("Don't Fred On Me")
If you're American, live near America, or have been occupied by America (I think everyone in the world falls under at least one of these categories), then you probably know that on July 4th we will be celebrating our Independence Day. Yes, it was on this day over 400 years ago that we liberated ourselves from our evil Canadian overlords. That means this coming weekend people all over this great land will be celebrating by having decidedly un-vegan barbecues and by making colorful things explode in the sky. It also means that I will not be posting on July 4th or July 5th, but that I will return on Wednesday, July 6th with regular updates.
If you're wondering why the extra day, it's because it will take me some time to emerge from my subterranean bunker. I have many phobias, but perhaps my biggest one is teenagers wielding Roman candles.
The more I read that review, the more confused I get, since I can't tell if they're talking about the bike or about Cipollini himself:

Also, if all that weren't auspicious enough, the Tour de France begins tomorrow. And while I won't be posting here until Wednesday, I will be posting Tour de France-related stuff on the "Bicycling" website during that time. In fact, my preview post was just published, complete with stunning graphic:
I think "avec" is French for "meh."
If you care to be apprised of when further posts are published, you can check my Tweeting thing. Or, if you prefer the Tour de France "CliffsNotes," here it is: Contador's going to win, Tom Danielson is riding his first-ever Tour at the point in his career when most people retire from it, and as of this year George Hincapie has officially ridden more Tours de France than there have actually been Tours de France.
While I'm in information-dispensing mode, I'd also like to inform you that on July 8th there is a party in San Francisco:
I mention this because Stevil Kinevil of All Hail The Black Market is involved, and if you're the sort of person who enjoys parties then you know his imprimatur is a sure sign of quality.

As for Levi's putting their imprimatur on cycling pants, I suppose if you already wear Levi's and you also ride your bike a lot then Levi's offering a more bikey alternative isn't a bad thing. As it happens, someone recently sent me a pair of these bikey Levi's, and here they are with a grand total of three (3) disembodied feet:
So far, I've only worn these once--not because I don't like them, but because as a father of 17 children who has no desire to impress anybody I've officially given up on affectations like personal grooming and wearing shoes and long pants in summer. If you ever happen to come across me, expect extreme schlubbiness. Anyway, the pants are pretty comfy, but I have no idea what they cost. They also have a loop on the waist to hang your u-lock from, because for some reason urban cyclists love to hang a bunch of crap off their pants even though they also love gigantic expensive bags, and presumably Levi's needs to keep up with the times by making it easy for them to hang their baubles.
Speaking of packages (in that pants serve to contain yours), a commenter yesterday reminded me that, in summarizing the Mario Cipollini bike review, I somehow missed the most suggestive phrase of all:
built around an all-Italian package
The more I read that review, the more confused I get, since I can't tell if they're talking about the bike or about Cipollini himself:

(A rider straddles the Cipollini's all-Italian package.)
In the end, though, I'm not sure it really matters.
With that, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you're right, and if you're wrong you'll see charismatic duo Rooster and the Flash.
Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and enjoy the holiday weekend.
--Wildcat Rock Machine
1) Dave Zabriskie is a "vegan" who eats:
--Dog meat

3) This RAAM rider is suffering from a condition known as:

5) Studies prove that noseless saddles result in:
6) "This ain't no hipster shit" is to "Racing towards Hook" as "This is vegan" is to Dave Zabriskie's diet.
7) With mere hours to go, the director of Critical Mass documentary "Last Friday of the Month" is close to meeting his fundraising goal.
***Special "Hipster Shit"-Themed Bonus Question***
Knuckle tattoos are out; _______________ tattoos are in.
Firts Bitches!1!
On to the quiz!! Yeah Kenny!!
top ten, just missed the podium. SILVER, Banya, SILVER!
Top ten. Too exhausted from yesterday's 220+ comment festival to podium.
Top ten!
Ok, what's with the "I Love My Bike" "coffee table book" advertized here. From what I can tell, it's just hipster glorification. I know your publisher is probably throwing you a bone by advertising their latest collabo (with another author/photographer collabo) on your site, but don't they know I can find a shed-load of FREE hipster bike galleries with my ipad, iphone, ibook, or imac, all of which I store on my coffee table (right next to my BSNYC/RTMS coffe)?
