Like most people, I am tremendously grateful for the Intering Net. I mean, what's not to love? Remember how annoying it was to watch your favorite shows and movies on a great big box while sitting on the couch? I'd never want to go back to those days. Now, you can stream them directly to your crappy laptop screen with frequent interruptions. Sure, it's an inferior viewing experience, but it's an inferior viewing experience you can have without leaving the toilet.
At the same time, though, the post-Intering Net world has its downside. In particular, it's increasingly difficult to have a "pure" experience. So what is a pure experience, anyway? Well, it's one you find yourself, out in the open air, and that you refine not by following advice and instructions from Intering Net forums, but by good old-fashioned trialling and erroring.
This is particularly true of bikes. Like any nascent rider, there was a time when I would set out on the open road in a cut-off t-shirt and fanny pack, woefully unprepared for the inevitable happenstance of cycling. How did I learn the shirt was a mistake? Because it would get drenched with sweat and my shoulders would get sunburnt. How did I learn to carry sufficient food and drink? Because I would "bonk" spectacularly miles away from the nearest bodega. How did I learn which tools to bring? Because when you flat an hour from home and all you have in your fanny pack is some "Wednesday Weed," you gradually learn how to reorder your packing priorities. As for the fanny pack, I learned that was a mistake because we used to have something called "mirrors," and one day I looked in one and realized I was a gigantic dork. Also, once you actually do start putting tools in it and it starts working its way down your waist due to the weight, you learn the value of jersey pockets and saddle bags, and before you know it you've made the dubious leap from "newbie" to "Fred."
And from there, the refinement continues. Once you're a "Fred," you run into other "Freds." Silently or not so silently, you study and critique each other's appearance, technique, and relative strength. You race each other informally, and then formally under the auspices of some governing body. Soon, you can't believe you were ever a hairy-legged charity-riding "Fred," much less a fanny-packing newbie. Then one day you wake up, and you suddenly realize you've reached the top of the cycling heap. You have attained "gnosis." You are officially an Elitist Douche.
Now, though, much of this process takes place before you even touch a bike. If you're interested in cycling, thousands of blogs and forums will tell you millions of things you "should" or "shouldn't" have or do. Post your bike on some online forum and legions of instant experts will critique its appearance and functionality before you so much as throw a freshly-shaven leg over it. You can buy all manner of component exotica with just a few keytrokes. You'll be contemplating a new bike from a plethora of artisanal custom bike fabricators whose work you've only seen on online photo galleries before it's even time for new bar tape. You'll go from Newbie to Douche in the time it takes to wear out a single tire.
I'm not saying all of this is bad. In fact, arguably it's great. So much information! So much communication! So many choices! So much stuff! At the same time, though, could we be in something of a cycling bubble economy? Isn't it at least a little dangerous that there's so little friction now when it comes to fulfilling our cycling whims? I mean, it wasn't all that long ago that, if you wanted a messenger bags, there were only a few companies to choose from, and you actually had to go to them to get one. Now, not only can you buy a handmade messenger-type bag in pretty much every configuration imaginable, but a reader tells me you can also buy a special pedestal on which to place it:

So what is this? Well, it's:
The perfect place to store your bag and personal belongings at work, while you work.
Now, I realize I'm about to give away my age here, but there was a time when after you took off your messenger bag you just hung it on whatever, or maybe even put it on the fucking floor. Now, though, apparently the floor's not good enough, and you need a $199 bag storage solution. (Or only $169 without the shelf.) Next I imagine someone will come out with some handmade nylon straps so you can carry your bag storage solution on your bike, and then you'll need bag storage storage for your bag storage, and so on, until your life is an unbroken series of modular accessories and you vanish into some sort of herringbone version of "The Matrix."
Of course, having a bunch of shit for your shit is the American way, which is why we also buy protective covers for our car bumpers:

The other side-effect of this lack of friction is something becoming The Next Big Thing really quickly--maybe too quickly. For example, remember this video?
Oh, how we laughed and laughed. "Hilpsters? Cyclocross?!? That's high-larious!" Well, it's positively quaint now, and today you can buy a Rock Lobster with white tires and Hold Fast pedal straps on Craigslist:

Or you can go to Prolly's Purple Bikey Blog, and along with the latest dumb "fixie" you can see the latest dumb cyclocross bike with a top tube that's pointy on the bottom:

Again, all this opportunity and choice is great, but at a certain point you have to worry if it will come at a cost. For example, could the days of DIY cyclocross dreadlock storage solutions be numbered?

