat-up mountain bikes, and cobbled-together pieces of junk, and all the rest of it. They were piloted by men and women, young and old. It was, to be sure, a pleasing sight, though I couldn't help noticing something amusing:

Of all of these riders on this fair and sunny day, it was only the ones on hajar jahanam mesir asli who had their necks and faces bundled up with designer bike scarves like it was 20 degrees.

Unknown said...

niche article,,,god job

ابو السيد said...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم نحن فى شركة الكمال نقوم بجميع خدمات نقل العفش والاساس بافض الطرق تحت اشراف فريق كبير مدرب على اعلى مستوى من المستويات مع الفك والتركيب
شركة نقل اثاث بالطائف
شركة نقل اثاث بجازان
شركة نقل اثاث بحائل
والسلامة عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

رواد الحرمين said...

شركة عزل اسطح بالدمام

شركة عزل خزانات المياه بالدمام

شركة عزل اسطح بالخبر

شركة عزل خزانات المياه بالخبر

شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض

شركة عزل خزانات المياه بالرياض

Unknown said...

أفضل شركة كشف تسربات المياة بالرياض
شركة كشف تسربات المياة بالرياض
كشف تسربات المياة بالرياض
شركه كشف تسربات
شركة كشف تسربات المياة
أفضل شركة كشف تسربات
شركة كشف تسربات
كشف تسربات المياة بالخرج
أفضل شركة لكشف التسربات
شركات كشف تسربات المياة بالرياض
شركات كشف تسربات المياة
فحص فلل من تسربات المياة
التخلص من ارتفاع فاتورة المياة
ارتفاع فاتورة المياة