Yesterday afternoon, I set out astride my trusty Scattante to complete some neighborhood errands. Stopping at the hardware store, I quickly locked my bicycle to one of those cages the city puts around the trees so they don't escape. Then, after completing my brief transaction (I'm finally going "full hipster" so I bought 50 key blanks to hang from my waist) I stepped back outside and found this:
1) My bicycle had been standing upright when I left it, so the dogs were probably very frightened by the noise when either they or their owner knocked it over;
2) They are simply reacting as anyone might in the presence of a filthy and haphazardly "curated" Scattante.
I was reluctant to untie a pair of strange dogs lest they immediately take off in pursuit of some kind of rodent, so I scanned the area for the owner, by which I mean anybody who looked like this:
Sure, pretty much everybody in Williamsburg fits this description now thanks to the "Americana backwoods revival" movement, but thus far my part of Brooklyn has been spared. However, I could find no hillbillies in the immediate vicinity, and therefore I was forced to untie the canines myself. Sure enough, as soon as I did they assumed it was time for "walkies," which meant I had to restrain them in order to re-tie them, and anybody who's ever had to subject a dog to "walkus interruptus" knows how difficult this can be.

I'm still wondering why anybody would park their dogs in such a manner, since it seems only marginally smarter than tying them to a car bumper. I suppose it could be that the dog owner wanted my bicycle and the beagles were "treeing" it like a raccoon, but frankly I find the notion that anybody would want my Scattante far too unrealistic to contemplate. Therefore, as of now I'm working on a theory involving my pink Knog lock's resemblance to a giant dog erection, though I haven't gotten much further than that.
Speaking of puzzling scenarios, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you're right, and if you're wrong you'll see a psychedelic Fred freakout.
Speaking of puzzling scenarios, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you're right, and if you're wrong you'll see a psychedelic Fred freakout.
Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and may your travels be unencumbered by beagles.
--Wildcat Rock Machine
1) French police recently stopped Alberto Contador for:
--Exceeding the speed limit while descending the Col du Galibier
5) Fill in the blank: "Live ______"
6) Tandems are to Fundies as:
--Fixies are to thongs
--Pennyfarthings are to bloomers
--Recumbents are to hernia trusses
--All of the above
7) If you get doored, always be sure to:
--Get the driver's information
--Report the incident to the police
--Find a witness
--Ask the doorer for a date
--Knife-wielding koalas
--Humping tigers
3) Touchy, touchy! Apparently Portlanders can't handle a little:
--Good-natured ribbing
--Time away from their bicycles
--Competition from Minneapolis
--Urine in their drinking water
--Humping tigers

--Good-natured ribbing
--Time away from their bicycles
--Competition from Minneapolis
--Urine in their drinking water


--Fixies are to thongs
--Pennyfarthings are to bloomers
--Recumbents are to hernia trusses
--All of the above
7) If you get doored, always be sure to:
--Get the driver's information
--Report the incident to the police
--Find a witness
--Ask the doorer for a date
F-U, Samh
Never Forget!!!!
Podi-ah crap...
SamH, aka Vito the helper monker
I'm going to be in Minneapolis tomorrow and I am totally going to urinate in their water supply.
I love Beagles!
Posting late today. Must have because of the beagles.
Freds wet dream
good have a weekend yall/
happy with fifteen.
I was sure it was the knife-wielding koalas. Now my eyes hurt.
Anything goes with a locked bike. I once had to wait round for hours because another cyclist ran his krypto through my frame as well as his own.
Late 9-1-1 wears the late crown!
That Ferrari is a mid-engine car, and the rear tire is resting right on the engine cowling. Exposure to that kind of heat cannot be good for the tire, the rim or the carbon fiber frame.
If you can afford a Ferrari and a Pinarello, then you can afford a Nissan Xterra to haul your bike and gear around in.
I fly on the wings of beagles.
Beyond Nauseous Yucky Camel Score
Bike New York City Safely
Yes! 100%
Ya had to know there'd be a CL lost connection ad in there...
Q: "What's a bagel?"
A: "Oh! That's a huntin' dog!!"
... and the Breakaway artist got dropped once again! 28th place. Oh well.
Have a good fin de semaine!
Love the cable lock on that Pinarello on the Ferrari - looped thru the triangle and connected to the fork legs... Clear example of money and no sense.
The wrong answer and the right answer videos were both appropriate of the bonus question.
The wrong answer video should have been on the blog on Wednesday, not Friday.......