(The underside of the dreadlock sausage is flattened for easier shouldering.)
A reader forwarded me the above image, and a better use for what appear to be old legwarmers I have not seen. But what happens when Chrome is selling a $250 dreadlock windsock, and Rapha jerseys feature an optional hair slot in the center pocket? Will not yet another subculture of a subculture of a subculture have been undermined?
I don't know. All I know is that the person who really suffers is the Elitist Douche. Whither are they bound? To which cycling discipline shall they flee to maintain their rarefied sense of self-importance? Even pennyfarthing racing has been ruined by corporate sponsorship, as forwarded to me by yet another reader:
What a bunche of Fredericks.
I don't know. All I know is that the person who really suffers is the Elitist Douche. Whither are they bound? To which cycling discipline shall they flee to maintain their rarefied sense of self-importance? Even pennyfarthing racing has been ruined by corporate sponsorship, as forwarded to me by yet another reader:
What a bunche of Fredericks.
Most of all, I worry that all of this points to a massive conspiracy, since as people become more and more obsessed with equipment and with power meters and with modular stuff for their modular stuff and with "training" for nothing, cycling will become abstracted to the point where people just do it indoors all the time, as in this article on the popularity of "spinning," forwarded by still yet another reader:
The past decade has seen a new strain of realism take hold: so-called "terrain-based" classes, simulating race conditions complete with wind and resistance, have become more popular.
And once they have us all where they want us, inside in one place and plugged into some sort of virtual hive mind, they will imprison us and use the watts we generate to power their evil endeavors. I saw a movie like that once. I don't remember what it was called, but it was something to do with a matrix of some kind.
The past decade has seen a new strain of realism take hold: so-called "terrain-based" classes, simulating race conditions complete with wind and resistance, have become more popular.
And once they have us all where they want us, inside in one place and plugged into some sort of virtual hive mind, they will imprison us and use the watts we generate to power their evil endeavors. I saw a movie like that once. I don't remember what it was called, but it was something to do with a matrix of some kind.
But will there ever be a real substitute for trying to pick up chicks at the scene of an accident?

Pure class.

6th Ave at 27th St Bike Crash - m4w (6th Ave & 27th St)
Date: 2011-10-17, 8:44PM EDT
Reply to:
You : Brunette gasping at the bicycle/towncar collision and ensuing altercation we both witnessed
Me : Tall bearded fellow smiling at you as I walked passed and quipped "that was crazy"
I feel like we had a little moment, and I would love to know your name and possibly buy you a drink.
Pure class.
No Comment
Where is everybody?
Heck yeah! Thanks for sharing, nogo.
Guess the field was blocked by a camera crew at the start, world cup style.
Early ten"ish"
Top ten!
early today so am I!
Good news from popular search engine: "No results found for 'spending too much time online looking at bike stuff.'" Now to get one of those chairs for my bag...
I shortcutted the course.
The cyclocross dreadlock storage solution is so last year.
Not really, I wanted to show everyone I am the Superior Elitist Douche.
Looks like the 'cross douche index goes even higher that the roadie douche index.
I thought the be-dreadlocked only rode bikes to organic burrito joints.
It's not just bicycling, the internet has done the same thing to every hobby/recreational activity/sport/etc. Before anyone takes the first step of anything they can go online and learn everything they need to be a "pro"...and as soon as a handful of people start doing the same thing there are 10 different companies mass producing all the custom goodies they need for their activity.
OUTSCH!!!!! that Stanridge bike!
Did I just miss it, or was there no Bike Snob in the latest (Nov?) issue of Bicycling Cycling Magazine?
This is something I've been worrying about. I ride a recumbent. Obviously, I don't wear cycling jerseys with pockets, but I did just get clipless pedals, an ortlieb bag, and went on a charity ride. Am I now a reclining fred? In these late days when even superman has facial hair, my beard comb doesn't seem like enough to protect me from fredness. I'm basically relying on my rain pants and lab goggles (they breathe better than ski goggles) at this point.
Some messenger bags cost nearly 200 bucks!
I went through four bags and their cost totaled about $200.00
"a $250 dreadlock windsock"
Snorted at that one. Thnx, Snob.
This post was crazy.
Go Nogo!!
Listen to me. You've gotta tell 'em! DREADLOCK SAUSAGE IS PEOPLE! We gotta stop them! Somehow! Listen! Listen to me… PLEASE!!!