Crap, woulda made top ten but got held up by Critical Mass. Oh wait, this is the First Friday of the Month. Guess I was just slow. Happy Canada (America's Toupee) Day!
Vive le Tour de France!
Vive Bike Snob!
Vive Wildcat Rock Machine!
aawwww-- the bambino .
Not even top 10 and I am not even wearing a helment. I thought for sure that would save some grams (plus the added freedom and Zen-like state).
Come on Tim!
Top 20! and I read it and answered the questions!
Evil canadian overlords, I bet Levis come from canada. Both are irrelevant.
You know vegan is a state of mind, not an actual practice.
Pongo Twistleton? Somebody is a PG Wodehouse fan, eh, Snobby?
Only got the bonus wrong. The ambiguous bird? Wasn't that one of Cavendish's finish line salutes?
I was too busy reading the comments from yesterday to bother with taking the podium today.
It looks like the Jerry Springer Show over there....
the quickstep bus has been seized by the french cops. this is gonna be a good tour.
Blew the bonus Q. I think Critical Mass guy needs a good rest. "The war is on"?? Now to watch the rest of the Flash Farley video...
You make "coffe"? You never said.
"This ain't no hipster shit" -- Frank Warren
"This is it. This is mystical shit." -- King Missile
Is this hipstical shit?
So, your TdF blog has a photo of the Tour of California as a splash page. Sweet!
(not being bitchy, I was at the finish of that stage and it was awesome).
Anon 1:37
Anonymous 1:11pm,
I actually asked them to use Bret as the logo but I guess they weren't into that.
--Wildcat Rock Machine
Wow, the critical mass doc director compares himself to Rosa Parks.
@ anon 12:37
W.R. Machine gave a proper analysis of the photo-album book with both hipster and fred-centric humorways.
"once, there once was a boy"
These comments are always a good source for fine culture.
Wow, that Critical Ass guy needs to lighten up... WTF? C'mon... Rosa Parks? Talk about self-delusion! Hey Buddy you ain't doing ANYTHING revolutionary by asking people to donate money to you're ridiculous cause. Fuck Critical Mass.
Wildcat, I love it when you strike a nerve with pretentious people with a video recorder...
I don't care if you can cycle 20 hours a day, arm and leg warmers being worn by men is the ghey.
Yup, that's Sierra road above San Jose, California. The flag is related to Poland. (google: Pomeranian Voivodeship)
Why? Looks cool? Vive le Tour de Whatever. Are you writing from NYC, SJC, or Warsaw?
question #7=sick burn, bro
the Tour de France "CliffsNotes," here it is: Contador's going to win, Tom Danielson is riding his first-ever Tour at the point in his career when most people retire from it, +++ Cadel Evans will whine then effeminately slap an autograph-seeking fan and finish 17th, +++ and as of this year George Hincapie has officially ridden more Tours de France than there have actually been Tours de France.
I dunno, $500 and you get a Director's Cut DVD of the Last Friday of the Month movie. Man, that's tempting. Given his writing skills, I'll bet the editing on this thing will be real tight. I wonder if it'll fit on one DVD? I see the dealine's at 2:17AM, which may provide some insight into the background of this project.
I can't stop laughing at/with that flag. Somehow it crystallizes all of my concerns about them.
@ AnonSJ
The flag is the Lion of Flanders.
Anon 1:37
Flanders? Homer Simpson hates that guy
We never go to that reservoir anymore. People pee in it, you know.
Alberto Contador;
At the after race hotel meal ... should my chimera extend to you a water bottle of Kool-Aid as a gesture of friendship and comaraderie ...
I repeat
"This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around"
--Talking Heads (the lead singer of which doesn't own a car)
No party? No disco? No fooling around? No hipster shit? What's left?
I would've finished din the top ten, but I stopped for a fuck brake.
I wish everyone a happy and safe weekend and blowing shit up day. Next week I'll be in the land of Live Free or Die riding uphill for long stretches at a time.
Mikeweb vs. the Kancamagus!
Enjoy and stay hydrated.
If it rains on the last Friday of the month, sit at the front of the bus.
that last question was a trick question!