I'll admit, there used to be a bit of mystery surrounding the Bikesnob. I understand that he needed to conceal his identity because he was going after bearded fellas in skinny jean on fixed gear bikes—they are far worse than Al Qaeda ever could be—they can give a person a mean slap. But now that we know him as "eben", he's become like Kiss without their make up—a bit disappointing. And make no mistake Kiss had their reasons for the make up, have you seen what Ace Frehley really looks like?
But anyway, there's no one who can run about five ideas into the ground like the Snob, he's a master. But I'm perplexed to not see any yuks coming from the Snob about the potentially hilarious dust up in Aspen between Lance and Tyler—that's comedy gold right there. And it could become idea number six!
The reason for reluctance from the Snob might be because he's a Lance Bud, and as a LB, he's got to toe the goddam line. Check out this Bicycling snippet from before last year's Tour:
"So when cycling fans seem less interested in the races than in the blood, hair and urine of the riders, the general public tends to get creeped out and moves on to golf, where talk of bodily fluids is mostly limited to Tiger Woods."
Pow, funny stuff that lets people know that they should leave the skepticism to the pros (let the UCI handle this—Lance gave them this super cool drug testing machine). Being skeptical is bad for cycling, it's a beginners guide to that omerta thing!
This is just good LB work, sure you can make fun of his tri days, that is approved LB humor, that stuff will get you a tweet out.
LMAO indeed. Keep that stuff up and you get reached out to, sure you may have to send a snob stand-in to suss out whether it's a hoax or not, but in the end you get a little face time with the Man.!/lancearmstrong/status/5290143794
In fact, come on down to the Mellow Johnnies opening.
But DO NOT write about unapproved subjects like: respecting Greg Lemond, Lance's Novitslky "troubles" or the trove of ex-teammates saying Lance did naughty things (unless you are making fun of them, then that's OK—Floyd is CRAZY!!). This will not get you any tweet-ups, and won't make you popular enough to get a book made.
It's a dog eat dog world out there in LB-land, and so far the Snob has done "what it takes" to be a professional. Remember, Lance is watching you.
And I am aware of the double standard of sending this anonymously, but I imagine you have IP looking-up capabilities anyway. Regardless, double standards rule!
Anonymous 1:47pm,
Actually I don't mention it because it generates more creepy comments like yours.
Hope he /she doesn't need the bike to commute, because it won't be there tomorrow! Pretentiousness reigns. Nice lock job,Fred.
Did I have too much to dream last night? Apparently not.
Anonymous 1:47
SRSLY? You're going to be this self involved during KIDGATE?
Creepy? Oh pish! I just want to hear some chuckle worthy comments about Lance's pettiness and vindictiveness, something along the line of that Finger Banging Gold you spin.
Anon 1:47, if you think that BSNYC is a sell-out Lance apologist, then there is a simple solution -- STOP READING!!!
Better yet, start your own competing blog recasting Mr. Armstrong in what you perceive to be a more appropriate light.
Buh-bye, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Those beagles probably marked your Scattante as theirs.
@anon 1:47,
You have some valid opinions, but dude, learn some basic tags and link that shit.
The Beagles' owner was a woman looking to meet a new lover. Then again, that pink lock may have attracted a man.
Your cat petting method curation is really interesting.
Wait, we're not still debating whether snob is a one ball sucking sellout are we? Really?
anon 1;47, go forth and find a life for yourself. Snob is Lances bud?! What, a guy can't have friends that aren't perfect? Let the haters say what they will about Lance, that's their thing. Join them. Snob will remain his friend.
My not perfect friends puke in my car, they don't make me inject stuff to keep my job. Although puking in my car is really rude.
Lance doesn't have friends, he has employees. And saps.
Also, if you're a New Yorker, you'd know that Snob has no friends either. Mostly stands alone and forlorn on the sidelines and watches races once he's inevitably dropped.
Eben, you will always be bsnyc to us, we love you and your pink lock.
My dog wnats to know what you did to rate podium girls.
Ride safe all!
Is it just me or does Anon 1:47 make anyone else miss the Leroydex?
More "strange" racks
"Little Pink Lock!
Little Pink Lock!"
Beagles are cool, but they often have very poor human curating skills.
I saw Everett Bogue on bart the other week. Had a huge shipping box underfoot with his name on it. Looked like he ordered something from restoration hardware.
I call bullshit.
Did anyone notice the sound the psychedelic dream fred makes when reaching the speed of 12.3 mph at 0:38?
hard to rerember the last time i got 100% on the quiz - woo hoo!
