I like bikes... by yoruse
We meet our protagonist just as she's getting her driver's license. Yes, it's that tender time in every American's life just after we ride our bicycles for the last time and just before our asses start widening rapidly and we begin our losing battle with type 2 diabetes. As she begins driving, she immediately notices certain "truths" about bicyclists, such as:

Having trouble seeing this guy? Me neither. However, apparently the Centron Corporation feels he's the perfect example of an invisible cyclist just begging to be run down:

Anyway, according to a popular user-edited Internet encyclopedia, the Centron Corporation was "one of the top producers of industrial and educational films." It's difficult to argue with this assessment. Not only do the suburban settings and hairstyles of the day indicate a subtle mastery of mise-en-scène:

But when it comes to suspense they also rival William Friedkin's work in "The French Connection." Here's our new driver wrestling with a steering wheel the size of a satellite dish:
Unwittingly on a collision course with that "invisible" cyclist:
I braced myself for the inevitable crash and ensuing race riot, but fortunately they never came--because apparently, our enlightened protagonist likes bikes too much to kill the foolish people riding them. Similar scenarios follow, during which we see various other ways in which bicycles suck. For example, bicycles fall down a lot:
And they also just plain don't watch where they're going:

Hardcore fans of the Centron Corporation's work will immediately recognize these as the same title cards from their lesser-known "Coping with Feminists" PSA , only with the word "bikes" replacing the word "women."

But when it comes to suspense they also rival William Friedkin's work in "The French Connection." Here's our new driver wrestling with a steering wheel the size of a satellite dish:

Hardcore fans of the Centron Corporation's work will immediately recognize these as the same title cards from their lesser-known "Coping with Feminists" PSA , only with the word "bikes" replacing the word "women."
Ultimately though, the film ends on a positive note--with a message that cyclists are a shifty and untrustworthy bunch that should never be trusted, read by the narrator in that maddening California drawl:
I like bikes
They're number one with me
I like their style
They make me smile
They suit me to a "T"
But safetywise
Please realize
You NEVER should trust me
Basically, it's the "White Man's Burden" approach to sharing the road--drivers are the great imperialists who must save the savage cyclists from themselves--and it remains the prevailing notion in the United States of the USA to this day.
I like bikes
They're number one with me
I like their style
They make me smile
They suit me to a "T"
But safetywise
Please realize
You NEVER should trust me
Basically, it's the "White Man's Burden" approach to sharing the road--drivers are the great imperialists who must save the savage cyclists from themselves--and it remains the prevailing notion in the United States of the USA to this day.
Given this, it's no wonder so many American cyclists want to flee to Portland, and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that the Mobile Bike Shop/Rolling Party guy now has five hundred and one more USA Fun Tickets than he did before I mentioned his Kickstarter campaign:
This means he's now 10% of the way to fulfilling his fundraising goal. Sure, accomplishing only 10% of what you set out to do may not be all that impressive by "real city" standards, but it already makes him one of the most driven people in Portland before he's even arrived there. Soon, though, he'll be in the city of his cycling dreams, and that cloying atmosphere of coffee and smugness will choke the ambition right out of him like so much chloroform. I know, I've been there. "Sleep," that eerie disembodied voice begins to intone on about your third day there. "Have another craft beer." If you don't jab yourself repeatedly in the leg with a tire lever for the duration of your stay you run the risk of succumbing to the voice and missing your return flight. Then, before you know it, you've got a Rip Van Winkle beard and 26 handmade cycling hats, and you're spending 40 hours a week fashioning bike polo mallets and posting 2,500 word comments to BikePortland about whether the Oregon Manifest bikes were "practical" enough.