Put a Bird On It!
JEEEESSEEEEE....I had a 100% going till the last bonus Q. If the "Director" F's with WRM, we'll fit some concrete galoshes to his feet and let him take a swim in the Big Skanky. This Fred is now going to the Bicycling internet thingy to read the WRM prologue. I had a good week, 120 miles.
So you're going to wait until fall to road-test and review your stylish new hipster-compliant bicycle cycling pance?
Representative Wildcat Rock Machine, Your little snobbler has grown a foot since we last saw him.
Happy Interdependence Day!
@g-roc +1 well played.
ride safe everyone.
...after getting a wrong answer in the quiz (well, actually a lotta wrong answers - but now i'm just being honest), i made myself watch the whole 'flash farley & rooster' interview...
...wish i'd been wearing a helmet 'cuz i was inclined to stab sharp objects at my head...that was a less painful alternative than the video itself...
...no rain in the forecast but being an ex-pat canuck, i may spend the 4th in the cool confines of the kit-kat klub...
...there's just something about a tiny little star spangled thong being slowly & seductively peeled off by a dancer named 'georgette washington' that makes me stand hard & tall for america...
...that, ladies & gentlemen, is patriotism at it's finest...
...'god bless america'...
too much information.
bgw - what's all this god bless america crap on canada day?
Ride safe all, and celebrate with our Scottish forebears on Firth of Fourth of July
...sorry, ant1...it's kinda like you celebrating 'bastille day' on the 14th...
...there's just not a lotta support from the locals, n'est ce pas ???...
...so i was simply basking in the glow of my "...rockets red glare..." whilst thinking of the kit-kat klub...
bgw - very true.
"If you're American, live near America, or have been occupied by America (I think everyone in the world falls under at least one of these categories)"...
I don't recall any of you American types actually occupying the good old United Kingdom, unless you count all those army and airforce bases, MacDonalds and those nasty Hollywood moving pictures....
A stripper put her perfect, g-stringed ass thisclose to my face and I said to her, "that's a fine 'how do you do?' In fact, that's the best 'how do you do?' I've ever had!". She laughed out loud, bent over with her ass jiggling in my face.
Land of the free.
Enjoy the weekend.
Perfect score until the Bonus Question. So close....
Ride safe all!
(Has anyone seen my helmet? It was here a minute ago. My dog wrapped it tin foil and says it will make me more aero. It makes me feel like a baked potato, but he seems to know what he's talking about.)
Exactly, biatch!
Was David Zabriskie in 'A Fish Called Wanda'?
...btw...you'll note that one can't respond to the critical masshole guy, cryan, on his kickstarter page without signing up for his 'cause'...
...he sure does spew a lotta vindictive crap at wildcat rock machine though...
...just sayin'...
...leroy...did i get that right yesterday ???...your dogs name is 'nathan' & he's from coney island ???...
...i run on not a lotta sleep on the weekends, so i'm not quite sure what's what...
...i think he likes the schlecks just cause luxembourg sounds funny when he sez it...
Panties! Also for tomorrow and the next day, Panties!Panties!Panties!
If it's raining panties, enjoy the ride!
The latest vid from cRyan:
rider gets a citation for having no lights in the dark... so someone gives him lights, and what does he do? of course, he puts the red light on the front, and the white light on the back... i shit ye not...
wadda buncha fuckin homos
bsnyc comments page is the pinnacle of civilization
That Tour photo....is the flag not a Flanders one? Admittedly it's back-to-front and I'm not entirely convinced that I'm right....
Could it be a Classics photo....?
hey nonny mouse
Hey, BikeGlen SnobBeck, how do we getchu a Pulitzer?!
That critical mass phallus is an incomplete package. He needs to grow a pair.
so i just read that critical mass guys new rant against you.
1. how can someone who can't spell or complete a sentence edit an entire film?
2.did he accuse you of being racist? i feel like he did but the grammar was kinda jumbled.
3.was mentioning that he was locked outside of his apartment a desperate attempt at credibility, or further proof he's quite dumb?