Anon 1:47 - that's an insanely long comment; why no link to your blog? What's that? You don't have a blog? Get one already and post a link to it.
I hope Ev ordered one of these
Comments on blogs are the new blogs.
Hey g-roc, where's your blog? Don't have one? I just proved you're wrong!
At least there was no puddle under the bike when you came out
OK snob. First, Beagles are typically used for running rabbits. When they kick one up the rabbit will run and make a circle back to where it was nesting. That’s when you shoot it.
If you wish to track and tree a coon then i would pick something like a Blue Tick, Redbone, Walker, Black and Tan, hell we even had a black Mountain Cur that could run and tree like nobodies business. Those little beagles would get destroyed by a full grown bore coon.
Just saying.
aw fuck
Beagles will typically cower like that whenever there are no rabbits around to distract them from their guilt. What are they guilty of? Only they know for sure, but there's always something.
Thats why we mostly keep coon hounds. Those things just loved to fight. Even so there was a few Beagles around through out the years. Now days its bird dogs. The old man would always say" when the tailgate drops the bullshit stops"
Anon 1:47,
You sound jealous of Snob. I know I am, bigtime. But I use that jealousy as a source of inspiration, not bitterness.
BTW, Ace Frehley was friends'with a woman who lived in my boyhood Bronx neighborhood. He parked his car right by her first floor window. Somehow that Porsche would mysteriously appear and disappear. Never a glimpse of Ace...STRUTTER.
Good post, can't wait for Monady.
You aspire to be a LB also?
Anonymous-posting douchebag with stalker tendencies has fewer testicles than Armstrong.
Daddy pay your internet bill again this month?
How does Snob inspire a person? Do you hope that one day a future federal criminal will pick you as a likely sap and 'befriend' you so that you'll write uncritical cloying pap about him?
Hey, thanks, anon 5:59, I was beginning to think I'd never get into BSNYC
xyxax said...
I second that notion.
Anonymous 2:43....
Snob actually has a life (well, a kid anyway) and still can motor a bit, even with the extra lb's that no sleep and having a family (unless you're crazy rich) tend to add. I've lined up with him plenty of times at local races. And while he may not have great fitness, the guy's got a little engine (that thinks it can, thinks it can!) and knows how to race. He's a good bike handler and I'd rather race against him than 75% of other amateur knuckleheads who can't handle their bikes for shit and are delusional about how good they are.
Wrong answer! Snob's only a 3, everyone he races against has jobs/family. He still gets dropped every time.
Hunting with beagles? Puh-leeze. Weimariners or German Shorthairs exclusively, old chap.
Everybody except the winning break gets dropped and schooled...what's the big deal. Almost all of us get dropped almost all the time.
I want anon 1:47 ip address, so the UCI police can get him. No really, I want to know what public grade school gave him a diploma.
I can run him down at will.
Man walks into a record shop.......
"What have you got by The Doors?"
"A bucket of sand and a fire blanket..."
hey nonny mouse (running away quickly..!)
Havent read the comments in a while...Pretty interesting return. That onefortyseven anon guy has an interesting pissy take but you have to hope he comes around and just enjoys riding his bike again and feel those rare bits of epo thrust that come into the legs everyonce and a while in a natural saturation of oxygen in the blood! I get it the more I get to ride and relax and think about scaleing alpdhuez on even flat hairpins!!!
Bon chance!
Hmm, I like riding my bike (why would you think I don't—do you have to like the Bike Snob to like riding a bike?), and I'm a very happy person. I have a family, totally moved out of the basement long ago. I giggle all the time. I like bunnies. The more hateful thing would be to create a blog everyday that took swipes at EVERYTHING (*except Lance), while being hypercritical and petty. I guarantee you I am more fun that this Snob person. I am just perplexed why he's reluctant to enjoy some fun at Lance's expense, he does it with everyone else...
Beware the Beagle of Caerbannog: it's the most foul, crruel, and bad-temperred canid you ever set eyes on.
Anon 1:47,
If LB stands for LEGENDARY BIKER, sure.
And you're exemplifying the INSPIRATION.
I am happy to provide the inspiration for you to become a Large Blowhard.
Speaking of Large Blowhards, what ever happened to angry dragon? I had the sense he loved bunnies and giggled, too.
I answered your question like eight hours ago. This is the bike blog that doesn't talk about Lance Armstrong all the time. If you're not finding content that you want on this blog then I recommend you seek it out elsewhere, it shouldn't be too hard to find.
