Yes, as I mentioned in my blog, I'll be darned if that plucky little Frenchman hasn't tongued his way into my heart. (Eeew.) Indeed, as I type this a dramatic and no doubt decisive Tour stage is underway as the riders head towards Alpe d'Huez (pronounced "LAY-oh-pard Trek"). Therefore, I will get right down to the sordid business of quiz administration so that you may test your knowledge and then turn your attention to the race as well--assuming you care about it, that is. If you don't, here's a video of the great Serge Huercio that you can watch and enjoy instead:
Either way, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you will experience joy, and if you're wrong you'll hear that guy "foffing off" over a Specialized again.
Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and ride happy (but not too happy).
--Wildcat Rock Machine

--Stray dog

4) Which city has passed a "Bicyclist Anti-Harassment Ordinance?"
--Pie-wielding protester
--Disembodied lady hand
2) Sub-enthusiast-level cyclist Larry Olmsted says you need a custom bike because
--Disembodied lady hand

3) According to custom bike apologist Larry Olmsted, track racing is:

--New York
5) In New York City, it's perfectly fine to drive on the sidewalk.
2nd podium this week!
and bronze
Wow, this is early. Do I get any sprint points?
Top ten, done without tainted beef.
That's quite a track photo
I got gapped in the descent of the Williamsburg.
Go Alberto!!!
someone sabotaged my bike.
tur de frans
and I read the posssst
which is funny
Top twenty and perfect on the quiz! Totally Schlecked myself on a hot Friday...
Decided not to watch Le Tour this morning. Getting treated the "Friday Fun Quiz" in it's stead. By the way, what gives, Snob - you spelled "Friday Fun Quiz" correctly? Clearly a bit too much Voekler on the brain.
fat Bottomed girls they make the rockin world go round.
Saw the same thing happening on Willie Bridge couldn't figure it out, 20 + cars turning off the bridge only to go back and try again. Where they hoping to get in a different lane? Also saw a few riders crash at the exit slipping on the new improved steel plate and loose gravel off ramp, so control your speed.
aced it - woohoo!
BSNYC! That sweaty shitbag, in the last photo....looks like the curator of a Kansas City Hipster Mill. The guy is a turd for many reasons.
Wonder if it is him?
The audience at the Serge Huercio performance reminds me of the audience when Robin Williams performs. They just applaud at anything, presumably because they're not sure which part is supposed to be funny/entertaining so in an effort to not look like they don't get it, they just keep applauding.
Since I can't have back the 5 minutes you took from me for watching the bike artist video, you'll have to watch this Armani commercial featuring hipsters on track bikes five times.
Tour Fever! Allez! Catch it! SWTY BALZ
cadel! omg, go cadel!
A mere 58 seconds separates the universe from Cadelmageddon!!! Even though his six straight Grand Tour victories streak will end, Contador still rode terrifically today. Chapeau.
Tongue tied.
i did everything right.
Am I the only one who thinks Serge Huercio looks like Larry Olmsted with glasses? better be paying you tons. Their website is crap, it's barely searchable, there are no dates/times stamped on the article pages, it's slow on the update, and reeks of web design circa 1999. I'm only there for the bikesnob articles, then it's off to velo news for real coverage... I'd bet lots of their traffic does the same. I'd suggest shopping your articles around to find a highest bidder.
Just my two cents... -S
If I ever see another senseless IZOD commercial again, I will goout and kill some rich kids looking like d the tour to end so I will not have to see those commercials. Getting a TEEVO next year whatever that is.
How about a pirate naked recumbant rider next time.
Both true and false show the Venge foffing off video on the NYC driving on the sidewalk question.
Is it just me or does anyone else think that the Izod marketing folks who approved that "Brave New World" commercial on Versus were unfamiliar with Aldous Huxley's novel?
Ride sans Soma all!
Let's hope Dottie over at doesn't see that track photo.
. Morning fellows. Anyway care to ride? I got the new puncture proof tyres on...
Back a considerable ways down the dachtsund of time, Izod Lacoste was all that, and the honeys gravitated towards the boys with the little alligator sewn onto their chests.
They were a victim of their own success. The "wrong type" of people started wearing it, and it fell out of favor for a quarter of a century or so.