Yes, it's important to maintain your "edge." However, being too ambitious also comes with its own problems, and at worst it can come at the expense of morality. Consider the problem with doping in cycling--or, increasingly, in the fiercely competitive world of goat-showing:

Sometimes, it seems the only people left with any integrity are "walk-behind unicyclists," as forwarded by yet another reader:

rare walk behind uni-cycle - $1000 (lovely Paonia)
Date: 2011-09-09, 9:35AM MDT
Reply to: [deleted]
this thing is freaking cool-i just can't keep my collection up anymore. my research found it's a rare walk behind uni-cycle for those not ready to ride one but wanting to partake in the joys. not many of them left and this one is all original. $1000 or trade for a months stay in a shack w/a wood stove---thanks...and please put "roadkill" in subject of any email response or they go to trash unopened-peace
I was tempted, though personally I prefer my walk-behind bakfiets:

It's the ultimate in bipedal chic.

It's the ultimate in bipedal chic.
yea bitches podium?
Ima fuckin killya.
I like bikes....
Rab Rob.
Early doors
If the winner deletes his post, does that mean the person in fourth is on the podium?
If so, I guess I'll claim my fourth place "Third!"
Only a goat shagger knows for sure!
Sadly I googled Walk behind unicycle and found this pic http://www.mrdoo.co.uk/unicycle-handlebars.jpg
So worth $1,000 I'm sure
It's better to have a Rip Van Winkle beard than a Robert Van Winkle beard.
damn just missed-
Almost top 10 woo Hoo!!!
Silence!!! I KeeeL You!
As soon as I stop laughing at the wheel barrow I'll be mid-pack turfbuilder....
Top 20.
I like your blog, but...
Goats, wheelbarrows, axes, is this the Mother Earth Blog?
Hey what happened to the "Mennonite Babe"? We request more photos.
Ol' Rip has done all the "epic" Catskill climbs,,
I feel much more smug this morning knowing that I keep a walk behind bakfeets in my backyard.
There aren't many of those rare, walk-behind unicycles around anymore, because the S&S company clarified their instructions.
The video "I like bikes...." was boring but I does lend some historical perspective to the younger readers who may have never seen a public service film from that era.
When their parents tell them about the films they had to watch in driver's education or shop class, there is no way they would believe them without actually seeing them for themselves. Here is evidence of just how boring they were.
But, even though the video was boring enough by its own right! Who was the idiot that placed THREE ads in the middle of it to make it even more boring!
That PSA aired during GIGANTOR, FELIX THE CAT, and SPEED RACER, if memory serves me right.
don't delete me bro
I think he's running tubeless on the pfar. Edgy.
Centron still hasn't paid me for the song it commissioned for its film:
I like big bikes and I cannot lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with a vintage Schwinn
Or a Ticino instead
You get sprung, if the Brooks is broken in
No need for em-bro-kay-shin
Faux leather? I'm not caring
Cause I'm hooked and I can't stop staring.
(What? I can't recycle?)
Tainted by the stew of another.
Tainted, but the truth is uncovered.
What's been goating on...
Hmmm. Needs work.
This just in...
Floyd Landis has called a news conference about a confession that he has to make in the case against Theodore the Goat.
I like bikes, but...
The doping has side effects!
Please give to my defence fund.
The goat did not dope, he's Christian and American, not like some Godless filthy European.
I will defend this goat on the interweb until he publishes a book admitting the doping,implicating the cows and the sheep.
Then, I will shit all over him in bike forums.
That's how a bill becomes law, nonny mouse.
Grump, the defence is simple:the goat is a cannibal, raised on goat meat, the other goats were sourced from Spain. He also has a pet dog, who is being treated with ractopamine. I believe he only intended to dope, and he gave 6 thousand euros to Dr. Fuentes for no reason.
Back to the Ferrari farm for Theo.
You fuckers should leave me alone, I survived CANCER... and now I promote goat cancer awareness.
That's some fancy tube bending there snob. NAHWBBFS material for sure.
(north american handmade walk-behind bakfiet show)