4.did he really end the post by saying he still loves your blog?
he photo shopped an anti-bikesnob crest, spent the last few days of his donation cashgrab freaking out over your lack of approval, but claims to still love you. what is this guy, me in 10th grade? you got a highschool style stalker man. good luck with that.
i would've left that rant on his kickstarter site, but i didn't wanna donate a buck to his cause just so i could leave a comment. plus i'm sure with his mark walberg "fear" style mancrush he's gonna read it here. plus i couldn't handle him finding out who i am and creating an anti-geoff crest in response.
While portland may be bike friendly, its police force apparently accidentally shoots people.
Yeah, can I get a $100 bill to boot my tire too? Then I'll go buy a new tire and keep the change.
The Critical Mass rant is hilarious ! In the spirit of Independence Day I highlight the self incriminating free speech quote, hilarious:
"all speech is important, idiotic or not"
Apparently David Zabriskie's TdF urine sample burst into flame and evaporated just prior to testing by the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI in American). But Zatriskie being a vegan was allowed a pass and his test was marked as negative. Zabriskie's Directors Sportif Penn and Teller were completely and utterly mystified by the incident.
...this, from wildcat rock machine's bikemag coverage...
..."—Bob Roll - Years ago they gave him a key to the studio, and apparently they still haven’t gotten around to changing the locks."...
...that's funny shit & i say that as a fan of bob roll...
2nd. Damn.
I did everything right.
Mon Dieu! Wild Cat Rock Machine, Jean Renoir?
My prétentieux-ass-self hasn't even seen his work.
But I did read the biography he wrote of his painter pere, Pierre Auguste (there I allez again).
Marveilleux, your Bicycling.com postings.
Anonymous @ July 1, 2011 6:25 PM Pretty much hit the nail on the head.
"bsnyc comments page is the pinnacle of civilization"
GOD HELP AUSTRALIA... check out FoxSports Australia's coverage of the Tour de France...http://www.foxsports.com.au/other-sports/tour-de-france... Top left is Fred the Tri-Dork!!!!!!!!
Quite a sight to see the God of Thunder wearing the polka-dot climber's jersey today. Where in the world did they find one big enough to fit him?
Something else I learned from today's coverage. Team Eurocar and team Movistar are in fact not one and the same. Who knew?
I wish I understood all this.
...wishiwasmerckx...(i still smile to myself when i type that name)...
...it may be a rumor but i heard they COULDN'T find a polka-dot kit that big, what with champion climbers usually being small, so he wore a thong & they painted him white with red polka-dots...
...they DO have old, left over yellow jerseys from indurain's day, so thor is good for a while...
It was good to see Snob give a shout-out to Edvald Boasson Hagen in today's Buycycling coverage.
Subatomic particle physicists at the Large Hadron Collider in CERN were recently able to establish that not only does Boasson Hagen actually exist, but that he has mass as well.
Heehee, hoho, haha.
"Expert Analysis"
Does anyone ever do a podium race for the Last comment on the page?
If so........Last!
Comment 100, on the 4th of July. It's 1:41 our time and I don't think I have heard the first firework. Must say that is unusual.
Noseless Panties!
it's not even forth of July and four people have been killed in HI. roads fuck i hate it here okay one had to do will a dumb drunk guy killing himself on a side road strip on motorcycle but still i hate the drivers here i'm kinda glad i'm on demode. wear a helmet ride safe
The bunker is a shed, with it's storage underground, And a perfect disguise above.
I kinda like that noseless seat.
You have collected a wonderful information. How you had collected this? Good work.
Who said you have to be "this tall" to win in the TDF?
So keep your distance. Or I WILL slap you.
There's a photo posted on The Sartorialist blog of a young Italian woman on a bike that'll make you hoot and holler.
Happy July 4 to everyone. I have a post coming out on weds and fri on my blog Amish Stories. I dust off My Schwinn varsity and do a little sight seeing around the country side. Richard from the Amish settlement of Lebanon,Pa
@Marcel Da Chump 2:17; Thanks for that.
Nebraska bike commuter (non-
I totally hear 'ya.
Happy July 4 to everyone. I have a post coming out on weds and fri on my blog Amish Stories. I dust off My Schwinn varsity and do a little sight seeing around the country side. Richard from the Amish settlement of Lebanon,Pa
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