Izod and Lacoste split into two companies, and Lacoste kept the little alligator, who is once again popular among the upper-crust.
Izod itself? Meh...
Why are they advertising so heavily on the tour? Every cyclist that I know is...ahem..."fashion impaired," and is a little dodgy in the hygene and grooming department as well. Whom, exactly, are they inspiring to buy their clothes?
Maybe IZOD is trying to use up all their Weak.
Hey I know the "it's really hot in my shop" guy!
quiz was perfect end to a great week...
liked the fixed gear schluffing...
And speaking of annoying TdF TV ads:
The kid on the bigwheel trike is honing his oversized-luxury-car-driving technique ("Coming through! Outta my way! Me first!") at an early age.
Wants to be just like Dad.
IZOD? And I thought that Le Tigre had more street cred.
Everyday I'm schluffing, schluffing...
The real hero of this TDF is Frank Schleck's biggest (and only?) fan, his wife @FSchleckWife
I'm hereby officially changing the name of Team FritoLay SchleckTrek to Wildcat Rock Machine Trek. At least Phil Liggett will be able to pronounce it w/o controversy. BTW, I watch Le Tour on Versus just to hear Phil say "spot of bother" and "job of work."
More panties!
Another way Bicycling Mag lets us down: Their official stance is that panties are a fashion faux pas for riding. Check it out!
(p.s.--no commercial spam--just a gal who likes to show off her ass . . . I mean panties)
Dear BSNYC-RTMS-WRM, That was an amazing week of posts. Thank you.
Thought you'd like this...!/notes/jean-francois-ravenelle/letter-to-the-mayor-in-regards-to-july-20ths-wednesday-night-ride-intervention-b/10150254703499927
He mentions spandex as a sign of rogue cyclery... ha
@Anonymous 2:19
I wouldn't mind seeing Dottie in that pose!
I thought Izod is trying to make Tour viewers into Indycar fans
In the sport of professional cycling, if you don't stay at the front end of the main field, you may find yourselves in all sorts of trouble and end up having to do quite a job of work to stay within the time cut.
It must be quite a job of work to try to fill all that air time. Once you find a lengthy circumlocution, you tend to stick with it, I'd say.
"Prohibited activities towards bicyclists, per the ordinance, include physical assault or attempted physical assault, threats of physical injury, intentional distraction and forceful removal from street, among others."
Thank god those physical assault will now be prohibited, eh?
Amy get dropped?
It wasn't him, Bruyneel, it was you. Remember that night in the Garden you came down to my dressing room and you said, "Kid, this ain't your tour. We're going for the price on Armstrong." You remember that? "This ain't your tour"! My tour! I coulda taken Armstrong apart! So what happens? He gets the title shot in France and what do I get? A one-way ticket to Palooka-ville! You was my brother, Johan, you shoulda looked out for me a little bit. You shoulda taken care of me just a little bit so I wouldn't have to take them dives for the short-end money.
Go Cadel!
Open the secret compartment in the suitcase of courage and look inside.
we'll still love you if its empty.
As an Australian, and a bicycle cycling enthusiast, I'd like to say WOOOOOO.
For those of you who think he's a weirdo, I have the following:
Sure, he's a weirdo. But given that he's the child of hippies, and started out as a mountain biker, at least he's not in dreadlocks singing blues 'n' roots outside your local supermarket.
You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it. It was you, Johan.
Anonymous liked the fixed gear schluffing and I do too.
When you schluff in circles it's like being on a carousel horse.
Hmm... I need to dress up my bike as a horse and get some like-minded friends and a steam calliope.
you took one
for the team.
Talking Heads/ David Byrne night
Snob you've been CadelMageddon'ed. I remember the days when he'd be hammering away with breakaways but no support, but like a single track there aren't too many crew out there. I'm w/c 2 cents. All the best and thanks for your efforts for the blog. Also thanks for you're wife and child's leniency as well, the greater cycling public appreciate it.
So where do we get the Snob t-shirts or do we have to make our own?
All the best.
And may all your toilets flush counterclockwise.
Thanks for the information. I really enjoyed, I would like get more
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Art now just makes me groan in frustration.
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