Apparently the Royal Guard was called to shoot at P-far racers.
origin of "fred"? I guess its easier to spell than "elitist douche"
I'm such a douche that I stopped reading this blog.
Completely Fucking Hilariously Snobbotastic Today Sir.
apparently there is a P-far "community" - I'm guessing the doorways there are larger.
i just want to see one P-far crash during a crit like that - just one!!
Sure, you can scoff at the canti brakes with no clearance, shallow pulley angle and about 1 cm of cable travel, but it's a learning curve when you've only made brakeless bikes in the past. And when your customers have never owned a bike with brakes, will they know the difference?
Waitaminit...Johnny G of spinning infmamy is actually Jonathan Goldberg? Oy, what a shonda!
I try to p-far, but my prostate just won't let me.
Mr. Snob,
I've been hearing the comparison of the cross explosion to the fixie craze quite a bit lately. Certainly a lot of folk from the messenger/fakenger scene are showing up a cross races, but what's wrong with that?
A major discrepancy is that cyclocross bikes are versatile and a ton of fun, whereas fixies are annoying.
Also, I've been running white bar tape on my cross rig for years. At certain events I put pink tires on as well.
I'm still more dork than douche.
i got your 'little moment' right here.
Nice Dreads!
Two bits made me burst out laughing.... (1) when I first set eyes on "Form. Function. Finally." ad and (2) the girl in the p-far vid who says "these machines ... shouldn't be in museums, they should be on the road."
Having a moment at the scene of an accident.
Indeed. Pure Class.
Mr. Snob,
As an addendum, there's a parking lot where the kids played bike polo every Thursday (alongside the Live Action Role players practicing their swordsmanship). Last time I rode through all the kids were rolling around on singlespeed 29ers. They had put a big plank down so they could roll up the curb.
Anonymous 1:17pm,
Not a thing wrong with it--though as that Stanridge bike proves, cyclocross bikes can also be annoying.
--Wildcat Rock Machine
anon, do your pink CX tires have little knobs?
just wondering.
It's difficult to become an Elitist Douche when you have to race against moneyed Masters, whose wheelset is worth more than your car.
I remember the good 'ol days when I was a jeans riding noob, and then a Bike Nashbar Fred (I can even remember my BN account number....How sad is that)
I agree that nobody wants to pay "Dues" anymore.
On a more positive side, those are the people who I don't mind laughing at.....(to their face)
Grog, it would probably be the Household Cavalry. They'd be thankful for the charging practice as there's not much call for it these days.
hey nonny mouse
Twi'lek cross racers unite!
Cool! An expensive chair that's not worth a shit for sitting! I knew there was a reason to get out of bed this morning.
I can remember when I walked into a bike shop and walked out with a bike that I rode into the ground over the next five years—the five years just before Al invented the internet. An absolute piece of crap bike that I absolutely loved. Never changed a thing on it. It never occurred to me to "upgrade."
BTW "What a bunche of Fredericks."
Wednesday weed in the fanny pack is an essential item. Sufficient intake of said substance should get you home, a few tokes and you'll be flying.
I'm such a douche that I had to stop by to let everyone know I stopped reading this blog. I'm leaving now. Good bye. Really. I mean it.
Dreadlock Windsock? Pshaw, I have to use a California King bed sheet just to tie up my pubic shrubbery, and I don't even live in Portland!
Its happening in China now too:
You : Brunette gasping at the van/toddler collision and ensuing ambivalence we both witnessed
Me : Tall bearded fellow smiling at you as I walked passed and quipped "that was crazy"
I feel like we had a little moment, and I would love to know your name and possibly buy you a drink.
Hey, are you ever going to write about the pro peloton again? E.g funny photos/celebrity lookalikes etc.
put a dreadlock sock in it.
ps - is a keytroke related to a keystroke?
Great post WCRM. Ah sentimental journeys. Remember when the phone had that plastic disc with holes in it that you stuck a finger in and spun in a rotating motion repeatedly using different holes corresponding to the different numbers of the line you wished to connect.
Those were the days.
I used a fanny pack in the late 80's throughout most of the 1990's. Looking back at it it seems inevitable that I would one day end up on a recumbent.
Don't despair anon 12:15. 'Bent specific jerseys with side pockets do exist. I have one. Lab goggles huh? How do those work for you in the rain?