--Wildcat Rock Machine
So that means you haven't received the talking points yet?
Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?
Been watching the Nature Valley Grand Prix come apart at the seams. What'd I miss?
What's everyone talking about?
The beagles of time. Shorter, beafier, and with less attention span.
Heh, finally read today's post.
So, it seems onefourseven is a child who even at 9:48pm, is still obsessing over Lance on a blog that has only mentioned him cursorily, or even with some derision (I recall snob making fun of his ego and penchant for blondes on multiple occasions).
I dunno, it's just weird. Okay, you've gotten offended by something he's said that hit home. Well...get over it. He's plenty self deprecating. Again, if you don't like his brand of humor...why are you reading incessantly? I guess b/c you know you're a generic douche that probably has been accurately roasted by him.
I'm guessing: fixie hipster with tats.
Nothing wrong with any of those things in general. Just don't act like you're original and invented the idea of riding a bike in an urban area. Have fun and get over yourself and maybe one person's blog won't cause you to stalk him with nonsensical posts endlessly.
I appreciate the Strickland level moral gymnastics required to justify skewering every other professional cyclist (you had a picture of Contador with flying pieces of beef on TODAY'S post)—you've learned a lot at Bicycling. The matter is you really didn't respond to my assertion—are you and Lance buds? (it's OK, College can share I think). There's nothing wrong with that, of course, I wouldn't really take anything you said about professional cycling seriously though.
Jesus fucking christ boy, is it so hard? Tyler is a bitter hater with a book deal, Lance was just asking him about his wife. What the fuck do you think we pay you for? Hipster jokes?
Mark Fabiani
Onefourseven: "I gurantee you I am more fun that(n) this Snob person..."
Of course you are!...we all know that! You really are, fun, have proven it!
good night
Jebus, no wonder I quit blogging. Blog trolls all vie for Head Alchemist, but turn gold into lead. (see G.W. Bush, et al. For a variation on the theme writ large.) Well enjoy the lead 1:47. Snack on some old white paint chips for us.
Well I thought for a while that Anon 1:47 & etc. had to be our buddy Ev, but I don't think he has that much energy to misdirect. I think it's just a random tweeker. Or maybe a Mini owner.
Did you consider lifting and sliding the beagles through your frame? That might have been more fun than untying them. :)
Bike Snob 101
Apropos of BSNYC iconography:,20825/
...i'm glad it was bsnyc/pdx/sfo/rtms who came across the 2 beagles leashed through his bike...
...if anon 1:47pm had encountered the same situation with his bike, i'd imagine he would have calculatingly cut 2 branches from the fenced-in tree, sharped the ends to points & driven them through the hearts of both beagles, before cutting the leashes...
...with his obviously tenacious 'i won't stop' attitude, he'd prob'ly kick their carcasses before pedaling off in self satisfaction...
...after drawing a 'smiley face' on the sidewalk, in blood...
...leroy...don't let your dog read this comment...i don't want him to have bad dreams...
I have only one thing say, when you were in Sweden did you see Ingeborg Sørensen?
BGW -- My dog says Anon 1:47 is so dumb, he chases parked cars.
Apparently, that's how dogs trash talk.
He's been giggling all day about that one.
...wait, what ???...are you saying your dog is a 'giggl-o'...
...nice work if you can get it...
Red lantern.
BGW & Leroy: Truly inspired.
Happy Father's day to all the Pops out there.
...alas (sort of), bikesgonewild is not a dad...
...higher powers than mine suggested in their own way & with their infinite wisdom, that in order to make this a better world, perhaps it would be better were bgw not to procreate...
...i hadda respect that kinda judgment call...
...but major props to the all the honest, goodhearted, loving dads out there...
I'll take foodstuffs of the southern hemisphere for $200, Alex.
A salmoning recumbentista with loose shorts displays these.
What is kiwi fruit?
See what happens when you feed a troll?
I speak fluent bullshit.
Lance who?
i certainly agreeable opinion and views.
Your blog provides a fresh look at the subject.
Hey Snob,
Now you can find images of the TTTSWRFFTPTD
even easier!
Wow--cannot believe those dog owners. They really could have tied the beagles on the next tree box over or at least to the other side of the tree box. Perhaps they have a personal vendetta against bicyclists and that explains their actions. Either way, its good to know that no dogs or bikes were injured in this occurrence.
Awwww, those poor dogs!
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