I prefer to "walk behind" my goat.
"walk-behind bakfiet"
Fucking brilliant, put that on your amsterdamize picture post.
Hurt myself it was so good, but why the goat reference, the pigs are allowed to do it, so it must be good.
Where is my Clen?
Since you are back to full snarkiness about Portland, does that mean you won't be moving there any time soon after all?
Gotta say both the "model" behind the p-far and goat doper look to have beefy bottom brackets.
Just a casual observation.
Glad to see the walk-behind unicycle has a brake. It'd be hell to stop the thing otherwise.
...what a load of goat shit...ummm, manure, i mean, you could carry in that 'walk-behind bakfiets'...
I'm on the lamb
But I ain't no sheep
or goat
More Cowbell
My dog claims no one's ever gotten his goat.
I pointed out that folks have been casting pearls before him for years, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to cast ractopamine before him as well.
(Note to self: do not step on any flaming lunch bags left on doorstep.)
...young lisa sez "dear grandma & grandpa - thank you for the neat new bike - i can hardly wait for summmer !!!"...
...obviously little lisa hasn't heard of cyclo-cross...
Keep your handth and armth inthide the mixther at all timeth!
"posting 2,500 word comments to BikePortland about whether the Oregon Manifest bikes were 'practical' enough."
Stop tracking my every move, Bike Snob! Please?
And it was less than a thousand words you big exaggerator.
I like people but...I have an unquenchable thirst for blood. Top50! Take that decumbent urinators.
AYHKMA = All You Haters Kiss My Axe
...in that video, as the young attractive lisa is honing her driving skills, we see images of a robin drinking from a birdbath (birds) & a honeybee gathering pollen from a flower (bees, duh !!!) & lisa backs over her bike as she comes out of the darkened garage, into the sunlight...
...the socio-sexual implications of such are much too strong to be ignored...
...the 'birds n' bees' thing, i mean, really ???...the implied "...soon to happen..." loss of virginity as she crushes her bike signifying her 'awakening' & a need to move beyond simply pleasuring herself & a driven subconscious desire to have sex, yet because she loved her old bike, it'll be with some cyclo-punk like the kid from 'breaking away'...
...i' just sayin' you can't overlook these 'messages', folks...they're all there, in black & white...
or faded film. That was actually film.
I like bikes. (no buts)
and I like bike butt's (on ladies).
leroy, in regards to your "Note to self". Yes it was your dog who did that. I had nothing to do with that.
Historical note of significance of my comment: As a child, the kids in the neighborhood (9 or 10 year olds) did this at the Barnett's house. Mrs. Barnett came to the door and stomped it out. She was one of the sweetest women you could ever know, so the kids who did it were a little sad it happened the way it did.
If her husband, on the other hand, had been the one that did it, we would have probably been cheered on by untold thousands. Funny thing, even though we lived right down the road from such a decisive character as recorded in history, we kids just knew him as Mrs. Barnett's husband.
Ultimate Bicycle Cycling Lifestyle: Episode 4
Duder #1:
Duude! Our Ritte van Stoneygardens aren't selling because the guy I bought them from sold me some baaad frames and word got out.
Duder #2:
Duude, that sucks. My mom won't give me anymore money unless I complete my interpretive Photoshop degree at NYU.
Duder #1:
I told everyone those Dentists and Lawyers were just bitter and didn't know how to ride. Our stuff is cool and Dutch sounding.
Duder #2:
Yeah, only loosers complain when they don't buy our awesome rebranded stuff.
I know what to do dude! We start a new trend, walk behind unicycles! Give it a dutch name and we're back in business.
Duder #1:
Duude! That's great! Except, I don't want to get all dirty and stuff so where do we buy them since we don't make anything ourselves?
Duder #2:
Dude, this is 'Merica! We don't NEED to touch metal alloys and carbon and stuff. That's what poor oppressed people do in China and Taiwan! We make awesome Dutch-sounding stickers!
Duder #2:
Whoaaah. So right dude. So, where can we get some?
Duder #1:
Hey! Here's one on craigslist. A bargain too! Maybe he has more of them. It just needs a Dutch sounding name and Ritte will rise again.
Very astute observations.
I wasn't aware that Bergman did film work for the Gentron corporation.
@ television_writer
So shoot me, but I love that 'meat' sweatshirt.
Anyone know where I can get one from? I might even go vegan - Zabriskie-style - for added irony...
...mikeweb...ya, that bergman guy not only had a deep twisted mind but he hadda finance those 'art flics' one way or another...
Looks like "MEAT" is a lefty. He should open a butcher shop and advertise with the slogan, "Nobody beats our MEAT!" (except with their left hand.
Maybe I told this one already. One time at work, the subject of my riding a bike to work nearly every day in all kinds of weather came up, and my soon-to-be-ex boss (fun story, but not for this forum) told me that when he was 10 years old, his mom sent him to the grocery for a bag of oranges, which he could carry in his handlebar basket. On the way home, the weight of the oranges upset the handling of his bike so much that "without warning", he went down.
Lesson learned? Not "I suck at riding a bike."; rather "Bikes are DANGEROUS!" The video reminded me of that.
As usual a great posting.
So smug.
I've been standing on my Back-Feets every time I've ever palped my Euro-Milktruck.
And if that sumbitch deviates so much as a millimeter from absolute vertical compliance, I slap the living shit outa that muthafugga.
...told that guy i'd give him $1200 for that 'walk-behind' unicycle but only if it came with a fender...
...i'm no fool, winters comin'...
Boy, that goat picture sure made me uncomfortable. One little mistake, and your friends and family never seem to let it go. Believe it or not, they all still call me "goatfucker" to this very day.
That GM/Centron collabo was a companion piece to their other thriller, "I Like Streetcars, BUT..."
I like streetcars
They're number one with me
I like their style
They make me smile
They suit me to a "T"
But safetywise
Please realize
Their tracks make Fred Armisen too paranoid to ride a bike
I like bikes....
but I like that bikini top strong leg woman in the PFar pic more!
The fall/winter is the best time
to listen
I'd could sure use that walk-be-hind-bake-feets.
Nogo --
My dog says he would have been honored to introduce Mrs. Barnett's husband to the Tupelo Two Step, which is also known as the Oxford Omigosh or the Jackson Jitterbug.
Funny thing though, in Greenwood, he says it's just called Tuesday.
I am glad I waited be the third postager to post about the thick babe behind the p-far. Hommina hommina hommina.
About the Pfar babe -- my grandmother actually said, and truer words were ne'er spake:
"Boys don't like thin girls.
They're afraid they'll lose 'em in the sheets."
She was a wonderful grandma, and would be a great, great grandma now, if she'd lived to be about 115.
Walk-behind Bakfiets: Good one, Snob.
Goat dopers need love too.
...wishiwasmerckx...my, what an insensitive family...
...i'll bet that goat practically seduced you with those big clear, pleading eyes, that soft, gentle provocative bleating, that smooth, silky hair running through your fingers...those cute little cloven hooves...
...'goatfucker' indeed !!!...i'd suggest, sir, that goat only got from you what she asked for...& you lovingly gave her what she needed...
...your family owes you an apology...
Snob, I like it that when you Glooble image searched "wheelbarrow"... er, I mean when you went shopping for a walk -behind bakfiets... you didn't settle for the first one you came across, but rather, you thoroughly sifted through the options before finally settling on one of the older, less common, square sided wheelbarrows (walk behind bakfiets) in order to more closely approximate the cargo hull of a traditional bakfiets.
Little details like this really help to clearly crystallise a joke. We do notice and appreciate this, we who over analyse.
That GM movie is dead right, and I'm surprised snob's so upset with them -- mostly they are making the same complaints that snob regularly makes of the unwashed cycling masses but couched in early 70's prejudices
old psa's man.
This is truly a great read for me and definitely be back to read some more.
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