Anonymous 1:57pm,
I was going to say no, but then I saw this haircut.
--Wildcat Rock Machine
You know those 'Snob posts when you finish the read and realize you've been holding your breath the whole time? Yeah, it was like that. You're the greatest, Snobby.
No, I just retired from that other place, not this one.
It looked like the winner of the p-far race had a powertap wheel. Does that make him an elitist?
So I go to Prolly's blog and see he has a race report for the Red Hook Crit Milano.
I think "great" because I so totally dominated that event.
Turns out, he's not writing about careening down the snack aisle at the Red Hook Fairway while snagging Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies.
Too bad. He would have loved my rig. The cart was old school steel frame, the saddle pre-carbon plastic and the wheels were small and tubeless. And, of course, no brakes.
Poor Prolly. It looks like the new cyclocross hasn't made it to the hinterlands.
I'd be happy with just one stage of next years tour with the entire field on P-fars. I suppose it would be too much to ask that that stage be the run in to Paris. Dandy they would look on those final laps.
Black suit, black shirt, spiked hair-Philippe Douchebert.
Anyone ever fix a flat or change a front tire
on P-Far?
Bumper Bully are missing the point: how do you protect your expensive bumperbully?
We in Europe know the two techniques for reverse parking
-own a vehicle whose bumpers you don't value. black plastic is good here.
-fit a tow bar on the back. This acts as an audio feedback device similar to that you can pay for in high end vehicles. It also acts as an audio feedback device for anyone else trying to park, which is one thing the premium vehicles don't offer.
I think the movie you were thinking of that entailed cyclist slavery power plants is the Triplettes of Bellville (French animation). Great post!
...loved the dog in that movie.
On third thought the last stage of the tdf would be the best for P-far. The riders are mostly shluffing along toasting with the bubbly anyway. And as the pennyfarthing racers demonstrated in the video you can have a smack down-drag-out at the end so the sprinters can have their glory too up and down the Champs.
Snob, The movie where they steal our power for evil endeavors was The Triplets of Belleville, not the matrixy thing. Kevin in Seattle
If that hairdo will get me some of Jill-Bear's podium kisses, then I'm on it!
You Freds can stick with your bowl cuts and pack finishes.
Hair lube seems to be all the rage in Europe these days. Next they will be wearing alarm clocks around their necks on old swag chains.
Big ups, much love, and massive vegan respect for me idren ILe Powell. Keeping things real in Portland.
Hey Snob. I love the way you blog. It sends shivers down my spine. I really do feel we have made a connection. Buy you coffee sometime?
Wow, it sounds like you have been lurking in Bikeforums. "Can you tell me what frame, tires, stem, pedals, brakes, bottom bracket, clothing, bell, grips, shoes, glasses, helment, hub, spokes, chain to buy and from which internet site? Specifically? I ride my bike twice a year 3 miles."
Just buy a damn bike and ride the damn thing. Fuck's sake.
..."form...function...finally"...farfuckinout...for the truly delusional, a cute little stool to park you bag, your common sense, your wallet & prob'ly your manhood if you honestly think that serves any purpose other than to put cash in the pocket of the seller...
...i'm only amazed that these guys didn't sell the idea to the 'best made company' where it could go for $300.00 instead of $200.00...
...obviously a missed opportunity...
Fuck it, I am just gonna ride the bus or walk.
I like that photo of Phil Gil and the Schlecks.
It gave me a flashback to the finish of LBL '11.
The same order too.
Glutton Phree!
Might I recommend one of the upholstered models? The nubby silk is very stylish, but many prefer the manly, Ralph Lauren-ish heft of the tapestry. Our color associates are available to help you coordinate chair and bag colors. Sorry, colours.
...1st ave & 2nd st @ the scene of the bike/train collision... i gazed across the blood splattered pavement, our eyes met briefly & your delightfully goulish smile spoke volumes to me...
...our revery was interrupted by the coroner picking up dismembered body parts & the projectile vomiting of other horrified witnesses...
...but you & i were cool & i felt like we had a 'moment'... to meet you for coffee & then fuck your brains's hoping you feel the same..."...
...oh, sorry, halloween must be coming up...
...crosspalms..."...bag colors (colours) ???"...ohhh, for a minute there i thought you meant - well, hey, never mind...
...nubby silk, that does sound nice though...
Thank you Snob for being ever the optimist about the future of cycling. This 64 year old (41years as an adult cyclist)says praise the Snob and may he live forever.
@ ken e
IRD Crossfires. Was that a double entendre?
They used to come in a variety of colors. (heh)
I thought
we had a little moment.
In horror, you gasped.
At you, I quipped:
that was crazy.
Let me buy you a drink.
Those bumper protectors on cars should be removed except for parking. The owners of those cars are going to find that road grit gets between the protector and the bumper and the flapping protector ends up scratching the bumper.
Hey Snob, How about a Craigslist/Missoni For Target Bike-Dex? It started out very high a few weeks ago but has already crashed to oblivion.
Dude, it's not like I didn't know that. I've been working in bike shops for like four years.
Bike crash weirdo get some therapy.
"As I walked passed"?
Any self-respecting, opportunist, bottom-feeder, megalomaniac serial killer knows that it is "walked past".
PAST, for Chrissakes, you fucknut.
Shit like that makes me mental.
I hope the folksth involved in the accthident were wearing their helmeths...
You know, slap a couple of different sized wheels on it, and that bag-stand could be converted to a totally sweet bag recumbent. What self-respecting Fredenger could live without a bag 'bent?
2 questions:
- what are the differences between a cross bike and a road bike (geometry-wise and else - apart obviously from tires and brakes)?
- why no V-brakes on a cross bike?
Thx for the answers.
Thanks Snob! You have stumbled upon the reason for our current over-abundance of douches. We live in the douche acceleration age courtesy of the 'puter. This is some serious insight duder. Anyway, I still like bi-keen.
Been getting "cat 6'd" on the way home over the hipster high road a lot these days. What's the protocol for "bowing out"? Ive been slowing and motioning for these idiots to "come around" and that generally does it. But after a pronged wheel suck this evening (a guy in $200 Rapha jeans no less) where he either wouldn't or couldn't go by, I was even more annoyed than usual.
Would it be "petty" to hit the brakes and make him swerve a bit, or should people in my position just tell them how much they suck and what douches they are? I mean, I can ignore most of the obnoxious, oblivious behavior, but it's actually quite dangerous when you have no idea they're there for a while.
Anon 9:14,
The direct approach you described
should work. However,
I tell them this:
"hey, I just got out of prison
and I don't want to go back.
So cut the bullshit, before I lose it!"
Marcel Da Chump asked: "Anyone ever fix a flat or change a front tire on P-Far?"
In 1980 or so, a guy rode his P-Far across the U.S., and pretzelled the front wheel somewhere 'round these parts. I had to remove the tire to go all "blacksmith" on it. It was a semi-pneumatic tire ( hollow hard rubber, like an old tricycle ). The test ride was an absolute blast, and I highly recommend big wheelin'.
Wildcat Gerund Machine, you have gone too far, and the authorities have been notified.
@ anon
yes it was. who doesn't love a good knobby tire though? personally, as a person, the hutchison bulldog and the two-tone michelin something or other are my faves.
That missed connections guy isn't up on his James Blunt. If he were, he'd know how this ends.
"And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw a planted face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you."
98 ...
Note to Kenny--
Yesterday's post explained how a billy goat becomes Jude Law.
99 ...
I like bikes, but...
100, thanks Leroy
I like bikes, but...
Those P'farthing racers are all freds, as none were wearing tweed.
I like bikes, but...
(If one day in the FUTURE, while I am out cruising in my electric Delorean, I do happen pass you on your bike, I promise that I will try really hard not to point and laugh. It will be an undeniable fact after all that I too was once was a rider of bicycles. Nevertheless, you may do best to hide your face in shame anyway, as a precaution, as I may simply be unable to resist the dizzying effects of the power granted to me by DMC.)
My faith in the bike knowledge and experience of the BSNYC commenters is still devout.
Are you walking home alone though?
Oh the humanity! slides 8 and 17 are especially disturbing
FYI, this is the first hit on Google for "big snob". Love the blog, btw.
So I have to admit that I was a bicycle commuter for over ten years before it occurred to me to look for anything bicycle related on the 'net. To my shock and horror, I was doing it all wrong, and I still do most of it wrong. 2800 miles of commuting per year completely shot to hell because I am wearing the wrong fabrics and riding a $600 bike with a stock saddle and an aluminum frame.
Is there any hope for me?
live (bckwrds) credits omitted
To be fair, Dugast, Challenge, and Vittoria all have white tubular cross tires, and Tufo even has some other colored tires.
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So a chair for a backbag?
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